Legal Matte, ''OINTMBNT8 OF KK\ C.l Y-. ITK. Jolty, 1st ?iul 3?l tfobba'.h. Gill* - re.U, SW an 1 4tli riabbath, II in. Vie want liill, 2 I mmI tth ftultlmth, l? in. "When you want Candy? hen you think of CandyWhen you go to bet Candy get Mackoti HCrtr> * *s . .Tvi - r.?* -e= vrrrv* ? Nice cottage for rent. A| ply to VV. .!. Cunningham. ? A car each of Portland Co- . ment and Lime just received. 2t T H Davis. i ? Cadet Fred Pc ng of Cicmson ' is spending a few days at homo. ' ?Mr. F. P. Giles has bought ' tho It. L. HicHin place in the '' Douglas section and will move there soon. ? The Odd Follows and J. () 1 U. A. M's had a delightful time at their joint banquet Thursday ] uight in the court house. ? Weary Clyburn col., was' brought up by Policeman Bate- ! man from Kershaw yesterday and j ' committed to jail charged with vio- i ' lation of the dispensary law. --Married, at tho home of tho' bride's sister, Mrs W G {lowers, i [ at this place, Thursday night, Nov ' 24, 1904, Mr. Charley Ferrell and Miss Maggie Crenshaw. I ? Mrs. H. B. Purdue and > daughter, Miss Minnie Purdue, ! are visiting relatives at the Ilailo ; ' Gold Wine. ! 1 ?Dr. and Mrs B .1 Wither-' spoon, of Charlotte, N C., are spending a few days hero with the former's father Mi-s li ar.nuh Mobley, n student ^ ^ of Winthron llPPiimnonioil l>? J^hci'Munt, * epenl Thanksgiving \vlm nMNblfl^l er's parents nt Heath Spring*. --Prof Jenkins and Mivs Wilis- ( onant of the graded school corps < of teachers spent Thanksgiving \ at their home inYorkvillo 1 ? Mr. Benjamin Warwick and < .family, of Wuxh.uv, spent Chunks ' giving hero vwith Mr Warwick's 1 parents. ?The friends of Mr Adutn 1 Ganson of New York City ate ' -' pleased to see h m here. Ho camo \ down to spend Thanksgiving and t on a business trip. i ? No are selling a great many goods regardless of co.?t. Come ; < and see beforo you buy. : ? Lancaster Mercantile Co. j ' ? The Ledger, The Atlanta' * f?., l 1-1- 1 "'I - 1 UUUIIIttl, OCIII Wtt'ttiv, IIII (1 lilt) ^ Southern Cultivate)'*, ull three j one year for $2., but must be paid for in advance. ?A reward will he paid for in-; j formation leading to the recouery , A of a hcifur yearling, black sides ( with white btripe along back, ,j which was stolen from my held ^ rear Oarmel last Monday night. ,j Lewis Absolem. i ?Letters remaining uncalled 1 for in the post office at Lan- t caster for the week endii g Nov. r 2Gth, 1904. are as follows: ( Misses Mary Hunter, Elizabeth A ( Wolfe, K51h Lydi, Mcvms. 11 d ; Wheel-r, L L*uch, R"v J W ( N?'eley, Allen Dye ( J. M Stewart, P. M ] ?MisMjllatlie May Hardee, who " h is btt n teaching in Lancaster, > has been Inono several days on nc-j < count < f indiaj-iosition. Her rb- ttr, M ss Maggie, went to Lmi- R caster S' turdav to take charge of the aahool until the former is able to return. -Chester Lantern. ? CJ A JT> "7? XeL X y*. Beari tie /) ^ KM YOU II8T0 AlV.T/S flirj' t i 4 I ? , U ?Col. ?J. N Crockett received a letter this week informing him of the arrival of twin ?.o>s l ist Sunday at the home of his son, Mi VV 11 Crockett of Texas. Will has boon married live years and the arrival of the twins makes four hoys at his homo now. ? Miss Frances Toboy, a representative of the MeConueil Library Association of Atlanta, Ca, will lectuie in lhu ?. ....... .f. i >>iiiuini8 of this place vere two of the 43 tyros who "crossed the burning sands" it the Full Ceremonial of Suez Temple No 73, I) O KK,(Jhai l ?tto N' C , last Wednesday night Col Springs attended the ceremonial and enjoyed the feast to the fullest. All three arrived home safe and sound yesterday. ? Mrs. YV. A. Wright and son, Willie, of Hartsville, who have >eea visiting in the citv and Fort Mill, went to Lancaster county | yesterday to take charge of the Tabernacle graded school. ?Kick | llill itecord. ?Wanted at Once! An hon-' jst reliable man who can furnish 1 lond to represent us at Lancaster. | A j have a line hu in ess uheady ' ;slablished b\ our former agent*', Mr. ,J. W. Cook and Mr. L C. | Small. You can in iko money ; .villi us if you are the right mm. J a I or address The Singer Mfg. ( Jo., Charlotte, N. ?Thanksgiving day was spent j lore in the usuul quiet way. Busi-' loss was entirely suspended, IStin-1 lay hours being observed ut the | Irugstor.-s and postofllee. Union , ervices wore lml I in the morning it the Baptist church, Or. Frascr, i >aitor of the Preshyleritm ohurch, ireuehiug an excellent and most ' u^ropri lie rnnmi for I lie occas ? 749* M'nn -V iS lu w*1 i uut the centnuuTions lit oral ' ho ' jolleetion was for the orphans and he amount was <:r.l to tho scv jrnl den smiuational ot plumages in ;ie Slate. Ii gors without sa\ing , hat tho usual turkey dinners were ' jnjoyed and that u number of luntlng pa 'tie ; went out an made vai on the feathered tribe ? Joat received -one Car load Ltice-meui f rfeeding stock. Will oil cheap. ? V?T. P. Bennett. ? ISO acres,5 horse farm open . - . 1 piou umuungs, aoout on acres I n woods, two pastures wired ir, i \ ill ho sol 1 ns a whole or div I led into two tracts. Ah nit 7 o 1 miles Northeast of town. A ! iirgan. Call on T. S. Curt jr. | tg( irt '"ortho X-raise Imposition The President IT D C lias np. lointod tho committees for the ! ;rand Xraise exposition for the ; icnctil of the county Confederate I klonr.ment fund to he held in the | ourt house beginning Dee. 14th Che names o? tho committees will >0 published in our next issue. The chairmen of the several com* nittees, *vho*o names are given >elow, ure requested to meet at ho residence of Mrs. Ira B. Jones icxt Monday afternoon at 3 'clock sharp. Following are the ! airmen: Xceptional committee, J i a. M KCauthen; Xqnisito, Mrb J1 nsD Jones; In-Xhanst'hJe U D 3 Well, Miss Ivy Crawford; 'Co ivRto, Mrs. (j B Barron; Xhil rating, Mrs Mat tie McCardoll; Cir.i Fine, Mrs Palmer King; Cp nd, Miss Annie Witherspoon; ^client, Mrs Ira B Jono*; Xlcriv, Mrs A R Banks; Xpensive, drs J P Hunter; Xeolsior, Jrs J 11 Boldridge; Xpert, Ji>9 Cornelia I'Jliolt; Xtortion, dirt Ira B Jones. Foley's Money and 'lur 'or children,sah,sure. No opiate*. 1 Seed Cutteu Stolon s Swiuo tillc* relieved Mr 1.1 amp ^ Stunner of I ho Northeastern sec-' tion of Iho count> of some of his ' seed cotton Wednesday night. Shoriif iluwter went up Thursday evotiing to investigate tho matter ami wo were told by a getleman j from tliiil section yesterday afternoon that the Sheriff would prob- ' ubly l)i ing buck one ot two pris-1 oners with him when ho returned j ; ... anil mat ho would bo likely to find out where more cotton wont to tlinn Mr Stognor's. 1 ?<0 All Aged Wonm i Narrowly Mscapcs liciug liurnod to JDcntb Mrs. Carolino llairo, who lives with her son, Mr .lack lluire, in I the Wild Cat section, narrowly j escaped being seriously burned last Thursday. While lighting her j pipe her npron and drcs* caught | a lire and but for the presence of ; j her d uightet-in-law and several j members of the fan ily, whocpiick j 1 y extinguished the flames, sho ' would have boon seriously burned. | Mrs. Ilairo is in her 92d year 'and ?onld have boou powerless i to have extinguished the Haines her: elf. Surrendered, and in Jail. Yesterday a negro man giving iiis namo as LVtcr Bvnos, ealled at the jail hero and asked the jailor, Mr Hoi ton, to lock him up. On being uskec what crime ho had committed, ho said ho was charged .vitii killing bis wife in Lee county, and so the jailor accommodated him. Later, Chief of Po'iee Hunter telegraphed 81k : iff Smith of Leo who answer- ' ed the t legram at encc tolling ' him to liold Bynis and that he ' would come up for him to.lay 1 (Saiurduy). ' I'p'.fs saj a that tho reason ho surcoudcrod la that hn ha t br?ni'/l homD of 11is ;-.-?o|>lo wore in jail charged with Uilliug t'io woman ' and that lliov were inn and ho didn't want iliom to suffer, is a son of Siru liynos who lof this c unity a iino eight or Jim years ago an I wont, to the social. * of the .Sinto whence Peter iiail i from. :i - ?i ? ?r. 1| Narrow Ei.c;?po of R v W ( H Ar*al and Daughter. f i lv>ck Llill cor. Yorkvillo En- < quirer : Rev. W. H. Ariel ha< \ 1 very narrow esc ipo from scri i ous injury in a runaway scrap* i Saturday afternoon. He hat: 1 started to the country, accompanied by his little daughter, lvathnline, to visit one of his members and when opposite tin home of (leorgo Lauroy, ou Kt - f. otieaer avenue, iin noticed tl.a i his .og was following the bugg\ 1 and g )t; out to run the animal ' b ick homo, leaving Iris little f girl in tun buggy alono. Tho 1 horse bee; "no frightened and c dashed oil". Mr Arial rati at t once to the rescue o? his child i and grabbed the lines, but a- \ bo did so ho was struck by ono i o' the wheel-, and knocked down. Two of the whooU passed over! ^ his body after he fell to the |1 ground ; but 1)3 hi Id on to the | ^ linrw until ftninn nrn> rut-. ? r?.l 't . ... .V ?> ?.. >'W G'l tnMun for Willie 1$ Sa;i li nnil ilZagK'e I.on Smith will m ike her ii .al return un I .tctlhuuent at tl make application to the I'rohat. Oourt l'u Lunouitatr county for a tinsl j dis -It. rg ?>s wuch (j iHi'dian. Mary K Smith, (Juadi&n :l Nov 25 1901?lm * Nottc*' O l*..UIv v .VKIM' -. l'rof. Chas. (' Hurguu'' is m tbo cif , ?v:c111 f ; the 8teimva\ & Sons Pi mi: . an \ will re main for ten or litlcen days during which time ali that want their pian< a tuned and regulated by an expert can have it done. We must ^a\ tin ' Prof. Buryucr t comes highly ii commended from ' nearby towns. To whom it may conckun: ? This ii t > c< rli'y th: ' 1 ha I Prof. C. C. Partner to tone and i.dju t my pianos ia the (Titioid Son. n iry of Union, S. 0 , finding hiwoik to he perfect in every respect I take pi" sure in leeotu- j mending him to anyone who may : . wish sncli work d me. IV U Clifford. Prin. Union, 8. U , Oct 0. 100-1. 1 Gnstotiia, N. C , .June 20, 1004 This i-. to certify that we, the undersigned, have had our pianos lUUtHi, regulated an 1 r< jby Mr. C lias C. llurgner and finding his work to bo perfect iti ivory respect, wo therefoio recommend bim (13 a compclonl an 1 loluiblo tnnor to anyone needing *uch work done. 11. T. Morris, (.ico. A. Gray, l'\ A. CrlBtlll, G istonia Eurnilu'.o Co, per U \V J, J. L) Moore * 1Gusloni i, N ('., Jure 25, 1004 This m i?i certify hut we bad Mr. Ckas C. llurgner to tune and adjust our pianos and I'uul his work ; .ri'cetly >atist'aclory. \Yc ilo not li dilute to recommend him p lo any on wishing any work either tuning r repairing \s\ have found b v.a rk - Bert tin u Boarding Lo . m Cha -i t' Bnrgtt r Vita AdmiM Wins Verdict, of $S, 000. Mrs. Lillian 8. A lanis has hi l ij. Adilllis. Ml". .Vdtlill.s Wit:, imploycd us- a tinman mid vas killed at Catawba Junction, sTov. 24, 1900, while assisting xt n "cutting out a cat."?Rock 1 ill Record. Rest Tiling Done. el . ... in I lie frequent reports of y grants settling in various places y n tliO State prove the wisdom of bo Legislature in providing an ini. nigration"bureau and the wisdom if the Governor in selecting a ivf. and energetic man to take ilmrgo of ft. It is the best thing n in hat has been done for the State n a generation.-Newberry Observer. The weekly review of the , fradcMnan has the following en- il X ArnriflAu fa ^ ' 1 -- fc.> I V |UI 1/ \>L OUIIlll \..1UDina's industrial development for ho week.; u ?20,000 cotton and vool mill at Spartanburg, a ?5,- <'<>00 grunito and construction coni>any at Greenwood, a ?200,000 >nilding and loan company m lnlumbia,iron and machine works l Sumlor, a $250,000 paper pulp uill in Georgetown. CASTOR 1A 1 For Infanta and Children. ra ^ SJ There's no cough medicine so > ipnlar as Foley's Honey and Tar. ? contains no opi ites or poi>ons nd never fails to cure. Sold by | undorburk Pharmacy. " WANT' 1 * '5. i * vvasit y S? iSaft. i f vou \van t I'''11s\? '< t S f Vo? I ivj? n - S*< - ! - J - - x T f 1 ? 1 il i x - X \ " M. if you want Chim if you want v.* lass in fact, if you wan thills hi these lines, C3 Celery and I Bread a I way * fee: '> *7 Yours, b p j,e cji Ivm IRK ARE SOME P . K, ;< * ?t ? . i. ' >.'/ Mit. li.' lingers Knivt and Forks for 4 4 4 U (4 i 4 (4 4 4 v . .4 I; 4 4 4 ? 44 .4 4 ? 44 4% 44 4 k % 4 4 . 4 4 4 . 44 44 4 4 44 <4 You do nol sec the iv-iann way the p ureal when the goods in entior. d nn if.' i! do the goods it would I> tin > one wu.. iiohoo in the $2 50 ki.i i a i i to ;.(> > kin nee. J know the dilV-roinv., a id ratio como hero uud get it. i.) > n >t g> rlore under the dolus".''.i ti at }* : or > g olio et just what you are a , .. it recommend or g i irau in \ i icet ignorant eomiudili i V> JaV 3 0 fca..-.' rr r*. * . S i r - fK > ; fi fc.1 ,V -* /. "J ; -jrf i "i i V y Wo ??:v s'iii lua i *r im li ,?i? > is-. i.< n-'ia;i?11 rive t a h liny t give our customers something iy o\ l' in Tjluiiit T r ; < > ? i .v i.iim : ( fill oiii c >r.i; etitors, w* i:;i . o i.>> .tli-i o. i wi1 nii-f re\v. iiavo no big Hiiu a iy fii'sro 'is. Li itoii to o n' priisoa. S ; I, \{ S 3?J inch Black TaiVjta Sill;, Ku.irnaUv.l to v mi it* ?p at SI o ?. osi j.r'oo, 1'i r y^i l, ?1.1 <. I'iaiii Brown, Navy, Onrisis. Oiieois, \ V a;a a ?t W . i!?i only 0711:0 it . i;i >.< k IVa i Iv . ir1 i o i DRESS ?DC i 1 iaoli Broad L'l th '[ w ?:?! .11 !avk. J' n >11 ck Its!, Uio f. 1 kind, oili' 15 * : -ryii'il, " r n I Jioih i in' o >i i;t u>, the .yard, 01) comU otinv'i Suitings i.i ilxturers, worth $1.25?wo offer them as long as .3 v *_ ki :th Ladles y?>u had better oomeaml get y u Jackel l-l ei ! >r. Ilo neinhri \v * l>m.,h" . unple line m'i you can I ?uy them any pl.ic in '.< .v;i I Jlankot>! nnd Co Kctuctnh v wo curry u, lull line ??. ?? . ? _ e tot to right price UiunUet^ f:orn 75 cent I :s p i.. S:t? to $2.00 rjri ? I ."%< $18.00 Soil we oiler for 15.00 44 41 ' u 12 59 4 4 4? 44 (i 10.00 44 44 44 44 5.00 Boy's Suit we offer for 1.00 4 4 4 4 4 ' 44 44 3. 50 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 .it) 11 41 44 14 14 2. 00 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 75 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 125 <4 44 44 44 44 We have ntnnv Bargains tliut we oouM t: nice so wo invito you to t.oino and e for F F Ft Juj * JLj . v / JL ' J ! i i 4 *** U r". ?v r- you I ? %9P.1 *2.00 13.75 4.00 4.50 5.00 10.00 i hero sh ml 1 ho so dif 10 -iinjo. If you were to You can not tell the difI by t io |).\s2iit nppeiri>' you wrnt the $2.50 o.nowhoro else and pay t lie best grade. You LU' i ; i' PRICE. 1 do [It jU 1. Of Du fj ivovjp I* vO fioiijZ&i* <3 ~ . V.j-.- *'2r?rA^lU i y yy D C LU k \ iter for lefn money tlmn hi *.'11 you i^eoils cheaper \ li -we are all workers folio to laok after our busi ami 1.(1 split. would be ' dietSilks !y inches wide li'.v', 11:? TV.- fjoods, at the i . .. wide, worth 82 per rBS , Tan, (ireen, llrown and at.. We still have a email '/*.- - "> '.-eutri that we are sell T i'.vy, C?:?riKt and Krown they li.s!, pel yard 81.10. \ ; wl.i'e you can ?et your fit tnd you can buy them J less in forts. ; a il ctin soil them to you at lo :5.oo. Comforts from 7") jr. $14.00 12.50 0.00 0.00 3.90 2.00 2.70 1.95 l.-ls 1.25 89 enlimi but nvc havo not yourself. nun ii t: i s J >?,>