f ' r , ? - -* y - I n 4 p M m m 5 ? yf m 'm t BY F. M. TI VOL XXIII. Si U& m K IIMMIER SP^ a M ifii 2 Devoted to \ It T A N BURG. S. ( Sa it M 2?i [gricultural, Manufacture 3.. THURSDAY. N ig ami Mechanical Arte. O V K AT R R U 1 R q a m m ? $2 00 IN I a a a I ? - ..... jr ~ AD VAN CE *T/\ A I TII i CA&IMSrA 18 PUBLISH ? THURSDAY [ JK tp the black mui IE# bvekt over tho virt _ _ ? man who com MOltNIING, is hard to cut ' \ lrn*i()u Si oycrn incut, before he can be stitu such rights and privileges, au h reference should be given to ers. 1, in his ignorance and vice, a Hi uous and intelligent white repu here from a foroign laud, of t! iceivc. that i: i? -i?i 1 > t - ? ? 7 ? tioual amendment is more revolting ouonhlc iniiicl tli.tfi either of the o It is, in the true sense of* the wo II of attainder and cx post facto law, giiunt to tho sentiments and fuelit ic frainer* of the Federal Constituti they declared no such law should et 1 ? - i ? ? to virtuous, however corrupt, aur tli their loaders may be. The Kx r maintain the Constitution an ion rights of every section of the Ui irur is every reason to be.ieve, to L V U V I I malignant Tbe Ten Com couti e ]>c- An old author thus rb .-eminent is III Heaven whall iiw iiiiin can do That know and Woe] d the equal To aid our >ouag root lion Tlinro *!,ci-ed " birat>lc men. The conception of sucl was never before, probably, thou; ir an Englishman, 01 the dcectidunt {Englishman. It certain.y was not )ted by the Engli .1 Parliament in t est and bloodiest days of English t The only incident in history an is to it, is t lie wish of Nero, that cc, Judiciary Department of the C oi will (ippo.se its silent and pea i a to the tyranny of Congress; ant ;lit uot despair. ol The lourtli section ot the | at uienduiciit to the Constitution, 1 he an tees the Federal debt and yr the Confederate debt, is as twin al it is I utile No Southern St.d all : rej'udiate the one or assume ^ wuv niv ic^inirro Ml l rovcniment fand. by one Richard ( cetul power They belong to tlie year 1 we should ?? the quaint epellitig of cruized. reads: proposed a- IlaTe ,hou no olher i i Unlo no image bo which K'.ar Take not .he name repudiates Dc> noi the Snhba lecrssary Honor iliy lather ui te wishes to And see that thou th other From vile ndultery nu uiu pnrisn id tingChristian, the ricar.? 1689, and are written the time, which modGod but me : w thy knee; of God in rain ; th day profane. rt(l mother, too ; no murder do. keep thee clean: Progra 8T0NQ LETTER FRO: F. PKRRV, AOMNS TIONAL AMENDME! One by ono the 1c South are taking potpublicly against the a iinint 1 t nriifAa .tio v\l mine. ' . v U HON. BENJAMIN but,tl> 1,10 lNJ pose to protci P TIIE CONSTiTU- ustioe hill) ST i ami property. The right lading men of the political right iition squarely and *? ovcr}' com onstitutional amend- ,8 !? ,'10U1 tcricrence, in mu see hi niui tins ougnt to I men ortheru people of our pur- thou :t the negro ati 1 do ample traei > in all of his rights of person the how* to hold office and vote is a ever , which belongs exclusively Csout munity, and to be regulated th^t all seem proper, without m- port any way, by any other pow and UaU but oiit did vio ate the Consfitt in ; would he no barrier to a corrut I And 6ical not. tht rity ni on- Bear no false witne ighuuor the j What is thy neigl JCtioTI. as a Write these thy law Id not stay And let me not fr tsc or neg- * iropriations The Mobile Kxi due, with ?Copying what the J And even 0j- tjie ?Knights of At jtton, that ... , n i ,i . pudition to Cuba, tl >t (Jonirress. ' 3iigh thy Mate be mean, ?h, shun that blot; 'ibor's covet no', s. Lord, in my heart, ?m them deport. kdition to Cuba. sorthern papers say abia" and their cxic Mobile Register U1VUV. JL v gl* LO UO J/l oar readers the folic from the Hon. B. F. 1 (jttKENVILLK, S. C, Char It* W. Wood/card, My Dear Sir :?1 I of receiving your lettc 1 expressing a kind intci I of the Southern State? I Knnfli ( Inrnlinn altnnlil cwauiu iv au * u? , er. j ncrc is wing manly letter i>, the world Perry : been imposed Octol?er 2(5, 1800. noting and ? Philadelphia : The Norther I had the pleasure ^c>r earliest i sr a few days since. deprive i rest in the condition 8a,uc ri>-rh', w and urging that I u.nd. ^ra"ny. fi,? | their part, vol i uot a civilized community the i where restrictions have not dor t on the righs of holding office, Tl jxcrcisjng polit cal power. 03, 11 States have done 8u from trato listory up to the present day. ccrs, the Southern States of the viaio ould be the grossest injustici man And to consent to it, on visiu unturily, would bcsclfdcgre mate war, shall hereafter hold any office i .lie State or I'nited States, lie Governors ot th< States, the Ju? members of the Legislature, mug s, constables, State and District o are all, iorvvcr excluded by this p n Vo suppose that any Soutln would voluntarily adopt such a p ii is indeed placing a very low es ! on Southern character. The snl.l id iii carrying out their purpose, u by lite sad experience ;t the p iy. gross in disregarding and tramp ris Federal I'onstitutiou. t]i 1 he tilth section ot thepropo ro luciit declares that " t'ongress r? power to entorce, by uppropri ro Hon, tiie provisions of this arti ;ii. | we have a power given Coiigi i?r I sirov all 'lie riohts of tin- Stni. is wo know, says : rosent Con We don't know niu< ding on the tions which arc to sail New Orleans, t?ut tlu wed amend fr-nu this port is now i shall have The tteet, now lying ate iegisla- pond near the mouth iclc." Here very formidable one, i ess to ue ul no less than two w .? .....4 J h about the expeditroiu New York and at which is to sail about ready to start, at anchor in a frog ot Dog llivcr, is a j consisting as it does ash tubs and a slop tional amendment pro You also expressed a views in reference to ti litical question. It has been said th be dishonored except I may injuro him apd o] can no more dishonor infamous that the}' eat J I 'PL j . n uation and ml i posed by Codktobs. ,r. . v_:.u .1 I he second wish to know uiy ? . i .. .. m .. stirntioiial am bis all absorbing no . . , , ? 1 sentut ion slial . her of voters at a man can never , . , , . w. . k . any male in r?y himself. Others . J J , . , i twenty one ai sprcss hitu, but tiiev J , L- I . i any cause wh: him and render him J . . . . . . , . merated in t ! defame y^'oe. and . ' ..it nis manes it I amy. who section of the proposed con Gent etidiftent declares that reprc own 1 be in proportion to the num- ?t' hi in each Suite, and that it and habitants over tho u^e of iequ re excluded t'rotn votinjj^for I'he itever, they shell not be enu- ?lisgi he basts of representation lite, ill!;>t r.ilive Oil (lie Southern i KwtM gallantly fouvrht under the lead of I jral, and who would have sacrificed I lile, at any time, for the jiroteeti is couiuiaudcr, is required to dishoi disgrace linn in pr A lleges or until l0r citizen by rei using suffrage to t Congress may, under tins sect t;r universal sutliuge to that class n,l Under the pretext that some 01 deprived by State Courts of hi ur j property, they may give the lit ! ( Viiir: ?. tuiiim innaJ.Aii..? -.4* .? l.w, u.i^ wu- uuuivui, cacii anucu ial (iov rn- .ind a double banelh a .State has confidently believed unities ol a will sail as soon us the be negroes, can ^et his shirt, hon ion, declare woman's, Let the Q' of persons, tremble. ic has been ? s liberty or TllK MONEY-ORDE lited States stated that a clerk of it la: : t ?T ... wiiii rine brickbats j?i cornstalk. It is that the expedition commanding officer lie from the washer icen of the Antilles :r System.?It is one of the business In uiu una noiiur. i n< of a people or a nation sue an honorable and | cannot be disgraced by and oppression of a s ever t)rannical and may be. The Southern pcopl of all political power i< property may be con j same may oe sain c, . v,r. I . f. Malts lu upve i \V hi 1st they pur- > J a lar^e portioi f?atriotic eourse they r 1 , . , J 11111 the neuro the insults, wrongs ' , ^ this euiistnuti tromrer power, how w. , r . ? ' ern elates mu exacting that power . , ? 1 prejudiced mi , , , 1 ii all of th c may be deprivnl ? , ( it r . proportion ot a the Lnion, their ' ' , - . , j . neuro-'g, who ; uscatod, ami their ? 1 . lii?r fillip..- vi?l up their representation lor troin a ot their population, or per- Iroui efl to vote The injustice ot most ouul provision to the South- such st be manifest to every un mtel nd. I low e Southern States, a lar?;e tnis their population consists o! and arc utterly incapable ol hold expe ill?r /ir PVoi'i'tsimr unu j 7 - " IU VAI their councils, her Legislature, a i all public offices, her wisest, best a , experienced servants Was e\ a proposition before submitted to ligem, virtuous and (Christian peopl r any honorable man, who reflects section of the proi >i . .. |?UI , j<.. IQUtbiiUii u: ii i iii the State. The legislative ! and judiciary departments ut tioveriiiiieut may, under tli.s a? entirely swallowed up by Con^r y American Union uiade one yri ol, i dat< d empire. ,!(_ ! I he proposed amendment v !:l? iii it ted to tiie President lor Ii ,,v ; as required by tlie Constitul , I i.... ....i ?: 1 - .. ?<- - ;; :iv^a.i:a:s asu-ss S! i?.ew i ork ;, executive cently to inquire the the State 34,Sl)0 ou California, section, be it would be three per ess, and the principal directed hii ind consoli- known banker, to see not be obtained. The ras not sub- name ^iven him cal is approval, Kelley, and was infor tion, before eould be sent by postc Catj r? u6 SCnt Out ?? ; price of a draft of lie ascertained that cent or SI 44. ilia ui to go to a wellit better rates could clerk mistaking the led on Post Master med that his money >fficc orders for S24. in oat distinguished ni I gibbeted on the gallow be rendered intaiiious such barbarous and i Such a course will unl dcr infamous their o|>{ I do not concur witl that the constitutional adopted by three i<>ur( am sure this will not t id virtuous citizens I cal rights. A s, but tbcy cannot \ their labor in history by any otherwise taV uhutuan conduct.? country ami y dishonor and ren- Northern Stai ireasora. _ groos, and t li you in supposing would not set amend lout will he tation in Cong Iff of the State9. 1 that one"se >e the case. There ?..,i ? ? r U..J III t the saiue time they exo ude, rn , white persons, who wouiti adop Le tlieir places, occupy the or ai cultivate its lands In the un^l les they have very lew ne iiold heir exclusion from voting It iously a licet their represen all i ;ress. The consctjueucc woulu possi etion of the American Union, u> lil ?, iiivuui(iiirnLiiMuii;. i nut any .*mi tuuii should vote tor it or favor itioa is a confession of his own di>li< nil infamy. Such a man would v y betray bis country, Ins own hou and bis Clod. the S juthcrn States wore so lost shuinc as to adopt this section, it ible that youtiu men ini^lit be l'ou II all tile State offices J but they cot (h i "'I'nif; ftuuiuiiicu 10 i?ie Ola to l ,ts ! an J r I io) should not, therein m- or regard it at ail as a pr< pod fi|. tiotiul amendment lor their so Kleven St tes were excluded gross when it passed, and the j,, never sanctioned it is l>ut I I. el well assured tha i, 4 old not expect or wish the r;? ,1,1 ' this amendment hy the States. legislature!), Tins was an unexpec! re, consider lairs ; money orders hi ed co-istitu but after due consider adoption? proposed to send to Iro n Con? warded by meaus of President rate was just one-halt' it ( ongrea- pact Worth 1 lilieation of t|10 gr?und, creet hu 1 lie pCO (diiino-v rmrl mil n nnt ted erudition of afmd been thought of; ation the sum it was California was forthese orders. Th? of one per cent. Knowing.?To buy ildings, supply mat/\n or?? 1-^ ?? are thirty six States ir and this will require amendment oy tweutj tion ot the amend men defeat it. It is moral tain as any future ever on huuian action?tli (reorgia, Virginia, X batua, Florida, Mis, Texas. Arkansas and .the Federal In ion. woulcfhaVt; a the adoption of the ?aiiollal , , f seven. 1 he rejeo r,., * . ,, J ... 1 he propos ,t by tci. 8u.t08 will a| / ??? ?-? ~r cll0oS0 it can he, depending . c , J representation lat south Carolina, ,i , ., .. . , ' their ne<;ro >s orih Carolina, Ala- , _ , . . . , . ternatives, no sissippi, Louisiana, , .. . ... 1 1 1 , , ' tor a moment . Kentucky?eleven I . . .urn Him a iui^c |Mi|iuiUllUII, IIOC most inudcijuutu lullucticc in hold lation. on .1 cd amendment of the Feder ted 1 n lorces the Southern States unre .ween giving up their oijuul test 1 in Congress, or permit ting Tl to vote, lietweun these al prov Southern State could hesitate ed t? to choose when the issue i> of IV ieprcseiit tlioir State in Congress >ny othoe under the luit.d Stat ccouut of their having aided and ab in the war. The ~ tat eh would still presented in Congress as loiij^ as t oath is cuntinued. tie Constitution of the I'nited Sta ides tloit amendments may he prop y a rote ot two thirds ol both llou undress, and when adopted by thr or t pie were made to believe tin ,.j, iiiteiiileil to iccon.struci the I'l ,-t. was a tub thrown out to the i,(. atnuse till the tall elections In- ' toii^rcss does not intend to 1 States reconstructed till after [cs deittiul election in 1 JSl> "<. Tl ,,s States are to be kept out ot ?os i till alter that period, in order t? ec | radical triumph - --J I'"" " VV1 it ? ongress looms to weave nion. '1 li?i* ousts forty dollars. \ wh ile," to mmi that knows the 1 were over. cu? arrive at the eos have the Spindlcs. 1,000 spini the I'resi ^..irn about 200 bales c io Sou hern -phe sauie person can the L'niou nmny apindlcs it will r ) insure the I coj,on crop ol the Su I i 1 * IVMJ opuiuic rUIIUIDg, the yarn into cloth, V ith this f'aoi, any multiplication table, t ot any number of Ilea will convert into if cotton per annum, easily ascertain how equire to use up the >uth at a given an? I States?will not dish I adopting the propose w uicndinent. There at you say " Northern Sti the requisite number ment." If adopted, it I of i wo recreant States i Tennessee. Tliis cam I You state that you I ^Armo %uill j - lorceu on tuci onor themselves by ,jle national 1 d constitutional a- You very pro] e not, therefore, as 1 goUthern Stat ates enough to make J jl(,uses of I'on to adopt the amend (,ou for their t must be by the aid a ;4,njority oft of the South besides j? , rly say, that already the I liis es are iu a minority in not It eonti gress, and a full rcpreseiita aiuo negroes would not give tlieiu supp lie House oi'Representatives ropn arolina wo have largely over seeu lousand more negroes than ineni It universal suffrage pre adon lis ol the State Legislature. shall I ; a part of the 1'cUcral Constitute clause of the Constitution eviden Pinplated a full Congress when so .dinciits should l?e proposed. It v used that all of the .States would seated in Congress. '1 his was t rity against the injudicious allien Is I>111 the proposed amendment v ted whilst ten States were eveln.l [,e | I he i.bject of the Hadical 1 hi 1 perpetuate the power ot their j tly they think they can do by ne" eh at"l by that alone. Hut they ras 1? put that plank hi their plat I l,0 J sent. It will be inserted two y j,,. When Stewart proposed uni? v ,1_ and universal aniesty, the leai as I Judical party expressed their ,.,t to ailullt it I 111 V With will! Iiuai average, auu HOW coders is to qUjrcj to do it. Wi arty. I his about it if ;ro suffrage, ' were airuid A Certain Cuke itrm at pre- reported that several oars hence, are sufferers from com ral suffrage lor the fact, and there lers of the report as it reached o willingness time Neither distin 1 - - Miucq capital id re? II the reader think for Corns.?It is citizens of Raleigh a. We cannot vouch fore merely give the ur ears from time to euished chiropodists, amendment be not ad rity has iho South ti n ay not be imposed, i adopted '( We have no that the Southern met ted to their scats in I amendment is adoptci kind is intimated; ui oati. is exacted, it wot ?? Ills UUUlll ?? ,,,C Vtli led, the ci opted. What seen State would l? iut ihe worse terms ']'|jcy eoui.l i f the atneudmont is Slate one ol guarantee whatever i Senators and inters will be admit j '|'|K. same Sta Congress, after the would be, n i. Nothing of the Mississippi, ud, whilst the test j States there w lid be impossible lor | ^milai ooudit utirc political power ot ihc hum c in the hands of the negroes neve elect to every office in the Slat* their own custc, and send const Representatives to Congress, by li te of affairs, deplorable as it the I iust. likewise take place in be, And in all of the Southern ten i ould be many counties in a neve .1011 ? iiCeroes I'lw'li'il in tli.. I 1 all i epreseiitation in Congress, r could liu e been proposed to t ; Legislatures by :t lull Congress, a i'((U? utly should not now be regard lent s constitutionally submitted Legislatures for adoption. It shot and will be, rejected unanimously >r eleven ol the Southern States, a r ean become a part o! the I'ede I J " It the pleasure of han&c |u. ! eluding Southern lioinhors, il i,,| | he aoeoinp'ishcd. t.,j ; 1 have thus, my dear sir, jji* t0 views in reference to the ec i),| ' amendment, le t me conclude |,y you tliat as fechle a^ S uth Ca i,,| he, and as " powerless" as you ral to protect herself," she is, u 1 ..l.I.. . ? -i " > ?v? uui |? m?um, IJUr Is and ex- nor caustic, nor any i [ this could lorded theiu luoro tli For their relief, we ji en you my remedy, which is proii institutional uacious by oue who hy assuring tried : rolina may "Take twenty cents say slit! is and apply it to the co evcrtheless, m nniug. It will caui uium-cugeu knives, ather thing, has aflun temporary relief. >ublish the following lounced entirely effihas tried and seen it worth of acetic acid ms every night and 4C no pain, and pro Iine southern Mates t Congress, except by ti honor and disgrace th guarantee that Congre: the Southern States ai ces, and appoint Pri over them, with insti *' loyal" conventions, < negro suffrage, and Constitutions, by whi 0 he represented in Legislature ai tosc who would dis- I 'p0 suppos* era. We have no would volunt is inny not still hold i jn tilt? Nation; ? conquered provin- I ?Lut she is in jvisional Governors ftntj icekless uctions to convene suid that jlocted by universal , go. Never ? have formed 8tutc I jf the coiistitt ch all shall he on- L..i?1 - n v.iv vuur. id tilling all county offices. i W i that any Southern State i rojec anly adopt. such a provision Soul il Constitution, is to presume will iscusible to her own honor, but \ ol her own safety. It may j ing t rcnuesseo has already done and i 'as there a greater mistake. pro* itional iMiicndmt nt hud been have I I- 1' ?> ' I It U I It 'll . hat will be the consequence of tl tion, is wholly immaterial to t hern States. Vou say that worse ter be enforced on us. This may he i ve shall have the consolation ol kno hat we did not voluntarily adopt the that aiuiilst all the tyranny and i lion w hich may he heaped on us, < maintained our honor unsullied, ai ui'iii iu iii.iiiiuiiii, ainiusi ail i ,iH siuiis, her honor unsullied, and |i,. voluntarily, accept her own de< ii)S 1 am, with great respect, yoi It; H F. w- ? ? tn. The Cincinnati Commercial ?p ground in favor of the ahsor wo Mexico, and thinks that sucl ad incvitatdc. 1'erhans it is, hut ler oppres- : i, now. It would l?e well for the ro learn how to jjovern what oo n^ have on their hands before lit '! - to extend their empire. In Ohio a machine has lately nr. I . . . . . 3 ----- wtit'il lllllUt'. 1 Illlt I 10 last ditch rn.ikinii such notes a ! selves to lie atitutional, and that it as this is suo)| notes is derived Jacobin* to 0f tho < ovcrnuiont. untry they suspension of the stall oy attempt | nl,jr t|,0 wur> Was con James Orr, of Sprit been intro just chipped troni l