Judge DeVore Obtains Har monious Settlement. Kingstree, Dec. 13.-The fall term of the court which convened here Monday and adjourned late Friday vras one of the most interesting ses sions of civil court held in this county in many years, made so by the very nature of the cases tried and the prominence of the litigants involved in the several actions. Judge J. W. DeVore of Edgefield presided during the term, and more than ever before he endeared himself to the members of the bar, the jurors and the people of the county Friday afternoon when through his timely and kindly admonition one of the knottiest cases ever tried in this court was amicably settled to the sat isfaction of the contestants and coun sel on both sides. The case was that of Mrs. Lillian Brown against Sallie E. Davis, and others for the recovery of the estate left by the plaintiff's father, the late George W. Davis. In 1877, as shown "by the evidence in the case, George W. Davis married Miss Amanda Han T?a. Six months later Mr. Davis re turned his bride to her mother and left her. In October* of 1877 the plaintiff in this action was born and grew into womanhood. In the mean time, seven years after her birth, her mother, Mrs. Davis, left Williams "burg county and went to Florida, tak ing up a permanent abode in that state and in 1884 remarried there. About the same time Davis went into Georgetown county and married a daughter of the late Capt. Henry Mc Donald, with whom he lived happily until his death in 1916. There were "born to this union nine children, the seven , surviving ones being defend ants, with their mother, in this suit. Testimony was adduced to prove be yond a doubt the marriage of Mr. Davis to the mother of the plaintiff. It was not proven that there had ever teen a divorce obtained by Mr. Davis outside this state and hence the ac tion by the plaintiff, Mrs. Brown, to recover her father's estate on the[ ground that she was the rightful heir. 11 Captain Davis was a prominent cit-1 < izen of the county and served one or more terms in the state legislature, also for 18 or 20 .years had served his district as magistrate. There is a large family connection on both sides and compose the best people in this section of the state. The preponder ance of evidence was clearly in favor of the plaintiff according to the law of the state, but for the sake of fam ily harmony and for the respect of his friend, with whom he had served in the legislature, Judge DeVore pre ferred to see the contention between the heirs of George W. Davis settled outside of the jury room, and as soon as the evidence was all in he called the parties at interest with their counsel, into his private chamber and there did what no one else had been able to bring about-an amicable, satisfactory settlement, which gave to the palintiff one-half interest in her father's estate. A verdict was drawn and signed by the foreman of the jury heartily concurred in by the ll other members. Judge DeVore was warmly congratulated upon his accomplish ment by counsel on both sides and by members of the jury. Four Judges to be Chosen. With the removal by death last week of Judge Frank B. Gary, of the eighth judicial circuit, the fourth va cancy in South Carolina judgeships was brought about. The four vacan cies are to be filled by the general as sembly at its meeting in January and already a number of candidates are .being spoked of as successors to the three jurists who have been taken by death and a fourth judge who re signed. In addition to the vacancy in the eighth circuit, a vacancy exists in the fourth circuit as a result of the death of Judge Edward Mciver, another in the sixth circuit, brought about by the death of Judge Ernest Moore and another in the fourteenth circuit resulting from the resignation of Judge J. E. Peurif oy. Candidates are already in the field for judgeships of three of these cir cuits, the fourth, the sixth and the fourteenth, according to the Green ville Piedmont, it is expected that de velopments of the next few weeks will bring about the candidacies of several prominent attorneys of the eighth circuit who aspire to become the successor to Judge Frank Gary. In the fourth circuit, composed of the counties of Chesterfield, Darling ton, Dillon and Marlboro the most prominent candidate for the judge ship of the circuit . is E. C. Dennis, well known aattorney of Darlington, and a former member of the house of representatives. Some observers think that sentiment in the circuit formerly presided over by Judge Mciver is very much in favor of Mr. Dennis and the likelihood is that he will win the elec tion in the general assembly. Several candidates are being prom inently mentioned for the judgeship of the counties of York, Chester, Lancaster and Fairfield, Senator Glenn W. Ragsdale of Fairfield; So licitor J. K. Henry, of Chester; W. M. Dunlap and J. Harry Foster of Rock Hill. Mr. Dunlap and Mr. Foster are j well known attorneys of York coun ty. Mr. Foster has served as special judge on several occasions. The announced candidates for the judgeship of the fourteenth circuit, formerly presided over by Judg3 Peurifoy and consisting of the coun ties of Hampton, Colleton, Beaufort, Jasper and Allendale are W. B. Gru ber, attorney of Walterboro ; Senator J. Henry Johnston of Allendale and J. S. Thomas, attorney of Beaufort. While no candidates have an nounced in the eighth circuit, com posed of the counties of Abbeville, Newberry, Laurens and Greenwood and formerly presided over by Judge Frank Gary, there are a number of able lawyer in this circuit and a live ly contest for the judgeship of the circuit is promised. Among those who will be mentioned for the place will probably be W. P. Greene, of Abbe ville, who has frequently served as a special judge and often has been spoken of as a candidate for the bench in the event of a vacancy. Election of four judges will serve to heighten interest in the coming session of the legislature and the con tests for the four vacancies will draw the attent'on of 'the entire state. Carolina Citizen. Dr. Z. T. Cody Writes About Ku Klux Klan. The following editorial on the Ku Klux Kl?n, from the pen of Dr. Z. T. Cody, editor of the Baptisn Courier, tvill be read with general interest: "There is a great deal of nervous ness about the Ku Klux Klan. The attitude of some of our great dailies towards it takes for granted that it is | nothing but a secret order for law essenss. This last is the attitude of the mayor of New York and it seems >f many other officials. Fron time to ;ime the papers carry accounts of ;he lawless deeds of men wearing the Klan regalia, and, these deeds are :redited to this order. . It is also a fact that great many of our citizens, vho seek only the best for our coun ty, look askance at the Klan and fear. ;he course which, they think, it will ilmost certainly take. "We do not know anything of this >rder that any other outsider does lot know. If this editor knows a sin- j jle member of the Klan he does not enow it The only things that he cer ;ainly knows of that have been done >y Klan people have been certain ;ontributions made to evangelists in neetings. All of us look on that as to ;heir credit. The Klan is reported to >e a Protestant organization and nade up only of white people. It is :ertainly the object of suspicion by Catholics and colored people. We ;ake for granted that it is its name, with old associations, that has aroused :he negroes. Much of the evil and vide publicity that has been given ;he klan appears to be from Catholic sources, and is therefore, the product if prejudice. We believe that the Klan ought not to be judged by any such propoganda. Unfortunately the government's chief of detectives, Mr. Burns, is a member of the Knights of Columbus, and while, perhaps, he tvould seek to be impartial, yet any investigation made while he is head if the secret service would not com mand respect; and very likely, the clamor for investigation comes, di rectly or indirectly, from the secret.! politics-religious organizations of which Chief Burns is an honored member. "This organization ought to be judged on what it is, rather than on what its enemies write of it either out of unreasoning prejudice or with sec tarian malice. It ought not, we think, to be finally condemned on its most unfortunate name. But it must be said, that it is to be held responsible for choosing a name that is inextrica- j bly interwoven with lawlessness, and, along with the name, the regalia. If the Klan is finding that the public is discriminatory charging it up with all manner of crime it has itself largely to blame for this. If the Klan is finding that evil men use its regalia when they are on lawless errands the Klan ought certainly to have known] beforehand that it was opening again this opportunity to mischief and crime. As for ourselves, we do not be lieve that the order is guilty of the things here and there, done under its disguise. But it has, without doubt, revived a method of intimidation that is fraught with all manner of evil and of trouble; and, this is no small matter. We believe that it was a ?rave mistake. Even though the mo tive of those who created the Klan was noble, as we believe it was, yet . / ?ii ??? .'i (they have brought back to life a meth od of dealing with questions that can not be kept to ways or ends that are noble. "As between the Ku Klux Klan and the Knights of Columbus this country has less to- fear from the for mer. We believe that the United .States has in it nothing more un American than the secret political religious organization that is now try ing to use the law to break down the Klan which evidently it dreads. "But after all, we may well ask is a secret organization, whether Protestant or Catholic, the proper instrument with which to deal with political and religious questions?" Week of Prayer Program at Baptist Church, Jan. 3-7. Prayer Meeting service, Wednes day evening, January 3. Thursday Afternoon, Jan. 4. Mrs. J. L. Mims, Leader. Subjecct: Japan. Devotional: Mrs. J. W. Peak. Talk, S. B. C. Schools in Japan: Mrs. Abner Broadwater. Prayer for all Christian school work in Japan. Recitation: Elizabeth Padgett in Japanese costume. Reading, "Buddha or Christ:" Mrs. W. E. Lott. Hymn for the year: "How Firm a Foundation." ; Friday Afternoon, Jan. 5. Leader: Mrs. E. C. Asbell. Subject: Europe and Africa. Devotional : Mrs. W. B. Cogburn. Talk, America's Debt to Europe: Rev. A. T. Allen. Prayer for Missionaries in Europe. Vocal solo: Mrs. M. B. Tucker. Talk, What Does the Bible Say About Africa?: Miss Eliza Mims. Prayer that the Cradle Home of Christ may not be forgotten by His followers: Mrs. J. W. Thurmond. Leaflet: Camping T- in Af rica: Miss Kelle h Fair. Hymn "Am I a Soldier of the Cross." Saturday Afternoon, Jan. 6 Young People's Session. Mrs. A. T. Allen, Leader. Sheriff's Sale Under Execution. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD 3 (In the Court of Common Pleas.) 1 The Farmers Bank ol Edgefield, S. j C., Plaintiff, Against W. A. Strom j and The Dixie Highway Hotel ] .Company of Edgefield, Defend- 1 ants. 1 Notice is hereby given that under j and by virtue of the power and au- ?j thority of an execution in the above ] entitled action issued out of the, 1 Court of Common Pleas in and for 1 said County and State in behalf of j Plaintiff above named, I have levied ^ on the personal property herein be- ] low described and owned by the De- ] fendant, The Dixie Highway Hotel 1 Company of Edgefield, and will, be- j fore the Court House door in the j Town of Edgefield, said county and ] state, during the legal hours of sale 1 on Salesday in January, A. D., 1923, ' same being Tuesday, the second day j of said month, sell the following de- j scribed personal property owned by ] the said Defendant, The Dixie High way Hotel Company of Edgefield, to ? wit: All the furniture, fixtures, lin- 1 en, towels, slips, sheets, pillows, pillow cases, bed covers, spreads, blankets, comforts, mats, matting, \ linoleum coverings and runners on ; floors, carpets, rugs, tables of every 1 kind, beds, bedsteads, chairs of ev ery kind; bureaus, wardrobes, chiffo niers, stools, grip racks, fiber rush suites, table, fibre rush settees, desks for writing, dining tables and all other tables; refrigerators, ranges and cooking stoves, dressers, mat tresses, cooking utensils of every kind and description; table-ware of every kind and description; china, glass wares, cutlery, table cloths, napkins, kitchen knives, table knives, all forks, spoons, silver ware, pots, pans, win dow shades, screens, detached coun ters, store cabinets, kitchen cabinets, office cabinets, shelving, hat racks, office desk, dishes and crockery of every kind and description, also all other personal property of every kind and description whatsoever, whether mentioned above or not and which is now in use or for use in the Dixie Highway Hotel or in any of the stores under the Dixie Highway Hotel, situate in the Town of Edge field, County pf Edgefield, State of South Carolina. Levied on as the property of the Defendant, The Dixie Highway Ho tel Company of Edgefield. Terms of Sale: CASH. W. R. SWEARINGEN. Sheriff of the County of Edgefield, State of South Carolina. December 13th, 1922. Invigorating to the Paie and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening toi~c. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drive? ouf Ma! aria,enriches the blood, a nd builds upthe sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. SOr Q \ XTTj about 20 per Oil. V Ht cent'bn your toll charges during the day by using the station to station service? Q A "\7|7 about 50 per dl\ V Ht cent at ??ght between 8:30 p. m. and midnight by using the sta tion to station service. Q \ \7T? about 75 per . . - cent by using station to station service be tween midnight and 4:30 a. m. i Ask Long I Distance for ' Other Rates .ev ? County Treasurer's Notice. The County Treasurer's office will be open for purpose of receiving taxes from the fifteenth day of No vember, 1922 to the fifteenth day of March, 1923. All. taxes shall be due and pay able between the fifteenth day of October, 1922 and December the bhirty-fiirst, 1922. That when taxes charged sTaall not be paid by December the thirty-first, 1922 the County Auditor shall pro bed to add a penalty of one per cent., for January and if taxes are not paid on or before February the first, 1923, the County Auditor will proceed to add two per cent., and five per cent additional, from the first of March to the fifteenth of March, after which time all unpaid ;axes will be collected by the Sheriff. The tax levies for 1922 are as fol ows: Mills For State purposes_7% For Ordinary County_8 For Past Indebtedness_ZVz For Constitutional School tax_3 For Antioch - -_8 For Bacon School District_14 For Blocker_-_- - 8 For Blocker-Limestone_4 For Colliers_4 For Flat Rock_8 For Oak Grove_3 For Red Hili_8 For Edgefield_10 For Elmwood No. 8_8 For Elmwood* No. 9_2 Tja Elmwood No. 30 _2 .WElmw?o?-Era - ~- _ -:-~:r~3 For Hibler_" --" - 8 For Harmony --3 For Johnston --- - - 19 For Meriwether (Gregg)-2 For Moss_3 For Brunson School __ - -- 4 For Ropers-- 2 For Shaw_- 4 For Sweetwater - - - -- 4 For Talbert.-8 For Trenton_I-14 For Wards-8 For Blocker No. 33_4 Por Blocker R. R. (portion)-6 For Elmwood R. R. (portion) 6 For Johnston R. R.-3 For Pickens R. R.-3 For Wise OR. R.-3 For Corporation_- - - SOYz All male citizens between the ages of 21 and 60 years, except those exempt by law, are liable to a poll tax of One Dollar each. All owners of dog are required to pay the sum of $1.25 for each dog of the age of six months or older. This is not included in the property tax but a tag must be purchased from the County Treasurer for each dog dur ing January of each year. The law prescribes that all male citizens between the ages of 18 and 55 years must pay $4.00 commuta tion tax. No commutation is included in the property tax. So ask for road tax receipt when you desire to pay road tax. Time for paying road tax will expire February 1, 1923. J. L. PRINCE, County Treasurer, E. Co. Lombard Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works and Mill Supply House AUGUSTA GEORGIA Cotton Oil, Gin, Saw, Grist, Cane, Shingle Mill, Machinery Supplies and Repairs, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Grate Bars, Pumps, Pipe, Valves and Fittings, Injectors, Belting, Packing Hose, etc Cast every day. GASOLINE AND KEROSENE ENGINES Pumping, Wood Sawing and Fesd Grinding Outfits. J. S. BYRD Dental Surgeon Office Over Store of Quartes & Timmennen Office Phone No. 3 Residence Phone 87 THE FARM OF EDGEF Is Depository for Public Fut County of Edgefield, of S of the United Sta The Strongest Bank SAFETY FIRST IS ANI Open your account with us for Savings Account with us, or invesi LNG CERTIFICATES OF DEPOS! Lock boxes for rent in which tc All business matters referred handled. WE SOLICIT i Barrett & (INCORPi COTTON Augusta - - . Q0fflEg2S8O8? Consult Your Own Inte When! Roofing Metal Mantels. Til Trim Hs Walli Doors, S FRi Youngblood Mantel ( 635 Broad St. AUGUSTA, fl Inactive liver H ?i have had trouble with g J! an inactive liver," wrote Mrs. a ^ S. Nichols, of 4412 Spencer f a St, Houston, Texas. "When g ff feel a light, dizzy feeling in my ?j fl head. To getup in the morning 9 I with a lightness in the head and ^ a trembly feeling is often a sign I that the stomach is out of order. ? Jt For this I took fhedford's ? T Black-Draught, and without a jf g doubt can say I have never g I a good condition. I have used I * it a long time, when food does ? I not seem to set well, or the mt stomach is a little sour." I? I j If it isn't fl J Thedford'i it isn't I ii IP BUCK-DRAUGHT Liver Medicine. Trespass Notice. In order to keep people out of trouble, I hereby give notice that I do not want anybody trespassing on my land and all who do so will he prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This means everybody, without exception. . C. L. TURNER. ERS BANK 1ELD, S. C. ids of Town of Edgefield, of tate of South Carolina and tes in this District. zn Edgefield County ) WILL BE OUR MOTTO 1922. At the same tirfie start a t in one of our INTEREST BEAR LT. I keep your valuable papers. 1 to us pleasantly and carefully "OUR BUSINESS ORATED) FACTORS Georgia rest by Consulting Us Buying or Composition ling. Grates irdware Board . ash, etc. OM Company Telephone 1697 GEORGIA Abbeville-Greenwood Mu tual Insurance Asso ciation. ORGANIZED 1892. Property In surre ? $17*226,000. WRITE OR CALL on the under signed for any information you may desire about our plan of insurance. We insure your property against destruction by FIRE, WINDSTORM, or LIGHT NING and do so cheaper than' any Com pany in existence. Remember, we are prepared to prove to you that ours is the safest and cheapest plan of '' insurance known. Our Association is now licensed to write Insurance in the counties of Abbeville, Greenwood, McCormick, Edgefield, Laurens, Saluda, Rich land, Lexington, Calhoun and Spar enburg, Aiken, Greenville, Picken*, Barnwell, Bamberg, Sumter, Lee, Clarendon, Kershaw, ? Chesterfield. The officers are: Gen. J. Fraser Lyon, President, Columbia, S. C., J. R. Blake, Gen. Agent, Secretary and Treasurer, Greenwood, S. C. -DIRECTORS A. 0. Grant, Mt. Carmel, S. C. J. M. Gambrell, Abbeville, S. C. J. R. Blake, Greenwood,. S. C. A. W. Youngblood, Dodges, S. C: R. H. Nicholson, Edgefield, S. C. J Fraser Lyon, Columbia, S. C. W. C. Bates, Batesburgt-;S. C. W. H. Wharton, Waterloo, S. C. J. R. BLAKE, General Agent. Greenwood, S. G. The Best Hot Weather Tonis ; GROVE'S TASTELESS chi ll TONIC enriches the blood,' builds up the whole system cad -will TYOD I derftilly strengten and fortify > ou to withstand the depressing effect of the hot dummer. 50c . . ? . . _ a't>i'