\ ra fin- >" ?? I ?? 1 ? ' y~ u ju i . 1. jrvv i.nmi) k. jom.s. iin fooling rather Hno to-night, My lamp gi\*oct out a ?ool?le light; My heart is wor.dorons soiv; I ^lt and dream of <4Attld-lang-svnoM And ulHho past,?I'm thirty-nine, An old inahl?nothing n)o?g. r,a a bpuu > Iti the palmy days of y(?vc. i/iut now they choose a younger mate. And .1 vtu led disconsolate, And old. maul?nothing uioty. ! Marriage is not the end of life, A nd if 1 4n ne'er to he a wife, There's beer; old maids before; /Their gr< .u\ 'he score,? Jiw vvT'lj a ? dvii and pe.mfiii trust, )*JI journoy omyard, if 1 mtW, An old ipaid -iu?t1ijng more. ,? . 1.1 ? Tiik Xoitm Cauoi.in.v Oi'ti.wv^? flott' lIl>>:tY 1 K UY I.OM ItY A M t'SKS ! J. 1;?Tin* A\' ilmingtoii Star learns 1 |Voni one \rho ]xz$ latr.ly i^jpjt \isitin?_r lire. ....... " *' , |u?ru?)iis or Koheson n.iiiil v 4-0)1 11 -*iii*y I'oryy Howry has recently (}QQii playing some pract ieal jokes u|?. n the spldiers and militia who arc in tic /}old against hiui and his gang. it is jpaid that the I 11 i Led States-troops have ?hoir camp near what is known as pleasant l'rospect Church, and t"n:i .aboiil u mile from there resides an ?dd ^yoman who sells < and turther informed the astonished "men of Marsf'Jthat he had singfed out. snipe of their comrades upon vVllCM ho intended tQ wreak his vengeance. Hoing unarmed, the soldiers lipued the first (Opportunity to make a backward movement in the direction of /heir oatnp, willing to forego the luxury pf indulging in their favorite beverage lather than provoke the wralli of the /lai ing outlaw. A few days after the above oceuipence, our informant states, an officer pf the militia received a message irnm fnwry, stating that he had visited I heir oanjp the night before and inspected their arms to see if they were jn propel1 condition. As a proof of this assertion, he slated ho had left hi? .''card," which would he found attached i ; rv -r - ' ' . * mi ?mcii "ii.k. i1 |?on examining their weapons, 1 lie name of I Tenry I ><.'?*? , !jowry was '< mid inscribed upon the t ovarii of oin1 of them, very much to i In- astonishment of yc gallant "melis!*' Wurrixii koi: NicwsiwrKits.?Some per pie estimate tin1 ability of a newspaper and the 'iilent of its editor by the rpinntity of*cTiginal matter which <1 contains. The Literary "Journal" i rutlifully says. "It is comparatively .pi easy task for a frothy writer to pour ,?ui daily columns of words?words ?tp m any and all subjects. His ideas m i v (low in hme weak, washy, eyotv lasting flood,' and his command of language may enable bun to string |hem together like bunches of onions, and yet his paper may lie a meager and ' p ior concern Indeed, the more writino part of editing a paper is but a small j p illion of the work. The care, the 1 I imo employed in selecting is far more I uiportnni, :m?1 the tact of a good cdi i i or is bettor shown by Ids selections i than anything else; and that wo all know is halt the battle. But as we have ; aai 1 ar. ediloi ought to be estimated ! and bis labors understood and appreciated by the general course of Ins pa per?its tono?its temper?its uniform, : consistent course?its aims?its manli it'?ss?its propriety. To preserve these ! .is they should be preserved is enough jo occupy billy the time and attention j pf any man. If to this be added the! general supervision of the newspaper 1 establishment, which most editors have to encounter, the wonder is how they find time to write at all. rony^i'MitioiiH nliout Health. 11y a ikk to ii. Much valuable information on all p mical subjects is obtained by "gleanin in other words, hv picking up a il collating the thousands of useful .. "i j ih of conversation and observation. 1 propose to give the readers of IIomk . o H jjai/ni one of thc^c useful scraps. A lew days ago I was walking along o m; ot the crowded streets of Kew Y nk (7ity in company with Mr. S. W. 1) iv'u, no\y and lor several years past an employe in the Bindery of th< M m l?odn;t Book Concern in that city, Jo- nerly } well known hook merchant pi Cuu-inrygi. Il was at an early morn pi ; hour, but not too early for flic ?r out tnv dlinking "I do." 44Well, ahout fifty-five years ago I j spent some 1 imc in 1 he finest, secluding j myself meanwhile from the walks of j society. Mv purpose was to lear;i what | I could 1)v i he most careful and undis turhed odscrvat ion of na> ure. Among other things f noted the eating and 1 detnl. tiur ImJ ?il l? <\( i !?/? ? .... ? 11 i -ixiii*; u uiin wi i in- nun -nunr iM iv. ;i i | ed o? forest, animals around me, I saw Hint 11 icy drank eopiousl\ tlio f' i s! thing each morning. and as t saw it, I said, 'This is oyo of Nature's lesson: (or me.' " "W as this tine of all the animals ?" ''It was." "Were the birds included ?" "They were; there was no exoepl ion. My ex a niinat ions were Inn continued and most. thorough. The lesson was eetf.iin and powerlul 1 did not forget it." "And you have in your own person followed this rule ever since?" "1 have." "And you ascribe your remarkable health and physical lutoyaney to this?" "To this and other things eonneeted with it. Are you aware that, the free t west animals never sullbr from rhouinatism ?" "I had not, thought to make it a matter of particular inquiry." "Well they do not ; and if we would move* closely follow their hahit.s I think we would suffer less from it." "Do you not, Mr. Davis, stiller at times from rheumatism?" "Not to speak of: I think T have learinl how to avoid it. Drinking at w Kill;; i lines, anil eailllj* TO CXCCSH IU1S much to do in causing rheumatism* Kirstthe livcv is deranged, then the other follows. We should lake earo to keep t he liver right." "Ydii have uu ntioned your drinking the first thins* iti the morning; what d > yon drink afterward V" "I drink nothing hnt water except at supper, when I diink tea." "Strong or weak ?" "Moderately weak. At noon 1 drink before eating another full pint water. | .tn?-t heloro retiring at night 1 drink a halt pint of water. "Do you drink at meals V" "Moderately ; nothing hut water exeept as already stated." "Do you avoid drinking between meals V" "Not entirely; though I think it not best to drink often." "Are you careful about your food V" "1 ;;m, eating only plain lood. 1 eat some meat, but prefer vegetable food, w hich 1 have thoroughly cooked," "Do you use much buit ?" "All I can make away with; that is, in its season. Itipc fruit is always healthful." "Tomatoes "(Vrt'ainjy. I know from the most careful ohserval ion that I hey are among t!>?4 most healthful food articles we can use in 11n ir season." ' \Y Itn( of I'nst ry S1 1 do n<>( eat any of it onc.a r> montli. 1 1 hink, 1 )oeior, it ought to bo a avoid- ] od. Mv observation toadies me tbat the great trouble with most people is that they eat too rich f:>o<1,n ml a great deal loo muoh of it. 1 agree with yon, Mr. Davis; but do yon not u-e tobacco ? u Tobapeo ! Not in nuy form. I did use it once, hut for many years I have not allowed it to touph my lips or nost rils. At ll.is )x>int in tlie conversation we separated my friend Davis to enter upon I>is duties for the day, and the writer to wond hi* way. to bis own ofliee in another part of lite city,? i/onic and Health. Ho\v it (iops.rroi)o of the most noteworthy achievements of Grant's Administration lias been that of raising tin1 city of Washington aiul the patch of ground formerly known as the District of Columbia to thp dignity ol a I' nited States Territory. The chief magistracy of this now* Hedged Territorv was bestowed upon tite 1'resident of a sandstone company which, necordding to current rumor, made Gen. Grant a present ol stock to tlie amount of $60,0.00, and the machinery of government was set in motion in a manner which forcibly brings to mind the peculiar style of carpet-bag legislation which has characterized the majority of the reconstructed States. The Legislature, which is said to be entirely under the control of a corrupt ring of speculators, during eighty-six working days passed bills appropriating ten millions and a half of dollars, averaging more titan one hundred and twenty om; " m w ? pi j? lltotWnd dollar^ for eyjery silting ofl thro.c oy t'?mi Wo^is. Tlis ^Va*4*ilu{tou /'f says that eue existinjj ami i>ro- , j?os< il ilci.t and expenditwres AUeU't'd mi'i< r i H'/ i 1t n'pnrat it >ii nut I i lie present Territtni:ri (-}o\eminent will reach lotirieen iuitli} .the l)is. triel u|kmi lhe assessment of l^st year. The reckless immmr in wliioli 11 us IwefiMai tire has squandered the uioney oft he citizens will lie fully appreciated w hen it is cot.siderut that, while the Territory comprise* onlythe F.wyjl .city ot Washington aud the uiuoli smaller city of (ieor&jetown, with a little thinly set t led ground near by, t ho public debt j has hcen iu thr.ee months of Territorial rule increased over ten miliums of tlol lair. It. is perhaps unnecessary to say thai the .leading oflieials of the new 1 Territory are unanimous in the belief! t lial (ion. 4 leant will and should receive l the liepublie.in nomination for the I'rc/ujcncy in 1m7'2.? N. )\ fiutt. How a Sunrwi) Man nor an ' h The following conversation between a well known official and bis friend . i. . i .. .i r ' I.i i .)i is. j? ;j.f? recouuy, 01 liout 01 me Custom IIoui'c t "Whore have you boon ?" "To Washington, to see the President, for the purport) ol securing an i appointincnl t<> <>flicc. "Diil you got the itppoiiilK.cnt ?" "I did." "Y/cil, since you are an official, J ml vise ymi to go and got. a now stove! r?i|>c hat ; if you and your friends can't afford the expense*, I will loud yog fifty ; cents to get the coruscations ironed out <>1 the shabby one you now sport. Il looks ay though a llriMon, a hill, or Mo. race (Ireeley had fallen u?;on it.'1 > ? ?* "No, I will not sn).ooth away a wrinkle ; 1 will weai it as it. is, and bc ' Memphis, 'IVnn. Dr. I .uwrenec's Koskoo, Dr. < loddln's (Jet it Ian Bjtters and Talisman?Slmllenbergpr'y 1 ids, Dr Tail's Liver rills, Darby's Prophylactic Fluid Allen's Lung Balsam, and various other prepared medicines?will be sold at the c.ompoun. dor's retail pri'X s. M. H. BEATY. ORE AT EXCITEMENT IN T O .W N' Ove those CHEAP goods received this Wt-i-Jc I per N hr. Itiil^ewQipl, and lor Sale by | Sept. I ' M. J J. BEATY. 1 NT rs ]<]\v QOOI )H, Jilbt i'uouivcd at the store of Todd & Causey, Who are now prepared to wait on tlicit* customers with a |'..IJ assortment PRY Cioops, ReadyUVJade Clothing, Ladies* & Gents, Dress Goodc, I:\tA-er rrriCLVx* i later,' hools i end Slioerjt GROGERtES 0|'al) kii^ls, nt rodvjoed prices. Leather, Bridles it Saddles, I l iirdwaret 3VJacljcine? Pure Liqxiora, Put up expressly for Medicinal purposes. Opium by retail, at $1.25 peroz. In fact, everything usually kept iu a count) y stoie, can he had at Todd & Causey's, at very low prices for CLASH, or in cxonnnge tor Tt > K PKNTIN E. Wo solicit a c*i|U and examination of oar stock; as wo are cOnfht nt wo c;in gi vo entire satisfaction ?both in quality and prices. Wo are now soiling HANDSOME I'HIXTS, noiio priced over 16 cents pr yard. E icon A. Porjc, 16 to 18 eta pi M>.\ Lard, 20 els; Hotter. 23 cts; Corn, $1.26 (56 1 hs. to the hufhel.) Turpentine hauled at short notice, for 5 cts pr hid pr mile. Turpentine hbja and goods hauled to our custoinors free of charge. If you want CHEAP GOODS, don't forget to call at the store of TODD & CAUKSY. in May 10, 1871 " ?40-if VMS. SKPilvM H i: li 1 w smmmmmrnm ' f 1 v | : | l/IMft A r lil'|W|tLt|iU L.V ? l? 1 i i .i ' pi i i nnn fv;n suit* I J i?y ii. 1\ BEAT V. B ^ Water wheel, Mill Gearing,Shafting Pulley3 POOIE S HUjJ'%TlMOKSjJ' AC.S&ND FCR A CI[iOULAR_J^r LOOK . I'roni mul nfler 1-| .Inly, we shall Ik* < ?mii|m>|)?mI t nm necessity, to N(loj>; j,Ih' cash svslcjii in our practice. We ! hove tiicd 'lie credit system, ami eanont live J at it. Every other trade ami profu&sioii de? matiil cash tor their Imuo yi?l la'.jyir; last of I all, we resort to llr same rule. We now say j tlml our.charges must he paid iu ml* since, or we shall certaUi<> wlthohl our services from all, i except t he t i'uly cluti ituhle. ()tu* iireounts are i cjul\ for yet I lenient. NORMAN .?& GAILUKKTU, Jiiju1. JO, HSil * i>i-tf An Expectorant Uomctlv without an Equal, ' <.'ON;MIT 10N CONQt:J$RJ5D. VK'TOHY ! VI('TOIt Y! J It'TOUYl A VV V I M l !.' I I T/ V I ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM! NSUM i'TIO N.?For I he cure of this distressing disease, t has been 110 medicine yet discovered that can olutv more evidenceyi real merit than AI.I.ILX'N 5.8 . This unequaled e.v peei(?r;?ni. fni curing t'onsumptiou and ill illseaiPt iPAiiluit to it, inch as affections of the Throat, 1.111 |f-i, and a 11 disc .s.-s ot the |'uImonarv Organs, I* ml rod need to the * tillering public tiller its inenis toi the po-iti\it eyre of jai.cli diseases have been fully te led The formula from which It Is prepared i>- interred to hy the lending in. du al jieirn ?ls as being equal to any proserin- ! I Ion that can he made up f<>r such d i-'eases hy | i tie m e., i< , In.'-*' h?-cu restored from what Iter physician pronouy.i?eci JUytisumpii u, alter several months'slrkness with coupn it real pain in the lungs, prostration, so Uiat she is now aide ly do housework and assist In the support of her family, and, with cure ami continued usuol the Balsam, she expects entire restoration. Another, person, a young woman, to whom I gaye one bottle, has received great benetli to that liey coilghj which was of in nubs' standing, Is petting bettcp, and the Jp't purchased the second botllp, and has every In.imatpm of a speedy cure. A young man who was raising blood nml quite wr.in <11111 ll.'ll*, I ty III'1 II * 1* 1 WO DOll ll*S, been much improved, and is now able to do a llttin at hi9 work. A younp man to whom I recommended a trial of it, w lio has h id a bad cough and iniu'Ji pain In hi* hjpps Soy months and i;n:\h)c to pet rest or sleep, has commenced takinpit and is now tistnp the fourth by 11 Ic wit h prcit lieiiellt lie said to nit*, on a riva?nt \ toil tie would not do without it. lie is hoping ^and i e.ison i lile, it seems to moj to he a hie 10 resume his work ttpain. Very respectfully -i.d gratefully yours, . ('II A ill,RS A K(HrMty, tnty Missionary. Id'iN ' 1 li \ I. ? AT is perfectly harm less ty thw mo t dolipa'.e. li is the sure ('pitph and Hung KtMiieilv. Will pure I'tilKlIlS, lllihN. (MitTIS, and CON'SHAU'HON. DUiVT KAI1< I ii ili Y I r. Sold h.v all 1 >iuppists and Medicine Dealers, Advr-ptllr). May 2tf, 1' I Am PRESS-fclAKB MG | \ < )\ 1' <\ it li lu.iilhu.ss and (llsjtfttcli in the I ./ hit est fashionable styles, and warranted to liive sal isfaeljon, at K.J. CD.N(1DON\S. May It) 20rtf Doors, Sashes, Blinds, D. WYAT; AIKEN, S. C. mnmw Of vnvy Itamlsomo, I/idles, Misses, JBoys and Infmls' HATS for sale by July Wh M. U. UK ATV. & SH * r V inrr 11 n i 'irn mm - i O, l?TJ. J Wai.kik, l*ro|?r.ttar. U )(. Mc(>o*alo A c6., Dmifini A .Gen Ajf??oU, Had Fr?uci*co, Cnl., and 34 Comnnrtt lUvtl, N. Y. Ml 1.1.IONS Hear Testimony to Ihetr Wonderful Curative KiT'ccm. Thoy nrc not a vile Fancy Drink, Mnde of Poor Jtuiii, Whiskey, Proo|? Spirits nn|i|iipm doctored, spiced nnd sweetcivrd to please tlio lasUi.onllcd "Tonics, "Appetizers,'' "Hcstorcrt?,"&0., tlnU load the tippler on to ilmnkcnm-Mnnd ruin,hut urn fttrito Medicine,made fiom the Native Jtnots anil Horh.s of (hdiforpln. freo from all Alcoholic Hlini||* in am. They nro the faiiB** llhthllt PUItfFIKItnml A 1,1 FK tilVIXtJ Pit I NCI I'l.K, a perfoet Konovntor ami Inviporntor of the System, carrying off all poisonot h matter ami rcstvring tUi'l4ood to a healthy Oonhtioti. No person can lake these flit tern according Indirections ami reinnin long unwell, provided their bones a ? not * destroyed by mineral poison or other mean?, oiul the vital organs wustcd beyond thu point of repair. They tiro a (ieiitle Pu run live its well Tcififj possessing, also, the peculiar merit of noting ns a powciful agent in relieving Congestion or Iutlammat Ion of the T.ivor. end nil llie Vis<-eral Organ*. I'Oil I-'K.IIA I,K foil P|,A INTS, In young py old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood oral the turn of life, these Tonic hitters have no equal. For I nil u in inn lory nnd Chronic ft lieu inn* Cimiii nnd (tout, Dyspepsia or I ndiuCNtloi^ Bilious, iteiiiilleut and I illcriliUt rut tie, vers, Dlsetises of the Blood, I.Ivor, l\id? ...I in,. .1.1.... n...? in.. i ?i ? .? ? ...... oimimm i ? iu? ^ iiiiirin iun?' i"TM ril'wi successful. Nil oh I) i mi>si ten aro caused l?y V i I in I ?*<1 Wood, winch i^k' "' iuI!> product (I hy (!ctiUi|SCua'ii> of the Dig native Orgnnn. I) VSI'KOI A OK I K I) 1 (I EST ION. Iloadfolic, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tlifbtjiffts of tlio Chest. Dir/.int ss, Sour .Eructations of the .Stomach, Hud 1'antcju 'he Mo ith, Dillons Attacks, Palpitation ol lljo Heart, Inflammation of the (.tings I'atn in the regions of tlie Kidney a, and a hundred other painful symptoms. are Hi t-(lspring* of Dyspepsia. They invigorate tlio Stomach ami stimulate thotorpiit Liver ami Dowels, which render them of unequalled i IT)on< v in rlenn.-ino the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life an t vigor to the whole system. I'OK SKIN DINKASKH, Eruptions. Tpttof, B?'t Rlieum, Blotches, N|x>ts, l'im)den, Pustules, Hoils.Cnrhutieicv, Ring-Worms. Scald Head, Sore Kyea, ErysipcIss, 1 teh.Scurf*. Dlseolornttons of the Skin, Humors and Dis s >! tin- SI.j11. of whatever name or nature, ato Jit? rnilv dug up and carried out ofthe system In a short time hy the use ol theso Hitters. One bottle in such rases v ill convince tin-most incredulous of their cura tivc oflccls. Cleanse tlie Vitiated liiond whenever you find its impurities burnt lug throne!, tlio skin In Pimples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse It when yon ilnd it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, pipl y our feelings will tell you when. Keep the Mood pure, and the health of the system wilt follow. Pin, Tupr, nml otfii-t- Worms. lurking in tlio sy stem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist, lliere is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of tho body that worms exist, hut upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed theso living monsters of disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no antlielminlics will freo the system froui worms liko these Hitters. i. WALKKit, Proprietor. It. 11. McDONALD A- CO., /Druggists and Hen. Agents, San Francisco. California, and 32 and 31 Oominorco Street, New Yotk. B^-SOM> ?Y A HI. DBUUOI8TS AND DEALERS, IkB" Agents V*ni?<<-?l EviTJlthtTf' EVAN s A CO,. VJ. OJ1EAT OliUiFKAL ONLY UE1.1AIICK OUT HOOK KNTEItEia.SJI, 27H? Year ol'itn KstiOilisIniu'iit, SOfl OH EST N IT ST, ANIi N, KMJJIT ST., I UM. MJI-U 111 A. NEW HOOKS, NKW (IIKTS, MAY AT* TIIACTIONS, We will sond v?? ?i any book published in the IT11it<>?1 Nates \\ ith a j^i't 011 tin? receipt.of 1'ublifhers Price. Order any b<)o)c you may desire anil it will bo nvomptjy ru'waydnd with a gift. Our A' b~> liHr.i rlal ('litxsijfi tl ('atalor/up for 1871, just issued, he lug a complete Guide' to every branch of American Literature, with index, se,.t free on ivyyipt of p9jjjLj?^i st imp. If yon ordor Hooks not on our now ("otaloguo, \>lunse mention the name of (lie publLboy, &J-6EN L) KOll 1 f. SEN J > KOK IT.??Q .May 5, 1^71 IH-tip) tus if '/ay; m\ \1U;W lif|)J)|( K Dot" ni.lC-i,OOl' Sirr< 11 SVw ing M;whlno, and and a Wiikki.kk iv wiu.son 3Jiuii>no, in good order, for sale at a hpigain, Apply to M, B, KJUTY, S'lM^iM^OSCorivS, views, ALBIWIS, CiJ BOMOS, THAMES, . a h. t. A;NTBc^iy aco., 591 BROADWAY NEW YORK, .mite the attention of the Trade to their extensive ;-ssoi i tju'iit of the jihove goods, of thcjr own publican, inanufacturp and importation. Also, I'lIOTO LANTEIt^pi LIDES and OUArilQ,SCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOS.EMiTE. li. .t II. T. ANTHONY &(;(>., 5bl liltOADWAY, NKW YOltK, Opposite Metropolitian Hotel. I Ml Olii'UJlS AND MAM KA< TI'KKHH O* Photoraphgio Materials, DAHBY'B 1'K0PI1Y LA CTIC FLUID, rj"MHS invaluable Family Medjchm, for purifying, cleansing removing had odors in ;ill kinds of sickness; for lu rns, sores, wounds stings; for l.i p>ipel;ts,, rheumatism, and all skin diseases; for eatafrli, sore mouth, sore ? mm imwi I i ??? throjif, djpthoi ia; fbr colic, diaihow, cholera; as a wash to sullen and beautify the skin; to romouTTnirTpofBuTmUmv^lrT^^ internally as \yeU as applied externally; sp higyly recommended py.ftH who have used It? ' 1 1 1 11 1 " ! II II I I I is lor sale by all Druggists ami Country Merchants, and may he ordered directly of the DAUBY PROPHYLACTIC CO., t>l William .Street, N. Y. it; each costing IMty Cents only, u relieved ino t m GA. NOV. f f 1)11. Projmiitt kn*t sumnier mv norse sprained ( hi* knee severely causing the w h?fi leg to swell 1 ' to about twice its natural size ami rendering him iu almost helpless; two applications of your Ano- fin dyne J'ttin Kill It.thoroughly cured it?J 11 Davis. 1$ c,i,?^AATKS- ' -f ties county,(in. ; dns. Jell, C'aitersviile, (;,x Jl H \V. L; EJlis, Doolv county, Ga?S John B. I)a- <*** vis. Now tun 1" aetrX\\ ; B. t, Bass, I .ow tub's? 'M county. STATE Oy (?E(>B(?1A, f Know all incn< Fri.Tf n Cofxtv, S by those presents, . That I havo this day, for value recoited. solrl " W and tranaferro d to BBAi>F!El.f) &,(;().. tlffi \ f sole ridht.to manufacture. and sell niy kfttwflf ^ Medicines, and have fhrnkljcd tliem wiUfcllidb full receipts, and have a*thoit7.ojl iho lilt AJ)1( AEfJ> ^ CO., to print, or have printed, / anything they nrtyaco propfr, ctmeernirj^ anf # | and all of above named Medicines. * '1 jjjf| ' lfltli of June, 1870. 1 Signed J O. S. IvnoVflfM| In prfiftcneo of Thomas F. Jones, and HoherVrJ1 Crawford, Notary Public, (i.. s.) Manufaetuivd Ihr .vjo by HHADFIELD Broad street, Atlanta, Oft. fbr sale by1 nljJ# Urngglsls. ,3S * -l i . jgriGk \ -1 i I J T ItlC'A I > r ITiw voil known (o Itoeiot8 tiutl to l,:wti'-8 \Vli|))0lk it)-< l l?? llllll:?'!"?>1|K vll.M'ii*'' iK'i'iili.n to rluiii' *?-v?.viii-li ii.s Siii lin'.- :?>n tin' Mouse#. whites, raliU'il Motitl iy li IMteuinttiism ??J t lie ll.tek arfV W< nib. In?- i.lar Jlonmionl ego < 'sivc 'i low tu! lYoinpsu* L'toijoi; I :? I *i < J oju tl.e \\ ?. 11.'- fl These tlisea.v lut lb -i**i?1? 11 I?*n t < !e?i sue ee.vd'ally'1 he proiflviion I ; - ?K1 KIAl A t U. 1* will purify Huj blood nuci stfM'Rthi t thi *}'? teui, relieve ii'.riut i Ion of the hid lie e, mill If it perfect epiQtllc lor till the ?M v. dlnetiMAj i? vfrtiilu n ciir> flf Qiilnliic ia mi hilie ra For it history ol di tenses, uaiil lei i itie.?us ul IA \aunderfill cures ilu? reader i* rehired to tho Wrapper itroyu?J Hie bottle. F\?iy bottle waranted tc gite satis Indum or mot.ey refunded* f.A'i nir oft, O* March 5S, I* 79liHAUFICiJliyiiU'O , ATlwtNTA, (1A a JiKAK Sik: 1 take phiuolie in Mutiny tlint 1 have lit ed lor the Ins l iv v v e are, i lie undue ' t u are pif iuK up.' kit it 11 If . J . K 1? A J i i I J I ?'S I' lOIAi.i'l HhCibli'AllK, and coi sum r it ihs bent coiitbiiitilkni e.vetf gotten together lor the (1 left it is for v hlch f.V |.? r< commended 1 l.nt i L-i'ii fit mi u.-tr v. librae pri -ci ipi i6>. Lo ll at t practitioner of medicine nnd indium* ic practice, ami can honestly ejty Ibal 1 com-idcr u a lan ii to en If. rin ir fenta les, and cup '"it lip' 'hv u/j 'rA lady in our whole land, who may t < miI1< i lug 11, any way peculiar to tlieir ee.\, "may be nh'e I.; procure a hot He, that their Mill', i u i-.? may iv . 4R only be relieved, but that ilicy may ho rcsltf d U? henlili m.d strength. al W lilt my kin debt iijwr.'s I n , i> ; i fn ily, W H. I'ltiv U 1 1.1., M. 1 >. \V?, the iiriflor^ipriic.d Prugrlst, fait, p'casnrc ii; commending in the trade Hit J. 1 KM,, Atlanta, il-i. I'kM 1IKKTO.N, \V I I 1.80N, Ta Y L 8 p -nnrz,vx .V , VJ Indigestion. I rr? of Appetite, N.ieinn, Sour Stomach, Henri Hi.in, Kehiltty, J ow Spirits, ^ (told Feet sui'l Hands, t ost I vein r?, loftiest need. ('olio, I'hroulc i'iti rli6.1, tint! Chronic <'hills* aim Fever. CJ7" Compounded in stilcl npcordnm'c v. ith skill I it I chemistry and fchntife phut m c\, tl.ii pura!) Ve^ettih e Comp. uud line, ntti i tlieviuer?55 I CELEBRATED | tit it and jg *r>2i^-7apfej*n*at^ ivhiu. w Khmmfr- t ist by the enlightened to*. niiou.>^)if thousands ~~ using It; so harmoniously wOusted Hint it kei pa the I,iver in healthful Acton*. anil when the directions are olnn rvt d'the preci.-s of waMo and re* p!enishtiinnt til the htjmaii e> gtem continues tnii Interruptedly to a ripe old .age, mid man, like the I patrinoch* of old, drops into tlia grave full of > ears, without vpn w t? .| wlyM.ever 1)1 s 11| ! t I v ? ,? ^T, ait ? A dit p I e d ia?? ltSm- jLiver Medicii?,fe?^V and ro- (j WtBaB&ZASC-i*. Jw,?lo or Jiiiinial. i>a i!N ici i.i , :rr. | ^ h i? li cliteilu s ever il i- ?< . r..rf ?? > 1 - - - ? > ' ii.-i ulmil. | erstiK humanity, ibis is the i t st Paiu Mediator ? iinown ?) MfiticnlSt'JV nee Tlfe'rtfre fs p|ierdy M pi rmaneut in I In* inert in voter;i if diseases, TJ.isj fB is no hninbujr, but a Kraiid medical dis< oitorv-, A '? Pain ivu l.i'-n Qout siinu i; no i cibiMi u> 11 dan am all'/e or drive the in ft imatiou < | p n ;iii mur- * ii.il organy. lie iiMicy is truly wonderful ];? . liel is instantaneous. It is d'-siimd io banish pains nml nphes, wounds and i>i nlt%s, tiom 1V0 face of i|ii' eariji. ii.i? \ j j-1 v. This is the celehratnj met'lolnr thai run P. ri v Davis Pain Killer out of I lie mai kt t, \\b? r. \tr it w as used Davis made Frophittchnnyo |j,e nnir.u tioiu Pain Killer to P.\i> Kii.j. ?t. For KhenniRttsin, A'corale'ia, or pnln of nny kind it has no qu tl.? For Cms, Frin.-es, iiurns or old Sores it is the lisgi t It 11 j Oil inn 'use as a dressing.?For Ssaki. Hiti.s or Si i: <;s ol 1 <>i*onnrs ixsiTiv ills uperftet Amiootk ? it If jtooil for Col e Colds Coiii(|)s or Dowel Com phi int n* nnine indicates its^.tnre inlly. His (inly Drain to jKtiii.-Miuuifiicmiiil and soul by Hmi hh.ii and Co. Atlan'alia nnd torsade by all ilri*,4^'* Doot v CotTx.YY fh, April D?>7. ? This is to certify thai 1 was ionjined to the < house and most of the time to my he