THE SO?THEffN INDICATOR - ~ -i-~^T~7T^AT?BP?Y> ItARCH 4th, 1922 NUMBER 1? TOLUME XXIVj 1 CpLUMBtA ? ^-SAlu J|_ PAPER READ BY MRS M. L-l MOORE -RESOLUTIONS BY THE CHURCH AID AND MISSIONARY SOCIETIES. The sad occasion which has brought together this corii course of bereaved relativer and sorrowing ?friends is buf the sure and sojemn declaratio: of the brevity we too shall our outgrown s of life and thgt some day"leaj;' lell by life1 if e's iii resting sea." &s often? as fa are ushered injfco the presence of death, we a|re made to Ae as did the Psalmist of *Jd when he said, "we spend .Duj years as a tale jthat is told" kn despite our feajr and dread o the grim monster, we are con stantly stopping along the patl of life and looking around t( find that those ?at our side hav< slipped away jfrom us to bi seen no more, j We journey 01 and very soon j another leave us and still another until w< find ourselves j gone. As wit! man, so with everything earth ly for there isj nothing lastini in earth. For ?this reason Pau warned us to det our affection, on things abqW. With thes conditions everj present with u surely if we Jiad not hope ii God, we wouldj be of all crea tures most miserable. We feel that the form whicl now lies before us realize, these things i? the early year, of her life an^ started out fo. that city whope "Builder anc Maker is God, ' and that toda} she is enjoying the grandeur thereof. It is not in tjhe mind of an in dividual to tfill what is the course of the j hf e of a human being, Only (jiod knows oui destiny. Little did Hattie Viola Roach jknow that hex years of preparation as a stu dent here in tljiis city were onh - the means of preparing her foi | service in this vineyard; tha her daily contact with th ana women of tha "nobleness an<| sweetness o character that! would make he a fit subject tcj become the ger erous neighbor that she ha proved to be ijn the communit where she ha^ lived; that th union of two ijiearts would gi\ to the world ai young life who: we feel the limage has bee stamped for Service; and tha the end of h^r earthly caree should find I her actively er gaged as a faithful member c the Second Calvary Church. In speaking? of her excellent as a christiaii worker here, w would mentioh her large heart edness in thje service of he, Master. She) was too intered ted in the cajuse to confine he labors to onej particular spher of church lif0 but in everythin where work J was to be done she was there to do her part Her earnestr ess and unselfisl determinatioi to make thing; count is laso worthy of emula tion. Surely she must hav< leaned hard ion the Everlastini arm for thej success of her en deavors, sepjecially during th closing scen?s of her life fo it was clearjly noticed that fo sometime h^r physical strengt was growing weaker. Sh seemed to h&ve felt the shoi time that stte had to finish he work on eajth by the way sin went about lit. Her though fulness for| others as to the welfare arjd happiness wi beautiful inj the extreme. Tl crowning ?oint in her who life seemed}to have been h< faithfulness. In the earlh years of heh life, she must ha^ acquired thjis virtue for to h faithfulness seemed a matt of course..1 She was one those wom?n who to find at h post was jiust natural-thai alT. Anything else would ha been anything but natural. . president f the Church A Club, she \^as held in the hig est respect! by those that ma up that Organization. It mi have firsi entered into 1 mind the heed of such a cl and from the day of its orga zation 'till now it has ste ready to Jielp where help v needed. No call too urgent, home duties too great, not e^ physical weakness kept 1 TIE VIOL; from her meetings. What a benign influence she has exert 3d over the members of this lock! We have suffered a Treat loss but it is her and heaven's gain. The death an ?el bade her body cease but it ould not touch that noble hristian character which is eft on record for us. May we 1?re re-consecrate our lives to Iis service and feel that all hings work together for good o them that love God. Resolutions. Whereas God in His wise rovidence has seen fit to r? nove from us Sister Hattie /iola Roach and, Whereas we are deeply rieved and shall feel the loss n every department of our .hurch, Be it resolved, That we bow in submission o the Divine will, that we ex cess our sympathy to the ereaved family by sending hem a copy of these resolu ions commending them to the are of our Heavenly Father /ho alone can bring peace and omfort to troubled hearts, and That the same shall be enter id upon the roll book of the rganizations of the church of vrhich she was a member. Approved by the Church Aid ]lub and Missionary Society. Mrs. Hattie Green. Mrs. Luvenia Brown, Mrs. M. L. Moore, PHE LIFE AND PASSING OF MRS. J. A. ROACH. (By Mrs. N. P. Russell). On Thursday evening at eleven ;wenty the news was flashed ar and near of the death of Irs. Hattie Viola Roach, (nee Williams). The suddeness of ier death was a shock to ivery one as she had attended Church on Sunday morning last md seemed to be in her usual ;ood health, tho a little weaken ed from, the strain of practice Cantata, Queen Esther that wai anderea at the Church on Fri ay evening, the 17th. Mrs. Roach had not been very -ell for sometime but she kepi n the go not willing to give up :r activities in Church work, .nd other affairs for the up ailding of the community, he was an energetic woman iving ali of her time to others ie did not live for nor to her ?If. Her heart and her life /ere wrapped up in her husband er home, her Church. In any affair that served to i in the betterment of condi ons anywhere, she was a :ader. the was a good daugh ar, a kind and affectionate wife , loving mother and sister, and n excellent neighbor. Hers /as a sympathetic nature, she /as always willing to listen to he troubles of others and tc ive advice. She ministered tc he sick at all times when she vas able. Mrs. Roach did not leave 2 ying testimonial, she did nol i I eed to-her life was her test^ 11 aonial, as she lived, so she die al V Good Woman, A Christi' i fi Vornan, beloved by- all V5 E 1 .new her. / . I On the twenty-ninth of ?\ al 908, she was married tr** L?l ames A. Roach, of Sum? S. 113. To this union two c/rePi /ere born. One of r?J^: iessalene, preceded her JT u j rave, in her infanc/ jc| ther, Sy i vesta, surviV ^irs .oach leaves also a mrr' **us~ and, three sisters,/ee ?ro~ hers and a host r/rrowin? elatives. Mrs. Roach was?n,atl^n Ol-.erson, S. C., Ju?f?v I83' ei|iie was the dayfrw?frRev kl aid Mrs. RichZL Williams, vel 1er father di?8? a sh^rt Zl vhile before hefeT** T She ^ 5?| .ttended scho/^f0* ?^-n tl ute and Ben?C^e> *W Jelioth of whi in the c c feoagHjB NO M I M MEMORY OF HATTIE VlOlf* ROACH .1 E npak rleasa?^py of the departed. In It is easy to sp^ v. ; tlie^world become in saying reality, so accustomed hi th? beautiful only about ything else. Therefor? eem what may be spo?v de?d. In writing these : wtiich was true of the sui is read, I want the readei overdrawn. - -o ;?ad, that we seldom expect .esquite often too lightly or Witten about the worthy .r liras, I shall say that only ?ect of this article and when it to ieil that the picture is not way, we are forced to drawn. caking in ?fe way, we are forced to Too, often m speaK ? to fce effec? strain our imaginatio or carefully read. t t?at we have the tu_ It is a ?n a person from early childhood, roi where children unconscious lilli jr vi . taught her in the class room wiro cmioren unconscious ly reveal the traits of that early lite; then to be associa ted with her in the Sunday behool and as her pastor where a knowledge of her religious life is had first hand; to live on the same street within speaking distance of her and watch her pass from childhood to Womanhood; to know her social life and fmady when she has decided to allow her life to blend withins and the two become one and then to be called upon to stand at the altar and perform that sacred rite that unites soul with soul in the bends of holy matrimony; then to watch such a life in after vears, seeing her as partner with her husband in bi.siness, as a faithful and affectinate wife, a kind and ditiful mother; to watch her christian life with her ne ighbors and in her church-to see one in these varied walks of life ought actuate the looker-on to be able to speak with authority. Such was my knowledge of Hattie Viola Roach. As a child, in short, from her youth up I can truthfully say that she measured up to all that might be expected of one in the midst of the con flicts of a sin-afflicted world like this. Therefore, it gives nie genuine pleasure not often had in giving these testimonials in memory of Hattie Viola Roach, formerly of Columbia, S. C., but now of sainted memory. Ou?Syes are too dim and our knowl edge of the enthroned is too l&aited to speak at length about departed spirits. HenccL?iir words must be few and caretully employed. If the life lived in the fie was a shadow or forecast of \ in the spirit, while the shado sweetest paeans, chanted by perfect greeted her and upon wlas carried into the presence Jy pattie Viola Roach J tie that she now lives 3|^ief and intense sor ta .thUL-ctegce ;eaven*s lips of the just made pinions of angels she lim who wipes away all teiars there to abide through jit endless ages. She is not here. But the fragranc emanating from her beautiful life is a benediction D ?ll who knew her. We grieve ^hen we think that sh hs left us. But we re joice 16 know that her spirit i ?sb in Heaven. Peace to hier ashes. ! J. J. STA IKS, President Moif is College, Sumter, S. C. / active much It d to which she gave sc her time. be truthfully said tha' Mrs. /bach, "So lived that whei her / limons came to join thi Bnu/^al caravan that move, to ht mysterious realm when eaj/ shall take his chamber ii tw silent halls of death, sh ,/rt not like the quarry slave j jiight, scouraged to his dui oh, but sustained and sooth by an unfaltering trust ap y roached her grave like one 'who ^rapped the drapery o ms .couch about him and la; iown tp pleasant dreams. Tas^ A. ?ELEGRAMS AND MESSA GES OF CONDOLENCE. Hartsville, S. C. Roach, ard announcing untimely deatf )f wife just received. Sad new: ;arrie as a profound shock to us n your hours of bereavernen ve extend our heartfelt sympa ihy. God is an ever presen time of trouble and ma; 3e be your comfort now. H. H. Butler. or all. Aiken, S. C., Feb. 27, 1922. Dear Bh>. Roach: We feel how feeble words of consolation from us, would be to Tou in this, your hour of trial.! fou have possibly sustained one >f the greatest losses of man Mrs. Hill joins me in prayer Your friends, R?v. and Mrs. A. W. Hill. I ames We >ecause are Chester, S. C., Feb. 25 '22.1 Roach: | in deepest sympathy^ of death of wife. . L. Finley and Wife. ^ > reenwood, S. C., Feb. 26, '22 )*r Mr. Roach : fews of the death of your n e came to us this morning, k ! a thunderbolt from a clear kr. The People's Recorder rc 5 the messenger. You, your e r little daughter and rela id ss have all the sympathy we a: i extend. Had we known in ir ie, at least one and possibly o |h would have attended the 'u:?eral. The Southern train. ;u ; last chance to go, passed be oife we read it today. Respectfully yours $r. and Mrs. H. A. Peterson. Morehouse College, Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 25, 1922. lear Mr. Roach: You and Sylvesta have my ?eepest sympathy in your be .eavement. Indeed the news )f your loss was a shocking sur prise to me. The debt paid by your dear vife is inevitable for all of us md since it is God's regular outine of work I trust you will o ali to shun much grief. Yours, W. F. Williams. r Rock Hill, S. C., Feb. 24, '22 Ifr- I A. Roach, Columbia, S. C. 3ear Bro. Roach: Intelligence reached me this norning of the sad demise of ?our Wing wife, and I am writ nST to express my sincere sym pathy, A good wife is heaven's choicest blessing to man. I am >vrs you will miss yours indis 'nbably. But I would remind nutf you that God is able to leal the broken heart and dry he tailing tears. And may rou look to Him for strength )RE - The P Of A Us? Mrs. Hattie Viola Williams Roach departed this life Thurs day night Feb. 23rd, about ll :30 o'clock, after a brief illness of a few days-rather hours. Al though she had been in some what failing health for somefl time, the end came as a result of a brief attack of "acute gas tritis." Truly a host of friends wrere in constant attendance throughout her illness and shared in the hopeful vigil to the end-the sad end. Her mother had arrived the day be fore in response to a telegram, which for some unaccountable reason she was expecting. The anxious husband and sweet little daughter were all present to carry out the orders of her most excellent physician, Dr. M. A. Evans assisted by Dr. N. A. Jenkins and another special ist and one of the best trained nurses in the hope of restor ing their dear one to normal physical condition. But all to no avail. Mrs. Roach had finished her course. It has been the privilege of but few women to lend so much to so many worthy causes and laudable undertakings in so orief a life. Her whole life was a positive factor for good;! and in that it was a most wor-y thy and needed example, at chis time especially. The funeral services were held Sunday, Feb. 26th, at the ?Second Calvary Baptist Church of which she was a model mem ber at 3:30 o'clock, Hardy ano Manigault, Undertakers in charge. Funeral March, Miss Alma Bailey, Organist. Song-"I would not live al ways," Choir. Scripture Lesson,-Dr. N F. Haygood of Sidney Park C M. E. Church. Prayer,-Dr. J. C. Dunbar 1st, Nazareth Baptist Church Hymn,-"Come Ye Discon l??dP?e^LChoir. Telegrams and Messages ol Condolence, Dr. R. W. Manee president of Allen University Hymn,-Asleep In Jesus,' by Choir. Sermon: Texts, John XI\ 1-3 and Phil. 1:21 by Rev. H M. Moore, D. D., Pastor. Remarks: Mrs. J. J. Starks of Sumter, (former teacher o Deceased). Anthem: "Shes Gone," Choir Paper,-Mrs. M. L. Moore Church Aid of which decease was president. Solo,-"Face to Face,, Mr. E E. Cornwell. Paper,-Mrs. N. P. Russell to stand in this your hour c jrief and pain, ieed, the City of Columbia, be hard to fill, Second Calvar jut our loss is heaven's gain. Yours in sympathy, C. P. T. White. Columbia, S. C., Feb. 25, '21 My dear Bro. Roach : With a bowed head and a sa-: heart, we write you these line: of sympathy on the death o vour devoted wife. I kno\ words are inadequate to re nove or mitigate the dark clou that shrouds your heart. Bul remember that "The Lord o? Host is with you and the God o? Tacob is your.refuge." I feel that you have lost a de voted wife and a helpmeet in leed, the City of Columbia,^ business leader whose place wil e hard to fill, Second Calvar; baptist Church a faithfu worker , a devoted Christian but our loss is heaven's gain. You have our prayers and we oray God that He will give you sustaining Grace and that yoi may be able to say, "Thy will be done." Yours in deep sorrow, Rev and Mrs. N. F. Haygood. Columbia, S. C., Feb. 26, '22. Dea. J. A. Roach and Family, Dear Sir: My heart goes out to you inl sympathy on; account of thel] sickness and death of your wife. I regret that I can't attend the funeral. God will take care of you and yours. Dea. D. D. Mozie. eaceful End ful Life Solo,-"One Sweetly Solem? Thought," Mrs. Mamie Sum ners. Remarks,-Dr. D. F. Thomp son, pastor of 1st, Calrary baptist Church and Dr. R. W. ?aylor. Song,-"Sister Thou wait nild and lovely." Song,-Fade, Fade each earthly joy, Jesus is mine." Rev. Richard Carroll wai ab lent on account of a prerious mgagement and reached tha ity too late to be present. The services were concluded it the Randloph Cemetery. The mound was a veritable >ank of the loveliest of flowers, md as lovely as they wera, hey but faintly expressed tha ligh esteem in which Mrs. loach was held by the innum erable host of her friends and icquaintances. She has gone from us but 1er life will remain a bright md beckoning light to hishar md nobler living while sha en oys the blessed inheritance af ;he redeemed saints. Among the out-of-town visitors wereid Mrs. Lena J. r?dow of the late Rev. Rich mond Williams of Seneca, S. C., Mrs. Roach's mother; Miss latie Williams of Atlantic City M. J.; Mr. Roger Williams of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Rosa lamilton and daughter of Ak anta, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Syl rester Williams of Seneca, S. C. \Ir. and Mrs. James Williams md daughter of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. Rosa Williams of Seneca, grandmother of deceased; Mr. ind Mrs. R. H. Roach, parents )f Mr. Roach ; Mrs. Lila Towns, Mrs. Annie Patterson, Atlan ta, Ga.; Misses Ida and Lila Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Malichai Duncan, Boykin; Mr. Andrew ?Roach, Mrs. D. M. Dye, Heath Spring, S. C.; Mrs. Corrina Durant, Sumter; Mr. and Mrs. fames Bates of Camden, Mr. \rthug. Mi ,_ College, Sumter, Mr. R. W. Vestberry, Mr. S. Howard, and Mr. T. B. Wright of Sumter, Mrs. E. C. Thomas of Seneca md Rev. L. M. Keitt, Charb on, S. C. The floral offerings were nu nerous and lovely and came rom far and near as well AS Ad the messages of condolence. The following acted as pall earers: Messrs J. H. Goode, 5. Z. Asman, C. H. Simons, L. \.. Hawkins, G. H. Hampton, D. I. Starks, H. E. Taylor, L. B. rVoods. R. W. Jackson. Sumter, S. C., Feb. 25, '22. F. A. Roach: We extend our sympathy to rou in this hour of your sore )ereavement. Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Garrick. Sumter, S. C., Feb. 24, '22. T. A.% Roach, Heidt Street, Columbia, S. C. We are pained to hear of the leath of your dear wife. Want :o attend funeral. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Starks. Saturday. Dear Mr. Roach: lust read a letter from Mrs. helson telling me of Ola's leath. My, I can't find words ;o what a shock, for I had heard ?othing of her being ill. I am oo sorry and you have my leart full of sympathy in this ;errible trouble. All the children join me in ;ympathy and I am sure Henry viii be terribly shocked when he ?ears of it. I am real nerveocs and can't say more. Always, C. E. Dougherty. Washington, D. C. Chester, S. C., Feb. 28, '22. Dear Mr. Roach : Ola's death came to us as a distinct shock, for we had just parted a few days ago after a real jolly meeting. We deeply sympathize with you and your dear little daugh ter in this great affliction, Continued on Page 4.