iSfclI A. S. JOHNSTON. i S?""NO, 56. N EC X) B ESSE, NEC SUPRRBSSE REIPUBLIC^, COLUMBIA* S. C.DECEMBER 24, 18SC d u* >J . X.. - .. ! * > > 'ji LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS , 1836. a?aras P HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Vgfcs&tr' SM? t The Boose met pursuant to adjournment. Saturday, Dec. 17, 1836. *^-^&eacTt5e following Bills the third time : - ? r ? . ? ? o "*v* Ji BS!1 -to provide for flie reception and distribution of so much of the surplus nwn yiif ?riWtn]u ij States as may be apportioned to this State under the and for $& Act(^.Coogres& in such case made and provided." ioerease the pay of grand and petit Jurors.* >2: BiU to adter and amend the Pension Laws';" and ?* and amend the charter of the City of Charleston, psrpoees therein mentioned " kT 6t^t time : "A Bill, from the Senate, to amend the law in relation 'of sureties of Sheriffs." im Report of the Committee on Internal Improvements of the Senate, on JfSe'MwBoriat of the citizens and Town Council of Columbia, in relation Coiugpbia Canal, was- ordered to be laid on the table ; and jute Report of the Committee of this House, on the same subject, recotn for the exteiiS^on and completion of said question to agree thereto, th?- yeas and **bse tfequesfed and ate ^as ^follows : ... " ju^i^j?^?ffou r, Boozer, Boyce, Buchanan. Buford. Bull. Bur? oicock, 3>Hrie, J. Douglas tk Bon-jlass, Dudley, Duncan, Ed rds, Elmore, English, Fripn, Garvin, Glenn, Gcod insv Irby, Jamison, Jet r, Ker, Laborde, Lenoir, M' reon Means, R. jG. Mills. Otis Mfils, James Moore, 'almer, Pat'.ersoo, Petigru. Philips, Powe, Raiuey, yrnour, Strobhart, A.VV. Thomson, H. H. Thomson, rfield, Wig-fall, Wi!!son, Witherspoon, Woods, Yea Bartonr* Belin, Berry, Bowers, Brockman, Coachman, Craw .^Npra^^Bttis. JBrvnf, Evins^ Fair, Frost, Gavin, Gibbon, Gibson, Giliam, Martin, Maxwell, Memmtng-er, M offel t, M u rcioug-h , Neri, Palmer, B. Perry, B. F. Perry, Reed, SterMan, J. Toomer, Watson ? 39 _ ^.^consequently, agreed to, and ordered to be sent to the coocarrenc?u k i were, read the second time and ordered to be sent to the harboring of deserted seamen, and to protect sail Tulent practices of their landlords;" certain Roads, Bridges and Ferries;" the he* of Decrees in Equity ; " and " A Bill to amend debtors." ? rj ^ " time, AtUJf, from .the Sf iSate, to amend the charter of the and c&arteston Rail Road Company.* to this House the* foflbwingj Acts, which were cora c. gngroasing Committee : * Ab Act to increase the pay of grand and petit Jurors;" ** An Act to alter and amend the chartcw of the City of Charleston, and fod otI^* pnrposes themn mentioned ; " . Mfc^Ao Act to alter and amend the Pension Law j " t t* a ?. to provide for the reception and distribution of so much of the revenue of the United States as may be apportioned to this State, Act of Congress in such case made and provided," and "An Act a line beyond which the Wharves shall not be Extended" in the ana for other purposes." time. ^A Bill requiring .Magistratas and other officers to , Tr- y- ^ ~f ? f and other documents for the Courts of Sessions." q?fagatW>n of "a. Bill to provide for the appointment of Tax Collectors other officers by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent *>f the Seoafe," was postponed to the 1st January next. law in relation to the sale of. real estate, under execu mMOd up, &i cid ordered to he placed amonjsrth^P orders of the day. Davie submitted the following Rrsolution^wbich was considered and agreed " ordered to be seut to the Senate for cojgfcurrence : Ivedy That the Solicitor of the Mid^P^lccait have leave to be absent Staifei during his Spring Circuit." . " ^ - . W. Thomson, from the committee oir Public Buildings, mnde a 'Report to the old Jail in Columbia. from the committee on Pensions, made Reports on the petitions auk>w, John Black, Morris Fowler and Archibald Campbell. ^Mv^ ^uained leave to withdraw the Petition of Archibald Campbell. Seymour^ from the Committee on Claims, made reports on the petition of ittfaenamawu Benjamin A. Markley and John Inabnit ; ami on the accounts Weir and J. 5?. C -aril ozo, and also on a Report from the Senate, on cooot of Purse & McCarter. t- Jones, fnim the Military Committee,, made Reports on a Resolution to into the expediency and erecting a Magazine within the Citadel, in the of St. PhfBips- " and Sr. Michael-? and also on the petition of David Petigru made Reports from the Committee on the Judiciary, on "a Bill lie the power of the Tcfwn Council of Columbia, in relation to taxing slaves t the corporate limits :" ?a Bill to amend the law in relation to the fraudulent packing of Cotton," ^ BiH to require Plaintifls in the C ourts of Law to give security few co>ts in ain cases," and on "a Bill to s<>cut e a lien to Mechanics and others for repairs jworoments on real estates." Duncan suhmitted the following Resolution, which was agreed to : :d| That the committee on Internal Improvements, be instructed to in ? the propriety of makingan appropriation for opening Saltketch??r River.' teockr from the committee on Education, madera rcpor^ on the report innate, on the petition ^of H. K. Boyd ; and also, a report on the Message Governor, in relation to the salaries of the Piesident and Professors of Carolina Col ege. v - . f ^ report of the Special Joint committee on that , part* of the Governor's ^4** the subject of making an appropriation^ for the Charleston and- Cin pEfcii Rpafiil->Company, was made the special order -of the -day for 12 Tiiday next. ^ . i:* et submfttecTthe following Resolution which was adopted: > ^ *> pfhat the comiiiittee on the Military be instructed to ifiquire into ^ of exempting from ordinary Militia duty, such citizens of the ^ofaittbia, not exceeding thirty, as may form themselves into a Compa- 1 sn" .---i'.v ;^v ^^jbeave ofv absence was granted to Mr. Irby for the j emainder of the ses K \ m repeal the laws regulating the licensing of physicians to practice ^as taken up, and a^aia ordered to be laid on the iable. ;^T. ID. Edwards submitted a Resolution, "which was considered arid greed deTed to the Senate for concurrence, authorizing the^GcJverner to the Mriitary and Cohtmgetit funds to Jesse Bradford $26(6-^-10, V. ?100; ? to 5vwmiel Weir S3f 50---aTMl tdfvPhiliD l3ufF S13. ? #r. . top, Arnold, Apthor, ^elin, Bo ?yce^ull, Car, Edmonston>r E H n, Grubon* (ilerr ,Rrvirv &rin?, F?iir, FccSt, Gibbon, Grltoon, (ilernniGoo?lwyn, Hov, Lauchlin. M'Pht >rson, Meaws, Me;n:;tingtr, R G Mills, (K Mills, B Perry, Petigru, Philips, l'orcher. PoW, Raiuev, Rcvd, Ripley, la n, Strobhart, J. W. Toorper. J Toomer,^WiUson, ""Yeadon.? pE&lS ? ' ' * ? ' iBafioaHfterry. Bowers, Brockman, Brones, Bttejfianan, Buford, JColcocK Ctawfi>rd, Croekett, J. Douglass, D. Douglas?^ndley, Du rant, lifia, Elmore, English Fripp, Gnv?. Giliam, Goodlett, Hardin, Harli^j^uggins, Jbenoir, M'Dowell, Martin, Maxwe)!? Moff?tt,l Moo^e. M. f yen*, Neei, S J Palmer* B F Perry, Richardson; kfhompsonr Watson, Wbatley, Wtiitefield, -Krthe Senate. * ^ Resolution, which was agreed to and or " RESOLVED, That the Solicitors be jo many be necessary, during the remain* day." -? %'5 HU16 ?Xl^ V > -i . . * lis whieh were passed and ordered, Y ?..?"j .-i " A Bill for tbe better regulation of the Fire Department in the City of Charleston." .fe "A Bill to vest the real estate of Ann Hutchinson in Charles P. Muilins and Ann P. Davenport" ? a?d " A Bill ^authorize the City Council of Charleston to tax the income of persons resident without thfc said city, derived from bu-. siness conducted within the city.". Read the second time, in this Hotfjfev thdffbllowing Bills, from the Senate. "A Bill to increase the powers of%he'Town Council of Camden, in relation to taxation," ? and . % - " A Bill to incorporate the Charleston Hotel Company." The consideration of'the three following Bills was postposed to the first day of January next : " A Bill to amend the law in relation to the sale of real estate under execution " A Bill to amend^* An Act to incorporate the American and German Insurance Company," and. a A Bill to provide for the instruction of the Students of the South Carolina College in .Civil and Military Engineering." "A Bill to organize the courts inNhis fctate," was rend the third time and passed, and ordered to be sent to the Senate ; and one thousand copies were ordered to be printed. ' "A Bill to alter and amend the Fefc relates to the* Sher iffs, Master and Commissioner in Equity, tmd Register in Equity," was ordered to be laid on the table, and to be printed. < The House considered and agreed to-tlie Report of the committer on the Judiciary, recommending the rejection of "A Bill to increase the jurisdiction of ~ Justices of the I^eace throughout the State." "A Bill to increase the jurisdiction of the city Court of Charleston, and for other purposes," and "A Bill for the incorporation of the General Mining Com pany of South CaeoIina," were read the seeond lime and ordered to be sent to the Senate. * ? ' Leave of absence was .granted to Messrs. Jamison, P. P. Palmer, Robcrds and ?G arvin, for the remainder of the Session. Mr. Smith submitted a. Resolution, appointing a committee to enquire into the ?8tate of education, in the- primary schools of this State, &c. and to report to the next session of the Legislature, which wasorderecT to be laid on the table. "A Bill to equalize the salaries of the Treasurers," was read the second time, and on the question, shall the Bill be sent to the Senate'? the Yeas and Nays were requested^ and are as follows : YEAS. ? Alston, Arnold, Belin, Boyce, Buchanan, B o ford/ Bull, Burge-s, Coachman, Ccrfpock, J- Douglass, D^Douglass, Durant, Edmons'on, E- Edwards, J. D. Edwards, English, Frogt, G bbon, Olefin, Ker, Laborde, M'DoweHT M'Lauchlin, Meminioger, ?L G. Mills, O. Mills, J. Moore, Murray, Myers, 3. Palmar, V. P. Paimer, S. J. Palmer, B Perrjf, Perigru, Philips, Porcher, Rainey, Ripley, Richardson, Seymour, Smi'h, Strobhart, A. YV. Thomson, J. Tooriier, J. W. Tooraer, Tyler, Vihiteficld,*VVillson, Witherspoon, Woods, Yeadon. ? D. L. Ward law, Speaker. ? 53. NAYS. ? Barry, Barton.HWry, Brockman, Caldwell, Car, Crawford, Crockett, Dudley, Ervin, Evins, J Fair, Gavin, Gibson, Giliam, Goodlett, Hoy. Hug- r, Lrby, Jones, Kern, Le noir. Long, Martin, Maxwell, Means, MofFett, Murdough, Neel, B. F. Perry, Powe, Reed, H. H. Thomson, ^Watson.? 34 "? -vf ' * The Bill was was therefore ordered tobe*sent to the Senate. Mr. Petigru from the Committee on the Judiciary, made reports on the "Memorials of A. Herbemont, Clerk of th? Oouit of Appeals, of R. B. Smith, Esg. late Attorney General ; on the petition of F. Root, and others,. on a "Resolution instructing them to inquire into the expediencey of abolishing the jurisdiction of the Ordinary ; on a Report of the Senati-, in relation to a Hall and Library for the Court of Appeals in Columbia ; on the "Petition of certai j citiz ns of Marion," and on "A Bill to authorize the form ation of limited Copartnerships." Mr. Trby, from the committee on Roads, Bridges, and Ferries, made a Report on "A Bill to amend the Road Law." y. The Rejport of the committee on Pensions on $ie petition of theheirs of John BaSey, was taken up and re-committed to the committee on Pensions. - The House con side reti and agreed to the two following favourable reports and ordered them to be sent to the ?enatefor concurrence. Report oF the conflmifree on Pensions, on the petition of John Gunter, Admin istrator of Needham Gunter, praying the amount of pension due his intestate ; and tbe , Report of the same committee, on the petition for Mary Cook, sistet of John Gittdner, a Pensioner, praying for arrearages of pension. Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Fripp, after Tuesday next. Mr. Caldwell, from the committee on Pensions, to whom had been re-commit ted the Repoitof said committee, on the petition of the heirs of John Bailey, made a report, which waa ordered for consideration on Monday iiext. Adjourned. * HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. v Monday, December 19, 1S36. Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Spann, and also to Mr. Allen ^ after to morrow ?. * Read the third time the following Bills: "A Bill to confer Banking privileges on the Stockholders of the Louisville, Cincinnati and I harleston Rail Road Company, on certain terms and conditions;" "A Bill to increase the penalty for giving a Ticket or Permit to a slave under certain circumstances "A Bill to authorize the formation of the Sumter and Darlington Rail Road Company "A Bill to -renew the charter of the St. Patrick Benevolent Society of ChaileS ton, SouVi Carolina and "A Bill to authorize the State Bank to increase its capital." Permission was granted to withdraw the petition of Samuel Hammond for compensation for military commissions. .. > * ^ Leave of absence was^granted to Mr,t Whatley after to morrow. Mr. Colcoek from the Committee on Education, reported on so much of the Governor's Message as refers to elementary Schools, and also on the Reports of the Commissioners7 of Free Schools, which were agreed to. r Mr. Frost, from the Comjpittee on Internal Improvements, made Reports, on the petition of Jacob Bookman aod others : On a Resolution to enquire into the propriety of^making ag appro piriation for opening Saltketcher River, and also on so much of the Report of the Superintend an t of Public Works as relates to the ^Saluda Mountain Road. ^ * 1 The House cptjsidered^&nd agreed to the following Resolution which was sent to the Senate for concurrence : " Resolved , That it is expedient to increase the ? salary of the Superintendant of Public Works to the sum of Two Thousand Dollars." * - / ^ Mr. McCord submitted the following Resolution which was agreed to and or dered to the Senate for concurrence: "Resolved, That theStateHouse Keeper, under the superiutendance of the Richland Delegation,- cause a Bar to be erected m the rear of the large columns in the House of Representatives, with gates for the convenience of passage." e The House granted leave to the Senate to amend the Report of the Commitfcpe on Claims on the Petition of J. B. Covington, by striking out $759 58 and inser ting $-140 22-. ? , - Tbe Seriate returned to this House the following Reports which were concur red in : j . . * Report of the Committee on Public Buildings on the Petition of John Doug lass: / * " Reports of the Committee on Internal Improvements on a Resolution respecb, in g certain Maps of the State, in Philadelphia, and on a Resolution directing * them to report on the expediency of making an appropriation -ior: improving thfc ^navigation of the Waterreeand Catawba Rivers: Report of the Judiciary Committee ou the propriety of releasing Simon Ver diertrom his liability as bail for Wm. Tanner : . Report of the Comraj&tee on Claims on the :fftcount of J. R. & W. Cunning ham: ' ?* ? &-?>. . Report u|* the SpecialJoint Committee on the Publication of the Journals:^ Report of the Committee of Ways and Means on the ~petit^"x?f'P?er J, Shand, and aRepork of the same Committee on the petition^ of John Wal ker; and,, '' Report of the Committee on Roads, on the petition of sundir citizens oF eaufort praying a new road, and on a Resolujia^tu encjtiftre tt^jpthe expedi of purchasing tbe. Union Ferry TurIjpiki^iRpad r ^4. Senate sent lb, this House fe e incurotice the Beiiort of ,the#Commit tee Ofmternal lm ^ipyem^fQts, on a Resolution dire^ing ah enquiry into the caq^e d^ie dilapidatSfe^tJtte of tke itoad across Vance's Ferry Report of ^fe^same Confmitteb -ob the petition of sundry citizens of Sumter. District, prayfhj^fr iatiufrlo clear out Lynche's t^eel^"" % Report of the ^^ommittee m tbe Superintendent's - I ?/ ? ^ ' " V5- ? '"S" ? ^.'.rv ? . ? - . M iTituk'' ... -.-v. ency oi increasing r ne annua i appropni Report ?i* apj of Pee Dee River, atttij^ii^rfif th^^moHtee:^! Fee so much ofilie Goirernofo Me^g^&ridfcte^ ^Mexico which were ordered ?> be laid en* the table, and that tfee1 The "Report of the CommitteaouFederaVRelafcioV-^ ; f ffihAiar "in 4io /U i. ?.-n to the Site of Fort Sifrfmer, in tjbe Harbor^f Committee on F ede^irf Retetio^s.^ " T lie Report of tha' eommilteeen Finstaiife on Una ( "anal and RaiMload Company, w& rrf ? and Means. ' cr'vv 'WN& - '? .^2-jCTx. -jt <3orapafcy? IIU .The report of tli&: Com members of the Cannlenrft Roads. The report of th# ral on the Lutflfoiaf'* * AtRes# tiiion -J%ji, * f&wim7rocKaii5^ \za& mshu Mr. R was Si* !iaf the: ~ i. , . iti// -Senate, on totbeC< of the At the^Somifiittee -JS\ ~r JZ'zui&it msi the Senate ,. G. Mills submitted a E^soluuon which was agreed to 1 ate far concurrence, reqatfft^ w tfemflifclfcimeis of ^?: Gran , the 4th Section, which exempts 6fficers:w&>K?*e jfetve4t3 Militia duty, the YeaS fsc Nays wererequiest^%w^re?^ft foL. AYp;S? Arnold, Barry, Barton, Berry.. Br6eklgi^bcii^58ili Crawford, Cross, Dudley, Edmonton,!). H. E4wardt"',jrI*x Gib>on, Giliam, Goodiett, Goodwyn, Uarllee, ixmg, M'Cord, M'Dompli, Maxwellr MeansyR. G. Mill*, Lr .. ?.Tr,rgPr.^V)rai Moore, Murdough, Perry, Porcher, Powe, Rainey, Seymour, -SWidaa^ymme^ AJ son, Whiufiekl. Willson, WiVlierspoon ? 3L . ? . . ^ - NAYS. ? Adams, / lston, Aitfiur,, Belin, Boozef, Bowels, Bufon^ &fcrtl,? Caldwell, Coachman, Crockett, J. Douglas?, D. Dou^ass, . Duncan, Durant, English, Ervin, j. Fa;r, Fnppi Gayio, ^GibsootHnx^ifl^H*i^~J Memminger, M u r ra v, Ne#l, J. Palmer, S. Jf.' Pa!m?c, - ? ? ?? *? m. _ ?, nr f v.. ...? question salary of Adjutant and'Irispector General) ? JWRjgpfe f*7f?e w&tfwmyitk ilicsn*'' : ??? were requested and are as follows: v _ YEAS? Arthur, Barrj;, Barton, Berty, Boozer, Broekman, Burgess, Caidwelf^ Crawford, Crockett, en 'mtm. Ri?gfa?j, Ellis, English, Ervin, Evins, J. Fair, Gavm, G^bbo^ Glenn, Hoy, Jeter, Kern, Levy', I^ngy MasweHj **** IVeel, B. F. Perry, Philfps, Reed, Scot!, g Boyce, Buchanan, BuH, Carr,f Goadhmanf Cofcock,' Edwards, J. D. Edwards, Eltnore, Fripp, Frost, Gilium, Jone.?, Ker, Laborde, Lenoir, K. G. Mills, Oiis Mills, M A. Moofe, iMurdougifef Perry, Petigru, Porcher, ^^, R&^i^.;Rip!e^^j||^| Smith, Sfmbharl, Tyler, Wighill^WHfter^oonj' The Bill was then read the second time; v The House then took up *a Bill to incor^rafe Uief Steam Packet Company," which wjb re?d the 6eoond time,:: Senate. - - ^ 1 : ^ V?r-^ - The Report of the Committee on the South Carolina <0?JTlegeJ on the communication of the Pt?sident of the ; Board o^ Tri South Carolina College," 4n relation to an appropriation "for &mniittee tO- < into the sy??tem of elementary education, and to reports to ture, which was ; agreed to, |ind thc following gentlemen ap mitiee. - ? * v * *' ' :^0Ei Messrs. Alston, Philips, JSenjamin F. Perry, Broylesj Laborde Richardson, Boozer aniUYoang: * y " #-r JVlr. Joties submjiipd Resolutions establishing places of Ele< inof^a Commissioner of Free Schools for -Laurens District, to and orderea to the Senate. "i4' " r " ; The report of the Committee on Accounts, against the U] then considered anciagreed to, and ordered to the Senate, i * pL^Committee on Vacant OflScc?f^e_ VUUIIUI93IUI1CI ypj Jquity for WiHiamsburg District, is vacalrf^ The report Commitfee ori Accounts, against thtr the^ Senate, ^as concurred ^invr' '* - Read a second time, <{A Biil to ameild the 1aW in relati packin ^ " ***** ?* ?? -? ;v as p? - ^ 5WW r~- . K ig of Co A message tered to be s^nt to the S^rate> X\. UiC^oagC/ ^viuviyu fcv ^ ^ . ^ ejection tomorrow for Commissioners for Marlboro ^ Chest liamsburgh, and for State Reporter. * J < Adjourtied. "? ? 1 ^ Zr SENATE. ^ -'A . r * .. .. Th^ Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Leaye of absence was granted to the Senator from and after to-moiTow. ^ v ? Vr-^rT-.^.T^ , . " A Bill to incorporate certain societies, and, rid ters df certain villajges," was read the seeond tinj^ ^ Mr. Patterson submitted a resolution fixing the tern be hereafter granted. Ordered for consfde^tipa jpae Mr. Evaus submitted a resolution appotfiti^f election, in MarigU ,\whici was^agreed to a^f^sent to the^ The House sent for concurrence, the rejgdrts the on petitions of J. Gunierj AdinV of N. Gutter, and Mai7 the Committee on Pensions. A*So, the r " Improvements, on the memorial of the To the Columbia Canal i referred t^ -Com"^'*1 A resolution to penult -tlie. Solicitor the State, was rfferred t< "A Bill to prevent thj? ^ frdm ft^udulent ^ 2 & BiUto-ine^ v ^ >v for other purposes," were ^ * " v " ^ BiH to equalise .^mm and referred to the #o$itottee cm FifianceK 4^HIH Colleton^^oiri ii %bifch * Sijji [yiiupimft ?tj. I^ Us^beeUt from ' ' ^"v ' '"t*-.'' ii . r seamenj and to protect sailors W*lr ti of Charie8tob, atkl inferred to the Judicial^ vi'T JT-*V was read the .first timL1 u A Bill to alter ai ^ JL X/Il' L L ^ ^ within the Parishes ot St. jPhitJffe mentioned."' ? ^ .Jff: 11 A Bill to prevent tlie i "A Bill eiawin relatioit Magistrtles an< awm u.''- v ii I f TihtW IfflT pent to the