Abbeville Press and Banner! 1SSS!5rEoOYeK. T^ffeekiy Abbeville, S. C., ^.gsdVgaober 25,1922 Single Copies, B?Ctt 78thV^.j| AIRPLANES MAY CIRCLE GLOBE PLANS UNDER CONSIDERATION FOR MONTHS.?VALUABLE DATA ON AVAILABLE ROUTES IN BOTH DIRECTIONS BEING STUDIED Washington, Oct. 24.?Tentative plans for an attempted flight of aitny airplanes around the world has been under consideration .for some months by air service officials, it was learned today, but the project has not as yet passed the prelimin- ' ary survey stage, Valuable data on available routes have been obtained however, and ultimately it is hopec to send a considerable aerial squadron on the voyage. The project will v not be laid before Secretary Weeks . for approval, it was said until it i takes much more definite form. Two of the routes considered are that from the Atlantic coast via Iceland and Ireland and that from the Pacific via Alaska, the Aleutian islands, Siberia and home via, Ire-! land and Ireland. Air service officials said the route offering the most favorable conditions as to prevail- . ing winds would be selected should the flight be ordered, and it would then becoimo necessary to obtain per mission of each of the countries to 1? -*? L * !??. Miiafliwn De "traverser ubivic win ajuouiv?i start. I The question of air navigation by pilots of one country over the territory of another nation has been considered by the council of the league of nations in order to establish uniformity of practice. So for aa the 1 United States and Canada are concerned, a recent agreement fixed reciprocal rights for the two nations. ' Army fliers conceived the world curculing flight plan to line with the reason which prompted President ivoosevelt to send the fleet around the world in 1908, it was said. It would have value both as a step in providing aerial defense throught training and in giving the world a better understating of American post-war developements, fliers of other nations have understood, up to this time without success, would circling, flights but only with a single plane while the American sir service project would call for a fleet of aircraft trtd careful! preparations involving considerable expenditure, Possibly a special act of congress to authorize a flight and make necessr ary preparations would be necessary should the secretary approve the plan. For this reason it is expected that no definite step^ will be taken for a vear or more. ' ft TOLBERT'S COMMISSION Expected to Be Sworn In as Marshal Today. Greenville, Oct. 24.?Joseph W. Tolbert, title committeeman of the Republican party in South Carolina, who was recently given a recess appointment as United States marshal for the Western District of South Carolina, will very probably be given his commission and assume the office tomorrow morning. Plans had been made by C. J. Lyon, pres?r?+ morolial mote a 'fichf lroon Icilb UiUl CllUlj ww ?UW4>V H "(3 ? V w w ?VV|/ Tolbert out of the office, but it was utxJerstood tonight that a compromise had been reached and there would be no further opposition to his taking office. DEATH OF MRS H. S. MINSHALL News was received in the city today of the death of Mrs. Howard S. Minshall which occurred this morn-] at her home in Ocala. Florida. I I Mrs. Minshall lived in Abbeville! fo? many years and her friends here] will regret to hear of her sudden j cl*ath. She is survived by her bus-] ba?d and one young daughter, Nata-j i hbk ' TEXAS POLITICS STATE QUESTION United States Judges Will Not Intervene?Independent Loses Their Fight. New Orleans, La., Oct. 24.?Supporters of E. B. Peddy lost their fight ?oday before a special tribunal of federal judges to force the use of his name on the official Texas ballot for United States senator instead of Earle B. Mayfield, Democratic nominee and reputed Ku Klux Klan candidate. The judges held that they were without jurisdiction to grant the re lief asked for by the Peddy faction, adding that other questions than that of jurisdiction were not considered. The case was transferred to New Orleans after an injunction had been filed in Mobile to compel the secretary of state of Texas to put the name of Peddy on the ballots. Judge Erwin of the Mobile federal court declined to hear the case on the grounds of no jurisdiction. Attorneys for the fusion candidate announced they will carry their fight to the United States supreme court if necessary and those repre- ( senting the state of Texas heralded the decision as a victory for state , rights. 1 AN ARMY AIRPLANE LOADED WITH LIQUOR Seised by Custom Officials?Officer Under Arrest. Laredo, Texas, Oct. 24.?Accord- j ing to authentic reports here, cus- ( toms officials and a deputy United ^ States marshal seized an airplane while a quantity of Mexican liquor was being placed on board. A Unjted States army officer and his mechani cian were arrested. The officer, whose name was not mentioned, and his mechanician were arrested. ' The officer, whose name was not mentioned, and his mechanician were brought here. The airplane is being held at the local Aviation field. This is said to be the first time an army airplane has been seized in connection with alleged violation of the prohibition law. Ten of 15 sacks of liqnor are reported to have been seized. - t ADVERTISING PAYS | At the football game at Greenwood last Thursday Connie Starnes turned his watch over to George Smith for safe-keeping while Greenwood was being trimmed. When the game was over and all the younger, boys rushed after the team to join :n the jollification, George reached | I in his pocket to give Connie the watch, when to his utter astonishment, he found nothing but an empty pocket where the watch had been. George was worried, but his father was wise to the situation. He advertised for the lost watch in the Index-Journal, and last night the time-piece was mailed to him by that paper. Some young man found it on the fair grounds and turned it in. He said that he found George's tracks near the watch and they indicated that when Abbeville made the touchdown George jumped so 1 la. _ J i.1 1.1. l. u:n I mgn ne joivtfa wie waicn uut ui ma jpocket when he hit the ground again. To Loan Cuba $50,000,000 Washington, Oct. 24.?Announcement of the decision of the Washington government to authorize the Cuban proposed for a $50,000,000 loan is expected to be made withm a day or so. Approval of the United States government for such a loan is required under treaty relations between the two countries. Leathering ot surgeons. Boston, Oct. 24.?More than 2,000 of the world's prominent surgeous including 25 or 30 from South American countries, were gathered here today for the congress of the American College of Surgeons, Which opens its formal sessions this evening. POLITICS IN ENGLAND IS MANY SIDED LAW'S DETAILS OF POLICY TO BE GIVEN DURING THE WEEK. CHIEF INTEREST IN ENGLISH POLITICAL SITUATION SHIFTS TO GLASGOW. London, Oct. 24.?Glasgow will be the chief center of interest in the political situation for the rest of the week. The new prime minister, Andrew Bonar Law on Thursday will announce the details of his policythere, and 48 hours later former Premier Lloyd George will address a mpptinc hpim* AMomtianied to Scot land by Sir Robert Home, who was his chancellor of the exchequer. The Times political correspondent emphasizes the importance of the situation in Glasgow, which, it says, is due to the strength of the communistic party among the industrial workers, adding that this is largely on account of the reluctance of the Glasgow members of the parliament to abandon the coalition. The write* suggests that this position "is likely to give impetus to the Scottish home rule movement. It is hinted elsewhere that Bonarj Law's re-election as member from tbe central division of Glasgow is in no wise certain, and that he will be opposed by Sir George Paish as a free liberal, in addition to the labor candidate. Former Premier Asquith is to speak in Glasgow next week. In parts of Grea^ Britain, notably the Lancashire manufacturing towns and Glasgow, there are laTge resident Irish communities. How they will cast their votes is arousing interest both here and in Ireland. The Freeman's Journal, Dublin newspaper, crystalizes its advice to them in the sentence: '"Wherever you see a die-hard head, hit it" ' T. H. O'Connor, whose Irish constituents in Liverpool are dissatisfied with him because he remained a nationalist and because, although a ,home ruler he supported neither Earaon de Valera nor Michael Collins in the House of Commons will probably be opposed by a Sinn Fein candidate. 400 QUARTS SEIZED Two Automobiles Loaded With Whiskey Captured. ' Columbia, Oct. 24.?Two automobiles, carrying nearly 400 quarts of whiskey were captured by officers early this morning at New Brookland, a suburb of Columbia Two men and a Woman were in one car, while the other car was oc # I cupied by two men. In the first car captured with 213 quarts) were Mr. and Mrs. R. E. August, of 'Savannah, Ga., and Barnet Woods of Savannah, according to the names given officers. The second car, with 180 quarts seized about two hours later at the same point, was occupied by men giving their names as Henry Paul and C. B. Shelton, of Evansville Ind. BREAKFAST AT DYSONS W. D. Wilson, J. Allen Smith, Jr., M .B. Reese and Allen Long left this morning about 5 o'clock for Dysons where they had breakfast with Mr. J. L. McMillan, who joined them there and the party proceeded from Dysons to the State Fair at Columbia and will take in the football game tomorrow and return home Friday. Coal Strike in South Wales. London, Oct. 24.?The union min ers have posted notices throughout the South Wales mining district that a general strike of the minors will occur a fortnight hence unless the nonunion miners join the federa tion and 100 per cent union membership is obtained meanwhile. TWO SCORE FACE ' MURDER CHARGE END OF INVESTIGATION OF HERRIN .KILLINGS?MORE THAN THREE HUNDRED TO APPEAR IN COURTS OF ILLINOIS. Marion, 111., Oct. 24.?The special grand jury which today resumed its investigation of the Herrin mine killings aftera (month's recess, late thi3 afternoon returned an indictment for murder naming 48 persons and announced it had completed its work. This makes 414 persons the grand jury has indicted in connection with the rioting in which 23 men were killed. Circuit Judge, Hartwell, before whom the indictment was returned, expressed the opinion that the true bill is illegal because it was returned at the September term of; court by a grand jury impaneled iby the July term of court. State's Attorney De Lee Duty expressed an opposite opinion and stated he would appeal to the state supreme court if the indictments were declared illegal. Those indicted today were charged with th? death of Ignace Kubinis the last victim of the rioting to expire who die^ since the grand jury took a temporary adjournment 30 days ago. Only a few witness were heard today and they are said to have told of wounds inflicted on Kubinis, which are said to have resulted in) his death. In the total of the 414 indict ments, 77 individual persona .are named, some of the men having as high as nine indictments changing murder, rioting and assault facing them. Twenty-one of the individuals are charged only with rioting and assault, leaving 56 indicted for murder of the total number of indictments 215 are for murder, 103( for assault and 116 for rioting. The legality of final 48 indictments returned today may not he de cided until next year, it was stated tonight, because it was said there probably would not :be an opportunity to test the jury's proceedings until the indictments voted today are called for trial, which is not expected before 1923. PROGRESS IN SOUTH Amazement Expressed By New York Publisher. j *. Chattanooga, Oct. 24.?Edward F. Roberts, publisher of the Atlantic Coast Merchant, New York, today before the convention of Southeastern District Association Advertising Clubs of the Worlds expressed amazement at the progress made in the South, in the past few years and declared that the ignorance of the North as to the conditions s\G TW ooati -Q-n/1 rHvnn Tin a was astonishing1. H. C. Adler, general manager of the Chattanooga Times, declared that local advertisers should be given the same consideration as foreign concerns and that no free write ups should be promised with an advertisement. Billy Sunday Going To Charleston. Charleston, S. C. Oct. 24.?Announcement was made today by the special committee having local arrangements for the campaign in 4-Vtof "Rill \T SllTlflflV. Vila; ? C WJJCVf Uilv. AWT W? ? ^ , widely known evangelist had accepted definitely a recant invitation sent him to preach in this city next fall and tentatives dates for his series of sermons are from November 1 to December, 15 1923. A tabernacle seating about 8,002 persons will have to be built for these meetings. Attend Textile Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Brazeale, Miss Alma Lupo and Messers. G. B. Hamby, Lester Burj rell, Jam ec Grubb went to Greenjville to attend the Textile ExhibitJ km, Monday. :OTTON GINNERS' REPORT I ISSUED THIS MORNING I [lives Number of Bale* Ginned to October 18 as 6,692,000 Against 5,497,364 Last Year The government ginners* report was issued -this morning at ^ 10 o'clock, giving the number of bales of cotton ginned to October 18th as 6,692,000. j This compares with 5,497,364 ginned to this date last year. Last year about 2,500,000 additional bales were ginned after < October 18, indicating that the c crop for the present year will ? be between 9,500,000 and 10,- t 000,000 bales. < i PROSPERITY STILL i DEPENDS ON COTTON ( In Spite of Depression From Insects j or Low Price*. { Greenville, Oct. 24.?The South- j ern Textile Exposition re-opened its i fourth day, togather, after (being t closed Sunday, Cotton mill presid- i ents and other executives bean ar- t riving today for. the annual meeting c of the South Carolina Cotton Man- < ufacturers , association /tomorrow. TT?tfiw1 tfifo+Aa SfinsfAT K R Dial. _ of South Carolina, will make the principal address. ' The exhibitors were entertained this afternoon at a luncheon given by the Rotary, Civitan and Kiwanis clubs, Id. L. Brittain, president of the Georgian School of technology, spoke on the subject of "industrial leadership. "The prosperity of this section still depends on cotton and in spite of natural depression from insect plague or low price this must be Kept in mind," declared the Brittain "To meet the first nature study and biology should be emphasized in every school and college. To reach the second, the spanning, " weaving ! J A# JlA+f A* mncf I auu iu(uiiuavi>uiui5 vj. vwwu m*ww? ? more and more mo veto the south ] to cut the freight charges and to the. x wealth of our people." '< Dr. Brittain urged the support of 1 technical colleges in the south to 1 help directly in the industrial developement Training for leadership is not only a good industrial investment but a real necessity the speaker said, "If Massachusetts without raising a pound of cotton can make more than twelve million dollars worth of cotton goods in a year, any of those southern states can do better with the cotton at the very , door of the mill. VALUABLE HORSES DIE I Four Animal* Worth $30,000 Burned to Death. ' I Hartford, Conn., Oct. 24.?Four .ace horses, Almaden,Onward, Hary D. 0. and Abe Direct, noted pacers, and Daybrake, well known ;rotter, were burned to death in their stalls early this morning when fire swept through the fa/m)us Charter Oak stables near here, Wesley R., a trotter was so badly burned that he was shot. The horses were valued at approximately $30,000. CALL TO DR. DuBOSE Danville Pastor Invited to Come to Church in Spartanburg Spartanburg, Oct. 23.?The First I Presbyterian church at a congregational meeting yesterday morning unanimously voted to call the Rev. Henry Wade DuBose, D. D. pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Danville, Va., to fill the pastoral, which has existed at the local church since the departure of the Rev. A. D. P. Gilmour, D. D, who went to Wilingston, N. C., Septem ben 1. Return From Wilmington. The Carolina Syncopators will be home Friday from Wilmington, N. C. on their way to Florida for the winter. They will be in Abbeville fr?m Friday until Tuesday. - ' in? WOT MEET ^ j VELL BEING OF CENTRAL AM- v|l ERICA DISCUSSED?GUATE- || MALA, NICARAGUA, HONDU- || RAS, SALVADOR AND COSTA 'M RICA INVITED HERE j Washington, Oct. 24.?The United , States has invited the governments ^||] >f Guatemala, Nicauraga, Honduras, / Salvador and Costa Rica to send lipotentiaries to a conference iVashington, beginning December 4, >?j 'or a discussion of measures look ng to the well being of Central Am- ca ;rica, the "results thereof to be emjodied in a treaty for the permanent regulation of^heir mutual interests '^3 md relations." The state department n making this announcement to' light said the American legations at 'Jn ;he capitals of the Central American epublics were instructed October 21 ^ ;o extend to the presidents of those', wifll :ountries invitations to the eonfe^:';7$| awe. i The conference, it was explained^ vas expected to negotiate treaties, /^a naking effective provisions of theS;;J|8 Teaties signed at Washington, Dee-,. >:"& >mber 20, 1907, "which experience las shown to be effective in main* J5 junirur friendlv relations and COOP ration among the Central Ameri:an states," to consider measures .'or the limitation of armaments in ^ Central America; to attempt the v;$| vorking out of a plan for setting up ?? | ribunals of inquiry for the adjust- '$3 nent of disputes under certain cir- y| :umstances between two or more of *' :he countries; and to take up any l''? Dther questions which it may be .v*g desired unanimously t8 consider. :M Call for the conference was issued as a result of the meeting on . August 20, last, of the presidents of ; ' ^ Nicaragua, Honduras and Salvador ->? KoorH TJ. S. Tacoma in Pon 3eca bay, at the request of the Nic- 3 araguan government, looking to the 7j establishment of more peaceful re- V [ations between the three countries and resulting in the signing of an agreement acknowledging the gen- "i eral treaty of peace and friendship signed at. Washington December 20, :&jj 1907, by the five republics of Central America as being in force be- ' tween them. It was stipulated in the J agreement that the Guatemalan and Costa Rican governments Tfarald, be asked to adhere to it and that a :-.S preliminary conference will be called . < in December to discuss further measures looking to the well being \ . of Central America. . <>;; The Guatemalan and Costa Rican governments thereupon stated that -ii. they did not consider it necessary to adhere to the August 20 agreement \ as they regarded the treaty of 1907 as still in force and intended to abide by its provisions. GOING TO THE FAIR. < 5^-3? Owen Speed, W. D. Wilkinson, Gottlob Neuffer and Bayard Swetenburg left this morning for Columbia. They made the trip through the country and will take in the State Fair and the Clemson-Carolina football game tomorrow. i Serves Fifty Years. Waupon, Wis., Oct. 24.?Bill Maxwell, aged 83, will be released from the State penitentiary here tomorrow upon completing a fifty-four year sentence for murder. Convicts here will be guests at a farewell party for him. COTTON MARKET Cotton on the local market today sold for 24 11-16 cents and futures closed Oct. ? 23.53 Dec. 24.24 Jan, 25 >5 March 24.07 May 23.09