rxpj r? ; r r- ?? - * t j fP j t U? S ' 5 XBUBLOW S. CARTER, ED1TOU AND MANAUEU r'SUCl) \VK1)N KSI>A V AN I) SA l l'ltl'AV WEDNESDAY, DECKMI1KU 11. 1 ' 1 swuaonipnox pkp vem: The ValuQ cf Farm n* L \n _ ? ^ ? in Lancaster County. Lancaster cor. The News and Courier: "Small farms have advanced in price 100 p? r cent and largo plantations fully 25 per ceut in the la.-.I tvv( ivo months, replied Coi . L ri:; ;s, p ' sideut of L ;t.e i-u h ink, rail road and cotton mills, to an inquiry by your corses; ndtnt us to his views on the pre- at v duo of farming lands in tins conn t j. Mr. T. S. Carter, who is doing a lino business as a :< il ? state broker, gave r.lmo t id>mtioaliy the same answer, the only didefence being, Mr. Carter said that the advance in the vain of large ? bodies of land was from 2.1 to 50 per cent. The3o percentages ar borne out by actual sales within tlie last thirty days, of which there have been an unprecedented number, more plantations and small farms cha; ..in., ban is than ever before in tie* hi vy of the county in a <. i. : length of tilU3. The mention of hut a f of the many sal.v, sei ,-t at random, will tdmv,* the phenomenal advance in real estate values. What is known as the Little riace, six miles uortii of town, containing 200 acres, which was ho.; dit y< \r before last for $10 on acre, sol I the otuer day for $17 per ncr Another 200-acre plantation, five miles from here,ha iu-1 been sold for $20 per cere. It could have been bought three years ago for half that price. An odor of $40 an acre was refused 1 ist week by the owner of a farm nort.h of town which cost him less than $10 per acre about ten years ago. A young farmer bought a small tract of land a few miles from town last year for $1,450. Ha declined'to take $2,200 for it a day or so ago.? The Jordan plantation, near town, containing 581 acres, has been sold at an advance of 200 per cent on its purchase price some years ago. But very little land, comparatively speaking, h,:s boen sold at public auction thus far this season. The only notable sale was that of the Bon E. Blacktnon place, seven or eight miles east of Lancaster, containing about 475 acres, which was sold salesday in this month, as noted in this correspondence at the time. It brought, it will he remembered, 300 per cent more thau it sold for at. private sale some years ago. Of course lands within a few miles of town command hotter prices than those at a distance or in remote sections. The average price of farming lands throughout the whole county is now from $10 to $15 per acre, while a year ago it was from $5 $10. t^The advance is confined altogether to farming lands, there being little or no change in the valuo of town property, and is due to good crops and good prices for cotton. If .Judge Parker had been elected und his election had been foli ~ i i .. iU/. i *~ 4 u. i'jwi'u uy liiu "i^ aiuiijji in mi' prico of cotton that has followed Koo 80 volt's e 1 C c t !01 the Republicans would bate taklcd it and Mowed npout i until oyory Democrat's tar- rum would have been >re. it now thoy are dumb. What's the u>*? ter??YTaxhaw Enterp^"'* f Jr . I : ;'rt A cccpts Suicide liieory. Vs re N i> ?ubi lint Hughes Killed Hi-; KivniU and Himself.? All K\idenco Indie-iles This. ( Hi? State, 11 lb in.-l. woi The horrible tragedy fit 1'ren* fro ton \\ tdi.ofdnx imuning 1ms not dro c< ns( d to I t- a subject of interoht ma ;1nd conversation all over the State, and ihoto have boon niftny inquiries for futlhci information. 1 .\ gentleman who has been in co]( I n iitcn ii re the < ecurrctico stat p(KS < (J \ e-!( r?;a\ that the people of the p)u community, lvluctant'y aw they tw.' icceptcd the theory, now have nj.j ' u'.'l -it the extermination of \)(J\ i:i t :y as* ho work of B. 1> svlj Huyt.e> i.ii'i dr. "From every mw po^ i'.'o circumstance that haa |n | been brought to light,'' eaid this gentleman, "it is clearly shown that it was a clear case of murder and suicide to end all before ii II >! 8011 nanci d embarrassment came on. 1'he position of the pistol and the ^ wour.d in ilughes' right temple ' p >iut to his self destruction, if there had boon no other circnm- ,. ,x , . . thn stances. On a closer examination of the locks it was found that ^ o\try door leading to the house was cither locked or bolted, bhow ing that in one ceuld lmve escnped from tho hou-c after the triple i -..i 1)1 K j murder was commttlo 1. It in now stated that Hughes k t had confided to some of his friends ^ 01 i that he was threatened with finan- ,n" ein! troubles whicli ho considered ,u^ ; beyond ids power to satisfactorily ' : tie h id told of his iotibiI- l'u> ity l( sleep, and appealed more ' worried than the circumstances cor seemed to his friends to warrant, mS n* there were several sources from 1110 nhieh be could havo secured as - '1U< 8istnnco. it is most likely that l'a* this trouble preyed upon his mind ,u * until l.is brain snapped, as it were, tl()1 in a sudden lit of insanity the tor- in& rible slaughter of his loved ones was committed. _ 1 of 1 Japanese Shelling The res Town. ;!; hot 11 i. V -it - IT 21 ? tori xvruiwr is r>?ung neaviij Damaged Naval Force Said To lie Disabled ^ cer Tokio. Dec. 12, 4 p. 111.? Tho (j commander of tbo Japanese na- . vnl land battery reporting today, ^ ilVs ahl Fo r Russian battleship, two ^ cruisers, .>ne gunboat and one torpedo storeship lying in Port ^ , Arthur ii >or ure completely disabled. i hero is no further ? necessity for bombarding tho ^ Russian naval foico. "Arc now engaged shell nig the ^ town of Pert Arthur, which is ^ being heavily damaged." ^ J * assi ?-t i 4 ? i no concmion or miss nor- Hgn once Cinig. which has been very noo serious for a week or longer, is gua now much improved and yestor- ?' * day her physician expressed the ^ opinion that there is a chance for her recovery.? Hock Hill Her. ?r, ort) aid. mac! Mr. A. F. Fundorbnrk's House T in Chostai field Horned ('er last Week. hi? Klllt on 1 News has been received in the woo ity of the burn ng Tuesday night pare >f the residence of Mr. A. FFun- he derhurk at Dudley in Chester- i*10 ;i> Id county. Mr. Fnnderburk was in Noi thCarolinu at the time and the:? wnn no one in the j house, which was-totally destroy- my ed Mr. Fundorburk is of the Mot opinion that the lira was incendi- you ary, as he had recently had some ~ ! trouble \ itli a ni-yri) about amnio . i kite . no itu negro will probably be ;mr !, ' arrested. ihelosjiof the house i00 boi^ o State. Htippeoiugs in the State. Chronicled by the Alert Co spondtuts of The Colutnhii State. DIED OK HYDROPHOBIA. /hestorfiold, Dec. 11. ? A ueg man who lived about two mil in town died last week of h phobia, caused by the bite of d dog about 21 days before. NEGRO BOY SHOOTS FATHER. jaurens, Dec. 9.?Sam Dunli lll'Cll wna tllill iriifu I.n?i..iiu1 M i?V> UI1VI. I Wl J DUI I'FUai isihly fatally, by his boy, Sa nlap, aged 15, at his hon > miles east of tho city hi lit, as the result of a quart ween the two. Ho was sh I) a shotgun at closo rang si of tho chargo taking effe liis abdomen. NAHTIFICIAL STONE BUILDING. Summerton, Dec. 9.?A han io new store has just bet uplotcd for Capers A Co iggist, and they aro now bu ting iti shape in their nc liters. Tho buikhag is sc.ui ag new in this State, beit do of artificial stone, compos *an or SELF INFLICTED WOUND hunter, Dec. 8.?Robert \\ rydied at It o'clock this nioi at tho Mood-Osteen infirm lo shot himselt in this city c night of Nov 30 wlnlo undi influence of whiskey. VVhi iscious tiie day after tlio shoe ho stated that ho did not r ?iher anything about it; that I I been drinking for |>ever rs more than ho ever did, nr vhh done while iti this com i. Ilo had no reason for shoe himself. KEPT THE CHANGE. iock Hill, Doc 11 ? J B Smi Chattonooga, Tenn., was n tod and brought here yeste /. Smith was a Keller of pi oa and failed to return to t 110 of Mr O S Stevens with,tl inge for a $10 bill which 11 vena hud given him during naaction involving the sale i tuin of Smith's pictures. I >arted for Yorkvillo and then the country, where a warm nd him. Ho was also accour c to vho city for selling goo hout a license, but was ab arrange his troubles satii torily. 1URNED HIS WAY TO LIBERTY. jreenville, Dec 9.?Alon: ith, a negro who is wanted 1 authorities here on the charj laving attempted to criminal uilt a negro woman some wee! , was arrested .Monday aftei n at. Liberty and placed in tl rd house to await the arriv Sheriff Gilreath or a deputy. i deputy was sent over yester afternoon to bring the priio >ack, l>ut on his arrival at Lil r be found that tho neg-o hi !e his aacape from the guai ho by burning out. ho officer who had Smith u arrest neglected to go thrr uj pockets carefully, with tho r< that he loft several matclx lis person. The building is den structure, and it was con itively an easy matter to bui wood around the hinges t floor and walk out. AtPnblic Auction. will soil at public auction i homo near Knpp X Koads, c iday, Doc. 10th, 1004, 2 fin ng mules, 2 good milk Oowf pendid buggies, 2 2-hors jona, and all my household an :hon furniture,also my farmin diluents, and other thinf numerous ,o mention. M. Yarborough, li r ;WATC i = BAP "| $100 IN t 'P ' ; > iu ! no . For the n J;g oin^ to Right an< ;; Clothing, sw I ^ 0- ' ed Our object in u is to benefit the goods for the le slock as much a we are going to changes in stocl part of building are at present. !" This will be a e- / * 10 , i . : : SUC >taswe have i to make sue in order to i r We mean busin h?; we ask is fo i" our stock ai r: - convinced.t of 1 I Si Iiiic ill le a* R- ' zo before file s [y, get the bes ;; one mc al THANK $PARONAGEA n ARE, 538 II n 0 Btl B F!K it in i LAN gl (8 j > i i?i i , i?m?? v*? H 0Ur [GAIN SI OLD TO BE GjV ?>< XKK X X: ext 30 da^ > slawght I L-eft or c Shoes, et ^ j?'^ jS ^ ^^S. ? cutting prices fo trade by giving ast money. Als s possible by tin repair our bui it by moving dry _jiii ?? >i tor >uth Is a very sh< :iNG EVERY C ND HOPING I Yourf i iikius & iff CASTER S s 4 . ,'"4 * /* r m &wm. -? > x ys we are er prices iry ^oods9 Ce K r the next month them the best >o to reduee our 3 1st of J an., as lding and make r goods in lower rhcrc dry goods \ o have to move rOCK : : hink it best o the public walk abou. say and all and inspect d you will he is true. 'educed and remember [>rt time. )NE FOR PAST vw TI \ / iv vj, n fj to nerve, rulfc fr ' r K Kj. 1 X