HENRT'8 CONSTITUTION REN07AT0B, on BLOOD CLEANSEB. Thw mwlicine i* known to the faculty o? Vtin : the concontr*t-d fluid extract of Sai'eapai illn united with other vnlunble medicinal herbs, and is guaranteed 03 chemically pure. FOR THE CURE OK Scrofula and Consumption. This remedy is compounded expressly for purifying and cleansing the blood gf fell infirm "] itios. gftinR ot onae to the fountain-head of ] dint-ane. It extingu'shes Tuaiom, Consumption, SyphiliB, Skin Eruptions, Salt Ilheum, lioilp, Rheumatism, Wtute of Vitality, Scrofula. We nil know that tprontiscous vaccination indulged in during the Into war bred the tnn?t villanous disease*. Vaccination pua was tuken from thC'drms of many persons full of ecroftiloup sores. Then of course the impuvitie&of the scrofulous patient wer? absorbed in the blood of tllPn nt.ltni-wion wiiltnnf ' 1 - ' .. I?v * ivuuu.1 *i icvuocn, U1JU Civil II Ul? ? came infected Men, 'women find children throughout alt the West arc most wofully Jlis*n?cd from this cause, and knew not, until a few months ogo, the oiigin of it. z Henry's Constitution Renova- * tor Relieves the Entire Syntom of Pains and nches, enlivens the epiri'-s. and fienl" new blood BOUNDING THROUGH EVERY ViilN. It iuipartes a Sparkling Brightness to the Eye, A Rosy Glow to the Cheek, A Ruby Tingo to the L-ps, A Clearness to the Head, Brightness to the Complexion, Buoyancy to the Spirits, And Happiness on all Sides. For all affections of the kiJne\ 8 it is unsurpassed. Teopltf have been rescued, as it were, from j tin! very jaws <>T death, by u timely viae of this great remedy. EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS LETTERS I "Doctor, I wns vaccinated in tlie hospital. Belore that I hud napkin disease. Until I had n bottle of your "Cowctitution Renovator," tj enlmeb/ Mr. R?pcr, of Columbia, No , 1 suffered tortures with running Bores. Sim-e 1 u#cd two bottles I mil nil well except a small Bore on the calf of iny left leg, and that g*ttii-g well f.ist." This from a lady?''And now my skin is as clear nnd f*ir as a bube's My complexion, thauk.-t to your "Renovator," ia beautiful. ' Yes, yes, I may well any such relief was unknown to tno before. Ki:clnfl>*d fin??*d find $5. Plense send m" n supply. Two families here want to try your , Constitution Rei.ova;or." pi Wo hdTO not space for more of tlie above extracts, but yon can ask your neighbor about JJ the remedy. Kvery one lias something good to say; as it cures every time. For at.'. Dufi.se? of tiik KIDNEYS, RETENTION OP THE URINE, d'C , &0. *" An'l f guaranteed clieiniail elatuhud of ll Soluble Thine 1'Kosphnte, 14 per ct. This standard is uniformly exceeded in tl ado by Dr. Alfx. M?'ans, Inspector of illian, of Richmond, Dr. Hayes, of Dosl vera! vonrs ivist. hik! unlili-lwl in iln> ??? Tim practical success of this Supfir.pliOKj aFonp, lias been ns fully established by t rtners, recent loiters from nearly Iwo liun ile;? last issued. 3NSMAN & HOWELL, Cenei Carolina, 128 East Bay Jan. 7, 1870, 37?3m IT III !& Blls. Flour, GOO LBS. BA OS, 1000 Bushels Prime Seel Oats, MACKEREL LARD, CHEESE OSNABORGS, Linaeya, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, &c., &c. liorwoocl, DuPre & Co. ? " '* c Jrd. 7, 1870, 87?tf MEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, BThite Drips, SIL. DRIPS, SYRUPS & MOLASSES. forwood, DuPre & Co. J?n. *1. 1R70 a*7_tf 10BEBT R. HEMPHILL, Lawyer MAGISTRATE, ABBEVILLE, S. C. OFFICE ON LA W RANGE. Jan. 7, 1870, 37?tf STOTICB. JERSONS having claims against the lata Dr. W. T. Jones, will preient era properly nttested. And all per .?%? Miuwt'tvvi iv ?i?w nnuic oiu ak? payment to the undersigned. GEO. H. JONES, , < Executor. Jnu. 7, 1870, 27?i.r T&C.1M1 ROAD STOCK. PEIISONS having S/=ock ip this Road who wish to dispone of it, will dc ell to "eall on J. S. Cotbran, Esq., al bbevillo, or F; A. Conner, at Cokesbury r if more convenient teave it with tb? gont at any Depot, with your ritteu aeroM the back, iu presence <>f ? itnett. *' " : '* Wt'JL .(DONNOR, Agent.Ooketbury, Jan. 7,1870, 37?St. ' T>T A TVTIV'A TTAAT A UAX1 ? 10? IS. Collin.' Asm, . > nt ,"?> , i Clipper K\**, (Red J4ck**,)ii. TnuM Cbaioa, i ?*' i > > (Hamu^ % : '?]jL ":??\v I "fit Plow Lieta, ,, vU> .[:,1 t ToftathMr with, a 40tnpl?U stock Oi IARDWAEE. .f-,6 1 MILLKRIIlOBffiTSOr' Dec 24, 1809, 35?-tf Guano!' 1 inform Lis customer* and (Viands that lie has est and most popular Fertilizers now in use., I MONIATED ?ho^phate5 fD THE KE GUANO, SOLUBLE PHOSPHASE. ;e quantities of both of the above Fertilizers i time on roosouablo terms. These Fertilii) thi> State, Georgia snd Alabama, and in : lion. Testimonials and cer.ifioutes can bo nent Improvement to the soil! rROGENIZED hate of Lime, >g5253!E> OHEF11 Ammoniated Animal Matter, J to a fiue powder l?y means of Feruienta1 IIE GROWING OF IAIN CROPS, VEGETABLE, &C. mfjiclered in this Country, having been in- \ e j ear 1852. !iis fertilizer is: Ammonia, 2.CO to 3.60 per ' Total Bone Phosphate, 3t> p?r ct. * io manufacture, as shown l>y the analyses fertilizers for State of Georgia, Dr. William 1 .on, and other prominent chemists, dining scriftive pamphlet#. hale, even d'iring tho most unfavorable h?; e> perience of hundreds of Planters and ured of whom arc to be found in the pain al Agents for the State of Soutli!' Street, Charleston, S. C. |* Private Boarding HOirSEl1 I I I BY MRS. GOLDING. THE subscriber having leased ttinl , commodious House, on the Public j Square, at the corner of the Granite Range, ' Im prepared to furnish entertainment to her friemh and the public generally. She will be pleased to receive permanent and Iran- ' sient boarders, and to all desiring n pleasant and quiet location elio will promise 1 her best attention and care. The public < patronage U respectfully solicited. i I C. GOLDIN&. Jnn 7, 1870, 37?If PAY UP! THERE is still about Fifteen Hundred Dollars clue me, ns Proprietor of the Abbeville Banner for advertising, sub script ions, i. I ' 1 1 * '. ( All Persons in Any fay Interested; IN THE ESTATE OP \ Archibald Bradley Dec'd,' "WILL TAKE NOTICE. I [ rpQAT a final settlement; of the said | Estate will bo made in the office of ' j- the Judge of Probate tor Abbeville Coun- ' j ty, on llie twenty-fourth day of January 1870?when the adra'r and adm'x will : demand a final discharge. ( H. BRADLEY, Adm'r* . p Mary A. Bradley, Adm'x. , Jan. 8, 1870,4M TO ARRIVE. 1000 BflsMsPri Hi White Cora. 6000 LBS. BAOON, ,ji 30* JtW 1 *QT5AtKS'tlOFFEE, 2 1 V; C9 (>1 . NORWOOD, DtJPEE A CO. Jan. 7, 1870,37?If '* % a CLOTHING, HATS AND ] MR GOODS! We ?re now prepared to offer a full, | large and complete stock, and on nccount of the advanced Reason we will soil at greatly rtdu-jed price*. WTT T PT1 0 nnTmnmnniT iinuut.li a nufiMisuii Doc 24, 1800, 35?If STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS.: a ii ii WE nre now receiving LAIiGE addition to our Block ot Dry Goods in evory dtparluieul. MILLER & ROBERTSON. Dec 24,1 809, 35 ? tf Millinery. Wo now propose to sell tlie remnant of our winter t>to?-k nt cosl. Mrs. M. J. r FjYTUGOE will always be found in our j Millinery department to attend to tlie calls ? jf her friends. j MILLER & ROBERTSON, t Dec 24, 1 SCO. 35? tf e C Clover Seed. A choice lot of lied Clover Seed U B Miller & Eotetsos's. ' Dec 24, 1S69, 35?if j Our stock was novcr larger than at 1 his season. Miller & Robertson. Dec 24, 1809, 35?tf TIis Scasoa for . FAYING UP. < - ? WE beg leave lo remiod ourcustomera tbnt lliey linve had a long ea?on for buying, ??d NOW wo tiiink hat the time for paying up has arrived. 3e prompt and prcscrvo your good credit. " Miller & Robertson. Dec 24. 1600, 35?tf COKESBCRY SC, HOftT- . ? c THIS old and popular Institution will resume Exercises on ibe first ol February under the rectorship of Mr. W. 3. 13ENET, an experienced and successful nsiructor of youth. Mr. Benet was edu?:aled nt the Edinburgh University of Scotland, and stood among the first in all lis classes. lie tnught in the Cokesbur}" chool during the past year, and the parens were eo perfectly satisfied with the orogress of their children and tho discipline of tbe school, that they entered into )bligations of guaranty to induco him to emain another year, as the strongest in ^ o lucenients were offered by other comrou- t lilies to obtain bin services. I have some * xperience in teaching myself, aud I can, nost unhesitatingly, recommend him to ny friends and tho public as a superior C eacher, and an accomplished Christian * jentleman. Rates of Tuition 25, 40, 50 md 60 dollars per scholastic year, half in idvance. Board car. be obtained at 8b2 >er month, exclusive of washing anil j igbts. F. A. CONNOE, President Board Trustees. " January 7, 1870, 37?if ^ DISSOLUTION OF . S0PMf N8BSB1P., NEW FIRM AT DIAMOND HILL. ' it THE Coparlnarsbip heretofore existing {{ under the name of "K?hn & Ro?ren; 0 burgli" at Diamond Hill, S. O., baa this c jay been dissolved, and ihe huiinoss will r, henceforth bo conducted bv the undt-rsign- t ,.,l ? .1 * ' " ... - - cu imiuci ii:u inline oi * iS.ii!)n & ftli'Ail- (l #n?s." All persons indebted to the old v firm will make prompt payment to them, ti A continuance of the public patronage is f, s.-pectfully requested, and tha undersign- I ed will ppare no pains to meet' the public J lavor. DAVID KAHN, ROBERT 0. Mc ADAMS. Jan. 7, 1870, 37?If For the Sick and Invalid. "TXRENCH Brundy, (imported,) 1 J? Sootch WhiB^y, Prim?, -1 Rye WhUky. Prime, ' i Port Wine, Prime, India Pale Ale, Beat,r m " Plantation Brtt^rt, f Ilostotter's iiittera, - t At PARKER & LEE'S. ? Dec. ?l, 1869, 36, 2t I G0RN1C0RN! |?:i it . ,VO ia c/rL ' ' . . mMufl *!? .?M Iv#? > >.*:A >!>! r> TUaT rtcdrad and to nrrlvA TWO:' * THOU^D Ufafe* of J9ote | wLieV I will p%R lo^for, c*?b. y ' ENOCH NELSON. Jan. a, 1870, t7, tf aeaeaggafli?Hcgai NORWOOD, I GROC Iraiu and fienersl No. 3 White's Blc "Deco or 31, 1SG0, 36, tf ijnftl iiDirc Tn UHUVM11W Hil TIIE subscriber having purchaned the sto.k ot tlic lale Finn of "J no. Kn ho old stun J, and would rot-peel fully eolic ge. The luftinets will bo conducted he s confident that ho can oiler such iuduceir utereit to trado with him. December 2-t, 1809, 35?If Drug Store at Abl ^ew Firm of (SUCCESSORS TO PA MR. J. A. THOMSON having in tho Drug Store lately coi s Thomson, the business will be jCo. By close attention to busincs roimgc given the iinn of Parker & iiiciont services of Mr. Jl. N. \VU ixpGct. to iind one of the Firm alwa DR. E. PARKER, December 10, 1S61), 33, tf IN m BITS. N STORE AND TO ARRIVE 5000 Bushels Corn. 000 BUSHELS OATS. FOR SALE, iT TIII-: LOWEST PRICES FOR Dash or Cotton. Mays, Barnwell & Co. V J .Thu. 7, 1870, 37?tf WM. CREI&HTON & SOFS Ammoniated Soluble SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF IjIIVEE. Jontaining 50 PER GENT, of BONE PHOSPHATES-of which 12 per cent, is immediately Soluble in Water?3 per cent, of Potash, 17 per cent of Sulphate of Lime, Magnesia, &c., &c. pnuwTflnTw/1 TUT? * WAKAlAMJUJlilM A II I'i Essential Elements of WHEAT, CORN, TOBACCO, IOTTON, and all the Cereals which are removed from the soil in every crop *ut up in Strong Bags, of 167 Founds each. BSf Seudr-for Pomphlets, containig full directions aud Certificates, to SAYS, BARNWELL & CO. Jau. 7, 1870, 37?tf GREAT SOUTHERN MOVEMENT IN FENCING. Saves its ..Cost il& Land savec^ and facility of cleaning. Pi REAT saving of timber can be made jr of anything llint will not break of a own weight. A rat may get through ; and a squirrel may climb over but all ther animals must stay out. The wind an not blow it down, needs very little epair, and tho timber will last longer litm in any other known fence. The snb* criber is agent for Abbeville County and Mil sell rights for plantations and (or awnships. Coino up on Salo Day and ur further particulars in regard to P. )avis' Improved Putfcnt Wire and Picket I'euco apply to a J. W. THOMAS, Agent Abbeville, S. C. A3LiSOf THE GREAT ?amily Knitting Machine WILL be exhibited lit Mr. BraMale's This Machine speaks for itself, and ? . destined to revolutionize household ridustry. We do not wish to abuse the ime honored needles, but must say that ?n *??? J "' 1 ? .... ivi vivihoi; mbo kueir uaj IB II BO md. i This great an?l cheap invention ;nite everything. Specimen* of roanu* ftctured article* exhibited. Call and see or yourselves. . -a -x J/W^AdKAjjlliCgea't, ' I , wseek T> V- WlH' ;,. '. I > ;.. Southern Almanac for 1870, ai PARKER & LEE'S. Dec. 31, 1869, 36, 4t ggfltt agg 5uFHE & CO., n tt" ' h ~j? ca C JL m. r3 f Provision . Msrsliants, i.ck, Abbeville, S. 0. II PROVISIONS^ i s interest of Mr. J. J. Cunningham in the iox & Co.," will continue tho business at it a continuance of tho past liberal patronncoforth strictly on cash principles, and he tents to bis patrons as will make it to their to, KM#*, t>oviilo Court House. Parker & Lee,, RKER & THOMSON.) i sold, to Dr. J. .T. LEE, liis interes tiducted under the name of L'arker 1 contiuued in the name of Parker & is they hope to retain the liberal pa- < Thomson. They have secured the ( [ITE and iu addition customers may i ys present. DR. J. J. LEE. 1 CARD. J Magistrate's Office, ) ( Greenwood, S. C. C Certain unprincipled parlies taking ( advantage of a vile slander perpetrated against me, succeeded for a time, in having nic suspended from ofRco as Magistrate. "But truth crushed to earth will rise again." Tho villainy j. and fraud have been exposed, and I. am reinstated in tho oflice ef Magi?-! trato by his Excellency Gov. 1J. K. Scott. All business entrusted to mo ehallj receive prompt attention. My references are, all good citizens, and an experience of over twenty years ns Magistrate. J. II. TARRANT, Magistrate. Pec. 17, 1SG9, 34, tf Floizr. 50 Bble. Stonewall Family. 50 " Alder Grovo Extra. AA ftllUAti 1/ V WUJ'VI la Store and for salo low for cash. TROWBRIDGE & CO. Dec. 31, 1869, 3G, tf ] FEE9H BEEF1. PORi AND SAUSAGES I^~EPT on hand and for salo at nil Lours of tbe day, (five us n mil. MAYS & BURNS. Nov .12' 1889, 23?3in. J To Arrive this Day. j Tooth Brushes, Nail^Brushes, bnaving Brushes, Hair Brushes, Infunt Brushes, Curling Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Buffalo Corahs, Metal Combs, Plantation Combs, Cologne, Eau Lustral, Bloom of Youth, Magic Balm, Pomades, H'dT Exlracte, ? Soaps, > Tooth Paste, J Glycerine, Hair JDye, ( India Ink, Rouges, 1 Lilly "White, Queen Yic. Powdera, Corn Plaster, Violet "Writing Fluid, Razor Strops, Yeast Powders. ALSO, Madeira Wine, Black Pepper, Cnj-enne Pepper, Rock Candy, "White Mustard Seed. ALSO, IT J ? r< iijpuuuinio oyringes, cjuspenaory Bags, &c., &c., at Parker & Lee's. Doc. 31, 1809, 36, tf ( I SMOKING TOBACCO!; If you wnut the bcBt and finest Tobacco, J call and got . ^ Fruits and Flowers, Lorillard's White Puff Tobacco, May Queen Tobacco,1 1 Cigars, at Parker & Lee's. Deo 17, 1869, 34--41 Red Clover Seed. 1v\f ( w ; ! ': j i ' ' . Bine Crass Seed. -At' h .r ; PABKER&lEE'S., Doo. 31, I860, 36, 2t " "" **) 11 ' J| "" - NBtf HUiXED f.: SnckltJl)Mtiioar, j fl^ip Syrup, by TKOWBRIfcOE A CO. Oct S9,1869, 27?tf Mg?tHwinii|i IBU 11 i HI, , , DViMH.I IF C OPART The Firm of 1 Donald is this day )wii limitation. JAS. W. M. McD( Abbeville, Jan'y The undcrsignet the Ilry CSoods anil iness and will end< the "Emporium of pare with city rei and Millinery U Spring he will, in c the J>i*y Goods ant partments, establisl floor a IDrcss ani> i departnent which ^ ed by a ladv of t SV %/ with efficient aseisi Thankful to his public ior the lib bestowed upon tl hopes by strict ati ness to merit a con same. Very respe Jas. 1 Having sold mj business lately cai firmjof Jfotolcv II W. Fo'1 ler, I take bespeaking for th FOWLER a contis liberal patronage fa late firm. JUL. Shoes at As I intend go shoe business I ] my stock of men's children's pegged until 1st of march. Jas. } In order to ma Spring and Summi sell until 1st of goods, flannels, lau titles in the mil _ J . . v mem, snawis and c * -r ' v r> , i?ll Jag. 1 ^ f\' }' 1, . ? Vi. / Ji ' * y r; t sv r ? q' ;> i'.v C'i .-'in.i. -* &V _ JL t -? " ' interest in ine pried on by the ItcEDnualb to Jas. ! this methoU ot e said JAS. W. nuance of the estowed on the McDonald. t Cost. r > . q > . (. j ' . JO -i ij>-, ing out of the propose .selling i, women's and shoes at cost ?. Fowler. v * T ? ; * \' I . i ? r *4 f-"J :? ; i. Ai . .ri ke room for a cijl ?_ * cr oiockj ^L, march, mesS" iseys, man llinery uepart5|oak^||^?wt. fwFon ii Al^'01/i Ai'i if wats' co1" fefi-aWP^iers, ) VI1 w.*c?:i A>: ':in^ uiii ?... OR. OF THE n V? 3%i ,<5V .O of Fashion.