r Cowlan Graveley DIRECT IMPORTER OF Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, NO 62 h'AST JJAY, Soutli of the Old Post OQicc. 1 CHARLESTON, S. C. Oct 18 38 3w Valuable La:: h in Union Dislric For Sale! WJ C. Gist, Kx'or ct hI vs Robert T. Gist, c al, In Equity?Union District?Dill for Parti lion. BY virtue of a decretal order in this case, will sell at Union <"ourt House on tli first MONDAY in NOVEMBER next, nil Ilia Trnct of Land situated in said District, twelv miles North of Union Court House, on th Spartanburg Road, belonging to the Estate o N. Gist, Sr., deceased, containing Twenty-one Hundred and Fifl; SEVEN ACHES. On the place is an elegnn ami commodious residence, with comfortabl and substantial outbuildings mid improvement in good repair There are about Four Hun drcd acres of woodland, some twenty acres c bottom, and a considerable portion of old-fiel pine on the tract. ?ALSO? At the same time, the trnct hounded b lands of Col. A. G Rice. D. C. Gist, A. Greg ory, Dr J. Rice llodgers and Berry >V. Lee, containing One Thousand Acres, belonging to Estates of Jatues D Gist nnd M f Gist, Sr. This is regarded as one of the bet plantations in Union District, lias on it a hand some RESlDENi.'E, with substantial outbuilt ings, &c., is well improved and iu good condi lion in every respect, embraces Eighty Acres of Good Bottom Inni and some Five Hundred Acres of well timber cd land, the balance being nearly all goo fresh tip-land TERMS :?Credit of one and two years, ex cept cash sufficient to pay costs of pnrtitiot l'urchnser to give bond with good sureties an mortgage of the premises. WILLIAM At UN ROE, C. K U. D. Oct 18 :18 tds SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of Sundry Orders from J Earl Boniar, judge of the Court of Ordinar for Spartanburg District, State oi South Cat oliua, I will sell before the Court House d?o in the Village of Spartanburg, on the 1st MON DAY in NOVEMBER next, the followiii named tracts of land, to wit: 1K!t more or less, situated on Mold! Tyger llivcr, and bounded by lands of H. I' Darby. W' E. Ward and Sanford Smith. Sol ns me real esiaic 01 James uviiuki^ ueceasou Also, 161 acres, more or less, situated on Wol Creek, bounded by lauds of IMety Darby, II F. Mills and J. J. Newman. Sold ns the re: P estate of E. M. Cooper, deceased. Also, 144 acres, more or less, adjoining lands t Dr. J. Winsuiiili, J. C. Zimmerman, Josep Montgomery and l'crry West. Sold as tli real estate of T. 1*. Story, jr.. deceased. Al?< uy virtue of sundry writs of jieri f eint, t me directed, 1 will sell at ttie sauie time an place, the following named property, to wit : One lot, containing half acre of land, mm or less, bounded east by llrnwly Street, Nortl Soutu and West, by lots of Mrs. A. Itomaran others, in the village of Spartanbuig. Sold it the properly of John M. Mason, at the suit < A. Tollcsou. Also, One lot, containing half acre, more or lesi bounded east by Hiawlry Street, North, Soutl and West, by lots of John M. Mason utt others, (in the village of Spartanburg) sold s the properly of K. T. Smith, at the suit of Wit Stein. Also, 200 acres of land, more or less, bounded It lands of (J. Cannon, 8. lloho and others. Sol as the property of Jos. M. Harris, at the suit < lJobo & Edwards. Also, 130 aorcs of land, more or less, hounded 1; lands of E. Cant roll John Epton, David Mille and others. Stdd as the property of Jesse .V Cannon, ut the suit of Fielding Cantrcll, an " at the risk ol former purchaser. Also, Two lots (in one) containing four acres i land, more or less, with dwelling house an out buildings thereon ; said let hounded we by Church street, north by a street .south an east by lots of A Walker, and others. Als one lot containing one acre, more or les bounded west by Laurens street, north, soul ail cast, by lots of A. II. Kirby. and other Also 200 acres of land, more or less, houmli by lauds of A. Iloltzhouner. J as Nesbill, an others. Also, 32 acres of laud, uiore or les bounded by lauds of David Duncan. A. II. ki by, and others. Sold as the property of Wn II. Walkei, at the suit of Win. Jus. Smith. TERMS OF ORDINARY S SALE. A credit of 12 months with interest fro day of sale, (except costs, which must he pai in cash) to purchaser to give bond and goe security and :i mortgage of the premises, deemed necessary to the Ordinary, for seen ing the payment of the purchase money. TERMS OF SHERIFF S SALE-Cash, pn chaser to pay tor titles, J. II. RLASSINGAME, S. S. D. Sheriff" s Office, ) Oct. Id, 1866, f r Kxecutor's Male. "J" will sell, ou Thursday, the 26th instant, i 1 the former residence of GEORGE STEAI 1NG, deceased, the following named person; property : A I.OT OF Corn, Cotton, Fodder, Shuckt and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms uiado known on day of sale. MOSES FOSTER, ETor. Oct 11 87 8w the State of south carolin/ JN EQUITY?SPARTANBURG DI8TK1C1 Seaborn Parks, V Menders, and others, vs Wi Parks, and others. Bill for sale of Real Estate to pay debts, partition, Ac. TT appearing to my satisfaction that Willis JL F'trks, and the heirs at law of P. Park deceased, Defendants in this ease, heirs nt la of Thomas Parks, deceased, late < (' Andersc District, reside from and without the limits < this State , it is ordered, on motion of Pol A Carlise, Complainant's Solictors, that thr do appear and plead, nnswenr or demur I this Rill of Complaint within three montl from this date or judgment pro eoi\ftao will 1 taken as to them. IT. 8TORO FARROW, C. E. 8. D. . . _ r Drugs and ^Irdiriiu-s FOR. SAXjiJ. THE undersigned oiler-' to I'liv-iomus and the public, a full uud "el! a.-sortcd , Stock of DrugN, MEDICINES and PERFUMES, INCLUDING Jars, Office Furniture, Phials, NCAL.KM, &o. The ubovo stock of Goods are all of the best ( quality, mul is worthy the attention o( all cou- > ccrncd, as they will be sold at cost utid no more. The Goods arc now open in the brick block on Church street, next to Mr. Hvchtier's shop. 1 1 . Dlt. L. Vl. U1UMUALL. '* Get 18 88 tf 1 College of Charleston, S- C- | o rpiIE FACULTY of the College of Charles j t J_ ton would respectfully inform parents ! e and guardians of youug gentlemen desirous of : e of obtaining a Collegiate Education, thai this ' f Institution has been reopened under very fu vornblc auspices and .it a greatly reduced rote d of Tuition, the terms of which are only Forty 1'unni o | **i iiuIIIIIII |i?j 1 Oct IS 18 ifw : FOR FALL & WINTER ; d ? ?:? \\J E arc now receiving and opening a well v T assorted Stock of NEW ami *e i. Fashionable (aotxls, (1 for LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S WEAK. I* A 1*110 A Uuoli LOT OF RKADY-M.lDi: CL0TII1M;, A\l? <>ci: K i 1:5s,1 All at LOW 11 AT KM. FOR CASH. 1.1:1: & intiKLM October 11, 1 Still ?87?8 a! NOTICE rnO all persons in elited i,. u? either liy >y J NOTE OR Ol'EN ACt'Ol NT, iv ' nle >*e r, call and pay. 1. LF.F \ id which wo will sell h ,.ei prices . FoK CASH. Ala' i.i ii "i] i Ladies (oxnls, HATS, CLOAKS. COLLARS, K1I5KONS, r1 ans, cbc. K' A good sIock of r8: GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, n* at reduced prices. FAMILY G UOCEllIES m of all kinds. SHOES AND SOLE LEATHER, if nrCt. STA Ti: MONEY IKH CUT r- FOSTER .V JU>I>. Oct 1 .">'i (it E. P. BROWN'S MILL. riAHESE MILLS have been thoroughly re 1 paired, and aro now in good running or ? Jet- The FLOUKINU MILL is now making a good turn out, and is not to be surpassed in it making good Flour by any mill. Every thing >_ works well, and we are prepared to have omul business attended to in first rale si,) le. We respectlully solicit the patronage of our old friends, and as many new ones, as want their when! ground for a good turn out. ' THE KlvlDl.E has been thoroughly repair cd. and no apprehensions of its safety is now felt. E. P. HROWN. Oct 4 84 lw J; GEO. W. WILLIAMS CO., ui FACTORS, Church street, Charleston, 8. 0. WILLIAMS, TAYLOR A CO., e FLOUR. 8Utl\ 15, TURPENTINE, Co J t RYF, OATS, Oct 18 88 EXECUTOR'S SALE OF LAND. SN accordance with rhc provisions of the will of JOHN S. FINCH, deceased wc will 1 hi public outcry, nl Spartanburg ? nurt House, on the First Monday in NOVEMBER next, the following Tracts of Land : TRACT No. 1.?Lying on icndow Creek, bounded by the lands of T. N. Finch, Win i Uoiu.rl of., continuing J7H ACRES MORE OR LESS. TllAfT NO. ?Lying on Meadow ('reek, hounded by the lands of II. F. Brown, Win. I Dickson, it. ?//., containing '22'.) ACRES MORE OR LESS. T11A T NO. <1.?l'art of the home track bountied by the lands of O. W. Finch, D. W. Moore, ?/., containing 1IA At'RES MORE OR LESS. TRACT NO. I.?Known as the John Mingo n tract, bounded l?y the lauds of Mrs. AUbr.ght, ?. it. at., containing 07 A ACRES MORE OU LESS. TRACT NO. >. - Known as the Lark in Rallengcr tiaet, owned join'ly by Est. of J. S. Finch and Est. of II. ii fhoiu.soti. deceased, bounded by the lands of Win. Coin, ct. ul., containing 211 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 77.'A' V N OF S A A H:?Note for Specie, payable 12 months after date, with interest ' front day of sale with two approved securottes ' ' nml mortgage on the premises to secure the t ' purchase money. | I T. X. K1NCII, ) J L. FINCH, > Executor. O. W. FINCH. J Oct 4 ::g tds Call and See the la test F.1LL AND WINTER FASHIONS, j A T T II K Tuilorin^ lOslnhllsliin?>nt or i : o <>, . " > / II 11. .\ Inn ,( C-i. market preex, l iken in !. d ine. S:?i i-I'.urlI guarSept. 'J7?' X As XELSON, fi-'l AVIioI?'sji1/? /, Charieston, South Carolina. J. It. ItOBlNSON. A. NELSON ~~NEW SCHEDULE" S. Cb XT. nailroad.. ( ON ui,d after ilie 17ih instant, tlie Trains I will run on MiiNlt.VV'f, W EltNKSDAl 'S and SATl'ltPAY S. Down Truins leave Spartanburg Court House. | ut >i 4-r?, a. in. Leave L'nionville, tt.dti, a. m. Arrive ni Alston "J.'JO, p. in. connecting will* the Greenville down Train. L'p Train leave Alston at ! .'!<). ?. m. connecting with ilie tSreenville up Train. Arrive at I niouville 'J "Jil. p. in. Arrive at Spartanburg. C. II.,... .u nit. p. in. Arrangements are made by which freight j through from Charleston and t'..luml.ia may be ! paid on this road. Tilt IS 15. .lETKIt, I'res't S. \ T. K. It. I ept 5)1 If S?*l>t . 1 N, 1 > < >{>. ! IHSStiLCTIO.N (IF CO I'AItTM'.ltSIIll\ niiii: r-.-i Kirtnel>llil> heretofore e\:?i ine lit! ' | tier I in* li t lilt' <>t \ .\ N I '1 \ l'? 11 I > I. A K I. \ i o , w i- ili--"!vt il by mutual c ii-fiu, mi she | "_'Si li iilliniti. All iiulehtcil by iiulf or :i<-c< n;iI. I :?r?* earnestly ret|iie.st til lo make earlv pay ! iiit-m in C V \ N'ON 1U. \KK\ 111'UN 111'T, who I urn authorized to settle liic business of ilie ! 1 lure tii in. 1 UK INlHUKSIrtNElr, under i lie name aid style of C?N.V).N, BMKti & BUKNKTT, will continue us DetiltM's in (imitM'nl Moreliantlizo,! a: t lie store. one tluor west oft LKVKLANlr, j \V \I.KI.K x t'l > , where tltey are now re Ceiving anil offer i i lie latest ca>n rules, the first instalment of their l'.VIA, STOCK. ! consisting of I'll IN IS, llrown and bleached | In ?M KS'l'U'S, Slit rl'.s. HUIIN II VI S, SAI.T SI (1A II, fnFFKK. l'OWDKH, shot. LKATII Kit, st?I?A, A.MF.S SMoVKLS, NKW FLO I'll. \ general assortment of ST\PLE ANI> FANt l l?li\ tionOS, are expected to arrive ; in a short I line. t'onsignmcnts of Foreign and bnttiosiie Prntliiee lire solicited. to the Ii-j ^ 11 of which their prompt |>crsouiil aiierlion Will he given. (J. t' \ N N o N . W K. I'.LAKK, J.S. Ul'KNKTT. j Sept 2(1 If -V,>1 ion. N'oTK i i- herewith g veil that ap| liealion ' will he made at the neat Mlling >?f the 1 Legislature, lor the privileges of me erasing the powers of Hie Town Council of Spartanburg, liy oi ler of Council I,. TWITTY, IiiUMuiant. J M. Ki.roiti?. Clerk. S pi Is ;M ,1in i l\l?i'ICK TO DKIt TOItH, VI.I. persons indebted to the Finn of KlltKY \ \S ILSON, or t<> iny-olf', 011 iuilividiini account, nrr requested to cull at our 1 i?L1> ST.\ N 1), (Itrick llnngcI and make settlei meiil, where I may be found for n short time to attend to tlii.- business. We hope our old i friends and customers have not forgotten us, i hut will conic forward and aid us as much as I they can, pay us a pari cash, and give notes for open account. A. II. K1KBY. A It it INI >TRiTORS'S MtTII'i;. \l.l. persons having lemands against the F-tato of WII.I.1AM J. Kit KM. deceased. ? notified lo pre cnt the same duly n or Ly ihe 1st day of NOYKMKKK 1 hied to said Kstnte are no* i :u i nt. V. STOBti FA 11 HOW, . 1).. aud Adui'r. Ex. Off. Oct 4 ar, lm A JUST RECEIVED B Y B.86 J. L. WOFFORD OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, MFFEE, SUGAR, SODA, MADDER, aup-pmi POWDER, SHOT, BLACKING, tn<1 various other GOODS, which wo will sell rheap for CASH. Sept 1.1 83 ly EXECUTORS' "lluT IN purtntunce of the Vill of ELIZABETH ROGERS, >ue?so do not he surprised or vexed :? refusal, if you u-ill ask for it. J'oeitir. Iv no 'fuotL delivered till paid for. ,1. W. 11 \ ilDY, C E. FLEMING. Sept 2D "I If M dice lo frerlors and Debtors. 4 1.1. person- indebted to the estates of' 'ol. 2Y_ T. !' BROCK M \ N. Col. t i'. 11 rock ?. v\ ,v S(?N . and B. t. BROCKMaN, and all persons having claims against either of the above tnentinn d estates, are hereby notified hat 1 will attend at SOLITUDE on I'll! I' \\ -J AND SATURDAYS, if every week between this and Court, for the purpose ?t making settlement. KySX?Dolu.ir? .are advised to meet tnc at the ah ve iiH'in tU'd time and place, and save cost by making satisfactory arrangements. D. ANDERSON, Ex'or. Sept 13 33 tf nrtX.Thc Greenville Mountaineer will pub lish until tf. a ic isi. iz v A iil) lr > 1 < >N C. 11. .111 Work Sent Free of Charge to ???|Hir1:?iil>uryp C. II. riHIK SI ItSI'lilllKK Im- received a supply \ ot I I Al.l<)N Hil l AMEIUUAN M \ KHLE. mi.I Is prepared i1 V Ivl NTTT flMlK undct signed proposes to execute all J style* of MANTl V-MAK1NO at short notice, ninl for reasonable prices. Ureases of the ti no -1 texture. a> well as those tit coarsest fabric reeeiveil In fact eve y ktnil of sewing taken, with the hope that entire satisfaction will be given My friends will plen"e call ami give me a trial. JBa>" Residence a' Mr*- l,r Vernon's M A11V 8. COUNCIL. Aug 1ft 20 tf SULLIVAN & WINSMlTtf, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQtCITT, 8PARTANBURQ, 8. C. OFFICE NEXT TO POST OFFICB. C. P. Scllivan. J. C. Winsmitk. FARROW & DUNCANT ATTOKNEYS AT LAW AND Solicitors in Equity, fl&ay Office in Hrick Building, upstairs, over former Office ol James Farrow. jamt.s I'akkuw. D. R. Dcnoam. April 1G 11 1 j \YILIJ.4MS, EVINS & CHOICE, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, SPARTANBURG, S. C. Oro. W. Williams, Yorkville, S. C, J no. II EVI.ns, William Cuoick, June 14 20 Om W. MAGILL FLEMING^ Attorney at Law, YTTII.L Atfpn.I -11 L..-: >/ .... iiu..iucH wiui wir.cu W the citizens of Spartanburg Diatriot iray favor him. OFFICE?OVER BOOKSTORE. June 21 21 12m LAW COPARTNERSHIP. HAVING associated c. J. f.lford. a Greenville, S. C . with me in the pr&ctica ot'luw for Spartanburg District. under the name and style of ELFORD & F.LFORD : all business I entrusted to my care will receive the prompt ; and faithful attention of said firm. J. M. ELFORD. | April 6 10 timoa : DRS B. & jf i7 WOFFOSD OFFER THEIR PROFESSION*AL SERVICES to the citizens of the Village and I surround tig country. Oue or both of us will , i.e found constantly in the office at the STORE, : during the day. and at our Residence, opposite Woflord College (Church Street) at night. Feb 16 3 tf ~D K. W. T. RUSSEL, 1\7ILL continue the practice of Medicine T Surgery, and (at his office) Dentistry OFFICE OVER It LIN IT81I UUl'U ETOBK. Feb 13 3 tf F. C Konnedv OFFERS HIS PR0FESSI0NL SERVICES to the Citizeiib ot sp.inuutiu.g. Feb 1 1 1y J A. HENNEMAN >rA^on 0*^ aiAisaa ANU CJBWEIXSR. i Spartanburg C. IL, So. Ca. HA S JUST RECEIVED A SELECT ASSORTMENT OP WITCHES, JEWELRY, PLATED W&ll AND Fancy Goods. A I. S O A NEW LOT OF EIGHT DAY AND TWENTYFOUR HOUR CLOCKS. A FIRST-RATE ARTICLE. WARKEXTED TWO TBAHS. j Spectacles for all Eyes and Ages. \\TA1VHE9' clocks an1) Jewelrt y y uoatly repaired, and warranted. J. A. Iir.NNK.MAN, At the Old I'lace on Jlmin-Slreet. Fcl? 22 4 if Ai e A^on Injured? A SINGLE spark may destroy your house and all its contents, and a small amount piid before the disaster happens may enable you to rebuild and again comfortably settle yourself for life Ar?i YtmMnsurodl? A slight eiposure may hasten you to au early grave, uud your family left to the charities of an uncharitable world, a jew dollars will save such a disaster. Will you not save them when you can? AreHYoii IiiMitrod ? A single pebble in the road may disable you from labor for months, and your family may suffer for tin- want of your daily earnings. A single brick may fall and crtisn you beyond recovery. $ "> $10 or $lf> per year will sooure to theni for each week you arc disabled, the full amount you pay for Insurance. ?tnd in case o death from the accident it will pay to them Siono. >2 or $3000, all for the above sain? small amount. A Yon Insured'? If not, why not? Call on the Agent of several of the hest Companies in the United States, and he will give you papers gratuitous that will prove the lact that all should inscei. J M. El.FOKD. Agent for Fire. Life and Accidental Insurance Companies, the safest and best in the United Statea. Oct 4 30 ?m JACONET, DOTTED AND PLAIN SWISS, NANSOOK AND MULL Muslins, A NEW SUPPLY, at CLEVELAND, WALKER 4 CO CalicoN, Itloncliod and Drown Sheet inifiw ?iitlj SlilrtiuRS, A F11E3H LOT, just rocoired by CLEVELAND, WALKER h CO. \ new >tn<) fresh supply of Ladies and Gentlemen's Misses' and Children's SHOKS, GAI* TERtJ AND 8LIPPER8. at CLEVELAND, WALKER, * CO.