8b fturriiffii jlttuliiL 8PABTANB UBG i V H.TKUMIU, IBXTOB. Tfc?W?y, May 94, 1999. - WUUaaiB 4G?rert . Tbsoard of this Charleston Arm will bs found la MitW oelumn. Mr. Boar, fuvmo, well kaowa at a tUbn of oar district for mml years, Is doing business for this house, sad Is mwIb oar village. Mr. Pumnn b well ud fhverable bm to ear people, with whom they weald like to meet et any time, bat more especially, we think, If they were la Charleston to boy eheep hate, oupe, tfc lewipoper Chaoree The iatereet of Mr. T. B. Ceawe in the Abbeville Banner has been porobeeed by W. W. Pannow, formerly of this place, who ell re* member es e moot worthy young men, of high morel ehereeter. We speak of blm knowingly, aad believe he will prove himself, in his connection with the Banner, deserving e better name then we have given him. We wish Vn. Faaaow unbounded success in his enterprise. Mr. Cuws will devote his time to the Lenrensville Herald, in which he owns an interest. Pelbtrd's Matberu History. A history of #U?e War of the Confederates," by B. A. PouiBD, of Virginia, is advertised fin another oolpun. We are requested to call the attention of the public specially to tho author's "Card," which exposes the attempt of 9. B. Rich akdsos, Publisher, to thrust upon the publio e work which might deceive many. Thehiatory published by Riohardson is bogus. ~ B. B. Tartar A Co. are the publishers of "Tho Loit Cause," by Pollard, aad la one octavo volume instead of two. See card. . Ex-President Davis. We publish the charge of indictment against Xx-President Davis by the Grand Jury of the United States Circuit Court, at Norfolk, and setting his esse for trial at Richmond, in June next, upon en iadiotment for treason. Chief Justice Chase, it is said, will preside, and Attorney General Speed will conduct the prosecution. The defence will be entrusted to Mr. Charles O'Conor. It is said to be the settled purpose of many about Washington, in high positions, to havo Mr. Davis executed, if it be a thing among the possibilities. They have had amnle time to eoncnat ih*lr k.urf for tbi aeoomplishment of this end. It is now one jeer elnoe he wee incarcerated. They here jut now submitted the indictment to s Jury, who say there is treason In Mr. Deris' conduct, and return a "true bill" as we were to ex pool; their antecedents and proclivities warranted all who knew them in expecting sueh n return. Their prejudices against the Confoderaey and Mr. Davis were no doubt well known. This Jury was composed of men from Alexandria, Fairfax, Richmond, and Norfolk. I Nearly all of them are said to have been Union men. Those from Norfolk are said by the payers of that city, to have been the "moot unreliable and degraded men to be found in any oomaunity, and were deserters from the Confederate ranks, one of them having his infamy mitigated by Butler fixing perjury upon him." Those from Alexandria are said by the papers there, "to be snch ss no sane man would ever hate euppoeed for an instant would be selected ea Jurymen." Thoee from Richmond are said to have been held, daring the war, by Confed erate authorities as prisoners of State, at Richmond, under suspicion ef correspondence with the enemy. If we oeold hear the oharaoter ef thoee from Fairfax no doubt thoy would prove te be similar to those already heard from. Is it not a singular coincidence that such a batch of deeortere, spies and Union men ahould be selected as Jewess in this ease, as these are reputed te be by their neighbors ? But strange things do oeeur, and perhaps this is inexpUoabla. The Washington correspondent of the RaHIhum Spa iutl .-V 1 .. ?? WT wwywucww Mliyq t/f^u mad* to secure the conviction of Mr. Davis." When wo think of the iojustioo that would ho praotloed npon Mr. Davis in holding him responsible for recent events,, and making him the medium of punishing us for note not less oars than his?not less treasonable in us than him, if treason attaches?we have a feeling of sorrow and indignation. Noartful and inflammatory harangeof Mark Antony?no exposing of the blooding body in the fbrum? no bloody robe need be held up to excite the deepest sympathies of the Southern heart. If it was for his own supposed treason slone thai he la brought to saower, wo might not then feel so intuitivelp that oar sympathies should be bestowed npon I him. Perhaps wo are wrong! Ho is not tho man, ovoa in his prasest situation, to excite feelings of sympathy?but admiration, honor and love! Is he not as much tho oreaturo as tho mooter of the times in which ho lives, and borne along npon its events as thousands of others. Hostile historians may stigmatise him hy the harshest epithets, but lie was the peo pie's President and has won the adoring love gf tho Southern heart. Lot those who wish, malign the oharaeter of this man-we wiU revere and lova. Thw* in (I>nu .k? ....M .... sign to the world's execrations tho nsmeoflhsir violin, sad reward with smiles sod honor all who would poor oontonpt ,apoa his nam* notwithstanding tho oaose whloh ho advocated boo fhiled, and an impoverished eoontrv, and tho wail of aaguish from a thousand honss is extorted from tho hoarto of widows and or louder than ths thunders of Gettysburg or Manassas, pot wo believe ho oonseerated his energies to a just oat) holy cause. Fer (htOmllM Sptriai. 8ib : I will rtpiy to your oowoniwUoa la loot week's sefkr as I lapoMMwdo' fheta. The otyeot of the meeting of physicians, hold Juurj IS, 1806, tm the organisation of t Modlool Booiet j tor Um aoko at tho professional umltHoi?oaUutl improvement, mod representation la Um 8tots society. The "Fee Bin** claimed oar early attention, for oar rerj living dopondsd upon oar professional services, nod the charges sstsbUshed iony years aiaos?seemed inadequate to oar support, under the altered phase of affaire. One I item of this change you refer to under the head of high prices of provisions. And in further illustration of the reasonableness of the "Fee Bin," let ae eall your attention to the high prloe of medicines. In I860, alcohol eould be bought in Sport aburg for f 1. per gallon, now it costs $8. per gallon. Opium, before the war, $8. per pound. nowSll. i chloroform, former. Ij 70 eta. jier pound, now 93.60; rhubarb, formerly 91.75 per pound, now 98.; common rials, formerly 2 eta. eaeh, now 0 eta.; and so on with nearly every medicine used. The physicians who were present at the first meeting, and framed, approved and adopted the Fee Bill, are as follows : L. C. Kennedy, M. I>., J. J. Boyd, M. D., A. W. Divings, M. D-, Bob . ?. Cleveland, M. D., B. Wofford, M. D., Jos. L. Wofford, M. 0.. and Win. T. Bussell, M. D. At a subsequent meeting the names of several others IVom the country were added to the roll. All, or nearly all with whom 1 have conversed, approve of the purposes of the socle ty and the need for the Fee Bill, but for a variety of reasons (the great reason, 1 suspect, in some eases, has no other basis than loca' jealousies and neighborhood rivalries) the mass of the district practitioners have not aided the enterprise. You peroeive it remains with them to say whether this effort to establish a District Medical Society shall "sink or swim." "Men will trade where goods are cheapest." This may do as a commercial maxim. But do you employ a teacher for your child because he is cheap ! Do men employ lawyers on the score of cheapness rather than for their legal attainments? Do men, anywhere, class in tellectual capacity, skill snd knowledge with "goods," gridirons, calicoes and whiskey? I suspect, Mr. "Sparta," that when yonr little one feels a twing of pain under her bib, you do not inquire for the "cheap doctor," but for him who is most expert in Galon's art ? And I suspect that you and others weigh the worth of the physician's ability by your appreciation of health, or your desire to be restored to health, if sick, rather than by any money consideration. "Cheap doctoring" smaeks of arrant quackery. Medical skill and knowledge is not a thing of inheritance or intuition. The able and efficient physician is snoh by virtue of olose study and observation, based on scientific knowledge of healthy and diseased action. PHY81CIAN. i<|> i ^ I Charleston Correspondence. CtusLKSTOX, Mat 16, lbtiG. Death of an eminent Physician?Ala Parisienne?City Improvements?Ladies' Fair?So uthern Minstrels?Kiots ?Uena. Steed man and Fullertoff?Bishop Davis?Weather? In eota?Pish?Fruit, etc. 1 omitted to-mention iff my former Utter the death of Dr. Henry i. Frost. Identified with your district for the past four years, he formed and cemented friendships during that period whioh his generous nature was went to do wherever he went?friendships not to be effaoed by time. But he is gone forever from our midst, leaving to his fhmily and friends that noblest legacy?the example of a well-spent life. Yet soaroely can wo regaid him ae dead, for To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to die. Considerable interest is exhibited just now in a projeoton hand for adorning our city. The conflagration of 1861 swept over one of oui first squares, adjaoent to that on whioh the Mills House stands. This it is proposed to purchase by subscription, and arrange aftei the manitor of the Palais Royal. A building tc encircle the square, with a corridon on the seoond floor, and on the first floor saloons, safes, ete. The ground* within the enclosure to bo turned over to the oity after being properly hid out. Capitalists are Interested in the scheme. Nor does the work of improvement stop hsre. Ths genius of enterprise advances. We arc promised a oity railway, a full and fresh supply of pure water from the Edisto, paved streets, and the completion of the Artesian Wall. AU hail! to these prospective blessings. Like all things temporal, the Ladies Fair has oomi to an end. Benevolence was its motive, and the result has been highly gratifying to its originators. Not to apeak boastfully, our coin munity has always been proverbial for its munifioenoe, and mendicant worth never appealed here for charity In van. Our citisens still poeeeae this prominent characteristic, unaffeoied by the blighting and demoralising hand ol war. The Southern Minstrels, so called, are having nocturnal oonoerta, whether to crowded audienoee I eannot say Their headquarters are in the Hibernian ilall. On Saturday night and yesterday noon, two riots occurred here, traceable as in all collision! between necrose and whites, to the baneful in fiuence of oolored soldiers. If the President would remove these, our police offieera believe thst the freedmen, naturally docile end tractable, would give us liule trouble in tbeir government ns when sieves. The disturbances were soon quelled, and Coffee A Co., much tc their disgust, were politely escorted to the Guard House by a squad of M. P. They will be made to atone for the offenoe by Ane or imprisonment. But that makes no difference? "anything te spite de buokra." OI infatuated race, is not this a vevertible evil. Alas and alack a day 1 Gens Steedman and Fullerton, appointed U investigate into the working of the Preedmen'i Bureau, are here. They are thought te bs honest, impartial witnesses, and muoh good it anticipated from tbeir visit, perhaps the cxcie Urn af this hotribb wmt-w up?a our po? Ml 111, mialiai hmlil ayitwt Bisb Darts idaiaiaund ooalnutloi y eat sr. , day la St. Philips Church. That ?u a large eoagrsgalisa preesat to vintM tho wind rite. His Mrmoi aa "Immortal Life" was a masterly effort, and eriaosd tho rigor of his salad, aotwlthatandlag hla bodily infirmity. His earnest, classiest and logical atylo (as til oaa tastily who haTS hoard him) is quits fhsoinatlag sad emlnsatly eoariaoiog. It testifies of God. And indicates eternity to man. Weather delightful. 'Tls lit? Italian dims. m?w|Giui?i -on me Wing. ruw M plentiful as greenbacks ought to bo. BlookborrlM and fish the song of freedmen from early mora till dewy eve, interlarded w'.i, an oocasioaal "any ice cream ! ioe cream !" A. C. K. m mm The Charge against Jeflhrson Davis. Unite-i States Circuit Cour for the Dlstri ot of Virginia?May Term, 1806. BEFORE JUDQE UNDERWOOD. The United States of America, District of Virginia, to wit;?In the Circuit Court of the United 8tales of Aaie 'ica, in and for the District of Norfolk, May Term, 1866. The Grand Jury of the United 8totes of America in and for the Distriot of Virginia, upon their oaths and affirmations, respectfully do present: That Jefferson Davis, late of the city of Richmond, in the county of Henrico, in the Distriot of Virginia aforesaid, yeoman, being an inhabitant of and rosiding within the United Slates of Amerioa, and owing allegiance and fidelity to the said United States of Amerioa, not having the fear of God before his eyes, nor weighing the duty of his said allegiance, bat, 1 being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, andwiokedly devising and intending the peace and tranquility of the United States of America to disturb and the Government of the said United States of America to subvert, and to stir, move and incite iusut reel ion, re1 bellion and war against the said United States | of America, on the 16th of June, in the year of our Lord 1864, in the City of Richmond, hi the County of Henrico, in the District of VirS'npia aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction of e Circuit Court of the Doited States for the Fourth Circuit in and for the District tffi Virginia aforesaid, with force and arms, unlawfully, falsely, maliciously,traitorously did com pass, imagine and to raise, levy and carry on i war, insurrection and rebellion against the said United States of America; and in order to fultill and bring to effect the said traitorous compassings, imagining" and intentions of him, the said Jefferumi llnvm h. ?l?? ?.i>l 1 ? Davis, afterwards, to wit: on the said fifteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord 1864, i* the said City of Richmond, in the County of Henrico and District of Virginia aforesaiu, and within jurisdiction of ths Circuit Court of the United States for the Fourth Circuit in and for the said Distriot of Virginia?with a great multitude of persons, whose names to the jurors aforesaid arc at prcecnt unknown, to the number of five hundred persons aud upwards, armed and arrayed in a warlike manner?that is to say, with the cannon, muskets, pistols, dirks and swords, with other offensive weapous, as well offensive and defensive?being then and there unlawfully, maliciously and traitorously assembled and gathered together, did falsely , and traitorously assemble to join themselves together agaiusl the United States of America, aud there aud then with force and arms, did falsely and traitorously, and in a warlike and hostile manner, array and Jiipnas theutoelves agninsl the United States of America?and tbcuand there?that is to?ny,ou the said loth day of June, in the year of our Lord, ltttil, in the said City Of Richmond, in the County of Henrico, and District of Yiigiaia aforesaid, and within the jurisdiction of !he raid Circuit Court of the United States for the Fourth Circuit in and for the said District of Virginia? in pursuance of such their traitorous intentions aud purposes aforesaid?he, the said Jefferson i Davis, with the said persons, as aforesaid. , traitorously anainbted, aud armed and arrayed in manner aforesaid, moot wicke-dy, mali ctuusty una traitorously did ordain, pre^re, levy and carry on war against the said United ? Stales of America, contrary to llie duly of the I allegiance and tideiity of the said Jefferson Davis, against the Constitution. Government, peace and dignity of the said United States ot 1 America, and against the form of statutes of the said United States of America in such case made and provided. This indictment, found on testimony of Jas. F. Milligan, George P. Searhury, John Good, Jr., Hardy llenhcn and Patrick O'Brien, sworn ' in open court and sent for by Grand Jury, L. A. CHANDLER, U. S. Attorney for the District of Va. , WasiiiNUTOtt, May 16. Additional foreign intelligence mentions that , it is understood that a mutual understanding has beeu arrived at between France and Aua1 tria, in aceordance with which Austria under takes thst should Italy attack Venitia indei pendent ly of France, none of the eventual results of victory will be secured by Austria without the diplomatic intervention of Franee. ' It is asserted that the object of Au tria in menacing Prussia and Italy is to force England to assent to a European Congress. ( London dates of the 6th inst , say that Prussia has declared to the Diet thai the warlike relations on her part are entirely defensive, i Austria's reply to the Prussian note was en lirely conciliatory, but declims to disarm un der The eiroutnniaoces. ' arlike preparations in Venetia Are pushed energetically, and it is supposed that Venetia i will soon be pieced in e state of siege. Noth ing further lute been beard of the steamer City of Washington. Wabiunoton, May 17, 1866. General Beauregard sailed for Europe in the steam ship Scotia yesterday. Official reports confirm the exceeding feebleness of Jefferson Davis. It is reported that 1 bis indictment has been drawn under the Aot of Congress of July 17, 186'J, to punish treason. ' Te Act Axes the punishment of any person 1 convicted of rebellion at imprisonment not exceeding ten years, and a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars. It is said this Act re' nAt 1 nil nraviouu rti^Avininnn fr\w IKa stnnSaW ment of treason. The Senate to day passed the West Point 1 Appropriation Bill. It contains a provision ' prohibiting the appointment of any cadet who ' served in the army or navy of the 8outhern Confederacy. The Consular and Diplomatic Bill also passed. I Disooroixg.?The Secretary of War has diI reeled Oen. R. B. Clary, Chief Quartermaster of the Department of Tonnessee, to refund i the amount collected by order of Gen. N. J. T. Dana, as military tax of $2 per bale on cotton > at Memphis. Restitution will be made to the i parlies from whom the amount was collected, or to ihcir legal representatives. % vacMutitattMMiitr *r ike mmw Law. Mbri the Court of Imn, at Colombia. A flrtol has mt n Um following dssislon of tko Court of Appeals, says Um Carolinian, which we present to our roaders with profound oatisfaetion. Ia tko Court of Error*, which reassembled Monday, tko eooolooloa of tko Court oa tko oaooo previously board wao aaaouaeod by tko Ckief Justieo, in tko order below: Tbo State vs. John E. Carow, Sheriff. George Scharlock vs. B. M. Elvers.?In Ike Court of Errors, Columbia, May, 1866 These eases were heard together. After consideration of tb "> argument, the Court is of opinion that so mush of tko Acta of the Legislature of 1861 and 1866 as iaterdiets the servioe or execution of may meant or Anal procass of any of the Courts of this Bute, for the collection of money, is in ooubiot with the Artiele of the Constitution of tbo United States, wbich prohibits t StsU from passing any law impairing lbs obligation of contracts, and that the said provisions are consequently inoperative and void. It is, therefore, ordered and adjudged thai in the case first above atated the order of the Cirouit Court be reverseu, and that the rule egaiast the Sheriff be made absolute; and that in the second case, the order of the Circuit Judge, setting aside the service of the writ, be resumed. UENJ. F. DUNKIN, C. J. D. L. WARDLAW. THOMAS W 0LOVER, R. MUNKU, J. P. CARROLL, F. J. MOSES, JOHN A. INGLI8, T. N DAWKINS, HENRY D. LBSB8NE, WM. D. JOHNSON. I dissent, (Signed) A. P. ALDRICII. May 1a, lovfl. Cbambkb or CoHMtaca, \ Cua aijbstoit, 16th May, 1866. / In pursuance of the instructions of this Chamber, the members, whose names are herein under announced, are appointed its Delegates, to attend at Cincinnati, the Conference there to be held, touching the connection by rail road of that city with Charleston. A. O. ANDREWS, President. T5y the President : P. J. Daubut, Secretary. nncoiTU. Hon. EDWARD FR08T. HENRY GOURDIN, Esq. lion. M. C. MOKDECA1, THOS. J. KERR, Esq. EDWARD WILLIS, Esq. CH AS. II. WEST. Jr., Esq. \VM. COURTKNAY. Esq. [ Countr. ?? Mb Davis up ius Tbisl.?Fosnus Mos*ns, May 12.?Jeff. Davis received the notice of i he indictment for treason presented ugalnst him by the Grsnd Jury of the United States i Circuit Court, recently in sessioo in Norfolk, with something more than stoical indifference. On the contrary, lie expresses himself, as I am told, greatly pleased at the result, and hoped that Lis case would now be soon decided. lie shows himself in his conversation on the subject to have keen perfectly siaoerein his avowals all along of an earnest desire to be placed on trial. White 1 do not believe that be for a m< meat entertains any apprehension as ta the result of the trial. 1 ant satisfied that he both expects and desires that the examination shall be of the most thorough and searching character. His chief point of defence, as he fa as frequently stated, will be baaed on the subject of Slate rights and the prerogative granted every citiscn of n State to sustain the official aetion of such State. 1 think, moreover, he feels confident of reoeiving a fair and impartial trial, and is willing to abide the issue. To his coun set. I em told, he has already written on the subject of his expected trial. Gome what will, Jeff Davis will show himself no cowardly prisoner at the bur of justice. The attacks in the Southern press (whose editors hope tbos to bolster up bis case> against Judge Underwood and the other members of the Grand Jory, be does not, I am satisfied, sympathize with in the least; and all their motterings shout pack ed juries and oorrupt judges have no sffaet upon him.? Cor. y T. Herald. The New York Times says : In the Senate to-day Mr. Stewart, of Nevada, offered a substitute for his former proposition of universal amnesty for universal suffrage. The amended Bill provides tor impartial suffrage, to which the Btates lately in rebellion are required te rive their assent as a condition to their ret era to the Union. It exclude* from office the President and Vice-President of the Ute socalled Confederacy, members of the Thirtysixth Congress and heads of Departments who went into the rebellion, and also those who were orucl to Union prisoners. On complying with these terms the States mentioned are to be admitted and universal amnesty declared. Nsw Machinist.?The brig Windfleld, arrived in Savannah on the 16th instant, from Liverpool, has on board ovsr 680 eases of the finest quality of machinery, in addition to a large quantity of building material, intended for the Oranitevil'.e Manufacturing Company, located at Graniteville. S. C. Arrangements have been made, we learn, with the Central Railroad, to have the entire cargo transported to its destination without a change in cars, thereby preventing the necessity of removing the maohinery, ?o , from one car to another, which will be a great saving in expense, as well as in damage to the meterial. The new factory when in operation, in connection with the one owned by the company now, will be the finest and one of the largest mills in ths South. The amount of duties paid upon the cargo waa $17,000.?SeesaasA N*r*td. Louisvilli, May 17, 186$. An elaborate opinion of Judge Bollard, of the United States District Court, has been published relative to Isbam Henderson, oonoluding that, the exeeutive and legislative department* of the Government having declared thai the rebellion is ended, the court cannot aeeuaae that it continues; that this opinion furnishes no solution of the polilloai status of inhabitants of States lately in rebellion, and that it is a Siestion which must be answered elsewhere; at this Court was bound to order lbs arrest of Gen. Davis for apparent contempt offered the Court, and he, having resisted the order of arrest, is oruninalty responsible, and his oase will be tried before the grand jury. Admiral Raphael Bsmmes was sleeted Judge of the Probate Court of Mobile, on Monday, by 264 plurality. ... , Oh {? aa w^anial ?1 'Twltt fctl my darUag.MN? 4?. Aad amy be then God will m At, To lako than far from earth mi. For four loag days I've bagged m vnk At afaaoot ovary door, I waa aahamod to aak for broad, I'd never aakod botwro, I look ao gnaat aad ghvsUypale; Tbo peoplo ooomod to fool, -That shocUd 1 got witkla their hemes, 1 oonld not help bat ataaL I got a few cow poaa oao day, I eaaaot toll yoa bow | My baboo aad 1 have oaten tbom, That's h->w wo'ro living,- -now; Yon oay 1 should aoi bo ashamod To ask for what 1 need ; Bat oh, the knife of haughty mora. Has oaased my heart to blood. Fivo years ago aiy babies had From want a solid shield ; But long,long since his boaoowero bleached On Shiloh's bleody Hold. While ho was hero wo never knew The name of want or ears; No beggar ere turned from oar doer. Without a cheerful share. But when the patriot bagle rang The Reveille of War, Ho went to guard Virginia'! soil, Awsy from home afar. And when he gave his last embrace Ho told us not to weep ; That all around oar many Meads j la comfort would as keep. I went to see one of thoee fritmdt, T was only yester morn; I btggtd htm for a little bread, Aad then a little corn. Ho said I've none to give away And not fee orach to sell; I'll give yon none without the prion. You know this very well. A wagon stood near by the crib, 'Twas loaded fall of grjLa To take doom to the wb'vfrjy at 111, So 1 turned book in shameAnd now I ask a little meal, Just hot a pint or so; 1 cannot son my babies die, ru. t n~i i ?.. ? Gbsmab Ihickatios.?The Stlloail 8 Unas Ship NtTigMioo Compwj ktn determed to carry no more German emigrant* by their line. Their experience in the rua of the Virginia end the England hae certainly been exceedingly acreee ; -oad as long aa cholera has a haw lotion in any of Ike Western parte ef Ike Co* ropean continent, it la parkap# wise that tha great a team ahip company ahould aUane this caution. If, in addition, they would set to H that there ia no worn orercrovding an baud emigrant res eels, they woald still farther in* sura thrtnaelrcs against loaaaa, nod help to prevent the spread of the soourgr mi thin mm* lineal.? ' fencer says : ''We regret la learn that B. M? rfttt, long known as being connected with the Express office in this city, coir milled suicide in Tuskegee, Alabama, yesterday He eaasa is assigned for the rash act. The Ladies of Prince Oeorge's county, Md-. are to hold a flair on the 29th and SOth of May, for the relief of the suffering people ef the South. It is to bo opened with a grand tearaamcnt and closed by a bail. Tito FayetteviUa (f?orth CaroUaa) Hews says there is trouble brewing there assoag the ae? gross. On Saturday they made a demonstration to release a negro prisoner from the guard house. ^ ^ . A rough oatimato was lately mads ef the property and estate* of the Marquis of Westminister, when it was estimated that, if reeBsed they would amount to the enormous Sum ef forty -six millions of pounds (f280,000^000). Neeao Sumuoi ?There are esdy tee States la the Union where the eagre leaOewed to vote without proper qimltSesdsa. They are Vermont sod New Hampshire, the farmer of whieh has eighty nugre voters md the MMsr eae hundred and ninety. '' Oen. Wok Thy** ** rr*74 * IMUwees; Louisiana, to work ths^ E?W Jftlnce^et ^ka? pwct, in COBBbCIOB wim m vvr+awm "TBirBi, i- * ?ji * *.**' ' -"i"*'*"* .1 -\V W ?. X - ; , ^ I