TR3* g l? Fb ffii ! '. Vi> tto M . . U THURLOW S. CARTER, KDLTOK AND MANAGI'K. flBflBOnBMBBBBBHBff'? * I ISSUED WEDNESDAY AN J> SAT! RI)AY SATURDAY XOVEMBKU 12tl), 1 0,;ei Homicide Shocks Richland. l'ttii Dispensary Constables Killed Kuch Olhei at Eastover. - Quarreled Over An Overcoat. The State, 10th inst. One ot the most startling and shocking tragedies that has r? r evt-r heen known in llichlund occulted late yesterday afternoon in peaceful Ivisto' or, when two dispensing constables shot and killed each other. As is usual in the reign of citne and carnival of carnage that now holds sway over South Carolina, the utiair was precipitated i.v u <]ii:irrol over a trivial thing? an overcoat. The dead men are J. L Irby and S. A. Phillips I'wo men had been sent to Easloror and hud left this city about z o'clock in tuo afternoon in a buggy drawn t?v two horses. They readied the pretty village late in the afternoon and evidently spent some little time there. it was soon after dark when they stopped at Ivarsee'w store, and Irby got out of the buggy and went into the dure to search it. lie loft his o re I coat in the buggy with Phillips, who drove ofi' down the street. As he was driving the coal dropped out of the Imggv to the ground. Irby soon came out of the store, having found no whiskey and was standing in I he door when Phillips drove back on the other side of the streo!. Irby call to him to come over, and when he did Irby told him that there was nothing ^cio whiskey) there. "Lets go back to Columbia," said lr[>y Puillips jumped from the buggy and said to Irby, Now you've got your coat. That will prove 1 did not steal your coat. You have got to give me satisfaction for saying that I did steal your coat. "I did not say you stole tuy cuai. 1 ;cii 11 in your koeping. You ought to have known something about it. Com? and let't go back to Columbia. There'e nothing hero. "No I'm not going beforo I got satisfaction. You said i stole your overcoat ami I'm not going uolil I get satisfaction," repeated Phillips. Mr. Karsce, seeing that there was to bo trouble, took hold ol Phillips and told him to got in tho buggy. Lie did so, and Ir by started to drive off but his companion snatched the reins and said "Lot mo drive tho buggv over to McKenz'.o's store. Another account of tho tragedy is given by anothor witness. Philips came into the store of Mr. Ed MeKenzie, and taking him back into the rear of the establishment said: "Mr. Irby has insulted mo and I'm not going back in tho buggy witb him. Phillips then wont out to tho Kllirnrv with \1 I- MnlTon'.in n??'l ^ j t. .11? ii&i , iiivivvu/iio aim told Irby lie would not go with him. Irby insisted on hie going but he still refused. Irby pulled off his overcoat und laid it in the buggy, taking from it his revolver; which he stuck in his hip pocket* lie caught Phillips by the collar and told him lie bad to go, and at the same timo shipping his face. McKcnzic got between tho men and tried to part them, proposing that Irby should go in the buggy and Phillips on the train, or vice versa. Irby caught Phillips by the collar again, 8lying ho must go in the buggy. Then it was that Phillips drew his pistol and shot lrby, at lie same time run] nmg away. Ii by drew his own revolver and began to shoot at Phillips firing several shots, 80 - >??~ . i w???mmmmmmmmmmmmam^ it is underbto d. McKensdie, to out of t!io L'uufiio ran iuto his store. Phillips fell dead, shot through the back jtintvwhere the suspender cross Irby walked about a few moments and then went into the store and was told to sit down. He 1 iveil possibly 15 or 30 minutes but died in .the ehair where he was sitting. Dr. L. N. Hook, the nearest physician, was sent for but as ho was some distance in the country at the time of the homicide lie did not roach Irby until he was almost dead. *Dr. Hook said that the wounded man breathed twice after hi i arrival and then expired. As far as ascertained last night he tuado no stat? nient after the shooting, except that he said "He's got me" just after Phillips tired at him. He . . . . - I was sum aooui midway between j tbe breast and abdomen and practically in the median line. Ho ! probably bad an internal hemorrhage. Both were drinking. It is said that Phillips hid been drinking heavily and was in tact intoxicated, while Irby, who had also been drinking, was able to know what ho was doing. Robbed and Locked in Vault I After Taking ?15,000, \ri/.ona i County Ollicial Locked in Vault by Robbers. 1 Prescott, Ariz., Nov. 9.--James ! B. Storm, county treasurer ef this county, has been found locked in the steel vault of his office, bound and gagged with ?15,000 missing trom the cash funds of the treasury. Mr. Storm hud been in the vault 1G hours when found today by his daughter. He says that about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon while seated in his office two men entered the door with handkerchiefs tied over their faces, and, presenting a revolver to his head, ordered him to thrc^w 1 up his hands. Storm complied | and the I?o men closed the door j of the office and produced a string ot bailing wire with which they securely bouud bis ban is and i feet. Thoy forced a handkerchief i into his mouth and pushed him inside the vault. After gathering up ?15,000 and i leisurely ransacking the office for ; mole money, the men closed the door of tho vault, locked it and departed. Storm was unable to give an . accurate description of tho mon A RUN-AYV *B1CYCLK Terminated with an uglv cut otv i the leg of .J. B. Orner, Franklin I Grove, III. It devolopcd a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years then Buckleo's ArnioaS live cured It's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at Crawford Bros., J. F. Mack* ey & Co. and Fundcrbark Pharmacy, Drug Store. ? ? ? O '?v? ? SHERIFF'S SALE. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LANCASTER. In tho CommonJPIeas. Emma O. Htnsoii. Mary Abhe ("rawforil, (J. Treiihulm Hiisseliiiie, uiul J A. Hassolllne, Mayo Hhsm ilii.o, Iitda Hasseltine by tnetr Guardian a: mem j rosier ai no e.t'iuli tills, against Fannie W, Lamer, Defendant Pursuant to a de-'iee in the above stated cause made by Judge It. (3. Waitt, dated Oct. 120th, 1904, I will sell at public auction at Lancaster court house on the */*V ' FIRST MONDAY IN DKCEIiL within the legal hours of sale, the fob lowing described lot of land, to wit: All that piece, parcel or' lot of l*t d lyiug, being u d situate in tin I own of Lancaster taunt ?'f l.a>cnster and state ' f South < aioiina, bounded on the North by lands be onging to the estate of I ?' <*linton, on lbs West by lrv ten-room dwe'l t g r.lro a servant houie. j Terms of sa'o CAVH; nmc'inser to ' pay for panel's. J 1' HUNTER, I J H Fostkh, S L C. '} Plaintill's Atty. ,jp~ 11 ii y E VER OFF El i Our Mr. Heath 1 j North, where he se in dress goods and Jinerous to mention, BROW . Being the preyailii in flwien f\m jam uiiiuiv cd Cheviots and W 'shades. Our notio right ii]) to the not I wish in that line w ; Jackets and Capes, think the prettiest this market. An i prceiatcd and will j 1 CI We are still ham clothing- manufacti more. Also A. B. 1 1\11 "t* W ? ^ 4T? -?> > JLCllUUl^ iV V^O#, Hilt terns in browns, gi call for. All we a jwe do not dress yo i ci B rk /l t / kit ? * * * -?r / \ t* ah ,iani;u mi au^y ui Oil jWe are still handii I DOUGLAS, GO! H ft iisnoes, wmcii are I 'lilies thai are mam 17 ever, have ol wis led to sacrifice (lie iiiid Veils. ; o cot ise for surely tlie^ received a beat try cheap. Be sti iry Opening, first ay. API the ladh aceries of all kind: inner man. Than hoping for more ii Youru to ser iSTER S. C JBLIC. from the tling values tiins top mi r ght heavily Lnctts, Mix loths in all implete and >: you may aade Skirts, ine, and we r shown on will be ap3d high art Bro., Balti- _ and Snelautil'ul pat you may look, and if erfectly sativc the sale. WSELBY >d slronitest hiug to carprice on all ne at once y will go at ntiful line of ire to watch Wednesday ss are eors and such iking all for a the future, ve, ! /t to io."