. i. . . ipp / ^ ".' THE SOUTHERN INDICATOR 4 ?i. v. VOL VIII COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 15th, 1913 NUMBER 18 _.-? .' ? _:-,-._ r-CRE^t MEETINB-J?F^G?L OREO 'WOMEN OF STATE ?it? eral Hundred Women ather At Darlington In The Fifth Annual Session Of The Colored Women's Clubs-Next Annual Ses sion Will Be Held In Col umbia June 191?* Orangeburg, June 22,- With the falling of the president's gavel and the Singing "God be with you till we meet again, " ended the greatest annual meet ing of The State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, in the history of the state. Darlington celebrated in gala fashion the successful ending of the meet ings by giving a great banquet Friday night. The reports showed nearly $4,600 raised for all purposes during the fiscal year. Over $600 were raised for educational pur poses. There were 50 clubs re porting this year, where only a b??t half soj^Py reported last year. Mar? ?raineat visitors were r^?| Bm all parts of of thiJ nrdcr states. Spjfl H were read by w<^/M WtWlWt given careful stiKl^HpiTO federation work. Presidenx Marion B. Wilkinson's annual address was a master piece. Mrs. Anna Andrews, gaper on recollection of the Na tional Federation that met at Wilberforce was fine. Mrs. N. H. Collins* paper on Why The Federation ? was all that could be desired. The Sunlight Club of Orange burg led all other clubs of the state in the amount of money raised during the year showing a total of $473. Charleston was a i* 'TNo one could possibly appreci ate the amount aiYd kind of Wort carried on by, the; Federated clubs of the stateunless he wer? present at th? annual meetings, The sessions began with reports being made from clubs from al parts of the state. T?cese reports continued to come in until th? last meeting Friday. , The conse ' Ration qi these women as showi '\Jyy theirreports/ is. marvelous One- is;k madat^to believe that a last.th^wbmeniof the state am the Soi^ "' nd have struck thei .P^M; T?Wa#iiW?? of.th Pr<=\ Vinvd are tFch anatur th?tX .Moyd.^lM a question o ti'm?^hV^1;T" .erated Club Will ?ove^ei ;easthed?v ! ^fche grass, .?z^. ? m. , .No other organization in . th state conducts its business o: such a High plane of efficiency a does the State Federation. T& women^eem to have profited * the>Tkakes of the men an leap*% %ft?^et together, trans i ^^.'D?}|ihe8^^)i.. ?apidity, wit? . out thfc tflany- a^noxing feature . that so qften acccJn^p?ny the larg s gatherings o? men?. m J-uiSoiip Carolina's womep hav tak?n a foremost part in the gre? work :*of ' re-yiving the Rur? Js?hop)s. of the state. Long ag If?r .women of great vision an "??resight saw that in ord( .' to have a superior civilzatioi built upon a firm basis the chili ron must be trained pgtoerly i their primary schools!^A car ful investigation revealed tl fact that the schools of this stai were the poorest in the countr when it c*me to the color? people. In many places itw; found that the people did n even receive^one whole month training. The schools were foui * to be-in the hands of very incoi petent te?chers. The federatw : set about j? improve these u happj^conditions. The result i in many : rural communities tl local clubs have extended tl terms of the schools and in sor instances "Home Economics'^ ' "Agriculture" have been add to the course. A' young lady w .give* her entire time next year fostering of this Extension ff v ture of the federation's, wor '/Her salary and traveling ern* ? ees will be met by the State-* : .?cultural and Mechanical ?i?te for colored youths at Orange!" ui The federation went pn rtivt as being heartily in fr.vor (?1 State Reformatory for Ne boys. ? committee .\,s apo' cd to meet simil; ?* committ from the. Palmetto Medical As sociation and the State Business League. -'A standing committee was organized with Dr. J- H. Leevy of Florence, chairman, and Prof.- Ben j. F.. Hubert of Orangeburg, secretary. This committee is empowered to wait upon the governor of the state at some time to be arranged by the secretary and lay the claims of the Negro boy before him and solicit his support in the cam paign to be waged for this much need (reformatory. Committees wiil be appointed in every county of the state who will wait 'upon their representatives and secure their co-operation in the effort to be made. Much can be said in praise of the way Darlington entertained the delegates The delegates one and all were of the opinion that the federation had never been so well entertained before. Mesdames Collins, Gordon, Jen kins and the pastors of the churches Revs. Calahan, Scott, and Rev. Perrin with the host of others who assisted, seemed never to tire in trying to make things pleasant for the visitors. The slogan for the coming year is "A club in every town and community of the state, and these clubs represented at the meeting in Columbia June 191G.'* On to Columbia in 1916! What club will carry the best report? BUDGET OF NEWS FROM GAFFNEY. Gaffney, June 2. -On the 9th and 10th. inst. Morning Sta Chapter number thirteep, O, E S, were entertained by tne Grand chapter of the state, Sir Knight Bro. E. J. Sawyer and Hon ladw G. E. Thomas; in fact all of tm grand officers were at their post xcept Hon Jady_J3L M--WxteH? i Spartanburg, who was absent on account of death in the fa ly. The public services at ton Chapel and Limestone a treat to the people of thsflfcitv. The Rev. Mr. R. F. Fre?^Fand Dr./SA. Al Sims know hj^to wel come visitors to the city.'' ( Revs*.*R.,;B. Beaty, ? O. Allen and Dr,. Sims were? the pastors who attended 'the Baptist state convention at" Newberry from Gaffney.* Mesdames L. A. Gafiney and Beaty l?av'? here to-morrow for the Women Baptist state conven tion at Florence. The colored people of Cherokee county will-n'?ld.ra county fair this fall.-, ?rus fair associrtior was i?unched by Rev. Richard Carroll in 1913. Let all in teresi na; begin now for another count} [Mr.; l?y'Last week was one of interesl -with the people of the city hVth< installation of Rev. J. O. Allen of Green viile, as pastor of Bethe Baptist church, Great sermon! and speeches of welcome wen ma$rd a rro nt ees ! aria Missionary Concert at Fin Calvary. Then /rill be a concert give at Fire Calvary Baptist churcl Sunday night July 4th by . tl missionary society, ^he public cordially invited to attend. > admission but a collection will 1 lifted. Mrs. L. M. Woodson presider Mrs. Lillie Isom. secretar BAPTIST S. S. AND B. Y. P. U. CONVEN mm Important Information Con cerning The Convention To Meet At Beaufort Next Month. Darlington, June 22^- The Ex ecutive Board of the S? S. and B. Y. P. U. Convention ? at its last sessionset apart the first Sunday in July as rally day for trie^ Sun day schools of the state.','!Af*^ means of raising more money for the work of the contention, tfae board asks further that each Sunday school of the state ob serve the first Sunday in July as a special convention day; hold ing special exercises touooing on the work of the State S. Con vention. The board asks further that the money raised in this special rally be sent to the Cont vention which meets at Beaufort 15-18. The board sets its mark at one thousand dollars Let every school rally that this amount be raised at this coming convention. This can be done if every school will do its duty. The following persons have pledged; Rev. J. C. White $25, Dr. H. M.'*Moore; $25, Supt. O E. Manigault; $25, Mrs. Ellen Curtis; $25. Rev. J. H. Walker; $25 Miss M. J. Brock; $25, Prof. George Pegues; $25, Dr. J J. Durham; $25, Rev. S J. Rice, $25, E V. Averv; $25, Rev. D F. Thompson, $5, Rev. A. H. ^Pinkney, Greenwood $5. The program for the convent on has been published in the papers and notices are being sent to each participant. We urge that each one selected by pbard do his or her djty, not only to be present but putting ( his very best.into the tasl^ win or^u, ^eT"fhlltr* theTconvention might be a g^eat spirtual and intellec tual feast. Let no one hesitate pp attend this convention on ac count of fears of fever; there is no danger of fever at Beaufort a'ufort is really a health resort, ^portant as to railway accom itiwns; It is advisable that delegates going to Beaufort travel on block tickets. All delegates above New berry should meet at Greenwood and go from there to Beaufort over the C. and W. C. * R. R. ar rangements will be made for a special cajvQyer this line. The president, ^tev, H. M. Moore will see to purchasing of block tickets. Write him if you are going to Beaufort. All delegates who are going through Columbia sho'ild pur chasaa block .ticket from Col umlmj&to Beaufort. Rev. J. C. Whi^HfeColumbia will make ar ran e?ml?iits at that point. All delegates of the Pee Dei section will purchase a blocP ticket to Beaufort. The write] will make arrangements at thai point. Ministers who use permits an requested to travel on a block ticket where they are needed t( help make out the number. Th? rate will be the same. If any school cannot observw the first Sunday in July as rall: day, the board asks the seconc be used. We urge that ever: union be represented by delegat or letter. Morris College :shoul< be especially remembered b: every school; foreign mission should not be forgotten by an; one. For further informatioi write the president or correspond ing secretary. Rev. H. M. Moore, president. Anderson. Rev. Wm. Howard correspond secetary Darlington. st BARNWELLNEWS. Barnwell, June 23.-?On th second Sunday Rev. B. Levistei B. D. of Orang?burg filled th pulpit of the Bethlehem Baptis church and preached a po werf i sermon both* morning and nigl which were very much enjoye by a large congregation. Mrs. M^B. Eve visited ip,Allel dale last week and while ' thei she paid an official call on tl Allendale "Household of Rui and gave them some helpful forniation. In Barnwell county we can ii y.'deed Fay we are living in tl land of plenty for our truck farms, especially the cabbage farms have yeilded an hundred fold for tney have.actually been sold for 25 cent per wagon load and even given away by the loads to get them off the lands. Miss Louise Butler is visiting in Augusta. Miss Emmie Allen who has been taking a special course in music for the past two terms at Pain College. Augusta is at home again to the delight of her many friends^, Oh the third Sunday our pul pit was graced with the presence of Rev. G R. Mallog, A. 1$. B. D. And the sermons he preached while here will not soon be for gotten for they were filled with the Holy Qhost, sa much so that our hearts burned while this man of God preached. Mrs. M. B. Eve, Mrs. Sallie Cowen and Miss Gertie Nix leave this, week for Flounce to attend the Woman's State Convention. Mr, Jas. Green ara deacon W. W. Ryan returned^ Friday from Charleston where they have been for several months employed hy the government. Mr. John Morris the Ass't. sup't ot the city's water and light plant has been in complete charge for the past month or more, on account of the illness of the Supt. and the whole of Barn well and especially the colored people are proud of the way in which he handles the plant. Miss Louise Gardner of Allen dale was the guest o? Miss Emmie Allen last week. 00T5 fROM_GREENWOOD. Th'eQueen Esther Cantata given at Mt. Pisgah A. M. E. church June 9 was quite .a suc cess, the'.-best local talents playee ^eir*pih^rw%H: ^a^tr^?f^msrse ters : Esther the Queen, Miss Necic B. Nance. Ahasuerous King, Mr. Thee Lynch. Mordecai, Dr. Minus, Homan, Mr. Goodwin. Zeresh, Miss Sadie Perrin. Prophetess, Miss Melrose La grown and others give credit ti f heir parts. They relized the sun 4)51.00. a? Mrs, Jackson of ?iken is gues of Mrs J V. Stewart this week Janett Moore, the promis ing son .of Mr. and Mrs Macl Moore, departed this life Jun 10 and buried Sunday. Our sym pathy goes out to the bereavei family/The decase was a mern ber of the K of P. Mr. Walter Moore of Birmin g ham Ala. was called home t the death of his nephew. Prof. J. W. Sanders of Till son college Austin, Texas, ii the delightful guest of Mis Mayme Williams. F* Moore of Mt. Pisga A. M. E. church was electe delgate to the electoral colleg wnich will convene in this cit July 7. Litt'e Miss Jinnie Willian has gone to spend a few week with her grand mother, Mr A?ornelia Robinson near Wai ?rShoals. Mrj*Hattie Weir leaves th weefflKr the mountains. P.?3v. Robinson of D?nale spent Sunday in the city gues of his Mrs. Caro Williams, 3( New Market street. JOSEPH MILLIGAN DEA Spring?jBjsL^?une. 19.-M Joseph ;;Mu|uH^ lived a consi mt christ^^Mt mcmoer of tl umaria BrafflKlfchurch and dil the faith^/pT our Lord. Re J? C. Giimore'