n >.... . , L Carolina spartan. Pw ? - . , , , ...... ? nnd then SPAttTANBU^Gi abroad, n ? lavish OX I p. M. WALLACR, \pa,f !n! oTTi F. M. TKKMN1ER, }Ed,Mlrs in? out ol ' y Southern . w ing of pr Tbumday, November 29, 18 66. uTcned t VJsury Laiu. supornati From all lliiiL wa oat* ooa i 1>*??% ??V? aii? ??- the Arts* Changes, and hearing the opinions of eipcrl- n?t to giv need gentlemen?the fcobng of the publio of despoi mind of the State, is in favor of the repeal of after a wl the Usury Laws. We confess our closely at- leave tho toched predilections in favor of tho old Consti- lot us see tution and Laws of South Carolina. In the Emperor, matter of the Usury Laws, she has almost stood been two alone of late years j and ns to tho matter of one i divorce she has stood absolutely alone ntucng 'ng >n Ua aU the Stales of tho Union. In tho Parish rep- ?cxt Sprii resentatiou she also stood alone?but, that hns of every been wiped out?nothing but the late war human gc could have dono it. In this paragraph, we nificent, would not scan the past memories of Laws and f"l, ornni usages which had brought our glorious old seen. Il< State to a position second to none i:i the great izod worh sisterhood of tho Union. Wo would only say Millions i here, that it appears to us, that tho people of stupendot the State demand the repeal of the Usury in persot Laws. To restrict trade, or imposo fetters thero. Ph upon those who have capital, must necessarily cd man or bo injurious to nny people. True, it is difficult woman, i to overcome old prejudices?but, ovcrytliiug charms, i must give way to the progress of man, in his ,in"l 8ren ardent efforts to rench the nchme of civiliza- will be th lion. The Parliament of England was never by man. oonvincod, until tho great financial reverses of 1',c c'""n.v 1836, that the Usury Laws wore ruinous to tho bibition o best iutorcsts of that people. Wlmt would our covcr nn people think of a law to fix a price on a barrel covcrs 'b of flour, a bale of cotton, ojr a bushel of corn ? ground, j How would our mechanics like to haTC their Light tho doily labor (which is their capital) regulated have been and restricted by law ? What would our mer- Garden. ! ohauts say, if they were limited within certain 'bo great bounds in the sale of their goodB ? This Usu- mcr ry Law, restrict* you fVorn making your own thousand contracts in the matter of loaning monoy, whioli ^tone fou sometimes one is obligod to do, or faro worse, proper, h Tho legislature, through these laws, constitute dollars, themselves tho guardians of tho people without alone, am ucmg m.Hirucicu 10 Become such* Perhaps it caince, k would be best to let the people bo their owu remple o guardians in matters concerning thoir own in- millions dividual or personal intcrosls. If you buy a the indus' barrel of flour to-day for ten dollars and sell it tion tin 1c to-morrow for twelve dollars, you do not vio- finest an' into the laws of the State, although you make genius ol eome twenty percent, But, if you lend the hibition, money to the purchaser of that barrel of flour, ftH h at twenty per cent, you placo yourself under the world heavy legal penalties. Necessity absolutely tion, nboi compels a man sometimes to borrow money, only ofrai and if he cannot obtain it at seven per cent, oinicusof aocording to law, he must go to the wall?when itaolf co: i* pi. j..a ? hmi? uiviv, m migm nave rr?TV ?,fw?.l.? himself and bis business. The .Ycir? tells of a ctcrytbin capitalist visiting Charleston last fall, with creign ret three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, for ^-ar ol ^ the purpose of investing it in loans to plan" crush the ters and owners of real estate. But, when iu- ?ln,e '',u formed of tho Usury Law of our State, lie ast,cit tit promptly said, that he did not desire to take '^cm. the slightest risk, or to violate the law, and withdrew his capital elsewhere, where no laws ,.c existed to restrict contracts. Our State is o ' ... houtti ? ai greatly in want of capital for agriculturla aud -y|u...e wj other pursuits, and we cannot obtain the loan . .... . ol liu-ute of it without we are willing to pay as much for r ,< . following its use as other pcaplo. trot free scope be giv- ^ ((j rJM en to the spirit of enterprise. In the promo- umcn tion of our own business, if wearcnot disposed 10 pay tiie price asked by capitalists for the Courts, tt use of their money?we are at perfect liberty to let it alone. Our space will not permit us tbe State to say any more now on this important sub tracts wei ject; and indeed, it will not bo necessary, for war> anj the Chamber of Commerce of Charleston, thro' ,be Hanks a committee of theirs, will lay the subject ful- Hbich tl?< ly before the Legislature at its present session, ch*rters1 1 * of the Ui Crawfordvllle Factory. cou'iess, We are informed that the above Factory, tj|e seTcn lately owned by Messrs. J. & J. l>. Bivinqs, ja(urc w;j was recently sold to Messrs. Oiiai>v, Hawthorn to name j & Tdbbyfiil. The new purchasers have al supplying ready started the machinery, and all hands yule have gone to work again. The establishment inij,rovcir was Bold for twenty thousand dollars. We ro- nlso jlliVe gret to say, that the brothers Dr A. W. Bivings question , and Mr. J. D. Divings, have removed to the upon , State of Georgia. The removal of such wor- uno,|ier ,, thy and enterprising citizens is a public loss u.H>n ,|ie to us. These gentlemen bear with them to tJ(m to a , their new borne, the best wishes of this com- for jebt munity. They were a portion of our best citi- n)emherg| enship?intelligence, enterprise and industry, were their characteristics. We have lost two Mat# good citizens, but Georgia has gained them. \\0 ieu We wish these gentlemen great success in their that the 1 new location. plaoe, ha i? f i a^ to l>r. S. James I'.veleiKh. associatcc Auy person who knows the fate of JahCs jn(0 ft (_'0 Evkleioii, Co. 0, 26th S. C., \ olunteers, w.ll operation confer a lasting obligation, by communicating 01in be ??1 the same to his sorrowing widow and helpless wby oani little ones. On tho first day of April, 1805, or three 1 at Five Forks, Va.f he was wounded, and taken other met prisoner, since which time, nothing has been town. T heard of him. lie was a Mason; papers COuld be i throughout the country,, friendly to tho Order, of properi are earnestly requested to copy this. Address torics of i Mrs. Hannah Eveleigh, Timmonsville, 8. C. the trade Information is also vented of Samuel John- trict. son, about .6 feet 11 inches high, slender built, d*? ?. O. a .. H y<-.?rs of nge. tucni The En ber of Co. G? 1st Georgia Regulars. Any in- mixing ? formation of him, would be gratefully received are horril by his wife, Mrs. Harriet E. Johnson, Coving- cburohina Ion, Oeorgls. "grog." i?|II wou)J accc I, will be to reject it?To provide for \,y Congress after the clt ; the defioiency in the grain crop of pointed. The excluded , by the purchase of corn. Tnternal the border States are firn , .... prop<>s lion, and il must ieu(s of hu luipoitant nature, will r _ ? ... * ' i lie inuveiiieuls for a nc the attention of Legislature. The on the atnne: ty-sulftage )fannual Courts, will be again press- propose to compromise. he attention of that body. There is 'I'"' "'C holder Sta'es ... , . dent has set lus lace tiri uportant subject that will he pressed ,hc f, r avy COIll|,rol attention of the Legislature in rela- an interference hy Congi bankrupt law, and also imprisonmen States, preventing the <|i There is husincss enough for (lie tor the excteise of t . . It Southern rcpresentatn to keep M?ein?i work nil Christmas. t,|C prc}.ident go lor the i frage to all races and c? ? Hoiks at (ai'cenvllle. for aught Congress can i rn from the (j'rroiville Mountainttr, The 'amtitsiy sufTrngi leal Estate of the .Stale Works at that ?ul J'10 JK'n,"c , , ,, favored the plan ol "ini ,s been sold for ten thousand dollars, i.?. i... : i i>c unavailable and *huiiical works in the vicinity of our here is no investmeut of money that made, thHt would enhance the value The Murtinsburg .Yore ly here, more than to establish l ac j?P?r?n8 b* ,hc, cWxens of _ Inst. The freemen of i nowever regretted e(, lhem8eWes to burn t might haro been ex- prcTeuted by the wlii ? oura or ever uvea Mr. I,nvinlrc> fom iblc city, would ever Mexican Legation, has 'old associations, and Chchaiihau. ami denic s, around which had 0, ,hc that J ... , , part with any portion with whom they had consideration of nssistn I loved front infancy ? | by the Unit I States G departure, and miss lisliing Mexican It tblo forms and noblo I A now nn<' dangeron o? country | ^"'^VTatly our streets. Their i i rti^iuy Department, an ornament to our ! the Trca-itrer, to he o ararteristics of highly '< ever hrough ? k ...... i r 'spurious note was dctf rids, secured for them pi.. , ,, ?51.380,000, w vo got up a new ami of ^0,000,000 during mi of that great work, Oeneral Lee is in \\> gured and di-grnced J*' ''.'** nlrend. . ' ,r Europe in the Spring, res and one stutF or ... . .... ? , . , r.ight millions bush, tercd or so holv as to ~.nr.r % v porteu iioiti >ew i or hing so pure and just millions pounds beef; ticn and perversion, of lard ; ! do of fallow an article on our first Were you guarded It (if the facts here sfut- *^rw ^ ork said a f.ith I . .. just returned home fro iiai tuc construction ,.v , . , . . "tes, ?f, p.irtoftheti >rds, is intended to . , , , A tract or sis hundr the late Government nia, Va., has been pi States, and their rcla- colony, even tho spelling of The Georgia Annual to loose or mislead E? Church meets on th riein. "^he Hta,,ie of Denton , in Missouri Park, St. 1 cil. At last accounts, tl 'cnty-five young men hnd reached rrom the tall graceful Gen. Pillow has rais< i on his upper lip to of cotton this year. , Mown io me little | Two hundred and fift ted, bowlcgged, carrot White House thin year, jcet is to form* np- A gftQ Francisco p d.ince at the LKkely ( M) ^cek_ hhath before the corn , rice, ami at its close, Ralph Morris, a proi they enter ami leave taf,ked of camlidat ntleuiaaly remarks on ''-ass. All wlio'wi^h to enter Admiral ?cmmcs, lis uj pear at tae Church sorship of Moral Philo' where they will be erature in the tftnt? ii r names. personal t.p- Louisiana. T brains. registered in Queen Victoria hasp To prevent a general a, t(ie disposal 0f |?.r , ) state that none wiil 0f Hanover, and he hn i^?U.eiu?lou|>aeiti*? ^ * *'f . seventy-five Years old. s here to form yo.tr 0||f wi?hout *ny a?i}{n ive four churches in ? 8o far M you uxrn , * to supply, a.id it is so far, and no farthei teep up our own corps, turn titiuday into otliei s getting scarce; fting twro hundred ui ess in the laws of the \ ork, and having the i lalificat ion of its oili? donor's name engrave* he rights of suffrage t>r. Adger makes tli in tie not admitted till . ? . , , , statement, which, for tl imposition ot any sut ... ilors, and scx^s too, we lls ' hitslianity. w Jo A certain congreg.ati " humbug is played that silver communion iratic papers that have lor presented to then partial suffrage'' have lor their communion induciice. names of Zioti Churc 1 members now here, staring them continut osition on the part ot cat the bread and dri y in Congress to nvoid fort Ii the body and blot The schemes of tl eir tcr. say, be discouraged. The idea that a Clirii ruinst the South, nor ? . . President. As to the ?? 'h? holy ord.niinci L-sident, it will, they ,n ,he uscof ?9ols ??> abandoned. strous. LEO. ? ?m The Genernl Assemh Era says ih.il a very ' liurch, South, met in >ceu rendered in that '"ur ''1C I'lirp0'1? ?f ,r 11 relution to suits of '',R' C(>,,<',>r"s 'lie wh rebel army, lie do- "oWc. ?f Columbia, S. i i parties c uild not sue "Avalanche says thn t ihey might make a 1,10 N"*1 nnJ J'g" lie r olaiius, and the 'nan they had ever seer wed to uiniutaiti the '0,'"l(,d correspondent that the President ha: i , m ever against thcj'ie. ri s in Maryland have Wl" i't'uke iuterlei will contest the seats 'IW* ol ''le 8l*lc? resf :lod to th? nest Con- of "? cUiseus lor the < euffrage, 4) M?mmm?mm-mamim sous News. Read an illed Mrs. Garvin and There is no man li burg, tSo. Ca., were one moment that hi: that place on Saturday even short as it is, he the neighborhood want- sc me unforeseen acci< ho murderers, hut were peudent upon the colc tcs. Yes, by even the slipp lerly Secretary of the dcn catching at some recently returned from ; ^roln falling, may <] s through the columns shoulder joint, and^ f? Inures has consented to I unable to support hiim of Mexican territory in I "Accidental Death , ince to be rendered him i persons temporarily o ; ... . I ,.r ? uiciuuicui, in rc-caiuD- | " "" cpiiblic. server might suppose. tondi, from every spin 18 counterfoil of I nited cj outright ot on,y toffei nswers: Well, we be- ?Ba'n,9t tally run a few of then, ?f,cn ' the bereaved fatally a trifling premium, bti a the 1st of November scarcely to be expect, hicli shows a reduction scheme. absolutely ma the month. loss of time in case of ishington. assured, by the prom] y engaging r??ag? compensation. 1 e i a j lic p0ilclc8 of inst death from accidents, fls corn have been ex- those killed, nn nm< k the present year ; 26 pri.miutI1 ,tu,d, and at i do of ltutfer; do comfortable support t r, and > do of tobacco. ring the many weeks l your conduct while in bled from attending to ler to his son who had It is with feelings , tin his visit to the city, n.iuuce to 'he citixens me by two policemen." tlint J. M. ELFORD, < ed acres in Spottsylva- ???<* Agent of the "So urchascd for a Polish ranee Company, of Vit from hi a, can be gai ? , . peeling this important Conference of the M. J * ^ F ie 28th, at Amencus. from waut nnd po/erl i is about to be erected __ , Louis. siiakspranft Said, ie Methodist Centenary Dogs."?This will do 31,tl7ti. tin. !? ? ? '?" **' ?. /? eil three thousand hales where genuine physic fore remind our friend y persons called at the * 1 Charleston, S. C., lcee] ,. . selected with care, at oltccntan is paid M25 lhe qaJ|lil7 of Girc genuine articles. niinent negro lawyer is c for mayor at Chelsea, MAH is accepted the Profes- : ? topliy and English Lit- By W. 11. Bauwrll, erninary ct Alexandria, in?. MR. J. C. THO.M BAGWELL, all of Sp laced St .Tames' Palace By Rev. A. H. Lert relative. King George, COLONEL JOHN M. ( ,s decide 1 10 accept it. LOUISA, second daug i Knedi-.iraniao Mates that the o4 to 29 currency tax Carlotta has improved, , . , , _ tovery is now probable. MK> P'r bushel.-Flo Vermont has passed a "1.-Com.-Gold 89 , iinkenncss for a period it cause for divorce. Annpnti an impossibility for two ee. seeing that between , . , , ?. uisunderstanding. The '"end* of JAM war material continue announce liim a; d and are now being NAR\ for Spartauburj are covered with carri- electiou. opinion on the cotton The friendi of II. attention in the South, fully announce him i p for the United Stales BINARY for Spartai i Couuty, Ala. ^ ... . # ensuing election, of growing cotton in lississippi, this year are The friends of Dr. I ales. The ante-bellum , , . ... ly announce him a3 a uiJ a halt bales to the Ri for Spartanburg I George Eichman, was election. in Bal'imore, on Mon- IT 7" 1 i i . .11- . The friends of Dr. I hront cut by his mint unity, respectfully announce ORDINARY for Spar v. Dr. Adgcr, of South ensuing election. 0 l?r. Backus, of Balti I, makes the following The friends of Cap! 1 for the fact. respectfully announce erman's army passrd j GKDIXAR\ for Spart . t ., a ('apt. Fuller, and I ensuing election. robbed one of the Rill j i Presbyterian Church Da,,| ,in#l p?. ver communion set. the Keal an? *? e member of the same. d eighty dollar- in New ihurche's name and the \\ I upon each article. * * ROBERT ALL. e following additional > On (he lSth I lip honor of humanity as j e hope cannot be true: j personal P on of your body now has HorSPS, Muld set, which Captain Ful- I i. and are now using it T-T*sa emiii purposes, with those -* *1'1 ti and its dying sister no in illy in the face, as they RUHlf nkthe wine whuh set Ul^elcSlTli >d of our common Mas- HOUSEHOLD stian church can elabo- FURNI1 s of the Lord's Supper ^ us obtained is to mon- am , ? A Traet of Land ly of the Presbyterian TOO acres, more or lcs Memphis 011 Thursday, t^ylerins made ki ansactiiig the business olo church, ltev. I)r. 13., was Moderator. The it the Doctor is one of ^0T ^ ified looking old gentle- * t. "Leo," the well in- ivon of the Courier, states TTAV1NG determi 1 set his face firmly as J ylnt0 0f (jeorgi r any compromise which jxed empowered J co by Congress in the andJNO. H.KV1N8,] iec?ing the qualification auj Attorney, sxcrcise of the right of | Not 22 1 1 > 5e*s*sfissiasMtf id Think. ring, who will deny for i life is but a span, and may at any moment, by lent, be rendered a deI charities of the world, ing of the foot, the sndarticle to save oneself lisiocate an ankle or s >r weeks render a man self or bis family. J and injuries rendering r permanently disabled, fl ency tlinn a casual ob Thounatuit upon thou? V ?re of life, are either kill-< 1 the effects of injuries. to the community .are. i us by the heartrending ' otwnals, that it requires esiahlish their daily and ace ih sothe quarter of in." icartfelt gratitude theft/ uowlcdge that humane lined themselves into ect of which is to amelt' can do it, the train of ourly hover over taafe'd telfure c*f man detftands laracter, and "This most he part of the more prueople is fully responded al which the Southbkn Company, of Lynchburg* public. This Company* I and prudent manage-* -s facilities to provide exigencies which, alas t ;n death, by securing to > large sum of money for it in a spirit of liberality f?l from any insurance ikes ample provision lot personal injury to the pt payment of a weekly trance in the event of * q , secures to the families ^ Mint in proportion to the the same time secures a 0 the party insured duwhich he may be disa1 his customary business, of pleasure that we anof Spartanburg District esq., has been appointed uthern Accidental Insurginia, and we doubt not, ned all information resL matter. A simple mite preserve many a family y- -_j "Throw Physic to thd very well when yon are >u are it is well to know can be had; we there s (bat mi-s.hrs Goodrich, fl io. 153 Meeting-street, I p a most desirable Stocky I id which they warrant them a call if you wish I IRIED I Esq., on Sunday mom" H PSON to MISS NAOMI art anburg. Et. on the 26lh inatanl. :UOOK to MISS MARY liter of Mrs. ? CREW urg. ERC1AL. ? ?Cottos?17 to 20 gold, paid.?Coax?$1.75 to u a?$11} to 19 per bar- ? a 40c. premium, i | icemcnts. *. ] S3 M. CLARK respects a Candidate for ORDI; District, at the ensuing G. GAFFNEY, reapectis a Candidate for OR? lburg District, at the t. M. SMITH respectful- ^ Candidate for ORDINAL 1 District, at the enauirffc 1 JENJAMIN WOFFORD ) him as a Candidate for tanburg District, at the nin F. M. TRIMMIER i him as a Candidate for anburg District, at the - u Nonal Property the late residence ef I ZANDER, deceased, I December next, \ ropertj, consisting of J I, Cattle, Hogs, ^ PT Tools, I WAGON, I th's Tools, I AND KITCHEN W 'UBE, &c. I LSO? I containing over I >8. I town at the sale. I A. ALEXANDER, I JONAS BilEWTON, I Executors. + 1 4 ? 1 riOE. I ned to rcroore (o the I in, I ha? j duly author- J B. CLEVELAND, Keq., ^ Esq., to eet m my Agent* A W. 8IV1KQ& tt ? ^- V 1 pcopic, nnuru dui nine oi mat toot- in tlmt noble ami hospitn idc or pleasure, which fornily cn- consent, to break off their ho heart or promotod a fouling of forsukc the hearth stone i, in looking at the grand and almost clustered the lored ones ml larbors of the presout century, in lived and whom they ha?' and Sciences. It is best however. We nre sorry for their e way to sadness, or nourish a spirit with sadness, the venom ndcncy. The times will be better ^ bearing of tho Charles! tile. Wo must do what is right, and i people as they walked consequences with our Maker. But j young people too, were whnt tho French pooplo and their [ town?the deslinclivc ch are doing at Paris. There have cultivated and refined rai Worlds Fairs held, one in London the respect and estcen n New York Tho one now prepar- After a long and tedious ris, is the third, ami is to be opetud cullies and privations, ng. for tho reception and exhibition strangers, we hope they species of the various productions of homes, all the comforts nius. All that is great, grand, niag- patient endurance of m beautiful, admirable, ingenious, use- * 1 nentul and wonderful, will there bo Webster S I) sprcsentatives from the whole civil- J'1? restless and intcri J. will bo there, to see or be seen. 8ion' in wl,ich lho wb",c ipon millions of people, will crowd the S"*cd' 1,08 lcd ,hcm' in 1 is building. The Royalty of Europe ,ind cunnin?' 10 rr0i i, or their representatives will be of 'heir vile polities, tli ilosophcrs and Statesmen?the learn- ^ebstcr. The gi id the working man will be there ; nnd Pl'u,ct' Springfield, V. vith all her beauty and rcsplmdant ?oknowlcdged version of sill crowd it courts as Heaven's own c:,rry oul a Feat P? test contribution. Such a spectacle the Yankees ha e most magnificent, ever looked upon ':lrt*c pictorial cliti BuL let us see what is going on in il 'or,,cd, or rather d:sfi i dt Mar*. This temple for the ex- ^y numerous little pictu f the industry of all nations, will other. Nothing is so si urea of a half square mite, which prevent desecration?not rce hundred and twenty acres of prevent its pollu oofed in with iron, stone and glass- refer our readers to i usand trees of full height and sixe, PaJ?c. for an illustration t transplanted, to form the Pulaco ed* Wl" '>e tee"? 1 Six thousand workmen have wrought placed upon certain w< ribs of the building. Fifteen thou- change the very form of . , . . I ?>.? I'nlnn ~...i ?V-~ I