v s."* Sv " >. r * v i * ? * C*' ' ? % f -\U * tf * I*' 5 v*jk', ?. * # *" . $2 PER ANNUM. CnAA^mTRARY^WAY,TY S WF ( SH^LKADN^THE'WAY.'" IN ADVANCE. NEUTRAL IX POLITICS DEVOTED TO LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL, SCIENTIFIC. GENERAL AND LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. VOLUME II. LANCASTER, ('.II.. SOUTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7.IS*!. NUMBER 14. R. S. BAILEY forth that John C. Allen had received a 1 portnnee of the work of Mr. Pease has | bedstead, or article of furniture in it. of I <> ? ??n:~ ? M?IYITAD ATtin DDnomrmAn maioritv of tln> ? ? ?? /? ...??? ? ? * ?:? jut/nun ahi; rni/rnifiiuft. tkrss: 'th* "LKDOKBn in published every Wednesday morning, at the low price of TWO DOLLARS per Annum, if paid IN ADVANCE; Two dollarn and a hnlf. if pnvmcnt be delayed tiireo month*. nnd THREE DOLLARS at the end of nix month*. ADVERTISING. Advkhtue vests will he inserted at scv enty-five cents per square for the first insor tion, and thirty Oven and a half cent* |H?r mure for each additional insertion. Siugle insertion, one dollar |H?r square. ^ortirfll | t Mr nnue a bird of passage Hies. from r roxcn chine" lo milder *kie?. | 1 young. j ' J : ' I For th#* Lodger. | j THE PLEDGE. I Ye young and uprising, O! Iienrkon to ino, , While I, a* thy brother, would speak unto thee ; The monster, Intemperance, ha* sit on his throne ' And triiiniph'd throng agon that hnvo pa.-t ami I ??w. < there hare won what grout evil" ariao , From hi* diond dominion and opened their ever; | > Tliuy hnvo, in some measure, hurlod him from ' hi? throiio, I ' Yet there la still left tmtoh by us to ho done ; For shame to Columbia, the free ami the grand, , Intemperance still hnrliors at peace hi uor land; j And many, alas, are too far now to save. And some will at length fill a drunkark's cold ' grave, I For mine who linro reached the meridian ol life, ! 1 And met w ith its changes, its cams and its strife, , Have tiionptit that when sorrows wen- rising a- j round, They might in the ctip of Intemperance be ' drowned. | I They try if, and find that, nla?! 'tis in vain, ; | To hope, from tlii>< method, one real phmaurc to ! S?l?; Yet *ii? t.ne, though an old maxim it lin* lieen, i That the womh are oat wiiib the lh|wor M in. And thus, by dcstioying nil their |>ower to think, t Tlmy hope to enjoy a real pica-one from drink ; ' lint ran any pleasure attend Mich a life, M'ilh closings from the gteg-diop they go to j their wile * And aho who to meet them with swe-et tmilet ' would go | i Stand- nfliightod ant) tremliling for fear of a blow It if n pleasure with i>uch shameful neglect To trout the fair being they vowed to protect, | 1 That fair lieing that makes even life seem more ' I dear And seems like an angel gent life's path to cheer, j , It ean be no pleasure to act such n pat t Hut shameful to any that hare a pure heart. Then lot us Improve who now arc but young j And yet by the Poison have not much been stung, i Nor say us I have heard some say in my life 1 "I would not get drank If 1 but imd a wife," ( Mow vain an excuse, just notice their whole life They marry the poison instead uf n wife. For if they should many they would grow more ' ' stem, i And say I have gone too far to return ; Then viewing those evils, let us not jmstjione Nor leave till to-morrow w hat, to-day should be done < For thousands of evils that I have .not told Attend all those w ho are intemperate till tdd As todiink but a little there is great danger in ftf being h diunkiud and wedded to the sin u< nznau in u nnn rierder, Hon. K. F. Alhton, rriVulent, ( fnuidinc. The Clerk called tlie roll, and a quo* ' rum of Senator* answered to their name*, i The journal of the hint day of the In At ?o?- t aioti waa red mul nniimv?.l The Senate proceeded to tl?o oWtion of Rending Clerk, in place of John T. Uood- ' u)?, esq., resigned: when I*aac Maxyek, I ??q., was duly elected. I After some formal proceeding*, Mr. ( Drayton announced the death of hi* pro- j dceessor, Hon: B. O. Albion, (which oc- j e*n, Esq., culled the roll, end * quorum of member* ?m formed to be in 1 attendance; whereupon the Speaker (the J loo. James Simon") look the Chair. when the Journal of the last day of the prior ieeaslon wm read and approved. Tha Speaker announced hie hating Jsaued sundry writ* since the laat sew ton, ordering election* to fill vacancies. The certificate* of election of tlie following named gentlemen was prcaented. and they appearing, were duly qualified. A. ih Campbell, P. M. Holler, John fl. p Felder, JoImi MaXwell. |2>a A certificate wae prcaented from (he nv i nxgere of Edgefield dieli ict^Wttlng - ? * : lo somo informality in the election, a pro- j teat had been made against his licing returned. A motion that the matter bo laid on the table was carried. Hut, at a aubsequent period, a motion to take up the subject prevailed. The protest and tliero papers in relation to said election were read. Mr. J. I. Middleton, of Prince George, moved to refer the papers to the Committee on Privileges and Flections. Mr. W. F. llutson, ol Iteaufort district, moved an amendment, proposing that J. C. Allen, esq., l>c qualified and admitted | to a seat. Mr. Middleton opposed tier amendment, iiiul narrated sundry irregularities in the election in justification ol his position, lie regarded it as the safer mode of selling ' the matter t<> let it go. in conformity with usage, to the appropriate committee.? fliu eontestanl(Mr. S. S. Tompkins) had rights which should be res peeled, and ' which claimed all due respect. Mr. It, P. Tilliiighast spoke in favor of j the amendment, as liirh* and nmtmr ll.? I f , c | i'Y* * IV41 eared ilie adoption of the ptinuiplc of i keeping gcntleine.i from llioir seats upon ; i more protest might work serious incon- i reiiicnce, as it nijit be earrii d to anc ?xtcnt. lie opposed lite motion to rofsre ; ,o a committee not yet constituted. The ertificate of a majority of votes in favor | Mr. Allen, though all might not have jeen counted from some inrormalitv,shoul I ! ?e prima furie evidence ,of his title to a1 seat. The election district should not be ' b | livedo!' its representation. Mr. CI. 1'. Sullivan regarded the people j i >f Kdgelield as entitled to he heard, hy | In- admission of their representative, and i et his opponent make his case out if lie mii before ti e eommii o?\ The papers resented *liow a majority of votes in fafur of Mr. Allen, and do not say who the ' i mounted votes were cast for. lie thcreorc hoped the amendment would lie td<>pted. The amendment wa? adopted, and Mr. Mien accordingly o*l mortem examinations be 1 u future presented to the Comptroller, to jc by liim settled; which, under special >rder, was adopted. Messrs, Unison, Kershaw, Ashmore ind Ciadberrv severally gave noticed of ntentioii to intror?, one must visit the locality :? j me must wind through those dirty streets j me] alleys, and see the wrecks of liuinnn- \ ly that meet him at every stephe must ' ice children so dirty and seyond bin power to imagine; 16 should m?o women, (girl* of not more .hen 20 year*,) reeling about the paveincuts in a state of l>east1y intoxication, without a trace of feminity in their ricioun races; he should pasa the ruin shop*, where men and women are quarrelling ind fighting and swearing, while childhood listens an-1 learns!?he should pass the second hand-clothes cellars, where hard-featured Jewish dealers hang out faded, refuse garments, (pawned by starving virtue for brcnd,) to sell In the needy half-naked cmiomnt for his last isnn*- I 1 rm""J ? i| lie ehould aee decayed fmit and vegetable* which the moat revenotMVwine might well root over twice before devouring, pure hated a* daily food by thcee poor creature*; hcrahould eeo p*nlU?nm{f) threading theee rtrtoU, not to make all minerv lews dod know*, bat to Mver the I net thread of hope to which many ?tempted one ? dcapairia^ly dinging. ~^IL* < - *< * ~ "! * TH v 2SSWS single-handed and nobly undertaken mcmhcring that men of wealth and i encu (in op]>cshion to Mr. Pease) to j>etrate this modern Sodom. One should spend an hour in Pcae's house to Rec the constant d upon his time and strength, in the s'. of calls and messages, and especially applications for relief that his sle: purse, alas, is often not able to ans' he should see his unwearied patience activity, admire the kind sympatl heart?unaffected by toil or the frowi temporizing theorists?ever warm, pitiful, giving not only, the crumbs t his table," but often his own meals to hungry?his own wardrobe to the n:i ?he should sec this and go awav 1 i . siiamou 10 nave lived so long, awl (J so liiile to help the maimed, and sick, lame to Retl.soda's Pool. I will relate an incident which occii some time situe, at the House of Indus and which serves as n fair sample ofd occurrences there. < hie morning an aged lady of respe Me appearance, called at the Mission ll< and enquired for Mr. Pease. She to! I that he was engaged, and askr *oinc one else wonM not do as well, said respectfully, " No, my business is v him; I will wait, if you please, till he see me." Mr, Pease immediately came in, w the old lady commenced her story : " I came, sir," said she, " in hehalf |?oor unfortunate woman and three 1 children. She is living now "?and tears dropped over her wrinkled face? Wdiet street, in a haoeincnt. There rum shops all around it, and many dn en people aUjut the ucighlM>rhood. has made out to pay the rent, hut has no final for the poor little children, have sulmUlcd on what they could n ago to beg in the day time. The I; lord promised, when she hired the h inent, to put a lock on the door, nakc it comfortable, so that ' theCro) need not run in: but lie got his run then broke his promise, and they li not seen him since." -Is the woman respectable ?" enqu Mr. Pease. "Yes?no?not exactly," said the | old lady, violently agitated. " She well brought up. She has a good h sir, but a bad bead, and then trouble discouraged her. Poor Mary?yes, si must have been the trouble,?for I ki her heart is good, sir. 1"?tears cliO the old lady's utterance. Recovering self, Mil' coiitimierl : "She lux) a kind husband once, wan tin' father of her two little girls : years ago, ho died?and the poor tliin oli! sir, you don't know how dear sli to me!" and burying her aged face in hands, she sobbed aloud. Mr. I'ease's kind heart interpreted old lady's emotion, without the pain o explanation. Ir. the weeping woman fore him he saw the mother of the one. Yes, she was Mary'* mother, l'o ty con hi not chill her love; slmme the world's scorn had only filled her h with a (Jod-like pity. After a brief pause she brushed a' her tears and went on ; Mr. I'ease promised that lie would II he could, and sent a person out? the old lady, to visit "Mary," and oh particulars; lie soon returned and cor orated all the old lady's statements. l'ease tlicn touk n friend and starts sec what could !>< done. In Willett street is a riekcly old w< cu building, tilled to overflowing with very refuse of humanity. The bason is lighted with two snuill windows under ground nud in ibis wretched I lived Mary and her children. As M Pease descended the steps into the rc he heard some ono say, "Here he coi grandmother! he's coitio ?lie's come! The door was opened. On a pil rags in the corner lay Mary, "my Ma as tho old lady tearfully called her. Ood of inerey ! what a wreck of boi fill womanhood ! llcr large blue i glared with maniac wildneas, under influence of intoxication. Long wavi auburn hair f?ll, in tangled massee, i a form wasted, yet beautiful in ite g? ful outlinoa. Poor, loet Mary I "SucA a place I" aa her mother weeping, said. Not a table, or chai ; re any description. On the mantle-piece hear*, nflu- atood a l?cer bottle witli a half burnt enn- ing it ner- die in its nose. A few broken,dirty dish- three ; ? stood upon the shelf, nnd a quantity of was i Mr. filthy rags lay scattered round in the her. rafts ! floor. bed,: :apc The grandmother was holding by the a pla the hand a sweet child of culit years, with die it nder largo, bright eyes, and auburn hair (like little iver; poor Mary's) falling about her neck. An Mary and older girl of twelve, with a sweet, Madon- Sh letic na face (that seemed to light up even that Pears is of wretched place vith a Innon of Heaven) thonji ever stood near, bearing in her arms a babe of metnl Votn sixteen months, (which was not so large the? i the j as one of eight months should have been) she w iked whose little hands looked like bird's claws, besid< a- j and w hose little bones seemed almost pier- ed up lone cing the skin. "O nnd The old lady went tip to her daughter did al saying, "Mary, dear, this is the gentleman he th rred who is willing to take you to his house, if lie eo itry, you will try to be good." he sai aily "Get out of the room, you old hypo- back i I crite," snarled the intoxicated woman, "or yon *1 eta- I I'll fund ?lm />liii?li~l ? I.i-~ I x V??vuvu ? imuiin W " I ' nise side her)?I'll allow you! You arc the lliorc, was worst old woman I ever knew, except the poor I ?1 if one you brought in here the other day, to die She and she is u devil outright. Talk to nir caro f villi about licing yowl!?ha?ha"?and she I'm gi can laughed an cdiot laugh. seen i "Mother," said the eldest child, sweet- she lw hen ly 1 ?ying her little hand upon hor arm,? take 1 "dear mother, don't please?don't hurt ?can of a grandmother. iSlie i? good and kind to give 1 ittle us ; she onlv wants to get you out of this now I the i had place, where you will l>e treated kind- 'Hd**d -"in I Iv." motln aie J "Yes?dear mother," chimed in the home ink- younger sister, hendiug her little curly J'0'1 *' She I head over her, "mother you Saul once yon m?th had 1 trouhl go. 1 >on't keep us here any longwho or, mother. We are cold and hungry.? after inn- Please get up and lake us away ; we are Ai u?d- afraid to stay here, mother, dear." viour ase- "Ye*, Mary," said the old lady, hand- w'th and ing her down a faded, ragged gown, 's no on' "here is your dress; put it on, won't lath and ! you P, *h lave j Mary raised herself on tho pile of rags "and J on which she was lying, and pushing the bless* ircd eldest girl across the renin, screamed out. : "Get away, you impudent little thing!? wor ' you are just like your old grandmother. En I was I tell you ?//?' said she, raising herself on HO earl i one elbow, and tossing back her aubnrn jjy hat i hair from her broad white forehead.?"I nary, r, it tell vou all, I never will go front here, |?,nln ' I " , . , . i o Court now nerrr ' I love this place. So many tine ^.IV t| ked j people come here, and we have such good lowin her times. There is a gentleman who takes l''? I ... nin' ( care of me;?he brought me some can- nnd c lie dies last night, and he says that I shan't Elssy six ! want for anything if 1 will only get rid of g? these troublesome children?my husband's bonne . ; . I ,.i.:i i ? * ?? c i- uiiiiuren., /\mi sue inu ner mcc in her her I hands and laughed convulsively. north, * ? Al* "You may have /Arm," alio continued, villa^ l',- lovt it. A great many line people* come lost |lt.re (0 g<>e ,nc>" trrcst The poor old lady wrung her hands \ note < Vl'r" and wept, while the children clung round ?f m,d their grandmother, with half averted faces, enrt trembling and siletit. KS Mr. 1'easo said to her, "Mary,you n ay 4 I either go with me or I'll send for an of- ^ . . . are n? heer and have you carried to the station I do house. Which will you do!" clos?< v'll? Mary cursed and raved, but finally put tain on the dress the old lady handed her, and rob- consented to go with them. A carriage was soon procured and alary helped in- M ' to aide; Mr. Tease lifting in tlie baby and the two little girls, and away they started the H >od- for the Fire Points House of Industry. Comi a! th the ?.oh, mother !" csclaiinod the younger the 3 ?ent 0f tJ,c girls, bow very pleasant it is to 'he (. half ride in this nice carriage, and to gat away Iiole from that dirty place; we shall be so hapr-? py now. mother; and Edith and the baby j <>n'? too; see, he is laughing; he likea to ride. By Ji ?You will love sister Edith and the baby, and tno, now, won't you dear moth- W c of er f and you won't frighten us with the tion J ry," hatchet any more, or hurt dear grandmo- |?,M'1 ther, will you f ?uti- Arriving at Mr. Tease's house, the de- '"h ' eyca light of the little creatures was unbound j^?, the ed. They caught hold of their mother's said 1 es of "Yea, sir; Mary was a good child to me otef ontt; she respected riligion and religions tion *ce- people, and used to lore to go to ehorch 1,1 hut lately sir, Ood knows she has almost J U broke my heart. Last spring I rook her < I* bad, house, ami the three dear ehildrsu; hat (/" r, or she would not listen to me and left with- jye * m * v5 v" *. ;,.y i.- vmK/M uiu wuere sue was going. J 1 that there was n poor woman liv i a basement in Willett street, will children, and my heart told me tlici ny poor lost Mary, and there I Coun< But oh, sir?oil sir"?and she sob vs if her heart were breaking?sue) ce ! My Mary, that I used to era i these arms to sleep, that lisped hci evening prayer at my knee?mi , drunk in that terrible place !" e was getting so ngitat that Mr ie, wishing to turn the current of hei jlits, asked her if sho herself was r [>er of any church. She said yes, o ?street Baptist Church. She saw 'as a widow, and had, had one chili a Mary?a son. And her face light > as she said:? h sir, he was such a fine lad. 1I< I he could to mnke me happy; bul ought, that if he went to California iiId make money, and when he lefi id "Cheer np, dear mother; I'll com* and give my money all to t/ov, and linll never work any more." can see him now, sir, as he stood with his eye kindling. Poor lad! lad! lie come back, but it was only 11 in last words were, *(iod will or you, mother?I know it?wlici >ne to Heaven'?Oh! if I could hav< ny poor girl die as lie did, befon lea me so had. Oh, sir, trout yot ter here??iron I you make her good t you make her good, sir? I ean'i ilary up. Xobsdy cares for Mary nit me. Won't jrou try sir?" dress, saying, "Oidu't wo Irtl you or, that you would have a pleasant here ! Only see that nice garden ! I id n't have a garden in Wi'lett street er!" ader, wound you know that motlicr'i history ? mthor "Mary" hath "bather the Sa 's feet with her tears, and wiped then the hairs of her head,"?her nanu longer written Mary* Mngdelena.? e virtuous home of her aged molle e sits clothed in her right mind her children rise up and call liei dr Fanny Fkun. late Male of* 13 Negroes, 1 Mi:, LOT AND LAN DM order of James H. Witherspoon, Ordi. unit in nnr?ii???* ?' " - r->?miiv? ui me 111 hi ;iura 'erry, dec'd, I will sell sit Kmo.ntci 1 louse, to the highest bidder, oti Mnn le 10th dny of Jnnusry, 1854. the fol g choice lot of Negroes, belonging tn te Abraham Perry, viz: Old Dick, Ad ^yrns, Frank, Young Dick, Jim, Kd\ liild, Hannah, Mary, l*at, Amanda nn< i, the house and lot in the town of l,nn , at present occupied by R. 8. Bailev led, cast, by Main street; south, fn street; west, by Catawba street, au< , by lot of M. Clinton. io, 100 acres of Woodland near tin e, ndjoining lands of Mrs. McDow, J itherspoon, John Sings and others, io, 150 acres, more or less, near tin v River road ndjoining lands of An Taylor and others. RMS.?A credit of 12 months with in from day of sale, purchasers givinj with two good sureties and a morfgagi s lands. M. CI.IN'l'ON, Exr. icaster C. I!., 15, 1853. 4l-0t. TATE OF R. W. KRVINT J, persons having demands agninst tin estate of Dr. R. W. Krvin, deceased [ tilled to present ihe same bv the 21s 1853.as on that day the estate will bi 1. Persons indebted are nlso request d notified to pav on or before sail I/HTI8A A. M. KRVIN, ) . , , WM. F. KRVIN, { AUui r v. 15. 41?5t rA I'EUF BOUT/# CAROLINA, ecial Order, //end Quarter*. Colum lovember 15, 1853. The Member* o tatTof his Excellency John I* Manning nandcr in-Chief, will report thomaelvu ud Quartern, in Columbia, on Nnturdn d December, proximo. Hv order ?i 'ommadcr-in-Chief. Matiicw Irvin 't SOUTH CAROLINAr ,ANCASTKR DISTRICT. unea 11 Witherspoon, K??|., Ordinar for said District. T1EREAS, William I.ingley ha applied to me for letters of Administri [>o ail and singular the goods and clui rights and credits of James l.anglvj >fthe District aforesaid, dee'd., icae aro. therefore, to cite and admoi I and singular, tho kindred and credi f the said deceased to lie end appear t>< no at our next Ordinary's Court, for th district to be hnlden at Iam>a*t?r Coui io on th? 26th ?tay of November inst., t cause. If any, why the said admlnixtr: ahold not be granted, k en under my hand and seal, this 13t >f Nov. in the year of our Lord, on i thonannd eight hundred and fiftj 8. > three and In the aeventy-eigh! v- \ year of American ludepedenee. J. H. WTTHBRHPOONTO. I. D. nr. )f Printer's fee $2 41?d* 1 i Estate of James T. Wad Sr, Dec'd. ' ! A 1 persons having demand* agair t -/V James T. Walk'. Sr.. dee'd., Into of I.'i 1 caster District, arc notified to present tl same, legally attested to (JKOIKJR TIMOTHY WADE, 1 (Qualified Kxeeutor. I .-tilcaster C. II. S. C. Nov. 2, 1852 302i ; SALE OF NEGROES AJ17II,!. lie sold at the Court House j j Camden, S. C., on Monday, the'. . day of January, 1854, FOR TY- I 11R ET, v r rv likely and valuable NEOROES. Ainoi them, arc five first rate nhlc bodied Wngo 1 ers, two pretty good Plantation Carpentei f two Se mstresses, one the best in Camdc I figli' excellent Cooks. Iron ers and Was ers. Also, large number regular /foil I Servants boys and girls; having served m . ny years about the Waterce //otel, many them have been trained as /fotel Wnite and Ostlers, and are not excelled by any - the State. The whole gang is said to 1 t the most likely and valuable in the count young, stout and healthy. 1 Twenty of them to be sold to foreclose I mortgage given by me to Herman Ilolle , j man, Sen'r.. dece'd. To be sold on the following terms: fh ' fourth cash, the balance on a credit of on j two and three years, with interest pavah I | annually from date, to be secured by hoi , I and good security. Purchasers to pay for papers. j Purchasers wishing to pay nil rash ci I 1 do so. II. HOI.LEYMAW ' | Nov. 30th, 43?5t. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. IiAKCASTF.U DtSTIIICT. In the ('omnitut l*leas. ' n.WII) KIRK PATRICK, who in ll I II custody of the Sheriff of Lancaster I)i trict, hv virtue of a writ of Capias ad Hati faciendum at the suit of Mel.lire, Alexnnd &. Co., havcing tiled in my oil ice. togeth > with a schedule, on oath of his estate ni effects his petition to the Court of Comtm i 1 Pleas, praying 'hat lie may he admitted ! the benefit of the Acts of the Cieneral A | semhly made for the releif of insolvent de | tors. It is ordered, that the said Mel.m ! Alexander & Co.. and nil other the credito j to whom the said David Kirkpatrick is ] anywise indebted he and they are lierel . ! summoned, and have notice to appear I ' fore the said Court at I 'incnstcr Court //on ' on the Third Monday in March next at s o'clock A. M. to shew cause if any they e . why the prayer of the petition nforesai should not he granted. Otlice of Common Pleas. , ! J. A. STF.W'MAN. Clerk. r i Nov. Oth Pr's. Fee S 1 .J,~5 43?3in notice; ,4 LL persons having demands against t ' | 1\. estate of Rev Klias 1, Fraser, will plea I present thein to the undersigned, on or 1: | fore the first dav of January next. . I JAF.MS M. INCRAM. F.x'r. ) Lancaster, C. II.. Nov 28. 43?31. j Estate Sale. UV order of James II. Witherspoon, C dinary, and in persnnnce of the will i ! Mrs. Mary Russell, deed, will lie sold ?t h - late residence on the lOth December 1 Hi nil Fstate not specifically willed, and ordi 1 : ed to he sohl. consisting of four negroi ;ii : Sum, Ren. Charles, and Sarah: also -I Horses, about 50 //ops, 12 lie ad of Cat! ; ' Thrasher tnd fan.Smith and Plantation too ' I Ruggv and harness, house-hold and kiteh I i furiirture, wagon, and other articles. I TF.RMS.?12 months credit, with inh 9 est from dav of sale, note and good sernri THOS. 1?. BALLARD, Kx'r. | Nov 12 1853 42-4t. VAttU 119 i\< 11 ICI,. i rpHE children of Charlotte Mnssev. dec T J 1_ the children of Henry Mn**ey, Jr.. dec ^ U. II. Mitsw)', II. M. Cook, nlso the cliihlr | of William, either personally or by tb I guardian or attorney, heirs at law, of Tho i as C. Masscv, dee'd, are requested to m< I me at the Ordinary's Oflice at (.ancaaterCoi i House, on the first Monday in Dee. next, a j I wish to settle the said estate as adm'r. < I, | bonis non. J. C. MA88BY. t Nov. 18, 1853 42-2t -' Hoiiko and I^of in l.anca< 1 Irrvillo, FOR SALE. Ex parte. 'I In Equity, lancnst Susan M. Boyd &. | Petition to sell pi - husband, Joseph B. ) trust estate and f Boyd, and Sain'l B. | vest funds in'lands. r, Massey, Trustee. J s By virtue of the decree of this Court y the above case, I will sell at l,nnca?ter C. 1 f to the bii/hrst bidder, on Krtd?v il.? o'. ?I - ... n- - - - . V ? - " ?' ,,,v t " I e December, 1853, the house and lot in t town of I*ancAstrr. now occupied by Jos. I - Boyd ; bounded, west, by Main at : north, I lot of Jus. R. Mnpill : cast, by White snd south, by lot of R. R. Jones. Upon (I same is a comfortable dwelling, n st< )' house, pood well, and all necessary buildings, in pond repair. * TERMS.?A credit of 1 and 2 years, ( day of sale, nnd a mortgage. J. LI. WITHER8P0ON, C. K. L. D J- Nov. 21st, 1853. Prs fee 11.50 42-5t " e LAND IN UNION COUNTY N. t FOR SALE u VA7H^I. be sold at the late resident f Joel Cherry dee'd on Tuesdvy h 20th December nest the land formerly i? longing to said dee d containing 236 ne f- morn or less adjoining lands of John Pot J? W. J. Cureton ana others on a croili I, 2, 3, and 4 years. NANCY CHERRY, Ercebr Ws^haw Nov. 18th 1853 41?31. V e,| WAXHAW LMDS FOR SALE. Ex Parte ( In Equity, Ijincaster I Geo. VV. Dunlap. J Petition to Hell lands &c By virtue of the decree of the Court of , Equity in above ease, I will sell at Lancas1 ter C. II., oil the 1st Monday the 2nd day of January, 1854, all that valuable plantation, situated on Wnxliaw ('reek, belonging to the estate of Mr*. Mary Dunlap, deed, containing about 700 acres, bounded by lands of S. H. Massey, T. K. Ouroton. Estate Dr G. I,. Masscr. J. C. Caldwell and C. P. in Pelham. It is Wax haw grit and land tha 2d may tire, but never wear out." e- TERMS.?A credit, (except coats,) of 1, !? 2 and three years, purchaser giving bond n- and good security, with interest from day of rx sale and a mortgage. n! .1. II. WIT11ERSPOON, C. E. L. I>. h- Nov. 20, 1853 Pis fee ?5 42-6t. BC NEGROES FOR SALE. Jos. J. Daniel, Win. S. "J Petition to di jIt Daniel and others, | vide or sell perso 1)0 vs. j nal property. Bcnj. Culp and wife. J By virtue of the decree of the Court made ., in above case, I will sell at l?nncaster, C. II y. on Friday, the 23d Dee., 1853, the property ordered to be sold by t lie decree in Ibis case. u, consisting of a negro woman named Martha, and her child Fed, and a ho^ George; also I,. i i //orso, uuggy ana //artless, Hiirenu, anrt other articles. TERMS.?Forth* negroes, a creditor | 12 months with interest from day of sale in I purchaser giving note end two good sureties j For the. other property, cash. .1. II. WITI1KUSPOON, C.E. L. I). Nov. 20, 1853. l'rs. fee, $4.50 42-5t NOTICE j ^ at Di V Creek PO. and ^ Salumi may he found a gen ic j ^Kleral assortment of fresh winter go* ;s s. I nlucli will lie sold as low as such gooda are, is. ! in the District. We, invite Ladies and nr I Ccntlcrnen of each respective vicinity, to cr I come and see us. and test the thine or let it id ho tested. Usual time given, at Cry Creek n good customers. We give notice that to Mr. Carter may he four.il at New Walein, m. ready to wait en his customers and visitors, h. Those wanting work done we recommend v, to Carter as it will he wnrantcd, fit and stich. rs ' Those w ho liav'nt paid their accounts, for in I 18.VJ, please pay before the 1st of January. Itv | We nre in earnest. | C. W. MClBLEY fit Co. so j November Id 41?3t. 10 an STATE (>1 S< )UTII CAROLINA. LAM'ASTKK I >IHTRICT. Ex Parte, Petition for sale of I Minor Clinton Exce't | 1 louse and lot, Lnnd of Ahram Perry do- f and Negroes; estate ceased. J of A. Perry dee'd. It is ordered that the children of the broI thers and sisters of Abrnm Perrv, decM, late ',0 i of Lincnstcr District, S. that were living Si' ! at the death of Margaret Perry, widow of the "'* i late Abram Perrv, (which was June .'50th, 1851,) do establish their rights hefo-o the Commissioner in Equity, for Lancaster Dist., j S. on or before the 1st day of March, I 1851. and that the Commissioner do report j thereon at the next Court of Equity for said lr_ : Di-t., (which will he June 2<>th 1854.) ,,f) The nli'-ve order was made in above case, (.r by the Court, at June Term, 1853, and tho i3. i persons to whom the same refers and applies >r_ are notified to comply with tho requisitions j therein set forth, a failure to make known _ .j ( and establish the relationship aforesaid, will j(><: cause the estate of the Testator, (Abrnm U Perrv.) to he distributed between those who cn' j do estnblili such relationship and operate a, 1 aha" to those who do not. Br. j JA M ES 11. W1THERSPOON. iv | Commissioner in Equity, Lancaster Dist., S. C. Ijineaster C. II.. S. C -Now ?> i?si a i The following papers will copy 3 ! months mirc hnndnnce of pine tiniher so convenient to tut the steam mill of 8. R. Mnsnuy, E*q . thsame being nil woodlands, and on recount of X- tlu? virgin cotton grit of the hand itnrdf; the nd sagaeioiiM purchaser, looking to the gr*f nn demand for lumber for building* and pi railroad purpose*, and thuacareltv of' n cotton grit, will at once are lb.'*, h ?f hfc moving and eA*b considtratioi s _ TER.M8.?A credit of 1 ami S y ~ru*\iK ri I interest annually from day of except I ' aa much eaah as will pay costs,) the pure tinner giving bond and good securitv, *ud o 'WjSprjS mortgage of the premise*. of JAMES II. W1THER8POO.V the < V W L, V. be- Lancaster C. II. Nov. 14,18&.1 4l-7t. S ~ NOTICE. ^ FTER the sale of the f will Nov?Dib?r2Sd 1*63 CUNTOg.