County ^fjntblm THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1371. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Next to nothing?1 to 10. Permanent headquarters?the shoi ders. Ap Indiana religious sect call thei elves the "Soul Sleepers*" The big toe ofan Alexandrian negro w partially knawed off by rats while he sle] Madame Kistori has lately sold her r< idence near Florence to a liassian nob! man for $200,000. Immense numbers of fur-bearing ai mala have perished in the Northweste conflagration. The Far East is the name of an illusti ted fortnightly newspaper published Yokohama, in Japan. The deepest excavation in the Unit States is a copper mine near Lake Sup rior. It is 1,300 feet deep. Resolutions of "thanks to God and t police of the city" were passed at an I dianapolia meeting. One single county in Tennessee is a swerable for the woe which will sprii irom 4W,uw ousneis 01 peanuts. An experiment is making at Pittsbur in smelting silver ore from Utah. It now, to a considerable extent, sent Wales. Chicago is laid out as t-quare as ache board, eight squares to a mile. Thus Si teenth street is half of a mile from Twelf street. Proof positive?Good young lady?" L tie boy, have you ever been baptized' Small heathen?"Oh yes, mum; I've tl marks here on my arm." Pride.?Pride is of the seven dead sins; but cannot the pride of a mother her children, for that is a compound two cardinal virtues?faith and hope.Diefcen*. The Archbishop of York has been offi( ating at Glengarry Kirk, and England greatly excited?not at the preaching the gospel, but at the place of preachin The mansion of the murdered Naths in New York, worth a rent of $10,000 year, can find no tenant at any pric because of the blood history which bears. Henry Ward Beecher says the mo gratifying circumstance in his life ws being kissed by Kossuth. A contemp rary asks: "Isn't this a little hard onpo Mrs. Beecher?" "Pannr ICltftlp.r. ftbp. owniiinA ntw.Whn ? ? J ? ? 1 V o~ II dancing delighted our fathers and gran fathers, is now living quietly at tl Hague. She is sixty-one years old, and noted for her deeds of charity. The captain of an American vessel limerick, Ireland, employed his own ere to discharge the cargo instead of t dock laborers, and one night after t! ship's hawser was cut in several plac< The Hague, political capitol at Hollan is imported to be the wealthiest town, f its population, in the world. At lea one-third ofits citizens are said to be ri( enough to live entirely on their incom An Irishman, writing from Philadelpt the other day to his friend in the old cou toy, concluded his letter thus : "If i\ it's my forchune to live till I dy?and G nose whether it is so or no?I'll visit on Ireland afore I leave Philamadelphy." "Mary, Where's the frying pan?" "Eddie's got it carting mud and clai shells up the alley, with a cat for horse." "The dear little fellow I what a geni he will make. But go and get it. We' going to have company, and must f some fish for dinner. A lady elegantly dressed in the "hat aments of woe, was met in the street few days ago, by an acquaintance w ventured to remark about her being mourning. "Y-e-e-s," said the bereav one, mournfully, taking a few steps trail her dress, and looking Over I shoulders at the effects thereof, * I've ji lost my husband?don't you think this a sweet veil ? Such a deep hem 1" Su resignation of affliction is touching. The severest thing said against Evi daughter was Dy .Lady Mary Wortiy M( tague: The o dy satisfaction I have being a woman is that I shall not be co pelled to marry one of my own sex. The Boston Traveller notes a recent d covery, of tanning by the liquor of for leaves. The old school-teachers knew that process years ago, only the licker tl used was from the branch itself. "Why, Uncle Johnny," said his friei "can you afford to eat shad at twentyf cents a pound?" "Well, no," said Un Johnny reflectively, "but I can put him mine ice chest and keep hiiu till he g sheaper." There are consumed at a single b garden in the Bowery, New York, duri the three summer months, 3,360 kegf liger, or 3:24,000 glasses, which, at i cents per glass, cost the imbibers 816,: in j NAT! * FREEDMEN nlm. TRUST C INTEREST ALLOWED AND COMI as A , ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS EVERT TH1 H. iS- ' le- MERCHANTS AND OTHERS CAN DEI Nl ai- . J > rn H. C. JUDD, Chairman Advisor nov20. SMAYO, BAY STREET, BE A UFORT, S. C. ed S2Q02&3S& JD?7 ?DOES, >e- * TINWARE, HARRWARE, AND WOODEN WARE. CIGARS $ TOBACCO, NET YARNS, FISH LINES, Qg AND CORDAGE. g> GLASS, is PA.HJT8 AJVTD OZZiS, Linseed, Neatfoot and :88 Kerosene., ? CARRIAGE AND FURNITURE. it?" VARNISH. be uc WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing Paints and glass cut to order at any size. iQ feb 11 Of : EDGAR G. NICHOLS, JLAHI) DRAUGHTSMAN 6i CIVIL ENGINEER, DEPUTY TO THE SURVEYOR GENERAL, 18 Office at Dr. Nichols' Drag 8tore, corner 8th nnc Qf B 8ts, Beaufort, S. C. Feb. 2; ? A. S. HITCHCOCK, in ATTORNEY \o{ August nevt, for i final discharge as Executrix of the last will and testamen of James Strong, her father, late of the said County o op Beaufort, deceased, . \ v *. > 00 j OCTAVIA N. SANDS. 1..1- ?9 A d- July 7th, 1871. juij i?-?. ae * ? ? is mm onom^o P. M. WHITMAN, aw WATCHMAKER & EN6RAVER, he JLIYO'8 BUILDING, *AY IT. he WILL GIVE HIS PERSONAL ATTEN Hon to the repairing of of Watches , Clocks und Jewelry. Ornamental and plait CI, Engraving done at short notice, u ' Gentleman having fine watches can test their or at. this establishment by one of HOWARD CO.'S $500 REGULATOR. febll ;h SIX HOKSE POWER ENGINI and boiler In complete running order. For particular lift al'l,1.v 10 George Water house. Beaufort, or to the .Proprie tor at Longwood plantation, St. Helena Island. n" Nov. 2. II S. TAFT, er * TO FARMERS. WANTED. TWENTY-FIVE HEAD FINE FA1 Beeves, by m- Sept.7ft. J. TONKING, Bay St. a H. M. STUART M. D., us BEAUFORT, S. C. ry Corner of Bay and Eighth Streets, .. AThEALER in Drugs, Chemicals, valuable Family Mod li- MF icinee, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Stationery, Pei _ fumery, Brushes, Ac.; together with -many other "jirtlck too numerous to mention. All of which will he sold s ho the lowest price for cash. Physicians prescriptioncea? fully compounded. - febll in ~ LIME! LIME!! miTE REST RRAND8 STONE LIME CONSTANTLY 'er X on hand and for aale at low pricas for cash. 18t May-20. G. WATERHOUSE, Bay iK is eh : NOTICE. , TITILD BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE AT TH l o yy Court House in Beaufort on first Monday in N< vember next, being the seventh day of aaid month at 1 o'clock P. M. in All that tract of land situated in Lawtnn Towwhi near Steep Bottom Church, known as the Poor Jfc-u'IE Kami, adjoining lands of Mrs. George and Gasten Tute and others, and containing one huudred and sixty?tw acres more or leas. I j By order of the Board, . Attest. pQf J. E McGRKtiOR, Joint Of Clerk. Chairman, ley Office Co. Com., Oct, 4th, 1871. OcL5-4. PROPOSALS WITH SPECIFICATION: 3 ' WILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE UNTI lv? ; he 7th day of November next, at which time the san Cle will be ojiened for the rebuilding and repairing of the ft jQ lowing bridges: Rose Dew bridge, Bluffton Township. loKncrtn'v mhu>w:iv liridiro.. Coosawliatehie Township. j Salt Water bridge, Beaufort u Persons giving proposals for the repair of .Salt Wat< bridge are notified that travel is not to be obstruct* ing while said road is l>eing repaired. 1 Of order of the Board. , ! " J. 11 McOREtiOR, i Clerk. Os). , Oth>.?; Co. Corn., Oct. 1th, 1671. OdW ? [ONAL I'S SAVINCS AND JOMPANY. 'OUXDED THREE TIMES A TEAR, AND URTY DAY 8. 1 - .-> ? ... ? POIT8 AND DRAW CHECK* AT SIGHTi " . - . '* f:! I ? ELSON R. SCOVEL, Cashier, y Board. CHARLESTON HOTEL, CHARLESTON S. 0. Mch 25-ly. E. H. JACKSON. NEWS DEPOT. EXPRESS B UJLDIEO, BBA UFORT, S. C The latest New York Daily and Illustrated papers con onflft An harw) Sect. 28. i notice. Application for final discharge as admimstrator of the poods and chattels, rights and credits of Benjamin R. Bostick, and of Kdwaad Bostick, deceased, will be made to the Judge of Probate for Beauort County 13th November, next , OcUS-t. W. M. BOSTICK. htjones, m. d. From N. Y. City, ? Ofticks.?Cor. 7th a Ray Sts., Beaufort, S. C. Near Fripp's corner, St. Helena Island. Dr. JONES can be consulted upon all Epidemic, Endemic, Contagious and Infectious diseases. Such as Yellow Fever, Malarial Fever, Typhus Fevi r, Typhoid Fever, Scarlatina, Cerebro-spinal-meningUis, Rheumatism, Diarri)oee, Cystitis, Nephritis, Dysentery, Tabes-morn nterica, IToIansus-uteri, Procidentia, and all diseases of women and children. Oct.5-4. , johjv conaitt. Dealer in fresh meats, vegetables and Ice. Which will be furnished in any quantity. Apt. 22-tf. paul, brodie, DRAUGHTSMAN AND ARCHITECT, 1 j AND 2jaxtd3?a:p2 (bam2ji2jb. Parties intending to bnlld can nee plaua atthe office of J. W. Collins, Bay st. Studies for special purposes made at short notice. feb i I U O. Jl'DD, CLEltK OF COURT & REGISTER OF DEEDS W AKD UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER. I CONVEYANCING, j; 49* Offloe in the CourtHouse. Oct. 2t'f i M. POLLITZER, cotton factos / ..-u AND ' c OMMISSION MERCHANT. beaufort, s. c. Sept.4. house and lot forsabe. THE RESIDENCE OF THE UNDERSIGNED IN Beaufort, with the fir*t-dfvw garden attached, is of' A-red for sale at a reasonable price, and on easy terms. 1 The premises are in good order, most conveniently arranged, well located and a fine bargain can be secured by \ anv party wishing to puichasc. There are amrile out * buildings, an excrllent cistern, and abundance m fhms? FJm. Peaches. Strawberries Ac_ Enquire on th I premises or at the Court House. ? June 8-tt I!. G. JUDD. 8 J. APPLJ^ 40 1 KING STREET CHARLESTON 8. . ; . BAY STREET B EA UFO R T. S.C. : ' > ? '. / DEALER in Dry Goods, i; Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, May -ly and Fancy Notions r ?k r???-? ; J. MATTHIESSEN, | D1ALBR 15 ; GORCERIES, DRY GOODS, t MILLINERY, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, St., SIGN OF THE CROSS KEYS, Corner of the Free Landing, Beaufort, S. V Mar 25 DR. R. K. SAMS. DENTAL S V R Q B O N. OFFICE at his residence on the Point. He will also attend upon patients at their homes when requested. Mch iS-3m. E I C A YTHY HHTTSF.. v. JL Vll AA w KIJU 1 * BEAUFORT 8. C ? qiHIS HOUSJ&, SITUATED ON BAT STREET, n JL Command b a fi ne view of Beaufort Hirer, and barc ing Seen newly fitted up and furnished throughout, will afford a desirable homo for the travelling public. It will ever be the aita of the Proprietor to keep a first claas Hotel. M. M. KINGMAN, March 11 Proprietor. FOR SALE. J 2000 BEuindPER YARD REAI>Y MADE L COTTON BAGS, ?e ' ?' \VX and 5 yards per bag. These bags are well sewed and hemmed at the mouth, and will be sold cheaper ready made, than for what the bagging can be bought for in Charleston. Enquire at lt ' M. POLIJTZER, * ' ** SepLli-3m. Bay St., Beaufort; S. C. FOR SALE. Two i'aik :>il i.i->, nmdtfi iivi i a., u^r. , tow, ouc six-seated c arryall. Oct.lJ-tf. Address llox 6J Beaufort S. C. REPUBLICAN ; Hob feinting t p /.n ul .lilfe - . BAT ST., BEAtlFOBT, S. C Haying received a large and varied assortment of JOB TYPE, We are now prepared to execute with neatness and care all and every kind of Printing, Either pU-n or in colors, such as Bill Seada, Zjottor SoadL*, BazOl Olieolf. Hhow Cards, ijaw blsnks* BusIhom Oards, Visiting Osrds, Cheaper than can be done in Charleston or Sarannah, and in a style unequalled - ? - "??>- AnA Ar tnis siae 01 new X VIK< fT V uais VUS V* I Gordon's fast Presses, beaide two others, ana tne puniic can reiy upvii having their work doae promptly. DANIEL H. SILCOX. F7BNIT7BE WABEEOOMS, 175, 177, 179 K1NU STREET, OHAHIjESTON,8. O. Where can be found a large and well selected Stock of all kinds and grades to suit the tastes of all. An examination is respectftilly solicited, f March 15-lyr. -- SPZCIALJTOTICE. MEN'S BOYS AND YOUTHS READY MADE CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS. GEO W. LITTLE & CO. NO. 218 KING 8T, CJT A RL ? 3 T 0 S S. C Would moat respectfully Inform his friends and the PMIc generally, that they are offering great inducements thoee in want of ready made clothing suitable to the season. [ Ourstock has been laid in at the lowest possible prices, and which we are offering at prices to suit the times. All those in want of clothing and furnishing goods would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. r.rnnr.p w t tttT.V. am No- 213 King Street Mij 27-2m. Under Victoria Hotel. THE CAUSE AND CURE OF CONSUMPTION ?The primary cause of Consumptioa is derangement of the digestive organs. This derangement produces deficient nntrition and assimilation. By assimilation I mean that process by which the nutriment of the fbod is converted into blood, and thence into the solids of the body. Persons with digestion thus impaired, having the slightest predisposition to pulmonary disease, or if they take eold, will be very liable to have Consumption of the Lungs in some of its forms; and I hold that it will be impossible to cure any case of Consumption without first restoring a good digestion and healthy assimilation. The very first thing to be done is to cleanse the stomach and bowels from all diseased mucus and slime, which is clogging these organs so that they cannot perform their Amotions, and then rouse up and restore the liver to a healthy action. For this purpose the surest and best remedy is Schenck's Mandrake Pills. These Pills clean the stomach and bowels of all the dead and morbid slime that is causing disease and decay in the whole system. They will clear out the liver of all diseased bile that has accumulated there, and roose It up to a new and healthy action, by which natural and healthy bile is secreted. The stomach, bowels, and liver are thus cleansed by the use of Schenck's Mandrake Pills; but there remains in the stomach an excess of acid, the organ is torpid and the appetite poor. In the bowels the lacteals are weak, and requiring strength and support It Is in a condition like this that Schenck's Seaweed Tonic proves to be the most valuable remedy ever discovered. It la alkaline, and Its use will neutralise all excess of add, making the stomach sweet aud fresh; It will give permanent tone to this Important organ, and create a good, hearty appetite, and prepare the system for the first process of a good digestion, and ultimately make good, healthy, living blood. After this preparatory treatment, what remains to core most cases of Consumption Is the free and persevering use of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. The Pulmonic Syrup nourishes the system, purifies the blood, and Is readily absorbed Into the circulation, and thence distributed to the diseased lungs. There It ripens all morbid matters, whether In this form of abscesses or tubercles, and then assists Nature to expel all the diseased matter, in the form of free expectoration, when ones It ripens. It Is then, by the great healing and purifying properties of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, that all ulcers and cavities are healed up sound, and my patient is cured. The essential thing to be done in curing Consumption is to get up a good appetite an 1 a good digestion, so .that the body will grow in llesh and get strong. If & person has diseased lungs,?a cavity or abscess there,?the cavity cannot heal, the matter cannot ripen, so long as the system is below par. What is necessary to cure is a new order of things,?a good appetite, a good nutrition, the twdy to grow in flesh and get fat; then Nature is helped, the cavities will heal, the matter will ripen ana be ntr in Iotob rmantities and the Demon regain health and strength. This is the true and only plan to care Consumption, and if a person is very bad. if the lungs are not entirely destroyed, or even if one lung is entirely gone, if there is enough vitality left In the other to heal up, there is hope. I have seen many persons cored with only one sound lung, live and enfoy life to a good old age. This is what Scheack's Medicines will do to cure Consumption. They will clean out the stomach, sweeten and strengthen It, get np a good digestion, and give Nature tne assistance she needs to ciear the system of all the disease that is In the luugs, whatever the form may be. It is Important that while using Schenck's Medicines, care should be exercised not to take cold: keep in-doors in cold and damp weather: avoid nignt air. and take out-door exercise only In a genial and warm sunshine. I wish it distinctly understood that when I recommend a patient to be careftil In regard to taking cold, while using my Medlclnee, I do so for a special reason. A man who has but partially recovered from the effects of a bad cold Is Tar more liable to a relapse than one who has been entirely cured; and ft Is precisely the same In regard to Consumption. So long as the lungs are not perfectly healed, last so long Is there imminent danger of a full return of the disease. Hence it is that I so strenuously caution pulmonary patients against exposing themselves to an atmosphere that is not genial and pleasant. Confirmed Consumptives' lungs are a mass of sores, which the least change of atmosphere will inflame. The grand secret of my success with my Medicines consists in my ability to subdue inflammation Instead-of provoking it, as many of the faculty do. An inflamed lung cannot, with safety to the patient, be exposed to tne biting blasts of winter or the chilling winds of Spring or Autumn. It should be careftilly shielded from all irritating influence*. The utmost caution should be observed In this particular, as without it a cure under almost auy circumstances is an impossibility. The person should be kept on a wholesome and nutritious diet, and all the Medicines continued until the body has restored to it the natural quantity of flesh and strength. I was myself cured by this treatment of the worst kind of Consumption, and have lived to get fat and hearty these many years, with one lung mostly gone. I have cured thousands since, and very many have been cured by this treatment whom I have never seen. About the First of October I expect to take possession of my new building, at the Northeast Corner of Sixth and Arch Htreets, where I shall be pleased to give advice to all who may require It. Full directions accompany a'l my Remedies, so that a person In any part of the world can be Wdily cured by a strict observance of the same. J. H. 8CHJENCK, M. D.. Philadelphia. | JOHN K. HK.VRY, Not 8 College Place, New York. Wholesale Agent, THE | SINGER NEW FAMILY SEWING- MACHINE and the new MANUFACTURING MACHINE, for Tallore and Boot Fitters, are the best in the market. Our increasing sales prove it, for in 1869 we sold 68,781 Machines, and in 1870, nearly 180,000 Machines! many thousands more than were sold by any other Company, 4S~Send for circular and samples. 93rLocal and Travelling Agents wanted. #e OmcKs: 114 Broughton street, Savannah, Ga; 184 Brood street Augusta, Ga; 197 Jung street, Charleston, S. C. March IS rr' MM iillwf.MimnwMWikVm. J. Waves Proprietor. & McDoatLB * CO, DrmgttUjmf g?.Agu.S? rvansEeo CA. ?SWfoSt* BaawwieeBfoJBFi.i MILLIONS Bear TMU?n| M *h*I? Wonderfal Cantif* BCecta. They are not a vile Fancy Drink, nadi^FW#' Ram, Whisker, Preef Spirit* and Ewfna* JA-. ? a ere doctored, spiced and sweetened to plsaae the tarts, ^ called " Tonics," MAppetiaert,n "Restorers," 4m. r that' lead the tippler on to drnnhenness and rata,' bat are a tnrt Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herba'of Call.fornia, free from all Alcoholic Httmnlnnts. They ara the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER ond A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and In vigors tor of the System, carrying- off oB poisonons matter and restoring tho Mood to a besftby can r dition. No person can take these Bitters according J* directions and remain long unwell, provided their benee are; not destroyed by mineral poison oc Other aahk; and the vital organs wasted beyond the point af repair. They are a Gentle Pargatlwe as well aa Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit od acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or InflamPMttoa f of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in youngfer old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the tern of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal For Inflammatory and Chronic Rbeaaststlsm and Goat, Dyipepsla or ladlgoatloa, JUL, loss, Remittent and latoraslttoat LFovera, . Diseases of the Blood, Liwor, Kldaoyo AM Bladder, these Bittern have been moat SuooeastUl Hack Diseases are canard by TItlated Blood, t which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. V DVHPEl'HIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain in the Shoulder*.Coughs, Tightness of ths Cbsst, J Diminesa, Sour Eructatioaa of tho Stomach, Bad Taste J in the Mouth. Bilious attacks. Palpitation of tho Beast, j Inflammation of the Lunga, Pain in the regions of the' Kidney*, and a hundred other pamAil symptoms, art tho oflsprings of Dyspepsia. d They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid f Liver and Bowel*, which render them of anoqaaBedeR>i cacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, sad ha part- , ing new life and vigor to the whole system. 1 FOIt MK1N DIHRAHE8, Braptiona. Tetter. Halt Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car- ftk buncles, King-Worms. Scald Head. Sore Byes, SryaJpeia. ?J Itch.Scurf.,, Discoloration* of the Skin, Humeri Sad Dfi eases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, art literally 7l dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by /T tho ose ol these Bitten. One bottle in such caeca SB ] convince the most incredulous of their carativs effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And its im- j purities bursting through the akin in Pimples, Xrup- g tions or Mores; cleanse it whea yee And it obetraetadaad, 1 sluggish In the veins; cleanse It when it is fool, aoi j your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pars, m nod the health of the svstem will follow. j Pin, Tape, and ncber Worms, larking in tho | system of so many thoumnds, are effectoally rtaslumd J and removed. Hays a distinguished physiologist, tbero fl is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth I whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It I Is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased beasars and slimy deposits that breed tbese living monsters of dlseaaa. No B System of Medicine, do vermifuges, no anthelmintics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. McDONALD * CO. I Druggists and Oen. .Agents, San Francisco, California. I and T3 and 34 Commerce Street New YoriL | STSObD BY ALL DBCfoGISTS AND DBALX&A. ? THE AMERICAN WASHES! " PRICE $5.50. I The American Washer S?rn JVonrf, TImo I and Drwdgriy. 1 Tl>o Fatigue of Washing Day no longer Dreaded, but I Economy, Efficiency and Clean Clothing Sure. In calling public attentiou to this little machine, a few aj of the invaluable qualities, (not posaesaed by any other washing machine yet invented,) are jere enumerated. 9 It is the smallest, most compact, most | ortabte, most 9 simplest in construction, most easily operated. A child 9 ten years old with a few boors practice, cam thoroughly 9 comprehend and effectually use it. There is no adjust- fl ing, no screws to anrnw, no delay in adapting! It Is si- 9 ways ready for use! It is a perfectlittle wonder! It is a 9 miniature giant, doing more work and of a better qualit; t than the most elaborate and costly. One-half of the la- V hor is fully saved by its use, and the clothes will last od?half longer than by the old plan of the rob board. It I will wash the largest blanket. Three shirts at a time, ^ wasiiing thoroughly! In a word, the ablution of any fal ? ^9 ric, from a Quilt to a Lace Curtain or Cambric Handkete chief, ar.* equally vltliin the capacity of this LITT1 E ^9 OEM I D can bo fastened to any tub and taken off at No matter how deep rooted a prejudice may exist | against Washing Machines, the moment this little ma- "1 chine is seen to perform its wonders, all doubts of its J cleansing efficacy and utility are banished, and the I doubter and detractor at once become the fast friends of the mac hine. We have testimonials without end, setting forth Its nu- ^^9 menMis advantages overall others, and from bundreda^^H who have thrown aside the uuwieldy, useless machine^^^Hj wmcn nave smnany jaiiea 10 accompiun im mined in prominent and loud sounding adrcrtise^fl^^^H It is as pcrfet't for washing as a wringer is for wVHH ing. The prim is another paramount inducement to pm^HHj chairs, has t?ecn placed ho low that it is within the rearl^^^B of every housekceiier, uitd there is no article of domestic J economy that will repay the small investment so soon. .. ^ $5.50. All that Is asked for this GREAT LABOR 8AVER, li a fair trial. We guarantee each machine to dolts work perfectly. r Sole Agent ko* thb United States. A. H. PRAIfCISCU8 CO., 513 Market at., Philadelphia, Pa. The largest and cheaiiest Wooden Wake hois* In the United States. DOORS, m SASHES, BLINDS, Wood Mouldings, Stair Bails, Newels, &c., P.nnmmollprl P.mhnflcprl fwrmind 4 AND CUT 6LASS. J A Largo and well aborted stock of the above goods coo- M stantly on hand at the lowest rates. Order work prompt- | ly attended to. Builders and owners will find It to thefr advantage to got our estimate before purchasing. Special A attention given to Black Walnut and other KiOT- J Class work. Estimates and Trice Lists furnished on application- I WHITLOCK A CO- 9 Aj4. 22-1 y 254 A 256 Canal St New York. % NACHMAN & CO. j DKALKKS IN J Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. 1 150 MEETING STREET, jj CHARLESTON S. C* "H