' * ' ? J.iwmia m , .. . . . 1!. ; mu L ?--< " -~ ? ~ . . ? - - . VBmMArW a GJLBTKa, J iJt ^ n,, pHm W?r?km tffti irr^-g* J if ftr Ml j, ^1?? Aii* | ? i miimii 1 ^y.' T>CIVSZ"i *3 * 'Xi,.v> * m VMUWEKKLY L A N O AST E 11. S. O.. NOVEMBER 12, 1904 " j~7'7 Ha'.'' KKXKXXXKK^I^^^i ? - ? - - X WEB X A** in V OUR ANN X == OPE * FILL AN, X o< MILLI X WEDNESDAY X WEDNI I Oetoher I X WaRoc. ww v/ >( invite a K to come g OUR 6( $ LANCASTE KKKKKKl PROFESSIONAL CARD De M P Crawford DrRCVBkowc CRAWFORD & BROWN Physicians and Surgeons. Lancaster, S. C, Treatment of (be eye, nose am throat a specialty. Calls promptly answered day 01 night. Office over Crawford Bros Dtug Store. Phones: Office, No 176; R idencei Nos. 11 and 86. Business Ediinat.inri PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS ! YOU neer a lucrative nosltl n. Our graduate; are In demand. Let us as?i.st y? u. wi have assisted hundreds?they are li positions. We offer special ratei Jdacfest'sS. 0. Business Collect Columbia, S. C. Aug. 89, 1904?tf. W. F. LANEY , Physician and Surgeon. Calls answered from office ii rear of Funderburk Pharmacy J ! it. J .-.1 i uunug tuo uay, uihi irom l'G81 dence on Eltn utreot at night. . Reiidecce phono, 38. Office phone, 118. *!) *S 'ANVdWOO AU3MH0VW S3Q9K) iNii aiuaigM'AMS NIHOVM OMIMVNMOIMa 'rillM MM03 'AMSNIHOVN HAITI ONV ait)NIH? 'AMSNIHOVN NIMMOMOOOM AM* 111*1 MVS 'AMI - IMOV* DNINNIO 'IHlllOi 'UNION) A1TVOWS V S1NHU06] 91IUM00 IMIVMVU^VIAI EG TO I ounce i>e | X UAL FALL V NING ? g ) WINTER $ NERy, >? x .AND X [SPAY WIGHT v i, in, aectively ? 11 Ladies X and see JOBS. 5 KMEB.CO. ? X ^ 14- D. B iwers. VV Q. Bower# 1 ' BOWERS' BROS. Builders and Contractors . Lumber, all kinds, for sale. Drtasing and Matching at short | notice. r Turned work and Scroll work a spec* iatty. fi^Glve US your orders, BOWERS BROS. Near Depot. Feby. 28, 1004. I ?wen?? Go to the ? LANCASTER MARBLE ? J AN1) ; GRANITE WORKS, f For Good Wnrlr and I ?? ( ? ? .. ^ . ?*MU JL-.W TT Jl 1 1UCT ; A. J. MicNinch, LANCASTER, S. C. ' 1 E J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. i 7 Working on credit doesn't pay, and my terms from this time henceforth arestiictly cash. Reasonable Prices, Gold Filling $1.50 Amalgam Filling 75 cts. r* ft . v v>v RUBBER PLATE, Full upper set of teeth $12.00 Upper and lower set $25.60 t^"~rbese prices are strictly for cash. No work done except for cash or good security. J. E. RUTLEDGE, Dentist. Ho who udvertises for a^wife may get what he advertised for but he seldom gets what be wantled. v Happenings in ine state. As Chronicled by the Alert Co respondents of The ColunTbit State. JIM BROWN RELEASED. Florence, Nov 8. ? Jim Brow the negro who was brought bac from New York and wlin barl hold for betting tire to the Dix warehouse, has been released, tl officers being 6atificd that he is tl wrong negro. YOUNG MAN KILLED IN SALUDA. Saluda, Nov. 8.-Today at aboi 12 o'clock, while on his way t the polls, doe Donny Wills, young white man 22 years old,th son of ex-Auditor Wills, wi shot and iastantly killed nee Berry's cross roads about te miles from here, in this county by Johnnie Berry, also white He was shot twice with a breect loading shotgun, one shot takin effect in the breast and the otht tearing off the back part of h head. There were eye-witness* to tho terrible tragedy but node tails can be had at this distan< from the scene of the killing. SCAFFOLD FELL AND KILLED TW MEN. Charleston, Nov. 8.?Wbi! directing the work of several me on the roof of the residence < Mr. Samuel Israel today the seal f Iding gave away and Mr. U. '1 Musters and the three slatert Frank tlogan, Levi Michel an John Butler, were precipitate a distance of 40 feet, resulting i the death of Mr. Masters imux diatelv and of H tarun n enimin n l"~ v hours latorandthe probable dent of the other two men. WHITE MAN CONVICTED OFMURDE IN OCONEE. Walballa, Nov. 8.?Com convened here yesterday morn in Special Judge Joseph A. McCul ough presiding. The tirst Case to be taken u was that of Earle Rocbestei charged with the killing of Wa ter Mills on the 12th of Ma last. Both Rochester and Mill belonged to prominent familie and their relatives and friend were presont in large numbers Much interest was manifested.Th rendered a verdict of guilty jur of murder in the first degree at o'clock after having been ou three hours. 1 1 ?nw uiuur uumiciue cases wi probably come up at this tern that of Lee Soegle for killin Marvin Docison and a negro fc CD killing another. NO! A SICK DAY SINCE. "1 was taken severely sick wit kidney trouble. I tried ull < medicines, noue of which relieve me. One dayl saw an ad of you Electric Bitters and determine to try that. After taking a fe doses Holt relieved and soon thei after wus entirely enred, and ha* not soen a sick day since. Noigl bora of mine have been cured < Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Livt and Kidney trouble and Cioneri Debility." This is what B. I Bass, of Fremont M ri t?ntu Only 50, at Crawford Bros., J. 1 Maciey & Co. and Fundeibui Pharmacy Druggist. The chap who thinks ho knov it all is an easy mark for the bui ko man. ?? mm ivitin lviiied W'liilo Iieat-I ing A Hide. ^The State (Jth inst. 1 Yesterday morniDg, about 0 ' o'clock as heavy through freight i No 22 on the southern from Sa- ' vannah to Columbia was nearing Thors station it became necessary | n to (lonble the h?ll a few miles I ;k south of tho town. ;n The train crew found two , ie young white men beating their joiwuy una put thom off. When i jeltho detached part of the train was 1 being brought up ono of the i young men fell under the train j and was killed, his held being j . ciushed. ! 11 .1. . His companion gavo the young . man,s name as vYill Smith and a his home as Greenville. llo * ? was about 25 or 30 years of 1 18 age. ir ^ ^ 1 Baptists Fighting Lynching, b The Baptist Ministers' confer1 cdcc of Richmond has recommend- ( * ed to the Virginia Baptist convon- j tion, soon to assemble, the is adoption of a paper prepared by 1 38 Rev. Dr. S. C. Mitchell of Rich mond college ?hich is a protest against lynchiug. It is bold by i Dr. Mitcholl thai lynching is : ...? I * I - * ?i 1 wrung uuu uio iouowing reasons ? tor that contention are enumerated: le 1. Because it does not 6top in crime. jf 2. Because it brutalizes a comf munity. T. 3. Becauso it tends to widen j, the scope of its jurisdiction, d 4. Because it sometimes coiir* d founds the inuocent with the n guilty. e- 5. Because it hamstrings the )f only power that can afford us profa tection under tho anomalous conditions in which we of the south live. r G. Because it projuccs the worli against us. 7. Because it frightens from ^ our borders desirable immigration ? and investments. 8. Because the lynching of nnirrnnrt int-?nuifio? ^a^inl K5m?.. -n """ ullL01' D6S8, and retards any helpful adj' justmenl of the strained conditions in the South. y ^ 9. Because it inpeaches the spirit of fairness in the Anglo'8 Saxon. Is 10. Because the continuance of ' hnching will tend to bring federal interferenceg Readers of The State will re^ cognize each of these arguments. Shey have seen them presented jj singly or in groups before. Mr. j Mitchell is endeavoring to impress ^ those persons more likely to view * the practical, material side than the moral To those with a moral conscience ho could well place as the first reason why lynching is wrong that it is murder, often :h the most cowardly, cruel and demoralizing kind of murder. >(* Every lyncher is a murderer; no )(j arguments can wash tho bloodw stains from his soul.?The State. f6 DANGER OF A COUGH. b- Pneumonia, gripp, cold, bronchitis and nearly every other dangerous sickness of this k'nd is usually the de 3r velopment of a Slight cough Too al many people are laid up and too many ? die from diseates where tliey could so easily knock that first cough in the 8. head. Murray's Horchound Mullein ?\ and Tar cures colds. It ?lrops the hot i torn out of a v.ough. Everv druggist has it for 25c a hoitle Remember "Murray's and take no other. Regular 50c size fs Woman likes to ho called a bird u- until sho suddenly rotnenibors that ' parrots aro birds. ' BEAD lliS A man says he can iv- ok* t' > Ki.-si.tn will relieve those sinking sp?-Ii.- N't ? our low prices for same >r mh Wo unfurl to 'he pop rali :i < 1 ?? > 1'liHii.lisc (hat it has ever t ?? tin- | U;t-i.rc posseHrt. No doubt you till ku<>\v I? local ,, \ l.'ruwford lit oh Drug Hf re, cm >i mi prices, for we arc lietidq.mr.c: hire lor h.;i GOOD GOODS Mammoth Stock of G>u?l s (Mot hi; Y ut i toadies Clonks, Sacqucs, Jack s ami 10 ron dylos, all pricea. UNDER WEAR UNI) Children's. We :,sk yo i spc-ial ; . [>artmeiit. We will astonish > oil mt>ia* ..a Mens furnishing good.*, Notio..s, i ,, , , ; , hildreus and Ro\s Shoes, which ws tells.il some woman do.snh te'l li; ?ro great DA IU 5 AINS. compare, cflmt ire Wo ? nly nave room to m -i ti ut a f w n plain li4ure-i. Mens Suits, $15 every .v. Men's Suits ?12.50 every where o L. u 44 44 $10.00 " 44 44 41 ?9.00 44 u ?i 44 ?7.00 4k 44 4 4 4 4 ?3.00 44 This is only n sample of our lo .v p:ie. . iuantit>. The greatest bargains ever )vercout3 for ?11 00. ?0.00 ov. i j i !ov ?4.25. Our Boy's Suits: We'll tneti'ion a li ti4 suits at ?2.50; ?3 su ts at ?2; ?2.50 Ladies' Suits. ire sold over tlie Globe sit ?1 > t > ?U>. PG.50 LAIHLS SKILlTS: ?^ >ki:M-- wt at ?2.50; ?3 skirts wo soil at ?1 5 ); ?1 Impossible to menti m all of our s shirts every where 50,?, our pri e 05 e. without a shirt. HATS ! HATS !! Ask to see our Hat Department before Wo almost forgot to mention our waists for Ladies. All stylos, shades i our bargains in Ladies waists. The ? ?1.50; ?1.50 kind elsewhere, our price prico 75e. Wo are not bothered abou ored about room and they must go. 1 Pauls for Eve ?5 pants for ?3.60;.?4 pants for ?2.7.' for ?1; ?1 pants for 70c. We have in lion. AM we ask is for you to conic ai is your money's worth or your m >n<\y Yours U Hip jhiitiiiicivi i in1 uvimn/iim -- Sulfr MS NOVEMBEI Tho greatest gathering of m?rryni\Uet * linn. Everybody Welcome, Star performers of the Midway g Balloon Ascentioti and Parachute Lenj tower by a woman enveloped in tlames Daring High Wire and Trapeze Perfc AUTOMOBII FIRST IN Tilii SilBTil, $750 PtRTlfll Firemen's Tournament,1 Military Prize Drill. $25i Live Stock Show $J00 ji Knight, Tournament $12; Floral Parade, Trad's Di-phiy, I oth^r entertaining features. Com I thing freo and a hospitable wo!<. ;u . Thanksgiving Daj Wii CVrilDCIAM DITL'C AM juawukjiuh i\;isLiJ wn ? iavy ?li. h :i j iv'.cnt medicine that n it ! tit. vis >1 ; 11nt will yet around I.aui-a r Comity aud surround 1 and I -t M:-!fcle?l stocks t.f meri?f ui i i to hold, occupy or ! >' u it the ' i-jeiis :ry and tls if yc ,1 ;v. looking I'll* Jl)\V ;aim in- \V r .1 / the ilnp in cation ll'id.'a t oriv. pondiii? drop ia on.* i'; . 1- ?y ' a:u! C:iil.troll's clothing, Mill*. ins all shades, colors unit li; P \\1 V \ U Mi'ii'u Lu i '^1 IV dies' and v vis t<> y > thi vi di this tie-. i(..\ 'rlt i W i ivo a I ifil to our if Jj, ,.i ? it': (>.'t'tothiiiir. I";i'I an I oomph; lino of Ijudius, coini>> tilion ? m. Wo deny that e will and do in hi I pro if. i'iuio . !' l!? will tell you tluil our goods tjiftp 3i?',v'! 1! vv* lower our prices of our piMl goo Is mark :d i 'ie el e, our pi ice $lo. our price $1M)0. 4' 44 7.50. 44 ' (>.00. 4 4 4 I 50. 4 4 4 4 0.75. Tl. ro is 'otyl'', quality and known in oveivo us. $'S.OO - for M.O >: 8 s. Oil overcoats w (1 iheni. 80 suits at $o.75; suit i at 81-5. >r in ale, ui -to- Into, !atc>t dc uir t .it handsome. Tboy We - ii them tor 8 s, 87 50, : a 181 511; s;> skirts we sell J7 a/rt . we soil at IS cents, 'vie- \ 1 prices. Xeglegeo mts. No excuse for going All styles and prices. 75c hat for 50a; $1. hat for 75c. i buying. large and varied assortment of and cuts. Listen at a few of J kind everywhere, our price 08c; 8L kind elsewhere, our t low prices, but we are bothjarge Stock of LAN L'S. rybody. ?: 80 pants for $3; 81.50 pants my g.i k!s that we cmuot mould see and the beauty about us I..W.1, UiiV, IV . > please. mi i *22-25. s ever lioUl ia South Caro fiverytliinj? Free i jq tree street exhibition* daily ->. lli^h Dive from 90 foot Chasm Leaping liicyeliat, jrinors^ etc, etc. i PitlZSS. 50 (AitS TO MTB. ?550 prizes offered. r\ j prizes, jrizes. d prizes. [mm! Hull, Firework# ami many > Sn nt'. r Fostival week. Every il be tins Big Day. ALL RAILROADS