Seaufart ffonnftj ^rpttbtican - . THURSDAY^. OCTOBEJi J87L , MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. S&cr&mento's richest man was ODCe a vagrant. Chicago has fourteen Trade-Unions in fall blast. A "grandmama" at JNahantis only thirty-four years old. Miss Schonberg, a Philadelphia belle, is eoming out in opera. Anna Dickinson cleared $19,000 oil the wrongs of her sex last yeaiv Theirs is still apprehensivo of danger. t .? s * - ' Spiritual reunions are being held in Ohio. Butler is politically dead in Massachusetts. There has been a severe snow storm in ; East Prussia. Sims, the Atlanta Postmaster, has been The bank rate in Brussels has been put at 5 per cent. The London journals are severe on the New York finances. ?r> Ramuel M. Carpenter, an editor at St. Paul, Minnesota, is dead. The yellow fever has broken out in several places in Mississippi. Mrs. Wharton's case has been postponed on account of her health. General Noah L. Jeffries has purchased the Washington Patriot. Attorney-General Akerman returns to Washington on the 12th proximo. The siege of Paris will not be raised during the vacation of the Assembly. The Chief Justice of India is dead from ' the wounds indicted by an assassin. The flags captured at Corea have been hun* in the Naval Academy at An Q " V napolis. The trial of the Biggerstafl Ku Klux ease at Raleigh brings together a large crowd. The North Pacific Railroad surveying parties have been driven away by the In- ( dians. Schooner Hurd foundered in Lake Michigan Monday, and all but the cap&in were losta- _ It is now stated that there is a speedy prospect of putting an end to the insurrection in Cuba. Julia Doolittle died in a dentist's chair I la New York, from the effects of chloroform, Monday. One hundred and thirty-eight persons lost their lives by the wrecking of a steam < r off the coast of India. The Russian squadron, with the Duke I Alexis, has left England for New York. j It is expected October 8th. < The Grand Chapter, Grand Council and j Grand Commandery of Ohio held their annual convocation in Sandusky jester- i day. ] < "* 1 The Supreme Court of Mississippi has decided the printing case against the Governor, and that he can appoint only durmg the recess of the Legislature. . The National Commercial Convention < met in Baltimore Monday. Many sub- ! - v -i j ^ r < jects are to do coDsiuerou. iue ireeuvm of Ike city, steamers and telegraph were tendered the members. We have inadvertently neglected heretofore to notice the fact that the Hon. C. C. Clay has become a citizen of Mobile, and as such to extend to him the welcome to which his character and services entitle him.?Mobile (Ala.) Register. John C. Breckenridge, say the Lexington papers, is now one of the hardest working lawyers in Kentucky, and is likely to make a good deal of money by Lis profession. lie seldom discusses politics in these days, having discovered that they are In no sense remunerative. The local editor of an Indiana paper introduced a quantity of carbolic acid into his bedroom to drive away the raosquitos, and then?went and slept in the woodshed. In Stockton, Cal., recently, a number of women called at the office of the county clerk to have their names placed on the register as voters. He deemed it his duty to refuse, and the applicants have sued out a mandamus to compel him. An Illinois agricultural society has hit upon a shrewd plan for increasing the population. It is to ofier a heavy premium, ten years in advance, to the cou?' - ?211 m t aP tLo 4 iltklO oh a nr j pie wau win ait wc cuu vi iuu? hw ?uv? the largest nui?ber of descendants. Sun-baths are becoming common. We had almost said fashionable; but what is common and priceless can never be fashionable. It is further sard that sun-baths are an effectual remedy for many diseast s if taken during a smart two hours' walk. A lady writes to one of the society papers that the old idea that persons could not ei turtain their friends without turning their house into a restaurant is beginning to die out among sensible people, and entertainments where only cake and lemonade are passed around, will be considered more select than the big supper aflairs. *NfATK 1* ' , v V'A *? o FREEDMEN A TRUST C< i Jjg - ? _ ?j v _ INTEREST ALLOWED AND COMPO 1 , ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS EVERY THIR MERCHANTS AND OTHERS CAN DEPC / I O v\ - .W^ltEi H. G. JUDD, Chairman Advisory nov20. . . . FOR SALE. 1 rvft; acres rand formerly belonging X J to J. P. Parr, located near Grahamville, adjoins Thos. Behn, estate Bolao and Huguenio, all timber land, near Savannah and Charleston Kail Road. Terms easy. Titles good. Apply to H. H. DAILY. Sept. 14-4. , . . - - .Beau/art, S. C. ? ' I N \ J NOTICE. . f^AFT. JNO. F. PORTEOUS, U. & COMMISSIONER, yy will attend to all business entrusted to him. Office nCourt House. Sept.7-3. TO FARMERS. ^^ANTED, TWENTY-FIVE HEAD FINE FAT T V ucctcb, uj Sept.7ft. J. TONKING, Bay St. JOHN CONANT. Dealer in fresh meats, vegetables and Ice. Which will be furnished in any quantity. Apl. 22-tf. ?? ;? DR. R. R. SAMS. DENTAL SURGEON. OFFICE at his residence on the Point He will also attend npon patients at their homes when request?d. Mch 18-3m. J. MATTHIESSEN, DEALER 15 GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, 4c., SIGN OF THE CROSS KEYS, r.'omer of the Fre? Landing, Beaufort, 8. C Mar 25 PAUL BRODIE, DRAUGHTSMAN AND ARCHITECT, AND tk&iTDSEAKS 6AX92R3B. Parties intending to bnlld can see plans at the jfTlce of J. W. Collins, Bay st. 8tuaies for spe:ial po rposes made at short notice. feb 4 CHEAP ADVERTISING,?We will insert an , advertisement in Eight Hundred American iiewipapcri for Six Dollars per line per week. )ne Hne one week will cost Six Dollar., Two lines wfll ?et Twelve Dollars, and Ten lines will cost Sixty Dollars. Send for a printed List Address GEO. P. ROW. ELL & CO*, Advertising Agents, No. 41 Park Row, S'ew York. a - ' ? ? ?~ - . n.mnwm DDPGG il/tflUflKljir'S rA I All I Itm jrAVKj>7>7 Is the simplest and best made. It will suit you. Senp br circular and prices to SCHOFIELD*S Iron Works, ttacon, C corgia. - - EXECUTOR NOTICE. According to an act of the general Assembly of the State of South Carolina, approved March 26th, 1869, the subecrider will apply to the Judge >f Probate for the County of Beaufort, at his office in the town of Beaufort, on the i5th day of August nevt, for a anal liacharge as Executrix of the last will and testament af James Strong, her father, late of the aid County of Beaufort, deceased, octavia n. sands. July 7th, 1871. July 13-4. wmtedt 25 0 LABORERS TO WORK ON THE PORT ROYAL R. R. WAGES, Fifteen dollars per month, cash. RATIONS, Weekly- -consisting of 4 ms. Bacon, 1 Pkck Grist, 1 Quart Molassks, Salt and Tobacco. S. C. MILLETT, Sept.7-tf. Contractor. J. APPLE. 40 4 KING STREET CHA liLESTO N 8. C BAY STREET B E A UFO R T. S. C. DEALER h in Dry Goods, Clot ing, lfats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, May -ly and Fancy Notions "yyEEKLY LINE TO S AV ANN AH* OA. AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. C. The Steamer PILOT BOY. Captain W. T. McNkltv, Will leave Accommodation Wharf every Mono a y j Morning, at 8 o'clock for Savannah, Iteaufort, Hilton Head and Spanish WeHs. Returning will leave SavanBi h every Wednesday Morning. Will leave for Beaufort, I'aeiiie and Chisolm,s landings every Thursday Morning, at 8 o'clock. Returning will leave .Beaufort everv Friday Morning. Freight received Wednesdays and Saturdays. Must be prepaid to Way Landings. Goods consigned to care of Agewts will be forwarded free of storage or commission. For Freight or Passage, annv to KAVLNLL, HOLMES XD " '; [>MPANY. i 7 . sJU J I . jY URDED THREE TIMES A TEAR, AND TY DAYS. < ! Ph. * K? :f <*- ' J . . MS samlllm 'ft .. SIT AND DRAW CHECKS AT SIGHT. LSON R. ?COVE'lV CiiHie*!. Board. ~ . T" " JT 'r" s. MA^O, BAY STREET. BE A UFORT, S. C. - , ' m rwftl.rtnw at nrlntit to suit the times. All those in want of clothing and furnishing goods would do well to give us a call Wore purchasing elsewhere. george w. little. & co. | No1 213 King 8treet May 27-2m. Under Victoria Hotel. JJ G. JI DR, CLERK OF COURT & REGISTER OF DEEDS AND UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCING. Office in the Court House. Oct. ?t*f TOBACCO. Tie standard brands of Virginia tlug ToliaccO, in Caddies, Cases, and Half-Boxes, received direct from the manufacturers' agents, for sale in quantities to suit the trade at lowest wholesale price, febi G. WATEKHOUSE, Bay st. REPUBLICAN i * \ . . , .i I w. ... I -n- ?; ' i.?1 < j i !'i * . i Jfoh printing . , ; V- /n ' '*];./ ' . i . ? i< 77 ; i i v, . V." Hf- . ? ? - IT . i'if HVn I Either plain or in colors, such as . ly ? I j ' i 33111 3ECo .? i , . : ' hotter SeadLa, Sandhills, t Bazxli. OlxeoU . Sh-ow Cards, I "I , ? Uaw TtMnlf. Ehxvolopes, I Bualiieaa Card*, Viaitiuc Cards, Cheaper than can be done in Charlestor or Savannah, and in a style unequallec this side of New York. We have one o I I n ?i ? . uorauu 5? idii n caaca, t r **' beside two others, 4b d the public can reb ii# , * upon haying their work dost promptly. DANIEL H. SILCOX. FUBNITTJEE V7AEEE00MS, !?, ITT, 179 KINO STREET, 0BARIiESTOir,8.0, | : " : i ' > r".1 Where ran be fonnd a large and well selected Stock of all kinds and grades to suit the tastes of all. An examination is respectfully solicited. March lfc-lyr. FOR8ALE. 2000, BEST 21b PER YARD READY MADE !| COTTON BAGS,,. 4J4 *nd 5 yards per bag. These bags are well sewed and betnmed at the trioath; arid will be sold cheaper ready made, than for what the bagging can be bought for in Charte#on.<( , Enquire at. M.POLLITZER, Sef>t,14-3itt. * ",f Bay St, Beaufort; &' C. A S. HITCHCOCK, ATTORSKT & COUNSELLOR AT LAW. i ' vfr? f tii fa has . \iu: i -ti ) " * 'J" 1 t' ' *>! li'I r rs ' .f ? . . ' qfi - A BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S C. i*I , , . i r? f m , I ; . . , , ' ''I ' ' iV- . I 1 Having received a large and varied uI : ii : t'l 'io : ? . ' ;??. < I I.P J, t'j:i '.fi K " /-. ?tt UJ sortment of j JOB TYPE, We are now prepared to execute with : I , I ' neatness and care all and every kind of ;. ; / :: i Printing, ' Bockty, Pbxsiow akd Ctaf* Aowr. ' I btif July, to warrant him iu so doin^, UKNS, r HEAD STONES, PEDESTALS, I GARDEN VISES, 1 STATUETTS, 'And every description of Plain and Ornamental Stone work will l>e Cut, lettered and Canred here, and erected ia the most sulistautial manner, by thesutweriber person6ld Vaults thoroughly repaired and renovated and^^^^JKH Head Stones Re-lettered. DesignsTarntshed. PAUL BRODIE. . Junel5-L Lock Boc 31, Beaufort, S.C. I * rl y