BYTHKZJUST MAIL. ' I '/* '%_ C "* ? " > ?h A" ? PtBtaB Movements8,000 stroso?marc hi no vsorpossn. * - Btttpalo, Jung 1. The Reporter of the Express has just return, ed from a point a nil* and a half below Lower - Black Rook, and says the head of tho Fenian eolumn, 000 itroog, had reaohed that point. Nine wagons loaded with aminnnit ion proceded them. Tfesy declare they will effect a landing before daylight. It ie reported In New York that Fort Erie, Canada, opposite Buffalo, has been captured by the Fenians, who are represented to be 8,000 strong, and 2,000 of whom are said to be arohing unopposed into the interior. It is Said they hare already cut one telegraph line. CANADA INVADED. New Tor*, Juno 1. arti- olid*j l??re to-day. loot from Buffalo report that notwithstanding the vigilance of the authorities in thin section, with the United States steamer Miehigan under steam and ports open, together with the oity swarming with Canadian spies, severs I regiments of Fenians crossed over into Canada last night, including troops from Tonnassee, Kentucky, and Indiana, a regiment from Ohio and one from this city. They effected a landing from this point in eaaal boats drawn by tugs, and on noaringthe Canadian aide sent up wild Irish shouts, tho green flag floating. Colonel O'Noul, of the 18th regiment, from Nashville, is in command at tho fort. There was a large number of persons riewing tho sight from this shore. The Fenians say that no depredations shall be committed All telegraph wirSs on the Canada aide were out, excepting those near Suspension Bridge. The Agent of the Assoeiated Press h&9 left for the aoeae of operations. Tho Fenians are reported marching on 8us* pension Bridge, twenty-fivo miUs from here. TIIE FENIAN RAID. Buffalo, June 1. The number of Fenians who effected a landt ing in Canada from this point is estimated to bo three thousand, with accessions hourly. "They are well armed and have six pieces of artillery. It la stated that there will be a general descent on the whole frontier, and (hut the Fenians hare altogether thirteen batteries of artillery. The leaders hare telegraphed from this point to rarious cities to bring on reiaforoements. The men who went front here are generally those who bad senred iu the Fed- { eral or Confederate armies. No fighliug has oocurred or is anticipated for two days. The destruction of the Welland canal, and the euUing of the Qrand Trunk Railway, and j the moriag in two dirisions on Moutreal and Kingston, is said to be programme. Colonel 0*Neil, who leads the troops from here, is styled the Commander ofthe Army of the Irish Republic in Canada. Qeneral Sweeney is reported to hare crossed over with the main body. lien cross here without diffiulty as no United States troops are here. The Fenians are leaving Boston, Philadelphia, New York and other cities. EXCITEMENT IN CANADA Tokonto, Juue 1. There is great excitement hero over the rumored invasion by the Fenians. Volunteers ?? imuiug w iur suppuAcu scene ?>I action, ll is reported that the our my have evacuated Fort Erie and arc now marching on Chippawa. t The frontier ia not invaded at any other point than that named. An engagement is expected on the Niagara frontier to-morrow. FROM BOSTON. Boston, June 1. Two companies of Regulars left hero for the North this morning, front Fort Warren, under command of Col. Livingston. The new raised Fenian Cavalry Regiment under command of CoL J. Cortis late of .Mosby'a guerrillas, is part ol thv expedition front this etty. The Fenians say Gon. Fitxhugh Leo will command the cavalry wing of their army of invasion, and that a blow will be struck early next, probably on Monday. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, May 2'.?. xtie x?x 0111 which pa* eu the House contains a provision for an export duty of five cants a pound on cotton. By direction, the War Department will ro fund the amount collected by order of Uenerul N. T. J. Dana, as military lax of two dollurs per bale on cotton at Memphis, Tenn. Restitution will be made to tho parties from whom the amounts were collected. Their legal heirs or the properly constituted attorneys or representatives of the same. In the Senate the Colorado bill passed over the veto. A reconstruction resolution was considered Mr. Johnson moved to strike out the 2d section, which disfranchises Confederates until 1 Q7A ?u:?L t - 1 1- - imu, nuicii *m ovnvu uy a unaminou-? vote ?yean, 43 ; nays, none. Several amendment* -were offered, cmbodying views agreed upon in HcpublicAu caucus. They exclude from Federal and State olliccs those who, having beeu members of Congress. Legislature, or Judicial ofticers, took part in the insurrection, or gave aid and comfort thereto. Congress, however, may remove such disability by a vote of two-thirds of the House. A bill to continue in foroe and amend the Freedmen's Bureau bill passed?yeas i>6 ; nays Mi A NEW PLAN. Washinotom, May 28. Thad. Slevens introduced a bill declaring that the 8taies lately in rebellion have forfeited their rights under the Constitution, and can be reinstated in the same only through the action of Congress, which provides that they may form vana govern mania, me present ones being continued until the/ shall be duly altered, and their executives and legislatures reorganised. Constitutions are to be formed and submitted to the people, a majority of whom is neoeesary for their ratification. All male per sons above twenty-one years of age arc to be allowed to vote. No constitution is to be presented for oongressional sanction whioh denies civil rights to any person. The bill was com mittod to the Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union. CUOLEKA CASES. New York, June 1. The cholera at quarantine is said to be of a eery malignant type, and is principally confined to the German passengers. 81 cases have been admitted on board the hospital ship Falcon, out of whioh number 14 have died, leaving 70 patients, at last accounts, under treatment. A mil* race was run at Cincinnati on the 80th of May, by Underwood's four-year old " Revolver," fiill weight. The second heat wu run in the fastest time ever made?1:41 J. Another destructive conflagration occurred in Cincinnati on the 26th. Seven hotels, sixty dwellings, and seventy-flvc stores were in ashos by 8 o'clock in the evening, and the Arc was still raging. A stock raiser in Tennessee, recently sold 918,000 worth of cashmere goats in one week. One ewe sold for $1,800. A\, v> 1 v 'ijli. May 31 18 id The State of South Carolina. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GEN. 1 Coll'mima, Arml 30, A. I)., I860. / T HEREBY ceriify, That J. M. EI.FORD, <.f I Spartanburg C. II., Agent of the GEIt.M A MA, the HANOVER, the NIAGARA mid the REl'UBLIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES, I incorporated by the State of Xew Vork, has complied with the conditions and requisitions of tlie Act of the General Assembly, entitled, "An Act to regulate the Agencies of Insurance Companies not incorporated in the State ot South Carolina," and I hereby License the raid J M. Elfoiui, Agent as aforesaid, to take risks nun mwHt mi immumm 01 insurance, in Huh Stale, for, aud in behalf of said Companies. S. L. LE A I'll.MIT, June??10?tf Comptroller llcnerul. Administrator's Sale. I will sell on Saturday, the 8Utli div of Juno, in Inut, at the laic residence of WILLIAM HKANNOX, deceased, the real estate of said deceased, consisting of 155 Acres of Land, more or less, situated on Lawson's Fork of Pncolctt, bounded by lauds of II. M. l'ollard, Mrs. Kli/nbcth White, and others. Also, sonic personal property belonging to hai l deceased, consisting of liED CLOTilSj, fcc. TEKMS: A credit of twelve months, with interest from dale ; purchasers giving note and good security and & mortgage of the property, if deemed necessary. ELI AS WALL, siuuiiujMmuir, wnu ?in annexed. June 7 IS lw CLINTON, BENSON & CO., lilackHiuithing. fTTHIS concern has mutually dissolved The 1 BOOKS hme Keen placed in the bands of JTM. Klford, Esq., I'or collection. All persons indebted to saiuc, will make payment to him AT ON OR AND SAVE COST. All proper discounts against the tiriu will be received, but no individual account will be recognized as a discount against linn. LEVI CI.ANTON, J No. M. BENSON, ANN L. VEHNON, May 27, 18GC. lb 4t TIIF. undersigned return* his thanks to the public for their liberal patronage, and lakes this method of announcing that he will eontin u* business at his OLl> STAND, formerly occupied by Clanton & Company. LEVI CLANTON. n. ?.?1 win ne compelled to carry the bus iness ou the CASH SYSTEM, strictly. June 7 10 U STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Citation for Letters of Administration by Jno. Earlo Boinar, Esq., Ordinary, In the Court of Ordinary. WHEREAS WILLIAM BENNETT has filed his petition in uiy office, praying that Letters of Administration, on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of JAMES BENNETT, deoeMed. These are therefore to cite and ndmoniuh all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said JAMES BENNETT, deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, for said District. to be field nl unburn Court House. on Monday, 18th day of June instant, to shew cause if any exists, why said Letters should not he granted. Given under my hand this 4th day of June, A. L>., 18??. J NO. EARJ.E BOMAR, O. S. D. June 7 19 iiw S H E R IFF'S NOT IC E. NOTICE is hereby given In DEBTORS, against whom Kxeeution* nr.. 1. I r.I in my Office, that unices settlement la made, or "wait orders" marked thereon, I will be forced (at once) to collect as required by law, the "Stay Law" having been decided to be unconstitutional by the Court of Errors. J. II. HLASSINGAME, Sheriff's Office, May 211, 1800. a. b. u. May 81?18?4t A Large Assortment of Shoes and Boots, Ladies, Gentlemen and Misses , CLEVELAND, WALKED & CO. t V MAllltlKD By John Epton, Esq., March l?7lh, MR. JACOB GUILDERS to MISS JANE FIELDS, all of Llup District. By the Biuuc, May lhth, MR. LEMUEL SPENCER, of Georgia, to MISS REBECCA SATTERFIBLD, of this District. By the same. May 22d., MR. JOHN B. LOVE or Maryland, to MISS SARAH JANE PETIT, of this DistrtcL By Sumuel Lancaster. Esq., Juno 3<1, MR. JOHN 8TEADMAN, of North Carolina, to 1 MISS BARBARA TURNER, of this District. ! By J. M. Elford, Esq.. May 31st.. MR. E. P. BISHOP to MISS SUSAN A. HUG HEY, all of this District. By the same, May 31st., MR. COLUMBUS manor to ftiiso MALiasA .M. ill UHfcl, all of this District. By tl?e ltev. M. C. Harnett. May 3<1 , MR. i T. L BRIANT to MISS NANCY J. BROWN, ! all of this District, j In Unionvillc, S. C., May 20tli, at the rosi- j deuce of Mr. T. 11 Jeter, by the Iter. O. A. Darby. Dr. A. W. THOMSON, to MISS Al lUE , JETER. Antoonnccmoait. I am a candidate for TAX COLLECTOR for Spartanburg District, at the ensuing Election, to be hold on the Second TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next, and should be pleased at a general turn out of tny friends to said election. i> p t?/\i1t i? Ft>r i /^WDD FELLOWS DRESS REGALIA. AT V_J OLll'lI ANT'S AUCTION ROOM. Mny 8 14 # if Alarge^ot of"bolting cloths, just received by CLEVELAND, WALKKU A CO. May 3 14 |f j ClleAvilIjU; Toba COLORED, between the ages <>t 1. 11. rtillianis ,v t'o.,) WIIOLKSAI.K HKAI.I.RS IN Hats, Cap*-, Straw and Millinery r* o n n q v www, NO. 1J-' MEETING STREET, Next door to Charleston Hotel. CHARLESTON. 3. C. Wo also have a t>rauch of our house in Charlotte, N. C., where we have a huge slock of llata, Caps, Straw and Millinery Goods. I?. n. WILLIAMS, U. C. CALVE HT. May 'J I 1? oiu NEW GOO DS. UJ E are now receiving a capital assortment of GOODS, selected l.y a member of our firm in fhn Win horn imirki?t GKNTLKMEN'S AND LADIES 1> R 13 SS (? O OI)S, LATEST STYLES OF LADIES' HATH, S II O E S, TRIM MING S, NOTIONS, ??-CALL AND KNOW OUH PRICKS..^ VAN DIVER, BLARE & CO,, May 21 17 tf l r. c\, OYSTERS, SALMON, SARDINES, PRESERVED FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY,* NUTS, FINE SEC ARS, &o., Ac. May 17 10 tf INSURANCE. Fire, J^ilo i*ml Aocidoutal. .T. ME. KLFOH13, Afcnit, [Of ilie Underwriters' Agency of New \oxk. CONSISTING OF TUB Gcrmania, Hanovia, Niagara and Republic. Only one set of papers ueccsury to prove a Iobs. Losses promptly settled at the place where policy is issl'kd. AGENT FOR THE J nines River Fire Insurance Company of Richmond, Virginia AGENT FOR THE Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Columbia, South Carolina. AGENT FOR THE Travelers Accidental Insurance Company the oldi st ot the kin 1 in United Stntcs. All ne? o>sary information gratuitously given, and terms of Insurance reasonable. g*a5~ OFF ICE adjoining Span an Office, on J l'uhlic Stjuare, Spartanburg. S C, Iptc It absent leave orders with F. M. TRIMM1KR, at Span in office. May 17 l'i tf ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE" A LI. persons having claims Against the es /V , u of WILLIAM RRANNON, deceased, arc hereby notified to prenont them nt once. f> r .settlement. And all persons indebted to said estate to make prompt payment to the unlet signed ELIA8 WALL, Adui'r. with Will annexed. .May 17 10 St lARCH 15TH, 1866! TO T 11 B C 1 T 1 /. RN 8 O P SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. I*. W. WATJiER OCCUPYING the OH Stand of KIKUV & WILSON, haa oti hand A UOOD STOCK OK SHOES. PRINTS, JACONETS, CAMRRICS, KENTUCKY J BANS, SATINETS, CASSIMERES, NOTIONS, AC., GENTS AND ROYS WOOL AND FUR HATS, COLLINS AXES, and other item* too tedious to mention. All of which will lie sold at reduced prices for i * I L.'ll ..... 1 . ?.l . i 'j 11 V T O V l> l? 1 ,1 il'i ' C Please call aad examine tor yourselves. March 11 H tf 3Ijirblo Work. o I WILL take, ami have filled, orders for all kinds of Marble Wc/k, at low rates, and delivered at any point in the district. April 10 VI tf M. K. DEKCO. DR. W. T. RUSSEL, WII.L continue the practice of Medicine, Surgery, and \,ut his office) Dentistry. OFFICE?oveb it mx its it DKi'tt sTirnr.. Feb lu 3 If DRS. B. & J. L. WOFFORD OFFER THEIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of the Village and surrounding country. One or both of its will be found constantly in the otlioe at the STt>HE, during the day, and at our Residence, opposite W oflord College Church Street) at night Feb 15 .t if LAW COPARTNERSHIP. HAVING associated C. J. ELFORD, of Greenville, S. C , with nie in the practice oflnw for Spartanburg District. under riie name and style of KLFOllD A ELFORl); all busiuess entrusted to iny care will receive the prompt and faithful attention of said firm. J. M. ELFORD. Apru o mi i.mos SULLIVAN ft wmSMTCH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY, SPARTANBURG, ? C. OFFICE NEXT TO POST OFFICE. 0 r. SCIUVAN. J. C. WlJIfMirH. . Wool Carding** HAVING thoroughly r?paired our WOOL CARDLNU MACHINERY AND ADDED AN ENTIRELY NEW SET, thereby increasing our ability to do work promptly, we inrUc all who feel disposed to come, and get their wool carded THE SAME DAY. After the first of June, we will hare a eon* ?xrj uiivc w;uung ill VLI/AIV nrttI5U3 DXA? TION, on tfparlnnhurg and U"ion Railroad, to rccvire wool sent up by the train on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, of each week. , # \V? guarantee work to giro satisfaction as to quality ami dispatch. Hie best of oH for greasing furnished, KKKB OFOllAllQE. ?T K K M 8-r 10 cents per lb. in speoie. Currency aa?l barter of all kinds taken at market prices? but please understand?NO CUKDIT. .J NO. HUM All & CO. Bi\ ingsvillc, 8. C., May 10 15-2m TAIIA>RIN(i. 0 . :0: H AVI NO just returned from e trip North and West, takes this method of informing his former l'atronsaud Friends, tiint he is now prepaied to till all orders with ncatne?s and dispatch in the very LATEST STYLES, as cheap as any one for Cosh or Bart or. My -hop is over the store of FOSTER & Jl'llD'S, opposite the Court House. i lie latent M'UIMJ FASHIONS hava juat Itciii receive J. WM. LOCK WOOD. Feb 1 1 If Huffius Cofltf, ChocMOt Cuni9? N utii, at CLEVELAND, WALKER, k CO, JACONKT Ml Sl,lNS, LADIES SILK AND KID GLOVES, AND MITTS, UOOP SKIUTS, just received by CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. Inquiro for anything you want in (he way of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY WARE, ULAHHW ARB, AC., at CLEVELAND, WALK Ell A CO. IIoon, Aiuch' Spudi>M and Hh ovrU, Axon, Trace Cheilitis, receixod l>jr CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO, W anted In exchange for goods, all kind* of COUNTRY 1'RODUCB, such as COTTON, CORN, BUTTER, EGOS, CHICKENS, BACON, LARD, RAOS, TALLOW, BEESW \X &C nt CLEVELAND, WALKER, A CO. . April -id 13-tf NEW SPRING GOODS. -o WE HAVE just receire respectfully inform the LADIES W that lhey are now receiving their SPRING STOCK, CONSISTING OF White Long Cloth, Brown Shirtings and Sheetings. White and Brown Linens, Merrimack, Auioskong, Schwabeand American CALICOS, warranted fast colors. Jaconets, Cambrics and Victoria Lawns. A complete and choice assortment of Needle WORK and Linen Setts, Needles, Spool Cotton, Working Cotton and Thread iu every variety. ALSO, a great assortment of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Liens and Hosiery, Bonnet and Lutc-String. Ribbons, Thread and Cotton LACKS and EDGINGS. Baring been connected for a long time with the Dry Goods business, we are oontldent of giving satisfaction ALSO, on hand a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, Tin Ware, Hats and Cap*, aud a general assortment of GROCERIES, at the UP TOWN STORE. FRKDK. TEIM'B, ALEX. II. SMYTH. N. B. State Money Bought. a.?si ?? 1# # NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN EQUITY?SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. T. F. Stevens, Adm'r. end Ann F. Smith, ve Henry A. Smith, et el Dill for Partition l>?!ief, &c. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Equity iu this case, all persona having claims against the estate of GEORGE A. SMITH, deceased, arc required to present and establish their claims before me according to law within Thru M nlhs front this date. T. STOBO FARROW, c. a. a. n. March 8 6 8m at