' -.v-' 5"V\ -. J7 ' *-{^,*--5. -?fe- v*S* KA- v &%s&> '< ;i-*' ? * v?V ? tjJ.' ^ **? v i v>^ . v% ->""a iVryS* * 01* ion. d*sp While ?mlj through the oentrel blue fU*t r*y? of etorlight quiver. - MBSSftiaKf** . ' TiU eUirf of lore ebile out abort Alt i A German in Savanna , arrested for some offense, pleaded in defense "kait nheieduck ous denzweiteu icustcr georgessen." The judge not being able to see it iu that light, fined him five dollnrs. Brick Posieroy says that is the most wickedest and heart leases! judge we havo read of within the limits of the "unconstructed" portion of the laud wc live in. He ought to be placed iu "durance vile," corked up in a frecdniau's bureau for ninety days, then compelled to listen to Browclow's innocent prattle ninety more; and finally have Ben, the cock-eyed spoon pilferer, look pleasant at him for ninety more. Oh, most injured German, we cominisseratc thy wrongs over muchly! A few weeks after a late marriage, the husband had some peculiar thoughts when putting ou his last clean shirt as he saw no. appearance of a washing. He thereupon rose earlier than usual one morning and kindled a fire. iv! i 9 * ? 1 * "iieu lumping nu me koii iv nc miiao a noise on purpose lo arouse his easy wife. She immediately perpcd over the blankets, and then exclaimed : "My dear, what are you doing?" He deliberately responded, "I'vo put on my last clean shirt, and I'm going to wash one for myself." "Very well," replied Mrs. Easy, **you had better wash one fo me, too!" Emigration to Lidkria.?The National Intelligencer of the 24th instaut, says: "We understand that the American Colonization Society has purchased the ship Golcondo, l.Oltl tons, and intend to At her up to carry cmi grant to Liberia. She is expected to sail from Charleston, South Carolina, on the 1st of November. Upwards of a thousand freedmen have applied to the Society for a passage this fall Many others arc getting ready to embark next spring." The < incinnati Gnzettc says that at a recent rat hunt >n Pickaway county 15,071 rats were killed, and announces a grand pic nic to take place at (.ircleville, Ohio, at whioh three premiums will be given to the township producing the greatest number of tails of rats slain in each township of Pickaway county. The premiums amount respectively to $500. $800 and $2,00, aud will be distributed, of oourse, pro rata. Where the Figiitixo Men Stand.?The Indianapolis Herald says that the fighting Generals oi the war are almost invariably for Johnson nnd a restored Union, while .lie "dead beats" iuvariably sustain Congress. On the one side we have Grant, Sherman, Farrago), IloHeiior uis, Kosseau, and a host of other gallant and meritorious officers, while on the other are arrayed Hutler, Banks, Neal Dow ind such. It is a contest of patriotism,against plunder and pianos. tsaRn How is it??The Tribune and sundry of its Radical cotcmporarios have been declaring, for moniliH. that ilie np..roi?s worn in rnoliiu Ihe only loyalists South. Will the Tribune explain how it in that a "Southern Loyalist Convention" is now in session in Philadelphia without one Southern negro? The Radicals say of llenry Ward Reecher, dielr late idol, "This reverend traitor's aban ionraeni of the negro to the mercies of the white oppressor is induced by the interest he 'eels in the promotion of his son M an officer >f the regular army. * V ' '"*" k * , >t- -- >*. ?7 -\, v~ - > * - L*? ' \ N ' \ "*' ?. * ' ^ * > v , A ? . '.^J ' * 'A* * * I ^ . - ,p-~ ?' . %??"* mmmtsmBBmmmmmmmmmmmm . - ?. . * ^ . ?>? -r ... 'A.^ * iwLE^n ThankAil to our Patron* f offer our servloea aa OAKRIAGES, ROC KAWAYfi WE HAVE CONNECTED A HARM AND HAVING RECEIVED A 8UPPLY OF LEATHER, WE CAN FURNISH, H\RNES ANY MADE, NOR We hare on band an assortment of bites of Pa AND COFFINS, ready made, or made (o ordei HERSE, which we will seud to Funerals, with a Our prices we intend shall bo as low as we ca ment all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, at mat ALSO FO CARRIAGE AND BUGGY TRIMMING! SCREWS, CASTINGS, A; OCT 11 23 Commissioner's Sales. I IN EQUITY?SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Jane Hanna et. al ys. James C- llanna, et. al. Administrator. Bill for Partition, &c. IN pursuance of an Order of the Court of ' Equity, the following real estate, belong-* ing to the estate of GEORGE HANNA, deceased, wi.l be sold at the late residence of eaid deceased, at public sale on 8ATURDAY, the 20th October, instant, to wit: One tract of Land, containing: 340 ACRES, more or less, embracing the Home- , si cud of said deceased, in lower portion of the Disu-ict, bounded by lands of Wm. Hunter, Jus. Nesbitt. and others. Also, at the same time and place, the following lots at or near Woodruffs to wit: One Lot, with framed Store house thereon, containing one aore, more or less. One lot, with Dwelling-house thereon, containing one acre, more or less. One unimproved lot, containing two acres, more or less. TE11M8 OF SALE Costs of these proceedi ings to be paid cash on day of Halo, and the residue of the purchase money on a credit of one and two years, with interest from day of hale; purchasers required to give bond with at least two approved sureties and mortgage of premises to secure the pttrchase , money. T. STOBO FARROW, C. E. 3. D. Com'rs. Office, > Sept. 28, 1806. / Oct 4 36 tde ' Surveying and Engineering. r | MIE undersigned offers his services to RailI road Companies to survey and locate i Railroad routes ; to furnish Maps und Reports, Specifications, Estimates and Flans of Super- ] structure. lie will measure and report in detail contract work und heavy Graduation, lie will execute Topographical Drawings and lay off the Drainage of luland Swamps and bottom lands for farmers. Particular attention will be given to any business entrusted to him by Engineers and officers of Railroad Companies nnd others inter, s ted in Bridge building, und especially to Farmers who desire to reclaim their swamp lands or to establish their boundary lines of old surveys. He will also superintend personally the construction and building of Railroad bridges, or any other Bridges that require the services of an Engineer to plan and construct Farties having business or desiring information will address the undersigned at Campobellu, Spar tauburg District. S. 0. JNO. BANK3T0N DAVIS, Civil Engineer, Surveyor an.. -j r * r' " r " . ' r jl. Illlljl J Llllluil.l I .. nil)STSBL 6tCo. t>*? post Atoi% w? i Mnnuftiotnrers of BUGGIES, J. WAGONS. ' ' '--t H |" nf ,M WITH OUR BUSINESS (5? OT(5? 2)fc2) ^Jxlx^Slx $ BALTIMORE OAK TANNED HARNESS IS, EQUAL IN 8TYLL OR QUALITY TO TU OR SOUTH. i itent Air Tight MET ALIO BURIAL CASES r at very short notice. We also bare a fSod k careful driver, when requested. < n possibly afford, and we will receive la packet prices, R SALE A, PAINTS, OILS, VAHNISH, BOLT XES, IRON, NAILS, Ac. , FOWLER, FOSTER & CO. . if OT?V1S? ?SATBSp RANGES, FIRE BRICKS Ac. ADAMS, DAMON St Co., I1VB RKOPSNBD BUSINESS IT TIBIK OLD STA3TO, 16, Broad. 8treat,.. Chyiorttny B. C.? And keep Constantly on Hand COOKING STOVES of tot Latest Improved Petterai, Range's Grates, Marblo Mantles, Tinners' Machines and Tools, Plumbers' Materials, Iron and Briiss, deep well Force and Light romps. Sheet Lead, Lead r and Iron Piping, Railread Force Pumps. Also the Great L&bor-Saviag Washing Machine and Wringer. IQu-dtf Orders attended to witk ZHspatck.J&S Moh 16 ly ^ HART A OO., (Successors to S. N. HART A CO.) . South East Corner King A Market Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C., IMPORTERS OF Foreign ft Domestic Hardware, CUTLERY, GUNS, BAR IRON, TIN AND PLATED WARES, (Till receive orders for R. HOB A C0'8 Circular Saws, and GEO. PAGE A CO'8 Portable e Sew Meohipee. D. D. goqbk. D. 8. Hart. P. Mq*g?x. Mareh 1 6 ly PHILIP FOGARTY & CO. W liolcsale Givoer* AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Corner of Atlantic Wharf & East Bay. P. FOGARTY, \ . - n S. FOGARTY, / WBXiMMU, D- C. Aytnlt for BOYD BROS. $ CO'S Crtam Alt. Mch 1 6 ly Now Enterprise I southe^nImporting AND MANUFACTURING DRUG HOUSE, PRATT, WILSON A BROS., raoA^ - -* *-*v. *r * "if arcei, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. o The Proprietors are Hatty Southerners* Vo such enterprise South of Philadelphia. Will Southern Houses give us their Patronage t WE OFFER AT RATES TUAT COM* , PARE FAVOR ABLY WITH NEW I YORK PRICES. ALL DRUG8. CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, SPICES, Ac., THAT LKGITIMATELY BELONG TO OUR LINE OF BUSINESS, AND KEEP ON HAND DNZjT TECS3 Brnf *Sr Packages put up to rait Country Trade. " ? 7. A.PRATT, Chemist to late C. B., Ni too and Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, >. B. WILSON, Chemist to Into C. 8., Or Department. April 11 6 1* JOBJf, FLOUR. BACON AND TjARP, i st rco?iv?4 bj , CLEVELAND, WALKER A CO. v ' l r , '"jj