WIT AND HUMOR. ? The Bachelor'* SoliloquyBless my soul ! I'm thirty niac to day; six t'?-?'t in my stockings, black eyos, oiuly hair, tall and straight as a cedar of lit ha q Don, and still a bachelor 1 Well, it's uii w Independent life, at least?no it isn't, citherl llojre's these uew glnvos of tuiue tall " of little rips, string off one of my most p< faultless dickeys, nice silk haudcrcliicl in \\ my drawer wants heiuuiing, top button oft js the waist baud of my pants; what's to be done ? How provoking it is to see the e al married people looking so self sati?ti- d and ^ consequential, at tin- head of their taiuil- qi ies, as it they had done ilie State a great 0. service. Why, us to children, they arc |. as plenty ns flies in August, und about as troublesome; every alley and court, and P1 garret is swarming with theiu; they re no hi rarity. IInIi miv ttruir iibur?..lu .t? 1 I I..... J T - J r-? ? ? ?W ?'V^ (J pardon) wretch, can g tit wife, enough of , the ui, too, sucli an they arc. It's enough . to scare a man to death to think how much it costs to keep one. Young folks, have * to begin now where their lathers and IV mothers leit off. bilks and sitiu*. ribbons ^ Mid velvet, feathers and flowers, cuff pins uj and bracelets, gimoracks and folde rols ; and tbore's no help tot it in ray case?for if I married a woman I loved, and the dear little thing should ask me for my ni scalp, L should give it to her, I know I st should. Then t hoe's the tapestry, empets and mirrors, and sofas, and ottomans, pi and damask curtains, and pictures, and h croeke-rv, (and you must look at the sub- ?l jeet in all its bearing) little jackets and tl frocks, and wooden horses, and dolls, and Vi pop guns, and gingor bread ; don't believe hi 1 can do it, by Jupiter ! llut then, here 1 " sit with the toe of my best boot kicking " the grate, for the want ol something better 'r to do; it's coming uvrtul cold, dreary 1 weather, long evenings, can't go to con? " certs forever, and when I go, my room s' looks so much the gloomier when I come hack, and it wouid he cosy to have a nice a' little wife to chut and laugh with. I've w trin^ tA KinU /\l* -'l-*-? ? ?? 1?' 1 '' ..ivvi xi uiiuft u> ruimiiUMj; else, UUl I " can't; if I look in the tire, I am sure to 11 see a pair of bright eyes; oveu the aha Jowe on the wall take fairy shapes I'm on lithe brink of ruin?I feel it. I shall reatl s< my doom in the marriago list before long 'I ?I know I ahull. Heaven help me for there's no living with a better half, so they ' ay; and may I be refused if I can get ? long without one. /' A Prompt Witnkss. ? ' Have you purohaned nn intoxicating liquor of the j, do leaden t ?" inquired the constable. ej Not that 1 remember," replied tho witness, oooley. " Have you obtained any ut his store r i. "Not that 1 remember." ,, " Will you try and recollect? Bear in c, mind thut you are under oath." ;ll " I am trying." ,| A pause. IV " \V ell, witness, what do you say now V ,,| continued the oiliciul presently. " I ha von't made any discoveries as t.( yet." xv " Have you not, within a week, told persons that you bought liquor of dcieu dant r v, " Not that I remember." j., " Did you not tell mo yesterday thai jl( you bought spirits of dol'oudant ?'* q "Yes. sir." j.. " You di 1! Ah! Well, sir, when y ay do anything you please while I atn away, ex ?ept ride Jowler; the house dog." "Ride Jowl.t ! what do you uieuu f ' "Never mind, only I warn you not to ride .Jowler " When the husband came home, Jnlia had black eye. and an at in in n sling 'I W hy Julia, whut's tbe matter ?" "Well, you told me no? to ride Jowler, and I though * it must he very n.co or you w .uldn'l linv. told . e not to do it, so 1 got on his back (n and ho threw iuc down siairs." It is important to housekeepers r.nd ^ others to know that lavender will prevent mould on books, ink, leather, eto. A few drope will save a library, and n siugle drop will preserve a piet el ink. Cotton Cjrimiiiigf a.1 I Lave juot got in operation a new c eorgiu Cotton Gio of ihe reputed Ores- 0 old ma to. It will be kept by DAVID " ,15KD AXD SOX, whoso lifetime ex- r jriencu and reputation in attending to a c 'uter Gin is well known. It is s>id this 1 u superior gin, and tho only new one lywliere uour in the country, and that yond a doubt tho lint is of uuperio' lality. I bol'evo th.it it is an acceeded ' linion, that water power uiakes a finer [ at than horse, and will command a hotter u rioo in market. We will gin for the d ftcenth, and expect in the future to contiue at this rate or lower, and if ncocssu- v r, run two gins after this year. I hope y the ginuitig of the third crap, to have r most complete organized ut raiigciucut ti >r both GINNING AND PACKING " y water, nil under the name roof, and be * jle to turn out in superior style fifteen v ales a day. 1 The number of my competitors in busi s bss, has considerably increased since the e ait tug of my gin. My rules being below t 1 precedents, I hope will not engender the u rejudicc of any, as the very nature of this v no *utcr power and position, requires for I ie good of the country as well as myself, ! nit it shall tc etut' eyed on a large scale, t 'ITU 81iORTF.lt 1'ROFITS ; also, i have {: ceii similarly constituted, thus adapting j t lyself to the same style ul business, which ? 0 doubt I have in a measure acquired t utii my travels through the North, wiicre I h .vc so much witnessed the beautifully ' rgiuized system of large business, with ? lort gains. I I will get another corn mill running in liout two weeks from this time, when 1 :l ill be piepared to grind corn with groat | 1 ispatch and perfection, and can accom j i lodalc stock grinding, which I propose , i out this date, to grind lor the fwcntirfh, > < 4 an iriducetueiil to farmers to grind lor! 1 oek; the grade of the uieal to be made ' istiiit'tiy coarser than that used for bread. | ' ,lso, for further inducement to the sHine, < 1 expect soon to got up a GOIIN Sll KDKll , I 1 run by water, which any one can use I ' ec rj' rli-nyr, and save the tedious pro- : ( *nu would undertake with so short a 1 cans, but that liuiite i lew possessing au ' ' [Hiring perseverance. I 1 Who is it, that a few years ago in pov j ty would ha e purchased these waters. * nidst its huge granite cliffs and vales, ' ul crossed its dashing rapids with a bridge i ' id dam, and erect machinery on the side j PCWLBE, FC 'hauliful to out* PutronM I" olTi'c our MvrviceK us. o.v iniiAOi:s. H W., ii.\) r^< < JN StA i I 1 ? tNI> HAVING RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF LBA1UEU, WE CAN FURNISH. II MINES ANY MA1>E, NOR We have on hand nn assortment of sites of l*a Nil (inFFlN'S. ready made, or made to ordei EKSE, which we will send to Funerals, wnh a Our price* we inlend shall lie an low as we <*ai cm all kinds of COUNTRY l'RODl'OC, at mar ALSO l-'O ARM AGE AND BVGGY TKIMMlNtD SCREWS, CASTINGS, A: GC!T 11 23 t Trough Mhouls. >f its lushing waves in opposition to nn overwhelming opinion of the aged men ,round that my efforts would prove an uuucccss; and further, to have excavated oads meandering through this rugged lonntry and tu ike accessible and useful his abundant gift of nature, where 1 am j old that man before had never dured to I cnturo. 1 foresaw the various public tieessities of improving this place, that it rus u very superior one for a bridge, that ,11 the shoals from this to the iuou:h of lie ri* er wero rapidly tilling up With sand, hat some would soon, and the beseof them muld ultimately go into disuse,that at some lay not fur in the future, with prober la ior and encouragement, that this pi ice . rould loom up and spread its usefulness II around. Who is it now that can deny the cor cctncss of these various, my earliest and irst views, formed in 1^5b. Who is it low that can say any other, bur that my uccess under all the circumstances, has ' nrpassed the anticipations of the most * anguine, and as 1 have been thus success ill under the ?K*>t embarrassing circuiu lances, that now with a more enlarged xperience, is it not fair to presume with lie as istance of a liberal public favor that ny labors will ho onward, when the pu lie till receive a fair share o! its benefits h but had the means, I feel sure that my abor here is now but only a small beguiling to my future intentions We must ;o to work and develop the many various esources of our whole country as the best neatis I think to protect ourselves against lie threatening power ot Itudicalism. I tave lor years telt it to be all important hut the South should with great energy, levclop her icsourecs as our delensive piurd against Northern sectionalism. My success during the ten years lease it the Littlejohn Mills below this, was lehieved with an almost unanimous opin011 against me, during the first quarter ol ts term, that I could not withstand the ixpcnsc of my cjntraet. 1 there built a mil, that in point oi dispat ti and conveii enee of organization, has surpassed my I lave seen in the Mate, which returned tie a remunerating custom A short time >efbrc the close ot the war, I was frequent y and kindly oil -red by Maj. l.ii tlejohii. tor whom I liad a high iega-d,) the relUo | f A flOm 2 *[ ??> Cli'll ' ' i " "" j 11 ! ?2 ! I tut declined to accept, lor the reason tbu might be able to employ my undivided Mention io the unbounded held tli.it lies iere before me Having tint** abandoned im: resource tor means, which w.i> lollowed mill by an adverse close of 'he war. repu liatuig our euircncy, and the loss I su> allied from tlie indebtedness ot our late jovertimciii ha- in 'lie whole reduced me uddetily as thotisan Is of others to eoui| 1 lest it lit ion of im aiis to operate, which has really stunned my pi ogress and partially vailed in my energies lr hi whieli 1 am ti.igg'ing to escape Since I have at t nipted to resume business alter the war. . Il lVe I'lldiMVUl'Cll !?? I .H-m* It.(Mil- I \ Oil !\ >' ISMOllS lll'I ho I ill it lll:i:i's III I tl (1 COll.d liink of, Imt have coinph-tt ly tail- riii? on yom eotton where it will h ] on veil lent in the Depot lor shipping. I | viil keep 15 AtitilN'i and IKH'K on hand or customers. LKIIOV McARTlH U. | I :STBU&Co. in* pnsil fhvoris, >vo u^iiin i 3Xu uuliict lifers of liUUG 11^:s, WITH OUR HUSINOS RU.TIMOItrc OAIv TANNED HARNESS S. EQUAL IN STYLE OR QUALITY TO Til OR SOUTH. lent Air Tit*hr MKT ALIO HURT A I, TASK ni very ?-lioit notice AAA* nl-o huve h good enrt'lul driver, when requested n posniMy ntinrd, and we will receive in jxiyket jtriecs, K sai.I-: L PAINTS, OILS, VAKMSlI, HOLT KK8, 11 ION, NAILS, \c. FOWLER* FOOTER & CO. tf T' ' SOU TH K UIV TOG & CASSI^, WIIOLEKALE DKI GUIMTS, 151 MKETING-STRKET, {?n *o*ilr CharUiton llofrf,) C'liiirlowton, S. O. E I). KINO. M. D , North Carolina. ( ). J. OASSIDEY, ' | Sept HO 34 ly S AJ, E . ' I WILL sell at public sale, on Thursday, the 1st day of November next, a! my residence, nil tSouth l'acolct. 1 1 miles North of Sniirmn. burg Court House, tlie following named property : 1 Trjiot of Ltiuid, mi tlie waters of S Uih Pucolct. 14 miles North at'Spartanburg I'. II., containing 117 Acres, upon which is .i large quantity of No. I bottom. This Tract except that part now under cultivation. is good woodland and well timbered and watered, and under good fencing. 1 Tnu'l of Ijand, on North Pucolct, 1G miles North of Spartanburg. containing -'?! > Acres, nearly all of which is good woodland. Kill ft of the above Tracts can he bought at private sale before the day above mentioned. I will sell at the same time all my personal property, consisting of llorsp , Cows, Hogs, Corn, Wheat, COTTON, HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN PL" UN ITU HE. ONE TWO HOUSE WAOON. I will s,dl everything I have, as 1 un? going West Persons wishing to negotiate for one or both of the above name Tracts of l.aud can do so before the day of sale, hut the personal property will not be sold till that day. Ti:tt>is?Made known on day of sale July 2ti?_Mi?td WILLIAM TONKY. W. I >. Milnter RESPECTFULLY announce- to the public, that lie has again commenced the 'fiuiiiiijor ISusinpss, ind feels himself well prepared and qualified to do alt kinds ol wank in his line, with neatness and dispatch lie has a //try stock on hand, of every thing u-ti i.ly fount in tin es aldi-hmeiit of tins kind All artieles of TIN V\ A HE. will I'.e kept on Intel, thereby rendering hi m-elf able to supply the w nuts ot any who may call on him. lie is prepared to do such work ns HOOF ISO. t.i ri'EUIMi AND UKI'AIKlMi. He vi I i...L I _ .It I..-.. I - ' > "" roll t'asii. all \\<>rk warranted. shop \i; vu i in: >paki\\n office. f.-b i 1 tf Survpjini; and Engineering. rpilf. mi lersigned utlers his services to kailroad mpanics to survey and locate kuli'nl routes, to furnish maps and reports, s|ie?*ttieaiioiis. estimate* and plans of supersi met ore 11 >* will measure llomnr, esq., Ordtuary. In the Court of Ordinary YVniKUKAS |?U. T. K. WO(il>, has Hlo.l hi* petition in my office praying tliat hollers of Adminisiraiion on nil ami singular lite <;ooiU ami chattels, lights ami credits ol W N .1(111 sSIlN, ili'i'eilseil These are therefore lo wile ami admonish all ami -in^tilar the kindred ami creditors ol the said deceased, lo he ami appear til the Court ol'Ortlinary, for said District, lo he hehl at Spartanburg Court House, on Friday, the -nil lay of November next, lo shew cause if any exist*, why saiil Letters should not he granted. Itiven under tny hand this 19th day of October, A. D, lHlSfl. J NO. KAKI.K RO MAR, O. 8. D. Del 'Jo 89 Vw k WILLIS Ac CHlfeOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMD SMMMrPM.YG .VGEJ\mi'S, Will attend lotlio purchase, sale and ehipmrnt to Foreign and Domestic Porto, of Cotton, Kice, Lumber and Xnvat Stores. Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. K. WILLIS, ALEX. R, CHlSOLM. Mcli 16 tf A. ILLING, Millinery and Fancy Hoods,. AT NEW YORK PRICES. 202 KING STREET* Opposite Rttfain Street, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. March 1 6 If CHARLES BELLOISE. & CO., (CtoisainiiissLJjaa M?ir?IhaiiafcB, ASD OIAURS IN llams, Sides, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, Tongaf", FL O L it, it UTTER, ( IIEESE, LAUD, EGGS, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES, Ac., &e. i & \Z4 EAST MAY STEET, C>-nni-jnmrnt* Solicitrd. II. BELLOIS, } CHARLESTON, S. C. ^ :o: We would respectfully notify Merchants that we arc strictly in the I'rovitivti /ln*inett, and are etiahled to supply the trade at lowest prices. Melt 1 & ly RANGES, FIRE BR1CES Ac. ADA11S, DAMON A Co , IIWE REOPENBD BUSINESS AT THEIR OLD STAND, 16, Broad Street, Charleston, S. C.. And keep Constantly on Hand COOKING STOVES f or rnr. 1-aleM Improved I'afterns, Kungc's Urates. Marble Mantles. Tinners* * Machine-* and Twls, Clumbers' Materials, Iron and llr.-ss, deep well Force aud Light Lumps, Sheet Lead. Lead and Iron Piping, Railroad j Force Pumps. Also the tiri-ui l.thor-Ssvisg Washing Mach ine and Wringer. ttf&,~Alt Order* attended to tnth Ih*j>atrh.mJfO!g Melt I f, ly I HART A CO., (Successor* lo S. N ll.YKT CO.) South East Corner King & Market Streets, CllAHl.KsrOX, S. C., IMl'tjRTKKS OF Foreign & Domestic Hardware, CUTLKHY, 11AU 1UON, TIN AND PLATED WAKES, Will receive orders for K. IIOK C<>'8 Circular Saws, ami GEO. PAGE & CO'S Portable Saw Machines. D. D. Coiier. D. S. HART. P. Morgas. March 1 6 Ij PIIILIF FOGAItTY & CO. liolosale C? roccrw ami COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Curner of Atlantic WIrirf & East Bay. P. Ft Ml AKTY, > . . a n s. fouartv, j Charleston, S C. .1 grn't for JlOV/t 1111fIS. .V CO'SCrram Air. Mdl 1 5 ly >'o|?i%rt ment. April 11 6 ly CORN, FLOUR. BACON AND LAUD, net iccoive-l liy CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO.