I ! liieuutiijfs. The London Times says that there are not now to be had in England, seamen sufficient to man the royal navy. The horrors of life among the lower clas-.es in Liverpool, as lately revealed by an investigation, ureal.uost beyoud descrip jitioo. Seven wholesale stores in New Orleans were destroyed by fire no Tu sday. tens ffdO.UOO. Four persons were injured by lading walls. Mr (loorgo P-abndy li.is given an a-ldi tionul 8~>J0.0dlt to the IVabody Institute in Itabiiunre, making, wnli tin- ?.~nJ0,O?)0 before given, uu endowment ot SI .djO.ddO. Julia Dean iluyne. h iving re married last summer, uu I negl. et.- i to get a divorce from her other hustMud, is now trying to i?et one at Siilf I. Li. S.? .... ...? v ?V -T declare. Lager Beer, it seems, Ii is become what may be c lied a "iiouir.di/, *d American beverage, lor the am unit ui.t.i it.ictur.-d to this Country i* said ?o exec d the am unit IUadu in Europe. Ijate Mexican dispat dies stile that the Imperialists arc m-ivn.o to retake tie pl.t ces til y have recently atunntoned and that the French troons inou* to leave lor Europe liave been ordered to retuaui. General lice accepts the it itesid'all stu dents who are ntianle to pay ti.o le.-s it Washington Cni..v.>o, ledie .ina t li.it v-m ( men who receive their education under such cireumstances wdl j.av when aide Th re h.ive heen eight lino lied app'icauts for admission to the eolicg,. tlu> season The Verinont Legisl iiiirc. last Tuesday elected Ij I*. I* ?i.1 ii-I and *?rge I'. Ij i tiiunds. I'oiled Stales Sen itors. to !ii! tinunexpired 'eruis ot V|<-??rs I'ollaui'T an ? Footc, deceased 11 m jtp hi S Morii-i was chosen Se-iator lor ilie iuii term ot ms years, from the 4th ol next >1 ireh. Willi the I 'resident removed, and Gen Grant officially dec iptlated, aod the So.it It ! em whites held in bondage, and with | Brownlow and Bu'l ra i-l I'In dtps -run uino the machine, ' the eon lid ? i and I >'< ' ot the Kepiildic ought ">c eonli h-nlly lore told What would five-twenties '-c worm then ? A shrewd triek is relat-d of the iii.ii ?at-ill*jut of a Nashville ili.-alre I'wo nn portant cllaraceis having oeeii taken siek the play w is starhd ;,s u-u ii. 'mt soon . false alarm of tire was given and the ail ence sp.-ei lily cleared mi.. An Austr diun < olonist lias harn- s?ed ii . i > a KiiiiiiJrou, una pill ill<11 I ) labor I l< animu works hy saltation. an I tuns mi chinery witli fall hor-e power li he lazy, a pin stuck in liini in.linn junij up The Portland Argils savs : ' Appear me. of tlie great fire arc fast disipp .ning S \ cral hundred l?u Minos have hoeu rnruo:i in tli- toiri: district, and it pn scuts ?me of tin* in -i busy scenes inia^iii iltle. ()oa-o will see PoitluiM vnj well recoii-tructe t Accounts Iron South and t'eniri At bum-, rep ?rt great dotitutioii from i^t< failure of many planters, wlm had iiioi gaged their lands for siipp i-s. le.i ill. Clops failing, tie luniLs are so 1 it iiiuiou rates Families and homes ate broken up under these forced sales In (ireen alone there are more suits on the Cna-un Court docket than there are voters in the county. Meetirgs are being held, urging the l( Major (Jeneral () () Howard, t'hiol tit I* rei t.n i Bureait; Major < Jetn rai Hn.i i K k . commandite.; in S.ni'li ('uohi.t; M ijo. Oeneral Hix, and a nnniher ot oth< r net Hons of aim da tnilil ry and | <>111 eal prom itietiee?Xulfnml lnt> '/?;/ ixrr. 'li'ith ins' 44 Facts arc stubborn things." m?>d a lawyer to u female witness tinder examination. The lady replied : 44 Yea. sir ee ; and ho are women, and tl ymi p t any thiii" out uie, j st let me know it " 44 You'll he committed for contempt ' <4 Yery well. I II, sutler justly lor I ( el the utmost contempt lor every lawer pro? BVIlt." A jrciitleman at the \stnr II -use fa le, New \ ork. aske I the p- rsou next to him, if In* won <1 please to pass the mustard ? 4* Sir." said the man, * do you mistako me ' for a waiter ?" 44' )h tin. sir." was the r ;. , ply, 44 I mistook you lor a jjenthniaii." A I'ftln nirl of throe years, very I rid * of h'T l?oy playmate, w is r?-peaini-? I.or prayers after her aunt. Wlnoi sh<*eiuic to the close she rxeluitiied : *4 Auntie dou f any " A men," say \ boys !" Cotton <_* inning u ! I have ju-.t -rot in operation u new Georgia Cation Gin of 'he reputcl Ore* w ?l I iimKo. Ir iriM be kept bv DAVID 11.-IK.) AMD >0 whose lifetime ex periencc nit] reputation in attending to ti Water Gin ?r* wel known. It is s id this is a superior ^iu, imi I rho only new on anywhere near in the country, and tiia beyond a doubt the lint is ol su,.erio pi ilny L be I eve that :t is an accord opii.iou. that water power makes a Gu? > lint tli in horse, and will command a better price in market We will ?rin t'w the ti.ieeuiti, and expect in the I lit lire to continue at ibis rate or lower, and it necessary, run tw # -in- alter tins year I Im)** ; by the -iiiniii^ ol' the third crop, to have a most complete or^aoiz -d at niiii iiii'iil tor boili Oi.S S'l.Sij AN.) I'Ai'Ivt Ni? by w iter, all under ilie same mot, and be able to iurn out in superior style li.toili baies a lay. I lie ii mber of my com pet i i ors in bust no--. Ii.e emisid- raoly irictcisco since the sta liin; el hi, e111 ,?|y rat s tieiir; below ; i a>l pr? eeOehls, 1 hope will iioi n^eeder I lie | : oijnt.ee ol'aov. a- the very na ure in In.-I 1 ii.tc aier power and po nioo, reo ures tor' ilie ^.?.i 1 i>l the eojiiiry as wed as mysell, [ tiia it -hall j ciiii' uyi'il on a iai-o scale.! Wlill Mluttl't.K I'ltonr- ; aiso, i have iieen miiiimiIx eoostiluted, thu-adipti ? oiy-el o ill same -ly ie ol I ill-mess, which i no doij'U 1 have to a measure aeo oiled j li'imi oil Iravels lhi ol-h the -Norilt, Wiii'ie l h ve so much witnessed the t.cauiilMoy ni-.ii i d -ysuui ol lar^e business, with -hoii li.iin.s I will id another com mill ruiiiiin^ in alMllll l?n W'eeKs from tills iiiii-, wllell i wid oe n epuied to oriud corn with ore-l i ii-ji.it h a.ol peritenon and can aecoin I ill III lie -leek $rr; II d 111 i?. which I propose j 111on t- is lite, .j -riod -or the ttmifir/h, as ao io luccm-nt to lariners to erind lor -Jock; llle -I'ade ol the uieal to bi made i -ti (iy coai'sei iii hi hai u-isl tor hrcad. \ 'so, lor lOil'ier lodneellieiil lo the same. e.\, i ci -inhi to o,.| u(,a CD.IN SIIKi.r.It m in l.y wa er, which a >y one can u-e ht> t /' i ii i/ /e, and -a\o the ted uu- piooo.-S ol -11 llll|o lr ll illd. I xpeet to o.i onward in perfcctin- tlii. s, iii. oid a din.iT more and iicv n a 11'11* i v to this cup ui?u> jHUVi-r and rmiiii is l:?-f .1:- nil .Ill Will |irruilt. i*nl I Iiu I'll Ul.1^11111 ill 111 1 iiu 'iilll , t a;aiu, us on i.i-i -Iit 1 v. unite n lineiul patronage, hum lives. | mm pled 111 pait. i?\ a mvc m it 11 ry. us 111 v pnticiple tiii-siiim n| run ! iiCi-. ii.i iii a lilull ti>" render sit servient ?1 ' III* lllllTUSl ill (iii! I'llllllU all.i iii v ~i' 11 . ' w nl tlit; iii.iii^ superior result, ces ul lln; U.lUU. I lie number ot'miles ,.f iliir runt roadem.Ill uMiij; tins t?> tin* public r? :! i~ aroniid illicit liavu till leu mar l\ n | *< 111 kei ill, are aiiiiitt t'i*;lit *)' tun. an t lie lai> lil'i \ n.iiinur winch I liavu pursued thr svvi a1 s in win kin; 1 It 1 nu iiiii. 11 1 ~ s 1 miii; . I - I'll 111 1 ' J tu an expectation aiii.ui; It*, iinpl. t at tliu Mirthns ul 1111 ^ \v 11 k ii i.i l >u 1 ii!! 11 pi>ii i. e. which i alii tu iy wiihu; *u liuar wi h the support nl ^mii ( it loiia;e. '1 he k I'i'pi it tT up this :i ti ii tit ti t ul road tid iiiul;u, and to Ihiiu; int UsuiulncstIn u paluiiiius ill 1 Ins | lace, is a task tliu iuuiu wnii lit undertake with *>, short a tu an-, hut ilial It 1111 If i lew possessing an iiitn in; i i r>uvuiaiiuc. \\ ho i > 11, that a lew jc iic a^o in pov eily Would lia u purchased these waiui.1 midst its hu;e pianitu clilis ai d \aius III'! crossed lis dashing rapids With a hridj;. nd 1.cm. and erect ni.iehiueiy on tht, sub PC WIiEii, F< I'liiiiilst'n' to our 1 'st t foils* l oll\*a* our Kcrvirrs sis ( "A KIM !<:? * i:< x MC A >v.v v> 111*111 u Ik H ii ilM I AND II VV1 N i .IK E Vi'.D SI IM'I.V OF LKYilIEK, WE ?'AN E II NISI I II KNK* ANY MADE, Noll] \Vi? liiv on In nil i?n fn-mriinni . > I izrs it l'a \ND t'OFFINJ* i*i' nl\ in nit*, hi* iidhIi i> i im*i I EliSE. wlnoli we wi I eeinl In FiiiiernN will n Ollr |irii*e- we inieini if.nil .is ! \v a- we run nelil ail kill
  • (> I O TAKKIACE A." I> PT'filJV 'IIIIMMIN s HEW S, CAS I l.MiS, ' A ?CT 11 28 ,t Trough Nlioals. of its lashing waves in opposition to an overwhelming opinion of the aged men around ih.ii my efforts would prove an unsueoess ; and further, to have excavated roads ineaodcring through ths rugged country and make accessible and useful i hia abundant gift of nature, where 1 am told that man before had never dared to venture. I foresaw the various public tie ossifies of improving this place, that it v.is a very superior one for a bridge, that ..i the shoals from this to the mouth of ;ie ri?'or were rapidly tilling up with sand. hat some would soon, and the best of them would ultimately go into disuse,that at some lay not far in the future, with proper la >or ami encouragement, that this place would loom up and spread its usefulness .ill around. Who is it now that can deny the cor iectuess of these various, my earliest and lirst views, formed in 1858. Who is it now that ean say any other, hut that uiy Mieccss under all the circumstances, has surpassed the anticipations of the most sanguine, and as I have heen thus success iul under the most embarrassing circuiustaneos. that now with ? mum ?nl..f.????t experience, i.s it not fair to presume with i Ik- us islancnof a liberal public favor that my labors will ho onward, when the pu lie will receive a fair share of its beucGts It 1 out had the itica s, 1 feel sure that my ahi?r here is now out only a suiall begitiiiito my future intentions We must go to work and develop the many Various resources of our whole country as the best means I t ink to protect ourselves ug-nist the tit rout cuing power ol Radicalism. I have tor years Iclt it to be all important that the South slmuld with great energy, develop her icsourc s us our defensive guard against Northern sectionalism. N1 v su.-ecus during the ten years lease at the Llltlcjohn .Mills below this, was aclttu"cd Wn li uu altinisi unuiniuoUs opinion against me, during the fiist quarter ol lis ter , that 1 could not withstand 'he expense ol m\ c nuract. 1 there built a m 11, mat in point ol disp.it h and eonv< u icncc ot organization, has surpassed oiy I have seen in ih Male, which returned me a leinuner uiiig custom A short itiue Oeforo l lie e.ose--I I lie war. I was frequent ly ud K.n l.y off rey M ij. Lit.-jolin, ^ioi wtioiii I had a bi^li lega d.j the rcni-.il to release tins cum minding position nut ilecinol io accept, tor the reason tli.n i might be atite to eiup ?>y my undivided attention o tin- iiubouni-st fi, Id that lies here tie fore me ita tog thus abandoned tin:, r so-nee tor m ans. which was loduwed -or-u ny a- adverse close of 'he war. ropu dial ng mil etirretiey, and (he loss I sus taiu-'-l from ti-e indebtedness ot our late v iovi'iniiiein It,is ui he whole reduced me ^inidi niy as lli.-us.iii s ol olheis to complete lest i( ut .on ol ill ails to o-ieraie. w liii-li I r ally stunned my |no^ie>s and pailialh waln-d in tuy cm-r^it-s lrnveiiiciit to the Ih-pot lor shipping. I W1I1 kei p It At it i I Nii and IvCMM'i 011 haml or customers. LKKoV McAttTUlJU. - STEH. &Co. of past IIivotn, we Martin i _>I iiiiu urei-N <>1* iu;V WITH Oil II l >( > i \ ?*& (s?TL7^fBIS) i H \I.TI MOIIK o V K T.WXKIt IIWINKSS >. Kl/I U, IN STYLE <>K QUALITY TO I'll (HI SOLTII. em \ii li?lti MKTALir IH'HI \I, UASF I hi vf rv -linri notice Wo al-o have a goo on lit ti I ilmci. when ro(|iiesio11 1^ .illnril, ami wo will receive in payLei prices, na i ,i<: . I'MNTS. OILS. VANN 1S11, KOIJ' LS, IKON, NAILS, Ac. FOWLKU, FOiSTKK & CO. ,f i SOUTHERN DUUGHOTSE >VIIOIJ>AIJ: Diiuuciim, 151 MEETING-STREET, (Opposite Charleston Hotel,) Cluirlcstou, K. C. E D. KING. M. D., N. MilNter RESl'E- 'TFUuLY announces to the public i hat he Ins again commenced the Tinning lSusineNK, and feels himself well prepared and <|ttalif.e< to do all kinds ot work iu his line, with neat ncss and dispatch, lie ha< a la rye stork oi hand, ot every thing iimi i.ly f >und iu an e* tablishmeiit of this kind All articles ot Tl? W \IIK will be kept ou hand, thereby render ni)t ii i in - 11 nine in supply I lie wants < ! any will may call on him. lie is prepared In li such work as ROOF iNti. gittkking vm> repairing. n will work ami sell, wholesale or retail, LtfV FOR CASH. All work warranted. SHi>1* NEAR THE M'AKl'AN OFFICE. Feb 1 1 if Surveying and Engineering. rill IK undersigned offers his services to Kail road l'-oiip antes lo suivey and tucaii U.nlroud routes ; to furnish Maps and Reports Specifieations. Esttinaies and I'lans ol Super structure, lie will measure .lid report in detail contract work and heavy Graduation. Hi will execute Topographical Drawings and lay oft the Drain ige ot Inland >wamps and bottom lands for farmers. Particular attention will he given to any business entrusted to hint hy Engineers ami dlicers of Railroad Companies and others ui ter sled in Urnlge Imild tig. and especially In Farmers who desire to reclaim their swamp lands or to establish their boundary liucs ol old surveys!. He will also superintend personally 'hr constriiciioii and building of Railroad bridges, or any other llridgcs that require the services ol an Kngii.ccr to plan ami construct Parties h iving husiuess or desiring information will address the undersigned at CutupoheU t, Spartanburg District, S. C. JNt>. IIANKSTON DAVIS, t'ivil Engineer, Surveyor and Draftsman. Aug ^ 28 tf S'l A'TK OFSOI'TII ('AKOMNA, SPARTANRCRG DISTRICT. Lawson T. Meaders, Applicant, vs. William Meaders and others I T appearing to my .satisfaction that A mot I I.. Iteardeii, Polly Ann Reardcti and Jam Ueardeu, three of the Defcndat.ls reside without 11?i ? Slate, on motion of Farrow Duncjin, Applicants Attorneys, it is ordered that they do appear and object to iln* division or sale o! ilit* iteal Estate ol George Meaders, deceased, j mi in uemre ine 1 till U.IV ol .MM r.MliKK next, .t* Katies IS'c.'st. Ih 1111/ itn I/, moirs of a St ly IIART n, tin and plated wares, | Will receive orders for r. hoe & CO*S Circular Saws, and geo. page & CO's Portable Saw Machines. d. d. COIIKM. d. s. Hart. p. moroah. March 1 K IJ PIIILIP FOG ARTY & CO." "Wholesale Grocers 1 AMD ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ! Corner of Atlantic Wlnrf & East Bay, P. FOG ARTY, ) . . _ _ s. FoGARTY, } Charleston, S . C. Aqrnt* for BOYD BROS. .j- CO'S Cream Ale. Mch 1 r? l j 3T??w JKnto prise ! SOUTHERN IMPORTING AND MANUFACTURING DRIIli IIDIISR PRATT, WILSON & BROS., ' INo. tJJIH liin^ CHARLESTON, S C. o Tho Proprietors are Nativ ^ Southerners- ' A*" turh enterprise South of Philadelphia. Will Southern Houses give u* their Patronage? WE OFFER AT It AT KS THAT COMPARE FAVOltABLY WITU NEW YORK PRICKS. ALL DRUGS, CM K MIC A LS, MEDICIN KS, SPICES.Ac., THAT LEGITIMATELY BELONG TO OCR LINK OF BUSINESS, AND KEEP ON j HAND ONLY THH BEST Packages put up to suit Country Trade. N. A I'll ATT. Chemist to late O. S., Niter and Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, P. 1$. WILSON, Chemist to late C. 8., Or Department. , April 11 5 lj CORN, FLOUR. BACON AND LATID, Iust received hj CLEVELAND, WALKER A CO.