THE LEDGER.[ TRDRLOW S. CARTER, F EDITOR AND MANAGER. mmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmamaaarn IUUKU WKDNKSDAY AN D SATURDAY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1904 SUBSCRIPTION $1 60 PEP YE Ml I S "Cotton Crop Estimate?. j ii L'nder date of Saturday last, Latbuin, Alexander A: Co , have () issued a circular in which thoy os- ( timate the cotton crop for 1904 1905 at 11,300,000 bales, this re- (] suit being arrived at by figures ^ submitted by?'reliable and intolli- y gent correspondents in every cot- j. ton growing county in the South- t( ern States." The firm states that s it?"etIorts to obtain approximately n correct results have been as diligent and thorough as it was t possible to make them, and the following table is the result: Estimated i r >p. Cro,?. ^ Htates. 19J4-!9I5 1903-.1904 Alabama 1,150.000 1,00#,000 Arkansas 800 009 705,00.) Florida 60,(MM) 55,000 Oaorgla 1,650 000 1,825,000 Loutaiana 900, (MM) 824,000 MisaiBelppi 1,500,000 1,387,000 North Carolina 640,000 543,000 South Carolina 050,000 825,000 i Term A C AOkTy 550.000 451,000 Tex and I ml Ty 3.20J.OOO 2.8^6,000 ' P.timula.l )/>).>! It '(III) linn in nil mm ' It is added that the "gathering * n o season has been exceptionally line J in all sections and the cro^ thus far has been secured in good cuu- 1 dition and marketed rapidly, on account of urgent deinunds from ' spinners, who carried over very 1 small stocks into the new cotton 1 year." ' In connection with this cstimute of the New York firm of 11,300,- 1 000, it is interesting to note that ! A. J. Vick of the firm of Hayward 1 Yick & Co., leading cotton doal- ( ( . era of New Orleans, while in the 1 city yesterday stated that he did 1 not believe the crop] would bo over 11,250,000 bales, and that in view of this indication the price hould not be less than 10 cents. A special telegraphic canvass * made by The Journal of Com- 1 1 merce, of New York indicates a 1 crop of 11,275,000 bales. These c three estimates seem to be un- 1 usually close together. ?Charlotte 1 Observer. 1 . ? . . i Former Greenville Woman Mur- * dared In Georgia. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 20.? News wai received in thia city * toaight of a double tragedy at * Kenneeaw, 58 miles from Atlanta s on the Western and Atlantic v railroad, in which J. it. Butler of Augusta, an engineer on the c Central of Georgia railroad, had a shot and killed Mrs. Lola Green 1 of Atlanta and mortally wounded * himself with the same pistol. ' The tragedy occnred in a hack in * which the couple were riding to ? the depot to catch the train to Atlanta. The exact nature of the trouble which led up to the 11 killing and suicide is unknown. n Mrs. Green came to Atlanta from sl Greenville, S. C. " TO CURE A COUGH ii The coughs ?o prevalent these days d usually develop before you realize . what hat happened. Now the best tl thing to do Is to take the most reliable cough cure you can get. None betlei than Murrays Horehouud Mullein and Tar. It is made of the purest in- (| gredlents and can be given to infants as well as grown people. Above al| ^ else It CUKEri. You will find it at 11 druggists. 25c a bottle?extra large J1 bottle. a -Tax Notice. f< ^ 81 Notice is hereby given that the ( time within which Town taxes can be paid without penalty expires on Nov. 30th instant. The tax books are now open at the i office of C. D. Jones, Esq., Town ' Treasurer. If not paid on or before above date, executions will issue for taxes with costs and P penalties. R. E. WYLIE, ? Nov. 21. IQ04. Mayor. ix- Governor Thompson Dead. ormer South Carolina Executive Passes Away at His Home in J New York - Funeral in Columbia. New York. Nov. 20 ? Hugh S 'hompson, former governor of outh Carolina, died at his res', ence hero tonight. Ho was horn 11 Charleston, S. C , in 1S3G. In eceut yenis'ho was comptroller f the New York Life Insuranco Company. No funeral services over the tody of Mr. Thompson will ho iciu m iins cuy. 1110 iioiiy win to taken to South Carolina from ere at 3.25 o'clock tomorrow afeinoon. No arrangements for erviccs in Columbia have been mule, except that the interment (ill take place ou Wednesday afornooti. Quarrel Over The Propriety Of Asking A Negro For A Match Result* In A Fatal Stab. Huntington, W. Va.. Nov. 20. ? Anthony Martin was stabbed ;o death on the itreet by Durnie Coon, son of Couucilman fohn Coon. Martin and Samuel Ltitteukouse, wuilo walking along ike street stopped a colored man ind asked him for a mutch. Coon was pnasing in the opposite dir- | action, und he nuulo the remark that no gentleman would ask a negro for a match. The men 2ume to blows, and Coo* stabbed Martin to death. Coon also plunged his knife into Rittenhouj? uukiug an ugly wound in the neck nut Le will recover. Coon walk3d up street with a bloody knife n his baud and surrendered to tko nolice. Youog Man Kills Himself. Asbeville, Nov. 20.?John O. jf rimes a well-known young man )f this city, employed as bookceeper in the nursery department >f the Vanderbilt estate, at Biltuore, couamited suicide this rnornug between 10 and 11 o'clock by aking poison and then plunging nto the river. It is said that a ove affair is responsible. KILLED BY A WOMAN. Due West, S. O., Nov. 21.? 3ennett Haynes, a young man rom lloneapath, was shot and intantly killed last night by a young roman, who lived in the red light list riot. Haynes, with several tber young men were carousing ibout the house, which has anyhing but a good reputatino, when hey became mixed up in a row. 'he young men were drinking, he women were in bed, and anther homicide h isbeen added to the >ng list inSouthCaro/.int's record. The woman who did the shootig is only 18 and had a seven tenth's old baby in her arms as be passed through he-eon her my to jail, she did not seem to ealize her position and was laughs ig at the by-standers joke9. The eceaied war. a widower of only tiree weeks. ? It was found necessary Thursay morning to remove the hand of t:,... *t: f> 1. -L. ii?b iuujuiu ivushvii, who wan in? lied at the College Saturday fternoon. The operation wai per3imed by Dr. VV. G. Stevens, agisted by Drs. Hirschrnan, Miller ad Lynn. The patient is doing icely.?Rock Llill Record. ^ f Aei'voiiiA. emh th? /> ^61' "d Vou lia.fl Always Boc?fn ? Me are celling a great many joods regardless of cost. Come ind see before you buy. Lancaster Mercantile Co. Sequel To Tatuall Tragedy. Eugono Edwards Avenges The Murders Of His Brothers. Macon, Oa. November 20.? Additional reports of the trngody in Tulnall County, Oeorgiu Saturday, in which A. J. Edward* was killed nnd Coy Edwards beaten by the negro Dftvis, ?>ny thut the wife nnd mother of the two men notified Eugene Edwards of the occurence when ho roturned from a hunting trip. He started in pursuit of the negro, catching him just as the negro got even with ft man named Wray who was driving a wag on. Edwards fired, tho load striking the negro, who returned the fire. The negro dodged behind the horses1 head nndEdwards behind the tail of the wagon. With Wray ducking between them, they fired as they caught sinht of each other. Edwards was wounded in the face by n splinter knocked from the wagon body by una of Davis's bullets, but the boy kept firing and reloading, using bird shot. Not until the third load struck the negro did he reel and stagger to the roadside, whereupon the boy run to him and emptied both barrels of bib gun into his body. Then lie jumped upon the negroes body and slumped out any life that remained. A great crowd gathered and wanted to burn the body of the uegro and lynch his family. A counsel ill those two si ed Cheviots an shades. Our 1 right up to tht wish in that lii Jackets and O think the preti this market, preciated and ' W e are still clothing mann more. Also A lenburg & Co. terns in browi call tor. All we do not dres isfied for any < We are still h DOUGLAS, Shoes, which s lilies thai are i r yover, have i our Lawns, Pi and make a pi some price. Furs, which a for the Fall ?1 in October, 5 dirtily invited. that will satisf < past patronage we are, r -mii Lai LIME OF IY GOODS* FEKE1) TO THE ith h as just return lie seoopccl in some st and lots of other bai tion. 10WNS AND GREE colors, we b< tiades in Mohair, Cri icl Whipcords. Broa lotion department is 3 notch, and anytlii ne we liave it. Tailoi apes. A tremendou tiest and cheapest e1 An inspection of san will insure us a sale, CLOTHING handling the celebr ifactured by Strouse l. B. Kii sell ban 111 & ,, and other lines. ] is, grays and any co we ask is to give us hs you up, we will Ik of our competitors to andling the GODMAN, and DR ire three of the best manufactured- Not v decided to sacrifice tl ques and Veils, < irehase for surely tl Ju?*t received a b< re very cheap. Be illinery Ope/dn^ firs th day. All the la Groceries of all kit y the inner man. Th ! and hoping for mor< Youri? to > ufc k Ira NCASTER S. PUBLIC. ed from the artling values rgains too nu NS ought heavily avinetts, Mixidcloths in all complete and ng you may r macle Skirts, s line, and we ver shown on tie will be ap? ated high art & Bro., BaltiCo., and SnelBeautiful patlor you may a look, and if * perfectly sat,have the sale. EW SELBY and strongest ?ishing to cart 41 ! ??