PER ANNUM} To-show virtue her ova feature, to scorn her own Image, ft *y. *''' <|L % i ' . . ‘ “To hold,"twere, the mirror up to nature ; ' very age and body of the time, his fora and pressure.* (IN ADVANCE, * Voi ume Vli. T> Jt R L-iTSt G T Q , BOUTIN CA[nOf,rXA OCTOBEB t9, 1800 dumber 34. Cjjc ^oittlicrncr. Darlington (ft. ft., £, <&. Frida) lornln?, Oct 19, ihdii. OUR RATES FOR ADYEATISINd. Number of Squares. m. foa 9 0 0 ' ? i*t ■ O 0 c* 2 E 9 i J i & 4 4 2 $6 #10 $14 dao 10 15 20 So 14 •to $5 40 18 » iff 30 6CM ti 80 85 > -no a , 115 ?o to 60 00 80 '’60 • 79- •wo m sail memories emue thrnofin^ fuai ttf w | terms w'ith fhrt IhoSt pCWeet faith ; a:id^ up to tljo Hmc wh iut hewt when I look e^.-iin upwi the | tHal she ban tbe right to detiimd a men who shared with me for years the priTations, the perils and the glories ot the past. And though Bieoting them under ewch eirov nr stances as the present is fra tight with many sad reflections, it is a source of tnfluitc gratriteitrin to me to see thorn mice more. ¥ou, of my old ooimmmd. n«*v«r failed to respond when l coiled nrw.n you. and now that you call on me to jmn ym in paying n merited tribute of respect to our martyred dead- I wo*W Ijc an grateful, foded were I to fail to answer t»i the apf-cai. her own ^ororanc ehargo a single vie that instruUMUit. to change it? Did 't'o raeord the names of I ho brave men who gave theitf liyea to their eouutry; to •rpctuatw the tuemory of their be raw inde; to deek their hum hie graves with m PBi Pi! i .. J* 1 * 1 fdWtfE, as wa aaoura (heir ualhuelv fata, f^torfoTToirff or btrSlhr^SsncuifT^"* vrW the swAwaA »tli« only pm ifoy's wo dividual benefW, Mtu-gef rfi WTeeiits adine. uoW hsra. fw oar pawertv, wo i»/»- t> >» ■ .CUation notices, from the Ordinary, $'>. pwrawe sartaMe moi.aim.nts to mar* Adnuntstratorn oj- rvecutcrs ndtldes vIP. AunouDOMneal* for tMSee, SJU. All other advertisements, to inserted f r a4eM period than ewe month, chuffed »t St p«r square, first insertion, and !?l per sq*ure f«a i«iA BaHwaNMf *afc .diJ fiilU for iidtertiyau^nts to run one month, o» longer are consiilereil dflc after first m»ci- tion, for a leu* period to he paid hi udrsneo. M 8f; fike !'bmrvi«K-o of them on the part of the .V 'fti.. - Wi'rti l to Oiid that eomc voice m era potetttdkin miner would ut*crVhcsc truths! V\ »uM to ( tod tiiai the totignoc j of iu provisions ? 1. of fhuaa great tiuleciuettof CUroiiaa. who ; it as a “tsugue witV iu tiutv-s pint, waruol,,C(Uui*wlloJ. dvacV | W'f the sboak). at if! all p mSlblc' 4 or surpassed, if oyer equalled, iu thhe Tttu | m-nt forgwt the ^ P oil, fell holjy(q doll they sleep, neaartkrico*. in h luorad^ Ilvls mAJese ifosteuyur, Icavng to mark i fu,'men of ihefi twes. and. ikote -doty uiWy doa« ; (hey tr the .-wole wbnre oahe -tlim stood, but ;u*b ; iituvirious son you »• i’ , • - . ii . . l i l , s 1 * a «s * “fiforb ta-wwit, < ■ • My ali lboin>Mi«Mtry oV iahaw.bic; 1.'’ foo pfons litmd sfdtwelh iheir innter-d «iu»4. They elwan' whi’Wsver the folds of ir« rWiw»lvM» amwA haw wdvad in triampM sad thay 1 fowl lit vwriwg pfoees on the | tlemi ia *-ihj«.s»u.l»bapcs withouitlqMth- flekis tbatr-valor won. Foav pnv«v»-! is*-«<** nut pr.Md.igaia.-it thecr% «I*ie!i meat sels qpart .’fid ctmaacsates irraat ! •■■xuu *i tlumi from hamolcf* an I r’arv Natnuad riemefosirs. cn yaanr soil t»>r! iug ^iv«» agd those ad»o<.wlHte'f«irediiqrvhat-ooit viflri tlou< »ru.s. whioh c* nidi bKck'Miod rwtiw AM Vlia -iadtta- trifl T(W itlreee nfthe HnHrwcrr w.mtim- !j’ •Jctfri.yed >r stolen, On3 jraattf ’f.imine tiiTToweJ in the bVitstiys of the invalorv. Tin: lucu who bud borne wjfboiit a iriitr* : r every pr o vvli# had heed you tiuijt brand: Th* rmtn*- iflf l Iflatfoiton, Ha*p I’.ci'i in reverouoo, typsc of great stater ids. fitt the moi, tlfciv iuimortal eu ed traitor?, and th V m vriii nut be 1 times and everywhere, nav alt pmnw fospeet lo the measnmrwvr W ifoVAmms rades. Another MHefi wAiaitMhCfied me atrongly to be psesaai to-d::y, was tint I might have tk« phadtCe «|aiu , fo tuway of thfoman vha fought •« teng lo and so well nadw uiy- e wi„ W ( W d, | r * lifCtubef with jiriflc th'.t (be fvAtvc Kih {uuritdt, who new, f^rw In 4. tolilef* grave, hrougia his gaiiaut amupguy of moiiutaineers to tight under the boauur o( my^oKl Legion, on the glbvinus tkJW of Mauuassas, and I take plCasutfi iima?- ing liere to day, before (beij - k ntp’fcd ai d their feHnw ciusoiis, that Uigy did honor oh lid urn. They laivTd 'ah will; cfoy.f liah tMv. v . cr.-wne.) with y^nt morality and foaaiiui.Mgitrft, m»J they a.'Coaled thu ; Narth twr.iis udforwl to. Utetu Jay. th- A'.o'k,— H tui wuretifM) lormsi'. i l.r-u^dut tin* WU‘4* war t4g NiurUi,.(h- Iv*'d ^0 t’lm iuwg »ul«mu and anlAVitauwc- ui-iuuur . wnd that rirv wdok to re cv./bhrii the i tliaMiiqmlitv wlRi B’lw'y Vhvmii Ufdirii- hr'df 1 fold all t^e ! Irw (bin the N ba*« A* kri*A||0 wmouafed 0 Onos ; St«Sos. agd *• n,w. * ail o yu*! ri,.|jt4aT.d »Tt.» I «• ibeWM, of cdiaMfiwr supwltHm —wk.-n epuwl iikwty, 'fhi«. f.ts tltg ^cuo .tiut dmnl , ib:clafa*ioH of .Hr Lull'-dg. Mr deg,r»l *' •** w^r >n '' -arntfo »da i" : ,1,4 nijy nr the luuie pi iueipk'. It ImAfois 1 dofthwq—tw nmn wboido-m ioj; b«- dr-ofttui A** 1 * h..tavi;r tui sbnMkter wifo fovni igl|.i“ th«: result d’tkc w^r, a only wn*M ail figKriWg for fosrr emutry— us- ngbm ujl th rioatti r 1 Jlt itc-i he ••r®. i|i Who e tfoiense they taid but liiri- J»i* ' tti>rit v «fe»; fo t liow .by all the msa dLiiowita >ct. Tt*c ’ougro s o( . the life-tfod 'W'ird. Wose wetruacd U> hoap- ufola gVavws; whiles tl,a men wto iked on.awri m Mfoitsee of Mmir native iaud sienp w witHmnbsd of j^irisaps miatnmn gray or. 'J'indr arhea «k 10 A |K<*Httai rwftwse i* Sainu»si <’amii.TWfc ■disd •» nubfoii’ w4uo iivu>. they wr e the pc tple u iarr. the ev®r evade guy she ever aicubtiuce Fell and j e'ivciiniht as it is, may be not wiriiout that weight j what its founder,. which always attaches to the atirnnwi of and -wtwraigii ritt truth, anl in this hope, I vauturs to dis- j the strong ties of cuts our coadittwR and our polipy. What atead of what it nt then is cur condition ? F r four yesTil de*poti.siM of _ tho Sou‘h wi* the victrm of a ertiel an 1 i with a roaof iron, unm tvsaary w.u—a war luotked on the ^ vih is, and ever part of her opponent# bp * barhirity nev- pvopvc sjiiae of thc ; mi« that the -North has to this word when For the South to the Mirth, she iut interior in ail point in >rc Congenial to their nature—lire !»n.l ] tb»f 'he hwr wo n-d.j famine. Thg torch was opplie l Widi nW i «h»W, sHta ttitirt hi tiitvpari&g hind. tli a tn ir.s on of the | nesSlie tnust^ roll, ihe eotiafox of Ain; goer, jieaecful ,,n d ®tite RtvcTel’ Bilie framed onq for LacUwf Congress and dutlarcd the nlvoli* ! one evA lay tob r ‘ tioh of si tvery fixed, irrevocable and cun- J twf Wnf wlausv-af stitutioual. Amnesty for die past had |id*i;j#%or pi y -fo been repeatedly promised to the riouth, ) yet how many of her chitons are still, in j the brotherly language of tho Uidiefils,' . o ity “unpardened rebels,” whibt her! i» m•'re, wh.-1 'she ! ui >st hbqereu and best beloved Wm lan-1 for boasrT'diri'sha i guishes in a felbu’s cPfl. denfod the sa- hoMarad ak . cicdrightguarrantecd l y tUeconsitutieu, Had. the Aofth of a • stFce ly trial by au impartial jury.” as the Saittii has The Seutheru States Were so to be recog. hive de-iflated nisei a.i equal m mber* ot the Union. ti%iou would b\ i They are still esoiuded from fbat Uniwo ; ifbl—jbo of «isritoD of taxes, tb-re n4 tugs.lwr by is no equality, for tnc coliou of the Soyitlt rnai xtS-eiiou, iu- has to bear a heavy ditoriminatiu* tax, a oeUsoliiateil for tha beiidit of the North. Atl tKe iger Statpi, idling ! ri/hta of rh > Sou'h were to be it 41 aa : weaker <>«v ■*. ffb* j ered. She has only thv right to live, and bean loyal ia the ’ t.ftfihoT.pcrhaps toeomptain, though todo so may be tre.tsow. i tiave place 1 before you tha record of the riouth and that ’of the North. Let fho world decide which isentitlod tohon- or ; which to «h»t*e 1 have drawn in dark colors, but a lav ! in true onae, th cofolitioa of ottr eouwtry. un i l uoW t*r n' ( to ths (R«‘i-sl-m if who5 should l^nur ;nei-Stite Right*! iiidiey.' In tbs anomalous cuadittua i fdla -icfii jn f .Its tings of Roiivk and^ I ku it any be with o' prenrr siilHo diagi taught by her gr I ieuqJ ida as hi o«ll heresy, saj t » • • s. s, wo gi| tfo UVcl part the Uoo, edge the s is wrataonti-; umh 1 .she. Ihu 1 13#d. 1 am aw ,rv [04 a new meWt.g ^'e 1 to iho Aiutli. oy*l iu the eyes df lit her»eif to he ehc must dei lwrc like a ngpvutaut |^u§e for for-ive poUey.' In the atniiMiwm •bi' hjfo tire pl iced it i? a matter of 1 gr it iiifi uUy to mark out the proper I nd of Madi> *11. | couise for u-(0 pursue, but 1 her, arc in invest forget the , certaili fir Imal principles id which-we to our State, and shout 1 werrr luxe sight. The lir-,t of ..... -.e .... _. .1 .u- ....... to vwi: a- a traitor bljfofco*. HayWc. art wo. iougc-t U |^cir own State, as and pure patt i- borc them, like are to fo c itl- thpso is, that as we accepted tho terms oifere 1 to us by' the North in good faith, we ar-•botiud by every dictate of honor, to aV*!e by them fully and h"nost!y. They ire none tho less binding on u>, beomw tfiu d iminant .ind*uuseru|iulous party at tbe'North rtf’;so to accord to us I T»et us at least prove | ouraelvds w© thy of the rights we claim: j let n.s ret a^Rfofrnplc »f coo l frith, ur d | wacin then appeal with double effect to' theju.itice anu magnaimuity ol the North Thcie vrrtufo, 1 would fain hope are not totally extinct amongst that people, awl th tc are brave men there, who are bat tling for justiec, f,r constitutional liberty for the Njo ilif j of all tho Status, and for '.\‘i I a« fsi tbw lights of the South. Tho only hope,. ‘ w •* th y r ifw alfoiy far tho South, buf for freedom u*y itvelf .»*:i thii coitiicnt, lies i« •he sue a si ,if ihi* jiarty. We arc their natural ■p&te. ahi I would sacrifice uroch—whore kn »*'!- j hoygr'a-ii principal arc t*ot invaded, aqd r • 'V-1 rikej* I a -i d not yield one jot or title— L t^de- J to strong hon tbsir h iads iu thi great jfc this. f#qfo«st, which la 30J4 to- deaidi the faU* i.sli tulj ; of (Minstitioo ri rjhi'rty an 1 Republican i u. “ ri»i s sciBtiod!. s/fir jtfstrighri ttil you iuifiort, r. your politic?, ur. Iti’ia the ti z’ns, Mow Nhr myself, f hfiical f Uh Ol' Liberty, in i d MiU'lblo ;< a •Miig.n i.r in his pgjii®|, giving our support to that party wj^ich rallies around hiur, that we 4'iouid yield full obedience to tjiie laws of the land, reserving to ourarjfos at tho same thife the inalienable riflt of frees do,u of spoeeh and of opiHpn; and that, as U> the grog! «|uestioa w^ich so materi ally affected oyi^ntcrcstsf the abolition of slavery, we -Timild dtfolsre it settled. Fursuc this course itesdily; bear with patience aud. dignity those evils which ara pabswing hcavUy'<>n you. Commft tho. pruac)* Hr thiv soldiers of Fiekcns: Tho grateful taak your kimlauw imposed •• me is finished. I wish that I could hatfi dischargftag'ln a manner more worthy ^pe Iscrasioo, »»d of the men •q^pnory you are now honoring, i&r lindnw-, of which I have had * proots, will induce .you to over man)- faults of my portbmanoe, lure, knowing, ns you must do, how !fy my heart is with you in the sacred work you have this day commenced. it oaiy remains for me to thank you for the courtesies you have extemkd to me, on. this ocupsion; to thank yoB***! do nioif gratefully, for the spontatooous ami unsoliciicd compliment you paid mu a year ago at thf ballot-box, and to wish that you may bo prosperous, happy and frtJe. * ‘ JuoaF. Au>aiuu on THK/OiinRii or Ok.n riicKLka.—His honor reooutlyhvld court at Vorkville iu tho place of Judge Dawkins Who ts ill. In his address to the grand jury, which we find in the Fn- yvirer, ho remarked tlint:'‘It was his privilege to state totlKTO tiiatanorilerhad l»een recently issued bytho Commandant of the State, restoring to the jurisdiction of the Ht itc, ail matters coming under the ogiiizunceof her oourts, with one or two exceptions. Tho Vagrant Act, and the } p .ahy of whipping for certain offences, were not permitted to be enforced under this order. W bile liij.- Congratulated the jury upon this near Approach of the State to the aifloagcmeutlpif her own affairs mio« more he must express tin: humilia tion he felt that we wgre muW tlMl 6011- trol of n potter which could iu edicts to the Suite pu. missl g irded the enactment of laws for its pi or welfare. In reluriua to theactagaii vagrancy, tho military authorities Walter Scott's Advice to hie lea “ f Cannot tmpr<-ss Upon yon mind that la bor D the eeadiiion wbiefi Mod haa impoMd on ut iq, every elation of life. There is noth ing worth having that can be had without it, from the bi o id which the peasant wins with the sweat of bis brow, to too sports by whioh the rich man gets rid of his «mni. A# oaiy difference betwixt them it, that the poor suua Ibhor* to get a dinner to hie appetite, thdVieh aian to get an appetite to hli iflnner. As for knowledge, it can no more be plantad ia the human mind without labor than a floM of wheat oan be produced wHhoat the previous use of the plow. . •• There le, indeed, this great difforenco, that chvace er ciroumstaaoee may ao oano k that another shall reap what the farmer eowt; but no maa oan bo doprivod, whothorby aoei- vleai or miefortuao, of Iho fraiu of httfowa etudfoe. and the liberal and extended acquisi tion of knowledge whioh WiMfcoa, all forma own use. Labor, ray dear hop, therefore, and improve the time. In youth oar steps ere light and our minds are ductile, and kuowledge is easily laid up. And if we meg- led odr spring, our nummere wUl ha nud contomptible, eur harvest will and tho winter of the oldTigo and desolate.” Agaia: ‘‘Read, my Saar rharW. read; and road that whioh ie useful, Man differs from birds and boeM only bo- enuse lie hnv the means of availiaAiroiatf of the knowledge acquired by hie pbedoceeeor. The swallow builds the same neat which its father ana mother buiH; and the sparrow does not improve by the experience of its pa rents. The son of the learned pig, if U had one, would be a mere brute, only (It to make bacon of, H is not so with tho human raoe ( Our Ancestors lodged in eaves and wigwama, where we construct palaces for the rich and . comfortable dwollftigs for the poor, and why* is this but bocaaso our eye ia enabled to Uox back upon Hie past, to improve wpon our an- ccstorq* improvoiqpnrt. and to avoid their or. r.w«T This oan only bo donp by studying history, and oompariug it witp passing events.” H - * 1 bo chaff, fifty" The Louisville Journal says; “Wa tplj the Notiiern fanatics—as a lover of our whole country we solemnly )ell them, that, unless madness has seized upon their hearts and brains, they wiU'not insist on pushing tho dimensions between the President and Congress to the fighting point. They »aj tongress to the fighting rest assured, that, if the fight comes, i bo, to them, such a one as they have no ac count of in either history or tradition. They will find it an intinitely different thing front the war of the rebolHoa, dreadful as was throughout all ita annals, find themselves a divided people, c almost equally,divided and mutually I wbilst tho whole population of ‘ will bo a unit, able to iends, nr to stand Wit irrt Ftmth rSTod. AH the rtwrinv fnoj- •Icnts iif tfiif cv,*ntly day rts?- up Vividly l*efvuc ui- f :ai I look upon the Acu oi brio their bleed.rrj ‘hcitrts file vetoraaa who wo « jhaiMw- io its ’vod *;H surrly bkss an u sifo-:sk:ng glovy. 1 agam th t msguti ju; pa- which ha* u '1 holy p*«tp wc-- iti voW n 'ramaof lirt’eh'lt and Bi.iifitig vafo. . a id Mic ^ifoi of every tr.nd trill tb’rfo lighted up by fhe lurid glare oi war. 1 tlia« T.iii'ar«' proving yturstrirc? Torrhy r.e ovr cuvifory. sopafo-eA dffl>tii% Mi : fff rite ito*a who dM in rhd c?»rt ro every quarter gitAst heavy odds.- 1 see | makw y»m free, f led yia God dptfol in tbo cwciui’ gJiiiu^’ ground ever)*hcrc, • thM k-fly w irk, :t*ad i invoke upon it 1 UMo an* -wmw t :h^ and ihc soTc ohjort As-siatim you have j of (Ac war fc be the ivstorotinn of the! ha- those foafotjio oh- • I'oion, ui.^o. J*e 'Xp i niacy of the Con- 11 strifoiou. iho vpay p«-*ers uti itr which wu laid dowii oar arms,- proiui-cd tho protoctiua of the govsrui*^nt and gave th.: a«M*»:u*Wi thxv .W jS shoiiid aot bo in- terturei *trt., so a., wo i-ltoyod the Urws .ut tivo i’Ht'-s «c red JeJ — I haaa .kecWwti w? wont uti lo n it oqly memory. Tto rtiis Any formed j*cte hi viefif, aiqlNf these Were it* only pws|i-, >t. tdtowM'tueet the cordial ap proval of every man. woUramand child in «ut State*. But MghNirrtl wartky as aft* throe tfois. k roatomufotos other,*: even irithoi and w -pjii^r. 'These wn- to c'otho th5, to toed iho hwryry, to aid the iwpli in, to eomtlift tho wiA*w; to the Hwnth, hat to Forcigu Nation to alVeiiWe the •wfowinga of *11, snd to | and th« fSouA was assured that i-he had WWR T&ff Ntr pfWUpfos Arc hoW f rwd: th it we ah vii 1 an-ire «mrd or wo bhotild ki'-s the rod that rui.tcs Tw»... ... ■ •' nii N us. “S'liil frashora men in h i-nV.e awa K.itusit ♦» swrvits sbobic, Wbo Item o insoiji *« i cuiIcb diaw "file sam*- right to be rated hy In w, Whirh Kings prsteBd tq ipiga“” >h ili wo, who worn freeborn men, be so s; | bi.*e as to declare that our country has iid met the fate it dcseifed ? Fhnl: wo snb- tfio grea’ iiifliroiice whioh h s high oo»t- ti,i:i. h»is(r n^' Intellect, hi? film purpose a i l li'.in i <«iit iblc will give, to this new (^HnMirVativepifty, ajpl *to his support every Southern mm should rally cordial ly. iTc my perha s feel that ho h i? not to the extout of his power, or of our expect aliens, in etrrying out bis policy to its legitim itc eu.L, '44c \ye cin- uot forget that he h i*be*n the only bul wark to stand between our unhappy country atr.l ecrtiin, .tbu cucniy guiiuuj; grauud even Where, j thM Is fly to ► where your btieude was ugiiting. (Me W*.-sifor of tha Alfirurikty. wbil*- our gadink alrief. the ha.'»Le tituuxt. Wifh rktiKctes stos wowra e imdiew Imui wIT firdt fofainrt one cohuffiu »nd then rttfy wUt HeXtorr kdessia-s bro.^. ftt cvci against another, hut iu vxiu. The piccie *4' tH« hlowly b»t RuroU- tjist devoted band, iiit’u they wiuc the only ones witlft* its folds. Tbore wks but one road over which )ou canid wi:l|- draw, ami across that were the served nmkq of (JiC enemy, wbo-f guus were already thundering upon ywJA vkjl saw tlit ••ritie.-.l p..-it ion- iu wRIrTi' that rtrann asii* n* if thM sort wilt swing tip riirfo^Tiont the ertira ^eu h—foal ov*r land, pnd th*t Uk?) will serve to liinu onv whole p«ap:<* .either, j rsnuot eon- csfiv* towr My one, esem the most sealous *nd suvydeious of that police qrho tow Mlyt ywr cour.fry cfo “iM snyiniog ob- '♦”itt.*nifok* iu them. But the m*!i*afy j .sstfop'sriKi mAr b. -W’ rtHe in New ^r- poillMBIi. Jtialy 1 VTMrtHcn -fill yo i-udre j lioft-* of UdWA krate brigiHfo. rfflaiiilytWs tke.r ohlij-itioT!'-? pi lead. fFBT'tiowgh- sit «tw k. net on« f & dfoffoiifi*, fiff fitjy p'lrpost* tifgiivffir. flist the & u-b *.♦* |*erf irr man gitallcd. •’ Tfie day sbcir.eff lost, end i snt 1 ituppos? he writ toon iisua'a'^rito- so k would have iteeu but far the •* Old j ul order droiacUigfot truason tin’ evcti tljo Brigade,” *s we all Wed to call it. With j pUj Hrg sorrowing wouj w* to 'M -p banuen?' promHy flying, wsfli w bres glitv- it fiower on the huur.'Le grave 0! .41)' poor teninj'hnghtly, with Winks as regular as soiJierwiio had laid down his life at the eril id.JM) vifevirtg 4MMpi lor ^tiiR-cU’ an uudying evil fame Wy fhe ssv .iyu iivharij) with wbicA be executed rrctrievAle nud l)\MXo a'Anpufo W the suprejiary of the mil to the shame which would cling to cvcrlasliug ruin. But lor hiuu tho iior* \.ii»HtMil U-tvoruoiCiiA to he BpcervcJ info ffa for*v*r, if w« admit that wc have been rors we endured during the w3rJ%ou!d >W-( nMiw. ns eq:ml iuemj«ri of thp gurity of treasenf Jh^li w<: cover our- Imfe hcen tarsurpasaed by th'isAfil'peace. .:r-si ismaty 'd akafos, with «D Itor rights selvqs with oternal iijfamy by branding j And though differing w'uh hi Wn many nu 1 all Wwr priyilegj? unimpalied These as traitor# the men who lie J for u.v and , points, I cheerfully act? >rd to t;j|ini the weie the i«rrH. up m the South j to wHo«e memory yon arc n >w p iyiag j highest praise, for tho brave jfijTpatriotic •'^ritulav-d. Ou (for pert she was to; hotpirff Never! Never! Never! l* ruin' of all ha hopes, pr »Ud, tho.igh , .niseottitruction ns t» our views ai• rtpMi, >'V wa? to cou** war.— vVTv*n .inf ccmmatidtrig oA.Tts signed the Convwnti n< whVh put a vt »p to the war, ♦wry so’.dtcr of the ' ('oiifoA'r icy, fr >n< the P t 'Ti’. ic to tho Rio (Irando, laid doff u hri and re'urncd to hr* home, ••r to tTiejjjVit where h*» hoiKe had h«cii. sumtau its beiii^u tw^y, and prutefiing BlireJ * the atrocious order to dcvn-twie owe oi’i j’!:' nexJ cjbditicTi of the toi-utp retpired the fniiest porthuM of Virginia, bo accws t om the ffaath, a Kncwal of bor alio Syili in’i-iiiicd to do now as lie did then, wage cruel and relentless far upon on- j rmt i anti dofeRojris-*- cUifieus. 1 hope fliat your Association v.ili e-cape tiie fate ofthoie in New Oriean?. «ud that it ffill souii be sheltered safely under the pro tection of our owy State, when civil law shuli havj superseded w#.iaHaw, rc as- a icj* to the ( icncial * Government, cvey 3nu hern State, the iwoplohy tlieir Conv.'oti bis, ti e r Lagizlrtnro?, and in- divi.rjully. couformcd proniplly to this c mdition Tioffulty fo the Coast;lotion tit the Uuitod States ff is exaeteJ, ap tltv only o'i*cr article of the terms required of the South I arser: that she has fu! filled hi:* part of the compact., as veli as by its $t^plp phieid the rights, the. instt- the others, to the letter, and that in the turiji-.s ami ipjrsons of our people, j true aercp'eftoh efffTie Word, she i* loyal t’or meny Jppg ai^i weary moptb.-i vV ^Wtit i? •‘loyatry !”• I t. ii nothing more ^jiafo ’.Tuitpc^ fof^this roalixation of our or le:« than faithf**>r»-s—olied'rcr'T .to just exportations, but we'still wait in th" laws of tlht guremment under which V-4p. TiiCvnspu^f inilisafy pou^r Jms , you live. ff*nve tiny jsjopic un earth nol yet reU;q'3 ri-? bold. , mafl’ilifted a higher frith. Ti-bejm- tHore \ou may, neiliaps, ftliow cititen*, obet !: ent to The l.tvrs of tho lami, than wc tfrnk th'at any - aiscupsion of^encral l>o!- hav * : .een, rimse uur rilegiaiwri t» Vhe ilk - ,s is inappropriate ou an occasion of . goveianiulnt lias been renewed Many this sort, but as T may ffot again hat« an | fit tliesolato* we ratnfd toi illfitBi and u> opportunity‘to place TO toe If" right ut. n ; constitutional, but to tjpt ooe wA thetv vary i the record, or to correct the nfovoprcfiK i th* sln+ w t/t‘r«*luw>ice Izeeu u aria grasp of defeat. Aod Gettysburg, with ! tutiou^-af hath my'seSfoidafo Sut p.“ Vc Imve vie.ric i implicit ifo afof ti all ita gdfy luemoriua^ kripg* t?> uii refi"l- i cut pos:ti*u, (lisiGiutnatoU by the Uteri- ■ HtPrtffWoW4fo tlrt "timtiwff thut lection the bravo deed of thfcrie tneasofoieal pros?, u^iy l ebu^! yogr indu.i^euiH. . time would roct fy the evils undwwkh-h tupie*. from dLera. I have not forgotten—I will never for a brief.* forgot, brother soldiers—that when oorne wounded from that fatel field. I sent word hack to my men to hold their. „ . , .JpHHHHj ground to tho last, how nobly and'(it | th mgh slm submits i» no! itegni of theso ill iu!! time that some yoke Fouth sltpuia bo raise though conquered sh L i we ffoor. V. u-»t*4righw proufmi loyq^y fbe ; Could be given thin tit!.- ? But. ibl^ff- iscd to dcelire, Uidt l eitizuts. wak the IfotHl. evof disloyfd to, I is not I'umUiatcJ; t‘onsfit;(t:hall simply state farts, leaving you to ctfiw your own interencei. i propose to ay what the North has done. 1 do not iotonifodifiCUKs the moraiity, the bonerty, or the j i tice of her action:). When the tyra i’ li -putsj tho a ?ertio;n of the phi- i «. ,r,h- , ; an ^eudeavore-J to draw him into an .vgument, the reply of the latter tna; “I do aotchoosa tc argue with the c6niui4ude,r yf rhir;y legions.” Without Imiiig a philosopher, I can recognize the force of this answer, and 1 waive argu ment a* totally inappropri ito in a disnjs' sion of ttiM sort, itaou. woe h avo said t«i be stubborn things, will be amply suf fieient for uiy purpusa tft prcsetit: For tour year* the North w^ge lwar upon us only, (is she solemnly doviared, to bring us back into the Union. Mure tiun a yesr agqAhe Soqtl; expressed her filiiogriess to return, and yet >hc is not as eifeetuaily out of the Uni hi. a? if th * had never formed apart of it. Thr North profossod to fight tor th* Grostiftfoton. A* soon as she had the poorer to do *0, she changed that Constitufiou, and she violated its saerodprevisions. Tho North protested that she did not fight for con quest, of for plunder. Tho Sourhcrn .States are atthismomeatqrractieuiiy «ao- ,quur :tl provgoco;^ and in ire of thou - mo veable property is now in the hand* of Northern soldier", who stole it thart in thoxr of its rightful postemors. 1 he parole which .Southern soldiers received, prom- mo4 as I hav a already sifo, t hat they shuuid uotAc interforal ffit^p^. long, es tlTOy obeyed the law$ of tbeif own States. Andyetou their rptcru totnclr Stater, they were ffpt allowed to exercise- nny right pertaiute^to freqp^ett'* ft u«, uuHl they had, uuder oatn, endorsed all tb\ the North secured the aq jieeconcc *f the South in the eonsiiuimatjou of this pur pose, was a breach offctth.nn h-w .pnit. tjf all tfie Inc insistencies of which the North ha? been guilty—and their name in Legion—nunc is greater than that by which she forced the Southern States, while rigidly excluding them from the Onion, to ratify thoCoipitUutiQnal amerpl- ineuf abo isbiiig shivery which they could do legally, on!v as States of that Union. Bat the deed ti.i* been cfone, and I for one, do hone;jt)y declare that I never wi.d; to sec ic revoked. Nor <|o I k^bovo 'that tho {.’"’pie of the North would now rem ind the negro to slavery, it they had the poffer 10 do so unquestioned. Under toe paternal care, from a mere Iriudful lie grew to l»e a mighty host. lie came to us a heathon, we made him a Christian. Mle, yiyiqgs, savage, in his own country in onra, he became industrious, geutlo, civil.zed. ijet his history as a slave be compared heftfttftor with that wbieu he will make fir himself as a freeman, and by the result of that comparison,, we are willing to beju-iged. A great re*pousi- biktv is lifted from our shauiders by his o*n:ineipatioo, and we wiliiiFJ’ly soiumit his de-tiiajf ta his own bauds, hoping that he may prove himself worthy of ilia new position in which he has b en placed. ■ Ash slave, he was faithful t* u.s ; its a Tree man, let us treat him as a friood. Ifoal with Mm traukly, juttiy. kindly, and wy word for it he wril reciprocate your kiuditess, olioging to Iris old home, hi*own 0.) an try and hi? Lwmtn - luastMS. ii you wish to sue him coutouted, iadus- Ammk, u-oi'al, aid hiqt is biuotiort-to elevate himself to the «cale ef civiliza tion, and thtn fit him not - only to enjoy the biasings of freedom, but to appre ciate it* dutips. 4 i' The c-sential points, then, io the poli- long u*. ejr «iL‘should pursue, appears to w\theeo: 'J'h f-svo sboHhl fuliill ali the ohligatioiis wo hero tglored into, lo tho letter, keeping our fiiith.£o dear that no Hhadow-of dislioner aau f4* on us; tini. wo bhoula susuiu Mr. Jobuson cordially that bo shimM not be subjected" to the peiiiiltiea of conviction. This in effect nultfied a wholeaoine law. It would tm easy enough for a bud man to prove that ho had made application for employment. It was n well known (apt that persons of notoriou ly bad characfcr could not well procure employment, where others could, and it wns against such person* that the act was mainly intended to operate. Un der these trying circumstances of our con dition, he counseled patience. There w.i? a higher degree of courage in sub mitting to what we could not avert than in growingeestivo Hiuler it. In relation to the froedmen thrown up on the protection of tho lav.sof the State, he urged tho Grand Jury to see that strict and impartial justice be accorded them. In some communities, he regretted to say and he hoped uot in thLoue—many acts of lawncssnoss had been committed against these people, that called fur’prompt and decisive punishment. His experience had been that this el^ss of persons (the fieedmouj had exhibited a disposition in regard to the laws, that had entitled them to their fullest protection, and he wasun- wiliin? to sec a spirit of proscription man ifested towards th Dem. Death of Rarey, the Horse Tamer. The New York Herald says that John S. lUri'j, the celebrated horse tamer, died sud denly nt Cleveland on the 4th instant. Las* December he had a stroke of paralysis, sincq which time he had been treated by several prominent physicians. On Thursday at 2 1\ M„ ho left the IPaddell House for a walk, bat soon returned, complaining of a pain in the head. After being seated a few min- utes he exclaimed* “I am dying,” -and in about sn hour he expired. .Mr. Barey was a native of Franklin county, Ohio, jj'here ho was born in 182#. He first publicly developed his system for taming, 0* rathe! - training, hoVso.s it^lga'i, but from c.irly childhood had been a student of what is bow known a? '‘Uarqy's system.” In 1806 lo* visited To.vas, ao l studied for a year or two tho habito.ofWne animals of 'hat State, ae^ting.vimgrdtt success in taming the wild horse* of that wild region. On his re turn from Texas h# gave hi? first public ex hibition at Oolnmbus, Ohie, xinco which time he has almost constantly boen before the public. In tho course of bis career he wa? consulted by the chief cavalry officers of England and this country, and Mqjor Gen eral Ilalieck employed him in 18C3 toln- fipoct and ro|*ort upon the condition of the horsot of tho Army of the Potemac, which ho did with considerable discretion. A memorandum book, belonging to Talma, has come fo light, in which the great actor was in the habit of making en tries respecting hisdomcstic arrangements hi* theatrical imfomiiou.?, and bis intci- —A Paris correspondent exclaims:*— “Horror! tho love of horseflesh, in • cooked state," is spreading, and another hone butcher’s shop is being opened, mil o'restaurant where nothing else is to be served, is announced to commence business in a few days. May not some ■‘welsbcr” be doing this ? ft is said that humane masters semblhmr worn-out cat tle to be slaughtered and consumed, iu preference to handing them over to the tender mercios of a hackney coachman. We shall soon see people driving their horses home to dine on them afterwards. I believe there are now threb horse butch er's shops here, and horse sausages are to bo had at No. 101 Avenue de Clichy.” Akothkr Rkmeuy for Neuralgia. —The Nashville Dispatch says : A gentleman who hqs tried it, and is anxious to give the public iho benefit of a Very simple and efficacious remedy for the enro of neuralgia, hands us the fol lowing : Take two large table-spoonfuls of cologne, and two teaspoonfuls of salt, mix them together in a small * bottle.— Kvery time you have auy oAection of tho nervos, of neuralgia, simply breathe the fumes in your nose from the bottle, and you will be immediately relieved. A Goon Suggestion.—The New Or leans Picayune, alluding tq the restivo- ness of the planting interest under tho onerous and odious cotton tax, suggests that thi* may bo effectually avoided, if the planters will associate together in each county and build a few factories and manufacture it thnnsclvea.They will not only save 915 a bale in tax, but double the value of the raw. material. The sug gestion is sound. us m Admiral Dahlgreu, though he and his wife and old people, hayacreated quite a physiological cxcitemeupmy Mrs. Dahl- greu's giving birth to twimufo week loa ding to no end of congratul&tieti about tho fertility of the navy. ^ *>1 adam,’ said oiTr^t^o hi* board - ing house keeper, ‘in primitive countries beef is often tlMfogul tender , brifcma* dam,’ said'he, emphatically, thrusting his fork into the steak, “ill the law of Christendom could not make this beef tender.”* tairo played Cicero In a white domino. It requires a longer time to make a great actor than a great pafntcr. Km pc ror spoke qf ine at his first bivouac after his lauding at Cannes. Tho ctfipcror once said to me, after sqcing me play •' Tha Pretty jar Gone.—During a heavy fall of rain, a fellow who had taken a drop too much happened to depoeit-himkelf finder a waterspmt. He, /hu* “lying alone in his glory,” eroi and anou ex- viewa with great men. lie nays: —■ Vul J claimed, “Not a drop more,—gefolenian « t .. to. ril r\ \ .% S m a «rr 1« t * a /I Ann « n rv ' t r» al *?/'?S-\ tkl ^ Nero, .‘Talma^ wo make history emperor also said to me, 'If Corneill^ 1 wer* alive m?w, I would make him . uiy prime minirttcr!’ ” not a drop more-’ To coonowise is to draw in as much as possible. The ladies apply this art to their person*, and tho result ia a very *onll waste. x A Frenchman rated for not marry iag, said, "he knew no woman he hated ao much an t^iahe her his wife.” * .... ■ . .. -' M »L