CAMP JACKSON. (Continued from First Page.) the bloody tyrant. But I say th'-.t if I am ever needed I will respond, for it is my greatest ambition to serve the people. Then I say to you Teutons and Teuton sympa thizers, that if you believe on him ye shall have everlasting life of hell fire and comforts ot pain; so pre pare ye the way for your lord and father of the Fatherland." I think most of us think that this reward is just for him. I would rather be a lowly French peasant and wear wooden shoes than to be that imperial impersonation of force and murder known as Kaiser Wil helm of Germany. Yes, I would rather live in a mud hut with the ?grape vines growing over my door than to be that blood-thirsty tyrant of so called modern Germany. Sometimes I fret because I am in this, but when I think what it is for, I say "no," now is the time or it will never come. If we neglect it now, we will face Germany later." It would never do for a German army to touch our shore. Some say that is not possible. Well, if we do not put our shoulders to the wheel now a time may come when even the wheel would not turn with all the help that we can render. We have got to send a large army to meet the Germans on foreign territory. Then you people at home have got to back the government by tak ing liberty bonds, raising more foodstuffs and by economizing. But of course when it comes to that I know Edgefield is doing her part, and is willing to do more. We have to let pleasures take care of themselves and help to take care of the government, because we are the ones that make the government. So I can say the boys of Camp Jackson are doing fine, and are ready to go to the front, and if the dear people of old Edgefield want to know how to help us, is by help ing the government as I have inti mated, for it takes care of us, and by sendin? a ??ood -word of oheer, for if you are behind us we are more than for you. There is no use of worrying about the people of Edgefield, for you could tour the whole country and you would not find a more energetic, hospitable and loyal people than old Edgefield, as well as the whole state of South Carolina. I think I would rather live and die there in preference to any other on the ylobe. If any one from Edgefield ever conies over to visit the camp, just call around to warehouse seven, the hardware warehouse of the camp, and I will take you over the camp, and also to the trenches, bm T will not take you where the shrapnel flies. Fuuhenuore, I guarantee a square meal. Well, 1 think I had better close, because there is d inger of carrying some things too far. So with wishes thai this year may bring all a hun dred fold, I close. Yours truly, N. D. T. KOW FARMERS MAY GET FLOUR WITHOUT MEAL. Food Administration's Plan for These Who Have Their Own Corn Ground. Columbia. Feb. 'J.-The national food administration has given au thority for a modification of thc pound-for-pound law in order tc give relief to the farmer in South Carolina who has his own curt ground locally. Much dissatisfactior has been caused amony mixing of water with the vein of peculiar looking mineral, almost ike powder, which had apparently aid for centuries encased in a raar )le-hke casing of rock and clay. The sore on his leg began to heal, ind by the time his work was com peted his leg was sound and well. This was considered so very remark ible by the people of that section hat an investigation was made, and t was found to be like radium, gold, platinum and other wondrous se ;rets of nature-a natural compound ?ontaining inimitable properties in proportions no chemist has attempt id to duplicate, though a large sum vas offered him who could accom plish tll?3. To-day, like radium, which is ised in curing cancers, x-ray work, md illuminating watch dials so \cid Iron Mineral has its many ises being a remarkable remedy ised externally or internally and my one troubled with blood dis eases, eruptions, rheumatism, kid ?ey, bladder or stomach disorders )f any sou may wisely visit the learest store and procure a bottle. \ twelve-ounce bottle sent prepaid m receipt of 81.00 by the Ferro 1 inc Chemical Corp , Roanoke, Ya., >r send stamped enveloped with let er telling what your trouble is for older telling more about this great ron preparation, Acid Iron Mineral. WELL SUPPLIED WITH FERTILIZERS We desire to inform the farmers of Edgefield county that we have on hand ready for delivery all brands and formulas made by the Vir ginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Also a full supply of the "Quality Line of Fertilizers" made by Coe-Mortimer & Co. of Charleston. Before making your fertil izer contracts for 1918 call to see us. We can also supply you with meal and 16 per cent, acid for mixing your own fertilizers at home.. W. W. ADAMS & CO. ll make every acre produce its ut . food crops, cotton and tobacco, all needed by our country? You will rye your country and yourself by ag each acre liberally with 25 aaa RP* M 1 '9? ? ti^i??? ra gpagg?w^mpg m BM$,m ? TT? I Bi 111. ?IC Lis ? IL1 ? M "ITPAYS TO USE THEM national car and labor shortage. Delay is dangerous. Manufactured by SWSFT & CO. FERTILl! ATLANTA, GA. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Factories: Atlanta, Albany, LaGrange, roSouItriie,* Savannah, Ga. WILMINGTON and GREENSBORO, N. C., CHESTER and COLU&9B8A, S. C. FOR SALE BY Edgefield Mercantile Co. Edgefield, South Carolina m