«■ S©®5'HSSHSB W®T, l»iK ]SrOTICK, iKDEin :;d to the estate <*f Aj. Bftrgpui, wbe»bw by note, ac count or otbeNriM, are nolifled to comq fur- w^nl |n,4 ivotM fjghMfnt, Mt^iencut, or ot^er !h tlio uniler- SCK North Eastern , 8UPERI5TENI Cs\sf.fMo< a p h 100 #^ ... $1 <13. ri»er. There is *kiut llwJ,«ho«t-*)Ouero.of; r qnulftT ftr fniUAfj. ^ Pee t jnA>. OOTlOpijJavQTOIi, an:l (itwrti. Mcrehaol, QFFICt ACbtotriODA r/ox whauf, CW.VttLKSTO.V. S. C. Liberal •(Nances mad* on Consignment*. bb4 (ho Internal Hev;nus Tax pnid on nil Cot*M consign# to Jsim by *h>N:i Messrs. CHARLES h (Hb, at 6 1 - C. H. 1 • '' ’ ▲sklilSTftATIOX VOTICB. rpHE CR/TDiroUS OK W. A. tf)V\tkV* i are berebr' n tilfleJ to present (lietr 1 c^lms ngsinet the estate of deccnied Ultliiti one month from ibe pnblicatipn of thisnetirr All indcblad to the mine will Biaho payment to me wiiliin that time, i v . R. Iv. ClIARLAS, • stl^tnA 5^ A In in e a - or. ^ irofick T UF AK.NUAJ M A'ATI A'(i of tljc SuhV- holders of the Pber*w Htol ltai-!in)r!on UsilromlComimuy will be held in the town of Cliersw eu fuerd&v, n is remark:.:, healthy, the water tery fine, and the neiph- borlio.id exceikuit, tiius ntuking it onf 'W the most de.-irubk' pUtotutions in the diiv. tr:ot. Possession of the dwclling-huusc, bant, eto., given by the ioth LXjcemher.; p<.s*CM>iou to gt*-h» usc, lands, A eie., as step after tt* plssiblo. If npt rente 1 privately l efure the first Monday in Decent! oit wifi thci^ bo ronted at public outcry, at Ben- nettsvilia, at 1? M. persi n» wishing to rout privately will please ecinmunu-ate ly maH with the Miliecrtlt'*r at Florence, S. ('. aa(l foilier, h< g«, cutS’e, and a nwl Sltitidts, put nn to suit the ronntrv trade. All paefcage* are put up with care, nnd will he sent, per express, 'to any a.l lri'.s, npon rcciipt of (’n-.Ii, or C. O- l>. FRED. VON Si AN LAIN, ' no12—*lm t’ri.j.f’etor. The State of Swiih rawHua,) Ia J);irliit;tt)fl DisiricL j Equity. Sani’l B. DaV.’iit aud Wife, t":. Joseph II. Dixon and Wife swd .ali«r*, heirs gt la v of Thjioas Ui.usc. Bill for Partition a-*! Aicalint. P URSUANT TO AN YJlrtf>:K OF tlie CouK of Eqw’ity, mw-W in Ntc ahove stated ease, I viil sell, at Ihir-| lington f'oarth.inKe, »n the FlRWT MON DAY IN NOV E.MB'1R next, aid thtt f«ar- cel or tract •(' ia.oi firnn ily owned d.v Th.mias (louse, decestsv i. exeept so nmuli thereof a* baa been set elf to Air*. Lwti.n House; said part tu he soW, being four hundrci] and sixty-onc aerca, ui.yn or lea . Texas o# Sai.r.-—F»ar mi imteh i»f the puruluse money ns may be neeessarj |« pay the expenses of tfc-i sale ami the c«et« of these proceedings cash, the balance on a credit of one an'd two ytstrs, wiih interest tiroiu . CmniniCcioarr’* Office, ) Darlinctnn C. II N Get. 8.h, I oct!2—Liu Tlie Stat^ of South Caruliiw,) la Darlit*t#n District, J Equity llni-MiiH) n Jlarpis and >S>au,:v 11 Nertheutt vs. ^ James Fields, al„ Heirs at law ef W. W. ^ .* Nqrtfceutf. Bill fur Partition, Account, Ac. P URSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE Court of Equity made in the above sta ted rage, I will sen at Darliiigiow Court lb>us«, on the first Monday in Abr. next, til ih.it tract of Land situate in Darlington pidrict anti State <*f South Carolina, mn- lainhig three Uuodied and th'rrtv three (MdrSctot/uiOK- or lew, formerly ow ned nwMVilliTiy 'fif^Northcutt, deeea.-te»l, and '.onndcd liy land* of Abeam Beaslev, L. W. Barnes, Thomas Mu’drow and otfiers, nc- cording top plat Mierooi miUlu iv William H. Wiugale, eq Uja 1st uf ApnJ.-1852. Trim* or 8*i.b.—9° much ensh n« may he necessary to pay the cost* n bynefc * Creefc, oa tlie oreek riwwl, (iiretimilcr Uuun S monsvlrie. Tlie laniT juoii.ee* <*oiit mou.lay in Narauiber mxi, durinr Fie leynl kmur* ef flak', all tha Us Is keieng- ing *o tkcEstate of Joann J. W SaTsesvyj, CcndiUnnj.—Purchaser* to pay r.o much cash a* will pay cost of j,r's»iit proeeedings, Mi.b,ooc on a credit of one and two years, the purchaser al*o giving bond with go,d securi ty. and a mortgage td the Land, if deemed ne- cc-sary. To tTic ordinary, for the paysietit of the p trebare money ialereet ft-oui date will !>• required and to be paid annually. Also, the tract of land on which Pboeba iltvi is now reaklo*, at tlm suit* of Dsncnn Malloy and o'iters vs. it. L. Crawford. Conditintw ra*Ii. Ost Id Jink} W. B, TIMMONS, *4*^ 8ksri» U, D- 7‘ Sa’iiooI Books. r |' , ilX fillwwine' btioke sre nt the p.ist A I'ffioc tiir Sivle i \V I'lister’s fuelling Rook, First lessons iu English Gramtner.-v IVowressiae Intellectual Arillnaetie. Rob* inson’* Kraetioal Aritlnuotif. Also South. th ^^OTICKs ( HAVE appointed E > M. Ham ray sgents to settle tlie busins«sw)f the Estate of D. J. W. Sandiury, hi* receipt* will be acknowl edged by me. A. li BRISTOW, t-rja 2H 1m. Adm'r Eat. D. J. W. S. O T I C K . Vj'OTICE If? WEREBY OIVKN THAT AT As tbe next regitlnr Session of the i.egis’a- qirt. aj>pli:!t}iHiii will lie (najs fora charter in cptorNlisn qf tfcc llarlieBtiiit i’rbslivterian C hutch W, E. JAMES. ’■H 1 *. 3"' A Smxlt-package of Remiiiojon’s fest pocket-pistols, mlver-mountca, quickly bv.dud friux thsJjre icb, witfc cartridges som- pleta. f»r ale at the Pi>*tOfr.oc. Oct.r.th. By J- M. BROWN. MAGISTRATES OFFICft T HE SUBSCRIBER MAY BE FOUND hi§ otffca in rear of Mr. John W. Lea’s Drug Store pyery day, or nt his r?*i« tfcime. He is now prepared io ((iachaTge the duties of his offior. • S. WILDS DuBOSE, Magistrate. A NEW PERFUME 1 Called Sweet Opq- ponax from Mexico, manufactured by E. T. SMITH ft Co., New York, is making U sensation wherever k ia known. Is very delicate, aud ita fragrance remains on the liaiidkernbiaf for days.—Awnisy Bulltlim, I'iulatklpkia. Tor m Win »CT BSEIW EY H5AT, Burns up aU was and smoka, by puttiugona or top- paver breaks by puttl aha,lo; abort, and no is eaally cleaned »d bp , tha , in* top» in fact, moat pcr.oct chimney knowa end is fust su^.-raodinu all ctbars where it has Loea in troduced. 1, o do*lof can odford to bu without them. NEW LAW? CHIMNEY CO., » ’ 73 Wwvrru 3T. V. Leave Arriya at Uayc Fk A**v« gt bchei>u: Ohcraw & Darling To take effect on Monday, Sept. *■ V?TA9mom Leave Kiurenoe, “ Duilington....^.. 4< Doffi “ Society tUU. 4 ,. u “ Cask's Arrive at Cbaraw Wl R. IMff, iSvr, •r’ A. M. ”r- IK. “ tlaatPs. “ Soc'eiy “ Dove’* “ Darlington ... Arrive at F loot nee. S. S. SOLOMOIfl % JSTOTICK. 4, MEBtlST, OE TUfiTES DEE MF XL e 1 As.ociufi.ni will be held iu Cue Thursday 27th Inst. noliy order ty'the I’ros'.dent, '* 6. II. PRESS LV. sept. 21 It ^i' ll G. CHARLES, H ASJUfJI RECEIVED A COMPLETE and Viineif nssortnicnt wf Dry Ooods including Dress Goodsvf nTmostcverj^lyla, which he offers nt low priees, W< v'ld res- jiectfiilly invite the ladies to call and exam- ins hi* stock. Iveetw uici a g-iol supply of Groceries. Foot. 1'Jia 1 S'ili. lip. Eire ami Marine Insurance H O. eif.VRLES, Ad ENT OF THE , Jcffcrscn Insuranoo t'omjiauy of Vir- giaio. and MsolmttHn Insur.-iiiac I’oinpniiy of New York, i« prepared to i*.-ue I’o'ieics on wraHon'ild.. terms, and for any j crio.l a!' time. For iiifiirnial'.oti *- to the standtngcf these »W ant well c*labli*li»l (‘ompanie-, apply to hixt at hi* stow, cue door South of K. W, niarlea’ revi.leiree. sert It—df PLAMEKS’ HOTEL* Corner (ln,e:i and Churcli-Sts., Cfcarlca ton, 8. C. C. W. & J. B. DENNIS, Proprietors. I T HIS SPLENDID MOTEL WILL HE GPKh'HPOff THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, oa the Euroj.ean system. It lias been re modelled and refurnished throughout. Tliu Hotel contains over one hundred room*, whieb will bo reserved chiefly for the use of travel lers and transient jpir j t*. Comi'elent assist ants have been secuied in every department, and every attention will he pawl to en«ure comfort to their customers. The t.eeidng rooms are airy and clean. The restau-. it will be supj.bed wbh the best fare the market affords. I'ortecs will be always ready to at tend each arrival and dpparure of trains.— The travelling pnblie, transient visitors and of tiers, vill find In It all the luxuries of a first- cb.j* house,* combined with tha comforts of home. The location i* finely adapt for bn«iness nen and travelers. No pains or ex pense will be spared te giveentiresatisfaction. September 14 . 2m AGKNTS WANTED FOR THE LIFF, AND CAMPAIGNS OF GENERAL (STONEWALL) JACKSON. By Prof. R. L. Jtabnry, ft I),, e/ l u. The Xiamdord H|ocraj.hy of the Immortal Haro. Tbo only edition author tied by his ■idow, and published for her pecuniary ben efit, The author a personal friend and C/i/*/ of 8taff of the Christian Soldier. We want an Ageqt in every county. Send for circulars an'l sec our terras, and what the Press says of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISH ISO CO. Cwnor 7th and MsAfae., Richmond, Va. rjirr. ipBSCRiiiER is prI A account of ahpra mentio c 1 iiPWA’S IslPROKED C O T T ON PI C K K n ! For iV'.i inj Co!ton in the Fiijd. A SIMPLY AND COMPACT LNSTP.P- men' weigliing alur.it two pound*—pick three or four times faster than by bend, leav ing the Cotton clean and free from track,— Price $20. Orders can be filled bv THE HOWE MANUFACTCiilNO CO., Or by our Ag-n;* throughout the So iih. 31 Coiar Street, K. Y. sep 7—uni THE STATE OF SOFT!! (WKOUNA DAUl.lXG’lON’ L1STRH.T. If.H. .1/. Mdtou, App Meant ni/oi h it /’. (Jok*. l'\itx Otfk.ii anil 1’it' v Oaks (111(1 C. Id. tfi/HCS (l::.f IClf i I’l i Ctffa. I T APPEAU1NG TO MY SATISFACTION . that Fvdlx Oaks and Peter Oaks, two of tbe defet/dan's reside wHko'il this State; i: is tliercf'ra ordorctl.dhu: they do ajipcar aud o*>ject to the s*lo«flho Huai e of Martin (L.k* on or before tbe l.tli d;.y uf Nuveuilwr next or’their cousin! to the supia. will bo en tered of roc >.<{. Thi* 17th August, A. I). Is,hi. JOILN J. BUgSELL, o. ». n. August 24 tarn f iJw. URO V WIU.I.IMS. * U T.VYLoa. r C WILLIAMS. It. V. lXvJ C. W. WttUAMS COTTON FACT CIILKCII STMEE JR Cliaxfk'sioi: WIllI ams^ta y lor Commission Merc; NEW YORK, CnAS: S. UARLLEE,) > Bl. ih S. C t vill ad ranee sijind ty either I loot*. PKf 1 ply BAOOINO, ROPE and TW- advance Intel ims) Uevcnue T x. aM other addi ionut expense* Miij.ped eith.r by KaDroad, or to tbuee wishing to *U

. Commissioner* Office, l ParPngion C 11, Sept. Oth ISOti. / sept 2S td Land for Sale. I OFFER for Sn]p o small tract of land con. taining about otic hundred acres, sixty of which is under good cqltivaiion, twenty of it frush sleaiad. and ox ii then >* a good com fort nW« dwelliag houuse oontaining four room*, dining and store rooms attuebed and nil neccs. ary outbuildings. Tkis tract is losated near tbo road leading from riuimonsviHe to Darlington C H, and on tlie road running fromMsrs' Bluff' to l/uBose’s Bridpe. Any one desiring to purchase, can se-n o at my residence, or xfid^tss at Tim- moinvilie, 8 0, A. 8. WILSON, kept if MARVIN’S PATENT ALI M AND DRY-PLASTER, FIRE AND BURGLAR SAFES. HOUSE AND STOKK.DOOR LOCKS. (Send for Cutalojur*') M ARVIN A CO.. 2b.fi Broawny New York. MARVIN A CO., 721 Chesnut St., J’liila- delphia. August 24 Offl, NOTIOK. I HAVE IN MY HANDS the PAPERS OF tlie Estate* of Dan'! W. Carter and Sam'l J. Melton. Parties indebted, will #Kme for ward and make settlement*. B. W. EpWAKDS, Ag't atjd Att’y. Sapt. T 3t. OWRET OPOPONAX FROM, MEXICO!— O Nature could not produee a richer Oem or Choicer Perfume. Try it and be convin ced. K. T. SMITH, ft CO., New York. S WEET OPOPONAX PROM MEXICO!— The most elegant and essefitial personal requisite fur a lady. ^Extract of Sweet Opo- ponax. K. T. SMITH, ft CO. f New York. S WEET OPOPONAX ! New Perfume from Mexico. The only fashionable Perfume and ladiei' delighl | S WEET OPOPONAX! IKs’oiily elegant Perfume. Is found on Im toilets, and nev er stains the handkerchief, S WEET OPOPONAX ! Ladior, in their morning oalls, carry (or and gladasM, when perfmued with Sweet G^xtnux HEKSEIK ijAUTOlES. Tea and CffflSK’ Builprs, Ghie-PBts, Oil Uns. &c., Lc. s Bfijp* All the CneUfttg for a Mir family may he done with *>aaS f«.,r Kernieuc Oil or Ga*i -it* g. t)“ with l ‘*4 trouble, amt at *^0^ favr le«- extiense, flian by any “Wi* ntkwr Steb "Wit AfseA ArMt «aw«tf.tk 'M<*otinii: Street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. M l!. VAIL RESIDES IN’ NEW YOYK aud chips gv uds ixa'giu for v»*h per ev ery stent., r. Jbiycrs sic re(|UOl|led to cal! tivj cxunitce ouyftock before pmcJiising ehq- Vfhti-c. aag. -I—tia Af A1RIAGEGUIDE—Yortio’s «m*t IvA Pt.T itoLooioaL Woiik. of Every one his own Doctor—Being a Private Instructor lor HJarried Person* or those about to Marry, both Male and Female, in everything con. cerning. the physiology and relations of our Sexual System, and the Production er.Pre vention of Offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given iu the English language, by Wu, YOUNG. M. D. This y ready a valuable and inter^jiting work. It is written in jiintn language for tlm general von. Jar, and is ilhiMruled with upward* of one buudrod engravings. All youug married peo ple, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one •huubl be oequainted with.— 8lUl it is a book Mint must be locked up, and not lie abeq*. Ibe houae. It will be sent to any one jm the receipt of Fifty Cents. Address Dr. Wq. YOUNG, No 4lli Spiucc St., above Fourth, Philadelphia. , Aug. 17 ly.. $2,000 ?, U K M nsrOTO N s FIRE ARMS. ^So^Tby Hun IVnlern ASH THE Tit A OX CEMRAI.I.V, JPRTCE5 REDUCED IST JULY. Upwubs of $00,890 Aurniihcd tl(e YJ. S. Govermaunt rinse 1861. Army Revolver. ! I-l.V* in. Calibre, Navy Revolver, .’’.t; l’") in. (Vltbro, B *U Hevulvrr, (8<-’.l'C(s*king,) Navy Cali hi e, Belt Revolver, Navy Sixe Calibre, Police Revolver, Navy Sixc Calibre, Now P .cket Revolver (with Loading Le ver.) Pocket Revolver, (Self C.siking.) Rcrmating Pistol, (Elliot pt.)N(>. 32 Cart- vtdgo. M«|ieattug Pish I, (LHiutpt. No. 22 Cart ridge, Vest Pocket Pistol, No. 22, 30 ft 32 Cart ridge. Gun Cane, using No. 32 Cartridge, Single Barrel Shot Gun, Revolving Rifi’e, 30 ft lUllOin. Calibre, Brea,'h Loading Rifllw, No. 32 Cartridge, iiruoch Loading Carbine, No. 40 Cart ridge. U. V lF,tb\ (Steel Barrel,) with Sabre Bayoipt, U. 8. Ilili 1 Musket, Springfield Pattern, Our Xoii R •eei'h 1/oadinrf .Ims hoi'r hist hmi apnrai--1 and adopted for Mditan/ ser vice in Europe. E. EEXIK&TOK A SONS, Jlion, New York. nog 2'— if Broa4 St root Hotel, 0a tit* EurcpDaa Style- ronVt Htrc-e’t, CHABLB8T0N, «. C. James Watsos, P. F. Ryehson A YEAR made by any one o—Stencil Tool*. No exper ience nacassavy. Tbe President, (hisliiers, and Treasurers of 3 Banks indorse ihc circu lar. Sent free with samples. Ad Ires* the Aiuerv.tu 8tcncil Toul .Works, Springfield. Vermont, sep 7—3m rnoraiKToaa. oot fi—7m u.Mi inujiinwii oi iu-’ WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DKALKRS IN Saddlery, Saddlery Hardware, Carriaso Materials, ■ liarncHS. Whip*, fto. Leather of ail dsscript ions. No. 150 Moot iri ti: Si i*oot. (Opposite Ch irlestofi Hutcl,) O H A H I* E S TON , S. C. _AugD>tj J. H. BAGGETT&CO., F A CTO KS, (10 Accommodation Wharf) CHARLESTON. S. C\, Give thc ; r attention exclusively to the sal* of LONG AND SHOUT STAPLE COTTON. Liberal advances made nq fonai2 , l n,on,s - Aug 24 If Thp Slate of South Fffrolina,) la D.irlinjflon District. )’ Equity, P. B. Bacot and T. 1,. Bacot,) Bill to Adutr’s. of P. S. Baeot, | klarshnll vs V Assets Ac-, the heir* and creditors of ( count and P. 8. Bmul J Hclicf, TT APPEARING TO MY SATISFAC, 1 TIOX titat A. J. Dcllossctt, survivor of the firin of DeR<>asett A Brown, one of the Defendants in tliis case, is absent front and reside beyond the limits of this State, Jt is, on motion of W. W. Harileo Complain, ant Solicitor, ordered that the said A.J. LuRossctt do answer, picador demur to the Complainants Bill within throe month* from the publication hereof ur an order pro cun- fesso will be entered against him. A. F. EDWARDS, c. e. d. n. February 14, 1SGG. sept 7—3m Perry Davis’ Paia Killer, As an internal remedy, has no equal. In case of Cholera, Summer Complaint, Dys pepsia, Dysentery, Asthma, it cures in one night, by taking it internally, and bathing with it freely. It is tlie best liniment iq Vmeriea. Its notion id like magic, when externally applied to oljl sores, burns, scalds, and sprains. Forthcsiek hcadaohe and toothache, don*t fail to try it. In short, it is a Pain Killer. Perky Dams’ Pain Kii.i.rr.—This medi cine has become nn article of commerce, a thing no medicine ever became bof >re. Pain Killer is as much nn item in every hftio of goods sent to country merchants as teat, coftee or sugar. This speaks volumes iu its favor.—Glens Falls IRessengur. oct 12—1m \H!INKERS! tVIHSKKKS!! Dr. L. re*criptlsn used (free of charge), with the iltrecti. n« f,>r preparing un i using the Sam*, which they wtt\ find a sure Cara fo* C',ti*nmpti'»n. Asthma. BronshTtfi, Conghs, t'o’d*. anil all Tlirniit ni.d f.ung AffVctions.— Tbs only object uf the advertisur iu sending the Prescription is to henefft the afflicted, and spread information which fie conceives to he invaluable, end ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it costs them nothing and ■ay prove a uli ssiug, Piirtics wishing the prescription, free, by return mall, will p! n-o uddress BKV. KUWAHD A. WILSON. Vniliunisburgli, King* Co., New York. .Ian 9—ly. r>n. MAOGIEL’S PILLS and S ALVE. T hese wonderful medicines ari now so fiimilisr to the people that bat little rndor!ement of their value as a physio need be made. Tlie Pills of Dr. Maggisl con tain no mini'ral. They do not gfipc, aud they do not enfeeble the system by extreme purg- »g. They are universal in creatiag A VIGOROUS APPETITE! And eorrespondinyly strengl hen the digestion. They tone the liver, clear the head, and stea dy the nerves. To those who are not famil iar with the use of DR. MAGGIEL’S PILLS ‘ as an anii bilious, the following.extrsfct from various Iw ter* will 1%, it is hoped, of sufficient importance to justify the quoting of them here: What th( Patients soy of DR. MAggIKL’S PILLS AND SALVE ‘'The best Pills for headache I ever had.” ‘■My Ever work* like an engine, thanks te your Piils.” .* ••I am pleased to say to you, Dr. Maggiol, that I would not be withont a box of your Pills for curing me of morning nausea for the world.” ‘•You will find'snrloaed one dollar. Your Pills are only worth 2o cculs, but I consider them worth to me one dollar.” ••Dear Doctor-—My fonaue had a fur on it even- morning like the back of A cat. Your Pill* took it away.” “I look b:df a pill and crushed it to powder, and gave it in jelly to my little babe for chol era morbus. The dear little pet was well in three hours after.” •■I suppose’ it is hardly worth while to toll you my burned foot has got well from the use of your Salves. Enclosed fiud 25 cents for another box to keep in the bousa.” “Send me an >!ber box of Salve.” "Enclosed find 75 cents for two boxes of your Mnggiel'e Pills nnd one of Salve. ••IT** most pontle yet searching medicine { ever swallowed.” MAGolIEL'S PILLS AND- SALVE Are almost universal in their effects, and • cure can be almost always gurranleed, FOR BILIOUS DISEASES • Nothing can be more productive of cure than these Pills. Their almost mngic influence ia frit at onoe; and tiie usual concomitants of thia most distresiiig disease are removed. Theft remedies are made from the purest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not hsrm the most delicate fe male, and ( in be given with good effect in prescribed does to tho youngest babe FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS And all eruptions of the skin tho Salvo is meat Invaluable. It does not heel externally alone, but penetrates with tho most searching effects to tlie very root of the evil, DU. MAGGIEL’S PILLS STRANGE, BUT TRIE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United State* can hear something very much to their advantage by return m*il (free uf • barge.) by addressing tho undersigned.— Tfio*e having fears of being humbuggrd will oblige by nut noticing th’ a enrd. All uthurs w ill please addre*< thuirobedient servant, THUS. V. CHAPMAN, Jan. 9—ly 8^1 Broadway, New York. WANTED TO RENT. A SMALL FARM WITH dwelling house and other ne- psssary buildings, in a healthy !*•! looality aud a good neighborhood., L. II. MGUZON, . Kmgstroe. sep 14—flra Notice to Planters. T HE undersigned is prepared to furnish (tagging and rope, and to purchase Cotton. Oct 3rd. IMG. J. H. NORWOOD, 3 times FINE PEfiFUKERY QOME OF THE FINEST PERFUMERY IO made may be found at the Post Office in Darlington, includipg Phalon’s NIOHT- BLOOMING CEREU8. and Smith’s SWEET OPOPONAX. Alsu, aborted FLAVORING EXTRACTS, oct 12—If S WEET OPOPONAX FROM MEXICO!— New. very rare, rich and fashionable pur- futae. The finest ever imported or manufac tured in the United Staton. Try it and be con- viisctd. ERRORS OF YOUTH A Gentleman who suffered fir years Prom Nervous Diddlity, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the snko of S'ttthring humanity, scud free to all who need it' tho recipe aud directions for ■nuking the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, -an do subv addressing JOHN «. OGDEN, Jan 9—ly l3 Ohambt-rs St., N. York. A NEW AND GRAND EPOCH IN MEDICINE. DR, MAOGIKL is the founder of a new Medical System! The quantitarians, whose vast Internal doses enfeeble the stomach aud paralyze the bowels, must give precedence to the man who restores health and appetite, with from one to two of his extraordinary Pills and cure* tpe most virulent « iron with a box or so of hi* wonderful and all healing Salves. The two great specific* of the Doc- toy are fan! superseding all the stereotyped nostrums of the day. Extraordinary cures by Moggiel’s Pills ami Salve have opened the eyes of thb public to the inefficiency of the (so called) remedies of others, sud upon which people have so long blindly depended. Mag- girl'te Pills are not of the class that are swal lowed by the dozen, and of which every box full taken creates an absolute necessity for another. Otis or two of Maggiel's Pills suffi ces to place the bowels io perfect order, tone the stomach, create an appetite, and render the spirits light and buoyant! There is no griping, and no reaction iu the form of con stipation. If the liver is effected, its functions are restored ; and if that nervous system is feeble, it is invigorated. This last quality makes the medicines very desirable for the wants of delicate females. Ulcerous and erup tive diseases are literally extinguished by the disenfcctant power of Maggiel's Salve. In fuel, it ie here aunouuced that Maggiol'• Bilion*, Dyspeptic and Diarrhoea Tills cure whs 'e all others fail. V. hils for Bums, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts and all abrasions of the skin Maggiel's Salve is infallible. Sold by J. Maggiei, 11 Pino Street, New York, aud all Drnggisls, at 25 ots. per box. July 27 22—ly mm & CODBOLD, FACTORS 4XD * Commission Merchants, . Ho 18 Vanderhorst's Wharf CIIARLESTOX, 8. C. N. G. EVANS T. E. GODROLD- sept 14—It A New and Grand Epoch -IN— Jfl edi cine! Invariabit/ Cure tke Asthma, Buwel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costivencss, Dvspepsio, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, DsVvSvg, , - Fever unut the United States and Canada*, at 2.5 cents per box or pot. July 27 22—ly LAW NOTICE. JAMES SC. ICQHWGGB, Httornrn at iUto, < AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. -:o:- L T P STAIRS, in his New Building, on ) North West Side of the Public Square. Darlington, C. Ii., 3. C., July 30tfc 18GG. Aug 3 23 tf LAW NOTICE. fllHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE ENTERED .L into partnership in the practice of Law and Equity for Darlington District, under tho name and style ef HARLLEE & BOYD. Offie at Darlington Court House, S. 0- W. W. HARLLEE, R. W. BOYD, Mars’ Bluff, 8. C. Darlington, C. H. May 31st, 1868. The claims in the hands of IIablleb & McIntosh, and those in charge of D. G. Mc Intosh, Fsq., are in the hands of R. W. Boyd, Esq., where parties are instructed to ’give instructions. je 1—tf W. W. HARLLEE. L. CHARLES LNGLIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHERAW, S. C. W ILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF Chesterfield, Darlington, Marlborough and Marlon. PAVILLfON HOTEL, I'OHMR Hi:HIM AND IIASEUTREETS, 4 OHARIjESTON, s. c. Bates of Board per day - - • $3 00 S. L. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietor. LAW NOTICE. T. G. DARGAN, attorney-at-law, S olicits the patronage of uis friend* and the public. To be found for the present, either at Dr. Dari;in's or th* Post Office, on Mondeys nnd Saturdays, any 2ft-tf IB