nnflTfWTTeVbd ThKflketr notion would hi condemned bj the totes of a majority of th peepje.0f.4hs Northern Stales. (Applause.) jsMovXru(a crisis ip the affaire Of the eouo try, a.time of imminent peril boifi to the peo pie SftheKdrth anil of the South, and heiiOf ed that the'people of the North might, by th 4th of Marcn next, roll up snoh a vote that th Radicals might be effeotually deprived of a share js this Government. -lie had a grea hope that the Radicals would be effectual stopped in their purposes ia the great State v Pennsylvania. She bad tho cognomen of th Keystone State, the keystone of the arch whic supported this great Union. Old Pennsylva Ilia stood steadfast by the Union, and whci the Federal Government called for soldiers, i the tery front, with all alacrity, stood the gal Ihnt sons of T ennsylvsuia. They had prcserv ed what thev had fouirht so well for. but the had now a duty to perform?they had to pre ' Nm the Constitution of our fathers. On thcr ftll much of the responsib lity of the occasion tl? hoped that in the coming campaign the, could elect their candidate for Governor by triumphant majority. Then the glowiug star and atripes would float in glory and peace, an the words of the immortal Webster would in deed be realized: "Liberty and Union, no' and forever, one and inseparable." Governor Qrr retired with much the sam ovation he had received when he was iutroduc d to the audience. When the siauipiii|c. tyle of applause so characteristic of America audiences, had ceased, enthusiastic individual throughout tho audience would rise up, atu with a wave of the hat, propose three cheer for Gov. Orr. Of course all such request wtfe heartily responded to. v 11 Washington, August 18, 18GG. The President in an interview with the Nc^ Hampshire delegation said, in reference t flie Convention and his future policy. "W have now a policy and principles recognize and laid down by the most intelligent, abl and patriotic body of men couvencd since tli days of the Declaration of Independence, i , recognition of this policy and principles won! be required ot those who receive office nn patronage from the Government, it was duty the Administration owed itself that poser should be given to these who maintain th principles declared by that great body of na lioqjd men who met this week in convcutio at Philadelphia." N*w York, Aug, 19.?A Washington spe cial despatch states that Stanton will soon l> appointed Minister to Spain and Gen. Stead man will be Secretary of War. An Ottawa special despatch says the Carta dian authorities continue prep.rations tore ist the Fenians. The troops at Quebec liav been ordered to keep in readiness, and tc thousand canteens arc being manufactured. A letter from Heart's Content, of the 71li states that the shore end of the cable got foule with an anchor of a const vessel on the Gil )>tit was released by a diver. The ehifmcnt of t>pccio to Kuropc sine July 1st exceeds fifty-two millions. Tho President lias issued a Proclamatio declaring tlint the insurrection which hereto fere existed the P.iatc'of Texas is at an oti'l nnu is to lie henceforth regarded in that Stat ?8 the other States in which the said insurroc t Ion 4c as declared at an end by the Proclnran iton of tfcc 2d of April, i960. The Preside! proclaims that the said insurrection is at a end, and that pence, order und tranquility an civil authority now exists throughout the whol t of tiic United States of America. Washington, Aug. 19.?At a meeting o officers and soldiers, held last night nt Wil liard's hotel, it was decided to hold a Convcn tion of the soldiers North and South at t'liica go, Semtctnhcr 17th. A Committee was np pointed to draft a call, which will be issue during the week. (Jens. Steadmnn, Euiety Cuatnr and other promiuent officers were pre sent. MARRIED On the 22d instant by Dr. J. M. C. lilt has r.*, Mr. II. M. DAVIDSON, of Charleston, i C.", to Miss SUE J. BARNETT, of Spartanburj August 12, 1866, by Itev. J. S. Ktell, W. ( BERRY to Miss CAROLINE WALL, all < this District. August 17, 1866, by the Rov. Roman. Mi OSCAR EVANS to Miss LIZZIE II ADD EN, a of,this District. f August 19, by Iter. Mr. Roman. Mr. JACK SON TIMMON to Miss MARY DEMPSEY, n of this District, f -Itdy 23, by Rev. Mr Roman, JOHN RAS t6 "Miss EASTER W ILSON, all of this Dislnc OBITUARY. Departed this life at the residence of Ik son-in-law. Major John Strodrl, on the 13t nf Anril 1 Rl.ti m US (' V S \V Itlt V Mil r VI ? ' ~ -widow of tho lute Samuel. mn.i.Kn, of fipm lanburg District, in tlie eighty-sixth year < her age. She made a public profession of he faith while youug, united with the Daptii Church, hut upon her mnrriage was transitu red to tho Naiareth (Presbyterian) Churcl where she remained a consistent member tint her death, lier life was illustrative of tf power and blessedness of the Christian ri ligion. which she adorned with that meek au quiet spirit, so characteristic of a true chil of God. Her ardent piety and love for Chris wero exhibited by hor devotion for his ord nances. Her place in tho church was seldoi vacaht, and even under great bodily suffe ings, she would go to the house of God. lit faith in the sure promises of hor divine mm tcr, which sustained her amidst all the varie m ills and transient scenes of life, was firm an unwavering, when prostrated upon a bed sicktTess. It was truly instructive to witness her meel ness and patience, during a protracted illnei of more than two months Not a murmur c caped her lips, nor a sign of impatience wi visible in her countenance. Hor death was fitting sequel of her life, oalm, peucoful ar triumphant. During her illness she made fr k qucnt allusions of upproaching death wit hoi f terror or alarm, and often expressed a desi to depart and he with Christ in tho " manrioi of the blessed." The funeral services were held at Nazaro Church, on the day of her burial, and coi ducted by the Rev. A. P. Smith, with appr priate and impressive exercises. The decca ed has left Lhree children, viz: two sons nntl daughter, and many other relatives to lame their irreparable loss, but they have, howeve the plea?iqg consolation to believe that the departed friend, who lived by faith, died hope, bow sleeps that blessed sleep in Chri Jesus. Oh 1 for the death of those, * Who slumber in the Lord I Oh ! be like theirs, my last repose. Like their'* my last reward ! 8 COMMERCIALe - ] CotvUnrA, August-'20.?Cotton?17 to 21 gojd, 24 to 81, currency. Corn.?$1.60 to ~ 1.80 per bushel.?Floor?$10 to 19 per bare rel. ' e New York, August 20.?Gold 48 1-2; Ex" change quiet at 108|; Cotton firni at 34 1-2 to j J 30 1-2. - . t ? Announc cmontH, f ' The friends of B. F. HAMMETT respect- \ n fully nnnouucc him as a candidate for Tax ; ? |. Collector, at the election to be hold the second 1 - TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next. ' y July 26 26 tde " me menus or lamjkim c. iszkll rcspccl fully announce him as n candidate for Tax Collector, at the election to be held the s second TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next. J July 26 26 tdo | ir The friends of JAM KS THOMAS respectful J ly announce him as a candidate for Tax Col? lector, nt the election to he held the second a TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next. < n July 26 26 tdo 1 H ( i I am a candidate for TAX COLLECTOR for 1 s Spartanburg District, nt the ensuing Election, H to bo held on the Second TUESDAY in SEP- 1 TEMBEU next, and should be pleased nt a ' general turn out of my friends to said election R. C. TOOLE. ft May 31 18 ?d 1 o ????????????? d IVotiee to Debtops. j e rilHE subscriber would give notice to nil e I persons against whom lie has claims, that ( \ they must arrange to settle the same, other- . d wise they will he placed in the hands of an At- , d torney for collection. I a . WM. JAS. SMITH. Aug 23 30 2t - In Appeal (o (he People of spar- ! tauburg. * Whereas, the friends of L. C. Ezell, ~ have announced him us a candidate for _ Tax Collector, we the undersigned being ? personally acquainted with Mr. Kzcll I - and knowing him to he of good moral 1 * character and business qualifications, J ? would make an appeal to the Voters of Spartanburg, in his buhalf. c i. J lie grounds of our appcul arc that j <1 I.c is maimed (or life, having been J1 ' grounded in the service in both hands? having lost from his left hand a linger t and a hall, and the uso entirely of the n third; also, having the thumb of his right hand shattered, dislocating the ' second joint. We therefore earnestly solicit the en- r _ operation ol' all the friends of wounded it soldiers and voters, hoping that he will 1 n bo supported at the ensuing election. J '' We refer you for further information , 0 as to character and qua 1 ideations, to Col. > .Jos. Walker, Major T. J. Klford, Capts. f tt J. II. Bl.vssisqame, A. II. Foster, and - J. J. Brown. ' CAPT I'. O. LKMMONS, W. A. HUSKEV, L. C. COOPER, . j r. II. HYAItS, A. HARRIS, . II. F. HONSKR, LIEUT. .1. .1. CAMP, J. (J. GAFFNEY, M. D., REV. 15. 1IONN Ell, K. RONNEIt. = P. QUIN CAMP, ESQ., t- II. MOORE. 5. J. W. QUIN, x. j. S. K'/.ELL, 3. C. M. AMOS, jf CAPT. .IAS. I\ MOORE, T. W. QUIN. r> Brother Soldiers : I am personally 11 acquainted with Sergt L. C. Kzki.i., ^ have fought by his side in many a hard I- fought battle, end he was never seen go'' ing to tlio rear, only when borne there with bleeding wounds ; and as be was i a ways seen in the front ranks, let us see > him there this time. 1 r. s. scnoTEU. . . ,0 ..o < JUIgUHl to ? 11 J STATE OF 80UTH CAROLINA, ( J SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. 5 Lawsuti T. Menders, Applicant, r vs. >f AVillinm Menders and others r TT appearing to my satisfaction that Amos ? L. Bearden, l'olly Ann Bcnrden and .lane r" ltenrden, three of (lie Defendants reside withont this State, on motion of Farrow & Duncan. ' .? A?d dicants Attorneys, it is ordered tlint they | ! 10 do appear and object to the division or sale of 1 l!. the Real Estate of George Menders, deceased, *J on or before the 14th day of NOVEMBER next, or their consent to the same will he eu!' tcred of record. 1 J NO. KARLE BOMAR, O. S. I). J Aug 23 30 3m \[ A South-Side Historical War Novel! j d Third Edition, just ready. , of Nuri-y <>l* Knj?lots INTv^nt. | lieiny the Memoirs of f Ordinary, for s-iid District, to be held ?? SpartanburgCTourt House. 011 Monday, the 8d lay of September next, to shew cause if any , :.\ists, why said Letters should uotbe grmted. | Given under my hand this 2'Jtli day of 1 \ugust, A. i>., 18'iG. 1 J NO. EARL?. BOMAR, O. S. D. , Aug 23 ?0 ?2w SUE RIFF'S SAFE. \ BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri to me directed, 1 will sell before tho Court House door. :n the Village of Spartanburg, ou he 1st MONDAY in SEPTEMBER next, the "allowing named nnd described properly, to sit: One hundred nnd thirty Acres of Land, more >r less, bounded by lauds of Dauicl Mellaril, Henry Turner and others. Sold as the propsrty of J. W. Hayncs, at the suit of J. A. Wilin ins. Also Three Hundred Acres of Land, more or ess, hounded by lands of Andy Duncan, An Irew Elmore and others. Sold as the property if J as. A Snoddy, at the suit of Phillip ileitis md others Also, Eight Hundred Acres of Land, more or 1 ess. bounded by lands of 11. K. Cleveland, loseph Thompson and ot .ers. Sold asthe pro- , >erty of Dr. J no. C. Oeland, at the suit of Joel Foster. Also, f>nc Hundred and Seventy-five Acres >f Laud, more or less, bounded by lands of S. J Miller, Pinckuey Hoy and others. Sold as lie property of Wiu. (J. Miller, at the suit of | 3cnjauiin Finch. Also, One Hundred and Seventy-six Acres | if Land, more or less, bounded by lands of | Vni. Scruggs, Winston Williams anil others Sold as t lie property of Caroline I'rioc. Kx'trix, | it the suit, of So. On. Manufacturing Cunipany. Also, One Lot, l'J? feet front on Church-St.. 10 feet deep, depth bounded he lot nnd brick Hiilditig ot 11. Mitchell in the South, nnd lot ind brick building of N. II. Thomson on the 'iorilr Snid lot contains tho brick building tow used as a po.-t ollicc in the village of ipaitanburg. Sold as the property ot Lee L. Smith, at the suit of 11. 11. Duraitl and others. Also. Otic Bey Mare, five years old. and one iorrel Maro, eleven years old Sold us the iroperty of Thotnas Burgess, at the suit of 1 itcpheu Kirby. TERMS OF SALE?Cash, purchaser to payor titles J. 11. BI.ASSINOAME, S. S. D. ci :irv. o?'.? - ?"* tl1*1 1II P UlUITt, ^ ' Aug. 13, J lTui:SS MAlvLNCr. 1^1112 undersigned proposes t<. execute all styles of MAN I'D A-M A KING at short tot ice, ami for reasonable price-. Dre-scs of lie finest texture, a- well n< tliusc ot coarsc-i ahric received. In fact eve y kind of sewing liken, wirIt tlic hope that vuiiut si: .^faction vill be given. My friends will plop. c call and jive me a trial. **a> 1' csidcuce at Mrs. l)r Vernon's. MARY S. COUNCIL. Aug 10 21) tf 1 Solf Trader. I"1I1E uintersigiu'd. ilie wife ol JOHN BE\Y l.Ot K. by occupation n fanner, residing ii Spartanburg District, South Carolina, six liiles Not tli of tlic town of Spartanburg, icreby gives notice to the public of her intenion to exercise and claim the rights and itn nnnities of :i sole-Trader, (or free-Kreedealer) >n and after the expiration of one mouth lrotn his dale. MARY ANN BLAYLOcK Aug 1G 20 4t "state OF SOUTU CAKOLHfA. William Bennett, Applicant, 1 v-. lohn E. Casey, wife Mary, and other.-'. 1). June 21 21 3tn > <>( i not nttike latisfactory arrangement* may expect to pay 50913. n. E. CLEVELAND. Aug 1G '-'It 4t Notice to Debtors PEIISON'S indebted tothee tntc of BICIIAIt 1* It. 8M1TII, arc hereby requested to meet me ;tt the Court House, on Sales days in September nn1 ARBL E YARD UNION C. II. All Work Sent Free of Charge to Spnr(uiilMir|>t it, and we will give satisfaction. P. ANDERSON. July 20 26 4w Notice to Creditors and Debtors. A LI. persons having claims against the lis j / V tate of A. WIN00 deceased, will present Ilieui without delay, proven according to law to JOHN 11. EV1NS, Attorney at I.aw, or to the undersigned; and all persona indebted to said Estate will make payment to the above named Attorney, or to MRS. K. C. WINGO, Executrix. June 14 20 <1mo ON CONSIGNMENT rvorlli Carolina Floui'j M IVoi'tli Carolina Corn, ISortli Carolina Dacon, A T TWITTY &c CO. Autrnst 1 r>, 1 " HAIIT A' CO~ (Successors to S. X I1AKT & Co.) South Cast Corner KittR & Market Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C., 1MPOUTERS OF Foreign & Domestic Hardware, C'UTLKHY, GUNS, BAR IRON, TIN AND PLATED WARES, Will reccivo orders for R. HOE & CO'S Circular Saws, and GEO. PAGE & CO'S Portable Saw Machines. D. D. Coiien. D. S. Hart. r. Morgan. March 1 5 ly .1A < 5 >N ktT DOTTKD AND PLA! N SWISS, NANSOOK AND MULL Mnslins, A NKW SUPPLY, at CLEVELAND. WALKER A CO. ' N| + I / Equity Wale. ?, Elizabeth Bcarden, VS. David I). Moore, Nimrod Moore, Extr , Mid others. Bill for Partition, &o. IN pursuance of nn ord*ept that part now under cultivation. is good woodlund and well timbered and wittered, and under good fencing. 1 Tract of Land, ? on North Pncolct, 10 miles North of Spartanburg. containing U20 Acres, nearly all of whioh is gootl woodland. Kill cr of the above Tracts can be bought at private - tie before the day above mentioned. I will sell at the same time all my personal property, consisting of Horses Cows, llogs, Corn, Wheat, COTTON, HOUSEHOLD AND kitchen FURNITURE, ONE TWO-HORSE wagon. I will sell everything I have, as 1 am going West. Persons wishing to negotiate for ona or both of the above name Tracts of Land can do so before the day of sale, hut the personal property will not be sold till that day. tukms ?Made kuown on day of sale. July 20?2d?td WILLIAM toney. in equity?spahtanburg district. Jatncs Ilunna, ft ul., vs. James C. Hanna, Adinistrator, et al. Bill fjr Partition, Relief, dro. IT appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, that Isaac S. Ilanna nnd William Hanna, i?i> f the <1-' 'mlan in this ca-c, reside from and without the limits of this State, on motion of Krrr >w. Complainant's solicitor, Tl is order that the r aid defendants do appear, answer, plead or demur to this Bill of Complaint within y.iRKK MONTHS from this date, or inil?i?M?li will l>e taken {>a> eon/eeeo as to them. Coram r (Mliee. ^ T. STOBO FARROW, July 2U. 1S'16. I c. c. ?. D. July 2f>?20?3hi Notice (o Creditors. IN Kt>T : iy?SPARTANBURG D1ST. Anna c. Dost, Adturx. of J M. Dost, dee'd., re. Sally M. Bo^t mid others. Rill for Sn.e of lie ?1 Et \tc to pay Debts, Dower Relief, ?Jkc. I7iLTMTTF.ll time having been granted by or^ der of Court of Equity for filing Claim* against the Estate of t. apt I. M. DOST, dee'd., all persona i> iving claims agninst said Estate, arc hereby iior.'ed that they must present said claims, an., j roduco evidence to establish the s.inic according to law. before me, within THREE MONTHS from this, the 12th day of June. 1 St'.t >. t.onirs'Otlice. "? T. STOBO FARROW, June, 12, 18(Jti. t c. s. s. v. June 11?I'J?3m. . DU. W. T. 11USSEL, II.L continue the practice of Medicine* V T Surgery, nnd (at his office) Dentistry OFFICE?ovr.a hkimtsji niiro btor*. Feb 15 3 tf BO^IAR & CO. Respectfully a?k ?n who are owing them either by NOTE OR BOOK AC? t OL NT, to call uud Our business ?** rangeiiiouts require an early settlement and some money. tlftu l'lcase don't forget this. uivingsvitte, s. c., .inly 11. 25-2m CORN. FLOUR. BACOlt AND LADD, just received l>y CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. A new and fresh supply of Ladies nnd Gentle* men s Misses' and Children's SHOES, GAITERS AND SLUTK1LS. at CLK\ ELAND, WALKER, & CO li-idics' Hats, Bonnet Ribboas, LATEST STYLES. received by CLEVELAND, WALKER