gg-.'.? <.'? '11 'T- -livi}*1* '? w ' V-.7""-' "" " ' ' \ ' ? BIMfe Ma turner Preaching- Marry'* Sermon. The must popular of English preachers u Eddie," said Harry, " lets g< is the oelebrated Dr. Spurgcou celebrated ohurch- and 111 be the minister. ier Preaching n of English preachers " Eddie/ Spargeon celebrated church and arry'i Sermon. V raid Harry, " lets go to tiou I'll be the miuieter. and caus Viiat we May Expect.?The N al Intelligencer says: To aho'T wli ie of alarm the Southern neonlo hn ' -i ?mh;thei " TU? ITM Tim riv WILLIS o Hurry led him away, and tlire p -lairs together, lie bet ai ;?roi n in front of h.ui, by way o '8u and Domestic P Lumber and Naval Stores. ?? ? R C H AN TS .VGEjrrs, I sale and shipment orta, of Cotton, Kics, a length." lie wen hiui several months, all the tiuie he was brought it *to the A u Go make it twice a it up ajruin, and the make it longer st brought it, there 1 command to make ID Knit k South, coot it .k :?.1 ' KIX(J Atlantic Wliarf, Ch E. WILLIS, A Mcli 1 5 b3|?P a. ill: Millinery and 1 AT NEW YOR; DFY 2G2 KING jS arlcaton, 8. C. LKX. B, CH1S0LM. S INGf, ancy (ioods,. >H K PRICES. H VTREET, | "M**" uw VlVU^Ui IV II said : " Take it, and foot with it, and cas Are." These are th the chain. Hero is to night, ye servant) muster, the devil, is chain. Some have iug the links of the " Go make it Ion ij? ui iiihi, me inounrcii v bind hiiu hand and a V"" t hiiu in a furnace of /v l e waues for making ,, " . a meditation for you ar^' ,!"t< s of the devil. Your .CS| Ml telling you to make a ment,on ??> been fifty yoaru weld W:lS hi0'n'^. chain, nnd he ?,,v? : '"f.?'? have ;cr." He.xl Snbbith >,h sh';."" ? .w. J VV? V\/ l#VU| Mill I " ;a over. 7 Hi; kind to baby. /.atii vo leaved out, Mu kind to ors. lti uptud Kddio. S tid 1 lurry, " I did'n' rn-an to I'to: own tiutne in my sermon, i lie kind to little Minnie, and bad your r? d soldier to |?biy with, v,i" ?uts it. bi ll i?.. i.:.,i ? i - * ? i li<: |)l III! '|MI lUUt'lS. Ignoring the existing State organ jus, and appointing military tjover . Anniiling the pardons granted by t lidotit. . Kxolusinn of every person South w ever taken an oath to support the C< ition, whither eouipromised by the : ion or not, Iroiu all offices, civil, mili \VII0I,I>AM; DIIUG4 ! 151 MEETING-STREET j (Opposite Charleston lintel,) he' ChiirloNton, H. < E. D. KING. >1. I)., North Curolit , J. J. CASSIDEY, Sept 20 34 >ti- _ B P. BROWN'S Mil ?- 7 Opposite llufai BI8TS, Cll ARLE8TO ? March 1 6 o. CHARLES BELl iy AND DEAL! LL, j Hams, Sides, Shon in Street; N, SO. CI. H 1 ,OISE & CO., SoiroiiJimttB, H RM IN H ilders, Smoked | morning, you will oj and put another liu will be drunk, and |i Monday, you will di and so you will keep to this chain ; and v? twenty years more, 44 More links on still, it will be : 44 Take hii and foot, and cast I >cn Iliat shop uf yours kj noxt Siii'buth, you Hcrp,,lu ???' .ut another link ; next dn ? ><>" i a dial,o,,est action ; l o" "1'1 on waking f;asli links 8auI; " Mul! lien you huvc lived CO"' . the devil will say : .. * 1 ??l,le " And th^n, ut last, n, and bind hint baud ... ^ li.n into a furnace of w,! !"ak* !" iji- miiu 10 01111 n, ami o what. sn,c. r purr, and don't do what will 1 c.r;l| ?r naval. ihuotisimi in Mkmpius? I'lic Mc i Aval niche, closing an articlo on t lival of crime in that city, says : We will iiiiwclose this aitiile bv st; ihat not in the wide world is there ill shooting, stabbing and kilino as Iby county, when we t ike into consi ion the int llivieuee ot the eomnnini t r | nir.Mi1. ,>t i i.i,> nave been iIto J paired, and are now in good i m dcr The FLOUttlNO MILL in r ) good I urn-out, and is not to be s making good Flour by any mill. ] work" well, and we are prepared bu-iiieas attended to in first rale si We respect ully solicit the palm as old friends, and as many new one ill their wheat ground fur a ; hut it was a , riuoti. hun t you think 80 I elry / Y? t i/iw u s Jfitrm I tieii that the halls tl Niagara, on J |wo lit alter niiilit affrays, oeenr ; men ; i witliin a lew ,anis t ! ? niylit ii one eml of the eity to the otfu r. < I lie most astonishing features of this r o! hlooif is the of the p limits They ">40 lor jtie at other" It 1 at a ro\vtti 1,1 Oct t 84 iy. ~ W. I>. i>XU?t 1,1 i f) KSI'K' Tri'l.H uiiiu-uiicea to rV y In- Ins ag iiii o'liuiiiitnced '["I ' 'Tinning: Hiisiix ill, ! >nt*l fuel* liim.xclt well prepared a lit- li> 1 >rl mn UM M.W U.llip l||!r|eit c las Imlc as possible, ;i| w loor* . , , with tho res i sofas, nor tip back to your foot. His Kxct into tho company of ideal ot the jua, spirit* and tobac tlie Kcv. A Hoard of Mi r nlav. do so at once > copal I huri u\ ... |?n IVUI It'll I 11 tl I 1 III* | :tirr?*ncy is regularly red eined | ^ ury, cancelled and destroy ml, ' whi t of the mutilated currency. ) ped llency Andrew J> hitsoti. I'res I w* i Inited States, lias presented ' app T. Porter, Phair>> an ol the how ssions of the Protestant Kpis? a In ;h, a check for the suuj of pou i'oKTtl K.ViiWINO? yoniij^ la le in the country some years ago, sti en a rusty nail which ran thr-u^h I ; and loot. The iiiflainatioii and p.e of c urse very gtcat, and loekj; rehended A friend of tlie fa mi 'ever, recommended the application el taken Iresh from the garden, a tided line, to the wound It was do x cu t 1 ^ SarTrjlng and l'ngine 1 ' rilllK undersigned offers liis serv |_ roml ConipunifS to survey 1,11 Kail road routes; to furnish Maps a IW j Specifications. Estimates and I'lan lv. I structure. Mo will measure and r *,1 ' tail contract work and heavy tirudi i will execute Topographical Druwit ",1 . off the Drain ige of lulund Swutups Uti ; lmitl*. ti?i* fiir?i??*?**x II Range's Grates. Marble crinfif. Machines ami Tool*. PIi ,, Iron an >8" ??' Mch 1 6 and hotloiu m mmmwwzm 19 4 j^H| Mantles, Tinners' H umbers' M:iltrials, H well Force and ;l Lead, Lead H g, Railroad H Also H ing Washing Wringer. o with Vi?patch.m?jyi H __ !?_ >J ?1 ?? Eressed, or making and, let your port'or never ho good, it will a lady situ down to I gentleman should atl music stool and turn Meeting friend* ii you salute them the and not every time j u fuss. On the oilier ^ Irish malice bo brief or, if , u(.JOHt0(i p.. be tiresome \\ heu a hler of he piano turtc, some t4(Juod mon tend her, arrange tlio over the leaves. The pnr.M a a public promenade (Jed's prote i first time in passing, pleasure lor fou meet. I cannot be ii I anil j:irl at play un Sunday was j oM , the priest, " (joed morning. ;l j( the devil." She meekly re- Ctl||| ling, father." sim til in which we cannot ash ction must be criminal ; 'be ,j which we tla.e not thank him j C((V( inocent hi' ctieet very beneficial Sikiii iati<>ii bc^an to subside, and bi keepi lie raised beet and elian^iu^ it e-di one. a> its virtue -cented to I ie impaired, a speedy cure was < fleeti iple but iiectual remedies like tl aid be kliovvn to every cue. tliat no suit eau be maintained to i*r on a note the consideration lot wlti ill ' l'ariiculur attention will be jri i,._r businosa eiilrn.-ictl to liim 1 >y Klip j'n|. otlieers i.f Itailroml Companies an | lor ?'0'l in lirbigo huibltii?. ami e Kiiriiicrit who iloairo to reclaim t Iniuls or to establish thoir b mml Ills j ol?l surveys. Ilo will also superintend personn I si rnci ion an I biiil-liu^ of Kailmnd ri! f an_v oilier Itridgog ilia) require tin , an t%n<'ii?eer i?)ss it's a liiuskectcr Lite. ii !? ! ? or uf!*iriiig uuor ' ii I<11 <'?. . i hf utnliTMifiicil at Catupo! it lanliurg liiMiricl, S. it,. J NO. ItANKSTON I I ( i\il Kngitiecr, Surveyor and \J Mlg ? 28 ill' A Siiu:ii-Sulf historical Wa ;ot , 1'iiirU Ivliiion, just read; ' Surr.v <>1* Kaglos ! l' ii . / it, sir* of 'I Shilr (hhcrr iiiiuzoii win i " iui 1%. l>elU, jar gaw8> All(j (jeo. i?_\ JAVIS, Saw Much raftsman. ? I>- Coiikm. 1>. 3. II tf March 1 ir Novel! PHILIP VOGA y>\"sr. W holesalo f>f \'tr,rutin. iimd <* v,w uircu(IK & CO'S l ortmhlo ast. I*. Moroan. RTY page il 111 ni.i . I ith. I'M! pages, price k Following Stonewall Jackson I " ginning of the Valley campaign t< in constant intercourse with l.e< ill uart. Asliliy. ami other We have a viv'ul picture of insole I lie Smith. In a word. "wlioeve Ht?>rv of stirring iuciileiit, with a ion of iioii'il events, fine draw - * ash ry, by John lliiHirat ions, 1 COMMISSION ? - Jo. ! i.'i" Ib a.h"; Corner of Atlantic W1 >\ .lack -mil, celobriiics, j t'- fUOARTV 1 army lilc a, ? FOO.VKTY, f C r ilesirc* a ??:o: ? Irulhliil ?lc- t for UOYD UU(/S ingot'char , Mch 1 f? [ERCHANTS 1 mrf & East Bay, harleston, S C. V . CO S Crtam At*. upon the slightest u m?tter, in passing against you, never me," or "I beg your Novur forget that to be first cared for, i the places of honor, titled in all cases to 3 tcction. mxvii. i\ utieiiiuii, i .1% " uid most inadvertent' before, or rubbing' to uy, ladies to have the best seats, H uihI that they arc cn ^ four coui tcsy and pro I ' 'V. >> ^ v W A > s. HCH'I, 91II I :i IHII mill C\|MIS|| loll I mill motives ot? Southern men 111 just cl'iscil, all |?>M in the urcsi 1' in aii mi usually ?leli^liiful style, , will t>e a ileli^iittill guest." 1 Mailt it to ?i9ii/ /mil oj t/if Utiitrd ^ { free, ?u receipt of price. \ F.J III NTINOTON & \ IV.? ISrnonie Street, ?J Any Southern paper giving 'h J insertions, ami seinliiig a copy of J to the publishers, shall have the im the views j the conflict -?^i GJ.till 1 4 mglUh, nnd j o tins volume. SOUTHERN I; Shtlet, pout ' AND MANUFACTURING row York. PRATT, WILSC c kbovo two ! their paper j '-JitN ICii Volume post ; i Mini L'cr/1 ? prif^e ! M POUTING DRUE HOUSE, \ )N & BROS., i??T Nreet, * 4 I V L3 d ? m Be careful never conferring favors. '1 * case becomes an in Do not cross ? rooi ner, and lorce your w ly to receive a bow, i traet the eyc9 of the If you are desirous ol one in particular, pin if u.. :J. to offend delicacy in .'he obligation in such suit. WE in in an nnxioiiH man- ! 'ay up to a ludy mere . us by ho doiu<{ you at-1 l/\l company toward luir.! /Tl\ Fbaiuo noticed by any > I yourself in their way j - vgy 1IAVE CONNECTEI> V V I y/ VI V 'IT 11 OI U lil'SINKSS f trie | Out I .'!?' mitick ro m<:n VI.I. |H'r-ons in'liicil in il K1K \ W 11.SON, or lo mj J iIivkIiiiiI HCi'uiinl, are rcijueslcd tc j Ol.l? STAND. (Itrick Kmgul and incut. wlu-re I may lie found fur i | In attend In tlii-< liusines*. We li friend* ami customers have not fu i.i.i w.n ? 1 ' - ' . viiniuiiioivi O? fjie propriotor8 tohhI Southeri lie Firm of *uch enttrprise South o rselt, mi in- Southern llouift givt*u cull at our niiiko srlile- WK OFFER AT R A 1 i short I imo FARE FAV0RAB1 r>po our old YORK PRICKS. rgoticn us, n I F. \l 1 (' V IJ4 f o I,. | are Nativ I icrs I f Philadelphia Wtll I ? thsir I'atronaijr J I PES THAT COM- - -J IAWITH NEW ALL DRUGS, ^ uPhinvRs up ii uy Hcciueuc, an tint you have nought deed, thore be souie to communicate. Gon. Sherman, it become Secretary of I)ecouibor 1st. The neoessury foi him to erroneous General (i uo not le' I lie in see AND IIAVI tliuin out; unless, in-' LBAlliKt tiling very important [ is now believed, will War mi interim, on statement that it is . , .We linvr> 011 resign in the army is AN1) , -,?j.-Kl: 8cott Ulid olhor iirinv mwi.-i' NO RECEIVED \ KKl'I'LY OK 11 t. WE CAN K l UN IS II. II vKNESS. 1 ANY MADE, NOUTII Imnd an itSMorliik-iii of size? of I'aieiu S'S. rt-uilv made, or inndi- lo order al kl.TIMOKK 0\K TANSKO IIAKNK :qi'\i, is stvlk ok quh.ity i OK SOUTH. Aii Tight MKTAI.H' BUK1AL C A very -liort noiico We al-o lm\o n j, "... ? "II, I'M n II 'I IIIU ill'l 1J?> SS iliey mil, pay us i? pari cm A, nu< for upon account. A. ir l THE ST \TE OF SOUTH CA l\ Kin m -SI*A KTANlBURll I Seaborn Harks, V Mrao 1 I' appearing to my satisfaction I Il? HI 111-11 It* | - - "*? I give notes Sl'lOES.&c., TH ... MATKLY UK vl,in\ _ OUR LINE KOM.VA. 8INB88 DISTRICT. KEEP icrs, vs \Vm HAI iy debts, | "X." i~~l. Wlllinm PaSl5?|??_ E" I AT LEO IT1- 4 ;hONG TO : OF BIT- \ < 1, AND li ON *D ?3 BBS T it up to suit officers have acted a different peisoiie in tl eminent. ? i ii Ei Confederate Fe is very strongly in fav the right of suffrage the samo as white mc unwilling to do this j ii i\nr<, w iim * Secretary of War at Our price* tie history of the (ju- mcui all kind I ? CAUKIAUJ stuuuitor (Jen. Reagan j or of granting negroes and all other rights m. lie says any man OCT II i? a demagogue. 'II WO Will 80II11 III iMIIU'l'Ill*. Willi It fill wo iniend wlinll lie iih low a>* wo oan |n h of COUNTRY I'ltODlTE. m iimrkct ALSO FOR G AM) KUGCY TRIMMINGS. I SCREWS, CAST IN (IS, AX K; F( OQ ItiI driver, when reijucsled issiMy utl'oril, and we will receive in pi |>riccs, WALE ? UNI S, OILS. VARNISH, HO! S, IKON, NAILS, Ac. )WLKR, FOSTER & CO. tf | I' ?rk-. ami liic heir* ttl law c ilcci'iiM'il. ItcfeiMleni* in lliin cmtc, a! i lmm i- I'ark*, ilccriiped. Inio < 1?i : 11<-" i ?--i I. from ami without I ili.- . it i? ordered, on tiioti ? .v (':iiUm\ t'oui|iUiuiiiit'M Solictor appear ami pland, nnswcnr ci ilu- Kil! ?f t' mplnint within th from tlii* date or judgment j>ro eon ' taken as to tlicm. T 8TOBO FARROW, C I'nill'fii Oftiro (Irl A. llUifi TV. Park.. | vuuuwy XI heirs at law ^ A.PU VTT. Chemist to if Anderson Mining Bureau. L I the limits of p p. WILSON, Chemist on of Hobo Depart meat, s, that they I April 11 & r demur to | _ - ree months CORN, FL0U1 ft??o will be TE S I). I ust received by | r>i orrt ?Nn raae.^ta late f!. 8., Niter mod V. WILSON, i to late C. 8., Or * 1j ^^BAC?N | i VII rcn >. /in * " r*.m\EjI\ ? tU, ' I *