f ) ./ , === Correspondence of the Mercury. Washington, May 5. Another of tho great lights ot our generation is fast passing away into tho land . of shadows. Henry Clay is dying, and a thrill must pass through every heart at tho announcement of tho fact. Though his decline hus been so gradual that the public mind should have been prepared for it, still, like Calhoun, Ilenry Clay seemed to possess so unbounded a vitality, the spirit seemed so much stronger than the flesh, that the tidings, como when they mijght, would give a shock, and excite sur1 prise. Of the mighty three who have so identified themselves with the history of this country since the war of 1812 down to the present hour, Webster will soon be tho solo survivor ftn? ?vn?U I survive them, and though the angry storms of passionate controversy nnd party hate raged and roared around them all during their political pilgrainages, yet, when deat h has set its seal upon them, their countyJ men must award to all of them the meed | of high intellect directed to high aims, and ? prompted to lofty aspirations. When Calnoun died, arcvulsion of feeling took place throughout the wholo country,and a tardy recog-nition of the true majesty of hischaIracter, and the beauty of his whole life, was wrung from those who had most bitterly reviled him while living. Honors such as never had been paid before to any citizen, were accorded to his memory, and his remains were inurned in tne midst ot general lametation. Similar will bo the sensation when Henry Clay passes away, and his death will ho "like the fall of the mighty oak amid tho stillness of tho wood." The deep shadow which has so long rested 011 tlie solemn countenance of Webster, the shade of which deepened as he pronounced an culogium on Calhoun, will catch another a and a deeper tint, when his last great rival passes on before hiin to that bourne from I whence 110 traveller returns. When he ( spoke of Calhoun in the Senate, and came to that passage where he says, "He was my own age, 11c who saw him w ill for - get his airand aspect. Ills head drooped ' on his breast; he sUxxl musing for n moment, as though there were a warning J and a summons for him in that fact,and fell thathis race too was nearly run. lie will not bo in tho Senate to pronounce another culogium on his next greatest conijK'titoi (( in that atvna, but the same thought must \ be more strikingly present to him when 1 * 1 I -1 ' " ' ue Maims py inn uier oi e in v. Looking ?t these throe, and contrasting llicm with those who now fill their places, we must - admit tliat there were giants in those days. Hut the brood of noble bloods V is not yet extinct, and powers yet slumbering or undeveloped, must exist in i some quarter,needing only the stimulus of opportunity and excitement to blaze forth into splendor equal to that of tl c meridian of these great men now passing awav. 8inc? the commencement of the session it ^ has linen obvious to all of Mr. Clay's friends that his end was near. He has 11 sunk down suddenly in the last few months, 11 like some old tower which presents a L\ frowning front of massive strength, until I \ it suddenly crumbles down into a mass If of ruin, from turret to foundation stone, JF undermined by the wasting influeneo of _ time. Though wasted to the last degree, f and minced to the extreme of physical | feebleness, Mr. Clay's mind still continues as vivid ami vigorous as ever, and his | firmness is still unshaken. I >ifier as men A may as to the political or personal attri> P buU* of Honrv Clay, no one can deny I that lie lias obtained a deep and a strong I 1 hold on the MTpptlim* of ?l>e people, *nJ possesses some traits which | " even his enemies may admire. It was probably bis desire to die hero V" in the theatre of his triumphs, and the wish will be gratified. The last few months he hns passed in his chamber, and it is a mournful commentary on the rapidity with which influence passes awav, to remark how soon his voice, once potential, hns lost its spell over the party of which he was so long the soul. * t Tho Warwick could make or unmake f kings no more, and the party of which he I, was the vitality, has perished before ihim. I Tlie Whig party now is not. It is r. I mere collection of conflicting factions, the r strongest of which is Seward; the most dangerous of its unity the Southern Union party. Mr Clay attempted to reconcile these distractions, by pronouncing for Filtnorc from his sick chamber, but bis words mn/ln nn oolm ?n,l 1.1= ?< t. \ .aw wkvf muu mo tiunctl iui- | lower* arc clamoring aloud for Scott, a* 4 does Jones, of Tennessee. In the grave of A Henry Clay will l>o interred the national Whiff party, and Webster will walk solitary and alone chief mourner for each. j ? 3ftiflriicgrs. On Tuesday evening, the 11 th inst, by i Rev. D. I'. Robinson, Jao. N. Davis, Esq., W | of Union County, N. C., to Miss Mary A. Huey, daughter of Col. Tbos. W. Huey, of this District At Wlnsboro, S. C.,on the evening of the 37th ult., by the Rev.Mr. Roberts, D.Wyatt t . j[ Aiken, to Miss M. D., daughter of Mr. " 2 David Oaillard all of Winsboro. On Thursday evening, last by the Rev. Mr. Parsons, Wim.iam C. Moore, Esq. , to 1^1 Miss Martha Posey, all of Camden. 8. C j d r a f ij 5. Died, in Providence, N. C., April 23d, after . a very painful and lingering illness, James W. Dinkier, aged 60 years and one day. In Sumtervillo, on the momingof the 1st of Mav. Am If . ittfiini am mrvhffte u-?...i unu^imi VI niUimei I E. W. and Klizatieth B. Clark son, ngod four month* and twenty -five Hay*. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A SMART, ACTIVE LAI), ABOUT 15 or 1H yoaraof Ago, Man Apprentice to the Printing Business. One who ? So finesses a good English education, and i* iaposrd to learn, inay have a good situation by applying as above. I I VP acimitn nn ioiah * ? >! uiuiiYim umMun,i*u.3U HONH OF TEIUPERAIVCE. MEETS AT THE TEMPERANCE 11 Hall every Saturday evening at 7 1-2 o1-1 ck*k. H. 8. CROCKETT, R. 8. March 18 0 it COMMERCIAL. LATEST DATES. From Liverpool May 1. From Havre May 1. From Havana April 30 From Charleston May 16. The Markets. Charleston, May 16.?Cotton?The transactions yesterday reached upwards of 1300 bales, nt extremes ranging from 74 a 94c. Prices wero about tho sauiu as previously reported. Saturday, May 16?Half-past 1 P. M.? Cotton?The sales this morning amounted to 161 bales at from 74 a 9}. Columbia, May 15?Cotton ? Our cotten market to-day presented no new feature, nor have we tho least change to notice in mis any s transactions. The sales were light, only amounting to Rome 100 bales, at prices ranging from 7 to 9 cents. Camdes, May 14, 1'. M.?The Cotton Market continues active, with an upward tendency in prices. Since our last, sales have been effected at 9k, We quote at 6 J to 9k?n choice lot would command a fraction more than our highest figure. SPECIAL NOTICE^ l-tp" The Friends of II. R. l'RICE have nominated him as a Candidate for Colonel of the 21st Regiment, to fill the vaoancy occasioned by the resignation of Col. Dixon Barns. MANY VOTERS. MR. EDITOR?I'leaso announce Capt. A. A. Gillespie as a Candidate for Tax Collector of Lancaster District, ami oblige MANY VOTERS. J-i?" The friends of Capt. J. E. RUTI.EDGE announce him as a Candidate for Colonel of the 21st Regiment South Carolina Militia. Apr 13 10 3t. MR. EDITOR?Please nnnounco Capt. A. J. Secrest as a suitable Candidate for the office of Colonel of the "J 1st Regiment S. C. M. MANY VOTERS. NT The friends of William Robinson announce him as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court at the next election. FITKK iL\TTALL10N, 21st Regiment, So. Ca. Militia. You arc hereby required and commanded to parade at I.nncaster C. H., armed and equipped as the law directs for exercise and drill, on Thursday, the 20th day of May next, at 10 o'clock A.M. The Commissioned and Non-Comniiasionod Officers to attend the duv previous, nt 11 o'clock, for drill. By order of Il.R.PRICE, Col. Pro. Tem. 21st Rog't. Apr. 20,1852. It 12 Attention to Orders! Lower Battallion 21st Reg't S.C.MilitiaYou are hereby ordered and Commanded to parade on the 22d ol May next at your usual Battalion (Sround (New Salem,) at 10 o'clock A. M., armed and equipped as the Ia\v directs for drill and exercise. Commissioned and Non-commissioned Officers to attend the day previous for drill. Each Captain is charged with the extension of this order. J. I). IIAI1.E, lly order of Muj. Lower Reg't. II. R. Price, Col. Pro. Tom. ^ADVERTISEMENTS. WOODVILLE STOKE, Six Miles Sonth of Lancaster C. H. I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM I. Baltimore with a lot of No.I NEGROES; | Roys ranging from 9. 10. 17. 18. and 20 | years old ; a No. 1 Cook, NVaalior und Ironcr, handv with tlie needle, and all other necessary house-work ; women and children, young and likely, and well disposed. ALSOl A Iait of well selected (J(X)DS, rB which I nm daily receiving, and will in a short tiino be ready to offer for wile at my residence, six miles south of | lancaster C. II., comprising a general asi sortment of FANCY & STAPLEDR Y GOODS, HATS, HOOTS d- SHOES, GROCERIES, HARI) WARE, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, SADDLERY, CONFECTION ARIES, DRUGS d- MEDICINES, (Medical mul Patent.) School Blook* X Stationery. Having purchased thenv under sircumstances which will justify me in selling as low or lower th?in any one else in the community; therefore I hope by steady attention to business to merit a liberal sharo of public patronage. Persons uishlnrr nnv of the above will do well to call and examine my stock beforo purchasing elsewhere, na 1 am determined to sell as fust an possible. Country produce taken in cxchungo for goods. e. C. bisiiop. Woodville, Ij?ncnster Dist., i May 19,1852. $ 15 3t. A 0 ARD. Messrs. c.. f. Kennedy, of Chester, and james m. HURST, formerly one of the proprietors of the Planters' Hotel, Charleston, have leased the Amerlrun Hotel, Kiso-stuf.f.t, and would respectfully solicit from their friends and the travelling public n portion of their patronage. wis pledge onrselves that the guests of the Hotel will receive accommodation nnsurpass<>d by any in the city. KENNEDY & HUR8T. Charleston, May 19. 6m 16 NOVELS! NOVELS!! NOVELS!!! A SUPPLY of new NOVELS JUST received, and for sale by May 19 tf HILLINGS *BELK. Caution to Every Body! All persons are notified and Cautioned not to trade for a note given by me to John Turner, dated 3d January, 1853, and duo lat December, 1853, for Sixty Dollars. Said note waa given for a Horse which waa unsound at tho time, (but I did not know it,) and which Horse died in a few days after I got him. I will not pav said note unless compelled by law, and I no not believe a just law will make me pay it, as the horse was unsound to rottenness. STEPHEN WILLIAMS. m.11 0 it?em.D* Mail Arrangements. Camden I*Iail. DUE MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY, At 8 o'clock, P. M. DKPART8 TUESDAY THURSDAY, A SATURDAY, At 7 o'clock, A. M. ri.nal~?- **-? i Mioiuitr mull _ v DUE MONDAT, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY, At 8 o'clockP. M. DEPAHT8 Tl'E8DAY, THURSDAY, A SATURDAY At 1 o'clock, A. M. Concord mail DUE THURSDAY, AT 6 I\ M. DEPARTS FRIDAY, AT 0 A. M. WiiPtUoro1 until. DUE SATURDAY, AT 0 P. M. DDPARTR THURSDAY, AT 4 P. M. Clicstcrvlllc mail: DUE WEDNESDAY, AT 5 P. M. DEPARTS SATURDAY, AT 11 A.M. Chesterfield, C. H. Mail. DUE SATURDAY, AT 10 A. M. DEPARTS TlIRRSDAY, AT 4 A. M. All letters must l?c deposited by 8 o'clk I'. M., to ensure their departure by next mail. T. 11. MAGILL, I\ M. , M 1SCB L LINE Oil's"." GLENN SPRINGS' HOTEL |i MWILL BE READY TO RE. ceive company by the 20th of pjijj May next, at my last year's waters. 1 am now erecting a Cold Water Institute at this place, which will be completed soon; I have also procured the medical services of Dr. | Edward Riley to take charge of the Cold < Water Department of this Institute, and his accomplished lady, Mrs. Riley, will superintend the Ijidy's Department. Dr. Riley has considerable experience in the Cold Water Treatment, having visited all the principal ^ Cold Water establishments in the United ( States. Uersona wishing to take the Cold Water Treatment must procure for their use while under the treatment one pair of linen sheets, blankets, and servant. The mail stage, runs regularly from Ches- | ter C. If., on the Charlotte Rail Iload to this ( place three times per week, viz.: Mondays, j Wednesdays, and Fridays; also a stage line runs twice per week, Mondays and k ridays, from Newberry C. II., on the Greenville Rail Road to this, via Union C. II. 1 J. C. ZIMMERMAN, Proprietor. ? Glenn Springs, Spartanburg Dist., I So. Co., April 20, 1852. f I*. S.?Wisning to retire to private life, i will sell the above property on reasonable terms. J. C. Z. May 5 13 Gt OUR MOTTO IS ] " (Jnick Sales and Short Profits? HAILE k TWITTY Most respectfully invite the attention of Izincastcrvillc, and surrounding country, to their Now and Clit-ap Drux Stove, one door south of J. Adams' Store, where they can find a Well selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs utid Perfumery*. Italy's Toilet Powders, Water Colored Paints and Pencils. Puffs Fine Envelopes and Note l'apcr, Fine Chew- j ing Tobacco and Cigars, always on hand. Anything in our line, not on hand, will he ordered for customers at the shortest notice. All the above articles having been purchased mostly for cash, will be sold lower than the same nrticle has usually been sold in this place. Call and seo that this is no puffing. g-fjf We expect to have an Atmospheric Soda Fountain in operation in a few weeks, at which time we expect to accommodate our customers with Soda Water, Syrups and Ice. 3ino. April 28. Lnncnstcrville, S. C. J GOOD LAND FOR SALE. ; 1 WILL SELL MY PLANTATION on Rear Creek, containing about 500 Acres, situate within a mile of the Village of Lancaster. There is about 200 acres of this place under a tolerable good fence, and nearly all bottom land, and well adapted to the culture of Corn, Wheat, and other Small grains, and equally good for Cotton (some say') with properculture. It has advantages which ennnot well bo mentioned here, but which I can recount to, and which will be seen by any one who wishes to purchase, upon looking over it. Others can speak favorably of this tract of land to some of whom I take the liberty of referring, viz:? Dr. Strait, Jno. W. Cooke, Esq., John Williams. Ksq. I)r. Wylio and J. II. VVitherspoon, Esq. I will also sell my lands on Cedar Creek I ami Dry Creek ; I cultivate those lands, and they ore the name upon which I Imvc have made Cotton for several years past; with what success the ubove gentlemen can speak. I have no objection to any of the above lands for want of productiveness, and it may be well supposed that I will ask a price corresponding with the present price of Goon Land; but still,all will be made easy to the purchaser. M. OIJNTON. laincaster C. II., Apr. 28, 1852. fit 12 GRAIN CRADLES. Till: SUBSCRIBER 18 PREPARED TO Stalk Grain Cradles at the shortest notice and in the most workmnnlikc manner. He keeps a good supply of suitable material always on hand. Those who wish good work at a moderate price are respectfully solicited to give him a call before applying elsewhere. PETER JACOBS. May 6 13 3t* ESTRAY. STRAYED FROM THE 8UB8CRIUt'k premise* on tlio 26th March, two COLTS?ono an Iron Grny Mulo Colt?the other a Gray Home Colt, with mark* on the HhoulderH. The person returning tlicee colt* to me at my residence four milea from Rumell I lace, on Heaver Creek, will receive my thank* and be liberally rewarded. 8. E BREWER. , April 14 10?tf W. THURMW CASTON, ATTCRHEY AT LAW AMD BOUCI TOR TR EQUITY. Attend* tke Court* in Lanauter, Kerthnw and Adpotnin# DiMriei*. |ar OFFICE, CAMDEN, 8 C.JfA DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODsi rm WE ARB NOW RECEIVING | /A and opening our stock of Spring and Summer L ** ? ...... V,. WW. ovvvn 4?o MCUII I'iiri'IUlly selected from the very best markets in the United States. Wo return our sincero thanks for the liberal patronage we have received; and having purchased the Houses and l,ot which we now occupy, thereby making a permanent location in Ijiucastcr Village, we hope, by a strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of your natronage. ap 8 3m 9] T. R. &, J. R. MAGII.L. MiW GOODS. rpTIlE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST A received a new supply of Dry Goods. Their stock comprises of ! ancy and Domestie Goods, Embroideries, Ijicc and Muslin Sleeves, Cambrie Collars, Muslin do., Trimmings of all widths, Swiss and Cambric Inserting* and Edgings. Handsome and new stylo Barege DcLains. latest fashion and finest mialtty of Silk Tissues. Solia Colors, French Lawns, and Summer Coplins. New Styles, French Muslins, Mournings and Colors. Colognes,I*crfuines, Soaps, I lair and Tooth Brushes, &c. Those goods have been bought low, and will be sold accordingly. Those in want of goods would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere, BILLINGS &, BELK. April 8 9 tf T? JDiK/'UU. 9,?00?SFORSALE 10 CUBETON A MASSEY. Flour. 0#h DBS FOR SALE L0W F0R Cash, by 10 OUR ETON A- MASSEY. Baoon. LBSTUIMERA con, for sale low jy 10 BILLINGS A BELK. Iron. y AAA I.lis. IRON FOR SALE LOW v^Uvfor cavil, by 10 cureton a massey. Bacon &, Lard, For sale 11 y 11 IIASSELTINE & HAGINS. SADDLLUV, PAL\TL\U, At. HARNESS! HARNESS!! rrjs^ ?. A. BUTTON, ^ f UV MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGE AND WAGON HARNESS, BRIDLES, MARTENGALES, MEDICAL BAGS, TRUNKS, WIlIl'K, And everything belonging to a well reguluted IIA USE as SHOP. rTMIE Subscriber, having removed his JL. Harness Establishment to the shop formerly occupied hy Emmons &. Button nsa caeriage shop, one lot below tlio Court House on Dunlnp street, would respectfully inform the citizens of lancaster and surroundinfi country, that he is now prepared to carry on the Harness business in all its various nranehea; having had a thorough experirncc in the business, the subscriber would respectfully solicit tho custom of all persons being in want of anything in his line; and hopes hy a strict attention to business,and working nothing but the best material, to share at least a portion of the public patronage. All work warranted. Saddles repaired nt short notice. Call and examine, and be conviheed that I can sell Harness or anything in the Harness line as low, according to quality, as can be bought in Charleston. D. A. BUTTON, feb 26 Cm 3 SADDLE &, HARNESS Establishment. THE SUBSCRIBER RE8ifWt pectfully informs tho citizens of this District and elsewhere, that ho lias removed from his former stand to the old stand formerly occupied by F. K. Brunirnctt, where he is prepared to carry on the Saddle and Harness business in all its variitiw hrnnplwtft oiia1? ?a I , -' "v.", t ~*-7. 8 Padding Saddle*, which ho will warrant; Waggon Harness, Riding Bridles, Ac., and will noil an low an can bo purchased elsewhere. Please call and examine for yourselves. 1>. M. POER. Lancaster, Fob. 12. Oin?1 PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL HOUSE 'MSHflM, by nr. n. kkk ii, HE WILL ALSO UNDERTAKE work in the surrounding country and villages. He thoroughly understands the business, and can and will give satisfaction in style and durability, in price and dispatch. If sufficient employment can ho obtained he will make his home at Lancastcrville. mar 18 G tf rOTTOV I!!\S1 VV/ A A. Vi.1 \l COTTON GINS OF SUPERIOR CONstruction, and of the beet material, at * per SnW, made and warranted by the Subscriber. Also, Wheat Fans, Thrashing Machines and Horse Mills. Old Gins faithfully repaired. All orders thankfully received and punctually attended to. R. J. MeCRKIOHT. Camden, S. C., April 14, 186 J. 10.6m. ESTRAYS. Taken up by the subscriber at his residenee, within one mile of I sin da Ford, TWO MULES?one an Iron Gray Mule, tke other u Gray Horse Colt, with marks on his shoulder. J. M. FAULKNER. Wood Wanted. For which cash will re given. Apply at this Office. i jjjl | i DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. * - - ' T*l *' 1 . mil II r A If/1 l rtmt^rk ^ irifl LAiMLAfcifcK CjKUCKKY flSBf AND jjjjjj PROVISION STORE! THEsubscriben sire just receiving and now opening a large and complete assortment ot'GROCERIES unci PROVISIONS, which they are anxious to dispose of at extreme low prices for Cash or Country Produce. Their stock, consists in part as follows: New Orleans and Muscovado Sugar, Crushed, powdered ami Clarified do. New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses, Java and Rio Coffeo, Almonds, English Walnuts Citron, Currants, Pepper, Ginger, Spice and Cloves, Nutmegs, Maoe, Snleratus and Soda, Mackerel, No. 1, 2, and 8 Salmon, Beef Tongues, Herrings, Powder & Shot, Caps, Indigo, Crackers and Oranges, Lemons, O'Mera's old Rye and New Orleans Rectified Whiskey, Maderia, Port, Claret and Sherry Wines, Porter. Ale, Newark Cider, W. W. Vineger, Sardines, Oysters, Ginger Preserves, Cordial, Pepper sauce, Candies, Tobacco; together with a choice selection of Cigars, at all prices of the following brands, pilau tropa, Washington, Espana, Havana, Cheroots ami Cul>a sixes, ami a large variety of other articles too numerous to mention. All those in want of first rate articles at a low price, will please not to forget to call at the LANCASTER CROCEKY, at the ol.l stand of J. A. Ilasscltine, one door South of the Catawba TTouse, on Main st. IIASSELTfNK A* ILUUXS. SELLING OFF at COST A ml Low! THE Subscriber being very anxious to dispose of the balance of his stoek of DltY (iOODS, HARDWARE, II ATS, CAPS, HON NETS, ?fcc., to close up his business and make room for the large stock of Groceries and Provisions now coming into the Store, will sell at such uncommon low prices sis to induce all those in want of such articles as he has, to purchase of hint. If you want a large quantity of Hoods for a little money call at the old stand of J. A. IIASSELTINE. AN OLD LOOKIXU PLACE. Bell Air, South Carolina, L(X)K8 QUITE WEATllKR-WEA'/E .V, but is very hard to lical for CHEAP GOODS. M. 8. SORRELL A RROTHF.R have now a laree stock, includim. v.tv i ? ? f? ? ? ~ ^ "t" * * .' v 1''"1 * c lot of Shoes of Jill descriptions. Styles of poods to suit tlie season, and prices to suit tlie times. Ih ing very grateful for bygone favors, we hope you will call frequently during the Spring and Summer of 1852, and see how cheap and cheerful we will work for cash. !) 8t apSf CHEAP GOODS At Ilcllair, S. C. rp?ESUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVED ing from Charleston large additions to his stock of CHEAP GOODS, among which are many articles to suit the coming season, which will he sold at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. Those wanting Goods will find it to their advantage to call early, before the many rf.ai.i.y cheap articles are sold out. i-tfi 'enns Cash, or four months for approved paper. CHARLES P. EVANS. Bellair, Feb 2G. 3?tf YOU MUST 1IAVE FLOUR. CALL AT THE LANCASTER Grocery and purcnaso for Cash a superior article just received from North Carolina, at six dollars per hag of 200 lbs. 11AS.SELTINE ?fc 1IAG1NS. feb 10 2?tf IRON. 1 A OR 12.0(10 11),. Iron nfnll kiji.l,, Fnj 1\/ glish, Swced and American, on hand | and for sale very low to approved purchasers, I or for cash, at my old stand south corner | Main and Gay streets. J. ADAMS. May 12 tf 11 | LEATHER! LEATHER!! Ul> 1'E R, SOLE, AND HARNESS liOatluT for sale at extreme low prices j for cash, or exchanged for Hides previous to I 1st July next. IIASSELTINE & IIAG1NS, Ag'ts. Mny 12 3mo 11 THE SHERIFFALTY. M R. EDITOR:?Would it not be well . enough to let the people know that 1 an? not a canndidatc ? I cannot prevail upon ! myself to run?although during Court week, j I did say that I would be a candidate to one or two of my friends: it was however with reluctance and great hesitancy, and I must now add contrary to my long cherished determination. I really have no desire or inclination for any office, within the gift of my fellow ' citizens?I shall content myself by cherishing in private life, the grateful reruembrancea of their disinterested kindness. I hope my friends will excuse me for declining 1o run, opposed as I am sure it would be alike to my inclination and interests. J Ainua May 12 tf 1 \ NOTICE OF ELECTION. iirap-Quartkrh, ) 21st Regm't, S. C. Militia. J In obedience to an order ('initiating from the Brig'r General of the 5th Brigade. An election will be held at the usual place of rendezvous of each Company in this the 21st Regiment on Saturday the 20th of May next, for Colonel, to till the vacancy occasioned by the resignation oi Col. Ihxon Barnes. The polls to be opened and closed according to law ; the managers of each box to meet at Lancaster C.U. onMonday the 31st of the same month at 12 o'clock M., count the votes and report forthwith in writing showing the result of tho election. II. K. PRICE. . Lieut. Col. db Col pro. tern. Apr I tf 8 SURVEYING. JL AtT S TIN May bb found at the catawha Hons*, at all timtM, ready to wait upon those who may need his service as a Kincjori _ ^ April 28 . U?4f LEGAL NOTIfES. NOTICE. A LI. PERSONS HAVINTi DKMANns IV of any character or grade against Si. uiou Beckhtun, Esq., late of Lancaster District, deceased, are notified to present the same legally attested, and all indebted are requested to settle either by cash or note. A. J. CAUT1IEN. Qualified Executor. Pleasant Hill P. O, Ijincnste r I)ist., ) 3m May 4th, 1852, J M NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In Equity?Lancaster Dislr't. Dr. R. E. Wylie, Admin'r of ) G. VV. Coleman, dee'd., [ Hill to Mnrvs. j shall Assets Mrs.Mnrv A. Coleman, ct. al. J &e. npiIE CREDITORS OF GEORGE W. I. Coleman, dee'd., are notified and roquird to present and establish before me their respective demands, on or before the 20th of May next. 1 will devote exclusively the I8tfi, lffthand 20th days of May next, j for that purpose, but will receive claims before t hose days. The settlement of the csj tatc has been delayed by the indifference of I the creditors in presenting and establishing their demands. J AS. II. WITHER SPOON, c. e. i.. n. Lancaster District, AI:;r 10, 1852 11-tt. 2rif" Cliarieston Courier will copy until 15th May. J. II! W. IN EQIITY-Laiicntt. Dr'f. Charles I* Dye "1 Hill vs. 1 for Relief and to i\ T T\ n 1- I * - \r. j. i/ye, vutaratan subject funds Susan Jane Dye, his in the hands of C'omdnughter inissionor and ward to tlie payment of a et al. _ debt. It appearing to my satisfaction that Osmond .1. Dye and his duughtcr, Susan Jane Dye, two of the defendants in above ease, reside without the limits of this State. It is ordered, on motion of Williams, solicitor for complainant, that the said O.J. Dve and Susan J. Dye, do answer, plead or demur to the Ilill in above case, on or before the 25th June 1852, otherwise Judgment pro eonfes so will be ordered against them. JAMES II. WITIIEKSPOON. Com. Kq. I.. D. Knncnstcr C. II., Mar 25 7 3in. In Equi ty?Lancaster District James Limey, d Petition John Laney, vs. for j llichiuond II. Terrell Executor of John ) Legacy Smith dee'd., J tines (Irittin, Nancy Long, and Elizabeth 1 'read may Et. al. account It appearing to the satisfaction of the of tin* Commissioner, that the defendants James < Irillin, Nancy Long and Elizabeth Dreadmay, (if living) reside without the limits of this State. It is ordered on molion of Clinton and Ilannn, soi'rs for the I ; ? J ' - ' * i" utn'Mvi, iii.ii uu- Mini ueieiiuanis, jamos < iritlin, Nancv Long and Elizabeth I readmay, (it* alive) do answer, plead or demur, to the petition in above case, on or before j the 1st day af July 1852, otherwise judgj mcnt )>ro confesso will be ordered against I them. JAMES 11. WITHKRSPOON. Com. E?j. L. I). I Lancaster C. H., Mar 25 3ih 8 ! I* E<(I ITV?i.ancuHter Robert McDonald ^ Dill and wife Eugenia C I to pnxurc vs. ) a Thomas L. Dunlap sale of and wife et al. J Real Estate. It appearing to my satisfaction that Thomas L Dunlap and Mary his wife, Ceo. I \V Stinson Esther M. Stitisrn and her child, Oetavia defendants in the above ease reside beyond the limits of this State, i It is ordered on motion of Clinton and LLauna, solicitors for complainants, that the said defendants answer, plead or demur to the Dill in above case on or before the 21st day of June 1852, otherwise Judgment, pro confesso will be ordered against them. JAMES II. WITHERS!'Of>X. Comr. E. I^ancaster C. II., S. C., mar 15 3mo6 m ?Lancaster District j Doreas C* Perrv, widow, Oliver *) Bill II., nn ,> , i v Mary, Rebecca Perry, Elizabeth ! ' i i I. > ? tateofZa. i ? miv, iiuumittiia u rn . ivuenen l , , ,, n i dock lerPerry, George r Ingram. | Eleanor Perry. j ry, dee'd ft appearing to my satisfaction that nil tlu I defendants above named, reside without the i limits of the State, except George F. Ingram j and wife, he having married a daughter ol I Zadoek Perry. It is ordered on motion ol ! Williams, solicitor for complainants that the I said defendants do answer plead or dentin j to the Hill in above case, on or before the 25th June, 1852; otherwise Judgment pro fesso will he ordered against them. JAMES H. WITHERSPOON. Com. Eq. I* D. Ijinenster, C. II.,March 23, 1852. 7 3 m o. MONUMENT TO THE DEAD I\ MEXICO! The Citizens or Lancaster District nrr informed that the undersigned have been apj?ointed a committee to obtain subscriptions in this I tistriet for the purpose above specified Keeling, that to urge a word in behalf ol such an object, would l>e offering an insult alike to the gratitude and patriotism of our District, we simply state thai the names of all who died, during the Mex ican Campaign will be inscribed upon this monument. Wo beg that tluwo dispose* ot contribute will hand in the amount* immediately to either of the undersigned Lieut J. B. COITSAUT, Lieut. A. J. 8ECKE8T. Serg't M. HELTON. C-onimittee of Company I. April 1, 8 tf J. C. SECREST, Magistrate. LANCASTER, S. C. FOR SALE. An exceli?nt sett of wagoi harness, which will be sold lov for Cash, if npplied for immediately. ]. '? " ! ? R. 8r BAILEY. * Bridget MeLarnon i It i 1 1 vs. > for Madison Richardson ) Dower. It appearing to my satisfaction that the defendant, Madison Richardson, resides beyond the limits of this State. Jt is ordered 011 motion of Clinton and Hnnna, Solt'rs for the complainant that the said defendant, Madison ltiehardson do answer plead, or demur to the Bill in above case or before the 21st day of June 18.52, otherwise Judgment pro eonfosso will be ordered against him. JAMES II. WITHER SPOON. Comr. Kq'v L. D. Lancaster C. II., S. C. mar 15 0 111 Equity?Eaiicawtcr Dist. Ex Parte. Petition James II. Kirkley, by I power of Attorney v for from John Kirkley sr. 1 A- Susannah his wife. J Relief | Chns. Kirkley?ct al. j &c. It appearing to my satisfaction, that John Kirkley, Sr: Charles Kirkley, James Kirkley and John Kirkley, Jr., defendants in above case, reside without the limits of | this State. On motion of Williams Sol'r. | for the Petitioner, it is ordered, that tho said John Kirkley, Sr., Charles Kirkley, j James Kirkley, and John Kirkly, Jr., do i plead, answer, or demur to the Petition in ) the ahove case, on, or before first day oj June next. Othonvise, Judgment, Pro. | Confesso, will be ordered against each of i them. J AS. II. WITIIERSPOON. Comr. Eq. L. D. Feb. 12 3 m In l-lqisity?Vi?nraster Disf. John W. Gregory, 1 Willis Gregory, Jr. | Bill for Partition vs. ! Martha Gregory, wi- of Lands and Na J dow, Thos.J. Gregory 1 I IT. Jackson Gregory, 'groes, Estate of Owen Gregory,Alfred Moore & Mary A. his Willis Gregory, sr., I wife, Joseph Terrell Martha J., his wife. J dee'd. I It appearing to my satisfaction that Jo1 sepli Terrell and wife, Martha J., defendi ants in above case, reside without the Umi its of this State, it is ordered on motion of ! Williams, sol'r for complainants, that the said Joseph Terrell and wife, Martha J., | do plead, answer, or demur, to the bill in ] above case on or before the 1st day of .Line, j 1852, otherwise, Judgment pro confesso ' will be ordered against them. JAMES H. WITIIER SPOON. Com'r Eq. L. D. r r.-ii 12 sm 1 '1 In Equity?Lancaster Dist. , i Josiah M. Croxton, Su-^) Bill to divide real , san Croxton, Mary Estate Ac. Croxton, Henry Auder- Estate of Jameo son A Mittey his wife. Croxton, decossrs cd and Jane E B Ward A Jane his Croxton deccaswife, Chas. B. Allen A ed. Xancv his m ife, Joseph Woods A Rachel his wife. J It appearing to my satisfaction that E. ' B.Ward and Jane,his wife,Joseph Woods 1 | and Rachel, his wife, defendants m nlxivo ' , case, reside without the limits of this State. ! It is ordered, on motion of Clinton A Hai' na sol'r. for complainants, that the said de' I fendants do answer, plead, or demur, to I I tllP ltiU ill lllmvn ? ' "" UII, \n miure wio IH 1 | day of Juno, 1852, otherwise, Judgment, | pro confess*) will be ordered against each and all of them. JAMES H. WITHKRSPOON, 1 Com'r Eq'y L.an'r Dist. * ConiYa office, Feb 12 8m 1 In Kqnitr?Lanroiter Diotrlct. Nathaniel B. Ingram, "l Petition to subv*. I jeet an Kmiity Nathaniel Ingram, | to pay a legal Francis P. Ingram. J demand. It appearing to my satisfaction that Nathaniel Ingram (son of Jemima) resides beyond the limita of thin State. It la ordered, on motion of Moore, nolicitor for petitioner, that the nnid Nathan iej Ingram do answer, plead, | or demurr to the Detition filed attains! him in the nhovo eaae, on or before the let day of June, IBftfl, otherwise judgment pro too. Y feaso, will be ordered ngnlnet him. r JAMBS If. WmfERSPOON, - C'R U O * 1 | Lancoater, C. H , B. C., Feb. 86, 1 BoJ.' i * f 1 LEGAL NOTICES. In Equity?Lancaster District John R. VVolsh, Adiu'r. of William Hilton,dec'd. vs. John Adams, et. al., Creditors?Bill to marshal nssets, and so forth. The creditors of the Estate of Wiliam Hilton, late of Lancaster District, dec'd, are notified and requested to establish their demands before tne on or before the first day of June, 1852. By order of the Court, June Term, 1851. . j. ii. wrriiERSpooN. Com'r in Eq'y, L. D. Lancaster c. ii., S. C. March 15,1852. April 8 8 ???,76 I* Eqi'ITY?Lanctuer District Middle ton G. Cnston,"l Bill . vs I for Partition Win. T. Cast on, J of I Samuel C. Coston. J Lands. It appearing to mv satisfaction that the do. ! fondants. \ViHi??i> 'i' ?j , m. . vudiuii nun namuel U, Canton ri side beyond the limits of this State. It is ordered on motion of Williams, solicitor lor complainant, that said defendants do oni swer, plead or demur to the bill in above ease on or before the 25th of June 1852. otherwise Judgment pro confesso will be ordered against them. JAMES H. WITIIERSPOON, Com. Eq'y Ltui. Dist. Mar 23, 1852. 7 3mo. t > EQUITY?LaacMtcr OiNtrlet John W. Cooke, solicitor,") Petition to subv?. I ject William McCorkle and | an Equity and wife Elizabeth J for Relief. It appearing to my satisfaction, that William MeCorkle and Elizabeth Ins wife reside without the limits of this State. It is orderi ed on motion of Williams, solicitor, for Petitioner, that the said defendants do answer i plead, or demur to the petition in above case I on or before the 25th day of June 1852, otherwise Judgment, pro confesso will be ordered a- ainst them. JAMES H. WITIIERSPOON. C. E. L. D. Mar 21 7 3mo. IN 1HMJITV Lancaster ni?f