^0 MM . - . _ --fe ' . f r ' < * *. 9 *mt ** \ ' ^s^p5a^T?. ostites. j ' Ajnuaa^jtot iHpapar: FlfrlA* JP>cc*cC?t.v ir ; fitei&al ^ " "aeeacrr/ai JSyteweCi | ^.. lUWftrCSjSi a ..... ' - ,?--,. - . . .._? | .. Vn^vt+Km* rn.tfiSKKI.Y L A N U A 8 T K K NOVEMBER 9, 1904 " ~ ~^~"'T"AliLlS(IIidTK? *5** ^ ^ -^/y ! 9f nr* r?j i !*. 1 'i WEE X a 3DM v/ 0 OUR ANN t rtu 0-E x o? MILL! <) WISSNESOA] X WEPNI X II | | jf $ We-lie8] 5V" ^ ' ".' ? to come , 1 'OtTK. Gf< X"' LANCAliV E , 'PIIO!' E 'riION A I1 v A IvI). Da M P I'UAWFi-.ui) I)u It (.' Hhowi OR VWFORD A I!HOWN Physicians nnd Surgeons. I>a.master, S. (J, Troutmsrt ,of the eye. noss am tb?oa a rpceinUv. Calls promply answeTrd day o utfeii'b Office over Crawford Bro> D' 115 Store. , l'-*' ' Phonesr^Offlon, N? 170; It itleuoc N?'S. 11 and 36 ' Business Xflducatioi PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS! j* YOU ?t?el as b intr h ai st practical; tl ey have n-> superb* Instruction irlven ts- Urate! is-. N other Wusintv.H e'.!l?'jrc-__JTf r t.c ter xl tt. E iter now mid |>rep?i /or a luer.iUye pi-elo ii. Our unolua't are in deiiiniid. Eet in HSHst yi.ti. w have ft.*etate<) hundreds?tlipy :?rw i positions. Wo oft'or special rate Alac/eat's 6. C. BneigcHK Col leg Columbia, S. C. Aug. 29, 1904?tf. oaiwmwisniiwii i n?mnasxxzsmtsmu W. F. LANEY, Pbjsician and Surgeon. Call8 answered from office i rear of Funderburk Pharmac during the day, and from rofii denco on Kim street at night, ilesidetico phono, 3H. OflBco phone, 118 P mar a vsafTM\ir 1 COMPLETE EQUIPMENTS A SPECIALTY. engines, Bourns, oinninq machinery, saw mill and woodworking machinery, shingle and lath machinery, corn mills, brick making machinery, klmoreo lines 0BBES MACHINERY COMPANY. Columbia. S. C. MMMMHHHMHiHHHMESittliifcfil V TV ^ ^ T* TV ^ ^ ^ & El G 1 C) y ounce No Xs [UAL FALL X: NERyi' ^o' ?': f AND . ^:: ?J8JHI saltan i XI i| {w S iilllf lm?u % Xp 'II W : and see S* J??BS, x 'y c RMEK.CG. J: X H ^ ^ ^ notice. r ! Turned work ami Scroll work a spec-. A , ' 't J?"Gi vo US your orders, 1 .] BOWERS BROS. c xt r\ i a our uepot. - : Fetoy 2.i, 1904. ft i ^ ! || | ! Ml'lIMM IIIWI ? II? I1WIH J Go to the '?! LANCASTER MARBLE i, S I ? ? V TN t > P ;j GRANITE WORKS, '' * For Good Work ami Low Prices l ojA. J5 McNinch,; LANCASTER, S. C. ' b * i ? * '? ? I jmt* tzrmas J. E RUTLEDGE, Dentisl, Lancaster. S. C. n n * n V t?r Is wonting on croon doesn't pay, ' and my terms from this time I henceforth nroatiictly cash. t ;5 a' onabio Prico?, a Gold Filling $1.50' Amalgam Filling 75 eta. Cement F'lling 75 ct * ii RUBBER PLATE, I c Full upper sot of teeth $12.00 j j Upper and lower act $25.50 j i f hese prices are strictly t) for en8h. No work done except for cash or good security. J. E. RUTEEDGE, Dentist. |? * >T*(*.-aue.TL'...r-xrtc.vT' r?omr.a .nr*:. ? . 1 t ii t moat i Hr?<3? ' i .-. i '. f I * nappenmgs in ine Mate. is Chronicled by tho Alert Correspondents of The Columbia State. * PEEDY PUNISHMENT GIVEN. CHESTER NEGRO. Chester, Nov. 4.?There was a * aso of speedy punishment on the potting day of the court of sesions. Lewis Williams, col., comn^tud housebreaking and larceny on tin 30th of October. On the I'd f November ho was indicted for tic offence, pleaded guilty to ic indictment, was sentenced t ? tie year on the chatngnng and egnn to servo his sentence before uodown of that day. RECEIVED DEATH RKVTWvnp I Chester, Nov. 5. ? 111 the court f sessions here today William iardiu, colored, was convicted of' nuder and sentenced by .Judge Valts to bo hanged on Dec. 10. Hardin's crime was the killing f his father-in Jaw, Henry Sailors, iu September lust. ilebeceu Walker, colored, chare d with the killing of her hnsbmd, rlo\or Walker, on Aug. 0th, was oiivictcd of manslaughter. ller ouncil gave uolice.of a motion nv n low trial. DAVID OTT RELEASED ON RAIL. t Orungebui g, Nov. 5.? David )tt, who was arrested on Monde v + L urged with having committed a rimnial assault on Mi>s Lula humaker last Sunday nftoiuoon nd who was subsequently b n.ud ver to the ?ourt of sessions, i$ ut on bond. Col. Adam II. Moss, council or young Ott, appeared belt 10 udge Duntzlcr yesterday and rplied for bail for his clieut, which nis granted in tho sum or ?3,000. tl: - ... iiiis was promptly furnished, lr. A. A. Ott, father of tho lisoner, anil Mr. T. R. R. McJants, being tho sureties. Tho case will doubtless bo tried t tho January torrn of court. 'HORN WELL OHT1LANAOK SUFFERS FROM FIR?r Clinton, Nov. 4. ?The Monior il Dining hall of Thorn well orhauago was dostroyed by lire ist night. The lire was discovered about 1.30 o'clock anil hu^'?hen gained uch bB^?rjfway as it imicssibld to/->avo tho building. The est tliat' could bo done was to rcvout tho fl uiies spreading to ho dormitories on oach side, in irbich the inmates were asleep ylifln th? 'I u?..~ ^ vivxnii. 1 Ut'l U VVCI'U o siceping apartments in tho lemorial hull hut it was fitted up n oxcelUnt btyle and tho financial t>ss is heavy. Tho building conaincil dining room, store rooms nd kitchen, the last being furnsbed with modern ranges and updiances lho destruction ot the mildiug leaves the orphans with lolhing to oat and no place to ook or rat if thoro were provisons on bund. Despite the lato our, however, citizens of Clinton re prepaiing to feed the children omorrow. Hut tiolp must co 110 iiomj'tly to put things in shape gain and Dr. ,Jacobs, tho supornloiulent, apponls to tho people a?i t-- ' unMijju i n? ottuo tor contribui< ns nt once. The bnrntnl hnihliiig wan ercC >1 ti) popular a <(?hcpj.U it -, chiefy from PronbytoriaaH in 1888, < \ i iwkj W! S r Iln;.!-O|iio btollO kitlUC 1 |... . j : turc. about 50x00 feet, costing | about ?10,000. It is supposed tliat the lire started. from ono of % the ovous. o NOT A SICK DAY SINCE. 0 tli was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. 1 tried all of medicines, none of which relieved / me. One day! saw an ad of your ^ Electric Sitters and determined \ to try that. After taking a few ? loses 1 felt relieved and upon thcie ] after was entirely cured, and have ( not scon a sick day since. Neigh- 1! hois of mino have been cured of .? Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver ^ and Kidney trouble and General t Debility." This is what B. F. a Bass, of Fremont, N. C. writes. ? Only 50, at Crawford Bros., J. F. Mackey & Co. and Fundeiburk S Fh.irmacv Druwcist. a fx=mayor M'Cuc Guilty. Convicted Of The Murder Of His Wife.?The .Jury Out L^s than Half 1 un liour. vl I Charlottesville, Va.November 5. -J. Samuel MeCue, for four years >; mayor ofChuilottesvilio, v. as found | guilty to-day of the murder of his ? wife, Fannie MeCue, on Sunday )X night, September 4, last. The $ verdict . was murder in the ? iirst degree, which carries with it tlm deaths penalty. The- j^fry' * deliberated less than half an hour. . A dead silence prevailed in the . i Court room when the jury tiled back into the chamber to announce ee the fate of the accused. The \ crowd that tillo i t he Court room \ remained until iho jury caino in. Mr. IvlcCu had grown nervous as ^ Mr. Gilmer, thu Commonwealth attorney, was closing, and the suspense while awaiting the jury's verdict whs ?t sovero strain f but he held up, occasionally taking I} ^Testament from a pocket and reading ^a passage or two. When asked to stand up to hear the verdict, ho rose calmly f and with set features hoard tho worS^ that sent him back to pri son condemned to the severest pen alty of the law. It was when relaxation came j (luring a half hours interim, whilo hi3 attorneys conferred as to their motion for a new trial, that McCue showed emotion. Ilia litjtle daughter linhy climed on his | tap, her eyes redened by weep- ' ling, and while she was thjie two other small children clung to hi.-, side. Great tears streamed down his cheeks. Surrounding tho group woro rolutivos, who scarcely knew what to say to cheer the young man. Tho verdict was received in silonco by tho throng, which literally obeyed the Court's injunction that there .must bo uo ^ demonstration. Connsol for tho dofenso inov 1 e.l that the verdict bo set Hside,on the ground that tho jurors bad read newspaper?). l'hy Court called the Jurors to the witness stand one by one and questioned them under oath as to whether they had read the newspapers. As a whole they said they had not been influenced by anything tlioy read j Tho motion will ho argued later. 1 As McCno left the Court. House to go t*> jail, accotnpained by four guards, a largo crowd was standing on tho outside, but there was i j 1 no untoward net. ! Foley'# Honey and Tar always I ~4. iLL I ? siu|js uic congn mid nc.us tno l in^f. Iiofunc substitutes. ^old by Funaeijbai'k Pharmacy. - f mm this \ in.1*1 Paj * !n* *"iv ; .?** >i t ; Russian N vill n-lieve tliobi* sinkim* sp1 ' s. No i at? ir , ur I \v prices for same <; -mis. WV unfurl to tin poj ulatioti of Luic eti Su tyles, nl! prices. rT AT I> t v T i t * I n ri\T!M u i\ i) &n w \ . a [\ u w i) l< hildieii'H. V '< : sk yo . speeiai i w urtmeut. \V- wiil -'nuYhjou lens furuishii; : ^onil.*, Notioi , , n* , fu hiUirer.s and HojssUuvs whie.h tve u*. fy e ny one will sr'.l yen lor leas moo -y t'i ?n \vo \ Uva>? tells.it mime worn in tl.? s ?'i t I first. 1 re ure.it 1J \ ill i A 1 N >S. 30ftSp&8E, GOMP, re \V n'y have room to in i li > n f w of n plain (inures. Mens Suits, 61 "> evi .y ,? li Men's Suits $12.60 everywhere else, o ?t 44 $10.00 44 44 4 4 4 4 $9.00 44 44 (i ?; $7.00 " 44 ; 1.25. Our Hoy's Suits: We ii i.un'ion ;i tew 1 suits tit $2.50; $ > su Is at $2; SJ..Y) hi LaSl; ? /, yre soul over the (.1 sit ;. t* to $15. 0.50 LADIES SKIltlY?: $s , lJrts we s t $2 50; $0 shirts we > l ill $ I 50; $1.2 Impossible to montior. nil of e tr sty hirts every where 50e, our juice o5 con I without :i shirt. [IATS ! HATS !! \.*k to hoc our Hat Department before* I We almost forgot to mention our la vaists for Ladies. Ail styles, shades an air bar., tins hi Liui:,: wniste. $2 ! 11.50; $1.50 kind elsewhere, our juice 9 >nce 75c. Wo are not bi Ihored about I ..I., ?> . i* ll Pshis ior liverj >5 pants for $3.50; ?1 pints for #5.75; or ?1; ?1 pants for 70c. Wo luvo man ion. AM wo ask is for you to come and s your money's worth or your money hi . Yours to ilajPfsli Hals ml liimlpi1 M tfsiSSSiVS m NOVEM BER Fiio greatest gathonng of muirytnakers linn. tOvcrybod.v AVelcom? * Star performers of the Midway gi' Balloon Ascention and Paraehuto Leap, tower t>y a woman enveloped in flames. Daring High SA' iro and Trapeze Perfor FIRST IN TUB SOUTH, $73? PlR'fli!IP,l Firemen's Toarn.intent, $5 Military Prize Drill. $250 Live Stock Show $700 :?ri Knight, Tournament $12;i Floral Parade, frail"s Display, Fo other entertaining features. (.Anno to 5: thing free and a hoapilahlo ".olcome. TDanksgiring Day Will EXCURSION KATF5 ON rtvy?h:'.8 a patent medicine that yet devised llint Will get around Lunca-; r County nud surround ml best s .deeded stocks of mer? Lati :ast? r to hold, occupy or a e Uo\v? or the Dispensary and if y? u a'o looking lor low >u. i s W reali/.e the drop in cotton d? a corresponding drop in our Hoys' and Children's clothing. It-, Skirts all shades, colors and 'T? W IV* \ 1-? M*n'8 ill ?i uall dies' and us to s!io\-- you through this de-? W?' h tve added to our large stock of Clothing, !1 ami complete line of Ladies, ompetition on. We deny that vi'.i and il m tud proof, rime >.dli will tell you that our goods ft ^ Thu-'s the way to U v# (li-ovcr linw nincn lower our prices our prices. All goods marked n> el e, our pi iee $10. ur price $9.00. " 7.50. ' 41 (5.00. " ?? 4 50. " 14 3.75. There is style, ipinlity and own in overcoats. $18.00 or $5.00; $8.00 overcoats if them. $0 suits at $3.75; uts at $i. 25. ! ado, up-to-date, latest demnothing handsome. Tbey Vv o sell them for $8, $7 50, d at$4 50; $5 skirts wo soli 5 skirts wo soil at 48 cents, les and prices. Noglcgeo ;s. No oxcuso for goiug All atylos and prices. 75c hat for 50c; $1. hat for 75c. Hiving. rgo and varied assortment of d cuts. Listen at a few of end everywhere, our price >c; $1 kind elsewhere, our o\v prices, but we aro bothge Stock of PANTS. body. ?3 pants for $3; $1.50 pants y ^ th ^ wo cannot menseo and the beaut/ about us icU. please. 2>>..25 mtJ Jam 4km rj ever hold in South Caro Everything Froo o tree street exhibitions daily High Dive from 90 foot Chasm Leaping Bicyclist, mors, etc, etc. ,E RACES mm. i?ij Dins to |TB. '50 prizes offered. prizes. izes. prizes. ot Hall, Fireworks and many mi inter Festival week. Every be the Big Day. ALL RAILROADS