Ujai liam^ ' 'OINTMENTS OK REV. J. MI W'i ITK. Jolty, 1st and 3d Hab'oath. Wills re k, 2d and 4th Sabbath, 11 m. t'le is mt Hill, 2<1 Hud 4th Sabbath, V m. When you want Candy, (then you Jhink of Candy Whtn you go to bet Candy ?et Mackottis. ? House arid 2 acre lot for sale at Elgin. Apply T. S. Carter. ? Rev. Chalmers Eraser, D. D. attended a meeting of the Synodieal committee on Homo Missions in Columbia last Thursday. ? Mr. Henry Barrof the Douglas section, who has been critically ill with fever, is reported as now being out of danger of death. ? Wanted ! A stnull tract of land within half a milo of Taxahaw. Who has it to sell? Notify T. S. Carter. ? Mrs. T. B. Clyburn, of Kershaw, visited her sister Mrs J. J Chrery hero this week. ? The Bright Light (colored) Bap'ist Association of this county met this week with the Red Hill church.* ? Rev. K. H. Fnnderburk will }h:each at Beaver Creek church on the second Sunday in this month at 11 o'clock a. m. ? Dr. J. G. Wannamaker, Jr., and bricto arrived Saturday evening and uro boarding at Mr. I. R Hayes'.?Kershaw Era. ?The Kershaw Oil Mill has ul ready ginned as much cotton this fall as tbey ginned the whole of the last season.-- Era. --Wanted ! A male teacher for ^ the Pleasant Valley High School. D. K Hull, Clk. Ihl This, R. F. D. No. 1, Osceola, S. C. ? Dont forget to vote in the generJ election next Tuosday. Vote the ticket from President down to coroner. Be sure ar.d vote for Congressman Finley. Remember he has an opponent ? the Reputilicanshaving nominated While of Rock Hill to run against bim. ? For Machine needles shuttle* and oil,call on Payseur over Mack orell's store. ?Mr. Lucius ,J. Horton, formerly of Korshaw but who has been making bis home in Macon, G.u, the past few years, was married Oct. 26th, to Miss Kate Knox of that.city. Mr. Horton is in the employ of B F. Adams &Co., of Macon, und is a young man of sterling worth and integrity. ?Otis, and Pat McKonna for disorderly conduct wore fined $10 each in Magistrate Owskoy's court tills week. They paid up. The Thorn well school was opened last Monday with Mr. W. A. Hughes as teacher. ?Thus. E. Miller, of the State college for colored youtbs will speak here Nov. 15th in tho interest of the new school building which the priucipul, M. D. Lee, is undertaking to intorest his people in. Miller is a ready speaker and an indefutigable worker foi the education of his race. ?Letter* remaining uncalled for in the post office at Lancaster for the week endirg Nov 5th, J 904, are as follows Mrs. l'!a Burgees, Mrs. Enmei Bricc, Miss Stella Hugh, Messrs Kooort Canada, 1'. M. Ilautt, Thomas Prossley, Andy Kenner ly,1. M. Stewart, 1*. M. Foley's Money and Tar for children,saft,sure. No opiate*. % " * < ' ? Mr. Chas. L. Wilson of Ker-! shaw is reported seriously ill. ?The adv. on our first page of the Southeastern Merchandise Co will interest you. This firm is destined to do a good business They have prices down right and that's vl'.at gets trade. Head their udv and givo thuni a call. ? A special to The State from ^ Newberry slates that Chas. 1*. * Pol bam, son of Dr. W. IS Pel? v h.itu, was seriously injured in a '' runaway at Ashevillo, N. C., la^t 1 Weduosday. " ? On the first page is an adv. of the Sumter fall festival which comes oil at Sumter Nov 22 to 25. Railroad fare will be reduced and our Sumter friends guarantee n you a delightful time and satis- ^ fnc'.ion in sight seeing. Read tlio 1; C n adv. u ?The little daughter of Mr. | John W. Wilson of theMagill sec- 11 t'nn died yesterday, aged about 3 years. t! ? Wanted n!t once Up-to-date (j agent to represent us in Lancaster ^ and Lancaster county. Now is j the time to make money with us. j Business already established. Call v on or address, The Singer Mfg Co, Charlotte, N. C., W. B Crook, mgr. n Deaths. c Wo regret to learn of the 1 death of M-s. T. C. Howzo of t Fort Lawn, which occurred Tuos- Jl day afteruoou at 5 o'clock after ? an illness of several weeks. Sho h was the youngest child of the late s Chappell and Sarah Howzo of v Bascomville, and hud just passed P her 3-fth birthday. She had only v been married about 1& months and a i i :.iu~.. i i 1 ?.? r iUUVCO UC8IUC5 UCl uusuuuu, two L brothers, \Y. H. Howze of New I York, ami E C Howze of Union, o anil four sistei s, Mrs C. L Dunlap, Mrs Dr. MclCeown, and Mioses Mary and Nannie Llowze, to mourn her untimely death. She ^ was a member of the Presby terian t church and a most excellent chris- j tian lady. Her remains were in- , i G tei red at Cedar Shoals church on v Wednesday after funeral services conducted by liuvs. ,J. H. vVilson ^ and J. .J. Brown. o ? Mrs Lula Bird, wife of Mr .1 j, L. Bird, aged about 19 years, died at her homo in Kershaw on s Tuesday, Oct. 25th, 1904, of typhoid lever. The remains were interred at Pisgah church the following morning after funeral services conducted by Rev. R. J. : Black mon v Young Flagman Hurt at Lar- 1 caster. s A young flugman, .JohnT. Mil- r ton, wrh severely injured Friday a afternoon at Lancaster, by being e thrown from a freight engine on z the Southern. The engine was v shifting some curs in the yaid, (] and youngMilton was temporarily ^ at the throttle. In some way ho (] was thrown from tho box by a | sudden jai and received sumo sc- f vero cuts and bruisos. He was f brought to this place and taken to l , Dr. Crawford's private sanitari| um, where he is now being treated He will be strofig and sound again j in a few days.?Hock Hill Record f c "I do not want any one's mon. ( . oy in my possession when I come < . into the judgment," was the explanation made in a letter received I by Mr. H. M. Broom a few days ^ ago in which was enclosed $1.18. The letter was written . by an Atlanta man with whom Mr ? r Broom had dealings sovoral years ? ago. Tho letter explained that j this was the balance due Mr. , ) 1 Broom on a transaction which he i had forgotten. I'ho stricti r honest | man paid compound interest on the balance due from tho time of tho transaction until the check ' was tent.?Monroo Enquirer. i Happenings in The State. V.9 Chronicled by tlio Alert Correspondents of The - Columbia State. i AWYER AND l'ltlKCE ACQ Li ITTED. Kdgctielcl, Nov. 2 ?G. I*. lawyer and Mr. M. li. Princo the wo Chaingang ovcrseors charge; vith whipping to deathWado Hart oy, a convict were aeuqitted here his afternoon. The jury renamed out only a few minutes. I division or chop resulted fatally. Conway, Nov. 2.?A telephone [tossage camo this morning from , Jayboro stating that Wm. Boll, a rominont man iu that community nd also a merchant, struck Geo Jell's wifo with a field hoe and nllicted tuch injuries that she ied last night. Four persons are implicated in ho affair, which is reported to tie no to tin old family feud and esterday afternoon whilo diviing a potato crop tho party divied and a quarrel at once arose, ; diich terminated in a light. ? BARN ANI> STABLE BURNED. Donalds, Nov. 2.?Last night bout 9.30 o'clock fire was disovered in the * barn of L. B. )unn a prominent planter of his community. Mr. Dunn was sleep and parties passing disovereu tho tire and attempted to reak open tho barn and oavo Iuo toek but their efforts were in ain. Two large barns and all the irovender and grains for a year rcro consumed. Four lino mules nd atino horse were burned. Mr. )unns loss aggregates $2,00Q .'hero was no insurance. The t igin of the lire is unknown. HENDERSON RETURNED HOME. Saluda Nov. 3. ?YV, D. Hen lerson, for whom the govornor onlay offered a reward was ted ly uv.ught to his home from tho home if a relative inGreenwood county, vhere he was carried a few days go that ho might receive the a - 1 ention needed by him on account if his wounds, boing shot in both lands and across the chest, lie is inablo to make his escupo, so it ]-. tated, even if ho w inted to. KILLED AT A HOT SUITER. Charleston, Oct. 3. ?An invest was held today over the >ody of James Green, colored, vboso body was found last right n a well on Ansou "street. It vas shown that at a hot supper on iunday, Green had ontered the oom and put tbe inmates to flight ,nd Charlesllayos, who was arrestel last night was tho man, who seiing an axo, struck tho blow .ul l 1 f 1 ^ .1 ? ? a i. t i ruicu uausuii vjrruuu h uuuiu. 11 lid not develop, however, <*ho >laced the body in the well, Hayes lenying that he did it. Ho claimed hat ho struck Green in solf do enso. Ho was committed to jail or trjal. RKI.ININARY HEARING BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. Orangeburg, Nov. 3.? The Preliminary hearing in tho case igainst David Ott on the charge >f having committed an assauld i ipon Miss Lulu Shuroakor last , Sunday afternoon was held to- ; lay by Magistrate G. P. Brunain. The Magistrate excluded :rom tho hearing everyono oxeep :ing tuo partios interceded and the ! Utorneya in tho case, and such witnesses as were otFored hy the Stato were examined. Tho young ady was accompanied by her father and mothor and a fov other members of tho family. As had been anticipated, tho magistrate bold tho defendant for tho court ;)f sessions, and ho was recommitted to jail. It is understood tlr.il Mr. Olid al .wi'li 'V- ;.4 ; ply for bail but it is not known! when the nppliciition will ho lnudo ns it will have to be brought before a circuit Judge. Mr. Adam li Mos? leprcscntcd the defense while Messrs. Kuysor Summers appeared for the prosecution. I \ Aaron Williams Respited. Columbia Record. Nov. 2.? Governor Hey ward today respited the sentence of Aaron Williams, a negro sentenced to hang Friday, at Camden, to December 2d. The case is a very peculiar . one and so far as was known ! there i- but oue like it in the -j history of the courts. A mau named David was convicted iu Abbeville in 18*78 and Governor tiampton respited his sentonco J on after-discovered evidence. A motion was made for a now trial before Judge Mackey, who held that he did not have the right to grant it, but tho supremo court held that he did, and David was afterwards acquitted. In this caso, the history of which follows, Solicitor Thur raond has been advised that he 1 quest a special term of court : On October 17th the following petition was hied with tho governor, asking a respite for Aaron i Williams, who wa3 sentenced to 1 bo hanged November 4, 1904 : To Mis Kxcellency I). C. Ileyward, Governor of South Car- j olina :? 3 c At tho general sessions court for Kershaw county, which was ^ held at tnis placo last week, one , f Aaron Williams, colored, was j convicted of having committed (1 rape upon Mrs. Langley, a white woman, and Judge Purdy, the triil judge, sentenced the pris | oner to be hanged November 1, ii next. We, the undersigned, citizens of Kershaw county, firmly and honestly believing that there ore 1 circumstances aud f 'cts connect- n ed with this caso which will ap- d peal to your excellency why tho . defendant in this casu does not deserve the imposition of the death penalty, respectfully petition your exoelleucy to grant a reprieve in this case tor at |least thirty (30) days until we can make the proper and convincing shewing why Williams should ( not bo executed, and our reasons i tberefor.;. The petition is largely signed. On October 17th Governor Heyward declined to grant the petition for the reason that it was too general in terms and ( soil today by Dr. W. B. Ciordon! and Mr. L. W. Boykin. < -? + < Important Notice to Debtors. ' AH notes and accounts are now dno and wc mast ask all pattios owing us to conio forward and settle without dday. Cotton is now bringing a good prico, and looks as if it will go lower. Wo liavo our obligations to meet and must insist on all parties paying us Parties indebted to us and wishing to hold cotton mmt mako arrangements for tho money as it is impossible for us to carry thom. Uosprej.- Goods are all the talk we ai )ress Goods that ever came to Lancaster. If er what color that may be, we can give it to y pretty line of mixed goods for skir s and i oine and see our goods before you buy and gel SHOES l et's talk a little about shoes. For Ladies nd Duttenhoter. For Men we e:irry fro-set nd Children we carry (' cents /.adics' heavy tleece lined vest at ?t 1 (), 1, 2d and i!fi cents. 500 pairs Ladi" he imir 10 cents. They would l?e cheap it I GQYTON GOODS S Standard faiieoes, tVt colors. I cents New v1. cents. 3(5 inch fine I'lihlcnched Sheeting t diecked hmnopun, the yar>l, 5 con's. I)?i\x : yard 5cents, Mattress ticking, the yard, 5 cei ro THE LADIES ONLY: For Friday and Monday only wo will Andrew Scoggintrs Bleached I)otn phono orders, and to each lady w< Yours foi E. E.C showing no specific reason why it should bo granted. It did not appear from the petition that the new evidence, if produced, would have had an effect, and would not have been other than cumulative. That duo cliligeDCO was f not used at the trial to discover this evidence. The governor c notified the petitioners to this effect, iuasmuch as it is a settled proposition of law that if an appeal had been taken to tho su- a preme court and that if a prima ' facie showing had been made of this that tile court would have remanded the case to tho circuit ' court to -allow a motion for a uow trial to bo made before that . !1 1 ttTI - ? ... triounai. vv nen tne petitioners v had hoon notified to this effect, * t affidavits were submitted, which t afiidavits were presented in per IP!' Is am? if you ippliedi come y Groceries, kerv, %/ 7 a ware, s ware, ill most any / s. come to me. / Brede Steam iackorel!. BliY A e Timepiece . GOOD ttlM m are buying Kvery art:. i and the reliability of the tin. ft-: our idea of storel \ reliable watch is a faithful vour pocket and run it as ntion. The time-keeping only by timely and skillful less is dependent upon the left to he repaired, and by it he is getting when we so old Watch, a Diamond King e to sec our ?1 Solid Gold S, HOUGH. 1 it ft JL?' eel or come to town to ?k your neighbors who (ID'S. >ods from us than you icy. ijija. o sliowini* (ho choicest line of you want a solid color, no maton and at your price1 We have suits. All we ask of you is t) t our price. t > we carry DOItOTIIY I>OI>I> and Arnold Hnoes, For Misses iher that these shoes are factory SG n we ever have before. W hy ? cheaper than you can buy any ii-f exactly what yon want. Wo idies 11 'ace lined vests, two for !. ? cents. Children's heavy vests s' lleccc lined extra heavy hose, cents AP.GAINS percale- in new styles, the yard lie yarn, o cents. Good heavy ) ?i11int?s, ji.'c'ty dress styles, the its ell in yards yard-wido estie for 71) ccntd. No ; ooly ftcl 1 10 vards. business, LOUD.