* . * % ?r >- * " m?m\\ i Hill II vm I TAXES 1 i t ?fll, if not Providentially hindered, t^d at SPAETANBUKtJ Q. H. on TUESDAY the 16TII instant, and on MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, ?he 22d, 284, 24th and 25th days of OCTOBER, instant, ior tho purpose of eolleodng tho balanoe of the TAXES duo for tho year 1865, and all pMWtts^whauhtaye not made a return of their Yaxts ago earnestly requested to at y pay taxes; aii who navo not uiaao re larsstoi Heal Estate must undoubtedly W know it, as well as all Administrators, I Executors, and Guardians. And I would [ most earnestly request them to attend to making such returns, and savo Double Tuxes and Costs- 1 havo quite a number of names and dogs already reported, and 1 hdpd tfiat if those who are - liable will not report themselves, that others who have paid', ana those who have to pay, will re ppft them,, as all should bo put upon the same footing. <- ' It. C. POOLE, T. 0. NEW GOODS1 \\) S are now receiving a great variety of . ,W , FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which we wilt sell at the lowest market price* FOR CASH. A large assortment of ladles Dress Goods, HATS, CLOAKS. COLLARS, RIBBONS, FUJbLS, ctoo. A good stook of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, at reduced prices. FAMILY GROCERIES of all kinds. y SHOES AND SOLE LEATHER. BQVSJUrif MONEY BOUGHT. FOSTER & JUDD. uct? at> 6t Administrator's Sale. npiIE undersigned will sell at public sale on MONDAY, the 22d or OCTOBER inst., at the late residence of W. J. BRKM, deceased, in the town of Bpartanbnrg, all of the Person al Property of said deceased, consisting of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, A SETT OF CARPENTER'S TOOLS, X Oow db O alt dbo. TERMS OF SALE:?Purchasers will be required to pay in specie or its equivalent: purchase# under $6.00 to br paid cash on day of Sale, *11 over $5.00 in 12 months with inter > est from date, eeonred by note with at least two approved sureties. T. STOBO FARROW, C. E. S. D., and Adm'r. Ex. Off. Oct 4 ' 36 3t f B P. BROWN'S MILL. I fTlHESE MILLS have been thoroughly reL paired, and are now in good running or| der The FLOURINO MILL is now making a good turn-out, and is not to be surpassed in making good Flour by any mill. Every thing works well, and we are prepared to have our business attended to in first rate style. We respeotiully solicit the patronage of our old friends, and as many new oues, as waut their wheat ground for a good turn out. THE BRIDGE has been thoroughly repaired. and no apprehensions of its safely is now felL - E.P.BROWN. Oct 4 84 4w GEO. W. WILLIAMS opb, wthite lead, qWINE, pYE, TjUTTEll, i*V&ION BUTTONS. J. W. HARDY 0. E. FLEMING. October 4 86 ly EXECUTOR'S SALR OF LAND. TN accordance with the provisions of the X Will or JOHN 8. FINCH* deceased, we will sell at public outcry, at 8partanburg Court House, ou the First Monday in NOVEMBER next, the following Trhets of Land t TRACT NO.. I.?Lying on Meadow Creek, bounded by the lands of T.N. Finch, Wm. Gein, et aL, containing 278 ACRES MORE OR LESS. TRACT NO. 2. ?Lying on Meadow Creek, bounded by the lands of R. F. Brown, Wm. Dickson, tt. al., containing 229 ACRE8 MORE OR LESS. TRA'/T NO. 8.?Part of the borne track bounded by the lands of G. W. Finch, D. W. Moore, *L al., containing 181} ACRES MORE OR LESS. TRACT NO. 4.?Known as the Jehn Wingo tract, bounded by the lands of Mrs. Allbrighi, tt. al., containing 67} ACRES MORE OR LESS. TRACT NO. 6. ?Known as the Larkin Ballengor tiact, owned jointly by Est. of J. S. Finch and Est. of II H Thomson, deceased, bounded by the lauds of Wm. Qoin, et. al., containing 211 ACRES MORE OR LESS. TERMS OF SALE.:?Nolo for Specie, payable 12 months after date, with interest from day of snle with two approved sccureties and mortgage on the premises to secure the purchase money. T. N. FINCH, ) J. I>. FINCII, } Executor. O. W. FINCH, J Oct 4 86 Ids Call and See THE LATEST FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS, AT TO E Tailoring' Establlshmont or A. B. B E E C O, On Mam Street, Over W. R. Melton ?J- Co. Country Produce, at market prices, taken in payment for all work done. Satisfaction guar, anteed. Sept. 27?85?tf ROBINSON & NELSON" |fj Wholosnlc and Retail Dealers In 3?InTi3> 0M3, omrasss, TRAVELLING RAGS, &c. SOO KING STREET, Nearly oppotUe Victoria Hotel, Charleston, South Carolina. J. B. ROBINSON, * A. NELSON NEW SCHEDULE" SI. db TT. Railroad. ON and after the 17th instant, the Trains will run nr. MflMIUV'S Saturday S] Down Trains leave Spartanburg Court Hou?e. at 6.45, a. in. Leave Unionvllle, 9.30, a. ni. Arrive at Alston 2.20, p. m. connecting with the Greunville d >wn Train. Up Trains leave Alston ?t 9.3:1. a.m. eonneoting with the Greenville yj> Trim. Arrive at Unionvilie,.... . ...2. >. p >. Arrive at Spartanburg, 0. II .... 5 ft), | m. Arrangements are made by which t'r^ij. it through from Charleston and Coiu- n -.y be paid on this rood. THOS II. J? i n It, Pres't S. & U. 11. 11. cept 20 84 tf Sept.18, tseoT DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNERSHIP. rpiIE Co-partnership heretofore existing un| der the name of VANDIVEK, BLAKE A CO., was dissolved by mutual content, on the 28lh ultimo. All indebted by note or account, are earnestly requested to make early payment to C VNNON, BLAKE & BURNETT, who are authorised to settle the business of the late firm. TIIE UNDERSIGNED, nnder the name and style of CANNON, BLAKE , Clerk. Sept 18 31 3m Talco rVotiee. THE Books of BEAN & OOOBOION and of J. E. GOODOION has been put in my hands for collection. All indebted will call early, and save further trouble and oosts, as time will not permit to give each one a special notice. J. M. J5LFORD. Oct 4 34 8w a r fl r :V; . . ' ' . - a . * v * -v>: % ' ? 4 mMMmsfinniMH SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE ?nMV KING & CASSIDEY WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 161 MEETING-STREET, (Oppotile Charlttlon Hotel,) Charleston, C. E. D. KINO, M. D., North Carolina. ( J. J. CASSIDEY, " J Sept 20 84 I j EXECUTORS' SALE, TN pursuance of the .Vill of ELIZABETJ I ROGERS, dec'd., I will a 11 to the hi^hc: bidder, on THURSDAY, the 11TI1 DAY O OCTOBER next, at her lute RESIDENCE, th following personal property, viz : F our 31! it 1 e s, COWS AND CALVES CORN, FODDKR, WHEAT, O n e R oad W agon FARMING TOOLS, &.C. &.C. TERMS mado known on day of Sale. T. A. ROGERS. Administrator with Will Annexed. September 27, I860.?37 ? 8 Just Received AT J. W. HARDY'S SUGAR, Muacavado Molassc Coffee, Vinegar, Bacon, Flour, Lard, Soda, I'owder, Matches, Shot, Blacking, Well Buoke's, Mustard, Cedar Tuba, Blue 8tone. Cedar Buoketa, Seivea, Cedar Measures, Gun Locks, Gun Vaps, Gun Flints. Gun Wipers, ALSO, various other articles in the HARDWARi AND GROCERY LINE. We would particularly call the attention t purchasers to the above articles and nrc satis tied we can make it to their interest to pa CASH FOR THEIR GOODS."a9 we nrc detci mined to acli for ('ASH ONLY, and can affor to sell for smaller profits. We are compelled to say that hererfter w will credit tin one?so do not he surprised o vexed at a refusal, if you irill a*k for it. Positively no good* delivered till paid for. J. W. I1AKDY, C K. FLEMING. Sept 20 o4 tf Nilicc to frec'lors and Debtors ALL persons indebted to the estates of Col T. P. BltOCKMAN, Col. T. 1\ BROCK MAN & SON , and B. T. BllOCKMAN, am all persons having claims against cither of tin above mentioned estates, are hereby U'tiiliei hut 1 will attend at SOLITUDE on FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS, of every week between this and Court, for tin purpose of making settlement. BtefJu Debtors are advised to meet me at th Above mentioned time and place, and sav uosls by making satisfactory arrangements. D. ANDERSON, Ei or. Sept 13 83 tf Be*. The Greenville Mountaineer will publish until tf. M AR1J E UNION O. XX. All Work Sent Free of Charge t 8purUiiibiii'^ C. II. THE SUBSCRIBER has received a suppl of LTALION an I A MERICAN M \llBLk and is prepared to do any kind ol monument:] work entrusted to his care, nt as low rates a can be done in th State. 1 can furnish 11EA nud FOOT STONES from $10 per set and up wards. Engravings $3 per 100 let crs. M communication addressed to inc at Uuion C. II will receive prompt attention. WM. A. NICHOLSON, Union C. 1L, August Oth 1 HOG. Kxtrn Fine BLUE STONE, A T TWITTY & CO SEPTEMBER 6. I860. JACONET, DOTTED AND PL A11 SWISS, NANSOOK AND MUL Muslins* A NEW SUPPLY, *t CLEVELAND, WALKEB & 00. Are Yon. Insured? SINGLE spark may destroy your house m J\ and all its contents, and a small amount paid before ths disaster happens, may enable you to rebuild and again comfortably settle yourself for life. Are Tou Insured? < A slight exposure may hasten you to an early grave, and your family left to the charities of an uneharitable world, a / and various other QOODS, which we will sell - cheap for CASH. Sept 13 33 ly 1 s Commissioner's Sales. IN EQUITY?SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Lucinda K. Bobo, Adm'rz. vs, V?'m. E. and Chas. D. Bobo, minors by their next Friend. Sale of Real Estate, Dower, ko. IN pursuance of an Order of the Court of Equity, llie following Real Estate of C. B. lit) lit J, deceased, will Vie sold on the premises if at public sale, on WEDNESDAY, the 171b day i. of OCTOBER next. Said Lauds are situated y in lower portion of Spartanburg District, on - Cedar Shoal Creek, near Cross Anchor, boundd ed by lands of J. Whitrulre, Henry Ferguson, S. Brewton and otheis. e LOT NO. 2, containing 130 ACRES, more r or less. LOT NO. 3, containing 180 ACRES, more or less. \ ?i.? t ?? v*.. i ?v.t - . . - ii. - kiov iiio A cc (it UUV ;1U. 4, SUIIJCI'I ?U LUG Widow's Dower, which Lot contains U5 Acres, - more or Ie?s, einbrnciug tlie homcsie.nl. t TERMS OF SALE:?Costs of these proceedings to be paid Cash, the residue of the purchase uionoy to be paid iti twelve months | from day of ?ale. with interest frotn (lute, secured by bond with approved sureties. T. STOBO FARROW, C. E. S. D. Com'rs. Office, "t Sept. 25, lBGu. j Sept 27 35 3w I SALE. e o IW1LL sell at public sale, on MONDAY, the 1st day of November next, at my residence, ou .South Pacolct, 14 miles North of Spartan burg Court House, the following named property : > 1 Tract of* Land, on the waters of South Pacolet, 11 miles North of Spartanburg C. 11., containing 117 Acres, upon which is a large quantity of No. 1 bottom. T ' William Cuoiok. ' - Jane 14 20 - 8? W. MAGILLFLEMING, Attorney at WILL attend to all business with which the citizens of BparMubnrg ..District may fsror him. OFFICE-OVER BOOKSTORE. iT" June 21 21 12a LAW COPARTNERSHIP. Having uiooLtoi c. J. EL FORI), o Greenville, S. C , with tne in ithe praollc* or law for SpartaD^urg District, under the earn* and style of ELFO.vI: & EL FORD; nil business entrusted to my care will receWothe prompt and faithful attention of said firm. J. M. ELPORD. April 5 10 6mos I dhsTB.~& J.'L. WOPFOHD OFFER THEIR PROFESSIONAL aEKVICES to the cititens of the Village and surrounding country. One or both of us will oe found constantly in the offioe at the STORE* during the day, and at our Besidenoe, opposite Woflord College (Churah Street) at itfght. Feb 16 3 tf DR. W. T. KUSSEL, ~ VR7ILL continue the practiee of Medio*# t Surgery, and (at his office) Dentistry OFFICE?ovm heixitsb dbco stoki. - ^ Feb 16 3 tf rif T . n w ? . m ?x-/ xxcuueay OFFERS HIS PROFEBSIONL SERVICES 10 tiio Citizen* ot Spartanburg. ? Feb I 1 Ij J. A. HENNEMAN WJ am mAisaa Sparlanburg C. IX., So. Ca. HAS JUST RECEIVED X SELECT ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, mana? WAii AND Fancy Goods. - ALSO A NEW LOT OF EIGHT-DAT AND TWENTYFOUR nOUR CLOCKS, A* FIRST-BATB ARTICLE. WAURENTED TWO TSAKS. Spectacles for all Eyes and Ages. ' Y^TATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY y j i^mrcu, sou wsrniniw, J. A. HENNEMAN", At the Old Plac* ? ? Mam-Strut. Feb 22 4 tf w. i>. M;iiwtor Respectfully announces to th? pobHe, that ho bus again commenced the Tinning Business, and feels himself well prepared and qualified to do all kinds of work in his line, with neatness and dispatch. He has a large stock on hand, of every thing usually fouhd in an establishment of tltia kind AU articles of TIN WAKE, will be kept on hand, thereby rendering himself able to supply the wants of any who may call on him. He is prepared to do suoh work as ROOFING, GUTTHRINQ AND REPAIRING. He will work and sell, wholeseAo or retail, LOW FOR CASH. All work warranted. SHOP NEAR THE SPARTAN OFFICE. Feb 1 1 tf CHABI.ES BELLOISE & CO., AMD DEALSRS IN Ham*, Sides, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, Tongues, FLOUR, BUTTER, C1IEESE, LARD, EGGS, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLKS, &c., &o. 120 & 122 EAST RAY STEET, Consignment* Solicited. H. BltS. } CHARLESTON. 8. C. We would respectfully notify Merohanta thai we are strictly in the Frovmon Butintss, and are euabled to supply the trade at lowest prince. Mch 1 5 lj CnllooH, Klcacltcd tiud WroV/'ti 81tnctin|pk niicl 8hlrtliig?, A FRE8II LOT, just rccoired by CLEVELAND, WALKER ft CO. A new and fresh supply of Ladies and Gentlemen's Misses' and Children?* SHOES, 'GAITERS AND BLIPPERS. at CLEVELAND, WALKER, ft CO.