'l . _ _ ' ^=gBg===^3= = gjggaKSBr< :'^^Ts\vlfi>^liVJ"~" " L ! -"-W*-1-HL L-UL- -'-J- r^ ^ ^ ^ A~8 T E K. S. 0~, DECKMl^KU* 10, 1904 ~~ - ? ? fc^ww,?y*n t5"3A?a?w?^??a??i?? ?^ ? ... ' '? ? I rt_ . - i If Sin Oi J, WE GRE I# DEP P ST?" fa >' | . HEE P ' M< I Bo Wen1 W mon< buY. Be # rder To Reduce II ft? 11 a nv r fvnuAfix f ARE OFEERI". SAT BARGAIN ARTMENTS RE. E AEE A EEtt XK^Ki mi's $f>.00 Suit* 4 T.00 44 10.00 >y's Suits tor 5o i 's 6.00 Overcoat e can certainlj ?y on anything ; I sure and come RESPECJ : Stock By J IRST 1 I ? *1 NO SOME J| n S IN ALL 1 I OF OUR 3| I i . t OF THEM I j L ^ a $3.00 $1 \ 4.00 J 7.5o ji ? iieiliu. - ?rj I. 8 4.oo. j^J I T save you $i' " yon want to J| to see us. j|l I' FULLY. j| : raft Co j I tl c !c Happenings in the State. s Chronicled by tbo Alert Correspondents of The Columbia State. FELT. DEAD FROM WAGON. Chester, Dec. 5.?On Friday rening an old colored man, Tom arbei, was returning from Cb-sr to his home near Rodman hen lie fell from his wagon and as killed by the fall. No inquest as held as tbore was no suspicion ! foul play. NEGRO COMMITTED 8UICIDE. Bamberg, Dec. 5.?John Nimons, a colored barber of this lace* committed Rniowtn .V*v?v AU UIO lop at Olar last nigbt by cutting is throat with a razor. He wus ndoubtedly crazy when he comkitted the act. INFANT BURNEB TO DEATH. Pic&ens, Dec 1.?The little 18 lonths-old daughter of Charlie Lobaon, who '.ires two tnilet rom Fickens, was burned to deaouse was occupied by Williair jeo and family, colored. Le< nd his wife went to church, laving locked the child in th< louao half an hour or more befori he fire was discovered. FATAL SHOOTING NEAR SILVER. Maaniog, Dec 6.?One negr< hot and instantly killed anothei ear Sliver,io this county, with a hot gun, and then fired anothei >ad into another old negro, rounding nitn so badly that he rill probably die. There seems 3 have Ween no real cause for the illing, and a young white man is aid to have saved his life only by etting out of the way. Up tc tiis time the raanslayer has made ood his escape. EGBO CHARGED WITH MURDEE DIES IN SALUDA JAIL. Saluda, Dec 6.?Major Lundy, tie negro charged with killing a egro woman at Ridge Spring ome months ago, and for whose rrest and delivery to the sherifl f this county, Gov Heyward t ew days ago paid an Augusta po ceman $25 and expenses, wil ow answer the charge of murdei t a higher tribunal. He died ii tie county jail here Sunday nigh fter a short illness of pneumonia FIGHT WIL BE~B7lTER. Those who persist in closinj heir ours against the continue ecommendation of Dr. King' lew Discovery for Consumption, rill have a long and bitter figh rith their troubles, if not endet arlier by fatal termination lead what T. R. Beall of Beall liss. has to say: "Last fall 103 rife had everv symptom of con umption. She look Dr. King'i lew Discovery after everything Ise hud failed. Improvement umo at once and four bottles en rely cired her." Guaranteed bj Srawford Bros, J. F. Mackey law r A number of boards were elect\ ed, to whom is committed the : various departments of the eon* , vention's work, and the standing committees wete appointed by President Smith. > The most spirited debate of the i day was upon the question of ' whether the board of ministerial > aid should give outright help to > students, or should tako the student's aotes for the amount advanced, payable five years after i date. The matter was finally left COTTON STII f > ) To moot this decline we are goir [ our goods. ^ For the next Twonty days we ? lie more goods for the monej than " tar. I r We are offering i ' $5.00 Suits ftt $3.98; $7,50 bi 1 $12.50 and $15.00 suits at $9.00 $2.98 and up to $10.00 ones. Pa to $8.50, worth $6.05. Heavie guaranteed, at 6c yard. y Just received caso yards for 75c. Only 10 yards to cent undorshirts at 38c. Two for j and 35 cent vests for 19c per garti j loft at 25 cents. ? We ftill have on hand a few ?hc ) need Snoes. Don't miss the&e bar r i. a? ,1 V/ \ ' iTuniy (inys. 1 w ! Funderl r j I\ S. 10c bottle Sowing I Cotton 5c and a hundred otho>* ahii to tt committee of five, which wil report at the next annual session. During tbo past year, ending with last week, bouth Carolina Baptists, as Bhown by The Baptist Courier, have made contributions as follows: Foreign Mission 181,784.89 Homo missions 8,999.19 State missions 16,521.71 Connie Maxwell orphan* age 19,600.00 Old preachors board 3,100.00 Endowment Furman university 31,005.98 Ministerial education Furman Univerersity 1.413.90 Current support, F U 525.96 Students fund, Theo. Seminary 761.40 Total $95,981.63 A COSTLY MISTAKE. Blunders are sometimes very expensive Oeoasionaly life is the price of a mistake but you'll nev* er uo wrong it you take Ur King's New lifePills for Dyspeysia,Dizzi ness, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25o, at Crawford Bros.1. F. Mackoy & Co's,Funderburk Pharmacy. Japanese Defenses Being Increased. Confident of Their Ability to Hold Gained Ground. ? Heavy Russian Casualties. Tokio Dec 6.?The Russians are nightly attacking Two Hun* dred and Three Metre hill in a determined endeavor to retake the summit of the ground in contens tion. The Japanese are increasing their defenses on the position and have succeeded so far in repelling all the assaults The Russians have suffered the heaviest losses and it is estimated that they have sacrificed 3,000 men in thsir efforts to recapture the ground which the Japanese are confident in their ability to hold. Observations indicate that the garrison is feeling the shortage of UigUt The works against Sangshu mountain and the forts to the eastward are progressing rapidly and all indications point to an early general assault, although the date when it will begin is kept secret. It is expected that the next gen* oral assault will Drove suocessful. .L DECLINING ?g to Knife deeper the prices en ire going to offer the trading pub* they ever saw before in Lances* during this time nits at $5,98; $10.00 suits at $7.60 and $10.00, $5.00 Overooats nts from 50o per pair, werth 75c, st weight yd wide Sheeting, weight Bleacn to go during this sale 10 the customer. 50 dozen mens' 50 ' 75 conts. 20 dozen Ladies' 95 tent. A few of those 50o Shirts ?f>?i PrlflAthem. oh'll buv if ?OU ' " " * ? rf ? ? ? > gains. They only hold good for URS FOR TRADE, Hl l'k Co. dacLino Oil 5c. 10 balle Bowing igs to numerous to mention*