-> ?-?[' iirwin ii i ! ?in ?a? Btrum ? 'OINTMENTS OK KEV.J.K ".VI ITE. Jnlty, 1st untl 3<1 Sabbath. 10. k, 'J.I aii'l 4th Sabbath, II in VUnsiiit Hill, 2 I and 4tli Sabbath, V in. When you want Candy, (then you think of Candy When you go to bet Candy Mackor,: ?The Carncs school will open next Monday, 7th inst., with J. I). Walters as teacher. ?Miss Jorushu Mitchell roo\K.-nclack smith ut this place, died here Monday. ?Look for the watch and read B. C. Hough's adv. Cloud's new adv. will interest you this week. ? Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Striat; are visiting relatives in Chester! Count y. | ? Kailroiu Commissioner Caughman was hero Saturdav investigating the condition of the Bear' creek trestle on the Southern road which was recently reported 1111 safe by the grand jury of this county. ? Married on Sunday last, Oct. 25 1904, by Rev. R.J. Blackmon, 1 atthe home of the officiating minister Mr. J. Hampton Horton of the white Blulf section, and Miss Murv Jackson of Terrebonne Parish, La. I ? Coroner Caskey closed the inquest in the case of J. W. Morrison, the man recently lynched ut Kershaw,on Friday afternoon last. The jury was unable to gel any. : testimony implicating nn\ ono and returned a verdict to the effect tiiat Morrison came to his dentil at the bund- of parties unknown to the jury. i ?The ladies of tho Heath i Spripg Presbyterian church wilj j serve oysters at the residence of. Mr. L M. Hell next Friday night gth inst. Proceeds will be for! benefit of the church. ? Invitations have been issued to tho marriage of Mr. Jessie B. Rod ley, brother of our townsmen, Metiers Li F., and K 13. Koddpy, to Miss Sullie Wiles daugbtor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Wiles, of Columbia. The Marriage will take placo Wednesday, Nov. 9tb, at 8:30 p, m, ?Mr. John N. Nelson of the Uuity section will celebrate his 88th anniversary next Saturday, f th inst., with a basket picnic fit liiii hnma tn ufKinh till Kin ,olol!e 1 Rasolved that the Association ^ havo these resolutions published Cl aud that a copy be delivered the y 3ranford Club by the secretary if tho Association, and lastly ^ et it be al Resolved, that these resolu- C( ions be entered in the secre- Cl ;ary's book as a memorial to the tl (vise and kindly spirit shown by Q( ;he Cranfnrd Club as syrapathiz3rs in a movement for literary progress, Whert as,. that distinguished ^ urist and man of letters, Judge ^ [ra B. Jones, recogQizing the ^ seed of the Association fop lit- u, irature of a sound and substantial sort, has generously donated p i set of the Encyclopedia Brit- ^ anica for the nucleus of a refersr.ce library , therefore, let it be Resolved, that the Association w tt ocognize the full value of these looks aud use them as a stand- *c tl ird in makiug further selections, ind furthermore, let it be _ ' ft Unsolved, that the Association hank Judge Jones, not only for lis highly appreciated gif5, but ^ or the interest that he mat ifeste ^ >n all occasionsin the enterprise, ind lastly let it be Resolved, that these resolu ions be eutered in the secretary's 81 jook to form a lasting part of ihe Association's records. g John A. Jenkins, w Sec. library Association. Q] Lost A Big Check, B ?? 81 [Columbia Record. To lose a certified check for |5,000 is not a pleasant experience oven if the payment is Rtopped by j telegraph afterwards. This, how. ever, was the trouble Mr. W O burton, a contractor* got into * yesteiday. Mr Burton came ^ here on hie way to deposit a certified cheek for the above amount ^ on a contract npon which he was bidding, and while hero took in ^ the fair. The ckeck was. on a jRichmond bank and was in his coat pocket. There were a number of othor papers also there and a " pickpocket took the whole business. Mr. Burton did not dis- ii cover his loss until he came up Btreet and tb?n be at once tolo- Q graphed the bank at Richmond to stop tho chock. Bankers here P say that there would be no danger ( n in tho check gotting cashed, as c . L - il ' ? " " me unci would nave to provo his identity,but that Mr Burton might 2 be sorno time in getting his mo- j ney back. 0 % Happenings in The State. Vs Chronicled by the Alert Correspondents of The Columbia State. KOllERT WILSON CONVICTED. y Georgetown, Oct. 29. ? Court esterday was takon up with the 1 aso of Robert .WilsoD, charged nth the murder of Knox McColough. The jury brought in a erdict of guilty, with a recommendation to morcv, and the prisner was sentenced to the poni Bimury ror lire. 15oth parties fere negroes. j GIN HOUSE BURNED. | Bisbopville, Oct. 31.?TisdaU-e ;in house with its contents was ostroyed this afternoon by fire. 1 'ho fire originated in one of the ins and it is thought that there 7as a match in the cotton and /hen it reached tho gin through he flues it was kindled by coming a contact with the machinery, 'he loss was about ?3,000 with no isuranco. Mr. Tisdalc had $2,? 00 insurance but the company aocelled the policy a few days g?SOME THREATS OF LYNCHING. McCormick, Oct. 29. ? Moso I !o A/au, colored, was brought be- I ire Magistrate Price this morn " lg charged with rape upon the 3-year old daughter of Robert . L lelcher, colored. Tho deed was Dmmitted yesterday afternoon in c le Bordeaux section. He was k nnmitted to jail at Abbeville. hero is some talk of lynching uiong the negroes. Cowan acDmplished his purpose. Ho was iptured and turned over to the a lagistrate by two ot his colored ^ eighbors. n CRUSHED TO DEATH. Spartanburg, Oct. 31.?A. O. lahuffey, a young white niau em- ^ loyed by the Standard Oil com- ai any, met a horriolo death today d t noon at Pacolet, while hauling e supply of oil to th? store of the acolet Manufacturing icompany. [e was driving a heavy wagon luled by three mules and there as a good load on the wagon. In le road loading from the station > the store just before reaching io latter point, there is a steep ill. In going down this incline c le brakes when applied would JS [>t hold back the load, and began 8 aing faster'and faster. Mr. Ma- 3 ilt'ey was thrown from his seat irward and landed on the tongue F the wagon, between two of the g lules. Ho remained in this po? c tion for a short time, but in assing a little ditch in the road ~ le jostle knocked the man to the round and the wheels of the agon passed over his chest and rushed him to death. OASTOllIA. ? mm th* Kind You Have Always Bougff g Letter to J. L. Poag. Lancaster, S. C. Dear Sir ; If it took 10 gal- t( >Q8 to paint your house last 0 ime with somebody else's paint, nd takes 8 with Devoe, we save ou $8 or $10 ; for painting costs wo or three times as much as 0 aint. Mr. Ezra Rathmell, Williarasort, Pa., always used 11 gallons J f mixed paint for his house; , )evoa took 6. ? But that isn't all; that's only rst cost; how long will it wear? The paint, that goes furthest ( a covering, wears best too. i All paint, true paint, and full- ' measure, are on one side ; part : itti nt folna ~"J -1 A 1 ?cw.( paiiJU| auu Pliuri aeasure are on the other. What an you expect? 1 ^ Youra truly, 1 2 F. W. Dkvok ng as there's a kick in it without attenl ualities of a good watch aro maintained oi ttention. The maintenance of our busine uttiug of our best efforts into ovory job 1 illing our customer just exactly what iru a piece of goods ? whether it bo a Gol r a 5c tablet of Writing Paper. Ask lings. S,?I havo a big lot of Single Q d Double GUNS at prices that Dl efy competition. HT 1?T J now is rue thin If you tiavon't boor >r oomo to town to iliopplns and. will o jlibors wlio liavo tlxo rouL to Clouds. WHY ? Booauso you can foods from us tlx, >lsowli?ro for tlxo se Dress Grc Our Dress Goods nre all the talk. V'e nro she oods that over come to Lancaster. If yon want a s< rnt inay be, wo can givo it to you and at your price. 0O1I8 ior rkirih nna suus. ah we ass 01 yoa is 10 con ny and get our price. 8HOES. Let's talk a little about shoes, For Ladies we ca anhoter. For Men we carry Crosset and Arnold She arry CAE Shoes, llcmember that those shoes are uaranteed. Clothing-. We aie doing a bettor Clothing business than we iur clothes tit nice and best of all aro cheaper than yc Underwoa For Men. Ladies and Children. Wo havo just ex rou a few prices along this line. Ladies lleeco lined leavy fleece lined vest at 25 cents. Children's heavy >00 pairs Ladies' fleece lined extra heavy hose, tko pa it 16 cents. Cotton Cirooclss 13; Standard Calicoes, fast colors, 4 cents. New peri :ents. 36 inch fine Unbleached Sheeting, the yard minespun, the yard, 5 cents. Dark Outings, pretty Hat tress ticking, tbo yard, 5 cents. To tho Ladies Only: For Friday and Monday only wo will sell 10 y lUoaclied Domestic for 79 cents. No phono ordcrt 10 yards. Yours tor business, E. E. CU ED ! i ts and if you pplied come y Groceries, tery, a ware, i ware, it most any, come to me. Efcrede Steam * ackorell. BUY A i Timepiece GOOD EUY are buying Every art: and the reliability of tho in. Its our idea of storereliable watch is a faithful Your pocket and run it as Lion. Tho time-keeping nly by timely and skillful >ss is dependent upon tho eft to bo repaired, and^by he is getting when wo s el d Watch, a Diamond Ring to sec our $1 Solid Gold C. HOUGH. i U flmiiAf J UV VVIIlVt l down stroot ca.o your fall isls. your nol>y will direct "buy more an you can imo money. >ods. wing the choicest lino ol Dress jlid color, no mntter whet color We have a protty lino of .mixed le and seo oar goods before yoa rry D0U0THY DODD and Dntios. For Misses and Children wo factory made goods and every pair ever have before. Why? Becanao >u can buy them any place in town. r. actly what you want. Wo will give vest, two for 25 cents. Ladies vests at 10, 15, 20 and 25 cents, dr, 10 cts. They would bo cheap ai'^ains. mles in new styles, the yard 8\ I, 5 cents. Good heavy chcokod dress styles, tho vard. 5 iwnto ards yard-wide Andrew Scogginn ?, end to each lady wo only soil UUD.