V J.VTS of tiik l.l-.'jlslatrisk?continl'tid Fuou Foi'irrn l'.vtii:. An Act to Incoki?oiiatk tiik Town of Fi.oi:t:.\< k.?No. Ho. Fi i. 1. He it ei meted h\ tin? Ken.Ve and House of I'.ej lesenlntives ol the Spate of .South ('urolilia, 1 v. met and sitting inf( ieneral Assembly, and 1 \ the authority of the same, That from ui.d alter the passage of this Aet, all and every per oa or persons who shall have resided in the e? : p a- ite limits ol the village ot ^'lorenee for two months arc hereby deehued to be ineiuhe m oft e corporation hereby created Hee t hai the stud p'Tsons shall, front and ..IW... I l,. : ? > : , .... imns'ii^ e held in sum ! eoiiveiii.n.t p.ihlie phn e i i .said town, from six o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the evening; and when the polls shall he. closed, the managers shall forthwith count the votes and declare the election,gi\in ; notice in w riting to the persons eleeted. The 1 illendaiit ami VV ni-n. ' ? * v H.-J, l,F| I III- IIUU5 HIMIJI, sliall always appoint the Managers to conduct the election, wlio, hefire open the p >iis titi* tlio saiil election, shall take an oath fairly ami impartially tocomlu *t the same. Ami the Intemlant ami War.lens, before ente.ing upon the duties of their Ie pt et.ve olliees, shal. take t he oat 1) pro SCI i iicd h\ t he < ,'oilst it (it io a of t his Mate, ami, also^ i^r.* following oath, to wit : "As 1 itlemlanl, (oi\ Warden,) of the town of Mannin , I will e?jtiaily and impartially, to the boat ofiuy ability, ux< i else the t list reposed in nte, and J will use my best endeavors to j res -rve the peace. and carry into cllect, according to law, the poses for which 1 have hcen eh'c'.od ; ,so help me I .hid.'' Anil, i! a iy person, upon being elected hitc.idaut t r Warden, shall refuse . o a i as sit eh, lie shall forfeit and pay to the (J umeil the sum of twenty dollars, lor 11 e use of! he - dd town; i Vox hhsl, That Unperson who has at'ained the aye of si\ty \ ears > .ill bo cmup died to serve in eii her ol said olliees, nor shall any other person he compelled io se. ve more than one ye n in any term of three;years. See. o. That in case a vacancy shall occur in the olliee of the Intemlant, or any of the Wardens, by deal h, resignation, rouiov.,1, or ot hei wise, a i eleel ion to li.l such vacancy shall he hold 'ay order of the Intemlant and Wardens, or a majority of the same, ten days public notice thereof being previous )' given ; and in case of the sickness o, tempora ry ahsei.ee of ilie Inleudanf, the Wardens, firming a < mined, shall lie onipowo.od to elect oneot ii.11. ni.nibc: to ail as lntendant (' rinj; tlx* Iimu. ?>cc. it. That the lntendant and Wardens, duly elected and ipta ilied, shall, dining tlu-ir t.-i in ol 'mm \ ire, .severally ,1ml respectively. he vested with all the powois of a liial Justice or other interior < ourt; and the lntendant shall or may, us alien as is necessary, summon the Wardens to meet in (louncil, any two of whom, wilh the lntendant, or any three of the "Warden's, *on.-iitute a i|Uor;mi to transact business, and they shall he know n hy the name of the town l ouneil of KJo enc *. And they, and their sueeessors heieaftei to he elects |, may have; a eominon seal, which shall he allixed to all thei- ordinances, m. y sue and he sued, plead and he impleaded, in a iy ' 'ourt ol law or tojuity in this Mate, and purchase, hold, possess and enjoy, to them and their siicu.voi>, in perpeluiiy, 01 for anytenn ot years, an\ estate. ie: I i 10 ?h.mI ....v., i . ... , | ?< !?' a i?? wi HIlAtMi, I I V I J5CII, alien or convey tin: .-aine: l'rov.dcd, Tin: same .shall not exceed, at any one t hue, tli inn ( I Urn thousand dollars; .ami the Intend.uit and Wardens shal a a lull power to make and i stahlish ail mi h 11iles, by-laws and ordinances respect ing t he r>aids, s: reels, in arkets and police ot? the said town, as si all appear to '.1 e.n necessary and requisite lor t he seca.ity, welfare a id convenience of said town, or for prase vi.it; health, older, pea jo and good government within tin: same ; and all the by-laws, rules and ordinances the said Tow n Council may make, shall, at all tines be subject to revisal or repeal by the Ceuc.ral Assembly of this S ate. And the said Town Council may li.v ai d impose lines and penalties ioi the violation thereof, and appropriate Ih<* same to the public uses of said eoi jurat ion; 1'rovided, That no punishment shall exceed lifty dollars' line or t hii ty day.'wiinprisoninent. fcjec. 7. Tliat ihe lnteudant and Wardens of said town, or a majority of them, shall have toll power to giant or lcftis** licenses to keep taverns or retail spirituous liipiors in the corporate limits oi said tow n, upon such comlit ions and undei such eircun.slanees as to them shall seem proper ami right: Crowded, 'J ha! in no instance shall the price of a license to keep a tavern, or to retail spirituous Ihpiors, be 1 ss than the amount established by the Stale, and all moneys paid for licenses ami lor line, ami to.feitures lor retailing spirituous Ikjiio.s, keeping tavern and billknd tah.es, w ithout licenses, shall In* appropriated to the pub.io uses o} said town; 1'rovided, That I I ir? I ! it f 11 still mil W .lol?' -I. ... ' ....w.. ...... <.<11. .. ... 1|I||> ejeeiCU SHUI! not have power to grant any license to keep t.acnis or retail spu ititous liquors to extend beyotr|Ltlie term lor which they have boon clcctc<^fc See.^N That it la! 1 !>e the duty ol' the lnlejulaut and \\ aniens to keep all roads, streets and ways within their eoipt rate limits open ami in good repair. They shall have i ower to compound with all persons liable to work the streets, ways- ami roads in said t< w n, upon sueli terms as they, hy ordinance, shall establish, the moneys s received to ha applied to Die i nblic tisc ol sard town; and all persons i rinsing or hiding to jay Midi commutation shall he liable to sneli line, not exceeding twenty dohavs, as (iie Town Council may iinjM so. cc. h. The said Town Council shall ha\e |M>wer to iCgulau? s.do> at auction within the corporate limits ol said town, and to grant licenses to unciioneer.->: 1 rovided, Nothing lieie.ii i.'i ntaiiiL'd snail extend to salts by bueiilV, ( led. ol ( unit, .Judge ol I'l'obatc, ( oroii' i", J'.xecutoi or NdnunisLiator, Assi.nce in iiaijl.inptcy, or hy any Trial Justice o?; [ Ol i^f ile. U I ' olll 1. to'ec. H>, 'J he\ si ah a'so haw; power to il)iJ o.se nil annual la., ml excluding ll!t> coins < n cw-ry I 11iK.it < d< I.ars (.1 ilia assessed \ aluu (Meal and j.trsonal estate lying wiiliin (lie corj>< rate limits ol > a i < I town, die real and! ) eisonul < Male ol church s and school nssoei- j ai ions excepted, and to i emulate the price < I lu en. eti upon all pill lie shows and cxh.hi ions 4 in the sa.it town; toe eel a j.awdor maga/iii'', j and lomjicl ai y j.e mhi holding liioie than twenty-live |a iniua ol powder to store the same then in, and to mane regulations for the i lales ol xn ra^e (hcieof, and lor keeping a.id clt ilxciing the same. 1 he said Council ?. a i have power to enforce the p .yment of ail tax s ^ ' leviedunder t can l.o i.y ol (his Aet, again I the projxirty a id person of all d l.uil ers, to I tlie same extent and ai tii same manlier as is j proxidid d.V a > I ?r t.-.e cohecl.ou of Hi oral taxes, except that I'xocut.ons lo the | nyniOnt of town taxes sln.ll Im4 H miner the f- a of I he ersnns espoeia!ly u|?|M>lnU?tt hy the Town C. ottni-il to eollert tlios.un*; anil all projierty npon which a lax shall l>?i lovltjtl ia hereby tloelareil ami main liable tor the payment thereof, in preferauec , to all other ilebts against the sai?l property* j except ilebts line the State, whieh shall tirst be , , paid. ^ ^ J J See. II. That the sui> -11 1 , - !<>.- mi >mvii mans, si ice' s ^ ami ways v itliin the said town as they mav lit em necessary, hy the sale of the freehold . theroin, either at public 01 private sale, as ; | they may adjudge best for the interest of the suit I ?u\vn; ami they shall ha\ e power io lay ' out, adopt, ojhmi anil keep in repair all such new streets, mails anil ways within the town as they may derm necessary lor the improve inent ami convenience of the said town : I'm- J viile.l, That no street, mail or way shall he opened, w ilhoiii lirst I ia\ ing obtained the eon sent i I the laud ow n r, or owners thereof, < through whose premises .any such new street, load or way may pass. See. 12. That the said To,v;? Council shall < have power, and ar* hereby authorized, to . elect one or more Marshals, (in addition to the Sheriirof Datli igton, who shall aim he a f Marshal of the town,) to lix their salari \s and y preseriho their duties, who shall b sworn in and invested w if h all the pow ei , and subjected I to all the duties and liabilities that <'oiistahles j now have or mi; subjected to hy law . in addi I lion to the dut ies and liahllit ies specially con ferred an I impos-al upon them hy the Town j (' iim 'l: Provided, That their jurisdiction shall he con iucd within the limits of the said I town. ; See. Id. That the said Town ('onncil shall ha <' power to establish a gtiaid house, and to ' preset ihe, by ordiuauee, suit able rules and '] regulations lor keeping and governing the same, and until such guard house shall I'm o established, they shall he authorized to use a r nun in the Common jail of I ),u !i 'glim Count v for the eonlin Mnen? of all persons who maybe subje l (o he committed for v iolation of any ordina. c o| the tow n, p is >d in conformity et '| this Ac;- ; and the said l ow n Council innv, hy j o.cina!uv,oi the said Intel ilanl and Warden-. K in peisoii, any one or more of them, may i ; anlho.ize . ud require any Marshal of the j town, or any Com table specially appointed for that pti pose, to a ie-1 and commit to the r ! 1 1 I - - - - uu .una: u n >uso, or | til ol I > r'.i:r;t<>n ' '<>unt y , . ai tin' cas may In-, for a ham n >t exceeding t wenty - f ?ur ho ir.s, any pors >n >r pet sons, who, i a wiihiii the cor11 ?ra'e liini's ??t" .said town, may lie cie^a^ed in a breach of the peace, any I riot on > or disorderly conduct, open obseeuitv, o pn 1 ?linnc comifn!-is, if need he, to aid in making such arrests; and upon j ! ihe failure rdi| u; ii 'os : rrovided, Thai such imprisonment : shttll not exempt the ptirty from the pavment ( I of any line Ihe Council may impost: for the n I otl'ciKv for which lie, she or they may have Ik en committed. Sec. II. That the said Town Council shttll sh ill have power t?> collect the. taxes from till t persons representinyr, publicly,. within the cor- 1 porate limits, furjjain or rewtisd, tiny plays or r shows, of any kin I w hatsoever, to he used for , the purpose of said town. .Sec. in. That till the lines which shall hereafter he ct Sleeted for retailing, without license within the corporate limits td' t! said town, shall he paid one-half to the informer, ami tin* I s | o her halt to the Council, lor the n-<- of 11.r.> aid town, and to pass siicii or- j dimmers as may ho necessary l<< delino tin; duties and powers of tin; said Hoard, and to 1 impose lines an I p nialli \s upon the in ainhors ; ol the said Hoard, lor nrgl -el of duty or refusal a I t i sorvi; : Provided, '1 hat no lino hereby < I authorized to ho imposed shall exceed the sum ! < f twenty dollars. I ho said i <>\\ n ( anineil of t ' : Fiorenco shall have power and authority to ' require tli owner or owners of "ny lot or lots I l in th said Town, to keep the streets in fiont ( of said lot or lots clear of all tilth and ruhhish, j and also to make ami keep in good repair sidewalks in front of said lot or lots when the ' s tin 'shall front on or adjoin any of the puh- ' he streets of the said town, if. in the judgment ( of the said Town < "ouncil,a u h sidewalks shall he necessary ; the width th -roof,and the manner of their construe!ion to he designated and 1 regulated hy the said Town Conned; and for 51 > default or refusal on the pait of such owner; r si owners to keep the said streets ' lean, or to make sind keep in repair such sidewalks whenever required, the said Tow n Council may 1 csiuse the said streets to he chained, or such si dew a ks to he made and kept in rej air, an 1 j tf require s ch ow ner or owners to pay ihnc< sis I i and expense; thereof; Provided, howeser, j ." I hat ?'o ,lra< ts for clouliug the said streets, or l making and putting in repair such si 1 ;walks, II shall he let to t!ie low est hi Ulcr. M See. 17. That the said Town Council el mil fl have power to borrow money for the public ^ list; of the corporation, ity issuing, from time j t<> time, as occasion may rutpiirc, the bonds of I the eorjioration, hearing interest at a rate not ; 1 to eXcee.l seven percent tun a year, to bo paid i \ s * in i annual y, for an amount not to exceed ; \ live thousand dollars; an I for the payment of I ^ the intc rest, and the ultimate redemtion ol the piiu ipal, according to the terms of the loan, t he .->aid eoi'i orti' '.on shall, at all times, be liable: t Fro vide I, lh it th" piivate property of the inhabitants of the said tow n sImII he bound t foi the redemption of the said loan in no other j way than hy the imposition of a\ annual tax, n according to the provisions of this Act. a S;c. |8. 'Idie Intend.dit ami Wardens elect, t shall, during their term of oilice, he exempt k from street and police duty. Kacli Town , they shall he liable to he lined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollar*, to be collected hy any proper action of the Town Council. j ,Soe. l.?. That for any wilful violation or (| neglect of duty, malfeasance in oilice, abuse or oppression, iiir niki j iiKHKiHiii and Wardens, . jointly ami severally, shall he liable to imliol- -J meiit in llie Court of Sessions, and, ujioii nmvlctlon, to punishment, a* prescribed ii the jt preceding Section, besides being liable for damages to any person or persons injn ed. See. 2 I. i hat all ordinance* heretofore passed by the Town Council of Manning, in coinformity with tlie authority granted by existing laws as do n >t eonlliet with the Const ifit Ion of the State, shall he, and they are. hereby, declare I legal and valid. See. 21. All Acts and parts of Acts heretofore passed in relation to the incorporation of the village of Florence he, and they ate hereby, tepealcd. ^So?. 22' This Act shal he deemed i public Ll and continue in tbrce until amended, repealed. |< V .fctdMarch 9, 1ST I. \\ IORRY WEEKLY I LOCAL IWATTERii. T1it? liev. I). K. Bennett will jirrueli at tlie ^VilKiw iin' tiiiiii- niit -... i - i .-> i'l.m-s. >.it. dug 2t?, Sooashe. mill. " 2?, 44 Moll. " 2S, p. mi. (\?uw a> i?oro. i n. 44 2U, p. in. Tilly's Swamp. iVoM. 44 ?J0, a. in. 44 4? 44 " p. in. I Churches. Hull's. 44 '?!, a. in. .Ioniums, S. II. Yi. Sep. I, a. hi. Hiick Creek. 4 Tin ??Ji ? of tSsill Schedule. The Schedule lor the arrival ami delarlureot the tri-weekly mail from Fair VuiiV N. to this place, has been hanged; it now loaves hero on Tlieslay, Thursday ami Sat unlay, this cans s tin4 ILicksvill 4 ami Mull ( 'reek mails o lea veou the same days. Our friends it 1 utile Ivivcr are jietitioning to have he Schedule time on the route from tore to that place, changed so as to cave here on Tuesday, instead of donday as heretofore; this will give us our mails leaving this place every Tuesday morning; when this change n the mail route to Little Kiver is pereeted, we shall publish our paper on ; Tuesday morning instead of Friday, as j , t present. illi, rjuriancr. ; 1111 ! >111111 of Link' Kiver; was in | Pown t)lis week, lio says that ho lias i very assurance Irom Northern eapia'.ists thai all llio in >nov necessary lor I hi coustruclin jj ot' the canal can be oadily obtained, they are only waitn?jf lor our people to take hold. They re perfectly riujht, they do not wish j o be called Carpel-haters, an 1 in i >rder to avoid this odium, (if such it ! ?e) they ask that we show our faith by air works. Head the cdiarLer as Olliially published in tliis issue; and see tow easy it is for every person owning ! an Is on the Waeeamaw to contribute o this ?j;rcat. enterprise, and thereby enclit themselves an 1 thousands of it hers. We are in bleed to make men- i ion ol this ('anal enterprise at this hue, because we wish to call the atom ?f very body, who is directly, ir indirectly interested in this scheme i >1 internal improvement, to the favor ,blo advantages of the charier. Tin-: Koad Law is published in this ssne of our paper, we advise every>ody to read carefully, that they may | mow their ?11?tv, and their rights in I uHfiling tlm law. Srkf'ia\j A'itkntion is railed to the ale ot T. K. Mishow, Adinr. Adverised in tliis issue. robe*; c w&Bsrsstsamivmsx&BEUJmamsBBm DEF.n On the l'Uh instant, at his residence j 11 this Count y, l'"v. John 1'. IJkaty, u the 7! him w hose deatli is recorded i ihove, and whose history should he 'leaded in the rock,*1 that, it might he in eternal sign, pointing to the ("it vol lefugo, "Rock of Ages;" we would gladly have others write, yet, in ae ordanee with his teachings, lollowing he example of his .Master, we must lot shrink from the duty before us. Ie who was the oldest of three hrothirs, and the last of them to depart this i : r.. /i r . i - I m; ^ivuvnig mil iew of me "eneration j n which he was horn) has passed away, I md er of the d. K. Church, and tlie last twentyeven )ears of his lift; was spent in a^u*s1, humble, zealous labor in the, jfefc^^^od's word in that Church was a mem her. Hiumhle Christian ; a true ML' Saviour who redeemed j minis! er and herald of ,id i i solemn silenc , he vh^^^^^^Hpis vho ffBH^^Wrcd around, peace! rest here II K IIKI MIUflATIOM SCHKMK Tills in bids fair 10 be one of li? grandr^H^^Hp.ses of the hou.i. 11 is raras|EHra^p hundrnl thousand dollars ro auspices of such honor ihlc nd wpl^^^^Htlrini-ii as control the Amo>i ) ion, I^^B^Hudcs are alone a sufllclriit ii >ranidrawing will he uctod dollars will purlin? o a may secure one of twertyliii^^^^Bj^^citsh the highest of >hlch of Muao-, worth ii.VhnOO, the is loo.ooo cash. 1 he oih raiign^^^^^HVioo down w ird*. (-ONWAYI SO Ho, AIIJJJ. 14. Ti'HPENTiNK?Tlio niiee ha- declined tin. ing the w ?k, and will not now bring more li <11 $4.00 It rold and $4.00 for vii in FitKMM IJekk, is stdling in market .?t (I to Be. i>it lb.?pickled pork Is sidling 1'roiii .Stoic, i'tail, tit I2^c. to lie jier U>. Timber,?none in market; tlemand good; will bring 7 to 17 cents per loot. Xkw Vonk, Aug. 17. (Joi.n, $I.12s5 Money easy, .it 4 per cent. Fi.orit?unchanged, but stoutly. ('oftx?dull, 00 to 08c. 1'orke?$1:1,70 to $14, 77. .Si'ini rs ok TrltPKXTlNE? dull, 17 to losin, $2.SO for .strained. (Jot ton -lower, 18c jier lb, for best grades. NVilminotov,' Aug. 10 Ciu'iu: Ti*i;pi;n i !.\k?$4. to tor ohl; $ !. 10 >r Nirgin. Spirits ul'Turpentine. 14J, to >7 losid to V .7n. HHL. 2* jawJir > % ?. ? t v? -> m < Si:\VS. AiKiJTST 18 iknm\ri771Ti}K'6 b<\i.T~ I ) Y 1*1 K MISSION OF Til F. 1IONOKA I ) l?le, tli?i .IikI.m' of I'rohatc, lor 11?*11> County: I will sell at Auction* at my residence on Sini|)soii < ivek. on Monday the -Htli ins1.. The Stork of cattle, hoys and sheep, ami tli Itottseliold and kllclien furniture, tlio property of llu> Ksiate of Samuel M. Hughes. ('omlitions ol saie ( ash. August 1 Tims. K. Misiiow, lit '!:> Is Admr. sol Til CAKWLINA, i 1 N PltOUATN ('Ol' II I". lloKIIV COt'MY. ) W in. Mathews, vs. T. \V. Core and wile Kinily (deeoased) anil her heirs, l.nrnti/.o 1). Helh'iuee. tin- 11 i r . of.lames l'\ UellI" tlio defendants in the il hove stated at inn. r id u i: I mi it t e limits of this M le i is ordered, '.hat t lie\ '?. ; j? pear and object tn th iiiv;sion nr sale ! tie I teal I'Ntate nl Margaret IdLunv on ni hi hue the liiirtieih day ulepteniber, A. I). ltS71.??r t heir tton.se ul In the same will he eaten d i I ieeurd. August 14, IS'; I. ISAAC O. l.ONO, It :;:i is ,J. p., iI. (*. SHERIFF'S SALES. W II.1.1 a M M. 11 u: House i:i ('ouw.ivhoro on Mi li. t Mon a in September next wi'.liin the legal sale huu s. The re; 11 Estate ! 'the late \V. IhOiug'iris. OneTraet and HuihUng thereon in t he I ow n ?> i ? on\va\uoro ? < : 11 a i: u i) ^ one luiml ed . r more or less, Wounded on South l>v r?> .< 1 inning IVom Burroughs' store to snow hill, on Ha t ami North by l'> .1. Collins, Jane- And - son and .1. A. Thompson's 1ml. Ami one han a ml .-.aI? . balance on three equal installments, lirst inSt all 1 > > < * i > L to fall due .lauuai'N tin1 lit si I i'./: seen ml installment .1 i unary tli<> lirst IS. ami third, January tho Hist 187'i} with interest from tiny of nilCi 1'urehase money secured by bond with two approved personal securities ami a Mortgage of I bo Promises. i'uivba or to pas lor papers and stain; . A. II.iSKllM'K!!, s? II. C. ShorilftMice t'imw;:yboio" Aug. I Itb, 1 il. Two I raets ot'iaud loviod on as tho Estate of Jnrotniah L. Graham. One t act containing llfty-oncacres bounde I by lands bolonj ingto < '<. \V. Graham ami others; ami on; tract eon laini:nr lii'ly-t lave aon > a ljoiiiing Ian U of \\ m. Camion; ami one hundred an. thirty ihn acres of land known as the. Est ale of J{. l{. (tt. Sixt y live acres ol l.m 1 more or less the property of John N. Frinco lying ou tho Gallivant Ferry lload adjourn. lands ol Noiniiu M, ,,re and others, at the .suit of S. S. I'eat ? ass'1- nee. A i,so, j "llVK hundred ami forty-seven (."> 17) acres .1? of land, morn or less, n1(. j,r iporty of .Joseph Abnev, : i'uate in Horry Co city, on l.ake Swamp, bounded east by |li lie road and west, on Arnold Strickland's land and on west by lands formerly owned by ih s y Graham. at. I he suit of 1?. I'enn. A. II. HKlVPIilty < 11 i August 1-itli. J -71 Notice of Co-partnership rplIK I'XDKItSKlN KD, 1IAYF. i-.N1 Iered into ;i Co-partnership uiuler the name. and stylo of XV. J,. I?ll('l\ A CO., for llii* purpose of carrying on the. the business < f Mauufact tiring and .Shipping, yellow ar.d hard pino luinhcr, at the (Iieenwood Strain Saw Mills, located at \i icksvilie, S, C. Tins iut i ness will he conducted in its various branches, as heretofore carried on by the late iirm ol Wright A Buck, to whom thej are success >rs. W. I? IJrcK, August llili, 1871. O. I'. ItrcK, ]'. !,. hka j v, It 22 .J. E. l)t k.sut'.nv. THE H2CKEGT Market prices will ho paid for Shipping and Merchantable Timder, delivered at, either, l'.ull Creek Ferry, Comva; bo to, or out Mill . Aug. II, IS71. -it 22 \V. 1 . hUCK & COColumbus Co., N. C. \ t I'Wirii' It UVI.'V iM.mrv . f , , x -. ? i '>? >, n.w ; a*. ?\ 1 U'fl my House ami protection wit ion' cause or provocatio j, I ?lo hereby tVwar i all j>o)*soi)8 from harboring, consenting, trading with or othonvise detaining h?r, n the lav will be ridgedly curtircud on ail part : *s v? olicndiitg. JOJl.N BROWN, Aug. 2irl 18'71. L2-tl" llradlields I'Yiualo Regulator, DR. PROP KITT'S Celebrated Liver Medicines, A N I? i?. a i nt kill rr, For S ilo By :n. li. hi: t*rv M i.ss L. ?J. CJo n <.>;(loi i r I lakes pleasure in annotincin to I km* f i .1. and '.lie publi generally, that she keeps constantly on hand at the People's Cheap Cash Store, DR V GOODS and GROCERIES, SI OAR COFFKK, FLOUR, FORK, B.V ON, I.All!) MOLASiSKS. OilKkSF., together vith a general assortment of such articles as a'", usually kept in a country store. wlilcli will lie Koiil ;tl the lowest prices forcnslu mws J2? > * - ?- I . 1.87!. IS ?\v A < I \ 'i i I - ' 11' - * 4' _ _ . . ? i i I i * rs* C1 OC1A 1 ?r i ^t c 1 't ?' u. ? -ni on 111 11 -no iK?'iii". AUilr?'.->?t l'. n I'iANh i' "* A MONT11 l* |>:(ii| V ;iIi* or ?;> > | f )K Via ill* k Hi imh tun) ciilllt fuinUlii-d, Aililn ?>.ico Noviitv <' >., S.ico, iMw. Iw IIII'liKM. si(oil,* as."i::: v?< i.vr.its, litiii iii:iii'i'i:iln ot i\?iy kinil. Write Irn I'ricw Iilit, lit Qtmii Western Gun Work*, Pittsburg, l'.i. Army guns ttiitl Revolvers bought or i railed | for, Annul* w.mIml. si iw rglillSlS NU lllJMIU'CS ! nr .J lly fci'tnlir.n c/0 ('KNTS, w iilt ngi\ liij'ht, I'olfir of 'ii; l li.ur, you will ' ri't'i-ivi*. by n-iiirii ut.ill, n out met |ni inn* oi your fuluii* l?u?O ui?l or who, wiHi nun.* un*> W ii ruii'i"! Mi "nit ? I t n**"* lor j(V** ' V| A A ' i t\ i\.vtii*n iiini fo: ftfr wli.iT. I.- , \ r.v ill.- Htvnl V?L .1.5;i. . .< A I'lWWu' li-.i* v., s . n ii New % oi k I . <>. I iv. IN .. ' , * i. M? i'uk I'll K 4 .N I C I A II t'lHOM. K. J A' t GREAT OHANJE FOR AGENTS. I>i? you wnii I ? *1 >i , i i ?n !h nyon t. loci 1 or Ira vo I in* w 1111 i ti i' t?' hi i ;< >. > t > i ><\i <> ;i>t il:i v m'l. i nr iii> r in u 7 ?"r 11.1 W til i' Wiri' lot In s 1.1' on ( Tlii'\ lu-t fi ii'M-r ; -ample ri'ii, so llioiii is mi rt-k. AiMr.'i- : t oii.'o liaison 1; i v i VVI rn \\'? i k ?. .?ip. \V i or -Si I & .ii iiirii I m no, N Y . or ! tf I)iiiiI'lmn St t (HiIrnpn lf*TANTKI> AUKNTS, - . m r .l-ivi II lliu VV oliliruli'il lli> ill>HI 1 I 1,1' WINd .1 \ OlilNKi II b tlit> it iIf i food, i.i 1.1". look slilcll" (illiliH Oil I it 1111 side.,) :i n (I Is fully II r\i il. T ho Imp I anil rliioiiosi fmiii'v Sewing M rhino in i II** lam Hr I, Ad-lr< ss, JOHN >()N, I'lAllli .V <'i linii'nii, M ss, I'ilisbnr^i l'n, Oilic:ij{ o, l11. y t i.ouis Rio, 3,in It huM lllO lll'lil'UtO iiihI ti'ri ?'il UK (^riv. (VntviiiH f "I" i*?miiiIi??i Torino / ?, <'oloj;?if V/iili'r. nn?l I" Ei'S g? ^^lniUni>i'Ui???Ul? to the Toilet o? ^ So^ip nvery l.n.ty or th mini. Kolil liy Iti*sisr

I iltcfi'Xi >v till losktt ir riches or happiness. 1'rlso | Itv Mi ni, tu cloth, $1,i>.-?|>??r c<5vci- tu. Alien'.j iviintcd fer this book, I'rlvaie tliillcnl Work#, ' Perfumery, Jewelry, ?Vc . who will receive k-iiiipies (ire Aililrexs r \\" l!\ ass. I'llhiibiier \ Pertinner, 11 South Kili St. i'iiilti., I'ji. Jv KEEP DRY! ; |)ny !t11 1'inl>rc'llii lor only &1, ;il llie Store ??1" M. 15. 15IhATV. Mi TiiM'.ij) Seeds! If ; Inst, received, (\Ain ilie Seed Store of '' .Ian. \ ids, :i fresh snjtjtly of Turn ij) Seed, lor Sale ill lite Store of M !?. 1510AT V. I State of South Carolina, COllNTV <)! ' 1 COtli:V. CO r /; T <) F ('() MM() V /' /. FA ; '.Villi.mi 1.. I'uek, Survivor, ^ ,Surah A. Hull, Jehu Can- \ Alitor., et ii!., heirs .J. i/iw | of Samuel 1 J* II, (lei'i'iis ul. T "j*ndhh and i'.v viirrri; ok a dkv i ' i l'.'I A11 order ia above stated ease, no! ire i I ], l", I. V civo:i tu it11 ini.l ' j p. .. hum 'I < IpH l

  • !, r 11? xt. K. T. LKWIS, Clerk ol Court. Aug. I, 1ST! -"1-td. a pro o /; A ?o r n 'p:% ; 1 N COMrUANCi; WITH TI1K, CIJOOI. I Law. 'Ik" ('oiiitiilssioixM' will (feliv . a public lecture on lie ul>jcct of tallica?ion, at tiu* following tiui"H anil |.In.es. A|?ir tho school DlVricU not limned heroin ivHl | bo lie oaf cr made. Disti ii t No. 7. t d con Son, VVoitncsday Aug. '2d. No. (5. Floyd'8 X HuAllS) I ri i t> * llii. " Xo. 5. (Jallivati! 's Ferry, Wednesday, 44 flth. 44 Xo. 'I. Bayboro", Friday, " lltli. 44 No. ?h l>og lllull" Church, Wednesday, 44 Iflth. 44 No. 2. Conwa\horo, Snturd.iv, 44 2?*>ilr JOS. T. W \ LSH. School ('< mini ssioner. X . I>. School Trustees will please attend. | and brin^ in their report* of ('en-.us ami ??t their annual Mcclin July 28 1871 30-t?l M K I ) I ( ' 1 N i<:s. 1 lia\?' lor !> , the i.r; p: palatini.>. 1 reeciwd dirvt from the compound.:*'- Kiu;h>h 1 Vniale !' i'" . H d>\ >. . \ 1 <>ni l.ivei and \uti-8ilii us I'lils pi-.-p u M>> Ih. J. 1'. ltrondgov led, of Memphis, Tenn. Dr. I ,a\v icnrc's k<)?Uoo, 1 )r. < hulllin * t lontian Hitters and Talisman?ShalU n'oereo.\s tills, Dr Tutt's l.iver Hills, Darby\s l'ropln Uu ti 'I'lui I Allen's Hum; Balsam, and various other prepared medicines? will bo sold at the compoun. dei's retail prices. M. K. HF.ATV. Jane 23, li,*. if rw-Ct -*i * " m ** ,r?'r- 11 w?ol>iw * ** N <' \v A (t \'< *rt is< 'ii!<'.i ' i ll ni l tv r. rlt i> ;i . i- >iul " T. II'mtun H> i < tfV 1H' ? \? IfolmuH liuttpttu ' Irvet 108 89sWSTTiC}.( ttostu11, .\1 UH*. Sol* I by nil H. J. SAVERS, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE. l lt t ARtl.l V ?' *. l?iiv s ;imt -? !I < Impi 11 \ '<1 ..ti?I t|i)iin|>r'>\ r??I l.ii.? uii) "Jw.'ro ill tin* I uiloil siai?M. Virginia Female Institute SB' 1 3 X \. !?nn??nf ihf J rt r i? ? ?-1 I'iR?r< i ?.? * 'I Mr?? c Hi** Sunlit. There-ita I ight Si i oois hi ? ? ?. *. tvtwo officer*. fjoin a> r? So Si ?t 8|i"('lnl hii \ i>.i m ? 111UK innl < i' ii r , 1 < T. KHiU for Cir< u In re of ?' ??.? ? < I ' IllfV. ?< II. I i t f. 1 . . 4* * ', I . till I 11 I A s.?c ; c ? \\r A KJ I ! NO. ' """ | lA "" ' 1 " u | " -fe ^ ** u 8i 6' j ? . c . i 0 fV: V I jl * 7* wA >& ?V|i rt"JSSg ( 011? wati;*: SHI-Washing <>;i . : SEND for CUUOUI.AR and PRICIxi LIS/. ahi: vrs %v .writs*. WILSON, LOCKWO'H), KVKilKTl\ & CO., 1.1 Ml llllV SI', New York. Sol<' AgeitIs for the StfiM-t of \Ti?cii)l t, Ni'i Ih .?.?? 1 South 0;irolli?:i, (}? nrxhi tinil Fiorlil i D!i. GOIJJN31 l*AINi.i'.ss ( i"UK koi: ric? ; ODIUM IIA B 5 IT. lijt.roiiJASMMnxm:. Kiwiblt1!* ll?p p*vtlout In tlloeontlunp (hp n?? of < >p|iiiii In tin \ firm, :it once, wltliom pun or in in, \ ft! in->I without nny I u turnip* Ion of orili.mrv lii -iiii"?(?. I' rolniiliU ilm broloMi cuimtllutlou ;unl ropioris Hip nrrvous DISCOVERED IN 1868. 'I'ltc intli k'niiilcvs Cure cvri' llisi'ovoroiJ Til UltiAKl: AM. '! fco Ci r. PS s. *. s B' n> f nvnr loo ivikiii, rnnlniiilnii li'tii*r< of VVYZ. II n11 }f |.I ?| |.(i W, iiii. *a i*ii urn w n I t r#m l < I A T , \ p ip I 'I / t lio In 11 iriiim of II A X I'V" It' AI Af) A '/. IN K .in v i'i.ii . _ AiUiusn, tut. viniMi it. nu.j.nx. l.a j?or (i?, i nil i.?ii:i . ^ ??! : vrs w \.vm:s> tor n.tTRANSMISSION OF LIFT. UN Tll'( NATI'KK AND IlvctK^K ll" III: A1 \ .Kill I.I NK 1' I'.ST i Ifiy, |{y Jut. NaI'1|::VJ, : i ? 11 r of" 1 hr I'llvsiivii I lie of \\ on in .i I ill" iliilUtPiX. If. full u| now i ii'is; doll il" ? ?.'. ouupokon; practical ttnri popwiir, lii*sln> pmi : t-elii rapidly Mohl oy vupiicrtp't m ui 'i ? flvp (vfritory TvrniA liberal I'rlcu |i Am i . j for conl^nlM, .tic (i. I'KKUU.-* A IM > . I c* I p lii?r.?, I'll i I;??)??I fill i - , l':i. Agents ! Read This ! Ur v: Wtf.I. I'AY AOKNTS ASAI. .?l\ ftf t:.o pop Wi'i*k k nrt rX|iPiniM, ooiuuimrtiou. in pf|| our in a- "ml wi | III Vi'll liuilH AllliliKlKJ Al. WAONl.li A ? ? M ir-liill, Mich. IW AH TE D. L00K HERI. v i oil i;i l?li? ploy nu'lit I urn i Iwl :iii % to n ?r ' in# i?? work in Ins miA'ii h ?-iifhhvvr 2iKijivr cmii, I . i >l l>?r iminiili'H nn?l p-.rii.iilar-. Sa|i?i? r < j>i I .Ki.N'l'.S.V MK17.U \ K.rn Htn.iKli, I'.i. Professional and business Carl; Jos. T. Walsh, AT'roic.Mir.Y at u,\n, a ah SOLICITOR IrT EQUITY. \ \ MI.L pr.icti (? in tin* ?ouii.? of Mai ion \ V lions a:i li< " .it. C >N' \VA YBOHO, S. (). p.ov. 1 >, 1870 tf T. F. fi i 11 c 3 p i e i .'/T'JHXJ'Jr 00UNST T.T.OVH ATl.'T oi i n i\ ('onwa yp,oj;o, s. * . j W. \V .Si'Drfis Win. M* IloL'^y man C, L. JOHNSON, ThlAL J V STICK. oili *e at Conwayboro, S. C. M uvh 11,^71 U 11 J. //. n <> r a ij v p r r. Lie. Ottoc at GREEK SEA, Uony Uov.aty. S. 0. vmi.i, puomi'tly attend to any \ \ business njijHirlaiiiMig to his oHice. A i >? il >A 1^71 I Vim / Medical ttolice. j \!!. !> .1. M< LAI OUMN <>t c s. li!.^ ]>(.' 1 ) JbJfgloiml wrviiMs to Ukj iiuliUti* (>fli v at lil.'LL <.'1?EEK, K. <\, w! < ) ? In1 may b' found, u;i!js.. !'* itiotialri i ? 11 I jiino v% hs F. A. HISCINtS, CJjni'alni >a >1 kj'i v 1; am sol' I'll H'Utilil', i\ O. Ili?k 1152. Ki:\V VOUIL ^ ? !. ! I Ml' i ?M oi \ oil !,) t ;.! .s.lli' of *U?iV a, v ^ \ a? ,il Stores a;ul otbor .SmjIL'tii p <1 j ? . I, Ik-imI Csisii advances iua , u ,, ' E Pavi.?, \ Kivor S. (i i i i >... / ? * " - ./ * *um v i uiiw;iyi>oro rv. * . . _^ ^ MOUZON TRICE, ATTORNEY, SOT.IC.IXOS. * A N l> corysFi.Lou a r law, \? '111, jiim i i i the quirts Marian, \ lioiiy .mil liuorgutown. ..'//"titVi 'c at (,'ouwiij t'oro, S. C.