T? ' 'If : ? '*? | |v ' H ~~ p. . '. Bfc. -? ??M - - > v ' - 4r ... -;9 - Schedule ?f Sfi Ql AXD ifTM AC juSuSl Iejorlss to 10 ets or oootraets for gainst, WMXtopt fron l&Utitt in suits or legal are exempt from stem] Agreement or contract, ot mestio or inland bills i amp Duties. Exceeding 8 .??, i, lens. ssx$ *A**a*miM, Cbeok?Bank, tnorn, lick- Contract Brol inaurauoc a? sale of any g i stampduty. exchange, re prooeediuga of any kind p duty. by brokers bar than do. such, for eaol of lading. ?, of sale. 00 tons, and not ex- { to I tons, 6.00 | nan >0 tons, 10.00 Ordei oheclc, 2 cts am ker'a nolo or memorandum ot rasas oods or merchandize, por al estate, or property }>oi or description issued Ex< or persons acting as 50, ti note or memorandum An lOota fr? that upon a mortgage for the nuut remaining unpaid. for pnyuicnt ol money, if the ount n* $10 or over, 2 ecu gt- Ticket on any vessel from a t in the U. States to a foreign rt nut exceeding ?36, CO oen needing $36, and uot exceeding 1 00 d for every additional $60, or nlinnnl i^rl iltttron*' i? ?<> ROBINSON . Sic. * I?2K'I7 I No. Q38 H terprise X v Importing 1 oe of paper Bill or memo 10 same shall contract fc 6 aenta, bonds gold ai semen t, or promissory act shall bo rities made o sheet, or or bankers nta for eaoh of others oi al appraise* for each hi contract tiou&l part uue stamp aa of such sal Bill or memo r damage, or contract f< randura of the Bale or 60, >r the s.ilo of Blocks, f Pi or silter bulliou, co n, No notes, or other secu- eta ? by brokers, banks, Pawn , either for the benolit Powe r on ti.eir own aocount, tra indrcd dollars, or frao- or thereof, of liio amount dot: e or conirnct, lot p0we rnndum of tlto ealo or jug jr the sale of Htocka. ?? " " "*1 00 issapc tickets to ports in British rtli America do not require a mp.] er's Checks. r of Attorney, for the sale or usfer of any stock, bond or scrip for the collection of Auy diritds or interest thereon, 25 cen r of Attorney or proxy for vot; at any election for officers of Nearly opposite Victoria ] CbarleNfon, Houth C-'e J. P. ROBINSON. ^V. II.LI1N C Millinery and Fancy AT NEW YORK PH " 202 KINO smi Opposite I'nfriiii Slro? I of el, charles troilun. I 1 a. nelson : The Proprieto s-, South* Goods. $ue*1 entfrPr*ae Sout ICES. Southern House* giv SET WE OFFER AT R . * PARE FAVORA :l? vnnt' ddkil'u TON, 8. C. 1 rs are Native ?rner? h of Philadelphia. WiU i e ut their Patronage f V ATKS THAT COM- 1 HLYW1TH NEW A r I hDTTllO for ny othor purpos sheet of paper oa whU tea, Aviigameat of a Lnn, m original, and addii ttpoa the valae or ooa transfer, according to Deeds. (See Coareyai Assignment of Poller o: seme stamp as original (See Insuranoe ) Assist) mont of Mortiraee. e, for caeh bomit, gu Jh it it writ- coin, prom &cccit tecuritice, tame etamp property, ional stamp firm or co tideration of tpecial ta: the ratea oa banker, foi aoe.) or traction t Inturano^ amount of intrsutnonl Contract. (Sei Contract, ronoi . tamo alamo original in Id or silver bullion, iet; isnory notes, or other or noi liis or their own me tn&'Jc by any person, Powc mpany not paying a lec t as broker, bunk, or Powt ouo'j hundred dollars, vej al part thereof, of tho the such sale or couiraot, 5 cents. Powc 3 Agreement.) I po? nrnl of, same stamp as I [pi 4triim*nt ?1 r iuuui |fui iiii-u L-mu)j:tiiy or sooy, except religioui, charitable, literary societies, or public celeries, 10 con r of Attorney to recoiTo or oolt rem, 25 cen r of Attorney to sell and con' real estate, or to rent or lc-iso i same, 1.1 r of Attorney for any other puric, 00 cen ;r?. I paid hcfore the disaster happens. you to rebuild aud again conifi is. I yourself for life. Arc Y?u Insure JI i iiMiiU. CA* CHEMICALS, tf SPICES, &c.,' ~ MATELY OUK LI] y your house SINE small amount KE1 tnny enable u jrubly settle ONLY T1 '?! ? nuii i/ntuo^ MEDICINES, THAT LEGLTIBELONG TO t ME OF BU:ss, AND iP ON AND IB BEST as that required upon for the amount remain (See Mortgage.) Bank Cheok, draft, or 01 um of money drawi bank, banker, or truat eight or on demand, When drawn upon any er persons, oompani ations, for any sue 910, at sight er on < Bill of Einhtnni flnlm i a mortgage CoDTeyuuoc, c ling unpaitL writing, w anient*. c der for any ahull be gr i upon any ferred, or company, at or Tested 2 oents. pnrchnsors other person or persons, ea or oorpor- direction. \ n exceeding or vuluu d< lemnnd, 2 oenta* When the c irl\ lira ft ai* III nn.l <).> ?, rur leed, instrument, or art hereby any lands, ten- rec r other reality sold [8, anted, assigned, trans- I Prob otherwise conveyed to isii in tho purchaser or fee i, or iiny other person prt , by his, her, or their ap] trhon the consideration ed >es not exceed 5>'?0U, oft cents. fcx ousideration exceeds tiol 1 1 l"VAA 1 ..A ni'njr n application-" for bounties, carges of pay, or pensions, or eipts therelbr. require no ststnp. no, also, Warrant of Attorney ] ate of Will, or letters of adtniuratiou, where the estate and efts for or in respect of which such >h:itc or letters of administration plied tor shall be sworn ordeclarnot to exceed the vnlue of ;$:!000 1J reeding ?'2,00t> for every oddirial U)4H) or fractional part there A slight esposure in ay ho?te curly grave. anil your family left ties of un uncharitable world. :i ft save such a ui?astcr. Will you i when you can ? Arc You Tiimiuu A single pebble in the road ni?; i from labor for trout h.*?, and youi 0<\ ; sufler for the want of your du ' A single brick : ;ay fell and cms | recovery. ? "> >10 or 5? 1 "> per yea n you to an ^ ^aCKageS to the chari- ! COUIltry " >loU?r? will n. A.PRATT, Chemist 101 sure them Mining Bureau. 1. I P. B. WILSON, Chen Ml ) Department, r r any mem- Conveyance ? ti ipt, or other a deed, o denoe of an need* no atm 3 paid on de- Conveyance?c igaatod, for a deed does i 1O0, 8 cents. Credit, Letter ? nal 3100, or Hills of Excli of in excess Custom-lionso J - i f 001 r proof by n witness, to np Ke ertiticnto of record of din uot require u stamp. Prott >f. Same as Foieign ctq nnge. ma 11 .try, (See Entry.) Quii in excess or 2(MW), .>0 ccj lissory Nolo [See Bill of Kxinge, 1 iil>iii mem inr each week you are Uist I amount you pay 1"or Insurance, oi death from tin- accident it will is-iOOO or nil for tli small ainoiint. pt. Ave Y t Ootnpnnii,!i i States, nod lie will jrivo you pup that will prove the tact thai all hii J M. F. 1 ORD. . A-. ut for J i.. >i .1 i.w.. i -? ? ibled,the full and in cue CO M MISSION pay to tlicin o above bauie A s#f#rpi.v< he A Rent of j in the United Will Attend to the pure jr* grttfuiloiu to Foreign and Donitsli ort.DiNsi Rt. Lumber and Naval Sto 'ir?VLife^n1 I A.Wti? WU.? MERCHANTS ND ? .tGEjrrs, hnnc, sale and shipment ic 1'ortB, of Cotton, Rice, res. rv...-l-?? a n VI AVV. Bill of Exchange, (Forci of credit drawn up in, oat of, the United Stai singly, same rates of land bills of exchange < ry notes. If drawn in or more?for every bill where the sum raiule p not exceed $100, or Hi in any foreign currcnc And for every niUliiio: V- UQIVU1-11UII90 ign) or letter T-) but payable Deed. ^3oe Coo les, if drs\ra Draft, Sumo i duty as in* change, or promised** Endorsement sets of three etrument. 1 of caoli act, Entry of any y (livable shall ch&nduo at ie equivalent either for e y, 2 cents. housing, uo ual SJOO, or I value, w iinarHwniH. (Sco tn- coi ret voy.mee?Trust Deed) gm #s mlaml Bill of Ex- cm CO! of any negotiable in- grc exempt. Hccc ;oot exceeding 5?100 in ofi 1>5 cent? or lvevnncr. except when given as a case of u mortgage by the inortgec to the mortgagor in which ;e it is exempt ; tint if it contains tenants may he subject as an aienicut or contract, ipt fur salista-'liou of any nicrt go or judgment or decree of any irt, event ipts for the pay men t of any sunt money or debt due. or lor a draft other instrument nv. ii 1' r t ho nnrepared to do work with iracuonai part tucrc of $100, fThe acceptor or ?*c-* Bill of Exohange, or o payment of any euit drawn, or purporting in any foreign counlrj ble in the United Stnu fore paying or acoeptir place thereupon a staui the duty.] Bill of Lading or receipt iot m oxocss ?.\cee Rcee 50 CCtllS. ! 111- u o ns, exempt. oh pun a stamped oblig.x- -H| owlcdguietil of ita ful? Sher exempt. pri e.) Policy, when the Trusi not exceed SI.0C0. cents yiutnt ol' money, exceeding >-0, : being for Miii-iatjii u of any rigage or judgment or decree of ui. f.Sce Indorsement.] 2 cer ipts for the delivery id property, exeni wal of Agreement, contract or attef, l>y letter or otherwise, lie stain}) asotigiti.il instrument, ill's Kvturu on writ, or other ;icess, cxcni i Died. made to seen re a debt, I Arri-if A! Niii. | CMitiPC'ine >vi J tlic Greenville <1< Up Trains leave At ton if its. connection ilie fhvenville ii| l?t. Arrive at Uriionvillc Arrive at Spartntiliiirg. 0. FI Ari'.intrciiieiiis sue uir.de Uy v through from <'!i:nk_-lmi find ('oil paid on this road TIIOS 15. ipt. Prcs't S. opt 20 34 . 2.2ii. p. iu. Jispaicii, iwn Train s 8lmre of P"bl?? pain ..9.30, a. in. bc9t endeavors to gire ii Train. * | to?*" > ?n _ m He may he found a ' *.5.00. p.' iu! n. ARriJKR'S STORK sliicli freight wil1 finJ Iilates of the 1 itlihia l;!:?y k? ^=?e-a -v-vnr-.-X ' KTER, CL U. R. R. ?f RANGES, FIB Ho respectfully asks I >nuge. and pledges h a I satisfaction to his cus- I t his Shop in rear of J. I , where his customers fl atest fashions. I :E BRICKS Ac. charter party) for auy chaudisc, or effeots to from a port or place ii States to any toreign p Bill of Lading -to any po: North America docs n stamp. Bill of Lading, domcstii requires no stamp. Bill of Sale by which esse!, or any part thei conveyed to or vested goods, uier- Exceeding 551,1 be exported !?5,0000, and nol exceeding ( Ware .>0 cents. I Won00. 1 00 i.oi rinc. Inland nnd Fire.) tin uewals ot the same, if Weig does not exceed 610. Writ: 1, and not exceeding inn J > cents. tin 50, Ot" cents. *(> of policy of iueurnucc nn, as original instrument. ID lltl'flOlH li? ! old o * .... it m.mj; i?f. lllllISC 0XC1I1 :;is ic |tiirc< n<> .stamp if i boii.I rr note in tramped. litr Jtniums, c.xc:ii an 1 ui Imr process iu any criniil or oilier Miii.s commenced by ?' t*. or any Stale, exeni fticial documents. instrument*. 1 pc| ri-s i- in* I by ofbecr ot l!ie iiclSiats Governmciit, ci.ein m, ! M A RBL E V I ?AT? xj rv i o rv < 11 Ail "Vflrli Sim Free of i ??Spiti*l itiil>tu*jUtr C' 1,1 , rnin: sun^'KniKit h?* rco?M | ? of IT A LION and AMERICA j ami is i>rrf>arcil i? >1?> my kinX?D & .If. 16, Broad Street, ved ix supply . , , ? N M \ Rlil.K. tl> Co* 1 cookiivc 1 kltiox A Co , B0M.1KSS IT m;i w Charleston, 8. C.. tlnnf/t/ on Hand H- STOvwa i person or persons, wh eideration shall not ex< Exceeding $500, and n $1,000, Exceeding $1,000, for tional amount of $500, al part thereof, Bona for indemu'fying ai for the payment ot anj ney, when the money u ooverable thereupon i en the eon- gumst ncoiy person for Where the r? ' sum of mo- ceetla the sm ltimatoly ro- for each nddi s $1,000, or tionul p;irt lit aa.t. * | iutnl injuries lo per- I air require stumps. ! m, Mil, lueiuorutitlum, or nn] the hire, use, or rent cis tenement or port ion to ;rc tlie rent or rental mi) per aiuiutn or let*, ?">0 cents. I Mil or rental rulue i-in of SiStKI per annuin, j nional ??U0, or IY;?cereof in excess of *100, 50 cents ?"e ::n-: ii i" 11 ' men I s, Um'iiueiU 1 I'lijii-rs i -sued !>v tii<' oQJicrs ?if y . Iiiia. ? unity, town, or oilier uicijal c>i poration. itt the c ?eri? of functions stri -tly Whin^ing them in their ordinary governntul or municipal capacity. exem ICt'wd ami i liinU. ore i? no ui iu living, who will deny inoiucut- thul his lite is hut a spun, si can lie d'.iio ill th S'atc I can f an>l K< U>i STONKS from ? 10 pel wai.l-. r.njriax ii>g8 ^ l'or "Ml coiiiiiiiuiicatio'i aiMrcs e.l 10 me a will receive proinp' ntiention. WM. \. NIC! Union C. II.. August '.'-li w. dTmus l?r |l ESI'Ki "1'KUIjLY announce* mil thai he lui a pa in coinim-iic< urnish IIEAD p aft and up- f>r lot era. My lmpr? t L'niouC. II. Range's Grates, Mar Machines and Tools, lOLSON, Iron and Rr.ss, ep well Force and I ilifci Lend, Lead I ping. Railroad I ps. Also the ; I living Washing I id Wringer. I When in excess of $1, $1,000 or fraction, Bond for due execution ance of duties of offic Bond, personal, for eeci payment of money. (Se< Bond of any description suofc as may be requi proceedings, or used in with mortgage deeds, a wise charged in the So 1 if." uw oeuio. anDi|[iuui'iu 000 for each as original it 60 oents. ue or coiisidt or perform- hi the same e, $1,00. Conveyance ] irity for the Legal Documet o Mortgage.) Writ, or oth . other than which any g red in legal any court ol > connection or equity, ndnotothor- Where the hedulo, 25 cents. writ, issued vi lease, same stamp even istrumeut, and the val- jB mu nation of the transfer ' ^ . rato as a deed. (See I ' Y(>3its : , den i er original process hv j fronj nil is commenced in . , r record, either of law .">() ceuts. amount claimed in n j by a court not of roc short as ii is, ho may at any niiiiicut, uuforcai'cu accident ho rendered a < eut uj'ori iho cold charities of the wor hy even the slipping of il>c foot, the si itching at sotne article to save one: tailing, may ilislocate uu ankle oi liter joint, ami lor weeks render a n le t support hiuisclf or his tniniiy. Ic.udtnlal Death and injuries render l.u I.M.il.ni-ni'ilu .1 ..I.I nii'l feel* liiiiiscll wvll |Ht>j>uivtl lil ti> ili> nil kiii ... li)in>J, of cvivy ihin^ ustiu'.l> fm inlilisliui'Mit i>t litis kiwi All ni r u WARE will to kept on band, tin i an ing hi in ? 11.tlilf in supply i li n.m limy fill' 'in iniii. Hi" is ; ropnrcd to do such wo ?8 IN.; UUrrBUlNU VND RE1M ... - I I'rder* attend IOWH* Mcli 1 Mill <|iiulif;eil ] . ic, with neat- IT^VTfcT irffc stork on ' mil ia IIn en- ' * (Successors to S. nicies of 'I 1!< South Kast Corner K rely rentierUs of any who LHAUI.Et l.MPOR' rk as ROOF- _ . iii'iNu. lie Foreign & Dom *d to trith Dispatch. JOQ I 6 ]7_ I ' -& CO., - J N HART A CO.) ing & Market Streets, I rox, S. C., I rEltS OF I ostic Hardware, I x>quu or r*oie accompany requires no siamp if il is stamped. But one quired on those papers be placed on either, the highest rate req either. Broker's Notes. (See Cc Certificate of Measureme of animals, wood, ooal, empt from stamp duty Certificates of hleasurera r a mortgage on!, is -1UU tie mortgage Upon every c stamp ia re- or cognovit, , which may cepi in thoot and must be for tlie writ uired upon suit has been Writs <>r otlu ntracl.) frotu justice at or weight of inferior ji , or hay, ex- of record. Warrant of ent of other mount of reu or over, &0 cents. '* onfessiou of judgment, , e ? for $100 or over (ex- servi a cases where tho lax auntl* of a commencement of uu paid.) 60 cents. Tli r process on appeals f,0 oil C'Hiris or oihcr courts detni irisdictiou to n court no si 60 cents. lislress, when the a- our v t claimed does not ex- w. * I"" J " ?" Jl I fur la.irc f.cqucncy than a carnal < r ini^lil suppose 'i'huutwxf* Hf" >i ih> . fr<>iii cvciy sphere ot life, are t*ii U triifhi or the Irom the cHeds of injuries >aj casualties l?? i Ik" commuting I en intruded upon u* by I lie heart rend Is of iho public journals, that it requi ibtility ol logic lo establish their I hourly occurrence in sonic quartet rule spread domain." ,i. i. : .. i !. 1 .1. VI. V, , Ill I Sell, W I(l>nlll> 'It ii?- I-??ii i VS.i. VI ? >ri: .ir-.ia.'i' sa.jp .,h ik rue >pai; r.v: ill- Febl 1 STA1 i. OKSOl i II CA1 1'1'^ SI'AKTAMJLIUJ DISTI r?n Mallhcw I'. PLATED WARES, I R. HUE & CO S Circu- 1 PAGE & CO'S Portable ac bines. . Hart. P. Moroax. * lj_ ' \ ARTY & co7 Article, Certificates of Stock in a ated company, rtifioaies of Profits, o Cficato or memorandum t an interest in the prop< mulatioas of any incur] pany, if for a sum nc $10 And not exceeding Exceeding $60 and n( $1,000, Exceeding SI.000. for 5 c en to coed $100. ny incorpor When the am 25 ce nto Sloo, r any certi. Lettet.s of Admi thovring an bate of Will ) srty or acou- Letter ot t ree poiatedoom Exchange, (I >1 lees than M an i lest for e $50. 10 cent*. Clearance of >t exceeding ve scl or sit 26 conn. port: irarv tilHI. If ili? 2"> cents 8houl onnt claimed exceeds gent I 60 cent.-, comp nietrntion. (See l'ro- orate 1 tuUlu lit. Same as Bill of uiicci Foreign ) 1 an in uatom-house entry or j rtaso t ho cargo of any ship, , dent earner, lor a foreign i tu in I Accn 1 - r ?- 1 -- iii 1- ii.m auu iitiii iicii m ;n ii iiur i 11 I wo Imil the kuowlcilgc that liiuin dmi?ii liavo o gani/cl t leinsclves int? any, the sole ohjeet of which is to ami . us far as money cm do it, tlie train rliinps which hourly hover over ma lain life. The welfare of man fnct luu X ,,eirs wf 'HEBE It.WI Ui ' 14 (limit's mil known. Mary May. (li itiul her hu?h:tnd William (Stissei , masters, uml her husband Noal " * Hubert M term y, Elijah M icrar 1 craiy. .lolin Mncrary, Washingi ,>>1 Calhoun Macrnry, and Kineline \ 111 husband Andrew Young. debet case, reside beyond the limits i KN It is nttiered that they tin appear ill vitilali i?r odIa ??#* l?? I-""' ' - inn I lint the I I-- iie tfute ; j nnd ohject to F. F(>G ART \, 1 .... . i i. _ ? I'm] lli'l-V > 5 Grocers 1 I MERCHANTS. Wharf & East Bay. ^ Charleston. 8. f! tional $1,000, or fra thereof, Certificate. Any oertific age or otherwise, audit tificates or document any port warden, mari or other persona acting Certificate of Deposit of money in any bank o paoy, or with any ba eon aoting as such, Y# - J - ?? .. ...? .^I3H ouonal part ship, vessel, 26 cents. exceed 300 tc tate of dam- Exceeding 3 >11 other cer- ceeding 000 i s issued by Exceeding 6( ine surveyor [These provii [ as such, 25 cents. vessels or s any sum of tween ports r trust com- nnd 13riiish ? nker or per- Measures Retu 25 cents. Memorandutn i ;IV<1 lUIIUI^C BUOU j Vft ? or steamer does uot witli >ns, 1 00 ; ment, (K) ions, and not ex- again ons, 3 00 too oi H) tons, 6 00 j the b sions do nol sppty to a tri? Icninbonts plying be- I scare of ilie United States ! gclier t'orth America, j ' loss < rns, exempt, assur of Sale, or Broker's rnmn makes to the public. This Conipai its ample capital and prudent nianaj , not only utters facilities to pro* al the pressing exigencies which. :il. lien follow sit iden death, hy securing uroavcd f unity a large sum of money ling premium, but in n spirit of liberal cly to be expected from any insura ae. absolutely makes ample provision >f time in case of personal injury to ed. by the prompt payment of a wee pnt.iliitn " v' Henley, deceased, on or before I February next or Hieir conseni ? will he ente cd of record. ,H ' Given under my hand this 12l ' '? vciuber, Ibtitj. lor J NO. EAR LE BOM A "J Not 16 42 for TI \ K ST ATK OK SO I T117 'l,e IN EQUITY?SPARTANBURG Seaborn l'arks. V Menders, and i "'"V "I '(Mill A ?) j lie Hili ilny of : i to ilie sniiic Agrnt* for UOYD Lth Mcli 1 h 0.s.i>. CHARLES BE ?:?..m? 0?naHafio3a?in AKOL1NA AN I) Ut DISTRICT. _ ilhoru v? Wm nRID^. Sifll'S. Si OS. $ CO S Cream Ale. 6 1 j LLOISE & co!, ! lALtU IX loulders. Sanked ^ it iur? 011 in Hut oxcecc For a sum exceeding S Certificates of any other then those speoified, Charts-, renewal of, sea on original instrument Charter Party for the ch ship or vessel, or eteai letter, memorandum, ei ing relating to the cha renewal or transfer th< registered tonnage of i nngpiuu, z oents. Note. (See < 1100, 5 cents. Mortgage of La description ty, real or 6 cents. movable wlm oe stamp as in the nature ? personal bot arter of any for the pay in tner, or anj certain sum r other writ- $ 100, aiul not rter, or any Exceeding $o ereof, if the 1,000, tuch ship, ot And for even , r Contract ) Tli nds, CHtate. or proper- death personal, heritable or |ofth< LlsocTer, a iniHl deed | prom of ft mortgage, or any ' comft td given security 1 rjng i ent of any definite or bled I of money needing j It j t exceeding 600, 00 cents. noun< >00, aud not exceeding that . 1 00 the A T additional $600. or c policies of insurance in the event i fr?se killed, an amount in prop >rlion to i in in paid, an I at the same time secure irtahle support to the party insured <1 the many weeks which he may he di from attending to Ins customary husinc is with feelings ot pleasure that we t se to the citizens of Spartanburg lhsti I. M. KLFOKD. es<|., has been appoin gent of the Southern Accidental In 0f Parks, and olIters, iies ^>'1 for sale of Ileal hat atc to ,l)tf partition. &c. s a TT appearing to my satisfaction In - Parks, ami the heirs at law sa- deceased, Dcfendeuts in this casi ;ss. of Thomas Parks, deceased, lati in- District, reside from and wilhon ict this Stale, it is ordered, on me led & Carlise, Complainant's Solict su- do appear and plead, answear pny ileitis, Beef, 1 FLOUR, BUI 1 Pork" LARD? EGGS, SOe, heirs n( law DLE8, b of Anderson j20 & 122 EA I lite limits of ,, tlion of Hobo Coniynmti ors, Ihitt I hey ^ BE LOIS, 1 or tlenntr lo BELLUI8, / tongues 1ER, CHEESE, \P, STARCH, CAN. Ac., Ac. ST BAT STEET. if* Solicited. HARLESTON, S. C. J or it?Mn?r dow ISO Ions, Kxc??ding 100 Um ,n y oeodtng 300 ton*, i not txctwi fractional dm 1.00. 1,000, >fi4 iioi TTpon eacJi a 3nO0 of ft tiu)r%i?g< / r I runcc rt thereof in exccra of from oO crntH pectli Mignrr.cnt or transfer ! tUns ? ; A afnmp ?lu?y | fr0m j i/Ompanv, 01 > irpum, iiii