Reply to Um Conquered Banner BY AM BBOllSH WOMA*. Gallant nation foiled by number*. Bey not that your hopes are fled; ' Keep that glorious flag that slumbers, < One day to avenge your dead. Keep it, widowed, sonles* mothers, Keep it, sisters, mourning brothers : I Furl it with an iron will, Furl it now, but keep it still. Think not that it's work is done, Kept it till your children tske it, Oaoe again to hail and make it All your sens have bled and fought for, 1 All their noble hearts have sought for, 1 Bled and fought for all alone. All alone! aye, shame the story, Million* here deplore the stain. Shame, alas 1 for England's glory Freedom called and called in vain. Furl that banner sadly, slowly. Fur1 it gently for 'tis holy, I T bet day, yet, furl it sadly, , T i one? more unfold it gladly? Conquered Banner 1 keep It still. WIT AND HUMOR. 1 If seme men'* bodies were not straighter 1 than their minds, thej would be crooked 1 enough to ride upon their own baeks. Slander not others because tbey bare slandered yon. Bite not a reptile bcoauso ' yon hare been bitten by him. Why cannot a deat man be legally con wioted of erimo ? Beoause it is not lawful ( tw condemn a man withont a hearing. Some men's honesty and decorum are ( phantoms that feed on the air of opinion, ( and, like the ohameleon, change as often ; ma their food. I Nearly all the poet offioes in Texas are 1 in charge of females. It works so well i that the males now arriro and depart ere- ? ry hour in the day. i "Poor old General Debility !" exclaimod 1 ? Mrs. Partington; "it is surprising how long 1 he lires and what exoitcment he creates. 1 The papers are fall of remedies for him' They say that Thad. Stevens is getting ! very old. We hope that he won't "go to seed." There's enough ot the brood already. "How doee that look ?" said Mr. Cramp, holding oat his brawny hand. "That," in , terposed Amos, "looks as if you wero out of soap." Henry Ward Beeoher says that he would as soon go a courting with his fath er's old lore-letters as to go to Church and carry a book to pray oat of. On the lawfulness of using rouge. "Why," renlied the holy bishop, "some pious men objeot to it; others see no harm f. IA T ?ill L.IJ - iJJi- 1 tu ? x wui uuiu uiiuuio cuurno, ana ailow you to pat it on one cheek." "Thank God that I hare got my hat baok from this congregation !" said a disappointed clergyman, turning it upside down, when it was returned empty to him at the close of a contribution. "Why do von continue to retail spirituous liquors ?" "If I did not sell, these drinking fellows would not oome to my shop, and I should hare no ohance to give them good advioe." Why is a horse like the letter 0 P Because G makes it to. And what is the differenoe between tnis oonundrum and my aunt who squints ? One is a query with an answer; the other is an aunt with a queer #ye. Ue that gives good advioe, builds with i one Hand; He that gives good advice, conn oil and example, build* with both; but he that give* good admonition and bad example, build* with one band and pull* down with the other. Lord RoekTille used to deolare that no man was really drunk so long as he could hold on by the grass. "Why so ?" asked a friend. "Why bo?' exclaimed hi* lordship with high disdain, "you fool, to pro ent his tumbling up, of course." "Julius, how do yer fetch der latitude V "How do I fetch der latitude?why, you bring de parrolix oi der horrison opposite to der noae of de hemisphere, and from de right angle struck by de converse proportions, vou find de quotient in do lunar cuustic, subduoed from the orbit of de arf." A young widow, who had married au old man, was forever speakincr ot "mv first husband." The second husband at last gently remonstruted. "I expect," said the young wife pouting, "you will want me to ' remember you when you are dead and gone." 1 A barber remarked to a customer in his { hands that he thought the cholera was in the hair. "Then you ought to be very careful what brushes you use," was tbo re ply. "Oh air, said tho barber laughing, "I didn't mean the 'air of tho 'cd, but the ! hair of the hatmoaphere." A drunkon lawyer, going into ohurcb, ( waa observed by the minister, who said to [ him : "Sir I will bear witness against you at the day of judgment." The lawyer, baking his head with drunken gravity, renlied. "I have nractieed law tw?nt?.fion 1 - r , gr v -*v | yean at the bar, and always found the greatest rascals the first to turn State's ev- ( idenoe." An editor in California lately rsccived i a long document which he was requested to insert gratia under his editorial head. He placed it under his pillow that night, and ezprcssod his willingness to insert similar communications in the same wav. and ?j, od similar terms. RuiNKD.?"Pa," said an interesting juvenile, the other day to his indulgent sire, "Pa, haven't I got a vote as weU as the < President f < "No, my child." i "Yes, I have, pa; my 6fth toe is a V-toe, 1 I recon." "Take the ohild to his mother?he's ruined." ? Th? Last Battle Field But. Dr. Craven, on bis way to the 1 General Conference of the Methodist Epu- [ copal Church, South, reoently hold in New , Orleans, stopped at Lynohburg, Virginia, ? ind, in writing to the Raleigh Enterprise, 1 makes the following touching allusions to ' Appomattox Court House, in Virgiuia : ] "Wo have passed to day, through a locality of undying inomories. Appomattox Uourt House will bo remembered when * Petersburg and Raleigh uro forgotten.? 1 rhe whole country shows most impressive- < ly, that the storm of war has passed over 1 It The debris of a ruined army of heroic f men brings sadness to the soul. Over all this field of tho death strugglo, the farmers > are ploughing, new fences have been erect- < ed, and the budding vegetation is just now i awakening to the wooing ot spring, but t these signs of life, generally so welcome, < seem discordant here. It seems to the ] sad soul and tho tearful eye that these old t shoes, these broken guns, these fragments of wagons, wreoks of cars, pieces of old i hats, bleaching bones of horses, and name- t less graves of many Southern boys, ought i to be in a desert.* ? "As wo look upon the forsaken battlefields and immense hospitals of Fariuvillo, T or tho strieken fields ot Appomattox, wc I (ool that tho plough ought not to turn the I soil, that the trees ought uot to die, and t that no bird ought over to Bing here again No Union man, however true and loyal to tho Unitod States, ij he it ne cup butter; one half oup buttermilk ; j >ne teaspoon soda; three eggs; one cup raisins; ono cup common eurrcnts. Chop the raisins and currents very fine. Whatever you dislike in another, take ( rare to correct in yourselves. Revenue Stamps.?We publish the following from the New York Herald of the 26th instant, which settles the question whether or not it is r.ecessary to affix a stamp on si! receipts of tuoney over twenty iollars. The ense was tried before the United States District Court, New York, ludgo Benedict presiding. ISSUING MONEY RECEIPTS WITHOUT THE PROPER ST A MPS. The United States vs. Daniel P. Peters. --This was an action under the Internal Revenuo law of 30th June, 1804. The lefendant proprietor of s hotel on Broadtray, corner of Twenty first street, was char 5CU with having at several limes issued (oven separata receipts for the payment of noney, without affixing the necessary revenue stamp. A witness testihed that the eceipta were accepted by him under proest, but that Mr. Peters said ho would be lAmned if he would put on any stamp or ->ay any monoy to support the Lincoln go rernmcnt. The defence was that defendant had no ntent to evade tho law, and it was put on estimony that Mr. Peters was in the habt of keeping stamps on hand, but it was lot shown that ho ever made use of them. The jury rendered a verdict for the Gorcrnment in 81,400, tho full amount of lenalties in seven cases in which tho de "endant was charged with having evaded he law. taxes: II. VING gono ronnd six weeks on ny cncuit, assessing and taking Tax rourns and collceting soujo taxes, and findng a grwt number of tax payers who fad :d to meet ino at iny appointments, I ako this method to inform them of my ippointmonts at SPARTANBURG JOURT HOUSE. WIIICU WILL BE Monday, Thursday, Tuesday, Friday, Wednesday, Saturday. ho 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and JOth DAYS OF JUNE. ALSO, SALEDAY IN JUNE and JULY it which time tho books must be closed. All persons who have failed to make heir returns and pay their TAXES, wi I >o double taxed, and EXECUTIONS ssilrvl ncniniil tlmm All those who havo made their returns, ind fail to pay their Taxes by that time, vill have SINGLE TAX EXECUTIONS ssued against them. If there should be any who believe that hey cannot pay their Taxes, I think they vould do well for themselves to tnako their RETURNS, and havo a SINGLE TAX SXECUTION issued against them, rather ,han a doublo tax Execution. 1 do hereby earnestly request the Tax payers, generally, and moro especially those vho have eithor whito men or trecdnien in heir employment, who are only liable to a POLE TAX, DOG TAX, or both, to >ond me up their names, and the number )f their dogs, so that I can enter their rtames, and take an account of th in. 1 is duo to all, both white men and freed riian V? > ? oil r L <*..1J ~ HP ? ? 1 1V1>) ?UKk Oil OUUUIU (>UJ IUI'11 ItllOS, 1111(1 ill bo on an equal looting?not lor some :o pay and others escape. This is all the :hance that I havo to asoertain their names, is they havo never been on my Tax Hook, ?hich makes it impossiblo for mo to know ho names from my old books Taxes to bo paid in gold or silver coin. United States legal tender notes, tho new South Carolina issue. Juror Tickers. The articles taxed are tully act out in rty former advertisement. K C. POOLE. Assessor aud Collector. May 31, 1866. 18 lm ROBINSON ami TUITION per Session, $160.00 TUITION 10 D iy Scholars 40.00 Ml'SlC, including u?e of Instrument, 45.00 The other Ornamental Branches at the usual rates. Contingent Fco, $2.00, and Washing 75 cents per <101011. E ich Boarder will furnish a Tea-spoon, Drinking Cup, a Blanket, a p.vr of Sheets, a pair ot Pillow-cases, her Toilet Soap and lowols. SIMPSON BOBO, President Board 0/ Trustees. March 22 8 tf Edgefield Adrertber. Darlington Southc n< r. Columbia Phoenix and Charleston Weekly Record will pio'iie insert to amount of the $ 1.00 and forward hills to this office. J. A. HENN~EMAN TTA'J mi aiAisaiB A^'D JEWELLER. Sparlanhtii R C. II., So. Ca. HAS JUST RECEIVED A SELECT ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, F&&T?? WARE A ND r ancy ixooas. ALSO A NEW LOT OF EIGHT-DAY AND TWENTYFOUR HOUR CLOCKS. A FIRST-RATE ARTICLE. WARRENTED TWO Y RAH.S. Spectacles for ail Kjcs aiid Ages. \Yr \T?M1ES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY \Y utatljr repaired, and wsrmn'fi. J. A. HENNEMAN, At tht Old I'luct on Fob 22 4 tf | 372W.S3, T? ANftF.R FTT?F. "R"R TPTT5 Am DAMS, DAMO.\ &. Co , II\YK RK0PE.1ED Bl'XimS kT 1DKIR OLD STAND, 16, Broad Street, Charleston, 8. C.. And keep Contiaiuly ea Hand COOKING STOVES or hie Latest Improved Patterns, Range's Orate", Marble Mantles, Tinners' Machines and Tools. Plumbers' Materials, t i ii- .1 ^li P. a nun mm ur ?i, ucop wcu rmco lua Light Pumps. Sheet Lead, Lead and Iron Piping, Railroad Force Pnmps. Also the Great Labor-Saving Washing Mac h t n e and Wringer. d 11 O' dcra attended to with Dispatch Mch 1 6 ly D. R. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. OFFICE ON PUBLIC SQUARE, four doors East from tho Court House. April 12 11 tf .TO 11IV KL\G Ac CIO. WIIOLESiU: GROCERS, Wines and Spirits Dealers, 88 MEETING STREET. CHARLESTON, S. C. J VST rwriTfil a consignment of HOLLOW WAKE. TRACE CHAINS, and a full a? ortmcnt olCROCKERY and QCEEN'S WARE March 15 7 3m mammmrnmrnrnmrnmrnsrn J I HACK LINE FEO M SPARTANBURG TO GREENVILLE THE Subscriber will ru ft LINE OF 11ACK8 to ?nd from the above named Blaces, leaving Greenville C. H. every WON ay WEDiteaniY miniv * Leave BptrUnburg, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS -and SATURDAYS, at 8 a. m., and arrive at Greenville and Spartanburg, at 4 p. m. Thin Line -will form a connection with the Spartanburg and Union Railroad both waya. I will have good teams and .artful driver*. Persons wishing to secure teats oan do so by applying to tny Agents, JAS. A. ALLEY, Spartanburg, who will be found at Hoc 2, Brick Range on Cburch-8treet, opposite thw Palmetto House, and SAMUEL DONTHARI>. ^ at Greenville. v Persona wishing to take seats at Spartanburg, will spply to my Agent there the nigbk before. C. C. MONTGOMERY. Feb 1 1 tT WILLIS & CHISOLM, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND SMWJM.Ya JMGEJYT3, Will attend to the purchase, sale and shipment to Foreign and Domeetio Porta, of Cotton, Rica, Lumber and Naval Stores. Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. E. WILLIS, ALEX. R, CHISOLM. Mch 1 6 tf I'UTUP FOGARTY _ . . _ _ a. fogahty, / Charlaaton, 8- C. AftnU for BOYD Bit OS. $ COS Cream AU. Mch 1 6 ly lillNT & BRO., Shipping, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, Accommodation Wharf, J. II. HUNT, Jr. } Char,M,?"i C. (Formerly of NEWBERRY, 8. C.) :o Promptly forward all Merchandise consigned to us arriving in the City from XO ft THERX OR FOREIGN FORT8 We mil girt rtrict attention to Sale and Purtkaee. of Cotton, Rice, flour, Arc. I ^ Liberal Advances on PonsiP-nmAnts RsrsBEarss.?G. W. Williams & Co., Charleston. S. C.; Rusttel & Ellis, Wilmington, N. C.; Diglow L Sargont, Baltimore,; Lath bury, Wickeraham 'ew Enterprise J SOUTHERN IMPORTING AND MANUFACTURING DRUG HOUSE, PRATT, WILSON & BROS., No. C38 KinSroet, CHARLESTON, 8. C. o The Proprietors are Native Southerners* Xo such enterprise South of Philadelphia. Will Southern Houses give U their Patronage f WE OFFER AT RATES THAT COM| PARE FAVORABLY WITH NEW i YORK PRICES. ALL DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, SPICES,Ac., THAT LEGITIMATELY BELONG TO OUR LINE OF BUI SI NESS, AND KEEP ON II AND ONLY TUB BEI8T t*r Packages put up to suit country xrade."? N. A.PRATT, Chemist to late C. S., Niter and Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, P. B. WILSON, Chemist to lata C. 8., Or Department. April 11 6 1 y Merchants Hotel. (OILaiirll&otom, 0? Cheapest and best Ilotcl in the State. Transient Board, $8.00 day. Weekly " 14.00 V weak. March 1 6 if A. ILLING, Millinery and Fancy Goods, AT NEW YORK PRICES. 262 KING STREET, Opposite Bufeia Street, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. March 1 b if ! . TAILORING! o HAVING furnished myself with ell the facilities for speed end neetaees, X eonounco to my Petrons tblt I em prepared to fill orders for SPRING end SUMMER Clothing st short notice, end in the beat style. A first cless TAILOR wanted. I also heee fat my residence) a lady foroe, conducted by en experienced Tailor, where I oan here gotten up Coats, Pants, Vests, 8hirts, I Ac., for prices to correspond with materiel, i April 19 19