Reply to tke Conquered Banner BT AM BSOUSB WOMAB. Gallant nation foiled by numbers, Bey not thet your hopes ere fled; ' Keep that glorious flag lb at alnmbers, < One day to avenge your dead. Keep it, widowed, sonless mothers, Keep it, sisters, mourning brothers : i Furl it with an iron will, Furl it now, but keep it still. 1 Think not that it's work is done, Kept it till your children take it, Onoe again to hail and make it All jour aona hare bled and fought for, All their noble hearts hare sought for, Bled and fought for all alone. All alone! aye, shame the story, Millions here deplore the stain. Shame, alas 1 for England's glory Freedom called and called in rain. Furl that banner sadly, slowly, Furl it gently for 'tis holy, fiH that day, yes, furl it sadly, Then onoe more unfold it gladlyConquered Banner I keep It still. WF? S3 WIT AND HUMOR. If seme men's bodies were not straightcr then their minds, they wonid be crooked moagh to ride vpon their own backs. * Slander not others because they bare slandered you. Bite not a reptile because yon hare been bitten by him. Why cannot a deai man be legally conrioted of crime T Beoauso it ia not lawful te condemn a man without a hearing. Some men's honesty and decorum are phantoms that feed on the air of opinion, and, like the ohameleon, change aa often it * 1 mm io?r iooa. I Nearly all the poet offices in Texas are ' in oharge of females. It works so well 1 that the males now arriro and depart cvo- < ty hour in the day. i "Poor old General Debility !" exclaimod 1 ^ Mm. Partington; "it is surprising how long 1 he lives and what exoitement he creates. 1 The papers are fall of remedies for him." ' They say that Thad. Stevens is getting * very old. We hope that he won't "go to seed." There's onough ot the brood already. "How does that look ?" said Mr. Cramp, holding ont bis brawny hand. "That," in ( terposed Amos, "looks as if you wcro out of soap." Henry Ward Beecher says that he would aa soon go a courting with his fath | er's old love-letters as to go to Church and earry a book to pray out of. On the lawfulness of using rouge. "Why," replied the holy bishop, "some pious men opjeet to it; others see no barm in it. I will hold a middle course, and allow yon to put it on one oheek." "Thank (iod that 1 hare got my hat * back from thia congregation !" said a die* ' appointed clergyman, turning it upeide down, when it waa returned empty to him at the oloae of a contribution. "Why do you continue to retail spirituoua liquora ?" "if I did not sell, these drinking fellows would not oome to my shop, and I should hare no ohance to give them good advice." Why is a horse like the letter 0 ? Because G makes it go. And what is the differenoe between tnis conundrum and my aunt who squints P One is a query with an answer; the other is an aunt with a queer eye. % He that gives good advioe, builds with one hand; he that gives good advice, conn oil and example, bnilds with both; but he that gives good admonition and bad example, builds with one hand and pulls down with the other. od similar terms. Ruined.?"Pa," said an interesting juYenile, the other day to his indulgent sire, "Pa, haeen't I got a Tote as well as the < President 7" < "No, xny child." i "Yes, I have, pa; my fifth toe is a V-toe, < I reoon." "Take the child to his mother?he's ruined." < Lord Roekrille used to deolare that no < nan was really drunk so long as he could hold on by (be grass. "Why so f" asked I a friend. "Why so?' exclaimed his lord- ' ship with high disdain, "you fool, to prorant his tumbling up, of course." "Julius, how do yer fetch der latitude ?" 1 "How do L fetch der latitude?why, you bring de parrolix of der horrison opposite 1 to der node of de hemisphere, and from do 1 right angle struck by de converse proportions, yon find de qnotiont in do lunar ouus- ' tie, subduoed from tho orbit of do arf." A young widow, who had married an old nan, was forever speaking ot "my first husband." The second husband at last gently remonstrated. "I expect," said the young wife pouting, "you will want me to ' remember you when you are dead and gone." A barber remarked to a customer in his I hands that he thought the cholera was in 1 the hair. "Then you ought to be very careful what brashes you use," was tho re ply. "Oh air, said tho barber laughing, "I didn't mean the 'air of the 'cd, but the hair of the hatiuosphcre." A drunken lawyor, going into church, waa observed by the minister, who said to ' him : "Sir I will bear witness against you ! at the day of judgment." The lawyer, ' shaking his head with drunken gravity, replied, "I have practiced law twenty-fivo j years at the bar, and always found the greatest raseals the first to turn State's evidence." An editor in California lately received ( a long dooument which he was requested to insert gratis under his editorial head. He placed it under his pillow that night, and expressed his willingness to insert similar communications in the samo way, and ] Th? Ult Battle Field. Rev. Dr. Craven, ou his way to the General Conforeoce of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, recently hold in New Drleans, stopped at Lynohburg, Virginia, tnd, in writing to the Raleigh Enterprise, makes the following touching allusions to Appomattox Court House, in Virgiuia : "Wo have passed to day, through a locality of undying momories. Appomattox Court House will bo remembered when Petersburg and Raleigh ure forgotten. ? rhe whole country shows uioat impressively, that the storm of wur has passed over it The debris of a ruined army of heroic men brings sadness to the soul. Over all mis neia 01 tno aeatn struggio, tue tanners ire ploughing, new fences hare been erect* ad, and the budding vegetation is just now tw&kening to the wooing ot spring, bat these signs of life, generally so welcome, teem discordant here. It accins to the lad soul and the tearful eye that these old ihoes, these broken guns, these fragments of wagons, wreoks of cars, pieces of old hats, bleaching bones of horses, and nameless graves of many Southern boys, ought to be in a desert.* "As wo look upon the forsaken battlofields and immenso hospitals of Furiuvillo, or tho stricken fields ot Appomattox, wc feel that tho plough ought not to turn the soil, that the trees ought not to die, and that no bird ought ever to sing here again Mo Union man, howevir true and loyal to tho United States, ij he it a man, eould walk over this desperate held unmoved and LI ? . I liuiuuuiiuu. uliu u uruvu uruij surrcn* lercd, gave up its arms, and laid its banaers in the dust, llero ho tho remains of i son and brother for whom a mother aaoarns and a sister weeps, and there is aono to comfort them. Ilerc lio the halfuncoverod bones of a father, whose little children still ask, 'when will father come home?' it is now night, it is raining gently, all is still, and I feel a lonely sadness bat makes tho heart ache. A New Destroyer or Wheat.?Our lid friend, Hiram H. Erabry, of Carroll sounty, in this State, one of the oldest and lest farmers in that county, informed us in yesterday that a new destroyer of wheat has made its appesrunco in the wheat fields :hore in the shape of a small insect which iRpcars on tho blado, varying from one to [our in number, and which is producing ?d havoo. Tho atteution of Mr. Embry was first called to tho appearance of the insect and its destructive powers by anothir old farmer of the same county, Mr Eleary Summerlin. Tho two together havo watched the progress of this insect, ma wan wuu mo present appearance ot >he wheat crop in this vicinity, and the Instructive powers of the insect itself, have some to the conclusion that great damage will be done to the whoat crop in Carroll, it it be not totally destroyed. The insect, Mr. ?. states, has never beforo made its tppear&nco in that county Farmers would io well to look after their wheat, and note :he appearanoo of the troublesome insect, its habits, and so forth, and discover if pos lible, the source of its origin.?Atlanta In}*lligcncer. Baton Rocqe Anecdote.?We tako the following from the Advocate. "Pomp" must be the same darky who said that be had known the Mississippi river ever since it was a small creek : i,r\ .11 _.! ii ?t . ? - --uur oia rename sayt mat no supported in old darkey onco (it is not polite to nay owned,) who had lied about it so often that he actually began to believe that ho had been a body servant of Gin'ral Washington. "Were you at the surrender of Cornwallis?' we inquired one day. 'Yes, Massa George he rode up ou top a big black boss, wid do tail bobbed and wid ono red eye. Massa Cornwallis, he corn'ed up on a little buck pony, wid a wall eye, an' he looked mighty shecpy when he hold out his gold sword to Massa George.' 'What did your master say, Pomp?' ?ay ? 'Why, he curl up his lip and he wave his band from Massa Corn will lit toward me, and he say, hand it to my servant, sar.' 'Old Pomp and another old darkey were one day disputing over their respective ages. 'I corned here when the Massassip was so narrow you could jump across it,' asserted old Dick. 'Oh, ehaw,' repliod Pomp, 'when I fuss conicd from old Virpinny I had to tote water for do hands as war digging it out! IIow long will Seed remain good ? Carrots, parsnip, peas and rhubarb are good but for odo year. Bean, basil, balm, camomile, corn sallad, orecs, hop, lavender, leek, onion, radish, salsify, thyme, tomato and wormwood ?two years. Artiohoko, seak'e, cives, corn, coriander, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, lcttuoe, potato and tansy?three years. Asparagus, borage, brocoli, cabbage, kale oaraway, cauliflower, endive, horse radish, mint, mustard, ruta baga, sbalot, spinach and turnip?four years. Fennel, five years. (jheuril, hyssop and parsley?six years Sorrel ?seven. Beet, oclory, oucumbcr, mangel, wurzel, melon, pumpkin and squash?ten years. J'lantert Banner. Cheap Fruit Cake.?One cup su;rar; dpc cup butter; ono half eup buttermilk , ane teaspoon soda; threooggs; one cup raisins; ono cup common currents. Chop the raisins and currents very fine. Whatever you dislike in another, take rare to correct in yourselves. Revenue Stamps.?We publish the following from the New York Herald of the 26th instant, which settles the question whether or not it is necessary to affix a stamp on all receipts of money over twenty dollars. The case was tri*l before the United States District Court, New York, Judgo Benedict presiding. ISSUING MONEY RECEIPTS WITHOUT THE PROPER STAMPS. The United States vs. Daniel P. Peters. ?This was an action under the Internal Revenue law of 30th June, 18G4. The defendant proprietor of a hotel on Broadway, corner of Tv nty first street, was charged with having at :>cveral limes issued seven separato receipts for the payment of money, without affixing the necessary revenue stamp. A witness testified that the receipts were accepted by him under protest, but that Mr. Peters said ho would be damned if he would put on any stamp or pay any money to support tho Lincoln go vernmcnt. Tho defence was that defendant hnd no intent to evade tho law, and it was put on testimony that Mr. Peters was in the hab it ot keeping stamps on hand, but it was not shown that he ever made use of them. The jury rendered a verdict for the Government in 81,400, the full amount of penalties in seven case,s in which the de fendant was charged with having evaded the law. TAXES HAVING gono round sir weeks on my circuit, assessing and taking Tax returns and collecting soino taxes, and Gliding a great number of tax payers who fail ed to meet mo at iny appointments, I tako this method to inform ..hero of my appointments at SPAR T A N 13 U R G COURT HOUSE, WHICH WILL UK Monday, Thursday, Tuosday, Friday, Wednesday, Saturday. tho 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th DAYS OF JUNE. ALSO, SALEDAY IN JUXE and JULY at which timo tho books must bo closed. All persons who have failed to make their returns and pay their TAXES, wi I bo doublo taxed, and EXECUTIONS issued against them. All those who have mado tlioir returns, and fail to pay thoir Taxes hy that time, will have SINGLE TAX EXECUTIONS issued against them. If there should be any who believe that they cannot pay their Taxes, I think they would do well for themselves to inako their RETURNS, and have a SINGLE TAX EXECUTION issued against them, rather than a doublo tax Execution. 1 do hereby earnestly request tho Tax payers, generally, and rnoro especially those who have eithor whito men or treodmen in their employment, who are only liable to a POLE TAX, DOG TAX, or both, to sond me up their names, and the number of their dogs, so that I can enter their names, and tak.' an account of th ;n. 1 is duo to all, both whito men and freed men, that ail should pay their Taxes, and all be on an i>nml fftAiino?nfO enmn -- --- ? -'1 ? ? ?" ""'"l to pay and others escape. Thi9 is all the chance that I have to asoertain their names, as they havo never been on my Tax Hook, which lu&kcs it inipossiblo fur ruo to know tho names from my old books Taxes to bo paid in gold or silver coin. United States ie^al tender note*, the new South Carolina issue, Juror Tickets. Ao The articles tuxed are fully set out in my former advertisement. K C. POOLE. Assessor and Collector. May 31, 1S66. 18 lm ROBINSON cfe NELSON^ Wholesale and lit*(as11 uruiers in ?iTir.r^ S2?23, tfEDiSES, TRAVELLING BAGS. Ac. ?0? KING STREET, Atarty opposite Victoria 11 itel, Charleston, South Carolina. J. B. ROBINSON, A. NELSON. Mitrch 1 6 ly HART & CO., (Successors to S. N HART & CO.) South Last. Corner King A Market Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C., IMPORTERS OP Foreign & Domestic Hardware, CUTLERY, GUNS, BAR IRON, TIN AND PLATED WARES, Will receive orders for U. HOE A CO'S Circular Saws, and GEO. PAGE A CO'S Tortahle Saw Machines. D. I>. Ooiien D. S. Habt. P. Moroan. March 1 6 ly < looUinjar Htoveb, (~i RINDST0NE8, Sythe Blades, Cutting JT Knives, and a general assortment of HARDWARE. Just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER ft CO May 3 14 If A Fresh Lot of Calicos just received from New York by CLEVELAND. WALKER ft CO. I_>r. L. C- Kennedy /"VFFKRS HIS TROFESSIONL SERVICES \/ to the Citiiens of Spartanburg Feb 1 1 lv CHARLES BELLOISE & CO., McsiroILsiartn, ASD UKALKIU IN g Oam*, Sides, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, Tongue*, r FLOUR, BUTTER, CHEESE, P LAUD, EGOS, SOA1', STARCH, CAN- { DLLS, Ac., Ac. 1 120 Jk 1C2 EAST BAY STEET, j Conngnnunt* Solicited. g U. BLLL0I3, } CUAELESTOK, 3. C. 1 I) _ . . .. .. .... . . . . S ne woukj . especuuiiy uomy :?erciinnts tliat I q re fvre strictly in the Provision Hiumets, and j, are enabled to supply tho trade at lowest prices. Mch 1 6 ly W. I>. M ilster" I RESPECT FULLY announces to the public, that ho has again commenced tho 'X'inniiiK' Business, and feels himself well prepared and qualif.ed to do alt kinds of work in his line, with neatness and dispatch. He ha* a large stock on hand, of every thing usually found in an es- p tablishtneot of thiskiud All articles of TIN ^ WARE, will be kept 011 hand, thereby rendering himself able to supply the wants of any who may call on him. lie is prepared to do such work as ROOFING. GUTTERING AND REPAIRING. He will work and sell, wholesale or retail, LOW V FOR CASH. All work warranted. t< SHOP NEAR THE SPARTAN OFFICE. L Feb 1 1 tf SPARTANBURG E FEMALE COLLEGE. Tlir. TRUSTEES are happy to annonnce that they have secured the services of REV A W CUMMIN GS, D D , lonj; and favorably known to the citisens of South Carolina as the President of the Fetuale College at Aaheaille, N. C. His great success tti?rc is a aulbcu-nt gu.rauicc for his skilful management at Spartanburg. TUB NEXT SESSION a will open MAY y.h. nml continue 80 weeks. The President will be aided by an able Corps of Experi- j> enced Teachers. Alt bills payable in advance, in specie or its equivalent in currency. BOARD and TUITION per Session, 5150.00 TUITION to L> iy Scholars 40.00 ~ M l*8lC, including use of Instrument. 45.00 3 Tiie other Ornamental Branches at the usual rates. Contingent Fee, $2.00, and Washing 75 oents per dozen. E tch Boarder will furnish a Tea-spoon, Drinking Cup. a l)l?nkti. a p.vr of Sbcele, a j pair of Pillow-casca, her Toilet Soap anil , iowols. SIMPSON BOBO, President Board of Trustees. March 22 8 tf ~efie!d Advertiser. Darlington South- j I c nn. Columbia Phoenix and Charleston Weekly Keloid will p'loane insert to amount of the S 1.00 and torirar I bill* to thin office. J. A. HENNEMAN 'T7A3 Jill AJNT> JEWELLER. C Sparfanbttrg C. II., So. Ca. ( HAS JUST RECEIVED t A SELECT ASSORTMENT OF s WATCHES, JEWELRY, FfcAtYfiB WARE AND Fancy Goods. ALSO J A NEW LOT OF EIGHT-DAY AND TWENTYFOUL. HOUR CLOCKS. A FIRST-RATE ARTICLE. W AII RENTED TWO YRARS. Spectacles for all E\e.s and Ages. i\\r AT'MIES. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY \\ neatly rcpatred, and warranted. , J. A. HBNNBMAN, I At the Old PLioe on Mam-Street. Fob 22 4 tf 371^.23, ?iiA723> I RANGES, FIRE BRICKS Ac. ADAMS, DAMOV A Co , IIIYK RI'OPKHD BLSHESS AT TOLIR OLDSTAND, < 16, Broad Street, Charleston, S C.. j ' And keep Constantly on Hand , COOKIXG STOVES l or 111 e Latest Improved Patterns, Range's Giate?. Marble Mantles, Tinners' Machine* and Tools. Plumbers' Materials, Iron and lira*. deep well Force and LigM Pumps. Sheet Lead, Lead aud Iron Piping, Railroad 1 Force Pnmps. Also the I Great Labor-Saving Washing Machine and Wringer. IAll Order* attended to uilh Dispatch. \t r h 1 A 1? D. R. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. OFFICE ON PUBLIC SQUARE, four doors East from the Court House. ? I April 12 11 tf JOIIN KING & C'O. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Wines and Spirits Dealers, 88 MEETING STREET. CHARLESTON, O. JUST received a consignment of HOLLOW WARE. TRACE CHAINS, and a full aa ortmcnt otCROCKERY and QUEEN'S WARE j March 16 ? 3m I ???????? ^ HACK LINE FKOH iPARTANBURG TO GREENVILLE :o:? ? rnE Subscriber will nu a LINB OP HACK8 to and from the above named uces, leering Greenville C. H. every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY nod FRIDAY, at 8 a. m. .save Spartanburg. TUESDAYS, THURS>AY8*end SATURDAYS, at 8 a. m., end arive at Greenville end Spartanburg, at 4 p. m. his Line will form a connection with the pnrtauburg and Union Railroad both ways, will have good teams and careful drivers. Persons wishing to secure seats ean do so y applying to iny Agents, JAB. A. ALLEY, partanburg, who will be found at It* 2, .rick Range on Church-8trcet, opposite the ill melt o House, eud SAMUEL DONTIt iStv t Qreenville. Person* wishing to tak* seats st Spsrt&n- 1 urg, wil\ apply to my Agent there the aiglA 1 efore. I C. C. MONTOOMERY. V] Feb 1 1 tt WILLIS <& CHISOLM, OM MISSION MERCHANTS AND smuppmjyg 'ill attend to the purchase, sale and shipment > Foreign and Domestic Ports, of Cotton, Rica, umber and Naval Stores. Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, S. C. 1. WILLIS, ALEX. R, CHISOLM. I Mch 16 tf | PHILIP FOG ARTY ?fe CO. I Wholesale Grocers J AND " 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Corner of Atlantic Wharf & East Bay. r. poo arty, > _ . . _ _ ?. fooarty, / Charleston, 8- C. \yenlt for BOYD BROS. $ CO S Cream Ale. Mch 1 6 1 j HUNT Ac BRO., ihipping, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, 4 Accommodation \Yh?rf, . II. HUNT, J*. } lesion, - C. ( Formerly of XE WBERR Y, 8. C.) :0 'romptlj forward all Merchandise consigned In lia fcrri? * * ?? ? w.?g U VMC VJIJ 11UU1 NORTHERN OR FOREIGN PORTS H't tcj/i yirr itricl attention to Sals and Purekate. o f Cotton, Rice, Flow, ?c. , Liberal Advances on Consignments. ^ RcrccF.xrca.?O. W. Williams & Co., Char salon, S. C.; Russel & Ellis, Wilmington, N. Biglow & Sargent, Baltimore,; Laihbury, V'ickersham & Co., Philadelphia,, N. L. Mo'ready Jk Co., New York ; Ray ^ Walter, Bo*? nn ; G. W. G.-irniany, Savannah, Ga., G. R Vilson, esq-, Norfolk, Va. Mch 1 5 6m >'e>v Enterprise ! soutiieunTmporting AND HANUFACTi RING DRUG HOUSE, PRATT, WILSON & BROS., IVo. King Sroet, CHARLESTON, S. C. o The ProDriotors are Native SouthernersVo tueh enterprise South of Philadelphia. Will Southern Houses give ut their Patronagt t kVK OFFER AT IlATES THAT COM- * PARE FAVORABLY WITH NEW YORK PRICES. ALL DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, SPICES,4c., THAT LEGITIMATELY BELONG TO OUR LINE OF BUSINESS, AND KEEP ON HAND ONLY TUID BEST i*ar Packages put up to suit Country Trade. ?? i. A.I'HATT. Chemist to late C. 8.. Niter and Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, \ B. WILSON, Chemist to late C. S., Or Department. April 11 6 1 j 3Ierchant? Hotel. CLaurEaofcon, C? Cheapest and best Hotel in the State. rransient Board $8.00 U day. * Veekly ' 14.00vrack March 1 6 if A. ILLING^ Millinery and Fancy Goods. AT NEW YORK PRICES. 262 KING STREET, Opposite Bufain Street, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. March 1 6 if TAILORING! o HAVING furnished myself with eU the fWciliiies for speed sad neatness, I announce to my Pstrons thlt I an prepared to 511 orders for8PRING sad SUMM1R Clothing u short notice, sad ia the best style. A Are* class TAILOR wanted. I alee have fat tny reel denes) a lady fares, conducted by an esperleeoed Tailor, where I can hare gotten np Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, ho., for prises to correspond with material. April 19 19 tf M. R. BEECO