f r BY THE LAST MAIL WnsBuroron, July 2.?In Congress the ConftruM Committee of both Houses agreed on the Paris exposition bill, only substituting currency for coin, and the bill goes to the President. The House passed a resolution requestirg the President to inform tho House whether tho personal right of citizens of the United States are at present sufficiently protected in tho 8oulhern States, and whether uuy further legislation is necessary to clothe him with suttiaient authority to protect all the loyal citizens of the States recently in rebellion in the enjoyment of the constitutional rights. The Conference Committee have arranged the differences between the two Houses on the Froadmen's Bureau bill. The bill goes to the L President for approval or rqeotion. P* the Senate has confirmed Jas. M. Humphreys as Collector of Customs for Richmond, Virginia. the Chief of Ordinance, in a communication to Congress says the retention of Harpers Ferry ' is not necessary or advantageous to the public interest, and recommends that all the public lands, buildings and other property there be hold, and the proceeds of sale he applied to the construction of the western armory. Representative Sidney Clark this morning tttieived a telegram flrom Leavenworth, Kansas, saying that Senator Lane, of thut State, had Shot himself through the head lost night, and ditd at 0 o'clock to (lay. Sc.iator Ijtne left Washington a week or ten days ago, and at the time complained of being unwell, suffering * from nervous debility. Wasuixotos, Jflnc 26. The President is endeavoring to obtain the release of all American citixous now held as Feni&n prisoners in Canada. It is believed that the intercession will meet with a favorable response from the British Government. The Domocrats in Congress, with perhaps the exception of Mr. Harris, of Maryland, endorse tho call of the Union Convention At Philadelphia. The restoration of the Southern States to their representation is considered by them paramount to all other political ideas. The precise position occupied by tbc Dcmoi cratio members of Congress in referenoc to the Union Convention called at Philadelphia is thus stated; they are favorably disposed towards snch a convention believing that the representation of the Southern States in Congress is not only a right, but necessary to the harmony and prosperity of the country ; they are willing to co-operate with the Union Convention for that purpose, but it it shall be prevented from its original and patriotic design for the foundation for the new party, they prefer clinging to their own at present. The Democrats seemed desirous to further the movement The charges affecting the private character of Gen. Kilpatrick, Minister to Chili, arc said to have been presented to the Stato Department. If true, they will uo doubt cause his speedy return. U is thought the House will adhere to its tax of five 6enta on cotton, which will cause the appointment of a Conference Committee. Tbl afitlfin ftf lhAt. PnmiuiltAft **-511 nwaKoKlw be a compromise on the Senate's amendment, and the rate be fixed at cents. D. H. Strother, of West Virginia, lias been confirmed as Consul to Bncnos Ay res. The Secretary of the Treasury will redeem all certificate* of indebtedness falling due after August 21st, with accruing interest thereon if ? presented for redemption on or before July. W The Fret'dtnen's Bureau bill passed the Senatoto day with tin amendment to the House bill, . which peremptorily confirmed the negroes in r possession of lands under Sheriuau's order. The Senate's amendment is that the negroes shall surrender all Sea Island lands to the owner, excepting those cold for taxes. The bill is to continue in force fur three years. It goes back to the House. Congress passed the House bill amendatory ol the orgauic act of Washington Territory. It makes the sessions of the Territorial Legislature biennial instead of annual and iucreuses the compensation of members from thrco to six dollars per day. k The President has approved the bill for the disposal 01 iuc puuuc tanas lor Iioincstcad ac iual settlement iu the States of Alabama, Misi aissippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Florida. I Nothing of importance in iho Ilouse. * Washington, Juno 29. An address to the people of the United Slates has been agreed on by the Democratic and Conservative members of tho Senate and * House af Representatives. It is now being signed and will be made public in a few days. It is said to indorse the proposed National f Convention at Philadelphia and ur^es all the States to participate in its proceedings. It is headed with the natne of .lames Guthrie of Kentucky and W. E. Kniblock of Indiana. Nsw York, June 29. Rio Janeiro correepodencc reports n battle, in which General Lopez ambushed the Allies under Flores, and defeated them. Flores lost 4 guns and 2,000 killed and wounded and Erisoncrs. Flores was only saved from nnniilaiion by large reiuforcemeuts. Lopez carried off bis troops. ^ The Paraguayans still resolutely hold ilamI ilia. ii):? < Sciienectapv, N. Y., .Tunc 26. The extensive Locomotivo Works here have been destroyed by fire. Lobs $300,000, nnd , five hundred hands thrown out of omploymcnt. L COMMERCIAL. 1 columbia) July 3.?(.'ottos?16 to 20; gold, 22 to 31 currency. Conx.?$1.80 to 1.90 per bushel. * Flour.?$11 to 16 per barrel. Nsw Orleans, July 2.?Cotton has declined fr,m one to two cents. The sales foot up 400 bales. Low middlings command 31 cents. Gold 52. Bank Sterling 65. The Sitgttr crop Is estimated at 50,000 lihds. New York, July 2?Noon.?Cotton quiet - 36 a 87. Gold 54 J. Exchange 10}. NOTICE S8 hereby given to all persons having accounts against the late firm of VERNON ii FLF.M 0, to present thorn to tho surviving partner ' Dr. C. E. FLEMING; and all persons owing the firm, will make settlement with the same at J. W. Hardy's Store. ^ ) t. E. FLEMING. June 28 22 24 ~~ tDMlNlsfIt AT0B7S N Oil IE, A LL persons having demands against th< J\ Estate of EDWARD H. .VILLIS, deceas Cd. are hereby notified to present the sanu * duly ptoven, and all persons indebted to suic KsUtte, to make immediate payment to the un dertigacd. R. II. FOSTER, * - AdflUfiistrator. June 21 21 Anuounoomont. I am a oandidate for TAX COLLECTOR fo Spartanburg District, at the ensuing Election to be held on the Second TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next, and should be pleased at t rrnnnrnl Inrn nnf af mv ft*Snn<1o Ia uai.l aIaaISam R. C. POOLE. May 81 IB fd I. O. O. F. A REGULAR meeting of Morgan Lodg will be held ou FRIDAY EVENING th< om instant, for purpose of Installation of Offi cers and other important business. All mem tiers arc requested to attend. J. M. ELFORD, Sect. Jnly 6 28 1w NOTICE . ALL persons indebted to the firm of J. Q CARPENTER & CO., are requested t( come forward and pay, or make settlement, a the business roust be brought to a close. Debt ors failing to atteud to this, will find tbei notes aud accounts in the hands of an office for collection. D. B. ROSS, 8urvivor. July 0 28 St estate" notice ALL persons having demands against th< Estate of JNO. 8. FINCH, deceased, wil present them properly attested, and those in ilebtcd will mnkc immediate payment to us. T. N. FINCH, ) J. S. FINCH, V Executors 0. W. FINCH, ) July 5 23 4t NEW GOODS I MORE NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED A1 REDUCED PRICES. A Splendid Lot of Prints, COFFEE AND SUGAR as SACKS SALT, 200 SACKS CORN, 4000 XjIds. Baoon WM. R. NEILSON & CO. COTTON LOAN MONEY BOUGHT BY WM. It. NEILSON & CO. July 5 23 3t IVotioe. Itakc this method of informing the public that I have leased BELL'S MILLS, for t term of years, and have thoroughly rcfittci them. The FLOUR AND CORN MILLS an in first rate order, and will make as fiue ar article of Flour and Meal, us any mill in tin District, and will yield as much to the bushel of grain. All I want is a trial. 1 have built a new SA1V MILL, and wiil sav up all the logs sent, upon shares, or for thuioncy. I will nttend to the .Mil s myself and e.'cry man shall have his due Being a Miiirigiit by trade, I can kee > th< Mills always in a condition to give satiafuc ion. These MilLv are located on Fair Forest, twt miles west of town JOHN M. WILLI} MS. July 5 23 5. TAXES7 HAVING now ascertained tlmt it wil be impossible fur mo to get through CO' leoting Taxes by, and on Monday nex! (SALEDAY,) I have concluded to collcc all I can by that time, and will extend tin time for receiving returns and paying Tuxes, and hereby make the following ap pointracnts : At Fingorville, on Saturday the I860, ; TWITTY & CO., ^ T)Y recent arrivals have largely increased It their stock, and now offer a full variety k of Ooods, at the Lowest Market Prices. c Dress Goods. To the Ladies, wo offer a neat assortment of Dress Goods, in Paris Grenadine, Ginghams, Striped Leno, Lawns, Ohalli, Jaconets?printed, i Poplin, Jaconets?plain, g De Beige, Swiss?dotted, plain, 8 Berege, Printed Linen Lawns. . Prints, &c., &c. r r Sitmuicr Covcrinjfw. ' Black Silk Basques, Lace Points, 0 Black Silk Sacks, Berge Shawls, 1 Black Silk Circles, Bercgc Circles, ' Chulli Sacks, Plaid Sacks. l _____ Oolltti'H mid Sotts. Swiss, Lawn and Linen COLLARS; P Jaconet, Swiss nnd Cntnhric Kdgings; llatidcrcliiefs, for Ladies, Missus aud Gents; Corsets. ? I-loop Skirts For Ladies nnd Misses ; Bradley's Celebrated Duplex Skirts ; Summer Balmoral Skirts ; Empire Skirt Flouncing. For Gentlcmeu's Wear. . French Drab D'ete?superior ; k Summer Cassimeres ; 1 Summer Tweeds?many styles ; i Clotlis and Doe Skin Cassimere ; 1 Linen Ducks and Drills ; j Ready Made Clothing ; Fancy Cassimere Suits. i 3 We have our usual assortment of > Ladies' Bonnets, Perfumery, Ladies' Hats, Farina Cologne, Men's and Hoy's Hats, Preparations for tho Roots and Shoes, llatr, - Hardware, Cooking Extracts, Stone Ware, Patent Medicines, Tin Ward, Pure Drugs and McdiGroceries, oines, j Crockery, Colt's Revolvers. Table Cutlery, Cartridges and Powder, Plated Forks & Spoons, &c., &c., &c. Just received a large lot of c Fresh Tui'iii j> ScmhL I T WITTY & CO. June 27 22 tf * To all whom it may Concern. rriHE Books of Accounts and Notes due the > following are now in my hands for collection. Persons indebted, and desjring to save cost, will please call early, mi thty miut b; col* Iccled. Folgcr Sc Brawley, Est. of J. D. Wright, f J. W. Garrett, 44 4 4 II. Tlieile, G Thcile & Schoppuul, 44 44 J. J. Vernon, , J. W. Kerr, 44 44 Govan Mills, I. H. Adlcr, 4 4 44 J. M Bost, A. Schoppaul, 44 44 Win I Tritnmier, i J. U. Poole, 44 44 II II Thomson, 1 Camp & Wyatl, 44 44 J. D. Cauip, t Vernon & Ocland, 44 44 A. F. Golding, B Morgan & Moore. 44 u J. H. Windle. t You arc herewith duly notified at an cx, pease to the parties concerned, vlicrc you inai' nnll mul t'ttni'i*! rnnr inilnhlailn?t:?t williotil I J """ J ....uvuo 1 suit. Call early nud save costs, t J. M. ELIIORD, y Attorney foi Parties. Juno 28 22 2m ' ~STATK OF SOUTH CA UlJMNA^ SPARTANItCHO DISTRICT ^ Citation for Letters of Administrttion by , Juo. Carle Boinar, esq., Ordilary. In tlio Court of Ordinary "YT7HEREAS RICHARD S. WtODllUFF ' ? ? has peti lionetl this Court for Letters of Administration on nil nnd singular the goods and chattels, rights and credit! of JOHN OWENS, deceased. These are therefore to cilo and admonish all c and singular the kindred and creditors of the said JOHN OWENS, deceased, tt be and nps pear nt the Court of Ordinary. Or said Dis'? trier, to Lc held at Spartanburg Ciiurt House, on Friday, the Cth day of Juh next, to g shew cause if any exists, why slid Letters should nut be granted. , Given under my hand this list day of " June, A. D.. 18Gti. J NO. EARLE JJOMAR. O. S. D. it June 28 22 2w ,, NOTICE. 8 rilHE subscribers givo notico to alt who arc g JL i'nlcbtod to them, either by JOTE OR l- ROOK ACCOUNT, that they requires settle0 nient either by payment or renewal of note. 1 Not wishing to oppress or add costs, hey give < tiiucly notice to all interested. it FOSTER A JuDD. 1. FOWLER, FOSTER & CO. June 21 21 liu _ W. MAGILL FLEMING, Attorney fit Iniw, "TTT1LL attend to all businoss dth wh eh (1 \y tho citiicns of Spurlanbuij District K may favor him. OFFICE?OVER BOOKST* f K. June 21 21 12iu Notice to Creditors and Debtors A LL persons having olaims against the Es f\ tatc of A. WINGO deceased, will preset them without delay, proven according to la' to JOHN 11. EVINS, Attorney at Law. or t the undersigned; and all persons indebted t said Estate will make payment to the abov named Attorney, or to MUS. K. C. WINOO, Executrix. Jane 14 20 3mo FARROW & DUNCW ATTORNEYS AT LAY AHD Solicitors in Equity, ^^ *** 1>_! ^1. -<-* v/iiiuc iu uncft ouiiuiog, up BlAirB, OVf former Offioe of James Farrow. James Farrow. D. It. Discam. April 15 11 ly WILLIAMS, EVINS & CHOICE ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, SPARTANBURG, S. C. Geo. W. Williams, Yorkville, S. C. J.so. 11. Eyins, William Choice. June 14 20 Cm JuHt Received, A LOT of "A" Crushed SUGAR. ? ' Coffee 44 44 44 Extra 44C" 44 ?ALSO? A lot of COFFEE. CORN, PEAS and FLOUT which will be sold LOW FOR CASH, nt J. W. IIARDY'S. Juno 14 20 tf A new and fresh supply of Ladies and Gentle men's Misses' and Children's SHOES, GA1 TERS AND SLIPPERS. at CLEVELAND, WALKER, A CO. Ladies' Hats, Bonnet Ribbons, LATEST STYLES. rcceiYcd by CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. CORN, FLOUR, BAC0I ANT1D LiAXlD, just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. Calicos, Bleached and Brown Sheetings and .ShirtinffH, a fresh lot, just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER Si CO. jaconet"dotted and~plai: swiss, nansook and* mul] Muslins, a new supply, si CLEVELAND, WALKER A CO. Fancy Mozambique, Crape Marett, Ch&lliet Black and Colored Lawns, Fancy Jaconet aa Organdies. Very elegaul styles and pattern! just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. Juno 11 SO if "STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. William Dennett, Applicant, vs. John E. Casey, wife Mary, and others, Defi Petition for sale of Real Estate of James Ben nett, deceased. IT appearing to my satisfaction that John E Casey, and wife Mary, Mansel Moore, an wife Sar&h, defendants in this case, rcsid without this State ; it is therefore ordered tha they do uppcar and object to the division o sale of the Real Estate of James Dennett, dc ceased, on or before the 21st day of Septem ber next, or their consent to the same will b eutcrod of record. Given under my hand this 18th day of Jun< A. D., I860. JNO. EARLE BOMAR, o. s. n. June 21 21 3m DRS. B. & J. L. WOFFORD OFFER THEIR PROFESSIONAL SERV1 CES to the citizens of the Village an surrounding country. One or both of us wi bo found constantly in the oflicc at the STORI during the day, and at our Residence, oppt site Wofford College (Church Street) at nigh Feb 15 3 tf LAW COPARTNERSHIP. HAVING associated C. J. ELPORD, ( Greenville, S. C , with me in tho praclic of law for Spartanburg District, under the nam and style of KLFORD o: ELFORD: all busmei entrusted to my care will receive (he promj and faithful attention of said firm. J. M. ELFORD. April 5 10 timos SULLIVAN & WINSMITITT ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, SPARTANDURG, S. C. OFFICE NEXT TO POST OFFICE. C. P. St'l.LtVAN. J. C. WlNSMITI Cliowiiiy: Tobacco A LARGE LOT OF FINE CHEWING T( BACCO has just been received, and f< sale at a low price ut J. W. HARDY'S. May 31?18 J>r, L. O* Kennedy OFFERS HIS PR0FE8SI0NL SERVICES to the Citizens of Spartanburg. Feb 1 1 ly Dli. W. T. 11USSEL, WILL continue tlie practice of Medioin Surgery, and (at his office) Dentistry OFFICE OVER 1IKINITS1I llRl'G STOUE. Feb 15 8 If e- AV o rk. IB ILL take, and have filled, orders for r kinds of Marble Work, at low rates, aud d liveied at any point in the district. April iU 12 if M. R. IlEKCO. NOTICE. ALL persons arc hereby forewarned not trade with my wife, ELIZADBTItpJACl oun, as I will uot be accountable for her deb hereafter. JOHN C JACKSON Jt Mav 31 18 f.i / DRYGOODSSTORE it ? Teppe Ac Smyth o \\TOULD respcotfully inform the LADIES c TT that they are now receiving their SPRING STOCK, CONSISTING OP White Long Cloth, Brown Shirtings aad Sbeetj ings, White and Brown Linens, Merrimack, ' Ainoskcag, Schwabcand American CALIOOS, warranted fast colors. Jaconets, Cambrics and Victoria Lawns. A complete and choice assortment of Needle ir WORK and Linen Setts, Needles, Spool Cotton, Working Cotton and Thread in everj variety.. ALSO, a great assortment of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Liens and T Hosiery, Bonnet and Lute-String, Ribbons, '? Thread and Cotton LACE8 and EDGINGS. Having been connected for a long time with , the Dry Goods business, we are confident of giving satisfaction. ALSO, on hand a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, Tin Ware, Hats and Caps, and a general assortment of GROCERIES, at the UP-TOWN 8TORE. _ FREDK^TEPPK^ _ ALEX. H. SMYTH,. ii. o. ouue money uougni. April 26 13 , NEW SPRING GOODS. o WE HAVE just received from Charleston, % . fresh supply of BOOTS, SHOES, HUNTS*. and many other artioles too numerous to man*-, lion, which vre offer at cheap rates. J CALL AND SEE. US? B. 1 J. X*. WOFFOtRD, No 4 opposite Court House. April 6 10 t* * i ' lf ' r I NEW GOODS. o WE ore now receiving a oapital assortment of GOODS, selected by a member of oucfirm in the Northern market. I 4 I, GENTLEMEN'S AND LADIEff d ' DRESSGOODS^ LATEST STYLES OP LADIES' HATS, SHOES, * TRIMMING**, NOTIONS^ 'd f^CALL AND ENOW OUR PSICES.^K t VANDIVER, BLAKE & CO., T iuay n tr c TAILORING. HAVING just returned from a trip Norik and West, takes this method of informing d his former Patrons and Friends, that heis now 11 prepared to fill all orders with neatness and 2, dispatch in the very LATEST STYLES, mm >- cheap as any one for Cash or Barter, t. My shop is over the store of FOSTER A JUDD'S, opposite the Court House. The latest SPRING FASHIONS have *uet been received. WM. LOCKWOOJL). Feb 1 1 tf_ : C. C. HUG GINS J TAILOR. TTAVING RETURNED TO THE TOWN of 1 | Spartauburg, ho takes occasion to inform his friends that I he is prepared to do work with - neatness and dispatch. He respectfully sake a share of public patronage, and pledges bis best endeavors to give satisfaction to his ens" tomers. He may be found at his Shop in rear of J. B. AKCIIKR'S STOR1C, where his customers will find plates of the latest fashions. , Febl 1 t f The State of South Carolina. ) OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GEN. \ >r Columbia, Aran. 30, A. 0., 1866. j T HEREBY certify, That J. M. ELFORD, of Spartanburg C. II., A front of the GEKMAN1A, the HANOVER, the NIAGARA and the - REPUBLIC FIRE INSURANCECOMPANIK8, incorporated by the State of New York, Jkas complied with the conditions and requisitions of the Act of tho General Assembly, entitled, "An Act to regulate the Agencies of Insurance Companies not incorporated in the State of - South Carolina," and I hereby Lioense the said J. M. Eli-ord, Agont as aforesaid, to take risks and transact all business of Insurance, in this c* State, for, and in behalf of said Companies. S. L. LEAPHART, June"?19?tf Comptroller General. INotiee to Creditors. John S. Ezcll, Administrator. u T8' 111 Dclphia Martin, and others. 0 Bill for &nlc of Real Estate, Relief and Partition. _ T N pursuance of an order of the Court of A Equity, notice is hereby given to all persona haying claims against the estate of Capt. to J no. M. Martin, deceased, that said claims I? must be presented, aud evidence produced to ts establish the same bofore me within tmr?k months from this the 12th day of June. 1866. T. 8T090 FARROW. C fi'a b? iw*. nn- ?0 #m