- ? t>?? ? iv? vi luv j/vawu m uai oajn iii.il it iiewjy invented dozen bladcd knife has been made by a Yankoe cutler, which has in addition to its blades, a corkscrew, a bodkin, a hair broah and a bootjack, besides a season ticket to the theatre. A Delicate Question.?"Why is the letter P like u ring ?' said a young lady to her accepted one day. The gentleman, like tho generality nf his sex in such a situation, was as dull as a hammer. " liecause/ added the lady with a very modest look at the picture at the other end of the room, " because we can't be wed without it.' Tits Printer's Love.?A poetical type thus exputiatcs: "Wo love to seo the blooming rose, in all its Hfcauty drest; wo love to hear our friends disclose the ctuo tions of the breast. We Lve to seo the oara arrive, well laden at our door ; we lore to mo our neighbors thrive, and love to bless the poor. Wo love to see domestic life with uninterrupted joys, we love to see a happy wifo with lots of girls and boys. We love all theso?yet far above all that we have ever said, we love what every printer loves, to havr subscription paid. WIT AND HUMOR. i ? 1 What letter is it that is nerer usoU more ? than twioa in America f Ana?A. 1 The name of a man in Vermont who > feeds his geese on iron filings, aud gathers [ steel pens from their wings, is Sharp. > The old gentleman who undertook to i tike the twist out of the malestrom, has * gone out Wet to whitewash the ltocky Mountains. lie goes lor Urge jobs. The Advantage of Change.?A ner son asked an irishman why be wore his stockings wrongside outward * Because,' said he, ''there's a hole on the other side " To enjoy life you should ho a little tni* erable occasionally. Trouble, like cayenne, Li not very agreoable iu itself, but gives great zost to other things. A man in Cincinnati recently cut his throat, because lie lived next door to an amateur trombone player. The coroner held an inquest and returned a verdict of 'justifiable homicide.' A mother admonishing her son (a lad some seven years of age,) told him he should never doler til! to morrow what he could do today. Th.- little urchin replied. "Then mother, let's cat tho remainder of the plum pudding to night." A learned writer says of bojks : " They are masters who instiuet ui without rods or ferules, without thanks or anger, without bread or money. It you approach them they are not asleep ; if you seek them they do uht hide ; if you blunder they dot scold; if you arc igncraut they do not laagh at you. Cool Compliment.?An acquaintance the other day meeting with n lady friend in tho street, p-ssed the won!, " Fine day, Miss D.' " Fine," exclaimed the shivering damsel; "my feet are cold as ice.' Very likely,' was the cool rejoinder, u I have always said you had a n ice loot.' IIUMOBOU8.?"Mr. Showmnn what is that 7 That my dear, is the rhinocercow. He is cousing German or Dutch relative to the Unicorn. He was born in the desert Sary Ann, and feeds on bamboo and uiis sionaries. lie never leaves his home unless he moves, in which case he goes somewhere else, unless ho is overtaken by the dark. He is a very courageous creature, and always whips when he conquers lie was brought to this country much against his will, which accounts for his low spirits when he is dejected and melancholy, lie is now somewhat aged?although he has seen the day when he was the youngest specimen oi animated nature in'tho world. Pass on, my little dear, and allow the ladies to survey the ring tailed monkey, a hauiinal that can stand hanging like a feller cutter, only its reversed. ? - ? ? ? TillAI>8?Three things to love?Cour age, gentleness, uffeotionatencss. Three things to admire?Intellectual power, dignity, gracefulness. Threo things to ha'e?Cruelty, arrogance, ingratitude. Throe things to despise?Meanness, af fectation, cn\y. Three things to reverence.?Religion, justice, self denial. Three things to delight in?Beauty, frankness, freedom. '1 liree things to wish for?Health, friends, a cheer!ul spirit. Three things to pray for?Faith, peace, purity of heart. Three things to esteem?Wisdom, prudence, firmness. Three things to like?Cordiality, good humor, mirth fulness. Three things to suspect?Flattery, puritanisiu, sudden affection. Threo thiutrs to avoid?Idleness, ioq'i.ic ity. flippant jesting. Threo things to cultivate?Good books, good friends, good humor Threo things to contend for?Honor, country, friends. Threo things to govern?Temper, I in I i .1 puisc, me tongue. Three things tube prepared for?Cbango decay, death. ^ ?- ? The Fredericksburg Iierald rays: We arc informed of a singular case ot change of color that is tmw going on in the petson of a black man living in Culpepper county, Va. Our informant has kinmn the negro for fifteen years, and describes him to have been at one time as " black as tar." \\ ithin the last three months the negro has been gradually changing his skin. His . hands are still dark, hut Irotu (lie wiisis to i the shoulders as fair as any white man's, j His whole body is spotted, gradually changing its hue. It is a marvel in view of i the fuct. that the negro has never had a day's sickne.--, and is healthy now. 'march 15ThTl8m! TO THE CITIZENS OF SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. IT. AV. AVALKER OCCUPYING the Old 8und of KIHBY & W ILSON, has on hand A GOOD STOCK OF | SHOES. PRINTS, JACONETS, CAMORIC'S, i KENTUCKY JEANS, SATINETS. OASSIMERES, NOTIONS, AC., GENTS AND BOYS WOOL AND FUR 1IAT8, COLLINS AXES, and other items too tedious to mention. All of which will be aold at reduoe * s GEO. W. WILLIAMS ft CO , WUAT VCAI V WPOfiU*WTO ir uvuuuauu iuu?VJlOillO| CHARLESTON, g. C., OFFER FOR SALE LOW, FOR CASH : OAAA SACK8 LIVERPOOL SALT ?)\JV/\J 000 barrels Piult-Eyed Seed Potatoes 600 coils Hemp and Manilla Rope 200 hales Gunny and Dundee Bagging 1000 keg* Nails?assorted sites 300 barrels Coffee Sugars, A, B and C 200 bags Kio Coffee 100 barrets Molasses and 8yrup 80 > botes Adamantine Candles 200 k?*gs Hnturds Puwder 500 bags Shot and Lead 8000 bags Jar via' Island Guano Copperas, Bluestone, Madder, Indigo, Spices, etc. March 1 6 Sat CIIARLES BELLOISE CO., AMD DKALF.US IN Hani^ Sides, Shoulders, Smoked Beef, Tongue*, FLOUR, BUTTER, (1TKFSE, LAUD, EGGS, SOAl', STAKCII, CANDLES, Ac., Ac. 120 & 122 EAST BAY STEKT, Con*im ARCHIBALD GETTY & CO., \V 11 OLGS.VliE UK A I.K ICS, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Nos. 12G AND 128 MKKTlNtJ-STUKKT WAUEJU?t:.sEs: \on. ret au?l *>*? Slasel-S t rcol, CHARi rsTOX, S. r. i.A.r.KTTV, E. \. SOUDF.lt, S. T. SOLDER. March 1 6 ;'.m HART & <. <>., Suece-?ora t > S. N. IIAUT A Cu. South East C'ovner King A Market Streets, cu iL/.r:s rox, s. c, IMPORTERS OP Foreign & Domostic Hardware, cuTia;inr, <;i ns. j BAR IRON, TIN AND r I. AT ED WAKES, 1 Will leceivo or lcia for II. HoE & CO S Circular Saw-., and GEO. PAGE .V CO S Portable Fan Machines. D J>. Cons- i? s IIaut. 1'. Mobg w j March 1 '> ly McrcliiiiitH Hotel. ? a. ' T,: ?.9 ul > Go {'hetijit jt aii tf SI' A It TAMJIJIUi FEMALE COLLEGE. r|1IIK TRUSTEES arc happy to announce that they httve secured the service# of 1 REV A W CUMMIN GS, D D, 1.1uand favorably known to the citizens cf ( South Carolina as iho President of the Female College at Aslteville, N. C. His great success 1 there is a sufficient guarantee for his skilful management at Spartanburg. Tilt; .\t:vr st>sio\ will open MAY '.tth, and continue jtf >, an. Milster RESPECTFULLY announces to the public, that he hns again commenced the Tinning IlasinesH, and feels himself well prepared and qualified to do all kinds of work in his line, with neatness and dispatch. lie has a large ttocJc on hand, of every thing usually found in an establishment of this kind. All articles of TIN WAKE, will be kept on hand, thereby rendering himself able to supply the wants of any who may call on him. He is prepared to do snch work as ROOF1NO, GUTTERING AND REPAIRING. Ue will work nud sell, wholesale or retail, LOW FOR CASH. All work warranted. SHOP NEAR THE SPARTAN OFFICE. Feb 1 1 If Mill Notice. ~V A0UL1) givo notico to the public that I I hare purchased the entire, interest of M. l'ADGKTT in tliu Mills, known as tho Patterson Mills, on Peterson's Creek fire miles East of Spnrtanburg C. II. The Mill is now undergoing a thorough repair, and in a short time 1 will be prepared to givo perfect satisfaction and to feel myself meriting a part of the public patronage. The improvements I am making arc such as warrant me in premising good turnouts of Hour and uicnl. I have also a Saw Mill which is iu good order. JOHN llP.OOKS. NOTICE. THE Copartnership of BROOKS & PADGETT in the Patterson Mill is this day dissolved. Pers< is having claims against or owing us arc requested to settle. P.ROOKS & PADGETT. April 12 11 4t DIAL & POPEr (SUCCESSORS TO AI.LK.N 6L PIAL,) Importers and Dealers iu English and American HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, MILL STONES, BOLTING CLOTHS, MILL IRONS, CIRCULAR SAWS, PLATFORM SCALES. SUGAR PANS, INDIA RUBBER AND LEA Til KR BELTING, Carpenters, Blacksmith and Tanners' Tools, Housekeeping and Furnishing Hardware Agricultural Implements, I.ime, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, Guns, Rifle*. Pistols, Shot Pelts, Powder Flasks. Powder, Shot, fie. FRENCH AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS. H holttale an I Itrlail, At the Sign of the Golden Pad Lock. COLUMBIA, S. C. March 29 9 2m J. A. HENNEMAN , T/A'l* t)\il ftlAl&'JTJl AM) .IIAMIILKH, Sliai'laiiliui'g C. II., So. C'a. HAS JI ST R EC El YEl) ' \ S K L K (' T ASS 0 K T M K N* T O F WATCHES, JEWELRY, , PLATED WARE A N D I^iinoy < iooiltst. A L S 0 v m:w eight pay andtwentyfour noun clocks, a first rate A KT1CLK. WAKi:i:.\TKD TWO YEAriS. Sjicctacles ibr all Eyes and Ages. 11TATi'II bis, CLOCKS AM) JEWF.LIiY y\ neatly repaired, and warranted. .1. A. HENNEMAN, 11 tKc Old Place en .Vain-Street. Feh 22 4 _ ? Lf Sj'l L j Siiij j SKATES* RANGES, FIRE BRICKS &c. U) i)IS, I> l.llO\ &. ( o , :i\TR RKOI'KSHD 111 M USS AT IIILIK . OLD STANTO. 10. Broad Street. Charlcstou, S. C,. I I I And ( /iifiv*:'y Hand (COOKI\(i STOVES OT rift Lair*! Iiuprovril I'adomx. ; Range's tlrnie", Marble Mantle*, Tinners' Machine* njul Tools, Plumbers' Materials, Iron ami Hr..ss, deep well Force and i.iglit Pit tups. Sheet Lend, Lead and Iron Piping, Railroad Force l'nmps. Also the (iteat Labor-Saving Viashing Mac h i n e and W r i n g e r. tMt...-Ml OrdfT* attrtulrd to with Vi*pntrl*.~&&ft Melt 1 o 1 j D. I;. I) U NCAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, j OFFICE ON rCDLIC SQUARE, four doors Hast from the Court Hou^e. April 12 11 11 .IOIIN KING At CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Wines and Spirits Dealers, *8 MEET I NO STREET, | C IIAULESTON, W. C. Jl'ST received* consignment of HOLLOW t WARE, TRACE CHAINS, and a full as sorlment ofCROCKKftY and QUEEN'S WARE. March lo 7 8m MUSIC. MRS. ISABELLA FALK, widow of the Ute l'rof. K. A FALK, will hr glad to receive ; it tew scholar* in Music, at her dwelling place, ! | on CHliRCIi STREET, next door to Methodist i Church. | TERMS made known on application. ! \ Largo Vssortniont of i Sltoesand Boots, Ladies, Gentlemen and Misses i at CLEVELAND, WALKER & CO. j r__- i 11 I HACK LINE ] FRO* SPARTANBURG TO GRK8KYILLK 1 <05 *"*' rpHE Subscriber will rim a LI5R OF I 1IACKS to end from the above atari places, leering Greenville C. H. every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 8 a. ?. Leave Spartanburg, TUESDAYS, THURft. DAYS and SATURDAYS, at 8 aa., and arrive at Greenville and Spartanburg, at 4 p. m. This Line will form a connection with the Spartanburg and Union Railroad both ways. I will bare good team* and carafttl drirtrs. Persons wishing to secure teats can do soby applying to my Agents, JA8. A. ALLEY, Spartanburg, who will ba found at No. 2r brisk Range on Church-Street, opposite the Palmetto House, and BAliUEL DONTHARU, atUreenrille. ^ Persons wishing to take seats at Spartanburg, will apply to my Agent there the nigbft before. C. C. MONTGOMERY. Feb 1 1 tC JACOB SMALL & CO.," Bakery and Confectionary* CORNER KING & PRINCESS STS.? CHARLESTONS. C.r CONSTANTLY on hand a large / assortment of BISCUITS (I and CRACKERS, CANDIES and \lBMggM CONFECTIONARY. All goods dnBHD warranted and orders filled with dispatch, and sold at the lowest market rales. March 1 & 3m "WILLIS &. CHISOLM, FAOTOH.S, en ti uteotnv mp n mi ? vv ax i.?i 1 O o i \j vt lUIiAtn AiH 15 AJTD smm.xu agejvts, Will attend to the porcha.se, sale and shipment to Foreign and Domestic Torts, of Cotton, Rice, Lumber and Naval Stores. Atlantic Wharf, Charleston, 8. C. E. WILLIS, ALEX. R, CUISOLM. Mch 1 5 tf "PHILIP FOGARTY & CO. "Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Corner of Atlantic Wharf & East Bay. r. FOG AH TV, i . . 0 _ S. FOOARTV, } Charleston, 8- C. Agn,(* for BOYD BROS. .J- CO S Cream Ale. Mch 16 1 jr 1IUIVT Ac BRO., Shipping, Commission & Forwarding Merchants, Accoinmodatton AVharf, J ti.Yiust,J?.} ?harie,lon.s. V. (Formerly ojXEW BERRY, S. C.) :o*. Promptly forward all Merchandise consigned to us arriving in the City from NORTHERN OR FOREIGN PORTS IVe 'cill gise strict attention to Sale and Purchase, of Cotton, Bice, Flovr, .jr. Liberal Advances on Consignmeits. IltrrRKNCE*.?G. W. Williams A Co., Charleston, 8. 0.; Ruasel A Ellis, Wilmington, N. C.; lliglow A Sargent, Baltimore,; Lathbory, W ickershani & Co., Philadelphia,, N. L. McCready Jc Co? New York ; Ray & Walter, Bos. ton; 0. W. Garmany, Savannah, Ga.; G. R WiNon, esQ-. Norfolk. Va. Mch 1 " 6 Cm IVow LCnl ei'priNe I SOUTHKRNIM PORTING AND MANUFACTURING DRUG HOUSE, PRATT, WILSON & BROS., IN'o. '.MM Hlng Hrcet, CHARLESTON, S. C. o Tho PropriotorB are Native Southerners* uYo turii tntrrprit* Soul A oj I'hiiaiitlphia. Will Southern Ihusrs give us their Patronage t WE OFFER AT KATES THAT COMPARE FAVORABLY WITH NEW YORK PRICKS. ALL DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, SPICES,Ac., THAT LEGITIMATELY BELONG TO OUR LINE OF BUSINESS, AND KEEP ON HAND ONLY TSN B?2ST or Packages put up to suit Country Trade. N. A.I KATT. Chemist to late C. 8., Niter tad Mining Bureau, L. W. WILSON, P. II. WILSON, Chemist to late C. 8., Or Department. April 11 5 ly Henry llimcofl'& Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Wholetalt Draler* in Groceries, Wines, Liquors, &t y Wo. 197, EttstBay, opr. i KA/r.Rs wBAar, C liAKkES TOS, S. V. HENRY H19CU0FF. | C. Wl'LBlRN Moh 1 6 4a