OBITUARY. dwmtid this Ufa, in Greenville, 8. c., on Uw rains of Saturday, May 26, Mil. Mait KuiAimLmii, wife of William V. Lister, eeq., of the place juat named, and eldeet daughter of Wit. Walme? (deceased) of Spartanburg village. She had suffered much from ill health for several years ; her fatal disease, however, ooatinued but two weeks; when, in the fortieth year of her age, and two days before the twentieth anniversary of her marriage, in oalm resignation to the Divine will,and sustained and cheered by the faith and hope of a Christian believer, she expired. This announcement will doubtless pierce many a heatt with no ordinary pang of grief. Those whose privilego it was to know her to the extent of due appreciation of her worth, will, it is belisved, however remote in joint of rtuuenw, or oi ionuiy or sooial relationship, * feel a sense of personal berc i Yemeni, aud a cou soiousnrs* of Individual loss They cannot but know (bat Lb is visitation of Provideuce is, to surviving friends, the close of a bright and en chanting scene?the disturbance of a long and sweet repose of the heart's purest affections? the end of a pleasant life-dream?which, however mueh valued in its \ mgross, is more so now that it is past. An cmloliinent o( much of the true, the beautiful ami the good, has been covered over from our visible contemplation by this Bad fall of death's dark, separating wing. But the consolation is, that it is not lost or destroyed; for it still shines, though unseen by mortal eyes, in uudiuiincd and increased splendor?unobstructed by the frailties of the flesh, and untarnished by con'act with n sinful world. Her netnrnl endowments were of a high and poble order. From very childhood the was ever distinguished by a leading mind, which did not fail to attract attention, to command respect, aud elicit admiration. In the readiness, elegance and strength of her pen, she excelled in a degree that would hare adorned the pagee of the printed volume. ller comprehensive grasp of every subject within her accustomed range bf thought?a rapid and judicious . analysis or combination of ^11 the important elements involved in any question of practical morality, of prudence, of utility, or of taste, rendered her a valuable counsellor and desirable friend. Such was the confidence inspired by a knowledge of her talents in these respects, that her opinions often exercised a controlling influenoe in direetions where, in becoming modesty, she would not have presumed to offer formal advice. Conscious that her vIcwb and opinions, when matured, were not mere whims, Itnf fkn nnaiilf af a ?? *? ~ ? ? w?* M*? ivvMiv v* m urWCBO U1 I UASUUing, the ww conspicuous for decision and firmnets; while a constitutional ardor and energy imparted to her character such a mot ire power aa rendered her eminently active and efficient In every sphere of life. The unostentatious elegance, the frugal comfort, and the excellent taste, displayed in her mnch-loved home, attracted the eye of the visiting stranger; while her intellectual elevation, conversational attractiona. graceful deportment, and winning attentions to all those amenities becoming to her position as mistress of the household, usually made an impression remembered, and often referred to, with expressions of pleasure, and in terms of praise. When about thirteen years of age, in company with her father and brother, she joined the Baptist Church; but ten or eleven years ago she united with the Methodist?in which conimanlon she remained until death. She always cherished a lively and abiding interest in tho prosperity of the church?its ministry and membership?the progress ot its doctrine-*, and the advancement of its various enterprises fur the promotion of the moral and spiritual improvement of the world. Her feeble health debarred her, much of the time, frotn what she erer esteemed a privilege end pleasure?the exercise of her superior gifts and acquirements in the Sunday School rooin. Among the innny things, pleesent to remember, which she said in her lest days, was an expression of the hnppineee H would afford Iter, should God be pleased to restore her health, to "take the dear little ohitdren as by the hand, and lead them to Jesas." The trying times of the last several years furnished many exemplifications of her patriotism, fortitude, sympathy and charity. Htr death-bed utterances were of a vtry satisfactory and comforting nature. Wholly absorbed in spiritual exercises?unreservedly reliant on the merits of Jesus Christ?full of love to God and every human being?she often spoke with an exulting degree of assurance, of tbo blissful, glorious future. Her mind was clear and bright until the sun of life went down?no cloud or darkness was uiicoruiDic uuiu me nigm 01 ucain naa ruiiy coma; and the intelligent, instructive, and consolatory expressions which, during those memorable hours, fell from her lips?coming as they did, solemn, soft, and mellowed as by reverberation from the very hills enclosing the alley into which she was gently descending? hare found a lodgment in the hearts of those who watched around her, whioh, it is hoped, may prove to be of everlasting worth. She ie gone?but it is only in an inferior, a material sense. Mentally, spiritually, wo yet sea bar, hear her voice, and feel the power of har presence. We await the time when we shall see ber, and other loved ones gone before, more really than we have ever done in this life; and when we shall enjoy communion with them ia that heavenly relation, which we understand to be more intimate and endearing than any of tha ties known to earth, in that our Saviour hath said, "they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God." June 4th. 1866. A. H. L. Announcement. I am a candidate for TAX COLLECTOR for Spartanburg District, at the ensuing Election , to be held on the Hecond titpmfi.iv qpp TEMPER next, and should be pleased at n general turn out of my friends to said electionR. C. POOLE. Maj 31 18 t?l COMMERCIALNew Yoax, June 11, 1360. The cotton market is active, with an advance of two oents, sales 4,000 bales at 30,42. Sugar firm. Coffee dull. Gold 88). Cmablkstow, June 11,1866. Gorton?Middling, 82(n>33. Strict Middling? @86. Columbia, June 11, 1866. CeTTO*?18 to 28; gold, 28 to 82 currency. Com?$1.60, to 1.66 per buahel. Flock?$11 to 16 per barrel. Chewing1 Tobnoco. A LARGE LOT OF FINE CHEWING TO_jf\ BACCO hao just been received, and for ale at a low price at J. W. IIARDY'S. May 81?18 Notice to Creditor* and Debtors. A LL persons having claims against the EnA tate of A. WINGO deceased, will present them without delay, proven aocording to law to JOHN H. KV1NS, Attorney at Law,. or to the undersigned; and all persona indebted to said Estate will make payment to the above named Attorney, or to MU3. K. C. WINGO, Executrix. June 14 20 Smo FARROW A DUNCAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SolieitorH in Equity, in Rrit?lr nilH/ilftiv ??n etaUa J tMk l?V?l*OU UJ CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. CnliuoN, Ulcnchod mul Brown Shoolintj-H and Mhlrtinffs A FRESIl LOT, just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER k CO. JACONET, DOTTED AND PLAIN SWISS, NANSOOK AND MULL MUMIIiih, A NEW SUPPLY, at CLEVELAND, WALKER k CO. Fancy Moxambiquo, Crape Marett, Challios, Mack anvi Colored Lawns, Fancy Jaconet and Organdies. Very elegant styles and patterns, just received bv CLEVELAND. WALKER & CO. June 14 20 tf NOTICE. THE undersigned will open a MALE School in Spartanburg Village, (provided there be a sufficient number of pupils to warrant it) on the Oth of JULY next, to coutinue during the vacation of Watford College, which closes with the month of September. Those desiring to patrouixc the School will please leave their names, and the number they wish to send, at the Express Office between thu and the 25th xnelant. Tuition varying from 4 to 6 dollars per quarter, will be paid any time between the opening and close of the School. Kefkrknce.?The Faculty of Wofford Col lege. K 1>. SMART J vine I I 20 2t SHERIFF'S SALES, FORJULY, 1806. | aY virtue of sundry writs of fiarifaeia* to I ) me directed, I will aell before the Conrt House door, in the Village of Spartanburg, on the ltd MONDAY in JULY nest, the following named and described property, to wit: ALSO, 175 Acres of Land, more or less, bounded by lands of S. C. Miller, l'inckney Hoy and others, sold as the property of Win. C. Miller, at the suit ot Benjamin Finch. ALSO, 440 Acres of Land, more, or less, and 175 ACRES OF LAND, more or lens, both Tracts bounded by lands of James Hill, Thus. Young and others, sold as the property of A. M. Smith, at the suit of Daniel Miles for another. TERMS OF SALE, CASH Purchasers to pay for titles. J. H. BLA8SIN0AME, s s. n. Sheriff's Office, June 11, 18611. 20-3t SHERIFF'S NOTICE. N'OTICE is hereby given to DEBTORS, against whom Executions are lodged in my Office, that unless settlement is made, or "wait orders" marked thereon, 1 will be forced (at once) to collect as required by law, the ' Slav l.>w" tin vine. h??n (a titutional by the Court of Errors. J. II. BLA8SIN0AMB, Sheriff's Office. May 29, 1806. s. s. i>. May 81?18?41 XI. Fleming WILLIAMS & COVERT, (Formerly P. R. Williams Ac Co.,) WtlOLESALR DKALLKS 1R Hats, Cap*, Straw and Millinery GOODS, NO. 122 MEETING STREET, Next door to Charleston Hotel. charleston, s. c. Wu We also have a branch of our house in Charlotte, N. C.t where we have a large stock of Hats, Caps, Straw and Millinery Goods. D R. WILLIAMS, H. C. CALVKRT. Majr^24 17 3m For Hfile. Qdd fellows dress regalia, at OLIPUANT'S AUCTION ROOM. ?y 3 14 tf former Office of Jamci Farrow. Jamkb Farrow. D. K. Dcxcak. April 16 11 ly WILLIAMS, EVINS & CHOICE, ATTORNEY S AT LAW, SPARTANBURG, S. C. Gxo. W. Williams, Jro. II. Evixs, William Choice. June 14 20 0m JT uist Ilcoeivod, A LOT of -A" Crushed SUGAR. 44 44 44 Coffee 44 44 44 Extra 440" 44 ?ALSO? A lol of COFFEE. CORN, PEAS and FLOUR, which will be sold LOW FOR CASH, at J. W. llARUT'S. t 1 1 *?<-? - - t/uuc 11 ii Ladies1 Hats, Bonnet Kibbons, LATEST STYLES. received by CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. A new and fresh supply of Ladies and Gentlemen's Misses' and Children's SIIOKS, GAITERS AND SLIPPERS. at CLEVELAND, WALKER, k CO. CORN, FLOUR, BACON A.ND T.ARD, COMMISSIONERS' SALES. John Kicll, Adrnr, ri. Delphi* Martin, aud others. Dill for Sale of Ileal Estate, Relief and Partition. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Equity, the following Real Estate, lying 12 or IB utiles above Spartanburg C. II., on the Rulherfordton Road, belonging to the estate of JOHN M. MARTIN, deceased, described in the pleadings in thin ease, will be sold at Spartanburg U. II., on S VI.list)AY in JULY, uext, at public snlc, in live ditfereut Lots or Tract*, as divided by plats cn tile in Commissioner's Oil ce: LOT NO. 1, containing 202 Acres, more or lers. the late HOMESTEAD cf JOHN M. MAltTIN" rtocpftiPtl LOT NO. *J.~or lhe "ROBERT BERRY LOT," containing 183 acres, more or lens. LOT NO. 3, or "the BURNS LOT," containing 207 acre*. more or less, on which Mills of intestate arc located. LOT NO. 4, or -the F1NLEY LOT," containing 115 acres, more or less. LOT NO 5. or "the ARROWOOU LOT," containing 105 acres, more or less. Tkums or Sai.b :?Co?ts of these proceedings to be paid cash ; the remainder to be paid in one and two years, with interest from day ot sale. Purchasers to give boud with approved sureties, and mortg ige of premises to secure the purchase money. Com rs Office, 1 T 8TOBO FARROW, Julie 12, 1805. | c. b. s. n. Titus. It. Martin, and others. vs. Edward Rallinger and wife, Casrandria. Rill for rurtition, Account and Relief. IX pursuance of an order fr<"tn the Court of Equity, ihe following Ileal Estate described j in these pleadings as belonging to the estate of ELIZABETH M ARTIN, deceased, vrill be sold at Spartanburg Court House, tit public sale on SALB8DAYIN JELY NEXT: " LOT NO. 1, or the Homestead.'' 156 acres, more or less. lying on Fair Forest Creek, bounded by lands of Simpson Lowe, Richard Moss, and others. LOT NO. 'J, or tho Tygcr Tract" of 122 acres, more or less, tying on Tyger river, hounded by hinds of J no. Roinar, and other?. Tkiims of Sai.k ; Cost* of these proceedings to he paid in cash?the remainder to be paid in one and two years, with interest from day of sale. Purchasers to give bond with approved sureties to secure the purchase money. Com'rsOffice, \ T. STOBU ir ARROW, June 12, 18G0 J A 1.1. D. Juno 11 20 8t Notice to Creditors. IN EQUITY?SrARTAXBUllG DIST. Anna C- Bust, Adtnrz. of J. M. Bost, dee'd., ri. Sally M. Bost and others. Bill for Sale of Real Estate to pay Debts, Dower, Relief, Ac. ITtURTIIP.R time having been granted byor* dcr of Court of Equity for tiling Claims against the Estate of ('apt 1. M. BOST, dee'd., all persons having claims against said Estate, are hereby notified that tliey must present said claims, and produce evidence to establish the same according to law. before me, within THREE MONTHS from this, the 12th day of June, 1806. t . ? % T CT/ iDiA r t n n/.ti? v-?'** i p v;iuv.'c, I i . c I uuv r i\ Iv* m % June, 12, 18GG. j c. k. a. u. Juue 14?10?bin. IVol ice to Creditorw. John 8. Ezell, Adminiatrator. vs. Pelphia Martin, and others. Bill for sale of Heal Estate, Relief and Parti tiou. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Equity, notice ia hereby given to all persona having claims against the estate of Capt. Jtio. M. Martin, deceased, that said claims must bo presented, and evidence produced to establish the same before me within tiirkk Hon tils frotn this the 12th day of June. 1856. T. STOUO FAKROW, r. k. a. d. Coni ts Otlice, June 12, 18GG. 2??-3tn Elizabeth Bear Jon, vs. David P Moore, Niinrod Moore, Extr., and ,.t t.ora Bill for Partition. ire. IN pursuance of an or7, with interest from day of sale. Purchasers will be required to give bond with approved sureties to secure the purchase money. T. 8TOBO FARROW, c. x. s. n Com rs Office, June 12, 18tiG. 20-dt N. IV ? The parties interested must have said property brought up at least by 9 o'clock on the morning of the sale, that the Commissions! may have time to make out a list of the stock ami articles to be sold before tho sales commence. NEW GOODS. O \\7E are now receiving a capital assnrtmenl v T of GOODS, selected l>y a member of out firm in tho Northern market. GENTLEMEN'S AND LADIES DRESS GOO I> N, LATEST STYLES OF EADI E S' II ATS, S II O I?3 3. TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, Bar CALL AND KNOW OUR TRICKS ^ VAX DIVER, BLARE & CO., May 24 17 if The State of South Carolina. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OEIf. \ Columbia, Aran 30, A. l> . I860. / T HEREBY certify. That J. M. ELFORD, of I Spartanburg C. II., Agent of the GEKMANIA. the HANOVER, the NIAGARA and the REPUBLIC FIRK INSURANCE COMPANIES, incorporated by the State of New York, ha* complied with the conditious aud requisitions of tlie Act of the General Assembly, entitled, "An Act to regulate the Agenciefl*of Insurance Companies not incorporated in the Stale of Sou:lt Carolina," nud I hereby License the said J M. Elforp, Agetit as aforesaid, to take risks i uiiu iriinxaci an ouMiiess ot innunnce, in this Stole, for, and in behalf of said Companies. S L. LEAP!!ART, June7?19--lf Comptroller (lenefol. AdminH rotor's Sale. Switl sell on Baturdsy. the .10th diy of June, in tant. at the late residence of WILLIAM tANNON, deceased, tho real estate of said deceased, consisting of 155 Acres of Land, more or less, hit tinted on Lawaon's Fork of Panolett. houndcd by lands of 11. M. Pollard. Mrs. Elizabeth White, and others. Also, luuie personal pro* perty belonging to said deceased, ouu.iisiing of UCU CLOTHS, Ac. T K R M S: A credit of twelve mouth* with interest from date; purchasers giving and good security snd a mortgage of the property, if deemed uecessary. ELI AS WALL, Administrator, with Will annexed. June 7 IS 4w CLINTON, BENSON & CO., 131acktimitliingf. THIS concern ha* mutually dissolved. The BOOKS hare been placed in the hands of .1. M. Elford, Esq., for collection. All persons indebted to same, null mute payment to hiui AT ONCE AND SAVE COST. All proper discounts against the firm will he received, but no indtvidual arcount will be recognixed as a discount against firm. LEVI CLANTON, JNo. M. BENSON, ANN L. VERNON, May 27, 18C6. 19-41 THE undersigned returns his thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and takes this method of announcing that lie will continue business at his OLD 81"AND, formerly occupied by Clantou & Company. LEVI CLANTON. r?. it.?i win oo compeucu to ca**ry tlic business ou the CASH SYSTEM, etricily. Judo 7 19 4t 40 Y 17th. WITTY & CO., ?THIS DAY OPENINGLA DIES' HATS, MISSES HATS, MENS' & BOYS HATS, SHOES?of all kind*, BIBBON'S, fancy goods, PERFUMER Y ?variety, TOILET SOAl'S, HARDWARE. GLASS WAKE, CROCKERY, i liN \> AUK, SIJOAR) COFFEE, Ac , TEA, OYSTERS, SALMON, SARDINES, PRESERVED FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY* NUTS, FINE SEGARS, Ac., AcMay 17 16 if STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SPARTANIlCRQ DISTRICT. Citation for Loiters of Administration by Jno. Earle llomar, Esq , Ordinary. In the Court of Ordinary. WHEREAS WILLIAM BENNETT has filed his petition in my office, praying that Letters of Administration, on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of JAMES BENNETT, deceased, i These are therefore to cite and adtnoni?h all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said JAMES BENNETT, deceased, to he and appear at the Court of Ordinary, for said District, to be held at Spartanburg Court House, I on Monday, 18th day of June instant, to shew i cause if any exists, why said Letters should not be granted. tliren under my hand this -ith dny of June, A. D-, 1866. JNO. EARLK BOMAR, O. 8. D. June 7 19 2w Miirblo Work. i T WILL take, and hare filled, orders for all , ? kinds of Marble Work, at low rates, and det 1 ltvered at any point in the district, r I April 19 12 If M. R. BEECO. Dlt. W. T. KUSSEL, 1 "If ILL conl - ue the practice of Medicine, VV Surgery, and (at his office) Dentistry# OFFICE?OVER IIEIXITSII HRUO STORE. Feb 16 8 tf DRS. B. & J. L. WOITOBD OFFER THEIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of the Village and surrounding country. One or both of us will be found constantly in the office at the STORE, during the day, and at our Residence, opposite Wofford College (Church Street) at night. Feb 16 8 tf_ 1 ~ "notice. A LL persons are hereby forewarned not to /\ trade with my wife, ELIZABETH JACKSON, as 1 will not he accountable for her debts hereafter. JOHN C. JACKSON I Wool Carding', HAVING thoroughly repaired our WOOL CARD1N0 MACHINERY AND ADDED AN ENTIRELY NEW SET, thereby incteasit^ our ability to do work promptly, we invite ail whe feel diapoeod to oouie, and get tbeir wool oarded TKK SAME DAY. After the first of June, we will have a eonveyauce watting at CEDAR SPRINGS STATION, on Spartanburg and Union Railroad, to receive wool sent up by the train on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, of each week. Wc guarantee work lo give eat infection u to quality end dispatch The but of wtl for greasing furnished, FREE OF CHARGE. ?TERMS? 10 cents per lb. in specie. Currency and barter of all kinds tsken at mn'ke' prices? but please understand?NO CREDIT. JNO. BOMAR & CO. Bliingsville, S. C., May 10 Lir ? TAILORING. " HAVING just returned from a trip North and West, tukos this method of informing his former l'atrons end Friends, that heia now prcpated to fill all orders with ueatneM an 1 dispatch in the very LATEST STYLES, aa cheap its any one for Cash or Darter. My shop is over the store of FOSTER St J CUD'S, opposite the Court lfou?c. The latest 8PRINU FASHIONS W. t>?*en received. WM. LOCK WOOD. Feb 1 1 If MARCH 15TJI, 1866! TO THE CITIZENS OP SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. II. W. WAUiER OCCUPYING the Old Stand of KIR0Y A WILSON, has oil hand A GOOD 8TOCK OP SHOES. TRINTS, JACONETS, CAMBRICS, KENTUCKY JEANS, SATINETS, CA88IMKRES, NOTIONS, &C., GENTS AND BOYS WOOT ?vn vnt HATS, COLLINS AXES, and other items too tedious to meution. All of which will be sold at reduced prices for CASH, or any kind of COUNTRY PKODUCE. Please call and examine for youitt.'lvco, March 22 b If ~ ROAD DUTY] A LL MALES WHITE AND COLORED, be/V tween the ages of 1C and 60 years. Maiding within the incorporate limit* of the Town of Spartanburg, are herewith notifted that by paying to the Clerk the sum of TWO DOLLARS IN CURRENCY, they will l>e exempt from Street Labor; otherwise they will ha compelled to labor on the Streets for FOUR DATS. Tbe aforesaid privilege of paying in lien of labor to cease, on the 16th day of JUNE NEXT. By Order of Couacil: J. M. ELFORD, Clerk. May 24 17 3w ings, White and Brown Linens, Merrimack, Amoskeag, Schwaheand American CALICOS, warranted fast colors. Jaconets, Cambrioe and Victoria Lawns. A complete and choice assortment of Needle WORK and Lioea Setts, Needles, Spool Cotton, Working Cotton and Thread in every variety. ALSO, a great assortment of DRY GOODS, FANCY OOOD3, I.lens and | Hosiery, Bonnet and Lute-String, Ribbons, I Thread and Cotton LACES and EDGINGS. Having been connected for a long time with the Dry Goods business, we are confident of giving satisfaction ALSO, on hand a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES. Tin Ware, Hats and Caps, and a general assortment of GROCERIES, at tho UP TOWN STORE. FREDK. TEPPE, ALEX. H. SMYTH. N. B. State Money Bought. April 26 13 tf LAW COPARTNERSHIP^ TTAVING associated C. J. ELFOR.D, of I I Greenville. S. C . with me in tK? nni>iU? of law for Spartanburg District, under t?e nam* and style of ELFORD ft ELFORD; all busiMM entrusted to my care will receive the prompt and faithful attention of said firm. J. M. ELFORD. April f? 10 Omoa SCJLLIVAN& WINSMTTH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, 8PARTANBURG, 8. C. OFFICE NEXT TO TOST OFFICE. C P SrauvAjr. J- C. Wivsmitb. NEW SPRING GOODS. o WE HAVE just received from Charleston, a fresh supply of BOOTS, SHOES, PRINTS, 9 and many olher articles too numerous to mention, which we offer at cheap rates. CALL AND SEE US. B A J. L. WOFFOBD. .->0 4 opposite Uourt Home. April 5 10 it T ZEE 3SI DRY GOODS STORE Teppc Ac Nmytli "1 VTOOLft respectfully inform the LADIES t that they arc now receiving their SPRING STOCK, CONSISTING OF White Cloth Urnwn Kklvtlnx ?/! 8V?.i