THE LEDGER. TITORLOW S. CARTER, EDITOR AND MANAGER. ISSUED WEDNESDAY AN D SATDKDAY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1904 SUBSCRIPTION $? 60 PEP YEAR Gon. .Jesso S. Finley Dead. Lake City, Fla., Nov. 6. ? Gen. Jesse J Fmloy, ono of the few surviving brigadier generals of tno Confederate array, died here today. Gen. Finloy was 92 years old. lie was a Tonnosscean by birth, coming to Florida in 1848. Hesters Weekly Statement. Now Orleans, Nov. 4.?Secretary Hesters weekly cotton statement issued today shows for the four days of November an increase over last year of 37,000 bales and an increase over the same period year before last of G3,000 bales. For tho 05 days of the reason that have elapsed tho aggregato is ahead of the same da> s of last year 1.037,000. Tho amount brought into sight during the past week has been 500,450 bales against 563,705 for the same seven days last year and 5S2,163 year before last. Including stocks left over at ports and interior towns from the last crop and tho number of bales brought into sight thus far from the new crop, tho supply to date is 4,277,556 agaiust 3,105,911 for the same period last-year. Letter to W. C. Thomson. Lancaster, 8. C. Dear Sir : Three gallons saved is $12 to $15 earned. Mr. Hanford Piatt of Bride port, Conn., ordered 15 gallons Devoe to paint his iioure, and returned 3 gallons. His painter said it would take 15; a leadand-oil painter. Hubbell d -a n ? /\ rki r-1 4- n -?? m iv ? >; * ' JTDR] ? j 4 1 ! EVER OFF* ,. . * '* '<1 ; - Our Mr. Heath * I * North, where he s in dreSs goods an< merous to mentioi BR0\ i i I j j Being the preyail in those two shad ed Cheviots and \ shades. Our noti right up to the nc wish in that line 1 Jackets and Cape think the pretties this market. An predated and wil C 1 .T* ;* . . ? no We are still hai 'clothing mahufac wi rv j A 1 c* A TJ UiUIC. /11?U /i. JJ lenburg & Co., ai "terns in browns, g call lor. All we ! we do not dress y isfied for any of o We are still hand i : DOUGLAS, G( i Shoes, which are ; lines that are mai < ry over, have dec our Lawns, Piqu< and make a pure! some price. Ju: Furs, which are for the Fall Millii in October, 5th dially invited. G that will satisfy tl past patronage an w'e are, ?**- J. . .. -Willi Lanc juuu[it:u in ouinu oturtuii 1 lots of other bargains a. m ANB GREENS ing colors, we bought es in Mohair, Cravinef Vliipeords. Broadclot] on department is comp )tch, and anything y< we have it. Tailor mad s. A tremendous line, t and cheapest ever si inspection of same wi 1 insure us a sale. LOTHING idling the. celebrated iiiTPil Kv Sf;Tr?ni*flD Mr Tim ?. MX v/vt. T Ky VX \7 WkJV/ JLFM. \ i. Kirschbaum & Co., a ad other lines. Beaut *rays and any color y ash is to give us a loo] ou up, we will be perfie ur competitors to have Lling the )DMAN, and DREW fc three of the best and s aufactured. IVof ytishin ided to sacrifice the pri ?s and Voils. m> come base for surely they v st received a beautifi very cheap. Be sure ik. ' o > w ? r iiery upeMng, nrst w < day. All the ladies ; roceries of all kinds a le inner man. Thankic id hoping for more in th Youp" to serve, >. J P.-- ' +f;.'rT IP f .f ' k Mile IflSTER S. C. it V? S tmf + r vwv \t LiIG. om the g values } too nu. heavily ;ts, Mix- -t lis in all lete and ou may e Skirts, , and we liown on 11 be ap- ' high art ? )., Baltind Suel- . iful pat- : ou may k, and if jctly sat- ; the sale. : */ SELBY itrongest g to caret ott ail ' at once y fill go at . ill line of to watch ?dnesday are cornd such lg all for ie iuture, . '' * \ . * V ' ' ' }, ? ,-rfV . Il* ' f . . V vV \ ! mlKS