Let L'd be Thankful. By proclamations of tho chief exeuctivos of Iho Slate and at the nation next Thursday is a day set for public thanksgiving. It is the on* day in the 365 that is peculiarly dedicated to a public expression of gratefulness to God for His goodness and bounty. It ia fit that all good {people should join in the observance and participate in the spirit of the day. Ah a whole, the people of South Carolina have reason for more thun iuual thanksgiving. The state has made progross materially, educationally and spiritually. It has been blessed with . , prosjierity; the tields^have yielded abundantly of their harvest: the ssasoua have been propitious; the crops have given satisfactory returns and the farmers from which class flows the prosperity of al I the other classes ? have enjoyed an nnusually successful year. The ono great cr^p of the State ? King Cotton?has been safely gathered and the profits have been reasonable,indicating a satisfactory condition of stability without any symptom of speculative or ' boom" values. With the prosperity of the farmer has come the prosperity, in varying degrees, of the other branches of business?tho tradesman, the artisan, the profossional man. For this material prosperity we should b? grateful;we should offer thanksgiving to Him who sends the rains or tha sunshine, who causes the seed to burst from its shell, to grow into its maturity and at last to yield its harvest to man. It is God's work. Educationally, spiritually, and in all the things pertaining thereto, South Carolina has also, we trust and believe, made progress. New schools have been erected,old ones have been improved. Mure children are in attendance upon these schools. In the realm of higher education satisfactory progress has been made; the colleges of the state have, without exception, reported greatly increased attendance. The citizens are more than ever aroused to the need of an educated generation of young men and young women. The seeds of odueational progress are sown and the results may be awaited with confidence and hepe. Suroly for such a condition, for the awakening of such a spirit, for the stimulation of a sentiment which means so much for the future of the state 8outhCarolinans everywhere, from the mountains to the seashore, front the east to the west, should ponr out thanksgiving. With the educational * advance has come its fellow?spiritual advance. Public evils are less flagrant. Outbreaks, against law and morality have been decried with more effect. Public opinion has been more uncompromising in its condemnation of crime and disorder. The Dublic nulse has _ r i ' beat traer; the forces of civilised government have been more assertive . The publio mind is besoming saner, healthier, more wholesome and more respecting of the laws of man and God. W e have much to thank God in this progression, but the goal is yet afar. There is still a great work to be done. \ - r Personally, we have each of us much cause for thanksgiving. Im ? m\j j^uui vji uiiiUI IUsate that his or her plight might not be worse. We are all blessed In a degree. If you are poor, thank God that you are not poorer. Jf you are sound in body and mind, thank God that you are; if yon are sick are in pain,thankGod y that you are not worse, and think of those who are more sick and more painful. If you are in sorroWj remember that tbe world is full of sorrow and that there nro tlioso who are mnie sorrowful than you. However poor, however sorrowful or be?et wy troubles urn) afflictions, however marked by misfortune, there uro thoso who have even greater burdens to bear Thank God for your station in life, whatever it be Tbauk God for the world about us. And on Thanksgiving day say some thankful word, do some thankful deed. Remember the poor and the afHicted. In the providence of God theuo unfortu nates are always among us. In his very city tbore are ?men and woiucn and children who need help. For one day at least let those feel the c\veet j< y of thanksgiving; let them breathe of the spirit of the day. Remember especially the aged ami the helpless poor. Seeing these, we shall be better able to offer thanks in a just apprecatien of the more bountiful gift* that God has bestowed upon us. Our thanksgiving will be a thanksgiving of the heart.? The State. A RUNAWAY BICYCLE. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. It devoloped a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years, then Bucklen's ArnicaSilve cured. It's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at Crawford Bros., ?). F. Mackey & Co. aud Funderbark Pharmacy, Drug Store. Col. W. C. P. Breckenriilge Dead Lexington, Ky., Nov. 20,? William Campbell Preston Breckinridge died at 11.40 o'clock tonight from a stroke of paraysis sustained Wednesddy. The end oamo peacefully. The burial will take place Monday afternoon in the Lexington cemetery. DANGER OF A COUGH. Pneumonia, gripp, cold, bronchitis and nearly every other dangerous sickness of this kind is usually the de velopment of a slight cough Too many people are laid up and too many d e from diseates where they could so easily knock that first cough in the head. Murray's Horehound Mullein and Tar cures colds. It drops the hot torn out of a tOUgb. Every diuggis has it for 25c a bo.'tie Remembe "Murray's and take no other. Regur iar 50o *fao. Chose Seven Years. While holding a term of the 8upreme Court at Augusta, Maine Judge Walton sentenced a man to seven years in prison for a grave crime, sayB the Philadelphia Ledger. The prisoner's council asked for a mitigation of the sentence on the ground that the prisoner's health was very poor. 4'Your honor," said he, "1 am satisfied that my client tannot live out half thut term, and 1 beg of you te change the sentence." "Well, under these circumstances," said the judgo, "I will change the sentence. 1 will make it for lifo instead of serenyears." DOESN'T REdPEUT OLD AGE. It's shamefuf when youth fail to show proper respect for o.d age, but just the contrary is the case of Dr. Kings New Life Pills. They out off maladies no matter sever and irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perfect Pill. 26c, at Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackoy A Co. and Funderburk Pharmaoy, Drug Store. Did AdT ROUS W KECKS Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wreck* of sufferers from Throat and Lung trouble. But since the advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, oven the worst cases can be oured,and hopless resignation is no longer necessary. Mr* Lois Dragg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discover^ This greac remedy is guaranteed by Crawford Bros., J. F, Mackey & Co. and Funderbnrk Phar marcy, Drrugist. Price 50c, and $1.00 Trial bottle free. Circus Was Robbed of Thirty Thousaud. Forepaugh & Sells Brothers Sustain a Heavy 'Loss.?Several Employes Under Arrest. Norfolk, Vs., Nov. 19.?While en route on a flat car between Greenville and Tarboro, N. C., early Satnrday morning the ticket wagon of the Forepaugh and Sells Brothers circus was entered and robbed of $30,000. j The entrance to the wagon was effected by the use of the regular keys, which had been stolen from the treasurer of the cireus. The robbery was not discovered until after the entire circus, which was traveling in three sections over the Atlantic Ooatt Line, had reached larooro. mo ticket wagon wai on tbo second section and arrived at Tarboro at 1 o'clock Saturday morning. The first section reached there a half hour earlier and the third at 3 o'clock in the morning. It was 5 o'clock beforo the robbery had been discovered, and from that time until late tonight, when the last report was received in Norfolk by telephone, a continuous search of the effects of people connected with the circus has been in progress. The police are holding a man and woman, both performers, on suspicion of having committed the robbery. It has been impossible so far to secure the names of these two people. Several theorios are held by the police and circus people. On* of these is that the robbery was committed wbi'e the train was in motion and that the money was thrown off the tiain. Searching parties are at work along the line between Tarboro and Grecuville in an effort to find any trace of the money or of any person who might have left the train with it. Up to this time no one has been misted from the circus crowd. Another theory is that the cash has been bidden in Tarboro the robbers, and innumerable search warrants have been sworn out. Armed with these, the regular police and special detectives, are searching ever\ in boro thought likely to coDceal the money. There were a score of arrests made during the day among the circus people. All apprehended were taken into custody on suspicion, and while in the town lock up their belongings were searched at the show grounds. Absolutely no trace of the monoy has been found. LAROE REWARD OFFERKI).<> Charlotte, N C., Nov. 19.?A special to The Observer from Tarboro says f2,000 reward is offered for the apprehension of the person oi persons who robbed the Fore. pnugh-Sells pay wagon. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear, the Signature of C+^fjt7'CUcJUi4 ^mBKxnwremommmBzrmm* m\ tmjmwmmmmmmmm? ?? PILES! PILES! PILES! I)r, Williams' Indian File Oln Invent will cure Blind. Hle?'ding,Uloereied, and Itching PIIms It absorbs the tumors allayn the itching at onoe,' acta as arwmlUi e, gives Instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian File Olurment la prepared only for Plica ami Itching of the private park* and nothing else, livery box Is guaranteed Hold bj druggists, tent by mall, for 50c, and f 1 00 per box WILLIAMH 'F'G CO . Prop's, Cleveland, OIUo Hold by FtinderburK Pbarinaoy. ?189 acres,5 horse farm open good buildings, nbout 50 acres in woods, two pastures wired i .Vi II be sold s.s a whole or di ded into two tracts. About 7 o* 8 miles Northeast of town. A bargan. Call oh T. $. Carter, Agent Ordered New Trial. Juror Entertained by Plaintiff Dn^ nuji the Hearing. Greenville Kewe. T. P. Cothran returned yesterday from Abbeville where he has been in attendance on the Court of Common Pleas in session in that city. When asked about the progress of litigation there, Mr. Cothrau said that the trial of the case of Wilson vs. the Southern. Railway had been suddenly stopped by tne iatarferenco of Special Judge Ernest Moore under most unusual circumstances. It seems that the hearing had progressed satisfactorily during one day and moat of the testimony for both sides had been adduced. Night camo on, however and racers was taken nntil the following morning. When the court convened Judge Moore learned that the plaintiff had enlertuiuod one of the jurors at his home, and that the man bad even spent the night at Engiueer Wilson's home. The trial was immediately ordered to he stopped and will have to he gone over again at a subsequent term of ther coot. While there was of course no evidence of any fraudulent attempt on the part of the plaintiff to influence the juror judge Moore did not consider that ouch a case should ho allowed to go unnoticed. Anxious Moments. Some of the most anxious hours of a mother's life are those when the little ones of the household have the croup. There is no other medicioo so effective in this terrible malady as Foley's H6ney and Tar. It is a household favorite fcr throat and lung troubles, and as it contains no opiates or other poisons, it can he safely given. Sold by Fonder bulk Pharmacy. AN OLD TIME REM ED V. Murray's Horehound Mullein and Tar has Id it the purest of drugs All of which weie used '?y our parent* and grand-parents. J is a {combination so put together Ilia? it cures a cough right ughs. Ask your druggist for It. They nil have It. Get u hotile now and have it ready t'o-ts only 26c a bottle?extra laigc bottles? regular 60c siz->, Kemenbcr to ssk for , 'Murrays" and take 110 other. APoiicemau's Testimony, J. N. Patterson, nipht policeman of Nashua, la., writes, "LaBt winter 1 had a cold on my 1 lungs and tried at least half a doten advertised cough medicines and 1 had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. 1 A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tat and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicioo tti the world." Sold by Funburk Pharmacy. Prepared to do the Work. 1 have put in a gasoline engine with which to run my sausage and b>ne mill, and am now better preDared than ever to servo the nnhlin with the best meat to be had. 1 have also attached to my engine a wood raw, and can saw and split your wood on vary short notice, right in your own yard. Call me up-market phone 43, residentce 50 2f S. T. Black mon. j Foley's Honey and Tar always stops the cough and heals the lungs. Refuse substitutes. Sold 1 by Fundeibnrk Pharmaoy. i nrmr/.nr " >? f 'jaded ?(>:) UOI;U?UJ ascj|j h 'viHwmoo I s-a-a-a-i-o i S IUOJJ ueinsrtJBd 1*8 \ AiixNvno j R AinvftO 1 I'UJa7>oin ?J? Ul*|?4* J??(|0 /f 'P?9t|? 4??4 4m?o |Mq ' ?{) M? M??v ?" *l?o ?ojf ii*ppn *?i ?p?w A-V-M->i-A-W X-fi-l-fl IAH3NIHOVH ONINNIO ^ 1 1 J1 ?I iW . 'J. _ U L. The Kind Ton Hare Always Bong In use for over 80 years, has - and has b All Counterfeits, Imitations and Experiments that trifle with aa< Infants and Chlldreh?Experlen What Is CA Can tori a is a harmless substitu goric, Drops and Soothing Syrt contains neither Opinm, Morph substance. Its age is its guaran ahd allays Feverishncss. It cui Colic. It relieves Teething Trot and Flatulency. It assimilates Stomach and Bowels, giving he The Children's Panacea?The M GENUINE CASTC Bears the 8if: ( JZz&rT-i The Kind You to In Use For Over TNI NITMII MMMITi Tt MURRAY I lyon's French Per Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless,! RESULTS. Greatest knowu femalerei PAtlTinM Beware of counterfeits end Imitations. Tt UHU nun ton with fac-altnlio aiuiiKiuia cz c'.ds er t Bend for Circular to WILLIAMS MFU. CO.. Bole Aftst*. Sold by Funderburk Pharmacy. f less si 1^ H* D. B >w.ra \V G. Bowers Sf BOWERS' BROS. ^ Mtt Builders and Contractors eat LumbA'.all kinds. for sale. |.| Dressing Mid Matching at short LI notice I I Turned work and Jcr Tl'll Bfltmsr: ;> al y ? th? most It sating ssNy in ? worlrf y j rht, and wWck ha {? ? borne tbo >ifnMnr? vi ?on made under his parirrlsion since Its Infancy. >ne todeceire you in 4h^ "JostHM-rood" are he* 1 endanger the health crt cm against Kxpedaaearh STORIA U> for Castor Oil, Pare ips* it u rwiinc. ! tine nor other Narootio tee. It destroys TTonne res Diarrhoeu and TTlnd ibles, cures Constipation tho Food, rsfulstes tho althy and natural sleep, other's Friend* ' )ria always nature ef _ Always Bought ' 30 Years. mwrr. mkw torn* mit. iodical Drops sure to accomplish DE5IRBO ncdy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. ' ie gesnlne li pat ?p onlr in pule-bow* 0s? ,bo bottle, thus: e "ti n i J We valeoT KMT BO UN D. litncaiiUi, 7 15* m 3 46 p m Fort I Air if, 7 14 a m 4 IS p m IJa?cc?M?tlle 7 44 a ro 4 Si) p m Rlobburg, 7 60 a en 4 41 p ni f'haatar, 8 15am 5 16 p m i harintta, Po R 9 65 a m 7 10pm i 'oiumbla 8o Rll 60 a m I 05 a ai Yurk*?,CAN W 0 48 a m (4aatonta.CN s* 10 38 a ni (,?n? lr. ? 4 n, r 1 If p *i Atlanta.a a I, r 4 69pm KAHTBuUlTb. Atlanta, a a 1, r 100pm Can Lr.eA n,r 106 p m i I. H * ~ ? ixMuni in o uu p ra Yorfcvilla " 6 60 pm (Columbia, Ho R 6 10 a m 6S5 p m Charlotte, Ho R 6 16 am ChrtBtei, 10 00 a in 8 30pm /flchhurg, 10 40am 8M pm Baeooin vlJle, 1060 am 9 00 pm Fort Lawn 1106am 911pm LanoMter, 114 0am 910pm CONNECTIONS, hnater ? Bout ham, M??*t>o*rd and ? Una A NorihwMiaa. railway*, ancastar? Bou'liaix lVillray. A F I/0LDRK, dast Traffic ROY *PRl> nn. ?*??t and Traill? Manager. Notice to the Public. [ will hold all inquests in the inly. Fhone to my reaulence PtaftMU't Hill for me when ?4, nt 11 o'clock a ni.t i will to the lowest \ espon?i?.lo l?id\ho contract to tmild a bridge 088 YVftxhaw Creek on the now (I, near E. E. Fer^nsoa'a pUce, L *). Perry, County Super vigor.