L ? % )U,: I'Hlatr t M : |> . iol Uarl, %J 1 brought mi Average ot'0$gm One innn brought $lr ](><>, and.- two gMp, hujtiii*.?-Thr blacksmith shop o .Claries MoCn Hough, Esq., was destroyed by } ? fire on Wednesday night As nil tbjgpres in the shop were Extinguished in th# cvsning. it { Supposed the building wo?ti|tfd. The supposition is strengthened by some one carry. - iog n torch, havjAg beendnon to go irtto the i -shop after night?CmWiman. *> f |y Mr. Clay's physician and Criend, !h, Jackson, haageturned to Philadelphia, indulging no hope^oi hia recovery; bail pronounces his early death inevitable. - jp. ^ Hon. JdSTau J, Evans.?The Marion Star states that ramor snys that the friends of Judge Evans hnve%>minqted him, ss a candlontc before the next Legislature, for the position of United States f&ehator to represent this State, for tip six years next after tne 4th of * Acknowledgment*. With thanks, w^leknowledge the receipt ? ' of tWi following subaeri^tlons to this date: M r Ho>th I'llKtoi.1. ? Jno. T. Maekey, Drv Creek 2 00 Dr. T. F. MeDow, Liberty Iiill. * 2 00 Alfred Andrews, Pleasant Hill 2 Of/ A. If. Caaton, jr., do 9 00 J. T. Barker, Lancaster 2 00 J. D. Mcllwaln, do 2 00 * R. D. M. Dunlap, do 1 00 Gilliaon Broom, Monroe, N. C 1 00 ? R. Heglor, Flint Ridge 2 00 E. Yarbo rough, do 1 00 J. J. Slogler, Belair 1 00 Drayton Fudge, Chestervillc 2 00 T Whenever mistakes occur in receipts, or any omission is made, the subscribers inter, estcd will pleoso inform us, so that proper corrections can be made. 3Hfltiiagfs. In this District, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Seal, Mr. Charles Madison Brown, of Chester District, to Miss Mart -A*" Dunlai*, of I/weaster. ? On Thursdny evening, tho 13th inBt, by the Rev. Mr. Fon\illc, Mr. A. A. McDowell, to ** ^ -Miss M^ry Ann, daughter of Robert Reaves, Esq., air of Kershaw District. At Russell Place, on Wednesday evening, 12ih inst., by Rov. Mr. Hoyt, Captain John I* Jones, to Miss Sarah Stinson, all pf Kershaw District ? itifli! 111 fc Departed this life, in Columbia, at tho resi? deuce of Mr Theodore S. Dubose, on Sunday eight. May 16, in the communion of /iAi4V llalt* rknMLlls A Pa ? WU V AAKJIJ *ll;UVOiU3 X VBVHX.A) In the 29th year of his age. On Tuesday morning, the 11th teat, at hi* residence In Cheatef District, near Cedar Shoals, Mr. W*. HaaTII, a^ed aboy? *67 years. The deceased was sn estituablc man, a worthy citizen and an exemplary christian. He leaves a wife and family. On Thursday, the 13th inat., in .Chester "District, Mrs. J. Roes, relict of Abraham Rosa, deceased. C (%M ERC I A The Markets. CkaklSstO*,' May 2*2.?Cottok?There was a good dpmnnd for this article yesterday, the transactions having reached fully 2200 lmles,'at very fall aim advancing prices.? The sales comprise 6 bales at 7$, 7 at 7f, 76 at 7*, 77 St 8, 149 at 8*. .37 at 8f, 91 at 8*. 4 J 4H at 8f, 26 at 9, 80 at 0*. 496 at 9*. 20 at a ft*, 49 at 9f, 1066 at 10,and 67 bales at 10* * cents. ? ? Columbia,May 21?Corron?The advices from Iiverpool by the Africa, which caiue to hand Uiis morning, reporting an advance of , id. in that market, with sales for the week ending on her day of sailing, of 88,000 bs' gave renewed activity to the m^e? ,J wiT" lh,e anxlet^ o? ? iXof buyers to operate; co^n^tiu throoghout the day Vero^Sy tJ\. and in 32* ,0f trniuSctiona' which took mIT; .sivance of* to 3-16 cents was ob* ^gL^-aon the previous day's quotations. 229 ^alea were sevd, at 7* to 9* cents. Gsmdem, May 14, P. M.?The receipts otton since our last have been light; the ' "* article continues to advance?prices ranging | ' froni 7 to 9*. fFECIAL NOTICES. tarThe friends of MARTIN P. CRAW. * r ?ORI), Esq., Announce him as a candidate to * ' itfpnaont the District of Isuieaster in the v^B^uae of Representational the ^ qj?rtion for Member* ofvnagiiUturM 'pgr The friends of P. T. MOBLElS i jSOunoe him as Candidate for Tax Collector I sfcth+next election. tf 16 fjjy The Friends of H. R. PRICE have MMktaated him as a Candidate fof Colonel of l^tiw flat Regiment, to All the vacancy occa^Ntjined by the resignation of Col. Dixon Ifrrna MANY VOTERS. r ^tv pi ?, ij vT I foperty, I will sell at % reasonable ptfceund 0T1 fair terma, * HejpVWWlan I now havb in iny employ, ?pd her three children. The following is s description.? Juliet* the mother, s prime young woman, aged abe?t twenty-six, on excellent held band, and a good cook and washer; Margaret te, a a* *?ut years old, nrvicoable In attending to little matter!, and fond of children; Peter, about tour years old, and Ben, about one veto Old. If nut sold befdre, I will offer them at Auction on Sale Day. ? JL & BAII.RV ? ?3C?i? ^ lu Equity-?Laacatter District* John RicliiOTwh, V?. i Junes M. Richardson, Bill for 1 rromus Richardson, account, wooph B. Klingle, and ' relief, nnd wife Margaret so-forth. Mary Allen, Cyrus A.Allen &. wife Jane.. It appearing to my satiajfection that nil 4he above named defendants reside without the limits of this State. It ts ordcwxfT'on motion of Moore, solicitor for complainants, that the said defendants do answer, p ioad, or demur to the Bill in above case, on or on or bofoao the 1st day of September, 185*2, otherwise judgment pro confesso, will be ordered against each and all of them. JAPffiB H. WITHER8P00N, C. E. L. D. * Commissioners Office, ) Lancaster, C. H-, 8. C., > May 24th, 1859. )Muy 26 3m. 1(1 State of South Carolina. I LAN OA S TIf& DISTRICT. By James H. Withewpoon, Esquire. Ordinary for said District. WHEREAS ALEXANDER FRANKi.w Nisbet has applied to me for letters of Administration, with the will annexed, on all and singular the Goods and Chatties, Rights and Credits, being the separate estate of Mary Hmall, late of the District aforesaid, deceased, and wife of John Hmall. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred nnd creditors of tho said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Lancaster Court House on the second day of June next, to show cause, If any, why tho said administration should not be granted. Given under my hnnd and seal, this 19th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred nnd fifty-two, and in the 76th year of American Independence. , v JAM. II. WIT1JKRSPN, < L. S. 5 Ordinary Ianeastcr Dia't. ' ?? majr26 16 3m ~~ TITE GRKAT BRITISH QUARTERLIES AND V BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. important reduction in thb rates of postaoe!! LEONARD SCOTT St CO., Vo. 54 Gold St. Hew York. Continue to publish the following British Periodicals, vii; Thrljondim Quarterly Review (Conservative) The Edinburg Review (Whig)ostage on the Periodicals has, by the lata law, been rwiueiui^i-. ri'twni winning any <>r the above will do weH to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell as fast as possible. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. E. C. BISHOP. Wood villi, Lancaster Dist., I May 19,1853. {15 3L OUR MOTTO IS u Quick Sales and Short Profits? i HA ILE & TWITTY Most respkotfui.i.y invite the attention of lAnenstcrvillc, and surrounding country, to their New and Cliienp Drug Store, one door south of J. Adams' Store, where they can find a well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dve Stuffs and Perfhmorya lady's Toilet f'owders, WaU-r Colored Paints and Pencils, Puffs Ate. Fine Envelopes ami Note Paper, Fine Chewing Tobacco and Cigars, always on hand. Anything in our line, not on hand, will be ordered for customers at the shortest notice. All the above articles having been purchased mostly for cash, will be sold lower than the same article has usually been sold place. Call amj^o that this is no Our Sod* Fountain is now in operation, and we arc prepared to accommodate our customers with Soda Water, Syrups, Arc. Ice always on hand. Lnncustcrviiic, 8. C., April '28. 3mo. GOOD LAND FOR SALE. 1W1LLHEI.I.MY PLANTATION on Bear Creek, containing about 500 ' Acres, sua..!: V.!,hin a iui,? tho Village . - .... * ' 1 o,yo acre" " of Lancaster. I here is aooui, " V this place under a tolerable good fence, and nearly all bottom land, and well adapted to the culture of Corn, Wheat, and other Small frrnins- mid cnunllv rrorwl fur f*r?n?n ^ "> "> anv) with proper culture. It has advantages which cannot well be mentioned here, but which I can ifecouut to, and which will be aeen by uny one who wishes to purchase, upon looking over It Others can speak favorably of this tract of land to some of whom I take the liberty of referring, viz:? Dr. Strait, Jno. W. Cooke, Esq., John Williams. Esq.. Dr. Wylie and J. II. Witherspoon, I will also sell my lands on Cedar ('reek and Dry Creek; I cultivate those lands, and they are the same upon which I have huve made Cotton for several years post; with what success tho above gentlemen can speak. I have no objection to any of the almve lands for want of productiveness, and it may be well supposed that I will ask a price corresponding with the present price of Good Land; but still,all will be made easy to the purchaser. M. CIJNlXlN. Lancaster C. H., Apr. 28, 1852. 5t 12 GRAIN CRADLES. TIIE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO Stalk Grain Cradles at the shortest notice nnd in the most workmanlike manner. He keeps a (rood supply of suitable material always on hand. Tnose who wiah good work at a moderate price are respocttuily solicited to give him a call before applying elsewhere. PETER JACOBS. ft* K tO .A. Mmj o i a 0|r ESTRAY. STRAYED FROM THE 8UBSCRIberV premises on Uie 26th March, two COLTS ?ono an Iron Gray Mule Colt?the otln#a Gray Home Colt, with marks on the shoulders. The person returning these colts to me at my residence four miles from Russell Place, on Beaver Creek, will receivvrmy thanks and be liberally rewdMed. k H. BREWER. April 14 ' 10-tf A O aedT j Vf E88R8. G. "P. KENNEDY, of CW 111 for, sad JAMES M. IIUR8T, formerly one of the proprietors of th#PUntort* Hotel, Charleston, have leased the Aaaerlcaa Hetel, KisowtaatT, and would respectfully solicit from their Mends and the travelling public a portion of their pat ronage. We pled ye omelves that the .gnoata of the Hotel will receive accomodation ananrpaaaed hv any in the city. m KENNEDY A HW.HT. Charleaton, May 16. . 6m I BP 1 -4 ? - & ' MY GOODS ^GRIH i:illi:\. NEW GOODS! .NEW GOODS! rt WE ARB NOW RECEIVING and opening our ?to& of iprlng and ??nmer <*ood? oonatsting in part of the following:?Huts, Caps, Clothing, Shoe*, Boots, Bonnets,1 lardK, Crockery, Stationary, Groceries, Modi, Broadcloths, Cassinteres, < 'ashmeretts, i ami Fancy Limauv Brown ami Bleached Gtj)dt|jflblttedflHfe*s Goods of every de.^rfptionMK^unnxy, <>f the very latest styles, und iffiinat every article called for?which we ofl^ Httvcry low price# to suit tho times. Ou^ilwfck has been carefully selected from the very best markets in the United States. We return our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage we have received; and having purchased the Houses and Lot which wo now occupy, thereby making a permanent location in Liinoaster Village, we hope, by a strict attention to business, to met it a continuance of yonr patronage. ap 8 3m 9] T. K. & J. 11. MAGI I J,. NEW GOODS. TTIIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST received a new supply of Dry Goods. Their stock comprises of Fancy and Domestic Goods. Embroideries, Lace and Muslin Sleeves, Cambric Collars, Muslin do., Trimmings of all widths, Swiss und Cambric Inscrtings and Edgings. Handsome and new style Barege DeLfuns. latest fashion and tinest Quality of Silk Tissues. Solid Colors, French Lawns, and Summer Coplins. New Styles, French Muslins, | Mournings and Colors. Colognesd'erfumes, Soaps, 1 bur and Tooth Brushes, &c. Those goods have been br ught low, and will be sold accordingly. Those in want of goods would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere, BILLINGS &. BKLK. April 8 9 tf Baoon. 9.000ufF0U 8ALE * 10_ (:U KKTON A MASSEY. Baoon. g fe0 fe 4\ LBS 1 TilMEBA J&lco". lor sale low l,v in im I TVCSi A. l!t.'l \z Iron. Q (\(\i \ LBS. IRON FOR sale low for cash, by 10 CURETON & masse'y. v Bacon & Lard, For sale by 11 IIASSELTINE & ffAGINS SADULKRY, m &l'. REMOVAL. HAJtNfiSS! HARNESS!! 0. A. MUTTON, ZiULL MANUFACTURER OF 7*^ CARRIAGE AND wagon harness BRIDLES, martenga1.es, medical bags, trunks, whirs, AtuIerrrylhinff Mo.iging to a xccll rrgulatci H.\R\ES8 SffOP. THE Subscriber, having renin vod hi: H?ri>?ai Establishment tri >b<- -l,"r mcrly occupiec -y r.itintoiis & Button nsi carriage shop, one lot below the Courl House on Dunlnp street, would respectfully inform the citizens of I.ancuHtcr end surroundinfi country, that he is now prepared tc carry on the Harness business in all its various branches; having had a thorough experirnee in the business, the subscriber would respectrully solicit the custom of all persons being in want of anything in his lino'i and hope* by n strict attention to business, and working nothing hut the best mnterial, to share at loast a portion of the public patronage. All work warranted. Saddles repaired at short notice. Cnll and examine, aitd he coovihced that I can sell Harness or anything in tire Harness line as low, according to quality, as can be bought in Charleston. D. A. BUTTON, fob 26 Gra 3 SADDLE &l harness Establishment. TIIK SUBSCRIBER RESpectfully informs the citizens ol this District and elsewhere, that he ha# removed from his former stand to the old stand formerly occupied by F. K. Bruinmet t, where he is prepared to carry on the Saddle and Harness business in all its various branches; such as Covering and l'addiitg Saddles, which Ire will warrant; Waggon Harness. Riding Bridles. Ac. and will sell as I6w as can l>o purchased elsewhere. Please call and exffhine for yourselves. 1>. M. POfcR. Lancaster, Feb. 12. m. ESTRAY& rpAKEN UP BY THE SUBSCRIBER JL at his residence, within one mile of I*4?* Ford, TWO MULES?one an Iron Gray Mule, tie other a Gray Home Colt, with marks on hia shoulder. ^ J. M. FAULKNER. NOVELS! NOV ELS!! NOV0CS!!! A SUPPLY OF NEW NOVELS JUST J\. received, and for sale by ' May 19 it BILLINGS &. RELK. Wood ^Wanted. >W*>K WHICH CASH WIl^L BE JF given. Apply nt thin Office. % ? * ^ ( drv goods & citonm." THE LANCMTER GROCERY jjyjj '*>? PROVISION STORE! F^^ilE subscribers arc just receiving and ? uv,m opening a targe ana complete assortment ot GRI >S, HARDWARE, HATS, CARS, HONNKTS, Ac., to close up bis business and make room for the large stock of Groceries and Provisions now coming into the Store, will soli at such uncommon low prices as to induce all those in want of such articles as he has, to purchase of him. If you want a largo quantity of Goods for a little money call at the old stand of J. A. IIASSELTINE. AN OLD LOOKING PLACE, Bell Air, South Carolina, | OOKS QUITE WEATHER^BEATK.V, but is very hard to beat tor CHEAP GOODS. M. S. SORRELL A BROTHER have now a large stock, including a very extensive lot of Shoes of all descriptions. Sfvles of goods to suit the season, and prices to suit the times. Being very grateful for bygone favors, we hope you will call frequently during the Spring and Summer of 185*2, and see how cheap and cheerful wo will work for cash. 9 8t ap8, CHEAP GOODS At Bcllair, S. C. rpiIESUBSPRinERIS NOW RECE1V^ X. ing from Charleston large additions to his stock of CHEA1 CKXilift, muon^ < which are many articles to suit the coining ?uu>u.i, ..M.I. ..Ill L... null] III SUcli prices as i cannot fail to give satisfaction. Tlmsc t wanting Goods will tind it to their ndvnn' tape to call early, before the many iieallv cheap articles are sold out. ? Hr Terms Cash, or four months for approved paper. CHARLES P. EVANS, llellair, Feb 2f>. 3?tf YOU MUST HAVE FLOUR. : CALL AT till: LANCASTKIt Grocery and pttrcna.se for Cash a superior article just received from North Carolina, at six dollars per hap of *200 lbs. HASSKLTINK A IIAGINS. fob 10 2?tf I R O X#7~ < OR 1*2.000 lha. Iron of all kinds, EnIII glish, S\vee?i nnd American, on hand i and for sale very low to approved purchasers, 1 or for cash, at m/ "lil stand south corner Main and Gay streets. J* ADAMS. May 13 tf 14 [ LEATHER; LEATHER!! | TTi'P ER, SOLE, AND HARNESS vJ leather for sale at extreme low prices for cash, or exchanged for Hides previous to 1st July next. HASSELTINE & HAG1NS, Ag'ts. 1 May 12 3ino 14 THE SHERIFFALTY. MR. EDITOR:?Would it not be well enough to let the people know that I am not a caandidate ? I cannot prevail upon myself to run?although during Court week, I did say that 1 would be a candidate to | one or two of my friends ; it was however with reluctance and great hesitancy, and I must now add contrary to my longcherished determination. 1 really have no desire or inclination for any office, within the gift of my fellow ; citizens?I shall content myself by cherishing in private life, the gratefsl remembrances of their disinterested kindness. I ' hope my friends will excuse me for declining to run, opposed as 1 am sure it would be alike to my inclination aud interests. J. ADAMS. May l'J tf 14 ~NOTICE OF ELECTION ~ Hkad-Qitaktekh, ) 21st Regm't, S. C. Militia. \ In obedience to an ordereminating from the Brig'r General of the i>th Brigade. An election will be held at the usual place of rendezvous of each Company in this the 21st Kegiinent on Saturday the 29th of May next, for Colonel, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Col. Dixon Barnes. The polls to be opened and closed according to law ; the inana(ford /if nooli L tv tzi moid t I unenutor ( } IT . on Monday the 31st of the same month at 12 o'clock M., count the vote* and report forthwith in writing showrrfg the reeulfrof the election. II. R. PRICE. Lieut. Col. - - ' I ?"* IIV E(|(JITY-LanCA?. Dr't. Charles L. Dye Bill vs. for Relief and to O.J. Dye, Guardian subjectfundB Susan Jane Dye, his in the hands of C0111dnnghtcr missioned and ward to the payment of a et al. j debt. It appearing to my satisfaction that Osmond J. Dye and his daughter, Susan Jane Dye, two of the defendants in above ease, reside without the limits of this State. It is ordered, on motion of Williams, solicitor for complainant, that the said O.J. Dye and Susan J. Dye, do answer, plead or demur to the Bill in above case, on or before the 35th June 1852, otherwise Judgment pro confes so will be ordered against them. JAMES II. WITHERSPOON. Com. Eq. L. D. I-ancnstcr C. H., Mar 25 1 3m. In Equity?Lancaster District James Lancy, ^ Petition John Lancy, vs. for Richmond R. Terrell Executor of John Legacy Smith dee'd., J imes Griffin, N ancy I?ng, and Elizabeth Dreadinay Et. al. J account It appearing to the satisfaction of th*o of the Commissioner, that the defendants James Griffin, Nancy Long and Elizabeth Dreadinay, (if living) reside without the limits of this State. It is ordered on motion of Clinton and llanna, sol'rs fer the petitioner, that the said defendants, James Griffin, Nancy Long and Elizabeth DreadtllflV* fit* ulivn\ ooom ow J jy ononi;i, j'lr.JU UF Ul'lNUr, to the petition in al>ove case, on or before the 1st day af July 1852, otherwise judgment pro confesso will 1k> ordered against them. JAMES II. WITHERSPOON. Coin. E

;<{! HTi?Lancaster District Dorcas C* Perrv, widow, Oliver"1 Bill H., and Thos. D. Perry, Exccu- e . tors of Zndoek Perry, deceased. *>r sa e vs. of Benjamin Williams and wife, p . ,, Mary, Rebecca Perry, Elizabeth f ^ Perry, Louisiana Perry, Rucben , , ,, Perry, George F Ingram. dovk 1 cr" Eleanor Perrv, ) ry, dee'd ft appearing to my satisfaction that all the defendants above named, reside without the limits of the Shite, except George F. Ingram and wife, he having married a daughter of Zndoek Perry. It is ordered on motion of Williams, solicitor for complainants that the said defendants do answer plead or demur to the Bill in above case, on or before the 25th June, 1852; otherwise Judgment pro fesso will be ordered against them. JAMES 11. W1TIIERSPOON. Com. Eq. L. D. Lancaster, C. II.,March 23, 1852. 1 3mo. MONUMENT TO THE DEAI | IN MEXICO! The Citizens or Lancaster J Strict ar informed that the undersigned have beei appointed a committee to obtain subecrip tions in this District for the purpose abov< specified Feeling, that to urge a word in In-half o such an object, wom'J bo ottering ar insult alike to the gratitude and jmtriotisn of our District, we simply state thai the names of all who died, during the Mexican Campaign will be inscribed upon thin monument. We beg that those disjxrsed ot contribute will hand in the amounts immediately to either of the undersigned. Lieut J. B. COUSART, Lieut. A. J. SECREST. Sorg't M. HELTON. Committee of Company I. April 1, 8 tf LANCASTER DIVISION, N0.30 SOOF TE.HPERA^CFn MELI'S AT THE TEMPERANCE Ilall every Saturday evening at 7 1-2 o'clock. 11 S. CROCKETT, It. S. March 18 6 tf. * THURLOW CASTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND 80LICI TOR IN EQUITY. Attends the Courts in Ijoncaster, Kershaw and Adjoining Districts. &T OFFICE, CAMDEN, S. C. Jg J. C. SECREST. Magistrate. LA MO ABTRR, S. C. ?A I FOR EULB. ? AN EXCELlSfrnETT OP WAGON 1IARNE88, which will b* sold low for Cash, if applied for immediacy. R 8. BAILEY. WASHED IMMEDIATELY. A SMART, ACTIVE LAB, ABOUT 15 or 10 years of age, U) ati Apprentice to the Printing Brtmneas. One who possesses a good English education, and U disposed to lean, may have a good situation by applying as q^pre. #? w iSolt'rs for the complainant that the said defendant, Madison Richardson do answer plead, or demur to the Bill irf above two or before the 21st day of Jnnc'l 858, otherwise Judgment pro donfesso ttili be ordered against him. JAMES H. WITHERSPftON.. Ccair.Eq'y L. D. Lancaster C. II., S. C. mar 15 6 In Equity?Eaiicaster Dist. Ex I'arte. "> retition James H. Kirkley, by J power "of Attorney > for from John Kirkley sr. I | & Susannah his wife. J Belief" X'ff. f V j Chas. Kirkley?et at. f &c. I It appearing to my satisfaction, that Johu Kirkley, Sr: Charles Kirkley, Jqmes Kirkley and John Kirkley, Jr., defendants in above case, reside without the limits of this State. On motion of Williams Sol'r.. for the Petitioner, it is ordered, that the : said John Kirkley, Sr., ('harles Kirkley,. James Kirkley, and John KirHy, Jr., do* plead, answer, or demur to the Petition' iu the above case, on, or before first day oy. June next. Otherwise, Judgment, PrO. Confesso, will be ordered against each of' them. JAS. II. WITHERSPOON. Comr. Kp L. D." Feb. 12 3 m In Equity?Lancaster Oist. John \V. Gregory, ~ WilliB Gregory, Jr. Bill for Partition vs. Martha Gregory, wi- of Lands and Nedow, Thos.J. Gregory \ , H. Jackson Gregoiy, j groee, Estate of Owen Gregory ^Alfred J . Moore ?fc Mary A. his | Willis Gregory, sr. r wife, Joseph Terrell 6i J . Martha J., his w ife J dee'd. It appearing to my satisfaction that Joseph Terrell and wife, Martha J., oefend\ ants in almve case, reside without the limits of this State, it is ordered on motion of Williams, sol'r for complainants, that the e said Joseph Terrell and wife, Martha J., 1 do plead, answer, or demur, to the Kit m a bore case on or before the 1st day of J une, 1 1852, otherwise, Judgment pro confesso , will be ordered against them. .. . JAMES IL WITHERSPOOy.. 1 Com'r Eu. H,D. * t 3m t . In Equity?Laiicaater Diitr i Josiah M. Croxton, Su-*^ Bill to divide real | sail Croxton, Maryj Estate Ac.t Croxtou, Henry Ander- | Estate of Jameo sou A Mittey his wife. Croxton, deceas m vs ed and Jane E B Ward A Jane his 'Croxton. deceaswife, Chas. B. Allen A cd." Nancy his wife, Joseph ' Woods A ltaehel his , - m, wife# J/ It appearing to my satlsfiiction that E. B. Ward and Jane,his wife,Josepli Woods and Rachel, Ins wife, defendants in above case, reside without the limits of this State. It is ordered, on motion of Clinton w flaina sol'r. for complainants, that the said defendants do answer, plead, or demur, to the Bill in al>ovo case, pn, orl>oforethe 1st day of June, 1852, otherwise, Judgment, pro confesHo will be ordered Against each and all of them. ? JAMES H. WrrHKRSPOOfl; Com'r Eq'y L.an'r Diet. Cbra'r's office, Feb 12 3m 1 THE LANCASTER LEDGER TS PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT LANcaster O.H., S.C., atTwo Ilollamperrbar. This paper is bound to nojtfty, baflph^ cates all measures which tfea Sditor believes will prove of bon<>fit to the State. R. 8. BAILEY, Edttnr 4- Piwfrietdt The Yorkville Qgmedy. fWlHIS I'AJER 18 PUBTOHED AT JL Vorkevery Thhrsrlay morn inn M fx jew. JMWf MM 10 MMSNI 1 the North Carolina line, and having a huge . circulation in the West*# part ofthat State, i the "Rmif offers to men of hnaitaM* a i good advertising mediom. CotHea OUfee paper can ho teen at any of the PrinlinfMt fieea. TOOSL J. ECCLCST I % ta m . ? In Equity?Lancaster District Jolm R^iVolsh, Adm'r. of William Hilton^dec'd. vs. John Actam*, et. ?1., Creditots?Bill to mcrrshal assets, and bo forth. The CREDITORS of the Estate of Wiliam Hilton, late of Lancaster District, dec'd, are notified fthd re i quested to establish tlieir demands before me on of befbte the first di?y of June, 1852. * By order of the Court, .T tine iWin, 1851? J. H. WITtfEHSPOOtf* Com'r in Eq'y, L D. Lancaster C. II., S. C. March 13,1852. April 8 8 $6,75 II* liqillTV?Lunctuer Dlntrict Middleton G. Caston,-! Bill V8 I for Partition Win. T. Caston, j of Sainuel C. Caston. J I.nnds. It appearing to my satisfaction that the do. fondants, William T. Custon and Saiaucl C. Caston rcaide beyond the limits of this State. It is ordered on motion of Williams, solicitor for complainant, that said defendants do answer, plead or demur to the bill in above case on or before the 26th of June 1852. otherwise Judgment pro conl'esso will be ordered ngninstAftm. JAMES H. WITHERSPOON, Com. Eq'y Lan. Dist. Mar 23, 1852. 7 3ino._ I!* EQUITY?LunenMer District John W. Cooke, solicitor,'l Petition to shbvs. | ject William McCorklc and | an Equity and wife Elizabeth J for Relief. It appearing to my satisfaction, that WilI liam McCorklu and Elizabeth his wife rcsido without the limits of this State. It is ordered on morion of Williams, solicitor, for * Petitioner, that the said defendants do answer plead, or demur to the petition in above case on or before the 25th day of Jnne 1852, otherwise Judgment, pro eonfvsso will be Ordered against them. JAMES I*. WITHERSPOON. C. E. L. D. Mar 24 7 Smo. ? < II* EQUITY Lnuraster INitBridgetMcLarnon J Bill vs. W> ftr Madison liichnrdsmi ) DoWer'.;,It appearing to my satisfaction that the defendant, Madison IiicliArdson, resides In-vond limits of^liis StaMv It is or-" dered on thotion of Clinton and Hanna,- "