Frank Felton Refused The itaud 0: Jying Mai s ?? Guy Roche Soys Fciton Shot Hi But He Wus Justified? Prisoner Fiotests His Innocence. New York, Nov- '25* ? u.Yg Frank shot mo: but lie wus jus fied. 1 would hnvo donetbosmi to him," wns the nnto morle stutement nmdo to the coron today by Guy Roche the gamhl who was twice shot in Broudwi yestorday and who now lies in hospital pro.bably fatrilly wound The stateinonl was made in t pretence of his alleged aesiiilar Frank Felton, who looked, on ti moved After uttering the qua fication to the statement thst in plied self defense, the dying m added: "Good-bye Frank old hi 1 dont blame you," and lioldii out his hand, asked Ins form friend to take it . Rut Felton a peared not to hear tlio requo; and without looking in the din tion of Roche turned and was 1 away for arraignment. La' in the day he was held witlu bail. The reason for the shooting h not been made known. Rocl could not be induced to talk i on this phase of the cuse, a: with equal firmness Felton deck ed the police ka.l arrested I wrong man. "Bay," he cried, "you ha got me wrong. I never carried pistol in my life." The theory of the poclie that Fel ton car tied a revolver the pocket of a light ovorco which they allege ho woie ut t time of the shooting and that t coat with the rovolver still in t pocket was carried away by confederate after the shots h been fired. The police believo that t roublo botwoon Kocho and Felt< which culminated in the shot ing arose over a woman who h transferred hei affection fro Kocho to Felton. A RUNAWAY BICYCLE. Terminated with an ngly cut < the leg of J. B. Or nor, Frankl Grove, 111. It devoloped a still born ulcer unyielding to docto aud remedies for four yeai then Bucklen's AruicaSalve cure It's just as good for Burns, Scald Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25 at Crawford Bros., J. F. Mac ey & Co. and Funderbark Phi macy., Drug Store. Fatal Accident Near Greer's. Greenville, Nov. 26.?Wli hunting in a field near Greei yesterday afternoon Harrison Gj ton, a white boy of twelvo ycai was accidently shot and killed his eampanion, Cleveland Ell who is ?aid to bo only 14. DI3A8TROU3 WRECKS. Careleesness is responsible f many a railway wreck and t same causes aro making hum wrecks of sufferers from Thrc and Lung trouble. But since t adrent of Dr. King's New Disco ery for Consumption, Coughs a Colds, even the worst cases can cured,and hopless resignation is longer necessary.** Mrs L< Dragg of Dorchester, Mass., ono of many whoso life was sav by Dr. King's Now Discover This greac remedy is gnarante by Crawford Bros., J. F, Mac y & Co. and Funderbnrk Phn marcy, Drrugist. Price 50c, a $1.00 Trial bottlo free. Killed for a Dollar. Clemson Collego, Nov. 24. James Sigamo re, col. died he last night from the effects oi wound, received at the hands Bill Greenlee also colored. T two men had a dispute over a d lar, which Greenleo owed Siz tnoie and would not pay. Soggesti.>o for Southerner* \'?iti Surplus Cash. 1. . .. Referring to industrial c ppoi ni tunities in the South, Mr. Bon lJ Hunt, iccrelHiy of tho Cbamhe jof Commerce of tiuntsville, Ala , writes to the Manufacturer' Hec ot d as follow s: f, "Tho South has now aurplu ti- millions. Why don't her peopl no invest in the various lactone ni using titula r and tnuko at lea* <*r her own* huggies, wagons, farmin er implements and furniture ? No ly wo sell tho raw material for a song to the North, where it i cd manufactured into theso vnnoi ho articles of necessity and then bu it, them, pacing freight both wii) in- and good profits to ail intormci li- iate handlers. Why don't tli 11- South have her own life and iii an in?Hratice companies? No; w oy neglect these opportunities an ng then 'cuss' and damn tho Nort cr for ile prosperity, and conchul p* tho country id going to tho dov it, because wo can't elect a Demi 3c-1 crime president. There were, ed ' think, half a d<>tpn can968 fo or Parker's defeat, which when aj nt grogsted, m-de a landslide, hi tlio taiitf, as yen ?-ay, wusporhai as the controlling factor. ThcSout ho has marvelous sources of wealt up which wo tuif to develop au nd ! utilize, hut which would make or ir- people independently rich. hoi The peoplo.of ttie South wh liavo surplus money are woefull ve lacking in that enterprise whic t a ! would put their money into mat ufacturing instead of into mor is gages and hot,4s." in 't'his is tlio view of thosituutic at trom one who has for years bee he active for Southern developmcn he ' he ; I> ANGEFt OF A C OUU Ft. a Pneumonia, srfr.p c>ld, hronchit , ami nearly every other dar.gtroi sickness ot llii-* U n 1 is usua ly the < | velopiueiit ??f a si ght cough T< many people are lain up and loo man he 1 ii e from diseatcs where they could t easily knock that first cough In tl head. Murray's Horehound Mallei )t- and Tar cures colds Ft drops the bo torn out of a icugh. Every diugg a'i lies it for 25c n lio.'lle. ltemenil "Murray's ami take no other. Itegu lar 50c size. Killed Herself on a Street Car. 3n Birmingham, Ala., Nov. Mrs. John Kyser late this afte l)~ noon shot and mortally wounde rs >g Miss Nelly Edwards at her honi ^ in Woodlawn, a suburb of Birm |8j ingham, and while on a street cn >c, returning to the city, shot and it k* stantly killed borself. Both Mri ir~ Kysers and Miss Edwards ai woll known. It is said that Mri Kyser wusjaelous of her husban who, it is alleged, was formerl ile enSa8ed to Edwards, r's is- DOESN'T RE3PECT OLD AGE rs, It's shamefuf when youth fail t by show proper respect for o.d ag< j8 but just the contrary is the cas ' of Dr. Kings New Life Pilli They cut off maladies no matt< sever and irrespective of old ag< Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Col or stipation all yield to this perfei ho Pill. 25 O. lit, ('rftwfll-d Hroa (in F. Mackoy & Co. and Fanderbur (tlt Pharmacy, Drug Store, he v_ Soda Water Killed Him. nd bo Darlington, Nov. 26.?A n no gro man drank six bottles of sod -)jS 9 .' wutor in seccession at a plase cal is 1 (>.i od Auburn in this county lai y Tuesday and died soon afterwardi od Ho was told if he would drin k- that many bottles they would coi ,r him nothing and he swallowed tl 0,1 1.1 . I *wi.iuiug until, WUIUQ UBUMB'.I II j death. Notice of Discharge. Notice is herrhy given that on tl >re 20th day of t'ccember 1904, the untie f ft signed as Gusrdian for Willio ^ Hmi h and VWbrr'o Lou Smith wi make her final return and aettlemer h? aid tnako application to Iho Probal ol- Court for Lancaster county for a Am e disch irge as ouch Guardian. Mary K Smith, Guardian. Nov 2V 1904?lm ^ . Three Men Sentenced 'o Hang. U? rue, (in , Nov. 20. .Inch. Henry today sentenced time mi to he bang>*d. .hick Bone, f< k i 11 i i> sz ^ 1' Hull, t? lie execute Doc 18; Courtney Baker, f<.r kil i?g his wife nt Cnvo Sj>* in^r?; Hu Sutherland, for killing time in groes at a dunce. The latter tw (negroes) tue H> ha executed l) i 20. M??tic?i'8 will ho made f< com mutation of sentence t.. ii imprisonment, t>ut as vall thr? wont to tho Supremo Court, it almost ceitain that none will 1 granted. Anxious Moments. Sumo of the most anxious hou of a mother's life are those: win tho little ones of the houscm have tho croup. There is no oih medicine so effective in this t? 11 hie malady as Foley's llonev at Tar. It is a household favori fcr throat and lung troubles, ai as it contains no opiates or oth poisons, it can ho safely give Sold hv Funderhurk Fharmaev. i Business Rivalry Results in Killiug. Charlotte, N. C., Nov. 25.? As . a result of business rivalry \V. R r Murray this morning shot anil in , Htantlv killed his uncle, J. $. ?- Murray, at Durham, N. C Doth men hud been running music s stores and were w?dl known busio ncss men is Early this morning J S Murray it was preparing to ship a piano and g ho accused a salesman of W. R. 15 Murray of watching nnd p'ying a into his business for the purpose is of try ing to thwart the trade, is W. R. Murray hoard that his y salesman had beeu accused and s accompanied by his son, Earle, bo 1- wont to tho storo of his uucle, ie which is about half a block from o his own place of business. At 0 tho door ho was met by J. g d Murray. h A short, bitter quarrel followle ed nnd J. S. Murray pulled his il pistol and began thooling at VV. > R. and Earlo Muriay, tho three 1 bullets fired all taking eflfoct on ir Earle, in tho hand, arm and thigh r- W. It Murray, a powerful man, it closed m ou his assailant and, tak>s lni* ,li0 revolver from him, shot h him, the bullet entering just to h the right of the breast and rangd upward and to tho left, 6evorir big an artery. MURRAY ADMITTED TO BAIL. 10 Durham, Nov. 29. W. R ? Murray, who yesterday was the principal actor in tho terrible ; tragedy in which ho shot to death his uncle, J. S. Murray, was this afternoon released frotn custody. ,n Ho gave bond in tho some of $20n 000 for his appemttnce at the next * term of court. The bond wae justified in tho sum of $61,500, and the men who signed the bond are easily worth more than half v ie million dollars. io JO Tax Notice. >t- Notice is hereby given that the be *'me within which Town taxes r- can be paid without penalty expires on Nov. 30th instant. The tax books are now open at the office of C. O. Jones, Esq., Town Treasurer. If not paid on or before above date, executions will r issue for taxes with costs, and d penalties. R. E. WYLIE, 0 Nov. 21, 1904. Mayor. r He who advertises for a wife ?- may get what he advertised for J* but he seldom gets what ho wante ed. % i. ' r^A?.ni?oiiJA. " 2??arg the /) U10 Kind You llava Always Boughi y PROFESSIONAL CARD. 1 " Dk m P Crawford Dr R C Brown 3? CRAWFORD A BROWN, Physicians and Surgeons. ^ Lancaster, 8. C, Treatment of the eye, ,j0ss and '* throat a specialty. 9* Calls promptly amwered day or n" night. Office oyer Crawford Bros 2t Drug Store. F. Phones: Office, No 170; R I deuces k Noa. 11 and 36. Business Education PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS ! YOU need a practical business ad e~ uoatlon We guarantee satisfaction. |a Courses of study endowed as betpg Hie myft practical; thay have no aupes/tio i 1- Instruqtion given is first rUs?. N?i . othar bi)sine*g oollege* offer be'ter ad1,1 vantage*. Enter now and prepare for a lucrative poslci n. Our graduates are in demand. Let us uwalst you. we k have assisted hundreds?they are in ^ positions. We offer special rates ie Miicfe*t'? S. C Business College Columbia, 8. C. Aug. 29, 1904?tf. It 3M???ag? PILES! PILES! PILES! I)r, Williams' Indian Pile Ointment win cure iiiind, Weeding,Ulcerated, r and Itching Piled It absorb* the tujj mors, allays the Itching at once, acts . as A'tonltlre, gives instant relief. Dr. " Williams' Indian Pile Ointment Is it prepared only for Piles and itching of te the private parts and nothing els*. 9j Every box I* gusrantced. Mold by druggists, sent by mail, for 60c, and $100 per box WILLIAMM 'F'G CO., Prop's, Clevelaud, Ohio Bold by Fnnderburk pharmaey. * _ -j Swift Virginia Justice Roanoke, Vu 2(5 -Pulaski, N< furnishes an ;o of svvr'i. Vi ginia justice. Oi Thursday ni ^ two negroes, Fisber Porman, Dinwiddle county, Virginia, u Jesse Holding, of Greenville, C., held up and robbed sevei railroad men near the heart of Pi a*ki City, securing $05 in cas Later two policemen attempted arrest the negroes mid were rir upon, but not hit. The robbers g ( nway, but were captured yeste day. They were indicted and t; ed for highway robherv, and ten red to 18 years each in t ( penitentiary. Foley's Honey and Tar iilwa; stops the cough an?i heals t i longs. Refuse suhstim es So by Fundetburk Pharmacy ?? ANOM) TIMfi REMEDY. Murray's fTorehound Mullein m Tur lias II ii the puresr of drugs / f of wliich were need our p?r? r and grand-parents, f is a eoniliin tlon so |>ut together lhai il cur> i cough right oir. Nothing i* bvfler i , babies 11 i? a moil reliable curt* I all cases of coughs. Ask your tlru^g i for ii. They all have it. Get a hot now and have it ready. Co?ts on 25o u hottia?extra la-ge bot|l?< regular 50c aiz-, llemenber to ask l l Murrays" and take no other ? Hon. John Sharp William the leader of the Democratic mi ority in the honee of representiv has accept* rl an invitation tod* liver au address on current issu and events in Wofford college ati itorium on Dec 2 , Admission to he by ticket. / APollcemaii's Testimony, J. N. Patterson, nhdit poltc man of Nashua, la., write Last winter I had a cold on tr lungs and tried at least half a do en advertised cough medicines nr had treatment from two phyi cians without gotling any heneti A friend recommended Foley Honey and Tar and two thirds i a bottle cured mo. 1 consider the greatest cough and lung mcd cine in the world." Sold by Fui burk Phurmacy. NO! A SICK DAY SINCE. 1 was taken severely sick wii kidney trouble. 1 tried all t medicines, nouo of which reliev* me. Oae dayl saw an ad of ym Electric Bitters and determine 1 to try that. After taking a fc , doses 1 felt relieved and soon the after was entirely cured, and hai ! not seen a sick day since. Neig born of mine have been cured i Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Livi and Kidney trouble and (Jener Debility." This is what B. 1 t>...... l."* ' M " uaon til IMUUIOIII, i"N. V/ Wl'IlO Only 50, at Crawford Bros., J. 1 i Mac*ey & Co. and Fundeibut Pharmacy Druggist. W. F. LANEY, Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered from offico i rear of Funderburlc l'harmac during the day, and from ro* donee on Elm street at night. Residence phono, 38. Office phone, 118. j ^ "V ^ ^ ^ ! AN'cgclable PrcpcralionforAs- Ijl u* similating I lie Food andHeg ula>o J ling live SIolducIis raid Bowels of 5 IjGcU f _?.?SjMB v gPromolcs Digcslion.CheerCul- w ncss and Rest. Contains neither " Opium,Morphine nor}tincral. q 0, Not Ti arc otic . ?:? i I j 7*afOMtirSAKl TLPITCHXR \ . j fitmpkln ScrJ>~ , 01' Jlx.S'/uut * 1 , KxA'lUSJii- I I I" Stniv Srrtl - \ ri ! A i?i i :* i\ t H6nfiSc?rl- 1 /d 1 \ le Qanh+J .Ainnr 1 K-.\ j (| itsitoymvt HarsK / . J {f^\\ or Aperfeel Remedy forConslipo- '$' I \l 1 n. Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea I -i B u [\ Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 1 $1 ness one! Loss of Sleep. . , ' " Sjij FacSinulc Signature of WZt, en $ (i 'V I (* ^I'liimEXACT C0PYOFwrapp?;:*' ^^ m: ui ilto DR? fv8 B IFfc " - Lyon s Frenc Strictly vegetable, parfcctly harmless, Kir < RESUlT/c. Greatest known female reined ' PAllTinU Bownro of aoontorfatt# And Imitations. Tboro vnU I iUfi ion Willi f.ic-*lmllv Mxnatuve on sllu of thai an Bond for Circular to WirLIAMS Ml'U. CO..?5'jlo AgsnM. Oct lie Sold by FunderLurk Pharmacy. iCH *a M' I). It 'Wfrs W (1 lio'-torx J'/ jj ^ | BOWERS' BROS. ' y Builders aad Contractors ezln. i? f?>r IjU'>.I>o k\\ Id i.-ii -.?r ?ale. 1*^3 nnsl VI s.- .*.1 abort lint I ? *#?: T"rmil vfirl* an i er- ll work tepee* l8> in'tv. * C*? fpiT n- 4*Sri >.vc US your opters, B9WE8S BROS. ZT J- Near Depot. Kidnd 08 Feby. 218, 1IJ04. Go to tho L LANCASTER MARBLE 5 GRANITE WORKS, K? z- hv Itlc j,j For Good Work and Low Price* A? ('he il- A Ej .. iUSnAk "" t I. I ' 9^0|| ArYor . * * 8 IWI1 4 A r (4 us * DANCASTEK, S. C. *rl ? Of A A til it ... J. E. RITLEDGE, Dentist, I.v Y>>: I 1 c n I'* Ooh Lancaster, S. C. f-vn,, 7 I V ( 111 tb ? v A'i< of Working on credit doesn't pay, |;V jijua id snd my terms from this time Ar ir henceforth nrentiictly cash. Bvr. enable Frice?? ar'ih! i! ft old Fi' lin?; $ 1.50 fvt Amnl^am Filling 76 els. t- : < b- Cement F'lling 75 ct t of j HO Bum PLATK, r?l f I id Full upper set of teeth $12.00 <\ Upper and lower set $25 60 ^ 'j,', s. rheso prices nro strictly nor(|r(] for cash. No work done except j "k for cash or good security. ejP < - J. E. RETLEDGE, Dentist. -:?**- it : .. .-2V4t ynKVKW'r-v* n^onvrvJ. HARRY FOSTER, On' At tor notf el, 1 m u ' let to t .y lanoastkh, S. C. (jcl. tll i tte?~ oUen 'on- >< <{t'.cinl v i wcross . , roml, i fl a r: k; ^ t. a*, v ??mm mmn ??1 i r-< M i >***. ^ the moat traallng salvo lr> * * ? world S3S5S7-z:-r5- : rasas*; I? b afantn mid Children. Kind Yo'j Ksva ways Bought rs tiie /J % jy\}S r'-? ature /A^T f AW Air lF 5? pj? Ise For S^or iSTNH swraua company. ncui ?o*:s arrr. ~ f< ? i* ^sjv f 7j |j j ; p ryi ,-~v r'tv a iilalidy m lip9 i to accomplish DE5If?BE3 y. Price, $1.50 per bottle. auhcl")fl?. up only Id paMo-!>oard OarSS5&? ?tlio world's bcpt haby^vy npt,safe, sure and barm- JJL ris of stomach and bowel d children. Keep itali can rely upon it. Stur' sioros, 25c. A# tY E.vsn CO., Macon, Oa. m DISEASES m'A ;nT^JUi rr-r^ e.. he most fatal of all disEWJft KIDNEY CURE Is s .? s $ tuarMtsid Raiitflrfy >nsy refunded. Contains Ilia recognized by emlphysiciana aa the best for ty and Bladder troubles. PRICS ?Cs. tad.9S.C0. AFP CHESTER RMLWA* . " j' in , 7 15 :i m 3 45 |> m i h wn, 7 34 a m 4 15 p ni enn'vi'le 7 44 a ni 4 3') pm hburg, 7 50 a m 4 45 p m s? t r, S 15 a m 5 15 p in r Ho it y 55 a m 7 lo > ??i i:ni. ?* s?> nil ort ,\ m 1 05 a tu iv'.C&N W 1) IS r in ^'10 38 urn < ir, e i r, r 2 12 p *i tain, a 1, r 4 fii p in l?A.8TBoU?f, 10 40 n m HM p in , 0 in villo, 10*01 in 9 00 pm t Ijawn 11 0<> ?. in Oil p m tv ?r, 111 0 * ?n 0 30 p in : ONNWTIONiS. 1 I' s pi i rrn, i v l.i in <1 n < tl H. A, ' ?>i" iiw -i, r railways. a>tvr Sn>|! !i .:v? I' ; ?r, ' Vc UKK, A -t . iu211 o ?r s 1 1 i\ s. a I 1 lllo .M llia.'iT Sotico ;o tho I'u'lic. !i fiolM *!I impi* st s in I ho Phone to my result ncn onnt liill for me whou I. , Montgnmc ry Cn kt.v, 10?tf Coroner I, C. Bridge to Lei. I'iumIhv, 22<1 il?i> i f Nov. M 11 o'clock n in., 1 will ho lowsM icspontihlo i. !< crnt ?ct to luiilri u l?n i n ' Voxhnw C rock on Uio o iv it'iir E. E. K< ruimon's pl.ico, L. ,1. Perry, County Supervisor. !