;wvw^-amr: $, vT-rC ' ' ,'*r '.. * " " 1 <. w % ... % Xi'JtCA c^ri 7 ~ v ~ * i M t?-N /r\. * -t t?i twi . .1 .in gag?BH?Eggl ."1 / * J \ 1 BY F. M. TRI ii xMMIER III Devoted to Education, A<% UIM /ricultural, Alan ufactuvin? sgas 7 and Mechanical A rts. Iffll. $2 00 IN I t ADVANCE VOL XXIII. T II ] (gilSUMIM 5 18 P U B L I S II K mTTimuw A v "A S F A E2 the bearing ot sir^v rt c-^r-. Lieut. Bunco OjPJi w?w beyond prs The McBetl i> b v b b y from the best c < ?-*.tt-^.tburir. Chester a RTANBU RO, S. C Lieut. I'ortor, Lieut. Scale, | and their entire company Tin dso. . Congt h Artillery was made up ^ itizens ot Union, Spartan ' .ml Laurens DistrieLs. and major THURSDAY, N WPMfHKHBMBBHHaHHMBHI Tll and their admii 13. A Jeter. IIITISIXG. A dispatch sent oft' by tin m, ?1; Subsequent Department of j, in Specie. (ion. J. CI. Ma - Iinvititr lnc Fenian oruanizi lanufacturers ofar.copal Bishops are tr health. Fenians in regular > Cincinnati, tiring the passage of becomes magnetic. ltion in Ireland hna South Carolina llrs and latti out?Ac Battle. During the closing s war, many gallant anil : curred which, amid the citements of the hour, pass unnoticed alike by Northern Dress. One ut . . I resigned his no K In (lie Field eillJ?,rkuj ,,is i Unrecorded ^ino,,IKtU ",s disastrous stru;j _ , . iii2 the dispute icen08 of the late ered tho office) dirnns events oc |laving capitulil contusion and ex- t ^ were suffered to Jiicut Por ?c the Southern and t,|is cily> und , these took place ?* *l _ ... i i?_ sit ion in the old army, and , policy remaining all in uur late tlie sj gle. The courier convey Itcpul li returned wi'h it umleliv- dclogi r to whom it was addressed sent ted, and thus no official re- llejml ublished. ill the r has become a rcsidcut of igan, nay be found by his friends to th u, ii.ii III- uvcr 1U me OOIIIISO some time ago. Delaware remain me. New .Jersey adds two to th idieati Congressmen. The New Vor it ion is about tlie same as in the pre Congress, in Missouri there is ilican jjain of one Congressman, am i States ol Illinois, Minnesota, Mich Wisconsin and Navoda, accord in e returns received, the returns wi " ar.' meant only lor the use ol t * the house, ami may be admired ? t -uehed. l>o not beat the "devil's tj ' drumming with your lingers on j cannot fail to annoy every one w itijrj never read in a whisper. ,, Ladies should accept introdiit H from telatives and reliable l'riuui lie lady of increased fifty fold dc , but not ,non'fis. Six large stores we ittoo," by ^n Atlanta, (in., on fui a table; it The small farms are s ithin hear- in Louiaia? a. Austria is going ii :tions only building business. Is. Ladies Fire thousand little i iring the last three rc destroyed by fire esday. aid to be successful lto iron clad ahipncoroM fo tn intionl on our own borders, ant in by sonic of the sons State. As a chronicler duty, although at a late Battle of Asheville. Br was made, we believe, columus of one of our G: raries. Some t'.me after the s nrul I .aa nnrl wlnln Sfni , . * I ill III* CSIUUIIS I was participated Ifcekllaln & c, ? t 1.alm'u" niandcd in llic of events it is our an(i ? day to rceord the w|||| S1K,, |(,arf let mention ol U 1 . . ... six to one?ha at the time In the [1|c 8.l|U(la Fac., 'Ccnville cotenijio ?1(.lubcr ofllll. . ? ,, I'ulwcr. has bee urrender of Gen- ' inm.'iti's AnintnnnJ mucin 01 .ucssrs. ouiver, ue ui a. Col. Palmer who com- toriou buttle we have mentioned, gave Iris last Confederate victory licans ill odds against him?almost twenty s purchased an interest in the in ory at th:s place, and as a yond : firm of Childs, Johnston public omc a resident of this State, two th [Carolinian. In I lavor ul (In* parties which were vie s in 18(51. The elections on Tuescia about sixty-nine or seventy llcpul in the House ol Representatives t y or twenty one Democrats. Will euibers already, it is established bt ill doubt that in trie House the 1U ans will have considerably more thai irds of the meuibers. the Senate there will be an inereas .. dow instead ol' courtesyin?? y A I idy should never seem to i i- an indelicate expression, much o one. In ascending staircases with 1; !* tlcinan iro at their side or bcfori A lady offers a chair to a ? but asks a lady to sit on the sola, ter the places of honor arc the C I il.. I!.. . I in Washington, D. C. imlcrstand The first law of fern less use women arc at all good serration, adies, gen- The Georgia Senate s them. consider a Hill rcpeali jentleiuan, laws A Hill has been In win House annulling contr corners of property. tale nature, where looking, is self-pre! has refused to rang the State usury i introduced in tuc acts based on slave wus cast ot the Blue ltiiij 1,500 to 2,000 Illinois, 1 Infantry, wus sent from J the French Broad, prob to meet iStonemau's con turn. Col. J. B. Palmer, "Mountain District of hud withdrawn the great x 4 ..A I. A : i*e, si force of from Internal Re ndiana and Ohio \\rc give to 01 B at Tennessee up visions of the ] ably with a view mnaud on its re- the U,uted St tlieui : commanding the 1 North Carolina," 1. A tax of er portion of the on alVtpirits uji i t- ?" - ** ol I lie ivenue Herniations. ^unat, ur readers souic of the pro pcnsal Internal Revenue Laws ol in Nc atcs, which may interest public and M )I8TILT,Ktt8. onea" two dollars per gallon is on which no tax has been (UOcra : Republican strength. The loss o irCreswcll in Maryland will be com cd by the election of a Rcpublieai vv Jersey. Illinois will elect a Ri an Senator, Kansas will choose lw?. issouri, New Vork, Noveda, l'enn ta and isconsiii will each clcc The next Senate will, therefore forty-four Republicans to ci^ht lb: ts?more than a three?fourths 111:1 J. IIIU 1IIU Ladies never cross their legs nor assume a vulvar attitude. .. In speaking, it is always proj ,t the name of sir, madam, ur in . tlie sentence is somewhat long I should he repeated. Ifrhcijuc ! regard to answering in the affi . I negative, we ought never to sa L. yes or no. General Sweeney, tl in sitting, Washington, applying his old position as M: icr to give arm)'. It is believed t iss, and if stated. , the title Mr. W. W. Corcor stion is in for Kurope in Deccmb rmativc or an indefinite period, pr y roughly, Corcoran's only child, ] := livtr... :.. V ? lie ex-Fenian, ia in for a restoration of ijor in the regular hat he will be rein* in intends sailing er, to remain there L?bably for life. Mr. Mrs. George Euatia, i -1-1: .- I 1.* lew iroups at nis uisjiuh ueascc hue, and stutionc to the .Blue Kidge, will to resist the passage oi 8' A portion of "Palmer' piod Asheville. The gn ot detachments of the 02 Carolina regiments, uii West Pointer Col. (i. W mounted portion of the 1 tii uuiii iuc iuii- | paid. 1 His is t d thuin adjacent lery, stills, ti&ti li u detcriuiuution est of the distil tonuii an. the distillery i s Brigade" occu- paid, rrisou consisting 1. Kvcry per d and tilth North he u distiller tn der that gallant own signature t< . Clayton, thedts triet in which tl li'Jth North Caro on, and pay a s i lien on the spirits, uistii j ires, ?&c., an?l on the interior in the lands on which C0> s situatud uutil the tax is ^y0 cj sun who is or intends to 'ea,w ust give no-ice u ider his In l o the Assessor of the ] >i- 'v oi lie business is to he carried Hon, I peeial tax of one hundred 'ion. ibr the former party. m ? < > ^ JFKDKRATK .MoNKV IN ColltT.? ip the following I'rom the New Or Crescent, 011 Wclnosilay: [he Fourth District Courtthc valiili Cuiileilcrutc mnnov. a- eon iil.-r i las again hcen brought into The case was that of S. O.scr \> A lady will not say, " My hus cejit anions intimates; to every .-lie should address hint by his n - in?? Itiui .'// . It is equally ' witl1 tl,c ca Christian 1. J. 1j. llenry, * dollars, rvea under Major 3 Every disi i Light Artillery, peusc, erect re icor, li. A Jeter vido himself wi vas captain. Caj.t. used on the -an ;k leave, 1st Lt, also provide a ! was in temporary the storage id I the aggregate ol 4. The .Secrc 300 men. appoint an ilisj having reported I except those d -\ UgCMl :i 11 or must, at his own ex *uit v cuivinp; cisterns, and pro- by -su tli locks and seals, to b> was t io, from the Collector, ami the di house or room suitable fin _civon, >unded spirits. I'ltrcat 'tary o! tlie Treasury wiil thogr motor for each distillery 1st. i.stillio^ brandv Irom a|?- eotr-iil it ?.V Co. and Win. II. Ihinbur. I l> k'as on a draft of I unliar, ucn [>?? j^oiit & Co in 18 il. J lie del. no liat no consideration was "iven ! aft, as the money, for which it wa was Confederate money. .In la: J gave judgir.cut for \ laml.fls njioi uunds: Tiiat it was in evidence that, a . ration for this di:i(t Iint'iinfi il. > .1 < tint say //"?/* !' (/ , unless he is 1 , aetjuaintetl, but Mis. is the pr? e The rules oi politeness, in (his ri r the same in sp.akin^ of the lius New married p> rsons inu-t public I mm e\? ry mark of aff " , conspicuous, ami every exclusive I Marrieil per.-ons who, in snei themselves continually near otu I isi wnics : " i aiu toll intimately i unj three thousand i ijier tiauie. j .Spur^oon's Monday e\ aspect, are injrs." There lies, in i hand. secret of his power. abstain in - < etion too IICNKY CLAY'S I'll 'attention, letter to Calvin Colton, ety, place 1843, Mr. Clay Bays: 1 ; another, tion (the slavery cjuc l inat Del ween two asually attend Mr. ening prayer meetto small degree, tho kdiction.?In his , on September 2. " Tho present quesstion) in the Free the arrival ui? the enemy ; dispositions were made warm a reception as the Palmer's command tvou! night the enemy encati and the next day, by 01 reached the vicinity of . as had been iutended L action commenced. .Ii'ior's ba'torv was nr it Warm Springs, ! pies, peaches an to yive them us presence is alw force under t'ol. | entitled to five Id permit. That ; mill on every iped at Marshall, assessed upon a tie o'clock 1'. M., f?. The re^ul \shevii.c. Here, upon disiillets >y our forces, the peaches and r; a special tax ef omiitlv nlaeed ill enrdiinr III tiieiri id grapes exclusively,whose money ays necessary, ais?i win* i? chock, dollars per day and on. the er gallon distilled, all to bo in the nd paid by the dlstihcr. 2d. ati'>ns are not so trin^eiit ('onfei of brandy from apj.lo rent, Ipes l?Ut they inu>t j ay rourt twenty or fittv d illars c (j tirv distill...I? . ?... V was paid, but that < Ncr ??ave iii i which was dopnslod in Hank, I e 'it of Nnjjont and <'o , who used i usual course of business. '! hat, if the chc-k had been paid ii derate money, which was tin n cur defendant could not now come i ?t and tender any paper < ! that ! - i.i It tit " I.ItN SXATT. tlnVI-.UXMEXTS.? I I lout well deliver**! a leelure a .... \V*. .l . ^.t - :? " ... ;ether, do ; Mutes will destroy all 1 we ou^ht, I 'cad to disunion. Th : personal; I disunion race?ultima r sell; and tism." < ? < JiAi'TiSMS.?The F * '"I'll scciation at its recent Inn. Geo. W iunshorn' Baptist chi in Boston hundred and tlrrty sev .. i 1 the bounds of the Ass< larmony and finally e consequences of .to military despoairfield Baptist Asmeeting with tho irch, reported three en baptisms within jciatiou during the position by its at>le ooiiii ' W. l'orter. Lieut. Hun this State, tt|'piicd for p 20 of tile Mciieth Light shooters, which was aceo mean Zouav.-s were evi and dashing, than these Nothing hut disci] line from impulsively chargin .. 1 I *..! 4 *1.. ... .. 1 --J I --- | - O 1 iiiaiidcr Lieut. S. j n (he present* ce, oi I ninii, in j return therein* erini-siou (o arm j do lars upon ee? Artillery us sharp ? riled, ami no Cn- ' "K LONUO. r more energt" ie ?The London ; Palmetto boys, j Sll?,j0t.t of ncgri i?reveireil them ... . 1 . . . Mates, says : ? tho enemy with- .... J * _:.i J \\ IV eriii not - J triiio. ell form, make a inouililx ||lC < in, ami pay a tax of two Knu:r ry gallon ?!istillod iihntii " v rcociv n li.mi.s on the ni:r.io jj j T ims, in dil.ttino on tin drawn i suffrage in the I iiiteil want < liuKlin tli l> lltorrti 1?0 iliuM-ifAil ? I ?? 111 accordance with ilio decision iniiliiicn and elevation of the ' f ' 'oiiiinj^ next to a discussion of which the I iiitictli ('onorcss sh< ' Nlr. Mou; well said two crc.it en V brought about- lii?t, uiiiver-a One \va\ of obtaining this was I flic States as llicv tmw arc unf I U1 llt'U'iu ... all the in ^ AsSOClatlQtlal >'ear Cii in the I lie well known hou su people ^ Overland ]\ tli" policy Holliday Mail and Kxj ?uld adopt, rl,? l'ioneer Staie Con ds niu-t ho have heon consolidate* I su lira y holding 1,1 addition to express 0 l.v ti..or land The canital o 9' so of Wells, Fargo -Iail Company, the IUJVU of the O-il North Curoli men of the 2i)th North Cuptuin Lcugue, which I the action com me need, l'uimcr to take po&fiesbioti right. The oetachniont Carolina, Cuptuin Mr anf a ridge on tlie ! fortunately had of the 01th North : uw" ''"i " 'in, couiuiandiuir, i ,,,a'Ca negro, ii \rtillery, occupy! ' ?'a??cr, civil t inder Hie iicr.son.il !,( " .""vernuieiit ?" l II .1 ---n- ? | |u . stey ' ' X;,v r a law. Wo have an e.juii a little experience ol oar ami p? latter. We j;avc the .la- resum i cointnon w ill his white ijuality, am) the rij;lit ol , a .?! see how it has end? ! ilc; . \v? 1 ?il to lie taken !>y the autlin;iti? pie ol that State to quality it t e its position in the I nion : \VA>ll!M'.TON, Oct.ott, TltKofK MiiltToN : Voiir tele-rat "|||> in.it..i.l in-t if...I I I.... own motion, tlicv ?lo justice to t I |-t o|'lo. ( onjjri ss may abolish v ci union!> ol tln-c States ami n ir.itorial oovcrinnont-s ami <11 M >lia I ami who shall not voto. T likely the result to which tlm Congress now tcmls?the ilcst ' lhese lalsc "ovennm-nts ami tinn ol constitutional ;'nvi'innu-nts. i : i iii In- colored ' 310,000,000. the Gov establish t 1 10 r0C,ent c elare who co,,flus,vcly!?t>^fo hisism?st!1-',,y t?'.'o?al a, act on ut 0 a,,0Pted- Neither 1 .actio,, ol >l^>l?nd nor I)clawaT formation 1 h<*?: w,,h Kentuck, The next C" 'Sti*tcs, . ; to it. I ?J ? i settled one point r sonic time to come memluient will not he Legislatures of e will sanction it. y and the ten exthirtecn opposed command ol Col. l ain ll.cn commenced, conlin noon, the enemy Loin# and u half miles. At the pickets ot the Fedcm r and they commended a i ring the prevalence ol a i oi wind and rain, and morning, were at Mars iant: to which nluee the ler. The act ion cu "lie n ucd all the utter ,,1L' other driven back one credulous and 10 o'clock J'. M , ' easily duped, lis were driven in, ,',u 'oady vietm rapid retreat, du 's uiaterial lor l moat fearful storm w's''<'? to mal> at daylight next w'1'' ,u" politic hal, 20 miles dis u uia^axine of V were followed hv appeals that tin ? ;ri) s i mmiucis aim habits direction. lie is eareksii, dependent ; easily excited, "Pol| 1 easily frightened ; always v"'^ " n id the stronger will, lie ' ' *' the hands ?>1 anybody who !',l'V ;c use of hiin Invested '' 'f '' :al lights, the race inusi be liilsehiei. In .lainaiea it j negroes would imbit.c, at | ,'IU Ui i?? lurth r to suyjje>t than uiimii lie Ijej^isla t itie to make ail ':nv> ii ^ civil rights as ?-??mj li t as | ??--i < as ta extend eijUal aint exact jn? all persons, with ntt repaid tn mini as not been done \\ e slmiiUl n< r id the llepubho My l.iitii t My enhtiicuco is Unlimited i sdoin, prudence, virtue, inti lli^i nc ' wjeei (ll lit- af'MIII jill Hell WHS I u iiiciil ??1 the I'll111 ? 111. if lit* i f'otiti I guilty of itiic*itii>'i'ufi?>iial 1^ -4 I \Y KS I \V.\KI? lit) ! few oft ' are aware of the amount til" in ' that has heen flowing front the tleorgia, I t iiiiossee, North AI " l\? iilui-ky to the fertile regit 1 i I ratis M ississim-i A Meiimhi* n It'* I < 11111 > 11 should be ~ acfs A Gooi> Reply.?\ was ultout to be luarr >ur readers ,'u' 'adv objected that tmi^ralion and a schoh I'an,Una's, ! F^cher, l,c was quit . . , they did not even knc itltaina and J rn ? J : lroin ' 1 rue, ret> hei >ns in tlie i , , , .* K' ijw where he is iro aiier staff-. .. . n Vhen Philip llenrj ied, the friends of although he was a ar, and an czcelleni :e a stranger, and iw where he came 1 the lady, " but I ing, and I should Col. Palmer, and bcyon East Tennessee, by u del ry, with which us vol gallant Col. Lee ol' Ashe of Lt. Gen. S. i). Lee an of Spartanburg, in this ?H tunatc nuecssi'y for kc the Blue liidgc to oj command, alone prevent AnA.n . il that, and into ada^' < notice, j aclnncnt of caval authority i untecrs. were the , (iuutJn. hut what id Captain Nelson 'or Was soincth tatc. 'l'he unfur. '''in# 1? be don cping troops near ,nalie tliein all pose Stoneinun's ,a* 'rce Id ed the utter uuni j cil'^ns, call th imy absurd delusion as to md wishes u| (Ik: liritisli I commissioners, or anybody they woro always looking J'c*'" iny; to bo ^iveil, or soii.e- ,or e lor lliom, or some law to 'J10 rich, happy land holders, "i', rover. Such men arc not ljvc cm so il \vo will. ajii. uiiiiity of (lit1 in.ins t?l In ; and dial their ultimate deeisioi ; iiiinfluenred by passion and pro , engendered l?y tin? la'e civil wai a complete restoration ut I nion l> iinission ol loyal llepieseutativcs an >r.s Iroui all tin* States to the rcspei ouses of the l'i tigress ol the I'nitei ANIMJKW .IOIINSON. ' t liit " during (In- iiionth n| >ej.ti 11 :J tu \ci?(iiis were ferried Irwin X 11(i|K'tii ld, and about tin* nam crossed tin* river to Mound City, tot..I lit about wagons d month.' Allowing five jiersous won, tlie itninioraiion tor the | r* ' ~ this route alone, amounted to persons, iiio*i|y destined io Ari iv _ tn - . i . -i -! i mber last, 1,kc ,0 %? w,th h'^ leuiphis to A N,CE PulZE.?\V 1 1 correspondent, that, at '"^"'K/iatSt. Uuis lor the be, t""r. ' !' ed at the South, a larj " ' '.l 1 were distributed, and 1 month, by , toll ' f>(K? 11>Ls rcu,aimn? ?n ',a'" , , one was presented to S kansas and i . 1 , . that this one drew a 1 o loarn, through a the recent fair hold neht ot the distress* ;o number ot prises [hat of the ten tick? d after the drawing* outh Carolina, and ivo thousand dollars U1IUIIUII VI IMW vuuilljf. Another brave office Vance, though n parol theretorc unable to part resist getting under fit passively, the progress ol This was, probably, p ate victory of the war, tako pleasure in chroni< pleasure in noticing the r, (Jen. Hubert ' Tw.? bo>'s', a' led prisoner, n.ul ***' ??v? iciputo, could nut rl W,)0rl. Anl e, and watching of. "car,J V"U I events. I bul boa,8? al,LU the Wt Confedcr- Wendell l?hi and, as such, wc 't Tu . cy sling it?peculiar tll/g fact that some of j ca|lct, tho ch under eighteen years of tly made the voyage from nupolis and back, a distance Andrt thousand miles, in open States I twenty feet long. I'. ? ltcv. i Hips made a speech in Bos- ol .Mi' onintr, in which lie bitterly for a iwindling Congress/' as lie khlcti W 1 St 111111 ill fill* muni- Mr tKKAI. I >f tlii* I'ort) ti? tli A ']' l'ortor, ('hairiiian of tin* l?u.ir stons of the P. Jv Church, a rhec thousand dollars. ? m Si'U'.'iril VI * i v f?.f ill lioi l tit fliii Pnvvil i e xus. .aiiowiii^ uiui (lie uui matuni is I'cju lly large at other ** t lie river, ami by jubhc convc can I'orin some idea oi l lie fturl v" which the older Mates are be 11 mated. d ? ? m k Julia Oean liny lie, the uctrt enied a divorce at Salt hake. T was iiranted in the summer b ,.l i i - ? : in imuil- ' .. i set ol diamonds. points on yaiiee, we ,, ? 11,1 ' . . hXTF.HPORE 1 RKACt I it i rate at ing do pop- hurg Christian Advoca principal qualification tcuiporan ously, as fol \ss, has so 0f mind, strength of lie divorce language, courage, and y the l'ro _ i.. *i_ ? ii .l. T>_:_/ iino.?The " Pitteito" enumerates the a for preaching exlows : Competency body, command of strong parpoeo. ... .f ik. T _:_i our own sons were so gallantly engaged. Wo prominently and i (ry (jcucnil arc assured that' large share ot h Grant, also, cnmo iu for a ami ji is phillippios. [ State. t&suuicd hia duties as Secretary i ?i iraiv * imiii, imji vtitiKMii a in nil d1 | II a) no. Alter lie was heard I former tleorco was continued. 1 ^ I It nil .Mr .All I III- JfUUU^ 4 llli\ front, the filiuily of Kuwiu are to United States. ?VO VI IUU lliJpcllAl uiako a tour of tka