I I II TVIT AND IIUMOR. The Bachelor'* SoliloquyBle*s my soul ! I'm thirty nine to day; six feet in my stockings, black eyos, cuily hair, tall and straight as a cedar of Ltba oon, and still a bachelor 1 Well, it's uii independent life, at least?no it isn't, cither ! (lore's those new gloves of uiiue full of little rips, string off one of my most faultless dickeys, nice silk haudcrclucl in my drawer wants hem tiling, top button oft the waistband of mv pants; what's to be done ? How provoking it is to .sec the e married people looking so self flatted--d und consequential, at the head of their families, hs if they had done ihc State a great service. Why, us to children, they are aa plenty ns flies in August, und about us troublesome; every alley and court, and garret is swarming wi ll theiu; tl>ey re no rarity, and any poor luiseruule do?(1 beg pardon) wretch, cuu g t a wile, enough of tlicui, too, such as they are. It's enough to scare a man to death to think how much it ousts to keep one. Young folks, have to begin now where their fathers and mothers left off. Silks and satins, ribbons and velvet, feathers mid flowers, euff pins and bracelets, gimeracks and foide rots ; and thore's no help tot it in my case?for if I married u woman I loved, ami the dear little thing should ask ute for my scalp. L should give it ro her, 1 know 1 should. Then there's the tapestry, catpcts and mirrors, and sofas, and ottomans, and damask curtains, and pictures, and crocke-rv, (and you must look at the subject in all its bearing) little jackets and frocks, and wooden horses, and dolls, and pop guns, and gingQrbread ; don't believe I can do it, by Jupiter ! Hut then, here 1 sit with the toe of my beet boot kicking the grate, for the want of something better to do; it's coming awlul cold, dreary weather, long evenings, can't go to concerts forever, and when I go, my room looks so much the gloomier when I come hack, and it wouid he cosy to have a nice little wife to chat and laugh with. I've tried to think of something else, but I can't; if I look in the tire, 1 am sure to see a pair of bright eyes ; even the shadows on the wall take fairv shanes I'm on the brink of ruin?I feel it. I shall road my doom in the marriago list before long ?I know I shall. lieaven help tuc for there's no living with a be'ter half, so they ay; and tnay I be refused if I can get along without one. A Promtt Witness. ? " Have you purchased an iutoxicuting liquor of the defendant 1" inquired the constable. "Not that 1 remember/' replied the witness, oooley. 44 Have you obtained any at his store ?" " Not that 1 remember." 44 Will you try aud recollect? Bear in mind that you are under oath." 44 X aui trying." A pause. 44 \\ ell, witness, what do you say now V continued the official presently. 441 haven't made any discoveries as yet." 4k Have you not, within a week, told persons that you bought liquor of diteu dant r 44 Not that I ramciuher." 44 Did you not tell me yesterday thai you bought spirits of dcloud.int ? ' 44 Yes. sir." "Youdil! Ah! Well, sir, when y tu told tuc that, did you lie or tell the truth?' 44 I toid the truth." 44 Well, sir, then you have bough' Spirits ol defendant?" 44 Yes sir." 44 What did you mean by swearing you could not remember ?" 44 I meant that 1 oouH not." 44 Your memory returned amazingh quick. Did y.>u pay defendant lor tinspirits you bought ot hitu ?" 44 Yes sir." 44 Hew much Vs 44 Twenty five cents." 44 What kind did you buy?" 44 Spirits ot camphor." 44 Ahem ! we rest the ease here." 44 Not guilty," cauie troin the jury box. as the members tried to appear scdut and aud dignified, and with an eflort restrain e ay d.< anything you please while 1 am away, ex cept rido Jowler; the bouse dog," "Ride Jowl. r ! what do you uieun K ' "Never mind, only I warn you uot to ride Jowler " When the husband came home. Julia had t black eye. and an arm in a sling 't W h\ Julia. what's the matter?" "Well, you told lue no? to ride Jowler, and I though it must he very u.oe or you w uldn't have told e. not to do it, so 1 got on I.is back and he threw tuc down siairs." It is important to housekeepers and others to know that lavender will prevent mould on books, ink, leather, eto. A few drops will save a library, and a siugle drop trill prsssrvs a pint ?f ink. Oottou Cjrimiiitgr nt I Lave juot got in operation a new ?' Georgia Cotton Gin of ihe reputed Grca- ov wold iiiu&c. It will be kept by DAVID 8U RfcJED A>fD SOtf, whoso lifetime ex- ru perienuu and reputation in attending to a co Water Gin is well known. It is siid this 1'* is u superior gin, and tho only new one ^ anywhere near in the country, and that t.e beyond a doubt the lint is of auperio; w; quality. I bel-eve that it is an aeceoded l'l opinion, that water power uiakes a finer lint than horse, and will command a better vri price in market. We will gin fur the da fifteenth, and expect in the futuro to continue ut this rate or lower, and if neoessavy, run two gins after this year. I hope by the ginning of the third crop, to have rc a most complete organized ui rungciuent fir lor uolti AA L> I'ACKINd "" by water, nil under (he same roof, an J be >u . . >11 able tu turn out in superior style lit teen u module stock grinding, which L propose | itfrom this date, to grind lor the fwcnfirfh, j as an inducement to farmers to grind lor m stock ; tlte grade ol the meal to be made ! ie distinctly Courser than that used for bread. h; Also, for further iuduceuient to the same, j m I expect soon to get up a CU11N SIIKI.KIl bt to run by water, which any one can use i '> free t f (h-injr, and save the tedious pro- 0 cess of shi lling by bund. ; 1" I oxjK?ct to go onward in perfecting the hi present, and uoding more and new n.a I ehinory to this cap cious power and room " as la-t as means will permit, l or the en eouragement ol the name, L again, as on last .July, invite a liber al patronage, tiom j so olives, prompted in part, by a love ol \ di country, as my principle menus of reli-' ,M auce, upon which to render subservient to] b ibe interest ol the public and myself, a ! sl few of the many superior resouices ol tins I di place. I 1 The nutnher of miles of different roads w connecting this to the public roads around, which have fallen mainly upon me to keep tl up, are about eight or ten. urn! the faithful i I manner which 1 have pursued for several 1 I" ycats in working them out, has s.-i tningiy ' conduced to an expectation among the \ hi people t' at the burthens of this work ''t dtoiild continue upon tre, which I am ful ! w iy willing !o bear with the support ol your hi patronage. at The keeping tip ol this amount of road ! F,; and bridge, and to bring into usefulness j tit* cipahilities ol tins place, is a task thai ] 1,1 none would undertake with ?o short a ! 1,1 means, hut that liuiitci lew possessing uu ' untiring perseverance. i " Wlin iw if fti-.f *i !.???? ? .?.?? ' ? ? ?;? jxmin Mf;u Ml |??V j ? ity would li:t e purchased these waiorH. amidst Ks hu^e ^ir;ini?t; cliUs and vales, w .did crossed its dashing rapids Willi a I ridjje ; ' ml dam, and erect machinery on the side j FCWLER, FC 'riiauliful to out" ralrons l?i offer out* wervitu'x iin OA. ItltlACiKS. ltOCICAWAYS VV.< 11 v V I % ('< )NN I'A) I KI) ANl) HAVING Rlif'ElVED A SUPPLY OF LEA III Lit, WE CAN FURNISH. II MINES* ANY MADE, NOltl We hare on hand an assort men' of siios of Pat ANI? COFFINS, romly made, or made 10 order IIKKSK, which we will send to Funeral*. Willi a Our price* we intend shall he a* low as we can nieni all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCT., at mark ALSO roi CARRIAGE ANT> RVGGY TRIM MINGS SCREWS, CASTINGS, AN OCT II 28 Tronpli Nhonls. ' its lashing waves in opposition to an erwhelining opinion of the aged men ound that my efforts would prove an uii cccss; and further, tj liavo excavated ads meandering through this rugged untry and make accessible and useful is abundant gilt of nature, where L am i Id that man before bud never dared to 1 nturo. I foresaw the various public nessitie* of improving this place, that it is a very superior otic? for a bridge, that I the shoals from this to the mouth of e ri^er were rapidly tilling up with -and at some would soon, and the bcsi.of them ?uld ultimately go into disuse,that at some ,y not far in the future, with prober la >r and encouragement, that this pi ice tuld loom up and spread its usefulness I around. Who is it now that can deny the cor etness of these various, my earliest and ?t views, fumed in 185S. Who is it iw that can say any other, hut that my cock) under all the circumstances, has rpassed the anticipations of the most ' illume, and as I have been thus success I under the most embarrassing circuit! tuccs, that now with a tuore enlarged perience, is it not fair to presume wnh c as istance of a liher.il public favor that y labors will ho onward, when the pu .lie ill receive a fair share ol its benefits li hut had the moans, I teel sure that my bor here is now but only a small begin nit to my future intentions We must t to work and develop the many various sources of our whole country as the best cans L think to protect ourselves agiinst a; threatening power of Radicalism. I , ive lor years telt it to he all important lat the South should with great energy, ivelop her losourees as our defensive uard against Northern sectionalism. My suecess during the ten years leusc i the Liitlejohn Mills below this, was thieved with an almost uiiamiuous opinii against me, during the first quarter of i term, that 1 could not withstand the c[tense of inv cjntract. 1 there f.uilt a til, that in [loiut of dispat. Ii and coiivcii lice of organization, has surpassed my I ive seen in the Mate, which returned e a 'CiiiUucratiiig cUsiom A mhii! tune i d'ore the close of the war, I was frequent uiid kindly oil'red by Maj. Liitlejohn. or whom 1 had a high u ga-d.) the ns:s! to release this cuinieu.nliug position. It declined to accept, lor the reason thai might be able to einp oy my undivided ti*iitloll io the unbcu tdid field that lies :re before me llaiing ilius abandoned 11.- l .souiee lor means. which wa> fodowed on by an adverse elope ??l 'Uo war. repu at ng our euircticy, and the loss I miuied from ttie ludclitcUness ol our late overnmeni has hi 'he whole reduced me iddciily as thousands of'others toeouq 1 ..*st itui loii of tin aiis to operate, which has really sluiuied my pi ogress at. d [initially ailed in my energies fr-un which 1 am rngghiur to escape. Since 1 have at tupted to resume business alter the war, have endeavored to laise menus I \ e?i r\ issinlu tneihoi that mail's mind eoti.d link of, but have citiiph-li ly I.ol d, and iving dispaired in this direct ion. and ivitig an overwhelming thirst to go on ard, i have been tliu* driven to eail doud ir patronage, which 1 am sure w .u. 1 re t upon the country and as a whole Woul l iy a two fold reward I w I! In re state that the improvements j lade this season on my flouring and corn I id , have performed remark l.ly well, and ! it IUIH - .iKiiiut ?"i i MU liirii'o^t'U > i^r xiciicJc'l tin n-tn. )>ring mi your ml ton where it will l> i rnwiueut in tin- Ih'jmt lor shipping. I i ill ki'rp 15 \(i(j 1N' J ami lit >l'K on hand , ir customers. LKKOY McARTlM'll. j . I 'STEll &Co. n* ptisf fltvorn, wo ii^nin Mimuljicliirors of uruu i i<:s, * oc>^ WITH OUK BIJSlNliNd I B \I.TIMOItK O.VIv TANNED IIVUNESS ?. EQUAL IN STYLE OR QUALITY TO II OR SOUTH. ent Air Ti^hi MKTALIC HURT A I. CASF. hi ver.v s-lioit notice We nl-o Imve a good cnretul driver, when rc?iucsle UT1IKRN KING^^SIDEY, WIIOLEMAIiR i>ni<.(;ivrs, 151 MKETISG-STRKET, Y (Oppifitf Ohiirlfslnn llotrt,) Chai'loMton, H. C. r E I). KING, M. I) , North ('itrulinn. ( J. J. OASSIDEY. ? ( Sept ^0 34 ' ly SALE," 1 I WILL sell at public sale, on Thursday, the 1st day of November next, nt niy residence, , >ii South l'ncolet, 14 miles North of Spartanburg Court House, the following named property : 1 Ti'iiot of T^aiid, on the waters of South Paeolct. 14 miles North C of Spartanburg C. II., containing 117 Acres, I! upon which is a large quantity of No. I bottom. 1 his Tract except that part now under cultivation. is good woodland and well timbered and w watered, and under good fencing. a 1 oi'Laud, on North I'acolet, lti ntiles North of Spartanburg. containing .' JO Acres, nearly allot' which is good woodland. J Kit I ct of the above Tracts can be bought nt private sale before the day above mentioned. I will sell at the same time all my personal property, consisting of ? llorsp >, Cows, Hogs, Corn, Wheat, COTTON, HOUSEHOLD AND K1TCIIKS PL"UNITl'UK. oNK TWO-HOUSE WAGON. 1 will >?: everything I have, as i ant going v\ e?t Persons wishing to negotiate for one or both of the above name Tracts of Laud can >! ?o before the day of stile, bill the personal 4 property will not be sold till that day. Tkiims?Made known on day of sale July Jti?Jti?id WILLIAM TONKY. , W. 1>. Milster RKSPKi TKl'LLV announces to the public, I h it lie lias again commenced the rfiiniiii a liiri/r stock oil hand, of every thing itsu i.ly found in an establishment of tins kind All articles of TIN " inr,. win i.e K ? J I Hi linmi, I liereoy remiering himx-lf able to supply the wauls ot any who v may cull "n hi in. lie i- prepared to "hi Mich work as KOOFinil. <.i 111:i;in<; \m? ic;:i*aikt\ will -ii.i k mill - II. wholesale or retail, LOW KOIt ?'ASM. All Work warranted. J shop m:vk i hi: si'aiu an dkfick. Feb 1 1 tf | Sunning and loi^iiiperin^. 1 riAlli: iimler-igned otr?-r-> his services to Kail t (' in pan lets lo survey ami locate U nil'" id routes, to furnish Mips mitt Reports, | Spi'eiti" iti.ms, Estimates ami Plans of Superstructure lie will iiioumii'o iiul report ill dei id contract work am) heavy i inn) nation, lie will execute Topographical lira wings ami lay olt the Itr.tin igo o! lul imlwatup* ami boltoui tan 1? tor tanners. I'ariieular a'leiilioti will be given to any tiiisini -s entrusted lo liiiu by Engineers ami olti"i s of K-iilroa'l Companies ami others inter sted ill Kri'lgv I'liihlmg. an I especially to t'arinero who desire to reclaim their swamp lamls or to establish their boundary lines ot old surveys. lie will also superintend personally the eon Irin i "'i Hid hiiihliiig ol Kailroad bridges, or any other Ki'idgj's lli.it rcipiire the services of an Engineer to plan ami construct Parties having bu-iMoss or I'-niug information will j a'ldre- s i lo- undersigned at t'ampnhcU i, fspar- I tuiihu -g Mist rict, S ('. J No KANKSrttN MAVIS, t'ivil Engineer, Surveyoi and Mraftsumn. Aug It tr m a i d Ui'mm Tll c \rouna, SPARTAN KL'Ktj Ml STRICT. Lawsoii T. Menders, Applicant, vs. William Meiders ami otlurs. IT appearing to my satisfhetion that \tnos I.. I'o-ardcii. Polly Ann Kearden and .lane Kearden, three of the Mefemlat'.ts reside withaii this Siate. on million of Farrow tv Muncan. \pphcants Nttorneys, it is ordered that they lo appear ami object lo the division or sale of the ileal Estate ot ticorge Mnailers, deceased, on or before t lie I lib day of NOYE.MKKR next, or their consent to tlie same will lie entered of record. .iso. kakle ko.mak, o. s. d. il.n "?1 "ill a... * ?* - ' "" ST \TB OF SOUTH CAROLINA, spartan hi ho district. Citation !'<>r Lelterx of Administration by Jno. Karlo Itomar, esq., Ordinary. In liir Court of Ordinary IIKill'AS nil. T. K. 0. Ool 2 r i ==YnLLIfcr^l^CUlfe01Jd^B ! FACTORS, lOMMISSION MERCHANTS t * AND SMfinjRM.YO .tCEJTg'S, Vill attend totlio puroliBHf, gale and shipment r? Foreign and Domestic Porta, of Cotton, Rice, .uinhcr and Naval Stores. Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. WILLIS, ALEX. R, CHlSOLM. Melt 15 if ^ A. ILLIi\G^ Millinery and Fancy Goods,. AT NEW YORK PRICES. 262 KING STREET* Opposite Itufain Street, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. [arch 1 5 *f ATT A T* T T.Vi f^r T /\Tfin ? li j IjVJ 1^ Ii? (Ctonnasxissiiaim Morolhaimtfcs, and dealers in lams, Sides, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, Tongues, FL O Lit. li UTTER, < IIEESE, ,ARD, EGGS, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES, Ac, Ac. j 120 & 122 EAST BAY* STEET, Consignment! Solicited. , l". BELLOIS, } CHARLESTON, S. C. :o: We would respectfully notify Merchants that re are strictly in the J'rovition Jlminea, and re enabled to supply the trade at lowest prices. Mcli 1 5 ly "S'TOS'SS, ?sa?Bs7 ^ tANGES, FIRE BRICKS Ac. ADAMS, DAMON Sl Co , iWE REOPENED BUSINESS AT TDEIR OLD STAND, 16, Broad Street, Charleston. S. C-. .-1 n d keep Constantly on Hand COOKING STOVES | or rur. Latest Improved Patterns, lunge's Grate.'), Marble Mantles. Tinners* 1 Machine-* and Tools. Plumbers* Materials, li on ami Br .ss, deep well Force and Light Pumps, Sheet Lead. Lead j ami Iron Piping, Railroad I Force Pumps. Also the I (irfAi l.ahor-Saving Washing >1 Machine and Wringer. tSSA-cl'f Order* attended to with /tis/>atrk.mJpfg * Mrh I f? ly i liAirr sV co., (Successors to S. N HART A CO.) niutii East Corner King & Market Streets, CllAKl.KSTOy, S. C., IMPORTERS OF foreign & Domostic Hardware, CUTLERY, GUNS, JAR IRON, TIN AND PLATED WARES. Vill receive orders for 11. !IOK & CO'S Circular Saws, ami GEO. PAGE & CO'S Portable Saw Machines. >. D. Coiikn. D. S. Hart. P. Morgan. March 1 5 Ij PHILIP FOGAKTY & CO. W Uolosale O roeers and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ("ornor of Atlantic Whirf & East Bay, 1\ Ft Ml ARTY. ) 0. , . a ~ s. Fi.Mi.VKTv. j Charleston, S C. \gen-? for HO YI> U1H).S. .j" CO'S Cream Me. Mtli I 5 lj prl?e ! SOUTHKKN IMPORTING ASl> MANUFACTURING DRUG ROUSE; PRATT, WILSON & BROS., INo. vJJtH liiniK Kreet, CHARLESTON, S C. Tho Prcpriotor8 aro Nativ Southerners,Vo such enterprise South of Philadelphia. ITi/l ^ Southern Houses give us their Patronage t WE OFFKR AT RATES THAT COMPARE FAVOHA KLY WITH NEW YORK PRICES. AM. DRUGS, CI1E.MICAhS, MEDICINES, SPICES, Ac., THAT LEG IT IMATELY BELONG TO OUR LINE OF BUSIN ESS, AND KEEP ON HAND ONTUY TUB BEST > ?o>- Packages put up to suit Country Trade. N A I'll VTT, CliemiM to Inle C. S.. Niter And Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, P. B. WILSON, Chemist lo late C. S., Or Department. April II f? 1y CORN, FLOUR, BACON AND LAUD, ant received Ly CLEVELAND, WALKEft & CO.