Lual ustmik's b .'UIMMKNTt OK HKV. J. U. WE1TB. u Jnlty, lat ami 3d Sabbath. GllH v rock, 21 and 4th Sabbath. 11 m. e Ploa?.vit MiII, 2 I and 4th Sabbulh, V m. When you want Candy, I if hen you think of Candy * When you go to bet Candy * Mackoii*.-, c - i r * "wi 11 11 nwfiwi^i? ?nr?nn 11 ?Misses Julia Simpson and Ita Fewsll of Rosk Hill, who r kavs baan visiting friends hara, . ratnrnad home yesterday. t ?The AMR Zion conference n convened at Chester Wednesday. 8 Bishop Lomax of Charlotte is presiding. I ?The time for tho payment of j State and county taxes will expire { at tho end of the month. No ex ^ tension will he granted. \ I have a very interesting line c of dainty pieces of Jewelry, set with small diamouds which are ^ not very expensive and will ( make splendid Christmas pres- c ents. B. 0. Hough. ? Capt. J. H. Fitzpatriek of j Washington, Ga , is spending a t few days here. t ? Mr. T. R. Langloy, of Dixie, c has moved with his familv to t Monroe, N. C. Mr. Langley is a good citizen and we regret to , lose him from the county. < ?Mrs. B. F. Brasington has | gone on a "visit to her daughter, Mrs Schooly, at Colombo*, Ark., ( and will spend Christmas there. j ?Married, by Rev. T. A. Dab- , noy on Sundav, Dec. 11, 1904, Mr. Frank Starnea nnd Miss Maggie Starnos, both of this place. ?Mr Earie Sloan, of Charleston, Stato gnologisi,spent Tuesday night here and oo Wednesday i made a visit to the Strait granite quarry taking observations as to the qnauntity and character of the granite found there. ? Coroner Caskey held an inquest Wednesday over the fiveweeks old infant of Mamie Boyd, col., on the Crawford plantation in the Western section of the county, which was discovered dead in bed that morning. Death resulted from being overlain by < tbe mother or from natural centos. ? ?Letter* remaining uncalled ( for in the post-office at Lan- < caster for tbe week ending Dec. t 17th, 1904, are as follows: | Mesdamee Rebecca Allen, dans < Hilton, Warshton Johson, H 0 < McCoy, Eliza Cisten, Miser Nanis Woryan, Pft Crawford, ^ Messrs. VT B tilackmon, Bangmoa Ellis, Lac Mcllwain, John Pitman, Nathaa Crocket, (2). * J. M. fltewart, P. M. 1 AUV uo^iui-J/DfJUUliUl VJTlftV; Wbo would not appreciate a Watch? All htyleu, all price. Let me ?horv you my Hue. 8olid 8ilver Ladie* Watches $3.50 to $10.00. Odd Filled Ladies Watches beautifully enameled with pin to match $5 to $18. \ Solid Gol,J Ltdiea Wntchee, Elgin f the criminal court.?Colombia 3or. Cbarlotie Observer. - *. * Arrested on * Warrant froui High Point, C. Chief of Polioe Hunter arrested ^.banlnw f M u L*?*n a/\1 ^ L/UHk IVJ vif UUI U) \j\Jk- I Mil II UUUi* nitted him to jail yesterday on a telegram from the chief of police it High Point, N C, stating that 3lyburn was wanted there on the charge of ahooting Wilson Williams, alao colored, at that place ihout a month ago. Died of the Wound. Wjatt Hughe*, cel., who was accidentally sh.?t in the abdomen by Frank Allen,also colored, at a negro dance on Col. Spring's l 1 w c w I I\ fi-> *1 LIVERY AHD SALE STABLE Wo hsvo opened up, at the Elliott A Crawford old stand, Sulc and Livery Stables and m o prepared to sell stock cheaper than anybody, for cash, or ou time with good papois. tg^-Oall and seo OUR STOCK before buying. Satisfaction guaranteed. LIVERYi LIVERY! j With brand new ve hides and good fresh horses we are prepared to give the beat Satisfac* tion in the livery business. - - * Very Respectfully, Moore & Sowell. Dec. 1, 1W04. ^ Migl t*1MfHiaHiyW71T*TTaT'a7ii'i,iVP'i 1XBK " Foley's Honey and Tar for children,scfr,sure. No opiate* j ; <*l FIFJE Only fifteen days and have many , DRESS GOODS i W? will see onr intire line o Come along end buy your G many nice t JACKETS MO FURS i I We hare a few mora of the tibe line of t Big i U We don't intend to be uq! lens' $12.50 suits, this sale Boys' suits from 79 cent > We still have i few nun ; $5. ) BLANKE ? Wool Blanktt sold fi.OO, th $1 .60 Comfort* thin st?le 91-10. ? 1 REMEMBER mean to reduce > v : 1 your want: 9r want your \vn.;tK . u|. tO I11C. If you want Faiury If you want Crock If VOli want China _ . *./ If you want, Glass %/ in fact, if you wan thing- in these lines, Celery and I SSivad always tresh. i_ Y!"r_8:' a 1- ja? ?4 Making'a CI x3 u in onr business nr. I . oriier In re "loco our 30 days rlTer to lli purcha iug public our < Tants at COST. W have a now l no ami \v eny COST, we moao it. Wo also have an c shoes, Notion , Gen in1 iMiruisVuigs u i Hit diio elsvi : o tov, n. .... Co.SIC; cio j aatii ic Seat O" ' Oiol'wi. . i l\;al3 Co Hi [iris : 1 the Bo>s Clothing from Toe I > S3.00 per m o3.00 to *10.Oo per suit. Tins m no hmn'r a lifetime forth.* purchasing public of Luiio ; RSSPEC HcCariiell and A V w / i t " v- ' L EM ilAT o hi I l January 1st, and flaring is that msi go regardless t UhM if Mixed Dress Goods from 1101 aatil Jsi s=M USE k NII ood lady something alee f#r Chr hings that woi-hi gladden their he; JACKET! >ae tmmple J AfeUCETS that must I>o Hold. I ?m ond they too must go regardless of C( Drop in CLOTllIN ilcrsoid In tills line. Mens' $15.00 $8,00. Mens' $8.00 salts, this sail ;s to $3.05. e of those G/E8COATS that wo at 05 ami oa cam /v 4kii. Ol/lu# :Ty .:?? COiwF; is Brtlo $2.05. ? Wool Blanket $3.50, ihii $1 25 Comfort thi? bii!* 08 cent*. fl.Oi ooo oo ooo , for the next fifte our stock Regardless E E Ci m i iistd if you ;; Jsod come Groceries, :ery, l ware, ware, t most anyeome tome. Irede Steam ickorell. :ew Of mnge |>? i.k we will ia th? uaxt i itu s line of Clothing aud e mean buiiacaa whan n? :!?in; lino of Dry Good*, ami will underaali any latisfy Yourtyh:-: in medium jjooils. at. Meus' mils from ui.x, bat is tho chance of aaier County. ITFULLY, bison Bro. 3RE ItllS tiaie we of COST. !8 G0008 t itiarj 1st AT COST. istmas. We hare arts. > io tans l FURS, \\g haro a )SL\ G - - Suits, tiiis sale $10.00 2. $4.95. 1 e selling at $8.50, 3RTS ? ?*le 12.10. 1 Comfort this ?*! 79 ct?. en days we s of Cost. _0UD. L