r? jv- i ?v -V" Er ' fc' i?fc (fI'; c > ' * ? 1 '3 *>s s ' ?-? ? . f * ' <* n V ?Uc ?ai j- ILtllloi'S. a polite anil nttei business man. these gentlemen bcr W, lS?o. 011 to tin- nil veniremen! of Mr. Ho li:is a large niul well us- T >e c (ire ulso pleased lo see I hat arena < id, Mr. Fueokimck Tcrrft, is livelics Iy located with Mr. Whitic. <>f nc.it 1 known in this community as ooniine utivo salesman and a thorough been tl Customer* will always find index > attentive and iieeotiimodating secure 'I'll? Mercury. Charleston M-rcury again enters tin if life We hail its appearance with tin >i sntisfuot ion, after an interrupt ion < ly two years. The Mercury, from th moment of tlio present tcniury, hu> tu fearless nail ablo exponent and Iru >f those groat principles, which wotih to all the States, North an I South, lliei Et <*su If ol'I lie lull I?ler1 c TLo following ??r fno opinions i' the Now V< rk papers. The 7'imra f this wife: f I'i oni the venliet nfTues.hiy i lie I peal. The judgment rotnlereil hy u tuoiitIt ago Jul-! up us one I * i evei>e?f J'lie argument hu? hecit I nine Suites luive ?Ii~| i.-cil ? ! llie j i sue, hn illy niei with no ehnnce < lions. | ^ Moi?el Pnun Hons* of some of Wiueinnn & Co.. No. 158 reasons iu successors ?? John Ashh I Ilie lnr??e?t I>r?i? Bustnet! I the War They have rcc re is no nji- immense stock of Genuine lour .Stales which they offer on fnv? ikely to he gentlemen have had the . heard and j(>i. ,,f a century, mid oug mints in is- Gf |j,e Southern trade. ?f reversal, i I.?Messrs. Goodrich t Meeting-street, are nrst & Co., who did is South previous to vntly opened with an ; Imported Medicines, irnbio terms. These expedience of a quar* ht to know the wants The IYutiomil C Perhaps it is known to in that tho maimer of jrettini, Banks is, for parties wlio them, to purchase Bon-Is o to tho amount of the capital deposit these hotuls with the Currency. Tho parties ? ?: r- S(>IISil)|C> tanks, Slv. a ??n lost of oar leaders, 01 '1PIS<-""? ' 5 up these National l>rovid,;"ce or f" wish to establish the r the United Stales, whorc- Ir thcn required, and then U,e du,v or l'osi the Comptroller of ^ cv?"l!4 i then receive from fcel no },|"u,", " - - ? cum urn .lieu Ultil Women. ?vcrc tl u or woman, will adapt liiin- ? pure 0 I lie circumstances iti which (lie Soi rtuno has placed tlieni. This t|)e 0(l case with good people every other. 1 he mi discredit attached to mid th tiuii in which they have been theirs beyond their control, they has be r repugnance, in doing with and Su ii rigius ami iti'iiviiiuai ji wees. The10 principles of Mr. Calhoun, than wlion r ami greater statesman iicvcr lived. I mil liurt.?tiiuiioii I ini til u iIn* of coii:|ii ni ,f ly dee in re i I lie I u>i ! iico. c I }><111 lite r 'hitlt tlic 7V.//tt;if etijs j "lleic. tlu-ii. ix ihe reply of ih *tili !i"iv.itu: n;? iS rlli In Inn chilli J" l'i i >:il. nl. li >y i. ii-ili/.iM. ii:? ii! ii l.iiii lwii o : mi the v. ill. ihut 1 ,f I'ni/ic tni'ti nie clt'cl'il i in of a or iMjuivo I ; action of j CO*1111:1 ittl Amend ud ?\j.iuit- CoLVtiBiA, Not 19.?(' s iuiworthy 1 20 to 31 currency fat j>n . I 1 .SO j>?>r liuslicl.?Fi.ouk c loyal and rel.?fni*.?Gold l ? a 41 tl^C Ol'lllO ; ??? i l??? tiiu as t lie -'<> Radical 3IAHH LCIAL. - ~ - ? t otton?18 to 22 gold, id.?Cor?i?$1.7r? to ?$12 to 20 per barIWj. premium. !TKD the Comptroller the author amount deposited. The C( iziug the establishment of tl the amount to threo liundr lars. The Comptroller of now announced, that bouds for deposit, with the Trcn Stales, to an amount sulli entire three hundred milliu i'y to bank on tlic th?lr OWn >ngr?>ss, in nutlior- of ,1,c,n- Wo l.oso Hanks, limited ,,u 1 ed millions of d.d- ? "*?'* '?1 the Currency bus w!,uh ,,,mI bccn i have been received ,hc ?'"?rkel-.i sc surer of the Uuited tho Alii cicnt to secure the war haa ins of National cir 'l,>' """" like 1: , whatever necessity requires J all ob> know very well, that a few | nil inv; inly or gcutlctnaii was seen 1 the slii n his or her hnmls or nrins, ; l'm itn (>iiiehns?{ di.-t tisolidaliohisl * directed their e\eerat i<>n iter threats. The Mercury will he it eel l.et the enemies of the i oust it in in from under. It must live mid tlouris hecause its | r;ttci|des arc those of trill ( i >eu .item of howisirr 1 l;tl a la' | weijihe'l .:i III-.! i'.i. "lico mill Intltl' u \ Mr. .i.lii. i.ii i < > lit' ii it I I'd lilt |-o! i. >' | ruin; the North resjiomls with liar ? ! i !-s i.. ni:ii'l? "ii Suites. Not all ,lie | has lu-oii ) icMnl l>y the loyal ' of whatever gom! work may remain " I t!*?. North is iosoive?l to iiiaitttain i ii ! army ol'loyal majorities. !i The //- / ?:/inlrio?. us Miunling > "n the 1f?lli instant. j MR J WES TOM.ESf j RARNETT. all of this T> elections, i " " bv K. W\T.r. E?n., [IKS MART BISHOP, \ lib Want. MR. W. T V UILLARD, til of bv Rev. B. Boxxk*. >N ?o MISS MARY istrict. cuiuiion auinoi r/.cf his ntitionncmcnt. ''" >?gentlemen . iiml, liOi'eilter, it ^c.-t ftatuling in hands or to nj?jdy various goods, i !or tho organization ?' them of very ny tiling with the s '}'? we felt moi circulating notes. we ,1''1 Muilc n very few nt these ; Wsaw liis 11? ti North, having the i coil of rope on h rlv the wlin'n three I Hev. wit v on our m reels nlinos! cvcry j ami ju uml la'lir.s of the highest and to the tlio community, loaded with , utii|>li ucrcliutidi/.c, and sotiw | l'ricinl ctmthrniiH ilimi'ii^ionx, Wo ; sink it re like laughing, uml indeed' j udihly the other day. when : If**' nr. Judge with a large '' . , , | tlocl in t- arm, currying it home; the . h :i hire bundle which it look i slice. It wmiM l??" an eternal disgine Smith, and a hnrrid and hateful tri of the North, shmid this glorious 111 .mh'mu'Iiuh'IIs 'o M i>.?ouri, ur miiigly in 1.1 \ >r <>I the i oii.siitu:iun I ini-iil ami I In* u!t in it itt>i >t i In- viot< *' i < i 1 !ii' Si. ill lit rn St i i i m i esi'iioil fi mi ii | lion. Tliis groat i mi1 ..I (he cnndi I tial in I lie r? >ii>r:itinn ol' said Si ! ti\i'il in ilivoiid nt l'ro>idi*iit Johns* ^ iIn- iwu iliirii.i Hi [ ulilicaii vote >ci-i ll'iu-e- ill I niigii*-H they now >lj till nt March, 1 Sli'.l. 'I'll tM ii I in* * all i III | 111 <1II t It'iMili I.t I||C"C No v? d imil" a lr-.-nii wliioli tlie Admini"! e ovvrwhvl- j A n iiouimm oioil* North I I the ri-Wl* i 0 fr,cn'l!' ?f J AMES lions cssen- fully iinno-inee liim ns n :m>s i* now N A RY for Spartanburg t jn s term in j paction. Ill i 'l in both 'j1 I The friends of IT. G. mill*r clvc f'iMy nnnonnco liim a* i r;liioll mill- TllVIIlt* " 1 r*?nont?. M. CLARK respocfr'nndidale for ORDI'islrici, nt ine ensuing OAFFNEY, reopeet* Fandidnte for OR hundred millions, conscquc abundant there, and very enormous inust be the jn banking ou such an iintucn Little of this Northern mom will ever bo presented at tin eru banks for redeiii]tioi thing else. This is one wa the almost incredible weal fitly, money is very hoth nrm* to sin source here. How ?' "iu"?u; 11 sw rofits reaped from '"'B1' huudlc ofm so sun> of money ! UUt? clu ey son: to the South w,,h n large bun d counters of North- luP ?r '? Au n in specie, or any "'l'01 ^ny, 'hut y of nccouutiug foV his i'"u L,,,,ls or (h of the Northern uow; uo >mh fei uly; K., with a fine leg | '' ' eel ami beautiful lady, with .1 , l" liulries tied in u handkerchief; : liming one of the better rex ''IC ',:l k box and ihrep bundles oil Ml'Icon lion, {rcnth-ninn told us the on S;l" he once felt ashamed to black 11 make his own firca ? but, I hat Pro'ecl lings prevent him from such ' ?"Kr< I .1: y. lie publishes in the Chr m<< ! -. th :i cointniliev of live men, inviting t!i rs !iti"i Sailors, wit It all oilier friends < ilieal cause, to meet in a iriiional mas ic ami council, to he liehl in Wuskiiigtn unlay the Istol l>eccini or. Th* y -ay sk your presence to lienor ami as-lit lion to tlic loyal majority in the ss, in whom we recognize faithful gnat ii it -alely 'i.-t < ear-l. even ii' > itii which tin- Si ill .*< mil e ; ij^tii/. -I le *" ' will it i - it t-. I. ii autmu al election*. Iiiitu the Atl | I'in-1 lie ie vail.-, t iiat tin ir re vol ill inn: ] nt ree Mi-'t netimi are utterly repair e people eft lie N atli. ate I ihorotnie I, 1 practica'iie. We tire *ati?!ii-d wttl j le-ull-, an I c-peeiallv .-at i-hed as i nt I lie niur.-e iilntitvil In tin. ! . t n?*" r>pfirmnoii iinc'l: ami i>n?nin^ dprlion. f t \illpre.-S : ? :>lu i uativo. ! The frion'N of Dr. R. 1 pi.ice, have j announce him n.? a C? i alt these ? antic to the T'Y for Pp^tanhurp Pi. try schemes election, tiatii to the utterly iui The friends of Pr. UK i all these re?nectfiilly announce li the wisdom ORDINARY for Simrtar irg District, at the W. SMITH respectful- > ndidate for ORPINA trict, at (lie ensninp S'JAMTN WOFFORD iim as n Candidate for ihurir Diutri^ ?* ? Stales. The paper circula alone, couhl buy up all l] tobacco made in tlic Soutl it?that Northern capltnlis whole crop of the South by p iper, ami a great deal of 1 ever. Laboring under th litical wrongs wc now nuP'e ?d for the last thirty years i. _ _ i ion ol" these bank* I P^t'tonininoes. 1 lie cotton, rice and SUM'd UN that si .. Just to think or uM < llic cuisine for many inonihs. C:l" ul' I hut many of the gentlemen ""'l town are getting along?mnk- '""j coessity, uml bearing up with j """"" 1 :i resolute mind, under the 1 ''l^? 1 unci's in which the lute war j A higher respect and u deep- j < ?"Br' .>...1 ..:n i.~ i t . Now ji our aSMWieu lilMilntl His, Illltl lots of the i> inei|iles involve!. ' 'flu1 on :il 1 their party to come in their tnighi u\v li"W sternly tliev can rehuke treasoi let the lYeshlent know that he ennnt lu'e them?thai the great struggle mm ilacc in Washington?ami that the assemble to encourage ami .strength** :ss, &C. . it is lilaill to eVorv mm flint ft..it ?J" ' | Mj^u.ticutit verdict of the Miiine v ' elect ion on I in' prei.t issue wliicl j j the new ili-piuture of ilits Kepublio I meiit nl'its iiiiiniteil destiny. I lie ' -' 1 ' '/ I'll . r n- crti it I ( ' '-The <|Uc*tion :it i.-Mie w:ts the i I coti*t i net mil, iiml tlie decision is y | policy of tin- I'i iMtiUvuf, and iuf*v< n ' t.'uiij.re-s. I lie |ieu|>le Imve virtu ' t'.ie .in ii in.en , nnd t'.iey Imve mi ] to tlie South . Accept these term iftt, ii win i nu | ..." September election, i i-< to tniirk ill the tillil The friends of Tdptnit respectfully nnnnnncp I i: ORDINARY for Spartan toliev of re- ensninjr election, tljrn I lie ? tvoti iii.illy raid TTUINn determine" an "l < <....? n <5,n,e of Oeoririn. i F. M. TRTMMIER iim as a Cftndidftte for burg District, at the rcE. i to remove to the I hflVA rltllv eittliA.* A-iutiu, i a 11 uui UiiUll^U Ml better man than Jolt to kit is mmte a machine to couvi gold? Not sutisfied with t! is a lower depth to which tlio South is to he " wiped allowed to minister to their cult.voting their own soil by the blood of lite Ucvolu uties go farther than tliis i vex me s?ui ot u ] . , i virtuous and et iiw, Ilia* lie bouili , ,, thus proudlv 11 urt their paper into , education imd in lii.s however, there __ we are assigned? 'I'lie Hen1 out," and not even The Kentucky infernal gains, l>y Mcthudi?t Cliurc ? a soil purchased under the I're-id tion I'an our ene ! Conference emit ? Ves, When thee I 1 ? ..v, ??i.. uv accuruu?i iu a | ^ (lightened people, wlio can ! i i i I join tli row aside I lie prejudices <>t e tyranny ol habit. -? ill 'be bit lucky Conference. orders Conference of the Kpiscopal uicasui li, met recently at Lexington. t<> iiui etiey of liirliop I>oggelt. Ti e ( > form I an army of many thousands, to lie i Idiujr d' Congress. ready to execute an tl?et> tuny receive, in carrying <.ii( sue res as may lie a lojded l?y the K idi al aidate I lie President and scare tli '1 'here is every a|i|icaratice that ilii intended to kec|> a |ieriminetil fore I hack with !? v:?l representatives in ' i l'unj;res>, l>\ annulling I lie Tonne 11 1 Iter*, have >limv!i u willingness to )( j iiiethinl ol rec'.iiiMnictiun, and colli; | people Will strengthen llietn in I ill.-? 11 lias nlrni shown them that there i in lavor of strong guarantees trout i, ami if tin- South shall now turn it! , the iiiueiultiittiit, ninl sullenly tall what it ilerutM i:s dignity. there tNuigress * ho will lie at iliiulaleii t e j verer conditions, and so pwium < f ?iigre!?s.'* **e h1 magnanimous? imyn. Ii uNo C" -1Iio acknowledge- 17 yea*, 1 nays, nd dishonor, in de- Among 1 lie :ij and rebels, by llie ('ollego. Charles amendment lo the j |j. \ C. Walker cr be done, so long Wightmnn. 1 justly appreciated Tbe N. W. T< e no means of re j niouslv conourrei ice, ciinngtng ilie name of the ! there i decisive vote of 45 yeas, 7 ' 1'rOsid incurred in Lay Delegation by and ;n J I lie la iipointnienls nre, Millersburg | knows. ; Taylor, D l>., Shelbyville, j been it ; .Sli irman and Sanli:', .1. IV. ; have I. to ellc< xns Conference, lias unani* ' I'resid 1 in the action of ilie I o oxuctue tlic "i.ii rs nt l.\itigrt??3. Tli cut will itN ? haw .snino ii'L'iilar Iruo] - i i..Hi I Vi u.Miitigi'iti, Willi which to out >i \vs W .:it w II li.i|.j i'ii, IUhviii on! The a^:i-in:iti..ii ol Mr. >u !ni itiin iiiil ?mill a grout iniinv other thing i'ii tInouioiio l. l?ut, wii! tin t lit* ul.i :t their tic Mgus ? Wc il.ini; not. It ih out .-liows lii>= tootli in im: nu :i . ! o.ill - - -l v" ' t, WiiUII'Im It I full- l)j lilt' \\al\ ? | Tilt* r.truiiitf J ut> it itt t'ni* ! | "Tito KfjutMi. tit party, l'V ilie| retains jaiwi r lor i w o years inure. j er Miiil very tr.;lv lliat, w i e'v I 5 in It I HI II jnnvi r I'nr it .It a rent s aeliieve I lint, tir oven to keep I lie c ii lim ine tiie ne\l i vy .1 y enri". n I Iirntlenily; t jmt it- al>le-t siate-ni to >lm\v tli.nl it ju>!-?e -es ine.it rat in is yi^j.'r : ami I lint ii know* of oilier viuaui^ OF !i-!.l : # , i-5.viio.is.. J m T s XJ ^ J Mr. Ueich- w " m -X rrc,' ;: On Main noar ( 'Uitirv wiili kv.K to act WILL AI.WAYi <-i. t'orwai .1; v UI!GE AXD v W?IWI# 1 Church-Street, I S HE FOUND I fELL ASSORTED dress, save the negative urn now. But the great utouu which wo are crushed, wil cannot resist the thunder s justice. The North is ci Whom the gods would destr man. Let us look to the f The public debt, which p.support of Government, is New England States. The B, of doing nothing , Conference, bull ituin of evil under l.uy lk-lcgation. I bo removed, ll (i corgi a, s.iys bocks- of truth and i Kj.isenjial Moil '/y with success. ! the concurrence oy, ihoy lira l make | - ? ucts iii ibis matter j _ ''1 held mainly in flic i ,hu Iu ?' i i' I"11 ho lb<> '? " _ | it is lie It us in 11 change "I name an J i i|,o p Bishop (J. F. Fierce, of ,|llin , he already culls the Church , ??,ro i lodist Church," so general is Surlh <.i'ilie Aiiimul Confercnoes. 4l^ \T7 the 1,. ??>k . , i _ ?. of a h' stump such papers as are re ,il"', l''" ' tcrnal Heveuue Laws, ami Jo . . guials atoutiil linn, lie will 1 c sale. n ace in ly b pro-iTVi-I! it. tortlic his; Iln--o li.nlicals do nrv en linn line i.i.ril ol t)i?> wlnde j> , an I Smith. They know how I u the t'liiun?they do not like ilie odder ? yoticl?iloii t like to Man I in the \va illet iLin't want to smash lip lit le an i.iii/s at the .North- don't want a.i tl.ei M-nt buck t'ruin lair. i'C as worthless ,1 i iin* f iiiiiiiy lu?-uU'? iliui i.iio in wl i Clt-M ill 1i:i> lixrtl il li.'i'OI ulV.rc." r i I. O. i) I' - - Dr. J liit 11. lloinn *' i 1<< on :i}>|>' iiii ?l (Iiuii'l Seefriary n v t>i Sun li C iriiliuii, liy ,\ ' j Dury <*:i. i" till I!?? vtic.niry occiimo v ilo.'iili oH'. U. K-Iwnnl .Minlicll. ' Tlio 1 ii'li'i't'ti Iciii ilrilci' of t reqt S' per lie.i'l ,,f the "" le iiml expense We have al | ' ii I lie Sjtiu/ n, how ami when j "'M -Mich as Deeds, Morl-ja^es. : Jfcc , ate to lie slam ?r?l. In liiiK dated hefore October j^ 11 lire a .slump. All such paper- l'u> time, require in lie stamped, 1 111 re to pay li 11 y dollars. We n woulil lie, to liritig your pa v.ihl to liart' a I.I.io.lv civil war anion lvcn. N>>, no ilirv ilon'l v ti>i any oi, e tiling- So, it i- | iuIiiMo, tliry w . .liscrc; ion tliu bolter | irl of valor, an lit-ir i-kuis vvlioic. it U not llio intnni?os I ilo- Noi'ili to |nr>i>t any 1 n all nnj'i otilablo ami cmol wart a: I llio Solilli- iio in fiioy mil lu Mimic inkers never liul.I on 1 mj? to anvikin it:ivo iiirir ?n"|T-iitiy. il scat! -In li! 1.1* it I . i. a a 1 a I I 1.1 I ho nil I.mil .11 1 Hiila 1I1 lilt- i t"" til :i se ,, - .ij>. \- a iii' in- 11I i'u' {tractice luc which fiixcrclh 11 liiiiltiluilc ? 1111-11 f 1 :??,* I, :i 11.| \v<- ni'i' -la 1 lo If,t Oi'li-r in oily i.-v i a{i lly iv tl 'iiri'h:n_' c-iii''iiion which vli.?i licl"ic li.c war. 1 I111-. N?iw.?, l'.ili ? m > l'roii* our i:\rliiiiij II01 acc (ircfh't 1 1 in i? vvi i> > Mi !ITl'll 11 rou- I rrrkr and sol 'tiiel fellow r '-in'-'. it'L ; ^ Choice \ M il I lllll I lie | . / > nin^ l lie I ul "V01*|>0 .ll-lli-lioil [ , iiisi. I Gust and I\Ioal a] it's. lHKiiritii'k' Ti'iim E LEATHER, I Vestern Bacon, 1 ol 5Salt, [ways on Hand. ' .... I /State* are the K caper*. ? *1 -Vo observe, thai if.hi. J? was appointed by the Gove Agent for the purchase of of this State, lias decline) I consequence of what ho be possibility impose] by tin ju-rs hero, nii'l t 1 voii nit ii i We have nyiun lllure. friends in this st . Vyatt Aiken, who | ,>y mor, as the Stale n-uly ft seven < ' corn lor 'he poor , but. there is no 1 he appointment in! ?? licved to he un tin- 1 1' ? resolution "t tlte The i??ihini*?i> unite kind eeiiilctnutt will It'll "ia' '' r ?unJusi?- Rook. :ili til I fin inn lo tlir o I* I litill<;t of :i no' I 11. ?!?. Tabor, or tin* Kicltia n-1 Col < !' S.n-i-i I Music, by I'.. M. Mi liiI ..h!i, i in " S >i t in i:\ MKriiiiKisrs. ? Tlio nnnu: 1 Wing jI I.I > ungn*? . It 1- ':| I I '..It u'.i:n II.-II Itlldcr l u? uliio. In* w:iiU<*.l in the o irs . 11 lii> way. o:i?- < ! I .e I it t lo news ; in :i' i i iniii, iin.l slmulcil vi.cil'olM ISii*I i ! il.-n 11 i li-r ! Iiavn'i y< ?..iii. tliinn : hulling uj' mi uM *j if imli.-iiani gu/o. II w I.? culiivalo pivsonre of min il.iii ?ilii*u ?-!. .1. .hi.I ^i !.I in nn> i li?* V\ .i-liiii.-iiiii .v i.ir Miiriri'siis us > < I C OI . | i ? i 1 f ' 1 frieiuls mill olil cust f 'oliitu - !" 1 locaicd in i uli.iii-. ;|,i win i'H'lej?vor t > give sal li'iy .' iiH-rut, j Nov _'J?-111?|f ii?lv, (Jon. i >u |>|'t-1 it. ^ ' a rn> ART, >"oii Io his Columbia, S. C. i WIT (I IS II (jllt'S- , . ?ri...b"A THOS, S: i, wauiu inform his i outers, that lie is now I lie above place, and I UfaCtloB to all. I It. II. BOMAR, I Spa rtnnburg, S. C. I umwmv- I Legislature. Tho resoluli .each dollar of the bonds issu alont to every bushel of i -Charleston or Columbia, found out, by an cxtensi villi grain merchants and ji cannot bo bought and del terms required by the Lc Commissi oner lias left the id!i required, Ihm Thursday ln*i f' cd thuu'd be tnjiiw.. cargo of six hum com laid down in learn Ili:it c Xlr. Aiken has from Newberry, ive correspondence Charleston i?i?n roducer.s, that corn oilier j.or!ions o i ive red within the winds ihey may jjislaturo; and tl'e t>riy days, mailer lo be fur There are agei ' * ' I 'llllflT ir Liberia, in Africa. wiili a .. ?il \ nj ilri'il frocuinon <>11 Loanl. \\ c , anil IT aine from Macon, On., 1"?0 11 1'JO from Columbia, ISO troni t'i>rr?a>I id, lit'siili'.i a number from Kpisrn I' tills State. Willi favorable 1 arrive in Africa in thirty or ' V 1 ' HI Mai that in its all over the South, limine enee ti tic - ut i In* \|ftlio-11-1 l'r<*ti'Ntitiii i liuro ia w;t- la'. l at Lynchburg la-t wool xulvcl : n?i imr (Si'itcral Conference, bavin;: n in tin1 I'niii iii<>inii ni tin* Mi ili 11|iil I 'Iiiii rli .-"until it ii I I In-i i- over ure.x I 11~i I<-1.11 ii ii anil ai i ii ni imr lienor., iltoil in moot in Montgomery, \labanr , noxl, wo r 'i ai.iiioii I our ilolognio* i nlv In lio in- 1 nolo.I in 11-0 llioir i 11 tlii 1 I no oiirroxiiiiiiiliii ? ..mi.. - . .. .. 11 lining a man's i cs .uroes ii thai a \ i i<>ms dog lie se Till* great dilfetvili'e between I lie I ho nM i- t his, i he \ nttig ha\ e I ho v them, whilst the v>l< 1 are behind iho ' Old lilwes, lite miser, h iving li i> very |neiit discourse oti cdmriiy, d j I iiat sernieti so sir >iiglv proves I ' ly >>t alms gi\ing thai ?I've almos r i A vagrant was broufflit before II :i - 1 i tilling orders. Hdo on consignments. . B iner coneiurreu oy me i.c Jie is 11 member. >Vc tlioug bo did every body else in that corn could not be bad Boribed by that body JJow jntc to rectify this matter. < Mtdctulc Sli The great meteoric show giMniurc, ol which negroes to cmigi [lit lit tlic time, nuil State-), ntul othe it the Legislature, g.?ing. This is on the terms ]>re exerting llieinscl rever, it is noi loo i We cannot ilouh I leaves is an inj m host to use nil I oucr, tlie Macks eonte er jirclicicl l.y as- ??ik? nm.ther el rule lo Mississippi !inr tiled, and encourage litem i<> Annua ITort, ami perhaps propitious *'~c. I r- " " I uu our |Mii. in moot mill eonlor wii I I III1 M?'l l|Oiii.?l II111 - ? !( :?! I htlivll SlUII Li* subject, iiiul io iieilitalo ilio con It'll t all 11 > 11 III tin' two chlllt'llfS 11 j oil s||< Mini |ii iiii i| li's a* shall iiiit <*ritn|>i*- m * le^rny ot tin' Mi'llioilisl ri'oit'.Hiiiii Ii, ati'l vli>i 11 In- siili-l'nciory ami honor i bolli I'hlliclil't, ami In h:l\c their ell ocre'lings in lha ea-o rel'erreil in oil 1 ( on It tenet- lor raiilieulioli or oilier I , 1i.-1.ii! magistrates mi I lie-III I was - ti'litj have never been in bctl tell vemu. !, T?i art of book keeping taught i i ml oa?y b -soii. Never lentl llietn. it "till, I iiiii >o glfttl. you like bi kiml titi you t inure ' ' Haiti a wife batitl Well. I tliink a gootl tu r plenty ol >e:Moiiing, about as goc W lien we pietme ilie liuiulretl or t tlial lndi<'-> li av.-1 tvitli i- I'iio.-I. I 1,11 who: l?lU)Sl'h lor al least OF T it otic short CHARLESTON WJ l?ls' What rPl,K PIlhliBllcrs of I J WEEKLY NEWS" rkev with i s,alinR lo th<*public tin J >uWi' iioim I ru ii ks The W eo.?toii tlx hers appeared. At Chit-aj hundred and tifty seen thro New York up to five o'rlo largo numbers appeared, n slill lnrirer ii ii in lii-rs iii,ihmi. ii about here. I iio ' neivons ant! luu 'ii |?npcr-?, report a thenirielves ami il Al New Ilavcn, ' ? uety nix made ilicir l.uvl llultlc re wore largo mint-! W? refer our r 50 there wore one I cennful banle of 1 ugh the night. At 'lie Federal fore, ck ia 1 he morning, many South t'a ill J by i-ix o'clock,! Union and I.ami i-il At Tr.iv. \ V fli.-i 'in.I w.n.in.. tl work will In; profilulilo lo I'wi lieir employers. Morris 11 i ! m liic.iji of Ilie C'?iife?lci-a<-t . ii-.. ruiuititi eaucrs lo Hie ileiails ol a mic S|.ia11111, a *, near Aalievillc, X. t\ As enldc i rolitMOn* from Siiarinnlnirv, 'V" " 1 , ! Iliulcr. 'Da. jmiljcipaloil 10 llial ron1I...1 .. :i 1 ill A ii 1.1 ?\im r 11: i - 11 ?-i-. iinr n drunke 1 like \ iiies, lior a drunken idiot lik ie lie i- lint a blackboard like lagi! poor era veil like tlrilillell, all iinprael i like Ii let like i lie probable t'onjrressiiirti; m <* > --J - * lii'l|> rctleeling lio'.v happy is tin " whose win*, when (iii :i journey, o c trunk ! Imul carries 11 herself.] The wnlow ol John Drown is re ii .11 tl'OIII l.lnil. III I. c Hindi lisp I anal is initcli navign vessels Mini steam lugs. ' The Sons ot Malta have roov i, Meinjiliis. The eight hour system dof>n'( 1 .. , n.- ?itniiui | The aim of tin* juihli? elephant, I .. 'i ||K WKKKI.V NKW nly lias one paper published m the J will contain interesting ! d iving nid kei Koprirts. Agricullur ' ing for the Family Circh tied by sail Matter, l'olitieal News sul>jeels w ynly $3 a year. No H * V there wan a brilliant dii?pl Mian.v, nyt but not n gre.'i before been recoi j cing it before our . < ii-. niivr never * \| led, wo take jiUnsurc in pin- j? ti,, refx.l^ry ' ''is wif< irringo," nil untovliiiinli1 liil-tinn l i' grave ynr?l of love." Vol," ro|>lic< i', * mf I you incu nr.-1lie grave- liggcr-. ilniiKipoli*. whore ii if cu forced ' iiml ilit) lounderies. Tlie employe' It v I In- hour, ninl don't earn enougl | their Irtuiilics. >v ilie city CATiWaKT* M M ILL M are paid i to support No IS lUjne street, N'ov 22 4 iHDui 111 v c?sn. H AN & MORTON, Publishers. Charleston, S.C. H