ISTMAS GIFTS.?Seasonable sensible gifts at Austin-PerDrag Store. 12, ltf. SALE?Several thousand home ^BfSpsrwra Charleston Wakefield Cabplants. Apply to E. H. g Hhsfee-j. 12, 20tfc. m &0UL SALE?Fine selected paper Bm 'pecans at 35 cents per pound. Eat. D? A. Rogers, Pone 1. 12, 6tf B^bIR RENT?Four room house on SgKiBfeltey street with lights and wafly >1Sk. Apply to H. R. McAllister. EH Abbeville. 11, 29-tfc. BBjpCSI RENT?Three unfurnished | omaecting rooms. Apply to Miss . WRi McAllister at Mrs. Cochran's ^ > 9ktBe. 11, 27,tfc TJi PjUnfEP?To -borrow $3,000.00 103% acre well improved H Bn 2 miles west of Due West, S. jflgmlB Write J. M. Pruitt, 206 Rhett L Greenville, S. C- 12, 15 4tpd B IkTED?To buy from two to million feet, good pinei SBMfttwfcw. long or 9hort leaf. Must te well situated, good grade and ^ reasonable {nice. Advise location, gin accurate description, with and terms. Baptist & Goode Beaton, Va. 12, 11. 7tpd. 1MXEASED PENSIONS FOR CIVIL WAR VETERANS v. Washington. Dec. 19?Veterans of V ? mfi war, widows of veterans aai ctrS war nurses probably will . .-V aBEBiae Christmas presents from the h i aeeerement in the form of increas> irff uiuns as the result of an agreereached bj\ conferees on the gflPlAunm pension bill. ffiB i TOs bill was passed by the senate summer and by the house at IgRflkr recent special session. Slight i gj?d?5&ereiices between the two houses' been compromised and the au-! tg/tSbiwrcr the Dili, senator cursum, ox r 9?r Mexico, republican, announced tisdiqr that he hoped to obtain final o?c?cdsional action and the presi Sfeatarf signature before Christmas. ftasions of veterans are increased under the measure from $50 to $72 :K -jessnth, widows' pensions from $30 95? and nurses pensions from *?ta $50. \ \ $}68uooo,ooo to finance sale of farm products Washington, Dec. 16.?The bill jtf Senator Norris, republican, Neferac&a, to establish a $100,000,000 1 "1 4-A ^nnn/ia yvwmuvut wvijjuiawun tv iuiouv? safe of agricultural products, was ordered favorably reiported today Sjr the senate agricultural commitWeather Stops Racing. Kew Orleans, Dec. 19.?For the ' ! rfwfc t?me in many years horse racWwr in New 0rlean9 was called off ifefcT due to weather conditions. The uew&er bureau issued a cold wave wiewlng for New Orleans and vicln Sfcr tonight with temperature near , i&wrfn*. Come and s ! ' ^ . ,f C H R IJ ; Nuts, Dates, Figs, Curn \ Raisins. f Crvstalized Pineapple, and Lemon Peel. Shredd Nuts of all kinds?Goc< Shelled Pecan9, Brazil Nuti [ In Shelled Nuts?Wain <* ? !>?)? CTmiI# P.qLa or IVIVOI/J O riHii vwnv HI FRUITS OF ALL KINDS fruit, Bananas. Especially nice Celery i mg of all kinds; MINCE MEAT SN PA GAFFNEY DEFEATS THORN WELL TEAS Greenville, Dec. 21.?The secon< game between Gaffney High schoc and Thornwell Orphanage, to decid the up-state championship, and t play Charleston High school in Co lumhia, was won by Gaffney by i score of 32 to 14. The heavy Gaffney team used thei strength and weight to crush th< lighter line of Thornwell, and wen able to make gains on most ever] down. Two of Gaffney's touchdown were the result of blocked punts ii Thornwell territory. - Thornwell was unable to maki any gains through the Gaffney line and had to use the aerial method oJ. scoring, which they were very adep in doing. They attempted 23 passe.' and completed 13. One pass froir Stamps to Wilson netted 41 yards foi the light team. Wilson was well th< star of the game, he was out of th( ordinary on the receiving end of t forward pass. Butler and Clary ofar red for Gaffney. HUNTING A JOB. Mr. Sol Rosenberg, who in addl tion to managing the four store* with many departments, looks aftei the financial end of the County Bos' pital, and is called "President" ol mas driven n decided shoci WI1C LA/U1U) TT?W v.. ? ? the other day when a lively looking darkey wearing an "outside" size ol horn rimmed glasses, applied to hint for a job saying he wanted to b< "president at the hospital." Mr. Roa enberg sat down before he faintec but managed to get up breatl enough to tell the^ negro that bein* "president" was an easy job, th< only work being to watch the nighl through with sick folks and to bathe dress and "layout" dead people. This was enough, the negro gaspe< "Yas, sir, I'll be back," and made fo: parts unknown. Sympathy for Poland. Washington, Dec. 19.?A messagi of sympathy to the acting presiden and people of Poland was cabled to day by President Harding, express ing t^e sincere condolence of th< United States government at th< "atrocious murder of his excel lency, Gabriel Narutowicz," presi dent of Poland. Lady Astor Howled Down 'London, Dec. 16.? Lady Astoi was the center of a stormy scene a the conference of the Nationa Unionist association this afternoor before the arrival of Prime Minister Bonar Law when she made 2 speech arousing so much ire tha< she was several times howled down One delegate shouted "go back t< America." Meet To Di*cass Freight Rate* Greenwood, Dec. 19.? Represen tatives from the Greenville cham ber of commerce, Laurens and Clin ton will meet Tiere tomorrow after noon to discuss freight rates foi this section. The meeting is calle< at the suggestion of the Greenvilli chamber, charges ibe'ng. made b? * *???+ nditiafmA/nf LUtt b UU U.v Iliaif iiviK.Uk/ aujuavutvutv a-bout to be made| will work a hard sh?t) on this section. ee our goods I or 5TMAS mts, Seedless and Cluster Cherries, Ginger, Orange ed Coooanut. oanuts, Walnuts and Soft 3, Almonds and Mixed Nuts. uts, Pecans and Almonds. td National Fruit Cake. J?Oranges, Apples, Grafemd Lettuce. Salad Dress CKAGE8 OR IN BULK. i 'LETTERS TO SANTA d Abbeville, & C., Dec. 23, 1922 e Dear Santa?I did not like the 0 things you sent me last Christmas and I have a big dog in my yard to a bite you if you come around this Christmas. I do not want to have any r thing to do with a big old fraud like B you. You can give your old presents e to somebody else. As for me, I will 7 look out for myself. B Buddie McCuen. x _____ Abbeville, S. C., Dec. 23, 1922 S Santa Claus, ^ Dear Sir?Please get me, I dont t want any of your old Christmas presnts. I am the fighter of Church Street and I am too big to eat candy I and fruit. All I eat is raw meat. Girls * [ like presents, but fighters do not. Yours truly, Robert Jackson. Abbeville, S. C., Dec. 23, 1922 Dear Santa Claus?I am a good little boy and go to Sunday School every Sunday. I do not want you to bring me any Christmas presents this year. Please give all my things to the orphans. I will not hang up my stocking, so there will be no use for . you to stop at our house. Yours truly, p Frank Howie. i ?1 ' | i Abbeville, S., C., Dec. 23, 1922 i Old Santa Claus?We are on to * you. You may think you can fool us I but you can't. We do not want you i on this street. Our mamas have r boueht us all the thinors we want for i Christmas presents and we are not t going to take anything you bring. , We will be out on our street all night and if you come along we are going i to rock you and kill a reindeer. r Fred Hill, Jr. Mike Morgan. Abbeville, S. C., Dec.'23, 1822 3 Dear Santa?My name is Brother t White, Len White for short I live on - Greenville Street. I am going to be - away from home for Christmas, so s you need not bring me anythng. Wil3 liam McAllister lives on our street " and he says you are a big bum and - he wouldn't have anything you have got. He says if you bring him anything he is going to give it ty the monkeys in the Park. By broth Bilf lie Boy says he wants some chewing t gum and that is all he wants. 1 Goodbye, 1 Brother White, r ??? 1 ' Abbeville, S. C., Dec. 23, 1922 t Dear Santa?I am five years old and they call me Bradley Boy. I am >; nearly as big as my daddy and I am too big to hang up my stock: j i / __ _1_ * ing, so you neea not nx anycmng ior me this Christmas. If you have any thing for me give it to Benjamin - j Barnwell. He is a small boy and - needs presents. I have a new suit of -'clothes. I will hang it out on a p chair. If you know any poor boy who I wants it, you must take it and give ? it to him. I can wear my old clothes. j Yours trly, s M. B. Reese, Jr. Dear Santa?I want you to re member my little brother Hemphill and my cousin Pat. They are small jand will be looking for a Christmas present. I do not want anything but ,a gun, but I can ifte my papa's so do not bring me anything. Town send Smith, Jr. Abbeville, Dec. 20, 1922. Dear Santa Claus, I T am a little Kau mom nM and I want you to. bring me a little red automobile that I can ride in ?nd some candy/ fruits and nuts. I guess you will ffine me at grandpa Stone's as I slay there most of the time. Don't forget my little brother and sister. Bring them something nice. Your little friend, Otis Stone. Abbeville, S. C., Dec. 20, 1922. Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me an electric train, a watch and some fire works, candy fruit, nuts and 90 on. I am seven years, old and am in the second grade. I want to thank you for what you brought me last year and hope you will be as good to me this year. J SAXTUC LOCALS \ \\> \ > N S\> The Ladies Missionary Sociel met with Mrs. J. R. Haddon Thur day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The was a very good attendance and splendid meeting was held. ) Mr. Lawrence Mcllwaine, ca rier on Route 2, is sick with ft Mr. Calvin Stevenson is substiti ting for him. Mr. A. M. Milford and family < Route 5 have moved into their ne home. Mrs. J. S. Simpson and childre of Bethlehem visited Miss Lizz ssnarp weansaay aiiernoon. Several in this section have kil ed nice hogs this wee&. George Morrison and Clarenc Kay spent Sunday with Clauc Moss. > News is scarce, every foody busy getting ready for, Santa Clau $32,000,000 FOR FOREST AND RURAL/kOADS 192 ( . The Supply Bill Leaves Out the Ai nuai Item of $360,000 For Free Seeds. ' Washington, Dec. 19.?An appr priation of $82,800,00- for constru tion of forest roads and' trails ai rural post roads, as authorized ui der the federal highway act, is re ommended in the agricultural su; ply bill for the next fiscal year, r ported today to the House. I The bill's total is $68,781,558, < about $21,000,000 more than la vear. and $250,000 less than tl budget estimate. The increase i? di to the more liberal road fund provi ion, which last year was $10,000,00 - The bill carries $411,400 for tl eradication of the pink boll worm the cotton industry. I The budget bureau left out tl annual item of $360,000 for fn seed distribution by Senators ai representatives and it was not plac< in the bill by the appropriations coi mittee. Some of the other items the measure are: For frost warning service $12,00 eradicating hog cholera, $181,50' emergency in fighting forest inseci 7250,000; preventing spread < moths, $531,000; preventing sprei of European corn borer, $200,00' checking the spread of the Mexict bean beetle, $25,000; studying fo< habits or birds and animals $505 240; market inspection of perishab foods, $275,000 and exterminate of potato wart, $5,000. The committed also *recommend< expenditure of $450,000 for acquis tion of additional lands at headwa ers of navigable streams and $4( I mn ?? ? JUU 1U1 CAp^lLUACllbO ailU UCUlUilOVi tions in livestock production in cai sugar and cotton districts. For eradication of the southei cattle tick the committeemen recoi mended .$60,000 for meat inspecti< $866,000. The fund for the forest servi was fixed at $6,583,582 which $21,000 more than carried in tl last bill. \ N Discussing forest insects, the coi mittee reported there were sever dangerous infestations of timber d stroying insects in .different nation forest regions. Abbeville, S. C., Dec. 20, 1922. Dear Santa Claus, I am a little girl nine, years ol and live in Abbeville, and go to tl graded school. Please bring me bicycle, I want a two-wheeled on I want you to ibring me a big <1< with long curly hair and a big te set and lots of fire works and cam and note. I have tried to be a good girl j this vear. Please don't forget bring my little brother, Mack, a ti cycle, he wants one so bad. From one of your best friends Sarah Neuffer. !?faaa^a^8^^^50?aE NITRATE OF SODA Imported direct from SOUTH AMERICA Use it on your MTTOM. DRAIN. CORN SAnd grow a crop. Get latest prices from J. A. GRE8HAM, Greenwood, 8. C. or | Nitrate Agencies Go. Agts Savannah, Ga. 4t * 1 CHR1STM N I ty a We wish to extend our a- I friends arid customers for ti | past year..' IAccepi our neamesi w A Merry, Merr and a Happy :l i the I PLANTERS FERTII lc 1 PHATECO i9 CHARLEST01 s. We manufacture our Fertllia ?3 capacity and can provide y< of plant food you desire. VI ?- railroads and the water and menu Write for prices on also on FERTILIZER MAT > ACID PH08PHATE, FOREK C- B TRATE OF 80DA POTA8H I ld I 2-7-0 a Specialty. c- Do not purchase any m p- I our prices. ' Smhuhhi >r ?? ' I I 0 I GIVE USEFUL CH ' I ' ? ' THIS SI ?f I Electrical Appliances ii! 1 And Will Be , m ? >d 8 - Percolators 1 Hot Plates le 1 Waffle Irons I Cozy Glow Heaters, Mazda Lamps, Electric Ranges Vacuum Sweepers . ie . * / s I Abbeville \ m ] ?I n . 1 tlectnc ?a n- j|] al 1 Please report all trouble wi e" 1 to our office. al a I The Press arte THE YEAR 'R Here's a gift that will ;u I three times each wee] ri. | a year's subscription t | Banner. It's a gift th; " 1 some?for it tells a di | visit it makes. And it 11 every member of you 11 friends' families, for s 11 nterest in it some way 1| THREE TIMI I $2.00 A' I! The Press anc AS 1922 . 1 | deep appreciation to our j . ? leir patronage during the ? isnes lor g y, Christmas New Year. , ; I iCHO 3EEEEEB3miSaa8BEafiBfflH6lF AZER & PHOS- I MPANY I ters in a plant of large B mi with any combfoatton I A I re are locaiea on mwtw h can provide quick ship- B any mixed goods needed, B ERIAI.S, SPECIALTIES If * IN GROUND FISH, RS-B J ALTS. FISH TAMKAOK B aterials before you get B - I ML Ijli I ' I ' tjl I RISTMAS GllFTa j J ASON. I 1 are Always Useful 1 I Appreciated. II Table Lamps | | Electric Irons .. g Table Stoves 1 Lam^s for every Socket I Sewing Machine 1 Motors | Vater and > Dlonf ' i i tain I th bouse or street lights ij tt PHONE 180. 1 I I H l Banner Co. jl OUND GIFT! |l prove interesting | H k the year 'round? jj Hj o The Press and jH at never gets tire- yM fferent story eacr H will be welcome by^Bfl r family or yourSHB ill of them have ajSfHH or other. Hh SS A WEEK year. iflnmra * I BannefttE^R